The Door SEPT 2010

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of LUther

September 2010

MemorIal Church Volume 18, Number 11

Clare College Choir Concert

Adult Forum Series

Luther Memorial will host a concert by the Clare College Choir on Friday, Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. The group has earned an international reputation as one of the leading university choral groups in England. Tickets are $15 and are available for purchase at

September 12 Luther Memorial begins the fall Adult Forum with an update from Pastor Wilson and Council President Cameron Scarlett on ministry in the congregation including an update from Randy Burmeister, Chair of the Associate Pastor call process.

Women’s Retreat

September 19 Join in conversation with Pastor Wilson and the youth and adults who participated in the summer mission trip to rural Kentucky.

All women of Luther Memorial are invited to come to the Women’s Retreat at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison for a one-day retreat on Saturday, Sept. 25. Our leader will be Lyn Klug – author, church musician, and retreat leader. The cost is only $25 with scholarships available. Sign up in the narthex or contact Phyllis Pleuss at 827-5698 for more information. No refunds after Sept. 5. Please call Phyllis if signing up after Sept. 5. And consider coming to the Clare College Choir Concert at Luther Memorial the night before the retreat on Friday, Sept. 24; it will be a delightful and fitting prelude to the retreat.

Homecoming Sunday & Education On Sunday, Sept. 12, a new year of education begins at Luther Memorial. Sunday School for children from age 3 to 6th grade will meet in the concourse at 9:15 a.m. and sing “When the Saints Go Marching In” as they make their way up to the education wing with Matt Sundell and friends. New this year in the education wing is a dedicated room for art projects and a dedicated movie room for use during Sunday School and youth events. During worship, all 3-year olds and 3rd graders will receive Bibles for use at home and Sunday School. In addition to Sunday School, the Adult Forum begins this day in the Great Room (see article for details) as does the Youth Forum.

September 26 This Adult Forum, sponsored by the Outreach Committee, will feature two speakers on social ministry projects. First, Amy Johnson, Director of the Lutheran Office of Public Policy of Wisconsin and Luther Memorial member, will speak about hunger-related advocacy happening at both the state and national level. Then, Dale Lavelle, member of Luther Memorial, will speak about an organization he has been involved with—the Orchid Foundation —that sponsors an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.

“Taste of Luther Memorial” The Ministry Fair and Pig Roast will take place Sunday, Oct. 10 at 11:45 a.m. in the Great Room. Join in the fun as we celebrate the ministries of Luther Memorial. A barbeque with roast pig straight from the Uphoff farm and all the fixings is planned, as well as games and stories from each church ministry. Stroll through the exhibits and sign up for raffle prizes while you enjoy your lunch. There will be activities for all ages. This event is co-sponsored by LM Preschool. All proceeds will support the preschool scholarship fund. Food, fun & fellowship: it doesn’t get any better than this!

Church Office

Contents Clare College Choir Concert......................................... 1 Women’s Retreat.......................................................... 1 Homecoming Sunday & Education.............................. 1 Adult Forum Series....................................................... 1 “Taste of Luther Memorial”.......................................... 1 Pastor’s Pen................................................................... 3 New Staff Member........................................................ 3 From the President........................................................ 4 Men’s Retreat................................................................ 5 Assisting Minister Training and Review...................... 5 Sunday School Registration.......................................... 5 Confirmation Ministry and Retreat News..................... 5 Wednesday Bible Study................................................ 5 Food and Fellowship..................................................... 5 Luther Memorial Trip to Germany............................... 5 Luther Memorial Members at UW Hospital................. 5 September Calendar...................................................... 6 A Simpler Way to Donate: Electronic Giving ............. 7 Kenya/Tanzania Mission Trip - January 2012.............. 8 Volunteer Spotlight: Kelly Olson................................. 9 News from IHN/The Road Home................................. 9 Student Ministry News............................................... 10 What’s Happening at the Lutheran Campus Center... 10 Parish Register ........................................................... 11

Office Hours: Telephone: FAX: E-mail: Web Page:

9 am–4:30 pm, Mon.–Thurs. 9 am–1 pm, Fri. (608) 258-3160 (608) 250-2496


Senior Pastor The Rev. Franklin Wilson; ext. 17 Interim Associate Pastor The Rev. Brad Pohlman; ext. 13 Director of Music Bruce A. Bengtson; ext. 22 Director of Luther Memorial Preschool Sandra Briesath; ext.32 Church Administrator Kim O’Leary; ext. 14 Mission Resource Coordinator Suelyn Swiggum; ext. 15 Program Assistant: Programs and Ministries Anne Ehlers; ext. 11 Program Assistant: Publications/Communications Robin Wagner; ext 12 Custodian ext. 10 Dan Zerger Archivist Laurie Swimm

October Door articles must be e-mailed to by Wednesday, Sept. 15. To subscribe: Print - contact the church office. E-mail - enter your address at The Door and inserted documents are available online as PDF files at The Door of Luther Memorial (USPS 588-600) is published by Luther Memorial Church. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, WI. Known office of Publication: 1021 University Ave., Madison, WI 53715. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Door of Luther Memorial, 1021 University Ave., Madison, WI 53715

The Door

September 2010

Pastor Franklin Wilson Bifurcated summer draws to a close: September is nearly here and with the ninth month comes a new school year, a new university term, and Homecoming Sunday at Luther Memorial Church, September 12. Led by a trumpet, the saints will go marching in, and another “programmatic year” will have begun: choir rehearsals, Sunday classes, Confirmation, organ concerts, and all the rest. This October, “all the rest” will include another “Taste of LM” with a pig roast! The last time that happened, I wasn’t here yet, so I’m looking forward to October 10. Why “bifurcated”? It has to do with my summer reading. In the summer’s first half (June through mid-July) titles included John Henry Newman’s Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, John Shelton Reed’s The Glorious Battle, Sheridan Gilley’s Newman and His Age, and a collection of sermons by John Keble—all nonfiction, all stemming from 19th century English church struggles. The second half has been all fiction. Of four or five novels, I would mention chiefly Marilyn Robinson’s Home, and Wallace Stegner’s Crossing to Safety. Both struggle with

questions of belonging, the timelessness of a home place, human relationships that shape us, and the loss that informs both grief and hope. I was especially moved by Stegner’s reflection on the inevitability of loss—the fact that there must come a final parting, a final embrace, a final word, and then, no more. John Henry Newman experienced this in terms of church life—leaving the Church of England and going to Rome, the inevitable loss of friends and family, the loss of his English status, and consequent exile from his beloved Oxford all on account of faith. Such loss is not fictional, but a hard fact. And yet, faith also bears a promised return, a reunion, a homecoming of gain mingled with loss. If the church were a fiction, our reunion could be told with one joyful word. But the church is in fact an historic community throughout time and space. Therefore, all our homecomings will likely require at least two words—a kind of bifurcation including both sorrow and joy. One way or the other (and likely both) September’s on the horizon, and it’s time to come home!

New Staff Member Robin Wagner has joined the Luther Memorial staff as a program assistant in the area of publications and communications. Robin moved to the Madison area this summer with her husband, Craig, and children, Owen (6) and Talia (4). She spent the last 10 years working as a marketing specialist at a private law school in St. Paul. Robin’s primary responsibilities will be to publish bulletins and the newsletter and to maintain electronic communication.

September 2010

The Door

From the President Cameron Scarlett

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

Several things in the last couple of months have made me think about hospitality at Luther Memorial. The lesson of Abraham and the three strangers in mid-July kicked things off. I think it would be very difficult for me to be so welcoming of people I don’t know as to have Lori quick whip them up a nice meal right there on the spot. Although if I did decide to entertain on the spot I’m sure she would help me make the meal. Hospitality also came up in the parking task force meetings that the council put together to look at our current parking situation. The task force was convened to address how we should deal with the shortfall in revenue we have because our spaces under Grand Central are not renting out as well as we had hoped. One issue we looked at was rental of all the spaces 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which would have brought in quite a bit of revenue if we could rent them all. The biggest objection was that if regular members then had to park in St. Francis or on the streets on Sundays there would be fewer visibly available spaces for LM visitors and guests. LM wouldn’t appear very welcoming for someone who had to drive around looking for a spot. Then at the August Facilities and Renovation committee meeting we received the report from the Renovation Task Force for new coffee bar tables for the Narthex and a new welcome desk. These additions started showing up just as the students were coming back into town. These new furnishings will enhance fellowship and promote a welcoming atmosphere. But I think one of the biggest things that LM has done lately to be more welcoming is to complete the requirements to become a Reconciling In Christ congregation. RIC is a program started by Lutherans Concerned/ North America in 1984 to recognize congregations that welcome gay and lesbian people. At that time, and even now some denominations would not be very hospitable to people they thought were homosexual. In the summer of 2009 when the LM council approved an “Affirmation of Welcome” (one of the last steps to becoming an RIC congregation) we were very intentional to state that LM welcomes people of all sexual orientations because God’s grace is a gift for all people. If you look on the Luther Memorial website on our “About Us” page you will see the rainbow heart with a cross in it that denotes our RIC membership. Clicking on it will take you to the RIC website where you can learn more.

The Door

September 2010

Get involved! Men’s Retreat

Wednesday Bible Study

Nov. 12–14 St. Anthony Retreat Center, Marathon, Wisc.

Begun last fall, the Wednesday Bible Study, held 10:45–11:45 a.m. prior to the noon organ concert series, returns to the Fireside Room off the nave on Sept. 8. It continues to be a well-attended and lively group that studies the scripture texts for the coming Sunday. All are welcome.

All men are invited to sign up now at the welcome desk for the annual men’s retreat – this year at a new location! Registration ends Oct. 24. Any questions, please contact Walt Miner (236-9812) or Pr. Pohlman (258-3160 ext. 13).

Food and Fellowship

Assisting Minister Training and Review If you would like to be trained as an Assisting Minister or need a refresher, please attend a training session on Sunday, Sept. 19 at 9:30 a.m. in the Nave. If you have questions or plan to attend, please speak to Pr. Pohlman (258-3160 ext. 13).

Food and Fellowship will meet for a cookout at the home of Bill Lautz, 302 Yosemite Trail, on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 6 p.m. Steaks and beverages will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass. RSVP by Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 833-3714 or whlautz@

Sunday School Registration

Luther Memorial Trip to Germany

Registration materials were mailed to Luther Memorial families in mid-August. If you did not receive one or lost yours, more packets are available at the welcome desk in the Narthex. A 2010–11 Sunday School Handbook is also available. Please remember to turn in your registration to the church office by Sept. 5. See you all on the 12th for the first day of Sunday School!

Confirmation Ministry and Retreat News The Luther Memorial Confirmation Ministry for 7th through 9th graders gets underway on Sunday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. with a potluck dinner and orientation for parents and confirmands. The annual confirmation retreat at Bethel Horizons camp will be held Friday, Oct. 1 through Saturday, Oct. 2. Regular confirmation classes begin Sunday evening, Oct. 3. Please keep all the students as well as teachers — Carol Landahl, Dave Zentner, Pr. Wilson and Pr. Pohlman — in your prayers during the coming year.

September 2010

Luther Memorial is offering a unique opportunity to visit the sites associated with J.S. Bach and Martin Luther next summer. Register now for the eleven day trip, scheduled for June 13-23, 2011. Information and registration forms are available at the Welcome desk in the Narthex, or electronically by contacting Pr. Brad Pohlman ( or Bruce Bengtson (, both of whom are leading the tour. Registration is open to all members, as well as friends and family of members.

Luther Memorial members at UW Hospital UW Hospital has made it easier for family and friends to find LM members who are patients. You can now search the list of patients by church name. LM members being admitted to the UW hospital should say they are a member of Luther Memorial Church.

The Door

September Calendar For current updates about committee meetings and activities at Luther Memorial, check the online calendar at or the weekly announcement insert in your Sunday bulletin. Sun 9/5

8 am 9:30 am 10:30 am

Holy Communion Summer Choir (Choir Room) Holy Communion

Mon 9/6

Labor Day/Building Closed

Sun 9/12

8 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 10:30 am

Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Holy Communion Presentation of Bibles (Nave)

Sun 9/19

8 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:30 am

Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Assisting Minister Training (Nave) Holy Communion LM Building Tour

Mon 9/20

10 am

Wed 9/22

6:30 pm 7:30 pm

Campus Student Banquet (Great Room) Bell Choir (Choir Room)

Fri 9/24

7:30 pm

Clare College Choir Concert (Nave)

Senior Day (Oakwood Village West)

Sat 9/25 6 pm

Women’s Retreat (Holy Wisdom Monastery) Food & Fellowship (Lautz home, 302 Yosemite Trl)

Sun 9/26

8 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 6 pm

Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Holy Communion Confirmation Orientation & Dinner (Great Room)

Wed 9/29

7:30 pm

Luther on Tap (Rathskeller)

Ongoing Morning Prayer Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday, 10:45 a.m. Fireside Room Noon Organ Recitals Wednesday, noon Nave

Fall Choir and Ensembles Recorder Ensemble Begins: Sept. 9 Rehearsals: Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. Adult Choir Begins: Sept. 9 Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7 p.m. Bell Choir Begins: Sept. 15 Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Children’s Choir Begins: Sept. 19 Rehearsals: Sundays, 4:15 p.m. Training Choir Begins: Sept. 19 Rehearsals: Sundays, 4:15 p.m. Youth Choir Begins: Sept. 19 Rehearsals: Sundays, 5 p.m.

The Door

September 2010

Support our mission and ministries A Simpler Way to Donate: Electronic Giving

AUTHORIZATION FORM Church name: Your name: Address:

Luther Memorial offers nce of electronic electronic giving,giving which allows you toyou make donations on a g, which allows to make donations scheduled, automatic basis. f you are writing checks and preparing pecially appreciate giving. and If you areelectronic writing checks des much-needed donation consistency preparing envelopes every week, you will especially appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed donation d consistency for our chuch.

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$ ______


ons, (a) complete the authorization How to get started o the church office or (b) visit the directions to donate.

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September 2010

The Door

Outreach and Events Kenya/Tanzania Mission Trip—January 2012 An exploratory group of ten people (twelve others expressed interest but could not attend) met for 45 minutes with Leland Albright and Susan Ferson, LM members who will serve at the Kijabe Hospital, Kenya, starting this September. The group decided to meet again in order to pursue questions of purpose, planning, and strategy. Next meeting: Sunday, Oct. 3, at noon in the Parlor. Questions? Contact Pastor Wilson.

A Journey to Germany with Luther and Bach Bruce Bengtson, Director of Music & Rev. Brad Pohlman 11 Days: June 13-23, 2011 Special cash discount price: $2899 Standard base price: $3078 From Chicago (ORD) plus $410 airport taxes, current fuel surcharges & $110 tips

Visits include Berlin, Wittenberg, Leipzig, Erfurt, Eisenach, Rothenburg & more! For information and registration, visit or contact Rev. Brad Pohlman (608) 258-3160

The Choir of Clare College Cambridge, UK Performing at Luther Memorial Church Friday, Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets (open seating): $15 Available at or at the door. Under the direction of Timothy Brown, the choir of Clare College has become world-renowned for the range and flexibility of its choral sound, and for its broad repertoire. It frequently performs in Britain’s major concert halls with many of the UK’s leading period instrument orchestras and conductors, and contributes regularly to BBC radio broadcasts. This concert will be one of the last opportunities to hear the unique sound of Clare Choir under Timothy Brown, before he retires after 31 years as Director of Music.

For times and locations of all events and meetings, see the church calendar on Luther Memorial’s homepage:

The Door

September 2010

Spotlight on volunteers Kelly Olson: musician, sacristan and volunteer librarian Kelly Olson faithfully goes about her responsibilities at Luther Memorial without expecting any recognition as she, like most volunteers, feels that they get back much more than they give. She was originally very active at LM while a student at UW. After a 15 year absence she returned to the area and was encouraged by Gloria Bremer and Bev Haimerl to rejoin. She sings alto in the choir, plays with the handbell choir and subbed for a semester with the recorder ensemble. The second Sunday of each month when the choir isn’t singing finds Kelly serving as a sacristan for the 10:30 service, a position she has come to love. She wasn’t quite sure about what she was getting into when Pastor Dean asked her to serve but has found it to be very meaningful and a good way to meet other members of the church. Kelly’s most recent addition to her services to the church has been her involvement with the library. When Bill and Virginia Bopf were encouraged to ask for more help with the library committee after

many, many years of building up the church library, Kelly was one of those who responded. Now she and Sandy Bertics have assumed much of the work of the committee. Kelly finds the library to be a great resource for those of us who want to know more about our Lutheran heritage and theology and looks for creative ways to bring our attention to the many treasures of our library. She organizes the book cart found in the narthex each Sunday morning, which has materials for children and adults available for perusing and check out. Kelly is most excited right now about the LM trip to Germany planned and led by our music director Bruce Bengtson and Pastor Pohlman for June of 2011. She was one of the first to sign up. She feels like the trip incorporates so many things that mean a lot to her. She is looking forward especially to the Bach festival, indulging her love of music. Her college major was in Russian, but she has also studied French and German and looks

forward to using the German. It is also important to her to explore her German Lutheran heritage passed down to her through her grandfather, whose name she also plans to check out in our archives one of these days, as her grandmother remembers that he once belonged to LM long ago when it was housed in the old “Church Key” building. Away from LM, Kelly is a medical lab technician for Group Health Cooperative where she has worked for 10 years. She lives in Cross Plains.

News from Interfaith Hospitality Network/The Road Home Interfaith Hospitality Network/The Road Home thanks all the volunteers who so ably hosted our five homeless families July 11–18. Volunteers provided dinners and breakfasts, hosted activities, stayed the night, and provided for move-in and move-out. All volunteers contributed to the safety and welfare of our guests during their stay at Luther Memorial. Our prayer for these guests September 2010

is that this program, in which they spend nights in churches, will lead to their securing of permanent housing in the near future through Second Chance apartments or another community opportunity. Even as we thank you we ask all volunteers to mark the week of Thanksgiving (Nov. 21–28) as our next hosting week for The Road Home. Contact Dale Lavelle (274-1228, or Larry Thies (845-9267 with questions.

The Door

Student Ministry News Upcoming Events Fall Student Welcome Banquet All college and university students are welcome to attend the fall semester student banquet on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Great Room. A reminder: the Lutheran Campus Center worship is on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. This semester’s theme is “The Word of the Lord Came. . .The Voice of the Prophets.” Luther on Tap New this year is an opportunity for anyone, including college students, to join in conversation about Martin Luther, the Reformation, and issues of daily life. Co-sponsored by Luther Memorial and the Lutheran Campus Center, these informal discussions will be led by one of the pastors and held at the Rathskeller in the UW Union. The first event will be Wednesday, Sept. 29, 7:30–9:30 p.m. Pastor Pohlman will be leading the first discussion. See you there!

What’s Happening at the Lutheran Campus Center Wednesday Night Worship Starts Sept. 1 at 5:30 p.m! Come early for Happy Half Hour to meet new and old friends. Moving In BBQ Wednesday, Sept. 1 following the 5:30 p.m. worship Come to the first LCC event of the Fall 2010 semester! A BBQ will be held on the LCC terrace after worship!

Blazin’ BBQ Wednesday, Sept. 15 following the 5:30 p.m. worship Stick around after worship for a free BBQ and a chance to meet old and new friends!

Biggest Banana Split on Campus Wednesday, Sept. 8 following the 5:30 p.m. worship Take part in eating the world famous 20-foot long banana split outside the LCC!

Luther Memorial Student Welcome Banquet Wednesday, Sept. 22 following the 5:30 p.m. worship Stick around after worship for a free dinner hosted by Luther Memorial Church!

High Coffee Starts Tuesday, Sept. 7 at 2 p.m. Come for coffee, tasty treats, and conversation with the LCC staff every Tuesday.

Root Beer Floats Time: TBA Drop by the LCC for free root beer floats! SHOE Starts Friday, Sept. 18 at noon. Something Holy for the Overly Educated. Discussion group for grad students with a light lunch provided. This event is held the third Friday of every month at noon.

Social Concerns Lunch Starts Thursday, Sept. 9 at noon A free spaghetti lunch and great discussion or guest speaker every Thursday. SOUP Starts Monday, Sept. 13 at noon Shared Observations, Utterances, and Perspectives - free homemade soup and lively discussion every Monday. Choir Rehearsal Starts Monday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal occurs every Monday at 7 p.m. Anyone who likes to sing or play an instrument is welcome!


American Players Theater Sunday, Sept. 19 This inexpensive trip to see “As You Like It” includes a full meal, transportation, and a live theater show outdoors! Cost is $15. Sign up outside the LCC front office. Free Sunday Supper Starts Sunday, Sept. 25 at 5 p.m. Sign up ahead of time for this free home-cooked meal the fourth Sunday of every month!

The Door

September 2010

Parish Register September 80+ Birthdays

Thanksgiving and Memorials

Thanks be to God for LM’s senior members who celebrate birthdays this month. • Minnie DiSalvo

September 1

• Ann Moore

September 3

• Caryl Hatfield

September 6

• Doris Marten

September 6

• Jeanne Lang

September 7

• Jean Wilder

September 10

• Maxine Hermanson

September 14

• Helen Richter

September 17

• Robert Connelly

September 21

• Jack Fitzgerald

September 23

• Marjorie Bartlett

September 24

In memory of Charles Ricter by Nancy R. Miller In memory of Barbara and Gordon Oscar by Helen Richter In memory of Claude Taylor by Barbara S. Hughes Marcia E. Burmeister Vincent and Karen Weiland Gamber and Audrey Tegtmeyer Jr Russell and Joan Braun Gerry Belseth Cathy and Craig Krogstad Paul and Carol Lynne Jacobsen Nancy and Bob Widmer Lee and Mary Powell Judy and George Bush Gerald and Nancy Miller Jessie Nelson Steve and Angela Read Wilma and John Gillis Dale and Shirley Volkening Bob and Elaine Burmeister Gloria Bremer Casey and Brittany Brantmeyer Deanna and Trevor Duerst Koko Schatzke Ralph and Carol Laufenberg Steve, Rita, Chad and Nick Heise Bob, Vicki, Jennie and Kyle Heise Don Heise Phyllis Heise George J. Schaenzer Lewis Bosworth In memory of Pastor Rudi Markwald by Lewis Bosworth In memory of Herman Glaess by Lori and Cameron Scarlett

September 2010

The Door


SNAPSHOT Fall at Luther Memorial Church

Look for details about the following events on the church website (, weekly announcements, and The Door monthly newsletter.


Questions? Contact Pr. Brad Pohlman ( or Pr. Franklin Wilson

( Morning Prayer - Monday-Friday at 9am in the Nave Homecoming Sunday - September 12 Assisting Minister Training/Review - September 19 at 9:30 am in the Nave All Saints Evening Prayer - November 7


Questions? Contact Pr. Pohlman (

Sunday School - September 5: registration deadline September 12: “The Saints March In” at 9:15 am; Bibles presented at both services Adult Forum - Begins September 12: 9:15 am in the Great Room: Ministry in the congregation Youth Group - Begins September 19 at 6pm Women’s Retreat - September 25: Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton, Wisconsin Confirmation Ministry - September 26: Sunday at 6 pm – potluck dinner and orientation in Great Room October 1-2: confirmation retreat at Bethel Horizons October 3: confirmation classes begin Luther on Tap - Wednesday September 29 and December 1: 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the Rathskeller Men’s Retreat - November 12-14: St. Anthony Retreat Center in Marathon, Wisconsin


Questions? Contact Bruce Bengtson (

Choir Rehearsals Adult Choir: rehearsal begins Thursday, September 9 at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room Children’s Choir: rehearsal begins Sunday, September 19 at 4:15 pm in the Choir Room Recorder Ensemble: rehearsal begins Thursday, September 9 at 5:30 pm in the Choir Room Training Choir: rehearsal begins Sunday, September 19 at 4:15 pm in Room 302 Youth Choir: rehearsal begins Sunday, September 19 at 5:00 in the Choir Room Concerts September 24: Clare College Choir, Cambridge England – 7:30 pm in the Nave November 5: Overture Concert Organ Three-for-All with Bruce Bengtson at the Overture Hall December 5: UW Choral Department Winter Concert– 2:00 and 4:00 pm in the Nave


Questions? Contact Suelyn Swiggum (

College Student Welcome Banquet - September 22 at 6:30 pm in the Great Room Games and Snacks - October 23: 6:30 to 9:30 pm in the Great Room Senior Day at Oakwood - September 20: 10:00 to 1:00 pm November 15: 10:00 to 1:00 pm Taste of LM Ministry Fair and Pig Roast - October 10: 12:00 p.m. in the Great Room New Member Luncheon/Class - October 24 and 31 Greening of the Nave and Potluck - December 19: 5:00 pm in the Nave and Great Room

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