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Changing Lives Globally
CHANGING LIVES Around the World with the Gospelby MEGAN MCDANIEL CHANGING LIVES Around the World with the Gospelby MEGAN MCDANIEL
Central & South Asia
Han is 24 years old and works as a manager at a nonreligious human care organization. He reached out to LHM staff in Central and South Asia through social media. He shared that he used to practice a non-Christian religion but realized that he was only following societal pressures. He wanted to search for truth and find purpose for his life. When Han first saw social media posts about Christianity, he was skeptical because of his former beliefs. He decided to reach out to LHM staff to chat online and felt peace. As he heard the Gospel message, he was eager to learn more about Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Han became a Christian. He is growing in his faith by reading LHM materials and attending weekly meetings with a local missionary.
After Zara got divorced, she and her four children moved in with her mother. Zara was able to receive a donated ger (a Mongolian housing structure) that was built on the lot next to her mother’s home. When Zara leaves for work every day, her mother watches her children. A volunteer for LHM–Mongolia visited their village, shared the Gospel with them, and invited them to the local church. The volunteer has plans to visit again and take them an audio Bible, booklets, and other LHM–Mongolia resources so Zara’s family can continue learning more about Jesus. Mongolia
Hana is 17 years old and learned about LHM–Ghana when they offered Bible
Correspondence Courses (BCC)
through her school. When she initially heard about the program, she was hesitant to enroll, but her mom encouraged her to sign up. Before Hana’s father passed away, he practiced a nonChristian religion, and her mom is a Christian. Hana considered herself a Christian but didn’t fully understand Christianity and she wasn’t comfortable with reading the Bible. The BCC lessons helped her understand the Bible and answered questions she had about Christianity. Hana was happy that she signed up and now tells all her friends to take the lessons as well. After she graduated from the program, she received her own Bible that she was eager to read on her own. Hana is now confident in her faith.
Liliana has been connected to LHM–Uruguay for several years. She regularly prays for and donates to the ministry to provide support. She also calls in frequently to be involved with activities and projects. She recently contacted the LHM–Uruguay staff to tell them that she had prepared gift baskets for children, and she wanted the staff members to select some children to give them to. The LHM–Uruguay staff members are thankful for Liliana’s servant’s heart and look forward to working with her again to bring joy to children in the future.
Lutheran Hour Ministries develops culturally relevant programs and resources to reach people in more than 60 nations who may not be familiar with the Gospel. Below are just a few examples to show how God has been using LHM recently to change lives around the world with His Good News.
Ni is 22 years old and works part time selling coffee to make money for her school fees. She was raised in a non-Christian religious household, but when she was 15, she visited a Christian church with one of her friends. The LHM–Cambodia staff recently met at her coffee shop and talked with her about Jesus. Ni shared her story with the staff members, and they encouraged her to visit a local Lutheran church now that it has reopened following COVID-19 restrictions. The staff prayed with her and gave her a booklet. Ni was thankful for the booklet and excited to visit the church to learn more about Jesus.
The LHM–Cambodia staff recently met at her coffee shop and talked with her about Jesus. … he puts in his earbuds and spends time with the Lord by listening to The Lutheran Hour.
Sometimes, we don’t know where to turn to nurture our life of faith … and then we turn on the radio! James works on T38 jets at an Air Force base in Texas and has been a long-time listener of The Lutheran Hour. He says some of his earliest memories as a child are being at his grandparents’ house in Chicago while his grandma listened to the broadcast. Now, when he goes out on Saturday mornings to do inspections, he puts in his earbuds and spends time with the Lord by listening to The Lutheran Hour. “It’s great,” he says. “I often stop what I’m doing so I can pay attention to what Pastor Zeigler, or the guest speaker, is saying. Sometimes, I just lay under the jet and listen.”
United States Thailand
Sayan is 65 years old and works as a housekeeper. She practices a non-Christian religion, but for a while has wondered about where life comes from. She never got answers to her questions until she heard an LHM–Thailand radio program. She began to listen to the broadcasts and learned that God is the Creator of everything. Sayan reached out to LHM–Thailand staff wanting to enroll in their Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC). Through the power of God’s Word, Sayan became a Christian. She shared with the staff members that she was thankful she heard the radio program and was guided to learn more about Jesus through the BCC lessons and booklets. She asked the LHM staff to connect her to a local church so she could worship and is now attending services regularly and preparing to get baptized.
Mehret enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC) hosted by LHM–Ethiopia. After she finished the lessons, she reached out to LHM staff to share how they impacted her. She said since she started the lessons her life has changed to a great extent. The BCC lessons encouraged her to continue previous Bible studies that she stopped earlier in her life. She acknowledged the need for God’s Word in her life and was thankful for LHM–Ethiopia giving her the opportunity to grow in her faith. =