The Door OCT 2010

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of LUther

October 2010

MemorIal Church Volume 18, Number 12

Reformation Sunday: Oct. 31

Adult Forum series

Reformation Sunday is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. Plan to worship at Reformation as we hear anew the good news of the Holy Spirit’s continuing reformation of the whole church in every time and place. This year’s festival will include the Holy Eucharist, moving hymnody, stunning choral music, and a guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Grieser, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Madison. Rev. Dr. Grieser will also discuss the Reformation conflicts between Lutherans and Anabaptists at the Adult Forum.

October 3 Amy Johnson, Luther Memorial member and director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin, will be talking about ELCA hunger related initiatives.

Taste of Luther Memorial

Taste of Luther Memorial

Ministry Fair & Pig Roast

Back by popular demand! The Taste of Luther Memorial Ministry Fair and Pig Roast will take place Sunday, Oct. 10 at 11:45 a.m. in the Great Room. Join in the fun as we celebrate the ministries of Luther Memorial!

• Barbeque with roast pig straight from the Uphoff farm plus all the fixings! • Vegetarian options also available! • Fun for ALL ages! • Activities, games and prizes! • Enter to win a wide assortment of raffle prizes— you’ll be surprised by what we have in store! • Door prizes! This event is co-sponsored by Luther Memorial Preschool. Your gifts will support the Preschool Scholarship Fund, which helps families with tuition expenses. Pig out! Taste the Grace!

October 10 Pastor David Susan will present on Reformation Hymnody during the education hour with this Adult Forum. After worship, all are invited to celebrate the ministries of Luther Memorial at the Taste of Luther Memorial Ministry Fair and Pig Roast at 11:45 a.m. in the Great Room. October 17 The Council of Luther Memorial has called for a special congregational meeting beginning at 9:15 a.m. in the Great Room. The sole purpose of this meeting is to vote on a call for an associate pastor at Luther Memorial. October 24 Two mini-forums today. The first is by Luther Memorial member Dale Lavelle, talking about his work with the Orchid Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. Pastor Wilson will be leading the second half on “Scripture and Tradition: A Lutheran reading of the Reformation.” October 31 On this Reformation Day, Jonathan Grieser, guest preacher and Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Madison will be discussing the Reformation conflicts between Lutherans and Anabaptists.

Contents Reformation Sunday: Oct. 31....................................... 1 Taste of Luther Memorial............................................. 1 Adult Forum Series....................................................... 1 Pastor’s Pen................................................................... 3 Library News................................................................ 3 All Saints Evening Prayer: Nov. 7................................ 4 Organ Concert at the Overture Center.......................... 4 Photography Exhibit at LCC......................................... 4 Call Committee Update................................................. 5 Sights, smells of fall at LM Preschool.......................... 5 New member class........................................................ 6 Fall Breadbreakers........................................................ 6 Men’s Retreat................................................................ 6 Confirmation Ministry.................................................. 6 Youth news................................................................... 6 All parish game & snacks night ................................... 6 Food & Fellowship ...................................................... 6 Women’s Gathering...................................................... 6 Narthex, concourse hospitality improvements.............. 7 Thrivent ChoiceSM ........................................................ 7 Volunteer spotlight: Dan Ruge..................................... 8 News from IHN/The Road Home................................. 8 Volunteer needed ......................................................... 8 October events at the Lutheran Campus Center .......... 9 October calendar ........................................................ 10 Parish Register ........................................................... 11 A Journey to Germany with Luther and Bach ........... 11

Church Office Office Hours: Telephone: FAX: E-mail: Web Page:

Mon.–Thurs. 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m.–1 p.m. (608) 258-3160 (608) 250-2496


Senior Pastor The Rev. Franklin Wilson; ext. 17 Interim Associate Pastor The Rev. Brad Pohlman; ext. 13 Director of Music Bruce A. Bengtson; ext. 22 Director of Luther Memorial Preschool Sandra Briesath; ext.32 Church Administrator Kim O’Leary; ext. 14 Mission Resource Coordinator Suelyn Swiggum; ext. 15 Program Assistant: Programs and Ministries Anne Ehlers; ext. 11 Program Assistant: Publications/Communications Robin Wagner; ext 12 Custodian ext. 10 Dan Zerger Archivist Laurie Swimm

November Door articles must be e-mailed to by Wednesday, Oct. 13. To subscribe: Print - contact the church office. E-mail - enter your address at The Door and inserted documents are available online as PDF files at The Door of Luther Memorial (USPS 588-600) is published by Luther Memorial Church. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, WI. Known office of Publication: 1021 University Ave., Madison, WI 53715. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Door of Luther Memorial, 1021 University Ave., Madison, WI 53715

Pastor Franklin Wilson October leans toward November which turns toward December, Advent, and the dawn of a new church year. Speaking as an old runner, October feels like the “gun lap,” the last quarter of the calendar year. And yet, in terms of church programming, October is more like the race’s first turn, with September’s start yet at our heels. The church lives between times—beginning and end, never completely at home, always looking to a future dependent on the past in anticipation of the time yet to come—the eternal now revealed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ is always then, now, and not yet. In him we have the hope and promise of a life free from anxiety, worry, and fear. Again, I write as a former runner who, as a mediocre small-college athlete, never won a single race. Whatever triumphs I experienced, I enjoyed as the member of a team— running with people faster than I who could, by their competitive cooperation, obtain an occasional victory. As an also-ran quarter miler, I lived for the mile relay when the cooperative efforts of others combined with my own to obtain a shared goal. There are worse preparations for the church’s ministry than running a race. The Apostle Paul—an

often defeated preacher—draws upon running as a metaphor for life in Christ and, in keeping with rabbinic language, speaks of his message as a thing “handed on,” like a baton in a relay passed from one runner to the next until the finish line is crossed, and the goal obtained. We never really know when the goal will be obtained, the race finished, the line crossed, and the end reached. This October, however, we may have some indication that we are indeed running—perhaps even running well: our process to call an associate pastor is nearing completion. I can hardly say how thankful I am that the Call Committee and the Council are recommending Pastor Brad Pohlman to the congregation. Clearly, this is not the end of the race, but it is an important marker along the way. In my judgment, the recommendation of Pastor Pohlman is a sign that our parish is continuing in the dual process—call it a race if you will—of health restored and mission renewed. Aware of the past, we are yet free to run the race to which the Lord calls us. Free to be the church amid the university; called to serve here and now, we are free to embrace the present even as we lean into the future without fear. Let us run the race that is set before us! We run together.

Library news It’s Reformation Season ... every Lutheran’s favorite time of year! Immerse yourself in our rich heritage this fall by stopping by Luther Memorial’s Library (or the library cart in the narthex) to find out more about the bold German monk whose incendiary 95 Theses ignited a spiritual wildfire across Christendom. Your Library Committee especially recommends Luther: Man October 2010

Between God and the Devil by Professor Heiko A. Oberman, Lutheran Questions, Lutheran Answers by Martin Marty, and Timothy Lull’s My Conversations with Martin Luther. If you have time, be sure to visit the display case downstairs across from the Library, which will also reflect our Reformation theme this season. More interested in the “here and now” than the life and times of The Door

Martin Luther? We’ll also be featuring a number of other titles, including two by Lyn Klug, the leader of the Women’s Retreat in September: Soul Weaving: A Gathering of Women’s Prayers and All Will Be Well: A Gathering of Healing Prayers. Not finding what you’re looking for? We welcome any and all suggestions. Happy Reformation Season, Luther Memorial!

Music, arts & worship Organ Concert at Overture Center

The 17th Annual


On Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m., Bruce Bengtson joins organists Samuel Hutchison and Gary Lewis in “Overture Concert Organ Three-For-All II,” a celebration of virtuosic music by Handel and other greats. More information and tickets are available at www.

Photography exhibit at Lutheran Campus Center

Sunday, Nov. 7 5 p.m. Luther Memorial choirs and instrumentalists offer prayers for All Saints Sunday. “Grant us grace so to follow thy blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys which thou hast prepared for those who unfeignedly love thee…”

Luther Memorial member Lynn Washington will have a photography show at the Lutheran Campus Center throughout the month of October, as part of PhotoMidwest 2010. The opening reception is Friday, Oct. 8, 6–9 p.m. There will also be a closing reception on Sunday, Oct. 31, 2–4 p.m. Recent photos of Luther Memorial play a prominent role in this show.

The 17th annual All Saints Sunday Choral Evening Prayer takes place Sunday, Nov. 7. The evening prayer service features the three Luther Memorial vocal choirs and the Handbell Choir. Broaden your Lord’s Day observance with this opportunity for prayer and reflection. Deepen your sense of the Communion of Saints, a veritable river of Christian witness energizing the church—saints known to us and saints known only to God. A new feature of the service will be aisle candle-holders, purchased with memorial monies. You can expect to see these candle-holders at special services throughout the year.

The Door

October 2010

Call Committee update Greetings from the Call Committee: Randy Burmeister (chair), Charlene Drumm, Dale Fix, Mike Heggeseth, Kathryn Norby, Phyllis Pleuss, Angela Read, Cameron Scarlett (ex officio), Bob Uphoff, and Pastor Wilson (ex officio). This has been a busy summer for the Call Committee. Many things have changed since our last Door article, and more things will change between the time we submit this article and the time you receive this month’s issue. Here’s a brief description of our work over the past few months, and a heads-up for what’s coming next. Thanks to everyone who spoke to Call Committee members at church, called us, e-mailed us,

returned Request for Comment forms, or otherwise got in touch to share your thoughts. We used the information gathered from the congregation to complete the Ministry Site Profile. The Council approved this document and we sent it off to the synod office in July. We also used this feedback to create a job description for the associate pastor position and formulate questions to ask candidates for the position. As we mentioned in the summer issue of The Door, many people had indicated to the Call Committee that they would like to see us call Pastor Brad Pohlman, who is currently serving as interim associate pastor, for the long-term position. It was necessary and healthy for us to go through the prescribed steps

of the call process even though we had an in-house candidate in mind. After completing all the necessary paperwork, we asked Pastor Pohlman to interview for the position. By the time you read this, we will have completed a Meet & Greet session where all members had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about Pastor Pohlman. Please keep your eyes open for information about upcoming congregational meetings, as any call process must involve a vote of the congregation before a Letter of Call can be extended. The Call Committee and the Council will continue to update you about the status of the call process. Please continue to contact us with your thoughts and keep us in your prayers.

Sights and smells of fall at Luther Memorial Preschool September means back to school, and here at Luther Memorial Preschool we are more excited than ever to be back in session. The start of the 2010–11 school year brings a brighter look to our classrooms with fresh paint and new carpeting. Our talented preschool staff has returned and are well underway teaching fall activities about God’s many blessings, including fall apples, leaves, and our families. Maybe you smelled the delicious aroma of our apple muffins baking or appreciated our fall tree art projects in the hallway. We always welcome you to “peek in” on all the fun we are having in the classrooms and outside playground area. In a few short weeks, the preschool looks forward to participating in the “Taste of Luther Memorial” Ministry Fair and Pig Roast on Sunday, Oct. 10. During this event, a special painting created by the children of the Luther Memorial Preschool will be raffled. We’d love to have you stop by our display, check out the painting and partake in the raffle. What could be more precious than artwork created by Luther Memorial’s own tiny artists? Hope to see you there! October 2010

The Door

Get involved! New member class

Youth news

The fall new member class begins on Sunday, Oct. 24 at 11:45 a.m. in the Great Room. Lunch is provided and we’ll conclude by 1:30 p.m. The second class is during the education hour on Sunday, Oct. 31. New members will be welcomed to Luther Memorial during worship at the 10:30 service on Sunday, Oct. 31.

On Sunday, Oct. 3, the Youth Group will be holding their annual scavenger hunt on and around the UW campus. Then on Sunday, Oct. 17, the Youth Group will be traveling to the Uphoff farm for a visit. Remember to mark your calendars now for the November 6 youth lock-in at Luther Memorial.

Fall Breadbreakers Breadbreakers is a great way to get to know others who attend Luther Memorial! Small groups are assigned and share a meal once a month for three consecutive months. To be added to a group for Nov-Dec-Jan, please give your name(s), email address, and phone number to Kirsten Heggeseth, or 848-1164. Current participants will be reassigned unless you ask to be taken out of the rotation.

All parish game & snacks night Gather in the Great Room on Saturday, Oct. 23, 6:30–9:30 p.m for an evening of fun. Whether you play to socialize or play to win, there’s something for everyone. Some of last year’s favorites included Great Dalmuti, Settlers of Catan, Euchre and Pictionary. All ages welcome! Bring your favorite games. Talk to Pastor Pohlman or Suelyn Swiggum if you have questions.

Food & Fellowship

This year the Luther Memorial Men’s Group is heading north. This year’s retreat will be at the St. Anthony Retreat Center, near Marathon, Wisconsin from Friday, Nov. 12 to Sunday, Nov. 14. This year’s topic is “Biblical and Theological understandings of Creation.” A signup sheet has been posted in the narthex and registrations are due by Sunday, Oct. 24. If you have any questions, please contact Walt Miner or Pastor Pohlman.

The next Food & Fellowship will be Friday, Oct. 15 at Francesca’s al Lago (111 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.) at 6 p.m. Street parking is available on W. Washington Ave., Mifflin St., or on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. or in nearby public parking garages. Pizzas and entrees range from $9 to $23. After dinner, all are invited to Pastor Franklin and Marcia Wilson’s condo (360 W. Washington Ave., Unit 1115) for dessert. Please RSVP to Marcia or Franklin at or by calling Luther Memorial at 258-3160. We hope to see you there!

Confirmation ministry

Women’s Gathering

Please pray for this year’s confirmands, as confirmation class gets underway on Sunday, Oct. 3. In addition, the confirmands will be on retreat at Bethel Horizons, October 1–2. This year’s confirmands include: Benton Denlinger-Drumm, Riley Bohage, Kavi Fix, Andrew Gaard, Paul Miner, Isaac Reynaldo, Caleb Scarlett, Margaret Wulfsberg, Nicolette Kranz, Darby Lemkuil, Sam Marten, Annika Pohlman, Joe Ryther-Clark and Eric Swanson.

The Women’s Gathering group will meet Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. in the LM Library. Frederick Buechner’s book Wishful Thinking: A Seeker’s ABC will be the topic. Please join us for this interesting discussion with refreshments available. Contact Lonnie Vitse at 233-9222 with questions. The group will have a representative, Sue Bangert, at the Taste of Luther Memorial on Sunday, Oct. 10 if you’d like to learn more about the Women’s Gathering group.

Men’s retreat

The Door

October 2010

Financial and building news Narthex and concourse hospitality improvements The narthex and concourse areas are about to undergo some subtle but important hospitality improvements. These improvements were made possible by remaining funds from the Sights & Sounds portion of the Second Century of Promise capital appeal that ended late last year. The Renovation Task Force, in conversation with the Arts Group and sanctioned by the council to work on these improvements over the summer, chose two matched welcome desks custom designed and fabricated to complement other wood in the narthex area. As a backdrop to the desks, two existing bulletin boards will be repositioned to display helpful information for visitors and members. The cloud paintings

that were originally hanging in the concourse but had been moved to nearby stairwells for several years have been repaired and are being returned to the concourse area. The stairwells going up from the preschool hallway to the third floor will be repainted by replicating the preschool hallway’s alternating shades of white and grey bands.

a more hospitable place. Designs of treat tables and a coffee cart will be on display in the narthex as a way to encourage donations to cover items that were not possible through Sights and Sounds dollars. Please mark your donation “narthex/concourse furnishings.”

Café tables are already in use in the narthex and concourse. These tables, which were donated by Luther Memorial members, encourage people to visit before and after worship services while sipping delicious coffee and tasting the treats now provided by volunteers. The welcome desks are just part of the furnishings planned for the narthex and concourse to make it

Thrivent ChoiceSM – a new program by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans® Luther Memorial Church has just received notice that several church members are designating funds to Luther Memorial through Thrivent ChoiceSM, a program launched last spring by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans®. The program allows Thrivent members to direct Thrivent charitable dollars to Lutheran nonprofit organizations and congregations enrolled in the program.

Thrivent Financial dollars designated by the member. For more information about the Thrivent ChoiceSM program please go to their website at https://www. or call Kim in the church office at 258-3160.

On average, eligible members are able to direct between $25 and $100 above and beyond their regular contributions because these funds are actually

October 2010

We would like to acknowledge these gifts anonymously through this article by thanking all who have used the Thrivent ChoiceSM program to benefit Luther Memorial Church. A personal acknowledgment will also be sent by mail to each member.

The Door

Spotlight on volunteers News from Interfaith Hospitality Network/The Road Home

Volunteer needed

Our next hosting for homeless families will be the week of Thanksgiving, Nov. 21–28. Because of the holiday week, we have a special need for volunteers who will be “home for the holidays.” Please mark your calendars now and sign up when you see the sign-up board in the narthex. Also, IHN is grateful to Lonnie Vitse who, with Phyllis Pleuss, has ably served as volunteer coordinator for a number of years. Thank you, Lonnie! Anyone interested in learning more about volunteering for this position or signing up in advance for our next hosting should contact Dale Lavelle (274-1228 or or Larry Thies (845-9267 or

IHN at Luther Memorial is looking for a volunteer to help fill in the volunteer signup board prior to hosting Road Home guests at Luther Memorial church. This person, working with Phyllis Pleuss and other coordinators, will help coordinate volunteers from our buddy churches – the Christian Scientist Church and Geneva Community Church – as well as volunteer members at Luther Memorial. If you are interested, please talk with the pastors or contact the church office at 258-3160.

Dan Ruge: seminarian and mission trip volunteer While a student at UW-Madison, Dan Ruge worked with the Luther Memorial youth groups with Lee and Mary Powell and Pastor Amy Reumann. After graduation in 1998 he moved to Philadelphia to attend seminary. Through discernment he decided not to pursue ordination and returned to his love of science and presently works at a small research company in Madison. He has studied at the University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where he earned his M.S. in Microbiology and Immunology, and where he also sang in the Men’s Glee Club. He returns to leadership with the Luther Memorial youth groups, along with Mandy Boyce and Pastor Pohlman. Building on the fun of the State Street scavenger hunt last year, they have plans to further explore the great places in our unique neighborhood near the university.

Mary and Lee Powell, after many years of dedicated work with the Youth Group, have decided to concentrate their efforts on the summer mission trips. Dan participated in the mission trip to Kentucky this past summer and recommends to all the youth and adults in the congregation to consider joining him in 2011. He claims that it’s an amazing opportunity to work hard and serve our Lord in the heat and humidity in the hills of Kentucky, “an experience not to be missed.” In addition to his work with the youth, Dan serves as a worship assistant and assisting minister. He preached one of the sermons on the seven last words of Christ last Good Friday and sang in the summer choir. He loves all kinds of music and biking and really appreciates the many bike paths around Madison. Dan was raised in Merrill, a town in northern The Door

Wisconsin, and was baptized and confirmed in The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod. As a seminarian, and after moving around a great deal in the past decade, Dan feels blessed to have experienced worship at a number of different congregations and has met many wonderful people in these places, but feels that Luther Memorial is particularly blessed as there are so many ministries and groups and a palpable commitment to liturgy, music and outreach. He urges everyone to come to the Taste of Luther Memorial on Sunday, Oct. 10 “to see firsthand how the Spirit is at work among this assembly.” October 2010

October events at the

Lutheran Campus Center

Touched Twice Clinic: Saturday, Oct. 2, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Touched Twice is a faith-based organization that provides medical, dental, chiropractic, and other basic care to needy community members. There is a required training at 8 a.m., and the clinic goes from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For more information, or to sign up for the event, see the sign up sheet outside the LCC front office. Root Beer Floats: Wednesday, Oct. 6 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Drop by the LCC for free root beer floats! Homecoming Tailgate: Saturday, Oct. 9 Join us for brats, beans, and beverages directly after the Badger homecoming game against Minnesota! We will be grilling on the LCC Terrace.

Weekly events Sunday Sunday Suppers (4th Sunday): 5 p.m. Enjoy a free, home-cooked meal by members of the community. Just sign up ahead of time. Book Study with Brent: 6 p.m. Pr Brent is leading discussion on the book Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith, edited by Robert Buckley Farlee, on Sunday nights. SCC Meetings (2nd Sunday): 7 p.m. The Student Coordinating Committee is the group of students who are in charge of planning the LCC’s programming. Talk to Ryan Panzer or send an e-mail to for information about joining a committee. Monday S.O.U.P. at Noon Shared Observations, Utterances, and Perspectives is a free lunch featuring Pr. Brent’s homemade soup and a good discussion. Study Groups: 7 p.m. Come to the LCC for extra help in your classes from upper classmen and grad students! Monday night subjects include AOS, Biology, Business, English, and Physics. Yoga Devotional (1st and 3rd): 8 p.m. Bring a yoga mat or towel and a water bottle! We will be doing 30 minutes of yoga followed by meditation and devotions. All skill levels welcome! Tuesday Hi Coffee: 2 p.m. Come for coffee, tasty treats, and conversation with LCC staff in the downstairs lounge. Cookie Baking: 7 p.m. Help bake cookies for Wednesday’s Happy Half Hour! Women’s and Men’s Faith Groups: 8 p.m. Come share your thoughts about faith, the Bible, and how it applies in your life.

October 2010

Wednesday Team Worship: 12:30 p.m. Help plan upcoming worship services. Happy Half-Hour: 5 p.m. Enjoy fellowship, snacks, and lemonade before worship. Worship: 5:30 p.m. Each Wednesday at 5:30 we worship and celebrate Holy Communion. This semester, the theme is “The Word of the Lord Came…The Voice of The Prophets.” Cost Supper after Worship For only $2, enjoy a great, home-cooked meal after worship. Please sign up to cook or as a dishwasher so we can continue to have great meals. Study Groups: 7 p.m. Come to the LCC for extra help in your classes from upper classmen and grad students! Wednesday night subjects include Chemistry, French, Math, and Spanish. Thursday Social Concerns Lunch: Noon Free spaghetti lunch and great discussion or guest speaker! LCC Choir Rehearsal: 7 p.m. Anyone who likes to sing or play an instrument is welcome! Meet upstairs in the choir office. Social Activity Night, 8 p.m. Come watch a movie or play a board game! 1st and 3rd Thursdays are Movie Nights and 2nd and 4th Thursdays are Card Game Nights. Friday Gaudeamus (1st Friday): 4:30 p.m. This is a social for graduate students, faculty, and staff featuring refreshments, food, and good conversation. SHOE (3rd Friday): Noon Something Holy for the Overly Educated is a discussion group for Grad students with a light lunch provided.

The Door

October calendar For a complete list of committee meetings and activities at Luther Memorial, check the online calendar at or the weekly announcement insert in your Sunday bulletin.

Fri 10/1

4:30 p.m.

Sun 10/3

8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Holy Communion/Confirmation Blessing

Mon 10/4

12 p.m.

Tues 10/5

7 p.m.

Sun 10/10

8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m.

Mon 10/11

12 p.m.

Pilates (Great Room)

Thur 10/14

12 p.m.

Pilates (Great Room)

Pilates (Great Room) Men’s Group (Fireside Room) Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Holy Communion Taste of Luther Memorial (Great Room)

Fri 10/15

6 p.m.

Food & Fellowship (Francesca’s al Lago)

Sat 10/16

3 p.m.

Kothe-Tansor Wedding

Sun 10/17 8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Home Communion Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Holy Communion Building Tour

Mon 10/18

12 p.m.

Pilates (Great Room)

Tues 10/19

10 a.m.

Quilting Group (Great Room)

Thurs 10/21

12 p.m.

Pilates (Great Room)

6:30 p.m.

Game and Snack Night (Great Room)

Sun 10/24

8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School Holy Communion New Member Luncheon (Great Room)

Mon 10/25

12 p.m.

Pilates (Great Room)

Tues 10/26

6 p.m. 7 p.m.

SARD (Parlor) Council (Great Room)

5:30 p.m.

Morning Prayer Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday, 10:45 a.m. Fireside Room Confirmation Sunday, 5:45 p.m. Office Conf. Room/ Pastor’s Study Noon Organ Recitals Wednesday, noon Nave

Recorder Ensemble Rehearsals: Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7 p.m. Bell Choir Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsals: Sundays, 4:15 p.m.

LM Foundation (Parlor)

Thurs 10/28 9 a.m.

Preschool Closed - Parent Conferences Door & Bulletin Assembly (Great Room)

Fri 10/29

Preschool Closed - Parent Conferences

Sun 10/31

Holy Communion Forums/Sunday School/New Member Class Holy Communion/New Members Received New Member Tour

8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.


Fall Choir and Ensembles

Sat 10/23

Weds 10/27


Confirmation Retreat (Bethel Horizons)

The Door

Training Choir Rehearsals: Sundays, 4:15 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsals: Sundays, 5 p.m.

October 2010

Parish register

A Journey to Germany with Luther and Bach

October 80+ birthdays Thanks be to God for Luther Memorial’s senior members who celebrate birthdays this month. Helen Engelhart Gloria Bremer Elaine Burmeister Marilyn Wolf Elaine Warskow

Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 16 Oct. 22

Bruce Bengtson, Director of Music & Rev. Brad Pohlman 11 Days: June 13-23, 2011 Special cash discount price: $2899 Standard base price: $3078 From Chicago (ORD) plus $410 airport taxes, current fuel surcharges & $110 tips

September baptisms Ethan Roger Garski

Sept. 19, 2010

Visits include Berlin, Wittenberg, Leipzig, Erfurt, Eisenach, Rothenburg & more!

October baptism anniversaries Kevin Georgiles-Juul Elise Shirek Ava Rikkers Kellen Schaeve

Oct. 9, 2005 Oct. 18, 2009 Oct. 23, 2005 Oct. 25, 2009

For information and registration, visit or contact Rev. Brad Pohlman (608) 258-3160

Member weddings Abby Landowski & Bryan Raasch Sept. 5, 2010

Recent deaths Claude A. Taylor died June 6, 2010 Adeline Herrling died July 10, 2010 Alta Hoffman died Aug. 3, 2010 George DiModica died Sept. 7, 2010

Thanksgiving and Memorials In honor of Randy and Debbie Raasch’s 35th wedding anniversary by William and Virginia Bopf In honor of Bryan and Abby Raasch’s wedding by William and Virginia Bopf In memory of George DiModica by Robert and Elaine Burmeister

October 2010

The Door


Periodicals Postage PAID

October events Oct. 1-3 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 31

Confirmation Retreat Confirmation classes begin Youth Group scavenger hunt Men’s Group Photography exhibit opening at Lutheran Campus Center Taste of Luther Memorial Ministry Fair & Pig Roast Women’s Gathering Food & Fellowship Youth Group trip to Uphoff farm All parish game & snacks night New member class Reformation Sunday New member class/new members received

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