Connecting the World THROUGH CHRIST
Sharing the Gospel with People in 60+ Countries
Colored areas represent countries where LHM coordinates outreach efforts through staff, volunteers, and partner organizations.
Numbers as of the end of Fiscal Year 2024
31, 2024)
A Year in Review
LHM was abundantly blessed by God during the last year thanks to your generous support. The following are some key ministry metrics and an overview of activities in each of LHM’s three strategic priority areas.
The number of times people around the world experience the Gospel through LHM programs, services, or materials each week.
Nearly 235 million
The number of times LHM referred people to local churches and Christian communities last year for spiritual growth and nurturing.
The number of times people intentionally provided contact information last year for follow up in response to LHM’s culturally relevant outreach efforts.
Engaged Constituents
The number of individuals who are actively connected to LHM through its resources or the sharing of their time, talent, or treasure in support of the organizational mission.
The number of times individuals completed an LHM ministry activity last year that equipped them to share their faith more effectively.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We live in a world where you get what you pay for. Lucky for us, our God is not a “you get what you pay for” god. Our God is the “you get what I paid for” God. We sure didn’t earn the Gospel and all it entails by luck or fate. It is simply a gift: a gift for us, not because we deserved it, but freely given because the Giver wanted to provide it for His own reasons.
As we enter a new year of ministry, opportunities, and challenges, I pause to reflect on what God is doing for Lutheran Hour Ministries through His gifts. One important way God has blessed us is through the gift of partners in the harvest fields. Around 365,000 individuals like you are currently connected to LHM through our resources or the sharing of your time, talent, or treasure in support of the organizational mission.
In addition, nearly 300 passionate, dedicated, and talented staff members joyfully share the hope of the Gospel daily. This unwavering commitment is one reason LHM was recognized in the Top Workplaces 2024 awards as published this past summer by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. As the nation’s leading employer recognition program, Top Workplaces celebrates organizations for their people-first commitment to workplace excellence. It is extremely rewarding to have a respected independent agency recognize the quality of workplace that our team has worked so hard to build. Most important, we genuinely like working on God’s mission together!
God has maximized each of our individual gifts during the past year to allow people around the world to experience the Gospel through LHM programs, services, or materials nearly 235 million times each week. While this growing Gospel impact is a tremendous blessing, we know that God wants us to reach much further so the billions of people who woke up this morning in spiritual darkness can experience His transformative love. This is why He has provided us with the resources to expand ministry to Peru, Nepal, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kyrgyzstan; embark on a bold plan for a multidivisional global mission rooted in localized regional leadership; and make additional ministry investments here in the United States.
As you explore this year’s ministry impact report, I hope you are inspired to see how your involvement is bringing the hope of the Gospel into people’s lives. Thank you for being a vital part of the LHM family!
Your Partner in HIS Mission,
Buchholz CEO, Lutheran Hour Ministries
bringing the hope of the Gospel into people’s lives.
Impacting People GLOBALLY
The International Internship Program is expanding global ministry more exponentially by uplifting the next generation of Christian leaders to do ministry in their local context, in their native language, in a specific way. Our first four teams in Peru, Nepal, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kyrgyzstan completed training and began ministry in their home countries. Each of these ministry expansion teams consists of three local people—an intern focusing on children and youth ministry, another on digital outreach through social media, and one on multimedia content creation. These areas of outreach reflect the core of LHM’s work around the world.
LHM’s partnership with the SAT-7 satellite network continues with a fifth season of Arabic-language programming. Catalyst engaged young adults from more than 20 countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa by fostering dialogue between four co-hosts and small, informal groups of young adults about topical issues relevant to the people living
there. Largely unscripted, these discussions served as a “catalyst” to encourage the audience to interact with trained evangelists who are staffing social media pages and response centers to answer questions and share more information about Christ’s love. Airing five times a week for 26 weeks, Catalyst ranked among the top three most popular Arabic programs.
LHM–Cameroon celebrated the milestone of its tenth graduating class of participants from their successful Divine Sewing School. This holistic program transforms young women’s skills—and lives—by training students on proven, marketable skills. The young women learn how to dye cloth, create and cut clothing patterns, sew, and custom tailor their creations to financially support themselves upon graduating from the program. The relationships established during this long-term course help LHM staff and volunteers share their faith as trusted friends to these young women.
LHM–Uruguay reaches around 1,000 people each day through its
longstanding “Messages of Hope” program. Using materials from CPH’s Portals of Prayer, the program offers a Bible reading and invites recipients to reflect and meditate on those words, ending with a prayer related to the biblical message for the day. Fulfilling the staff’s desire to introduce innovative strategies each year for providing this uplifting content, LHM–Uruguay started presenting the material in video format. This upgrade provides a more dynamic experience for daily WhatsApp messages and encourages ongoing interactions with new audience members.
When the summer monsoon season limited outdoor youth sports outreach camps, staff for LHM–India engaged young people through an online singing competition. Children across the country shared their talents by singing a Christian song and uploading it for the competition that took place over a fourweek period. The competition became so popular that it was expanded to include individuals of all ages who were divided into five categories totaling 175 entries. u
These areas of outreach reflect the core of LHM’s work around the world.
Gospel Adventures™: Awesome Australia took around 35,000 grade school- through middle school-aged children on this year’s interactive virtual learning experience. Through five days of free curriculum in two age-appropriate formats, kids learned about the foods, animals, people, and places of Australia while being introduced to kids just like them who carry their faith through day-to-day life. In addition to the successful classroom program, a second season of the Gospel Adventures Show provides fun, engaging, and meaningful audio content focused on a Gospel theme and Bible verse for parents and their young children. Each episode is available online, as a podcast, and on more than 55 radio stations across the United States.
The 92nd broadcast season of The Lutheran Hour® launched in September and included a new introduction and updated arrangements of “A Mighty Fortress” and “Lift High the Cross”. The Lutheran Hour continues to proclaim the Gospel on more than 1,700
traditional radio outlets throughout North America in addition to being available online, as a podcast, and on platforms such as iHeartRadio, Spotify, and Sirius XM satellite radio. In August, the program celebrated 1,000 broadcasts on the American Forces Network for service members on U.S. bases and ships around the world as well as their families. Special radio dramas for Easter and Christmas were also available online and offered to radio stations for airing during the Lent and Advent seasons.
A new “Connected by LHM” app allows individuals to get many of LHM’s resources in one place on their Android devices or iPhones. In addition to being able to read and listen to LHM’s Daily Devotions, users can also read and listen to The Lutheran Hour sermons, view Bible resources, and link to LHM’s topical booklets, Bible studies, and more.
Vivenciar.net continues to be an instrumental platform for reaching Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking individuals worldwide. More people
than ever are searching online for guidance on topics like stress, anxiety, depression, relationships, and other relevant issues. Vivenciar invites visitors to download topical e-books, watch videos, and talk to LHM’s team of 50-plus volunteers from throughout the Latin America and Caribbean region. In the last year, around 255,000 people have accessed the platform and more than 5,000 started a conversation with volunteers for biblically based support and guidance.
Our “for Hispanics, by Hispanics” approach to crafting content continues to resonate with a growing digitalfirst Hispanic audience that is hungry for Christ-centered resources. On Facebook, Para el Camino™ has surpassed 75,000 followers and Sentido Latino™ is approaching 60,000; within a single month, the number of Para el Camino sermon plays quadrupled; and a single Para el Camino post quoting Isaiah 48:17 resulted in more than one million impressions, 15,000 likes, 2,000 shares, and 1,000 comments. u
A new “Connected by LHM” app allows individuals to get many of LHM’s resources in one place.
High school students who want to share their faith with friends have a new resource: Spiritual Conversations: Sharing Life, Faith, and Jesus with Friends. This curriculum was developed from LHM’s partnership with Barna Group and ties into research gathered around Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age. Through seven lessons, students learn practical and useful ways to talk to friends about life and faith by interacting with one another, evaluating other high schoolers who role play conversations, and putting these tools into practice together. The key to helping friends on their spiritual journeys is to listen well, so that they can recognize where they are on their journeys and respond graciously. Schools, Sunday school classes, small groups, and youth groups are all benefiting from this easyto-implement—and fun—resource.
The latest Nurturing Your Faith Bible study wrapped up its five-session series
in the fall issue of LHM’s corporate publication, The Lutheran Layman. Patient Urgency was written and hosted by Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, and provided participants a closer look at the Gospel of Mark. It speaks to being patient and attentive in our witness to others while understanding there is an urgency to the message we share about Jesus.
Called to Serve: Utilizing Your Gifts as Veterans was developed from LHM’s Gifted for More research conducted in partnership with Barna Group, along with a specially commissioned study of veterans’ gifts. This research focused on the gifting of veterans and how they see their gifts being used—and useful—in life beyond the military. These important insights, combined with biblical teaching on how God has created each of us as a gift with gifts to share, serve to invite veterans into a community with others to utilize their unique gifts within their family, church, and community. As a small group Bible
study, Called to Serve is intended to be hosted by a church with veterans in their congregations and community. The videos are supported by a leader guide that provides discussion questions and activities.
The Hopeful Neighborhood Project™ (HNP) from LHM was part of the first-ever faith track at the 2024 Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) Conference, a secular event which has been held for almost 50 years. HNP staff helped facilitate three different faith workshops with trusted partners to help attendees connect work and faith. HNP also continues to partner with the University of Missouri County Extension’s Engaged Neighbor Program in support of Missouri Good Neighbor Week. In addition to asking for nominations for Missouri’s most engaged neighbor and gathering reports on Acts of Neighboring throughout the week, the program added recognition this year to honor Missouri’s most neighborly cities. u
God has created each of us as a gift with gifts to share.
How Your Gifts Impacted Lives in
Many prisoners in Madagascar experience harsh prison conditions and lengthy waits for trials that lead to many of them losing hope and trust. LHM–Madagascar’s staff members regularly visit prisons to share God’s Word and distribute Bible Correspondence Courses. People’s lives are truly transformed by the Gospel in these prisons, including a 23-year-old single mother to a nine-month-old baby.
Born into an impoverished family of cattle herders, this young woman left high school after one year to help her brother and parents work on the farm. As many youth do, she found this life unbearable and soon left it to find a waitressing job at a bar in the city. There she met a man and abandoned her morals to follow him. He left when she became pregnant, and her family also deserted her. In time she was accused of stealing money from her employer and was imprisoned, where she currently awaits sentencing. At first her family cared for her infant son, but after a month they gave him back to her to care for in the prison. No longer able to breastfeed, she feared for his life as his
health deteriorated due to malnutrition. Four days after her son rejoined her, the young woman met members of the LHM team in the prison. She approached LHM staff and asked them to pray for her son. While she was powerless, she knew Jesus could save him. The staff members prayed with her and introduced her to the pastor who was ministering with the team during their visit. In the days that followed, her son’s condition began to improve, and she eagerly agreed to have her son baptized in the prison. “I am rediscovering my faith, and my strength is growing,” she says. “This feeling is priceless.” u
People throughout the Middle East and North Africa region face daily hardships that often lead to hopelessness. LHM continues to serve as a source of hope and comfort for the entire Arabicspeaking world by offering relevant social media content that addresses challenges people encounter. Nearly 1.05 million people now subscribe to LHM’s main regional Facebook page and receive regular messages of inspiration.
Living in war-torn Yemen, Tamir was feeling anxious and emotionally empty
when he came across an LHM Facebook post. He messaged the LHM staff and began asking questions about Christianity. The staff member shared the Gospel message with him, and Tamir spent the next few days messaging back and forth, asking questions, and reading Bible verses the staff sent. He learned Jesus’ teachings of love, forgiveness, and eternal life. Tamir felt a spark of hope he had not known before. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Tamir became a Christian. He felt a new purpose as he experienced a newfound understanding that filled his emptiness. He had found hope, not just for this life, but for eternity. u
LHM–Ghana hosted a holistic soup kitchen program where hundreds of people gathered at a park to participate. A girl named Priscilla went to this event and talked with the ministry staff. Priscilla said that she also went to a film show hosted by LHM–Ghana and shared that the Christian message had a positive impact on her life. She was excited about the impact LHM–Ghana is making on her community and wanted to learn more about Jesus and begin attending services at the local church. u
I am rediscovering my faith, and my strength is growing. this feeling is priceless.
How Your Gifts Impacted Lives in ASIA
Chun is 45 years old and married with three children. He is a teacher and learned about LHM–Cambodia through their puppet performance held at his school. He started talking to the ministry center staff and shared that when he was studying to become a teacher, a friend had shared the Gospel message with him. Chun attended church for a few years, but when he began teaching at a remote school, he lost contact with everyone at church. Since marrying his wife who practices a non-Christian religion, Chun feels like his faith has disappeared. He was thankful for the puppet performance at his school that encouraged him to reaffirm his faith. u
Audrey is in high school and although she has grown up in a non-Christian religious household, she has stood firm in her own Christian faith. Audrey enrolled in Bible Correspondence Courses through LHM—Indonesia to grow her understanding of Christianity. She is always eager to participate in activities at church. Audrey currently serves as the head of the Christian group at her school, which is an achievement
she takes immense pride in, considering her non-Christian background. In addition to her responsibilities at school, Audrey actively serves in ministry activities at her church as a singer, displaying a steadfast determination to deepen her knowledge and relationship with Jesus. u
Daw is 52 years old and has always practiced a non-Christian religion. She moved after a cyclone hit her village several years ago. Now she lives near a mission center where LHM—Myanmar hosts vacation Bible school. There was not enough space in the mission center for all the children, so an LHM—Myanmar staff member asked Daw if they could use her house. She agreed, and she and her granddaughter participated in the program. LHM—Myanmar gave the children a Bible storybook for those who could read and a coloring book for those who could not read yet. Daw’s granddaughter received a coloring book, but Daw asked if she could read the storybook to her. They happily gave Daw the storybook and she shared that she planned on reading God’s Word to her granddaughter every night. u
Chaup is 74 years old and has always followed a non-Christian religion. When he recently became bedridden, he began looking for ways to relieve his suffering. While listening to the radio one day, he came across an LHM—Thailand program discussing how to relieve worries. He was interested in the message and started listening to additional LHM broadcasts. As he heard more about Jesus on each program, he became increasingly interested in expanding his knowledge of the Christian faith. He contacted the LHM ministry team for more information. As the conversations progressed, the staff sent Chaup booklets about Jesus, encouraged him to enroll in their Bible Correspondence Course, and introduced him to a local church. Along with LHM—Thailand staff, the pastor had several follow-up conversations with Chaup to nurture his faith. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Chaup became a Christian and is preparing to be baptized. He now has peace in his heart, knowing God will never leave him. “I want to say thank you for the radio program that introduced me to the Good News of Jesus and gave me hope,” said Chaup. “I pray that God will heal me and guide my life every day.” u
thank you for the radio program that introduced me to the Good News of Jesus and gave me hope.
How Your Gifts Impacted Lives in CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA
Through regular visits to health centers, LHM–Nicaragua shares God’s Word with individuals receiving medical care. LHM staff and volunteers not only witness the importance of physical health but also have an opportunity to offer spiritual medicine—the healing power that comes through faith in Christ. As patients seek medical attention, LHM provides resources to share the message of Jesus Christ, encouraging individuals to find hope and salvation in Him.
A young woman named Maritza approached LHM staff during one of their visits and shared that she was going through incredibly challenging times with her family. She asked for prayers, and in that moment, the staff members not only prayed with her but also taught her how to pray on her own. Maritza was in a place of deep despair, unsure where to turn for answers. The LHM team started by explaining the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer, then shared inspiring Bible verses to help her find strength for her circumstances.
Over the next three months, LHM staff provided Maritza with additional Christ-
centered materials. She shared that everything had begun to change—her family situation improved, and her entire outlook on life was transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. “Now I can see that God is the solution to any situation,” Maritza said with joy. u
María, a 22-year-old student, has been receiving professional treatment for depression for a long time. However, she does not feel like it has helped. She began searching online for ways to deal with her depression and came across Vivenciar.net, LHM’s topical platform for Portuguese- and Spanishspeaking individuals. During her online conversation with the ministry volunteer, she mentioned that she attended church as a child, but no longer does since she feels more “sinful” in that environment. This depresses her even more because she feels like she cannot do what God asks of her. The volunteer conveyed the hopeful message of the Gospel and explained how Maria should focus on the comfort, strength, and peace that only God can provide. While Maria was hesitant to accept a referral to speak with the pastor of the Lutheran church in her town, she agreed to talk with LHM’s
chaplain pastor through the platform. After several conversations with him, she asked for the Lutheran pastor in her city to contact her. She has started attending services at the church and is participating in a variety of congregational activities as she strengthens her faith. u
Carmen receives daily messages from LHM–Paraguay through WhatsApp. She recently contacted the ministry team to share that she has been reading the messages for three years and sharing them with her friends and family. She said that one day, the message especially touched her because she was going through a tough time as her sister struggled with cancer. Carmen always shared the messages with her sister, but when she became too weak, she could not read them anymore. An LHM–Paraguay staff member recorded a message and prayer for Carmen to share with her sister and she was incredibly grateful. A few days later, she wrote to the ministry center again to tell them about her sister’s positive reaction to the video. Carmen also thanked the staff members for the daily messages that continue to help encourage and strengthen her. u
Now I can see that God is the solution to any situation.
How Your Gifts Impacted Lives in EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA
Lutheran Hour Ministries’ partnership with the SAT-7 PARS channel continues to support four original satellite television programs that are broadcast to millions of Persian-speaking children, youth, and women throughout Central and West Asia.
Young viewers benefit from one of these, which is among SAT-7 PARS’ best-known programs. Golpand (meaning “hope” or “Golden Advice”) uses storytelling to bring God’s Word to life and teach children core biblical values through interactive games, educational segments, and theatrical plays that are tailored to the audience (children ages 5-13).
“Golpand has had a big impact on my life and on the things I do,” says Deena, a young girl from Iran. “The stories we are told and the questions discussed add so much to our understanding, as do the Bible verses that are shared at the end of the programs. It helps us to be better connected with the world around us.”
Another LHM-sponsored program, New Identity, is a 60-minute live format that discusses topics of concern to Persian women through a biblical lens. Viewers of the program are invited to connect with SAT-7’s audience relations team to get additional program information and resources, request prayers, and receive ongoing support.
Narin reached out following a broadcast to request prayers. “I have been a believer for some years, but my husband is not. He is difficult to live with and constantly thinks about work instead of me or our children. I am isolated without friends or a church where I might go to spend time with God and be ministered to. Please pray for me and help me to know what I must do.” u
Dilan is 29 years old and has been in contact with LHM staff in Central and South Asia. He had a difficult childhood because he was abused by his father, so he left home and lived on the streets when he was a teenager. Dilan said that he never felt real love from his parents.
After LHM staff sent him a Bible, he started asking deeper questions about God’s love. He was surprised and initially did not believe God’s love, saying if his parents didn’t love him, how could God. The LHM staff member prayed with him and guided him to a local church. Dilan and his fiancé went to church together and after the service, they wanted to learn more. They continued attending worship services and through the power of God’s Word, Dilan and his fiancé became Christians. Now they are preparing to get baptized as they continue growing in their faith. u
Dariga is a student at the local university and was introduced to LHM–Mongolia staff through one of her friends. She reached out to the ministry team and asked questions about Christianity. After hearing the Gospel message through ongoing conversations, Dariga realized that Christianity was a vibrant faith, and she wanted to actively participate in activities hosted by LHM–Mongolia. Although her family practices a nonChristian religion, Dariga continues to learn about Christianity. u
Golpand has had a big impact on my life and on the things I do.
How Your Gifts Impacted Lives in the UNITED STATES
Hundreds of thousands of listeners in North America are strengthened in their faith each week through The Lutheran Hour. Now available on a multitude of online platforms, people everywhere can access Christ's messages of love and hope through the broadcast. A long-time listener named Marc relocated to Ukraine and contacted LHM after hearing a sermon where Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, shared a story about his college roommate, “Duke.”
“I can’t tell you how much it means to have The Lutheran Hour as a resource when you are far from home and family in a foreign land,” said Marc. “Since Dr. Zeigler mentioned that his friend Duke will be moving soon to Budapest to serve as a U.S. diplomat, I wanted to offer a suggestion for a church there. I was brought to faith by the Holy Spirit while working at the U.S. embassy in Budapest and became a Lutheran at a beautiful church there. Although my wife and I have been foreign service nomads, it is our church home in Budapest.”
Marc has since been in contact with Duke and shared his firsthand experiences to help Duke’s family get acclimated to their
new surroundings. He also introduced them to his pastor in Budapest so they would have a welcoming church home to attend for worship.
“This is an amazing example of God working through His people around the world to let His light shine, even in the most dark and difficult places,” says Zeigler. u
Serving children ages one through 12, Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Martinsville, Indiana, uses Gospel Adventures during their summer programs. “By ‘going’ on this adventure, our school-aged children can participate, and it creates more opportunities to expand learning for our littles,” says Bethany Asher, director. “We start each year by creating a passport for all our students. This breaks down the content to something more tangible and developmentally appropriate. We also try to involve parents in the mission as much as possible by sending home QR codes with the daily videos.”
“We also encourage our children and families to participate in the Global Kids Fund fundraising effort that is part of Gospel Adventures,” Asher says. “We incentivize the giving by offering candy
for any amount donated (this year, it was a Tim Tam), and the class that gives the most gets to eat first at our community barbecue. We stress to the families that our children (even the toddlers) should be the ones collecting the funds. This is part of our larger commitment to instilling a pattern of giving in our yearly curriculum.” u
When members of a community program group at The Restoration House in Knoxville, Tennessee, learned about The Hopeful Neighborhood Project (HNP) from LHM, they knew it would be beneficial. “Our goal is to help restore single mothers and their children back to God’s good intent for their lives,” says Carrie Pickell, volunteer engagement coordinator for The Restoration House. “We believe that God intended for us to live in community.” They started with HNP’s interactive lab, where they discovered their gifts, imagined the possibilities, and pursued the common good. Using this three-step process, they planned a ‘Unity in the Community’ event to bring women and children in the community together. “Our perspective shifted after the workshop,” says Pickell. “We realized that we have a lot more to offer to our community than we realized.” u
We believe that God intended for us to live in community.
(As of January 1, 2025)
Kurt Senske Chair
Austin, Texas
Kristi Matus Vice Chair
Lakewood Ranch, Florida
Karl Abraham Lochaber-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Linda Arnold
Oswego, Illinois
Melanie Braun Tempe, Arizona
Ryan Bredow Gilbert, Arizona
Jim Dankenbring
St. Louis, Missouri
Mark Duesenberg
Rocky River, Ohio
Donald Scifres
Secretary Greenwood, Indiana
Eric Brown Treasurer Adel, Iowa
Kirk Farney Hinsdale, Illinois
Vincent W. James Boston, Massachusetts
Virginia Miller Rochester, Minnesota
Rev. Tom Pfotenhauer
Pastoral Advisor Woodbury, Minnesota
Gordon D. Tresch
Williamsville, New York
(As of January 1, 2025)
Mercedes Hendricks Chair
Laguna Hills, California
David Leege Vice Chair
Alexandria, Virginia
Matthew Brickler
Warson Woods, Missouri
Kurt Buchholz
Grant, Minnesota
Phil Daniels
Tampa, Florida
Thomas Dankenbring
Kirkwood, Missouri
Sue Elsholz
Birmingham, Michigan
Cory Hillmann
St. Louis, Missouri
Scott Homan
St. Louis, Missouri
Jeffrey Craig-Meyer
President St. Louis, Missouri
David Lanius
Treasurer St. Louis, Missouri
Heidi Hove
Stillwater, Minnesota
Vincent W. James
Board of Directors Rep. Boston, Massachusetts
Jack Kidwell
Bay City, Michigan
Aaron Pawlitz
St. Louis, Missouri
Lloyd Probasco
Grand Island, Nebraska
Kurt Senske
Int’l LLL Board Chair
Austin, Texas
International Lutheran Laymen’s League and Subsidiaries Consolidating Statement of Activities (in thousands)
Year ended May 31, 2024, with comparative totals for 2023
Every person has the opportunity to hear the Gospel in an understandable way.
Those seeking are connected to a healthy Christian community where they can grow in their faith.
Every Christian is equipped to share the Gospel in word and deed.
Engaged Christians advance this common mission as a global community.
Our Values
Driven We believe that perseverance and unyielding determination are crucial to LHM’s global Gospel urgency and impact.
Empowerment We believe that people are empowered for service and leadership when they intentionally live their daily lives before God as vital members of the body of Christ.
Innovation We believe that accomplishing our mission and vision requires creative, scalable solutions utilizing research and technology.
Stewardship We believe that the bold management of resources, balancing efficiency with efficacy, provides the surest path to long-term sustainability and growth.
Partnership We believe that strategically aligning with like-minded individuals and organizations provides the opportunity for synergy, shared learning, and exponential impact.
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