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Gifted for More
Partnership with Barna Group Continues with Gifted for More Research
In 2018, LHM embarked in a partnership with Barna Group—an industry leader for research-based insights about faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generational groups—for a critical study of faith in America. After evaluating our own spiritual conversations, and the spiritual vibrancy of our households, we began looking outward, starting right where we live. Gifted for More, the latest report produced in partnership with Barna, provides crucial research to help today’s church flourish and grow and help Christians understand and use their gifts well— inside and outside of church walls.
What is Gifted for More?
Gifted for More: A New Framework for Equipping Christians to Share Their Abilities and Skills in Everyday Life offers the U.S. church a fresh framework for gifts. This report follows Christians through phases of their own journey: from being aware of their gifts, to being intentional with their gifts, to being generous with their gifts.
According to research found, “when it comes to their giftings, abilities, or skills, 54 percent of practicing Christians are aware of their gifts. They know and understand their gifts at least very well. Thirty-eight percent of practicing Christians are intentional with their gifts. They are not only aware; they also have gifts they know they want to develop and have already put some effort into developing these giftings in some way. Twenty-seven percent of practicing Christians are generous with their gifts. They are not only aware and intentional; they also believe their gifts are intended for the benefit of others—and they invest in others’ gifts too.”
Learn more about the Gifted for More monograph at lhm.org/gifted.
Why is this study important?
“There are two worrisome trends in our modern understanding and utilization of gifts, which Gifted for More aims to address. First, people understand gifts in the context of occupation. Second, pastors understand gifts in the context of church service.”
Every Christian has skills to share for Kingdom work, but nearly half of practicing Christians (47 percent) are not yet even aware of their own gifts and talents. That’s why LHM partnered with Barna to create a new report where together, we studied three crucial topics: 1. The extent to which U.S. adults and practicing Christians feel aware of their gifts, with an eye on how churches may or may not be helping people discover their gifts. 2. How people are personally growing their unique skills and abilities, as well as how others—including worship communities—are investing in them. 3. How people are sharing the abilities and skills God has given them to generously serve others—and how the sharing of Christian gifts can sharpen the vision for the local church.
If you’re ready to help the people in your congregation discover, grow, and share their unique gifts and talents for Kingdom work, this report is for you.
“As we discover our gifts and put them into practice, our gifts are strengthened,” says Rev. Dr. Tony Cook, vice president of Global Ministries for LHM. “The community becomes stronger. Therefore, it’s vital to discover our gifts for the benefit of others in all areas of our lives. Through the discovery and intentional use of our gifts, Christians can make a positive impact in the lives of those around them, demonstrating what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today.”
What are your gifts?
Curious about the aptitudes, innate abilities, and acquired skills that make you unique? Take the EveryGift Inventory to see your gifts in 12 distinct areas. Discover your gifts today by
visiting everygift.org. = Megan McDaniel reports on the impact of LHM’s ministry work around the world.
Look out for two new books based on the Gifted for More research coming later this year!
Discover Your Gifts:
You have gifts! And you are a gift to the world around you. Because every human is fearfully and wonderfully made, each one of us has something to offer to the world. But we have not always identified or developed our gifts well, nor deployed them effectively.
Discover Your Gifts Workbook:
All of us have gifts that can be used for the common good. This workbook has sessions on 12 different kinds of gifts, from artistic and technical gifts to entrepreneurial and civic gifts. Every session defines and describes what each gift looks like and gives examples of how the gift can be used in four distinct vocations of life: church, family, work, and society.
Ome is 23 years old . She comes from a non-Christian background but learned about Jesus through an LHM–Laos outreach program . She wanted to find out more about Jesus, so she enrolled in the ministry’s
Bible Correspondence Courses
(BCCs) . Ome joined the online program and got involved in its youth fellowship . Through the power of God’s Word, Ome became a Christian . She recently got baptized and is attending a local church to grow in her new faith .
The lessons encouraged Hillary, and he now has a positive outlook on faith.
Hillary is 54 years old and is currently in a local prison . He felt like he never got attention from his family, which caused bitterness and led him to criminal acts . He rejected religion because he thought it was not manly enough . However, during his lengthy prison sentence, his view on religion changed . He joined LHM–Kenya’s Bible Correspondence Courses while imprisoned and wanted to learn more about Jesus . The lessons encouraged him, and he is now more positive about his restored Christian faith . Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Hillary became a Christian . He even reached out to LHM–Kenya staff requesting a Bible . He is looking forward to reading his Bible and growing in his new-found faith .
Kenya Mexico
Jose is 20 years old and recently connected with LHM–Mexico . He shared his story with some staff members revealing that he struggles with addictions . The staff members encouraged him to reach out to a Christian counselor . He was open to the idea because he had heard the Gospel message at a rehab center he attended . He now meets with the counselor every week and signed up to participate in a weekly Bible study, too . Jose is thankful for the LHM–Mexico staff and looks forward to learning more about Jesus.
Dujal is 44 years old and is married with three children. He works as a fisherman and in his spare time serves as the president of the evangelism commission at his church . Over 10 years ago, Dujal participated in an Equipping the Saints workshop hosted by LHM–Madagascar . He learned the importance of sharing the Gospel and was eager to share it with his fellow fishermen. He was especially interested in sharing the Gospel with people in his area who were mostly nonChristians . Dujal then enrolled in LHM’s BCCs to learn more about the Bible and grow in his faith . He also attended a Bible school in a different city for two years to prepare himself for sharing the Gospel . After he graduated and became president of the evangelism commission, Dujal and his wife started prayer groups in different rural areas . During this time, his only source of income for his family was his fishing career. He was spending more time sharing the Gospel with others because he knew there was a tremendous need, but he wasn’t earning enough money to provide for his family . He stopped his evangelism efforts to focus all his time on fishing and found himself making even less money than he did before . Dujal and his wife decided they needed to go back to sharing the Gospel no matter how difficult it might be at times . They were able to receive a little support from the local church to continue their evangelism efforts and continue to serve as volunteers for LHM–Madagascar .
Lutheran Hour Ministries develops culturally relevant programs and resources to reach people in more than 60 nations who may not be familiar with the Gospel . Below are just a few examples to show how God has been using LHM recently to change lives around the world with His Good News .
Dina came across a Bible Correspondence Course hosted by LHM–Russia on accident, but she is glad she did . She enrolled in the “Basics of Christian Faith” course and learns something new from the Bible during each lesson . She shared with LHM–Russia staff that she liked how the course helped answer some of her questions about faith . She took trips to local churches and was eager to find a church that she could call home . Dina also appreciated the topical booklets that were given out during the course which helped her dig deeper into certain biblical topics . Dina is attending church services and working on growing in her new faith .
Rosa has been an active supporter of LHM–Argentina for many years . She recently shared with LHM–Argentina staff that her daughter, who is going to school in another city, reads their daily devotions every day . The devotions give her strength and encouragement while she is busy with her daily life . Rosa also shared LHM–Argentina materials with her three nieces who do not go to church . Rosa is happy that her nieces want to learn more about Jesus, and she encouraged them to get involved with LHM–Argentina.
Argentina Puerto Rico
Lottie lost her fiancé in a tragic car accident . She was looking for answers after the accident and came across an LHM–Puerto Rico Facebook post about dealing with grief . She was familiar with LHM–Puerto Rico’s Facebook Live events and decided to reach out for a booklet on grief and loss . Lottie is looking to the LHM–Puerto Rico staff for guidance during this difficult time and appreciates their support . They shared the Gospel message with her and encouraged her to find comfort in the Lord .
Lottie was familiar with LHM–Puerto Rico’s Facebook Live events and decided to reach out for a booklet on grief and loss. … after many years Sergey has found meaning in life through Jesus.
Sergey is a veteran with disabilities who recently started learning about Jesus through reading books . He shared that when he first started reading the materials, he often questioned the content . However, as he continued reading additional materials, he noticed his attitude changed . He shared that his life has been difficult, but after many years he has found meaning in life through Jesus . He is thankful for LHM–Kazakhstan staff who gave him topical booklets and readings for him to learn more about Jesus . = Kazakhstan