LMWL Grant Supports LHM’s Work in Mongolia
New Digital Research Kits!
(l-r) LHM Vice President of Global Ministries Rev. Dr. Tony Cook; LHM Senior Vice President/Chief Strategy Officer Jeff Craig-Meyer; LWML President Debbie Larson; LHM Grants Manager Lois Engfehr; LWML Vice President of Christian Life Susan Brunkow; and LWML Senior Pastoral Counselor Rev. Brian Noack. *Photo by Nicole Heerlein
SPIRITUAL CONVERSATIONS INtoTHE DIGITAL AGE utheran Hour Ministries was honored receive a $100,000 check from
While public opinions about the Church at large are mixed, feelings toward individual Christians are often much warmer. Redeeming the Church’s broader reputation may need to involve recommitting to its personal presence.
Better Together
the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) during a special presentation at the LCMS International Center on March 23. The LWML approved LHM’s Mission “ItSpiritual is a true Thank you for purchasing the Digital Research Kit: Conversations in the Digital Age. Grant titled “Gospel Outreach to Women and Children DISCUSSION GUIDE blessing to come in Mongolia” during its convention lastkitJune OF FAITH This digital research givesin you the opportunity to dig into the research by Lutheran Hour HOUSEHOLDS HOUSEHOLDS OF FAITH Releasing Christians to Build Lexington, Kentucky. LHM wasand oneBarna of 28 recipients to resources, together in Ministries Group. With these you can share the findings with your team or & Be the Local Church lead your group in conversations about the research and the implications for receive a grant for theorganization 2021-2023and biennium. mission to share your ministry. Mongolia is a country that is less than one percent God’s Word with Christian, and the people there come In this folder,traditionally you will find four resources to use with your team: those who Thank haveyou for purchasing the Digital Research Kit: Households of Faith. from extremely poor nomadic populations where they BETTER TOGETHER A digital ofBETTER theThis monograph, Spiritualnot Conversations in the Digital Age (can shared have little opportunity to· hear the copy Gospel. grantTOGETHER digital research kitbe gives you the opportunity to dig into the research by Lutheran Hour heardThis it.” with up to 10 users) Ministries and Barna Group. With these resources, you can share the findings with your team or will help LHM focus on three areas: A Barna Report Produced in Partnership with Lutheran Hour Ministries
Barna Group undertook this study to learn more about the types of people who are taking initiative in their communities—who gather, donate, serve, create, teach, mobilize and innovate, alongside other passionate neighbors, to meet needs around them. Better Together, the latest report in an ongoing research partnership with Lutheran Hour Ministries, seeks to understand Christians who love their neighborhoods of their own volition, even outside of professional obligation or the formal structure of ministry programs. Join us in learning from—and following the lead of—an exemplary minority of organized, altruistic individuals who have contributed to outward-focused action in their communities. Alongside new research and data visualizations, Better Together includes:
• Profiles of different types of people who participate in volunteer groups and what drives them toward compassion and collaboration • Details about how healthy groups form, communicate and grow • Insights about how churches can step up (or step aside) to empower laity and benefit communities • Interviews with Gabe Lyons, Makoto Fujimura, Becca Stevens and a panel of faith and nonprofit leaders from across the U.S.
This report is intended to help churches understand the impact and inner workings of groups of good neighbors, and to help leaders develop a vision for how these members might complement their ministry goals.
organization and lead your group in conversations about the research and the implications for
· A presenter’s deck for sharing theparticipate research in presentation form • Sharing the Gospel with women andslide their children who in your ministry. monthly Women’s Listener groups after hearing our Christian radio in the Digital Age research by LHM · A video presentation about the Spiritual Conversations Thank you purchasing the Digital Research Kit: and Better Together. In this folder, you will find four resources to use with your team: and for Barna staff pray, programs. The women study the Bible, do handicrafts, share their faith. LHM staff also helpTothem build their identities women in GIFTED FOR MOREFOR MORE access webinar, visit: as GIFTED This digitaloresearch kit the gives you theplease opportunity to dig into the research by Lutheran Hour · the A findings digital copy the monograph, Households of Faith (can be shared with up to 10 users) the modern world, assisting with vocation, child-rearing, communication https:/ /vimeo.com/693297648/056343b77c Ministries and Barna Group. With these resources, you can share withofyour team or skills, and self-identity. The women Christian booklets, Bible organization and leadreceive your group in conversations about the research and the implications · A presenter’s slide deckfor for sharing the research in presentation form · A discussion guide to reflect on the research and video presentation ministry. studies, radios, andyour MP3 players with the Bible and Gospel messages, and · A panel discussion about the Households of Faith research by Barna staff the children receive a special Bible story and activity booklets about Jesus. ISBN-13: 978-1-945269-70-7
9 781945 269707
How Christians Can Be a Welcome Influence in Their Neighborhoods
In this folder, you four resources: Thank you for purchasing the Digital Research Kit: Gifted for More. Physical copies of will the find monograph are available at LHM’s Storefront:
o To access the webinar, please visit: • Reaching and engaging and youth through youth activities and https:/families /shoplhm.org/spiritual-conversations-in-the-digital-age/ https://vimeo.com/362175100/33345231a4 athedeep dive into each year of our A digital of the monograph, Together (can be shared with up to 10 users) This digital research kitTake gives you opportunity to dig into the research by Lutheran Hour social media presence.· Some of copy the youth activitiesBetter include a camp with Ministries and Barna Group. With these resources, you can share the findings with your team or · A discussion guide to reflect on the research and video presentation Bible studies, games, crafts, and athletic events wherethe participants are · A presenter’s slide deck for sharing research in presentation form collaborative research with Barna Group. organization and lead your group in conversations about the research and the implications for encouraged in the faith. your ministry. ·
Each $39 kit includes tools that guide church
A webinar about the Better Together research by Barna and LHM staff Physical copies of the monograph are available at LHM’s Storefront:
• Through religious radio broadcasts, family members and relatives are https:/ o To access the webinar, please visit: In to this /shoplhm.org/households-of-faith/ folder, you willleaders find four resources to use with your research team: through the with ways impacted by the Gospel in their homes. LHM has the media expertise https:/ /vimeo.com/440830844 ensure the Gospel message is brought to a region where the population· A digital copy of the monograph, Gifted for More (can be shared with up to 10 users) to strengthen outreach efforts. · A discussion guide to reflect on the research and video presentation has not heard the Gospel. Family-oriented Christian programming is produced and broadcast by LHM and Christian resources such as Bible · A presenter’s slide deck for sharing the research in presentation form Forthe internal use only. Please do notatshare outside of ·yourAorganization. Physical copies of monograph are available LHM’s Storefront: studies and booklets are distributed. video presentation about the Gifted for More research by Barna staff https://shoplhm.org/better-together-barna-monograph/
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“We are extremely grateful for LWML’s ongoing partnership in helping us o To access the presentation, please visit: https://vimeo.com/632216419/d243d538c9 carry out the life-changing work of sharing the Gospel,” says LHM Grants lhm.org/conversations Manager Lois Engfehr. “It is a true blessing to come together in mission to· A discussion guide to reflect on the research and video presentation share God’s Word with those who have not heard it.” =
Forthe internal use only. Please do notatshare outside of your organization. Physical copies of monograph are available LHM’s Storefront: https://shoplhm.org/gifted-for-more-barna-monograph/ The Lutheran Layman Spring 2022 | 23 lhm.org/households