25 minute read
Through New Global Ministry Investments
More than a year since it first surfaced, COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the lives of people around the world. In addition to the enormous threat to public health, the economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is negatively impacting the longterm livelihoods and well-being of millions.
In light of these unsettling circumstances, God has called Lutheran Hour Ministries to proclaim His message of hope to those suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic both directly and indirectly. In a time like this, our mission to share the Gospel requires boldness like never before. People need what we provide, and it is clear that God was preparing us for this moment in time. Our resources and Christian outreach both domestically and internationally are speaking to the heart of the moment.
While many nonprofit organizations have suffered financial setbacks over the past year requiring them to cut back on efforts, YOUR continuous support of LHM has allowed us to boldly move forward in our critical mission of sharing the Gospel. While some of the methods have changed, our work has continued with minimal interruption—and in many cases has been able to expand.
Over the last few months, LHM has made significant financial investments into COVID-19 regional response. Here at home, states will continue to reopen. Businesses will resume operations. We anticipate good health and economic strength. But that is not always the case globally. For countries with fragile economies and health systems, recovery will take longer. That will prolong their hardships. The doors God has opened to us will remain open. We must continue to tell the people living in these places that #HOPEABOUNDS in Jesus … and because of YOU LHM is able to reach millions more around the world with this encouraging message.
New Radio Programming
Starting in March, LHM launched a new radio broadcast for listeners in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. In collaboration with Trans World Radio Asia, this program is called “From Despair to Hope,” or “Masih Ada Harapan” in Bahasa language, which is similar to the Malay language and widely understood by Malaysians and some Singaporeans. The 15-minute program is broadcast from five stations in Indonesia and brings hope, encouragement, and practical help to those who are affected by COVID-19 through severe stress due to job loss, ill-health, financial issues, and isolation from family and friends. These individuals need to hear messages of hope, peace, love, healing, restoration, and redemption in and through Christ.
As soon as the live broadcast is over, the same messages are converted into podcast and audio messages and uploaded onto the internet and social media. The link or audio files can be directly sent to church members and friends who can then forward them to their non-believer friends. The impact of the broadcast will continue to ripple via these additional mediums. Listeners who want to learn more about God and the Christian faith can then respond via social media, the internet, WhatsApp, Messenger, and over the phone to receive LHM resources such as audio Bible radios, booklets, and Bible Correspondence Courses.
The program has already received encouraging responses from a multitude of listeners, including Samuel from Indonesia who wrote, “Thank you very much for the program. It helps me to stand strong during this confusing situation. With so much bad news in this world it is very encouraging to have good news of hope.”
Staff for LHM–Ghana are creating short radio spots to air in major population centers on mainstream, secular stations. These dramatized spots address the stresses of the pandemic and offer hope in coping with loneliness, economic uncertainty, fear, and suffering – all of which are increasing throughout the country because of the ongoing pandemic. Listeners are encouraged to find hope and comfort in Christ and respond via a new website with a new chat interface staffed by two contracted workers, one of whom has already been volunteering informally and has skill in this capacity. The project also allows the digitization of LHM–Ghana’s Bible Correspondence Courses to be made available online.
New Television Programming
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in India, television is a major vehicle for reaching people while they are in lockdown. LHM–India has launched a new 15-minute television program with the Word to World TV channel that airs during prime-time hours every Monday evening. This broadcast is aimed at sharing the Gospel with the more than 36 million people who speak the Malayalam language. The program includes a message from the Bible that is more relevant to the culture and current situation of the pandemic and features short messages from Lutheran pastors, songs, skits, mimes, puppet shows, and a counseling talk that directly addresses the life issues of the people and the conditions they
are facing due to COVID-19 and the ongoing restrictions. The program also offers LHM booklets such as Why Do Bad Things Happen? and God’s Word in Times of Difficulties to viewers and introduces them to other LHM–India resources such as the free Bible Correspondence Courses, CD ministry, radio programs, and the WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube pages for individuals who are interested in learning more about Christianity.
Expanded Media Partnerships
In 2015, LHM began a partnership with the SAT-7 satellite ministry in the Middle East and North Africa, helping to produce video programming in the Arabic language. After experiencing success with this language group, we expanded that partnership to include programming in the Farsi language on SAT-7 PARS in 2018, with support for the children’s program Golpand.
Now, LHM has expanded programming with SAT-7 PARS to help support a second program called Hashtag, another Farsi-language broadcast focused on an audience of older children and youth. Each week the host tells a Bible story and helps the children to apply lessons to their lives from that story. SAT-7 PARS staff has recently been developing COVID-related content for the program to make it more interesting and relevant for the Farsi-speaking youth audience. Last fall, Hashtag staff asked its audience to create artwork that would help the children imagine what life would be like after COVID-19. The children sent in pictures of their artwork, and this art was featured in a promotional piece on the SAT-7 website.
A mother shared on-air how her teenage daughter was impacted by the Hashtag program. Her daughter watches the show often and prays a lot, not only by herself or with her mom, but also when visiting with friends and relatives, to their amazement. When the host asked the girl how she learned to pray, she replied that she listened to the prayers provided on different programs and she remembers them. She does not even own a Bible. Her mother remarked, “We don’t hear stories of Jesus and the Bible on TV or at school, so thank you for telling these stories to our kids so they can find the right path in life.”
After the more than 25 years of success that SAT-7 has enjoyed with satellite broadcasts to the Middle East, a former SAT-7 executive started a sister ministry in 2014 called PAK7 to do video, social media, and satellite outreach in Pakistan. Now, COVID-19 provides a unique opportunity to address social issues (health concerns, depression, suicide, loneliness) through targeted videos and social media content to reach a new audience. The economic and health impacts of COVID-19 are making Pakistanis more open to consideration of spiritual solutions to their physical problems.
As a result, beginning this spring LHM has initiated a partnership with PAK7 to produce videos and other content for social media outreach and to support them in creating new children’s video programming. PAK7’s proposal for social media outreach is very similar to the THRED model LHM developed here in North America. Facebook is the most popular social media in Pakistan, so they run campaigns with videos and other content on Facebook, then direct respondents to a ministry-based landing page. Those respondents who show interest and have questions are directed to a follow-up team and eventually to ministry partners.
We also plan to support PAK7 in creating new children’s video programming. Their video content producer has the goal of taking the program called Bedtime Stories that has been very successful for the SAT-7 Arabic Channel and producing one that is very similar for children in Pakistan. The program will share Bible stories and Pakistani cultural stories to engage children with Bible truths.
The confessional Lutheran Church in Norway (LCN), an LCMS partner church, is beginning outreach in Iceland. A pastor at one of their congregations in Oslo, Norway, was raised in Iceland and has started online weekly Bible studies now. He hopes to eventually webcast church services in Icelandic and to make regular visits to the island once the COVID restrictions are lifted. LHM is working with LCN to find the most appropriate media strategy for the Icelandic culture and develop media that would complement their outreach efforts. The COVID-19 crisis provides unique opportunities for us to develop Icelandic materials and social media content to address specific social concerns raised through this crisis (depression, suicide, loneliness, health concerns, etc.) These concerns make people more open to talking about spiritual things and more open to seeking spiritual solutions to their COVID-related problems.
Additional Investments in Digital Platforms
Research shows that traditional paths that lead people to faith and church are growing narrower. Fewer families have active faith lives, and fewer parents are teaching the faith to their children. Unchurched people have fewer friends who go to church and fewer people acknowledge the Bible to be an authoritative source of information and guidance for living.
These changes in the religious landscape mean we must look for other paths to faith and church. We must find new ways to get our message in front of people wherever they are. Because many in-person ministry activities have been halted during the pandemic, a focus on developing and expanding digital media is especially critical and appropriate at this time. The COVID crisis also creates opportunities for new social media and website content focused on issues of current concern (health issues, depression, suicide, loneliness).
LHM has developed a proven system of using social media in the Middle East and North Africa to vastly increase our reach across the entire Arabic-speaking world. Millions are reading our inspiring messages and tens of thousands have responded, where are they are gently led towards spiritual conversations. Now, we have developed a new site to respond directly to people in crisis. While all content is in Arabic, the English title is catchy and appealing to youth and young adults. Beyond the pandemic, issues affecting people relating to economic insecurities, political strife, or any type of crisis may be addressed. The initial feedback and impact have been impressive! In just the first two months, the site received more than 50,000 responses and led to engagement with thousands of people. Like a personal visit when one is ill, the site clearly is filling a need and providing true comfort to people in the region.
A couple of years ago, LHM staff in Kazakhstan developed THRED.asia to connect with people looking online for guidance on topical issues.
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Since young adults are already searching the internet when they need answers, LHM has tried to meet them where they are and provide answers for everyday topics. THRED.asia has provided a safe place for non-believers and non-Christians to have a way to get help from others when facing a hardship or trial.
Now, LHM–Kazakhstan is taking the existing Russianlanguage content on the site and translating it into multiple languages to reach more people throughout Central Asia. LHM staff expects to connect with people in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, the Caucasus region of Russia, and Tatarstan by providing content that is culturally relevant to the areas where it is being accessed.
Lutheran Hour Ministries’ digital program for the Latin America region, Vivenciar.net, is a bi-lingual platform that reaches Hispanic and Portuguese speaking people in 65 countries worldwide. Based in Brazil, with its own budget, Vivenciar.net is directly connected with LHM ministry staff and volunteers in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico.
A group of trained volunteers in each country establish interactions with individuals turning to the platform looking for help on issues including stress, loneliness, guilt, home violence, and depression, especially with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic now significantly impacting their lives. To date, almost one million people have visited the digital platform to read and download booklets, watch topical videos, or take a short online Bible course. Over 2,700 people have sought help through personal interactions with our trained volunteers.
Soon, the platform will be used to reach the 40+ million Latinos in the United States to bring the healing and hope of Christ to their lives—especially during this time of COVID that has afflicted so many of them. LHM will recruit a team of volunteers to respond to interactions and engage LCMS churches and other Christian communities for referrals. Once it is open in the U.S., we will crosspromote it through the dedicated Spanish websites and social media outlets already in existence—Para el Camino and Sentido Latino.
For COVID-related outreach in Latin America, we have launched a regional digital content platform with mobile app called LUGAR DE FE. It offers a variety of materials and content for download such as e-books, videos, webinar content, podcasts—all designed to help people during the pandemic. While initially focused on issues and concerns related to COVID-19, it will soon offer all of LHM’s Spanish-language materials based on thematic seasons.
Connected to the new platform, there is a test to be done in Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, and Uruguay, using local digital promotion on social media and mass media (radio spots in Uruguay), to generate traffic to the platform. =
Chad Fix oversees the corporate communications of Lutheran Hour Ministries.
These additional investments would not be possible without YOU! Thank you for sharing the message that #HOPEABOUNDS with a hurting world.
Three Project Connect Booklets to Be Printed in Spanish by PAUL SCHREIBER
Three Project Connect (PC) booklets Cómo ayudar a tu hijo: a tener una the daily challenges they face are problems featuring a children’s story, loss, and how relación con Dios (How to Help Your stemming from the family’s immigrant status; to help a child have a relationship with God are Child: Helping Your Child Have a different treatment as a result of language, coming soon—in Spanish! All three will be a Relationship with God) This Barna- accent, or skin color; financial pressures; and welcome addition to the PC library. based booklet will help parents struggles as older and younger generations seek El Pastorcito (Little Shepherd) and grandparents nurture a child’s to understand each other in their families. This illustrated children’s booklet relationship with God by developing Resources like Project Connect booklets, follows Joel, his family, and his three spiritually nurturing daily while many are available online, are still the pet lamb, Bramble, as they go on habits. These habits are examined and examples kind of resource that work best in people’s a journey. Hopeful of becoming a given for putting them into practice. hands. Hoppe said using a PC display stand shepherd, Joel is anxious and afraid. In the United States, Project Connect booklets which features several booklet topics in one He needn’t fear, however, as he learns—by an like these can be of great help to Spanish location is great for this. She recommended unexpected surprise—that God protects us speakers as they seek to face life’s challenges placing “booklets in places frequented through all our fears. in a Christ-centered way. While many Hispanic by Hispanics, like grocery stores, schools,
Cómo enfrentar las pérdidas (How to Cómo enfrentar las pérdidas families have lived in the U.S. for generations, hospitals, and doctors’ offices. Send booklets Deal with Losses) For those going through a loss, don´t lose hope! This booklet can help you understand the processes Si perdió algo que atesoraba; o si se siente desvalorizado y deprimido porque perdió el trabajo que lo llenaba de vida y lo hacía un ser productivo; o si la partida de un ser querido o una muerte a la que no le encuentra sentido ha desgarrado su vida y la de sus familiares, ¡no pierda la esperanza! A través de este folleto queremos ayudarle a aceptar la realidad que está viviendo, por más cruda que sea, dándole información acerca del proceso que se desencadena luego de una pérdida importante, para que de esta manera comprenda por lo que está atravesando y descubra cómo puede superarlo. many others face the challenges that come from recent immigration. According to LHM Hispanic Coordinator for North America Beatriz Hoppe, to a Hispanic mission. Hold classes for parents based on some of these booklets, while offering tutoring or other activities for their kids. Add triggered by a major loss. You will find CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES some young Hispanics must navigate their kids’ booklets to school backpacks.” helpful counsel for moving forward 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 1-800-972-5442 CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES parents’ immigrant culture while themselves Visit lhm.org/projectconnect for more through your loss and overcoming it. 6BS55 0421 2500 CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES being born and raised in the U.S. Among details on Project Connect. =
Cómo ayudar a tu hijo a tener una relación con Dios
Los padres y abuelos tenemos esperanzas y sueños con respecto a la vida espiritual de nuestros hijos y nietos: queremos que tengan una fe que los mantenga firmes en los problemas de la vida y que tengan una relación saludable y profunda con Dios. Pero no siempre sabemos qué hacer para ayudarlos a que la tengan. Un estudio del Grupo Barna y Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) ha revelado que existen tres hábitos diarios que pueden ayudar a nutrir espiritualmente un hogar. En este folleto profundizaremos sobre ellos y daremos ejemplos de cómo ponerlos en práctica. CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 1-800-972-5442 CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES 6BS54 0421 2500 CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES CRISTO PARA TODAS LAS NACIONES
Right Where YOU Live
For more than 100 years, Lutheran Hour Ministries has been blessed to bring the hope of Jesus to individuals around the world, especially during unprecedented times. Through culturally relevant materials and programs, LHM shares the hopeful Gospel message in more than 60 countries. In addition to LHM spreading hope around the world, #HOPEABOUNDS in the communities right where we live. Take a look at some stories from our generous supporters who shared how they see that #HOPEABOUNDS in their daily lives.
#HOPEABOUNDS for me when I read my Bible and then write in my journal. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” There are so many reasons for anxiety right now. But Jesus tells us to cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for us. Jesus’ love is so personal. Jesus is talking to every one of us, and I’m so glad He left this message of hope for us. When I read this first Peter verse, my imagination took hold of me. I saw myself sitting on the bank of a river casting my fishing pole into the water with an anxiety or fear on the hook instead of fishing bait. Jesus is standing in the middle of the river and He catches every one of my fears and anxieties that I cast to Him. I can hear Him say, “Ok, I got that one. I’ll take care of it,” each time he catches the line. I can feel the anxiety leave me as Jesus takes every one of my cares upon Himself. I feel hope spread over me. My load of anxiety is gone. I am free again.
#HOPEABOUNDS when there is reconciliation & forgiveness in a family.
#HOPEABOUNDS when my husband, Tim, and I do the LHM Daily Devotions together. It brings us closer to God and to each other when we share this time and faith.
#HOPEABOUNDS daily with my sharing the LHM daily devotions and The Lutheran Hour sermons. Some of my recipients share these emails with others who really enjoy them. CHRISTINE FROM OHIO
#HOPEABOUNDS by seeing a baby smile; all the possibilities become clear again.
My #HOPEABOUNDS every day when I open my eyes and can thank my Lord for this beautiful day that He has made no matter the weather. My #HOPEABOUNDS when I confess my sins and my Lord forgives me for Jesus’ sake. My #HOPEABOUNDS when I read His Word, when I go to church and hear from my pastor about Jesus’ love for me and all sinners, that love that Jesus bought and paid for on the cross for you and me, free of debt! I am humbled by His sacrifice for me, a poor miserable sinner, that the sinless Son of God, my Savior paid my horrendous debt!
#HOPEABOUNDS for me every morning as I read God’s Word and receive His grace and mercy in forgiveness! Praise and honor be to God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! SUSY FROM MISSOURI
#HOPEABOUNDS as my siblings and I are comforted at the loss of our dad by the kind words of love and support from our friends and neighbors.
#HOPEABOUNDS for me because I am blessed with wonderful friends, family, and work I love. I get to allow God to work in my life daily to be a light in the darkness. ELAINE FROM IOWA
#HOPEABOUNDS for me when I can be outside in the sunshine, working with my gardens. We can count on the seasons to change because God is in control! PAUL FROM INDIANA
#HOPEABOUNDS for me when I recall my confirmation text (Isaiah 54:10), which reads “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace (kindness) shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
We want to hear from YOU! How do you see that #HOPEABOUNDS in YOUR life? To see more ways LHM spreads hope around the world and to share YOUR story, visit lhm.org/hopeabounds. =
We All Have A Story
by DR . KURT SENSKE, Chairman, Int’l LLL Board of Directors
The stories God writes for us take us down various paths. No matter where you are on the journey, there is a plan and a purpose to what you experience.
One of the great joys of being involved with Lutheran Hour Ministries is knowing that the Gospel is being shared with people around the world who previously have not experienced the hope and love of Christ. Even more than that, it is reading about the personal experiences of real people who have seen the transforming work of Jesus in their lives. It is so gratifying to know that our support of the work that God is accomplishing through LHM is saving lives for eternity.
I was recently touched by a story from LHM’s ministry in Cameroon, where a holistic program reaches at-risk young women. Some have been victims of sexual abuse; others have been abandoned and forced to live life on the streets; and many are earning a living through prostitution. The women join others like them that stay together while being trained on dyeing cloth, making patterns, and tailoring new clothing. Upon graduation, they have tangible and marketable skills, which in some cases has led to these women opening a successful business on their own. The most important part of the program is that the women are counseled and nurtured in faith through regular Bible study and prayer.
Adele was a recent student in the course who had come from a broken home and had one toddler child. Two months into the course, she found herself pregnant with a second child. Ashamed of herself and feeling that she had let down the other young women and teachers, she sadly said she was going to give up and quit the course.
Imagine her surprise when her fellow students and our LHM staff instead encouraged her. They helped her see that we are all sinners and desire to change, but that true change can come only when we are saved through faith in Jesus. Only He can make us righteous, so we have little room to judge or condemn one another. She was overwhelmed with gratitude and continued her studies.
On March 6, Adele graduated from LHM’s sewing school. A week later, she and the father of her baby were married. She now professes faith and gives thanks to her friends at LHM–Cameroon that supported and uplifted her and helped her turn her life around. In fact, she now considers LHM to be her family.
At Adele’s wedding, she was surrounded by friends from the course and many of our LHM staff. Nearly every piece of clothing in the ceremony, including her dress and her husband’s suit, was designed, cut, and handmade by the young students in our LHM training center! We praise God for using our organization in such a way to make His Name known and to transform lives around the world.
Adele is just one individual impacted because of your support. In ways we cannot comprehend, LHM, via the work of the Holy Spirit, continues to use innovative approaches to effectively share the hope of the Gospel with millions during these increasingly uncertain times. Thank you for the integral role you play in changing people’s lives around the world! =
We are Better Together
Learn how to love your neighbors and your neighborhood with the Better Together kit. Each kit is packed with tools based on research from Barna Group to help you make a difference right in your own community.
Order your kit today at LHM.ORG/TOGETHER
Explore LHM.ORG/BARNA today for more ways to enhance your faith life.
Host Your LHM Sunday Any Sunday of the Year
LHM Sunday is an annual opportunity to celebrate the difference the Lord is making in lives around the world. This year, LHM Sunday focuses on the spiritual vibrancy of our own households, based on research found in our partnership with Barna Group. Ask your pastor if you can host an LHM Sunday any day that works best for your church!
Below are a couple examples from individuals who have already hosted an LHM Sunday celebration for their congregation this year.
Experiencing their first-ever LHM Sunday this year, members of Grace Lutheran Church in Henderson, Nevada, heard more about LHM’s ministry on Sunday, March 7. Grace Lutheran Church members and LHM Ambassadors Millie and Bob Palmer first learned about LHM Sunday from another LHM Ambassador. After suggesting the idea to their pastor and setting the official date, the Palmers took charge of preparing for their LHM Sunday. In addition to utilizing the free LHM Sunday resources available online, the Palmers reached out to LHM’s Community Facilitator for Congregations Suzie Sallee. She assisted them in ordering some other resources to display during their event. Then Millie and Bob just had to decide how they wanted their LHM Sunday table to look. The LHM Sunday at Grace Lutheran was successful, and many members learned about LHM resources for the first time. The Palmers encourage the use of LHM’s digital resources at home and members continue to ask about LHM resources that were on display that Sunday. Members shared that they specifically enjoyed the children’s booklets since many of the families in the congregation have young children. The congregation was recently gifted a Project Connect booklet rack for members to continue to enjoy topical booklets throughout the year. Millie and Bob were happy for the opportunity to host an LHM Sunday and they hope to continue the tradition at their congregation in the years to come.
David Schelp serves as an LHM Ambassador at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Emma, Missouri. His congregation has been hosting LHM Sunday for so many years that David remembers many of the old ways of hosting the event. Although they usually host on the dedicated LHM Sunday date of the first Sunday in February, this year they held their event February 28.
Holy Cross’ LHM Sunday consisted of the pastor sharing about the work of LHM in his sermon and including LHM in the daily prayers. David set up a table in the entryway of the church to display LHM materials before and after the service.
As a way to thank individuals who donate to LHM through LHM Sunday, David sends a personalized thank you card and small LHM gift like a lapel pin, coffee mug, or ink pen. Holy Cross has a Project Connect booklet rack on display and members enjoy LHM’s online resources for Bible studies.
As a life-long listener of The Lutheran Hour, David remembers looking forward to getting the “Junior Broadcaster” in the mail from former Speaker of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Dr. Oswald Hoffmann. He hopes that children today will have the opportunity to know of LHM like he did growing up. =