4 minute read
Honoring Larry Lumpe

by MEGAN MCDANIEL Congregation: Immanuel Lutheran Church Location: Tonasket, Washington Congregation size: Around 50 members Contact person: Sandra Sutton
How does your congregation support LHM?
We usually have two occasions a year to directly support LHM. All of our Lenten service offerings go to LHM. In addition, our congregation has 12 monthly missions each year, one for each month. The congregation voted long ago that each month a set amount of money would automatically go to whatever mission was chosen for the month. Members can designate additional funds for the monthly mission in their offerings. LHM was one of our chosen missions this year. In addition, we use printed materials from LHM for visitors to pick up. During the summer months we have an outreach to hikers using the PNT trail. The trail runs from Glacier Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. It passes through our area and we offer a place to rest, refuel, and communicate. Hikers pick up materials we offer and it has been a great ministry for us.
What was the motivation behind supporting
LHM? Immanuel feels that getting God’s saving message out is an important part of our mission. LHM does that. You have a very good track record for spreading God’s Word and we want to assist LHM through our mission dollars.
What has been your members’ feedback? What
do your members like about LHM? There is a fervent desire to support LHM’s mission. As far as feedback from members, we feel that the dollars we send to you are well spent and you have stayed focused on spreading God’s Good News around the world.
If your congregation would like to learn more about how you can support LHM’s mission, contact Robin Forsythe at 314-317-4152 or robin.forsythe@lhm.org . If you would like to make a gift of support, visit lhm.org/give . =

Lumpe Passes to Glory by CHAD FIX
Former Lutheran Hour Ministries Executive Director Laurence E. “Larry” Lumpe of St. Louis, Missouri, died November 3. He served two stints as LHM’s executive director, from 1989-1996 and 2007-2009. From the moment Lumpe first became involved with the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Int’l LLL) as an elected member of its Board in 1973, he left his mark on LHM’s ministry through various volunteer and staff roles spanning nearly a half century. In addition to 14 years on the Int’l LLL Board of Governors as vice president, treasurer, financial secretary, and chair/member of many committees, he also served
LHM beyond his time as executive director as a part-time gift planning counselor for major gifts and volunteer trustee for The Lutheran
Hour Ministries Foundation.
“Larry was a true servant of the Lord who worked tirelessly to make sure that
LHM always shared the story of the one hope of all human beings everywhere—Jesus Christ, Our Savior—in ways people can understand,” says
LHM President & CEO Kurt Buchholz. “The staff and volunteers who were blessed to work with Larry recall with fondness his calm presence and quick smile. I am grateful for the legacy of leadership he left to us all. We pray for peace and comfort for his family and friends.” “Larry’s steadying influence always helped make sure things were going right,” says Larry
Pritchett, a long-time LHM staff member who served as chief financial officer and chief operating officer before retiring in 2016. “People enjoyed working with him because his word was his bond.” After three decades in the banking industry including serving as president of five banks, president of the Missouri Bankers Association, and on the governance committee of the American Bankers Association in Washington, D.C., Lumpe decided to devote his time and efforts over the last several decades into fulltime service to his Lord. In addition to his work with LHM, he served as a Board member for
“Larry’s Heit’s Point Lutheran Ministries, steadying spent time as an estate planner and influence always helped make sure things were director of development for the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), and held several roles with Concordia going right.” Historical Institute (including Board president and executive director). Lumpe was named outstanding development officer of the LCMS in 1988, raising more than $10 million that year for churches, agencies, districts, the Int’l LLL, LWML, and the LCMS. In 2012, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, honored him with the Christus Vivit award given to a layman or church professional whose life exemplifies “an evident and sustained devotion to the Lord and a diligent and effective use of gifts in support of the church and its mission.” He is preceded in death by his beloved wife of 69 years, Carol. He is survived by his three children, Patricia (Bruce) Hawkins, Cherri (Marvin, dec.) Waites, and Loren (Edith) Lumpe, as well as five grandchildren. =