20 minute read
Gospel Adventures

Access Day One of Zambia Bound NOW!
Gospel Adventures is Zambia Bound in 2022! Just like Thailand Trek, Go Mongolia, and Passport to Peru, Gospel Adventures: Zambia Bound is a free resource available to Christian schools, homeschools, churches, and individuals. The curriculum is filled with fun activities and an interactive website for students to learn how the Gospel is shared with children in other countries.
New this year, the first day of curriculum is already available. Visit gospeladventures.org to register for the virtual “trip” and access this content to get a glimpse into the newest interactive experience. As always, the full curriculum and supporting materials will be available in January to everyone who has registered.
Zambia has a very young population, with about 50 percent being 14 years old or younger! Families are large with an average of four children per household. There are challenges in Zambia such as premature death of some children due to illnesses that might be preventable with better care and education.
These trends are common across the continent of Africa. Large, young families across the continent are increasingly leaving traditional farms and moving to cities. Nearly half of the population now lives in cities where they work in industries, attend school, and do many of the things we do here in the United States. This has created some challenges for people to find meaningful employment, achieve education, and provide health care for their families.
School expenses in Africa can be very expensive for parents. To avoid the added expenses, many young children often need to leave school to help provide financial support for their families. Allowing children to remain in school is one of the most important ways to ensure they receive a foundation for their future.
As a way to support children’s ministry around the world, individuals, schools, and churches participating in Gospel Adventures: Zambia Bound can choose to donate through chapel offerings or change drives. These donations will go toward LHM’s Global Kids Fund that supports ministries that are similar to the ones they see during the Gospel Adventures program. This year, gifts made to the Global Kids Fund will lessen the financial burden on families in Africa, allowing more children to remain in school to build a better foundation for success in their lives. LHM’s ministry centers in Kenya and Madagascar are partnering with local Lutheran congregations to identify children in their communities who are at risk of leaving school. We will supply them with a school supply kit that consists of a backpack filled with pens, paper, workbooks, other school supplies, and a Christian book that shares the Gospel message with the children.
Visit lhm.org/give and select “Global Kids Fund” in the drop-down bar to support LHM’s children’s ministry through the Global Kids Fund. =
Has praying with your child proven to be a challenge? It has for many parents and grandparents. In 5 Ways to Pray with Your Child, LHM Learn offers easy-to-use prayer strategies, examples, and Scripture-based exercises to help. When your child has pressing prayer needs right now, the course also features “in-the-moment” prayers for adults to use with children. The course has been prepared by Mary Oldfield, a retired ministry director who has worked with parents and children for more than 20 years. It’s important for youngsters to pray in their own words. However, giving kids simple and easy-to-memorize prayers, as well as patterns of prayers to follow, can be a nice boost in the right direction. You can think of the course examples as “training wheels” for regular prayer, helping kids find their comfort zone and a relaxed spontaneity in their communication with God, as they grow and mature in their faith. The course’s five suggestions to encourage prayer with your child are “Mealtime Prayers,” “Praying Scripture,” “Finish the Sentence,” “Bedtime Prayers,” and a neat formula called “ACTS.” Mealtime and bedtime prayers are staples among praying families. Praying Scripture is a way for kids to include themselves by adding their names to the petition. It personalizes and deepens their connection with Scripture. Finish the Sentence prayers help children complete their prayer idea and round out their thought. ACTS prayers are interesting. This acrostic uses the words, “adoration,” “confession,” “thanksgiving,” and “supplication.” Each of these ideas are expanded so that adults and kids both YOU can help LHM fill school supply learn about these specific areas and can pray accordingly. A course bonus three-prayer section features “Arrow Prayers,” or prayers targeting a certain need; “Blessing Prayers,” or kits for students! prayers expressing one’s love and desire for someone; and • A gift of $5 will provide a backpack for one school supply kit. “Responding to Creation” prayers that are triggered by God’s magnificent handiwork. This LHM Learn course includes two helpful PDF resources • A gift of $10 will provide the school supplies and Christian book for one school plus a link to LHM’s Households of Faith kit. The first PDF, 5 Ways to Pray with Your Child, summarizes the five prayer types, giving some examples. The second PDF, Helping Your Child Have a Relationship with God, is a Project Connect supply kit. booklet written by course author Oldfield. In it, she addresses • A gift of $15 will provide one complete school supply kit of a backpack and supplies. the value of prayer for adults and children, encourages readers to consider prayer as central to a spiritually vibrant household, and expands on course content. You can find this and all LHM Learn courses by going to lhm.org/learn. =

Are You Prepared to Respond?
by DR. KURT SENSKE, Chairman, Int’l LLL Board of Directors
The uncertainty of the past two years has given us the gift of reflection. As people around the world collectively suffered unimaginable losses, many have searched for what truly matters. This has opened doors to share messages of hope in the name of Jesus Christ with a hurting world.
Because of you, LHM has doubled down on its purpose to share the Gospel. In a time filled with darkness, we have brought light. In a time of scarcity, we have opened our hearts. In a time of loss, we have brought hope. Together we are witnessing incredible growth, unexpected growth, and ongoing growth. God is blessing LHM’s efforts far beyond what we could have ever imagined.
All around the world, more than 150 million people each week are introduced through LHM to words or actions that point them to Jesus Christ as their Savior. Every week there are countless others who are still looking for someone who can help them understand the hope we have in Christ. We join in this process of proclamation to offer a reason for the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Peter’s words in his first letter to the church reflect this collective calling. Every time the word “you” is used in 1 Peter, it is plural. Peter is reminding us that we, all of us together, are called, declared to be God’s chosen possession, and joined together “like living stones” to be God’s dwelling. This passage also reminds us that we are never alone in this journey; we have the church around us and Christ in us as “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God” (1 Peter 2:9).
In our journey we do not wander aimlessly without a goal or purpose. We have a goal: the place that our Lord Jesus has prepared for us. Along the way we have a purpose: to extend God’s gracious call “out of darkness and into His marvelous light” to people we encounter along the way.
This journey assumes connection with those around us. We do not live and serve Him in anonymity with our light hidden under a bushel basket (Matthew 5:14-16) but, as God’s chosen people, we proclaim with reckless confidence what He has entrusted to us (Matthew 25:14). We are His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20), planting and watering Gospel seeds (1 Corinthians 3:6-7), living in a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18-19), always prepared to give a gentle and respectful reason for the hope that only is found in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 3:15).
Are you prepared to give a reason for the hope we share in Jesus? LHM has resources to help you offer this wonderful gift, especially as we prepare to celebrate the Advent season and share the Good News of Jesus Christ as this world’s ONLY hope for life and salvation. If you need support or encouragement, please consider the multitude of resources available at lhm.org or at the end of the cover story in this issue of The Lutheran Layman.
Thank you for your ongoing investment of time and treasure as together we fulfill Christ’s command through our partnership in ministry. =
Register for LHM’s 2022 Election Beginning in February


As part of Lutheran Hour Ministries’ annual election process, anyone who has given a gift to the ministry between July 1, 2020, and December 31, 2021 (and is also a member of a congregation of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod or Lutheran Church–Canada) will receive a postcard in early February with details on how to become part of the voting membership in Spring 2022. Members will have the option of registering online to receive an electronic ballot (the preferred method since it saves substantial ministry dollars) or mailing back the postcard to receive a paper ballot for the annual election that takes place April 15 through May 15.
Since a new voting membership is established for each election cycle, you must sign up to participate in the 2022 election regardless of whether you registered (or voted) in previous years.
The 2022 election will include a vote for four open positions on the Board of Directors. You will be able to view information about the slate of candidates in the next issue of The Lutheran Layman. You are then encouraged to register to vote by March 15 to ensure that your voice is heard during the 2022 election!
Election results will be announced online around June 1 and in next summer’s issue of The Lutheran Layman. If you have questions about the election process, please call 1-800-876-9880 or send an email to info@lhm.org. =
LHM Resources for Men
Everything your church’s men’s group needs is now easier than ever to access.
Go to LHM.ORG/MEN today to see our updated line of resources made specifically to help men grow in their faith.
Building Foundations of Faith in R USSIA
While Christianity is the most widely professed religion in Russia, significant numbers of individuals throughout the country do not hold religious beliefs or practice them. This makes the Bible courses offered by LHM–Russia a vital tool for introducing the Gospel to people who do not know Jesus and reinforcing a biblical understanding for people who do. Several people who attended these courses at a local church recently shared their thoughts with LHM–Russia staff.
“The Foundations of the Christian Faith courses have changed my life! Very different people attend the lessons. Teenagers and adults; students and business owners; atheists, Christians, and people from other religious backgrounds; men and women; and even those who have already completed the course and come back for one more round. The courses were taught by the Lutheran Church ministers and the lessons are in a form of dialogue when everyone can ask their questions. There are no unimportant questions. Sometimes one person asks a question, and the answer is important for someone else. The atmosphere is very friendly. Everything is illustrated by life stories, sometimes even with jokes and pictures which you will remember your whole life. The teachers share their knowledge not only about faith, but sometimes about mundane stuff from daily life. But the most important thing you can get through these courses are answers to the questions which form a human and his or her relationships with God. The brochures I received are colorful and very helpful to the students. The material is structured, there are quotes of the Bible verses, and synopsis of the material. The brochures are of great help by directing students to an additional Steps of Faith course which you can do online.”

“When I signed up for the Foundations of the Christian Faith course, I never thought that within those five months I would find a true, big, and loving family. Each lesson I attended made me see that my understanding of this world was so close to the one that the pastor was preaching with happiness and energy. I was very surprised of that. During the course, I was very happy that I finally found what I had been seeking for so long! I met the most fearless and wonderful people and I wanted so bad … I was very happy to be like them and not to be scared to call myself a Christian in public. This course motivated me to do a more detailed study of the Christian faith. It woke up the desire in me to study and that I finally found what I had been understand diverse literature, find out more and more about history of religion, and learn the meaning of religious ceremonies and Christian life. Meanwhile, with a great inspiration, I was growing and confirming in faith. These courses have become one of the most important events in seeking for so long! my life. They are the reason I now understand who I am.” – VARVARA

“I did the Foundations of the Christian Faith course and cannot honestly find the words to express my impression because I am full of the light given to us by God. Seeing how He guides us towards Him through different people, events, and places is amazing. By the time the course started, I had been going to church for a year. The church became the main source of my spiritual fullness. But it was this course that opened new horizons for me and helped me fully dive into the life of my congregation and the Christian church itself. The brochures which we received free of charge during the course are worth mentioning as well. They helped me better analyze and understand many different aspects about faith. I am endlessly thankful to everyone involved with the course, those who God uses to guide me to Him.”
“We are born and grow up in a Christian culture: our calendar counts years based on the birth of Christ; our moral values and laws are based on the Commandments; and our favorite proverbial phrases that are appropriate for many occasions originate directly from the Bible. But we often still know too little about Christianity, faith, and God. The Foundations of the Christian Faith course was a wonderful helper for me, as it already has become for many others as well. Everyone is welcome regardless of their views, beliefs, or religious backgrounds. The course lets you understand what Christianity and the Christian faith are; gain a deep understanding of the meaning of the Commandments; find out what prayer is for; realize how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are connected; and get acquainted with the sacraments and perhaps find your own spiritual home. Everyone involved has been a godsend that helps us finally move from ongoing search to happy knowledge that God exists and is near all of us.”

Participants Use Their Gifts on National Good Neighbor Day
Each year National Good Neighbor Day encourages friendly interaction between neighbors across the United States. To celebrate this national holiday, from September 28 to
October 3, The Hopeful Neighborhood Project (HNP) invited its subscribers and site members, along with LHM Ambassadors and constituents of LHM, to do something good in their neighborhoods. National Good Neighbor Day can include any kind of neighborly activity. To help,
HNP offered an infographic of low-barrier, easy-to-do suggestions on its website: hopefulneighborhood.org.
Among these were to learn the names of three neighbors, decorate a sidewalk with chalk, buy an item locally made, or write a thank-you note to a community leader. Those participating shared their story over social media using the hashtags #ilovemyneighborhood or #goodneighborday. Neighborhood Project Coach Sara Johnson shared how people came up with their own activities, too. In Texas, Lisa and her friend helped promote civic awareness and engagement by registering voters for a local election. In Nebraska, Jill and her pastor put together small bags of chocolate with a note:
“Thank You for Being a Good Neighbor!” They were distributed to church members to share with their own neighbors. Flying a different direction was Sally in Maryland. She spent National
Good Neighbor Day helping neighbors build a home for their guinea fowl. “That one definitely surprised us!” Johnson said. Since the launch of HNP, through networking and making connections, many like-minded folks have found the website and reached out. One of these was David. He’s developed an extensive neighborhood-focused program through the University of
Missouri-Columbia Extension Office. His efforts helped to inspire
HNP to celebrate National Good Neighbor Day. The groups collaborated to share HNP’s ideas with his huge email list. “We wanted to use National Good Neighbor Day to help people lean into their neighborhoods,” said Jennifer Prophete,
LHM’s director of Community Programming. “HNP’s suggestion list gave people several ways they could increase the well-being of their neighborhoods. We were excited to hear how people got involved. In fact, several of those participating in National
Good Neighbor Day have also signed up to be a part of HNP’s
Virtual Learning Community to do a bigger project in their neighborhood. Once people do actually lean in and experience the joy of being involved in their neighborhood they often want to do more!” Prophete added. =
Discover LHM With Your

Congregation by MEGAN MCDANIEL
Looking for a way to share LHM’s mission with others? We have resources to help church leaders share our mission with members of your congregation. By promoting LHM in your congregation, church members encounter the life-changing nature of the
Lord’s work through LHM and learn how they can be a part of its mission of Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church. When you choose a day that your church can highlight
LHM’s mission, you provide the opportunity to come together and celebrate the impact that the Lord makes in people’s lives every single day.
How to Host in Your Congregation:
1.Choose a date that works for the congregation.
Although the tradition has been the first weekend in
February, any date will work. 2.Visit lhm.org/lhmsunday to find a variety of digital resources including bulletin inserts, a poster, and more that share the message and mission of LHM. 3.Promote the event on your church website, in bulletins or online newsletters, and during announcements. 4.Provide more information about the mission and vision of LHM by printing or digitally sharing bulletin inserts.
Ideas for More Engagement:
• Ask a member who uses LHM resources like Daily
Devotions, LHM Learn, or Project Connect booklets to share his or her experience with congregation members. • Encourage your church’s men’s club, youth group,
LWML group, or small group to get involved with LHM and use our resources.
• Host a virtual Bible study using LHM’s online resources found at lhm.org/resources. • Set up a small table display with LHM information.
Achieving our mission is possible because of our supporters like YOU. With YOUR support, we are able to reach out with the Gospel message to all who will hear.
We hope you will celebrate our mission of Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church with us by hosting an LHM Sunday at your church on whatever day during the year is best for your congregation. = GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (Nov. 30 in 2021) and the widely recognized shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many people begin to focus on holiday and end-of-year giving. In fact, many studies show that nearly a quarter of all donations received by nonprofit organizations annually are given during the roughly five-week period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve.
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires tens of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity by supporting the causes that mean the most to them. Nearly $2.5 billion was donated to U.S. nonprofits during last year’s GivingTuesday to benefit a tremendously broad range of organizations, and much more was given in volunteer hours, donations of materials, and acts of kindness.
There is another insight that also drives this evolving day of philanthropy. According to studies, the most common reason people often donate money to a charity is because a friend solicited them to do so. GivingTuesday takes that idea and updates it for the age of social media. Participating organizations solicit bids with the hashtag #GivingTuesday and, in turn, those who donate are urged to share too. This becomes a powerful form of peer-to-peer fundraising.
Most importantly, you should know that this day is not about budgets or campaigns; it’s about remembering that giving is a joyful practice. When you give, you grow— closer to God and closer to humankind.
Please consider a gift to Lutheran Hour Ministries on GivingTuesday 2021 to help us share the gift of the Gospel with people around the world who desperately need to hear it. Watch your email inbox or check LHM’s home page or Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts in the coming weeks for information about how LHM is celebrating GivingTuesday this year. You will also learn how joining our mission on this special day of giving will make your gift go even further. =

Equipping and Engaging Households of Faith
at the LLL Fall Virtual Event by MEGAN MCDANIEL
Around 100 people attended online or at in-person viewing locations around the country for the Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) Fall Virtual Event held on September 25. Under the theme of Households of Faith, LHM staff encouraged and engaged with participants to share information and get their congregation involved with LHM. Some LLL districts, zones, and other congregations also plan to use the recording of the event throughout the fall and winter.
The LLL Fall Virtual Event started by reviewing the basics of Households of Faith, and highlighted new interviews with single households that have grown in spiritual vibrancy. As defined through research conducted in partnership with Barna Group, a biblical household is not just two parents and children; households, when the Bible refers to them, include many more people. Households of Faith helps individuals think about their extended households, including single individuals.
The event included teaching about spiritual coaching, both within the
household setting, and in the congregational setting, led by Rev. Dr. Jason Broge, LHM’s director of design and development. Four different congregations shared prerecorded examples of how they used Households of Faith in their congregations and personal lives. The event also included giveaways; a devotion from Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour; an update from LHM Senior Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer Jeff Craig-Meyer; and a live question and answer