Oct. 3rd issue

Page 1




Volleyball rises to victory

Join us for this dance!

Sports 11

A&E 6


“Let the chips fall where they may.”

Please Recycle

October 3, 2013

Vol. 135, No. 4

Since 1884

Grand theft bicycle Multiple bike thefts reported on campus

Britta Thompson

Staff writer

Four bikes have been reported as stolen from various locations around campus this semester. The thefts have happened from the racks by Brandt, Towers and the Union. Bike thefts are a relatively common occurrence on the Luther campus according to Campus Security. “We have about 40-50 thefts reported a year, and at least two-thirds of those are bicycles,” said Director of Campus Security Robert Harri. “Most of them are bikes that were left unlocked.” According to Harri, it is often the case that students will see an unlocked bike and decide to “borrow” it without permission in order to get somewhere. If the theft is reported, the security staff will generate a report and search for it. The majority of stolen bikes (about 60 to 70 percent according to Harri) are found later, sometimes at the bottoms of hills or in trees around campus, or in town. But not all of the thefts are so casual. “Two of the bikes that were reported as stolen this year were locked in bike racks, which is more unusual,” Harri said.

Britta Thompson/Chips

An unusual hangout. On the weekend of Sept. 28, bikes were taken and put in trees on campus. According to Harri, only about 10 He also said that bikes that fall prey to kind of motivation,” Harri said. “If they go this sort of theft are much harder to recover. to the work of cutting the lock, they want percent of these bicycles are found. “Unfortunately, those are the bikes that [the bike], and not just to use it for a quick Bike theft we cannot find, because it’s a different trip.” continued on page 4

Weston Noble recovers New policies from accident in Seoul implemented for Matt Helm

Weston Noble’s (‘43) recovery after an accident while guest conducting in South Korea has been met with an outpouring of love and support from within the Luther community, as well as all over the world. “There are generations of people who were touched by him,” Director of Choral Activities and Professor of Music Allen Hightower said. “He embodies a unique balance of a deeply spiritual human being, really first-rate musician and also a teacher who cares profoundly about individuals. So when people hear that Weston has fallen and is injured it is just intuitive for people to want to be concerned and to want to pray for him.” Noble was invited to Korea to guest conduct for the Korean National Choir in Seoul. He fell while reaching to pick something up at his hotel, fracturing his pelvis. Even at 91 years old, recovery is going ahead of schedule and he did not require any surgery. “One thing that’s really great about Weston is that he has this indomitable spirit, he is very optimistic,” Music Department Head Gregory Weston Noble

Macklemore concert Abby Carpenter

Staff writer

from selling their ticket to other

Staff writer students for a higher price,

Photo courtesy of Ryan Goessl

Weston’s got Seoul. Weston Noble continued on page 4 is returning to good health in Korea.

In preparation for the Macklemore and Ryan Lewis concert on Oct. 31, tickets went on sale Sept. 26 to Luther students. Additionally, an email was sent to all students outlining new policies for the concert. The e-mail, sent by Julie Shockey on Sept. 24, informed students that two big changes will be enforced this year. The first change that the email stated was that students attending the concert must present their tickets with a valid student identification card. If the name on the ticket does not match the name on the photo ID, then the regular ticket price of $25 must be paid at the door. This change was possibly implemented to prevent students

creating a “black market” of tickets. Members of SAC Concerts did not wish to comment at this printing. Ticket Office Student Manager Emily Alpers (‘14) predicts that this new rule will not prevent Luther students from trying to sell their tickets. “People will probably still try to sell tickets,” Alpers said. “Some people sold them last year for $100, just right off, but this year they’ll probably sell them for $25, and the buyer will just have to pay another $25 at the door.” The second change the e-mail outlined was a costume policy. Macklemore continued on page 4

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