6 minute read
Changing Lives Globally
by CHANGING LIVES Around the World with the Gospel MEGAN MCDANIEL
Jargal is a 38-year-old mother of four who grew up in a non-Christian religion. She met LHM–Mongolia staff members when they were distributing radios at an event in the Nalaikh district. Staff members noticed how angry and lonely she was when they first met her, so they invited her to attend one of their upcoming listeners’ meetings to discover the hope and encouragement provided by the Gospel. She came to the next meeting and took home several LHM booklets to learn more about Jesus. Over the next several months, she became the most active regular participant in the monthly women’s meetings and is now a leader for other attendees. As the staff got to know her, they learned that her husband had cheated on her and left her for another woman, which consumed her with self-denial and anger. The staff encouraged her through personal testimonies and shared how to forgive her husband, how to raise her kids on her own, and how to build her family through prayer and knowing that nothing is impossible for God. Today, Jargal’s outlook on life has completely changed. She got a new job at the end of 2020 and is now much more stable and energetic as she sees things from a different perspective. She has forgiven her husband and started rebuilding the relationships within her family, established strong friendships with her work colleagues, and gotten more involved as a volunteer with LHM’s food distribution efforts in the region. Glory be to the Lord!
Alberto recently lost his father to COVID-19. Shortly after his father passed away, his mother was hospitalized. He was very distressed about his circumstances and was seeking answers and comfort when one day he discovered the LHM–Paraguay office. While staying socially distanced, the LHM–Paraguay staff talked with him and prayed with him. Alberto took some booklets and materials home with him and requested a follow up visit with staff to stay connected and continue to learn more about Jesus.
As part of their ministry outreach, LHM–Uganda sends inspirational text messages to individuals through their mobile phones. Zamu received one of the text messages and was intrigued to learn more about who had sent the message. She called the number back and realized that she already knew of LHM–Uganda from the radio program she listens to regularly. She shared with the LHM staff that she married a man who practices a non-Christian religion. Through God’s saving grace, Zamu had recently become a Christian. While her husband continues to practice his religion, he recently showed an interest in learning more about Christianity. Now they listen to the LHM–Uganda radio program together and have requested booklets to learn more about Jesus. Alex is 33 years old and previously worked as a farmer. He was looking for ways to make money quickly, so he joined a group of people who raided homes in his neighborhood. He was caught by the authorities and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He has never been religious and grew up thinking religion was only for weak individuals. While in prison, Alex was introduced to LHM–Kenya through their prison ministry team and says he enrolled in their Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC) as a way for him to pass time. As he studied the Bible and worked through the BCC lessons, he discovered he was living a sinful life and needed to change. Through the power of God’s Spirit, Alex became a Christian. He is now reading his Bible regularly and growing in his faith.
Lutheran Hour Ministries develops culturally relevant programs and resources to reach people in more than 60 nations who may not be familiar with the Gospel. Below are just a few examples to show how God has been using LHM recently to change lives around the world with His Good News.
Rong is 45 years old and bakes cakes for a living. Her son has moved away and started a relationship with someone new. His girlfriend’s mother struggles with a drug addiction and Rong worries that her son might eventually become addicted as well. While Rong is a member at a local church, she only attends a couple services a year. Recently, LHM–Cambodia staff visited church leaders and did personal evangelism visits, which is when they met Rong. The staff members encouraged her to trust in God that He will protect her son. She is thankful for connecting with the LHM–Cambodia staff who helped relieve her fears and trust in God.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, LHM–Puerto Rico created a videobased VBS program through Zoom. Keila, the mother of a participating child, reached out to the LHM–Puerto Rico team to share her experience. She said she appreciated the opportunity her son was given to participate in the virtual activities. She said the program was very organized and she was impressed that the LHM team continued to reach out to the children every month. Keila is thankful for the LHM–Puerto Rico team continuing to share the hope of the Gospel with individuals, even during these challenging times.
LHM–Panama staff and volunteers have been hosting online workshops during the COVID-19 pandemic. Miguel has participated in several of the workshops and shared with the ministry center staff how much they have impacted his life. He shared that through strengthening his relationship with Jesus, he has improved his communication with his wife and children. He is thankful to be able to work on his relationships with his family members before they allow conflicts to get between them. Since the workshops have been so beneficial, Miguel makes sure to look for new LHM–Panama materials as soon as they become available.
Alaina is a mother of four children and makes a small income. One of her children is disabled and has been prescribed ongoing medicine that is very costly. Following COVID-19 guidelines, LHM–Kazakhstan staff hosted a holistic support program that Alaina attended. She met some of the ministry center staff and a pastor from the local church. Following the program, the pastor began visiting Alaina and her children on a regular basis to share the Good News of Jesus with them. Alaina continues to learn more about Jesus and is encouraged by the Gospel message. = KAZAKHSTAN