Red Army Watches Store

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writas astrid natasastra PHotograPHY courtesy of Red Army Watches

Muscovites Machismo

Sebagai pengenalan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen Indonesia akan jam tangan Rusia, Red Army Watches mewujudkannya dengan membuka butik pertamanya

Sebagai negara

besar dengan banyaknya perbedaan asas, nampak足 nya kini Rusia berhasil menaiki tapak bersejarah melalui pencapaiannya dalam bidang kesenian, sehingga menimbulkan kekaguman dari negara- negara lain. Maraknya perkembangan budaya di Rusia bisa dilihat dari di dunia seni lukis, balet, film, hingga tidak ketinggalan, dunia horologi. Keberanian mereka untuk tampil beda dari bangsa lainlah yang menjadikan mereka berbeda. Sebagai bukti nyata adalah ilmu aeronotika dan eksplorasi luar angkasa yang telah menjadi inspirasi utama bagi Volmax Watch company berbasis di Moskow, penghasil jam-jam seperti Aviator, Sturmanskie dan Buran. Dikenal karena pesona maskulin dan desain bergaya militer, jam tangan Rusia dengan harganya yang terjangkau menjadikannya penawaran yang menarik. Karena alasan tersebutlah terlahir sebuah butik jam tangan Rusia bernama Red Army Watches di bulan Juli 2004 di Singapura. Pemakaian bahan- bahan komplikasi mekanis mikro yang telah terbukti untuk ketepatan waktu, estetika menawan, pengerjaan berkualitas sesuai tradisi menjadikan setiap jam tangan yang ada di Red Army Watches sebagai koleksi untuk mengenang esensi waktu dan sejarah. Mengikuti kesuksesannya, kini Red Army Watches hadir di Indonesia, tepatnya di pusat perbelanjaan Grand Indonesia. Sebelas merek yang bisa Anda dapatkan di sini adalah Poljot International, Volmax Ltd (Aviator, Buran dan Sturmanskie), Vostok Europe, Denissov, Soyuz, Moscow Classis, Junkers, Zeppelin dan Nauticfish. Secara tampilan, toko ini juga mengikuti konsep dasar berupa nuansa workshop ditambah partisi kaca dan baja, peralatan mesin kuno, kursi-kursi antik. Walaupun tema tampilan utamanya nampak sederhana namun tetap menegaskan suasana workshop dengan modernisasi Eropa Timur. Palet warna alami pada keseluruhan toko dipertegas dengan semburat warna-warna klasik tahun 1970-an seperti merah, hijau dan kuning. Sedangkan paduan garis geometris dan simetris memberikan kesan kemurnian dan didekorasi dengan poster, buku dan cinderamata.

Mr. Sugiharto Kusumadi , Mr. Rudianto Witaria, Mr. Ario Francisco Sindu

199 As an introduction and to spur the demand for Russian watches, Red Army Watches decided to enter the Indonesian market by opening its first boutique

Decorations consisting of tasteful and relevant posters, books, and memorabilia

Simple and sleek interior theme with an Eastern European hip that still manages to compliment the otherwise austere workshop vibe


As the paradoxical mega-city state, Russia seems to be

able to transcend the dramatic upheavals of history, rising to the occasion with cultural achievements that has elicited admiration and awe the world over. Culture seems to flourish in Russia, from painters, ballets, cinemas and not to be missed, the art of horology. In a sense, they have taken the extremes as no other nation has dared. As prominent evidence, the Russian aeronautics and space exploration have been the main inspiration for the Moscow-based Volmax Watch company which manufactures successful brands like Aviator, Sturmanskie and Buran. Known for their machismo allure and designs reminiscence to military watches, Russian timepieces offer a unique cachet of affordable timepieces. Red Army Watches was launched in July 2004 in Singapore out of love and passion for this almost neglected piece of history in Singapore. Incorporating a feat in proven micro mechanical complications to ensure precision time keeping, appreciative aesthetic and a defined tradition of quality craftsmanship, a wristwatch hand-picked for the Red Army Watches collection is a fitting tribute to the noble purpose of honoring time and forging personal memories. The first shop in Singapore carries a full range of Russian-made watches, and now following the success, the first Red Army Watches shop had marched into Indonesia and is located at Grand Indonesia Shopping town. The eleven brands that you can find here include Poljot International, Volmax Ltd (Aviator, Buran and Sturmanskie), Vostok Europe, Denissov, Soyuz, Moscow Classis, Junkers, Zeppelin and Nauticfish watches. To showcase the watch, the store follows the trademark. The shop itself generates an old workshop atmosphere composed of glass and steel partitioning, old machining equipment tools, and antiquated workshop benches. The main display interior theme is simple, sleek, and has an Eastern European hip that still manages to compliment the otherwise austere workshop vibe. The overall natural color palette adds flavor to the monochromatic combination with splashes of classic 70’s colors like red, green and yellow. Clean, geometric, symmetrical lines elicit a sense of rawness and add to decorations consisting of tasteful and relevant posters, books, and memorabilia.

Red Army Watches Grand Indonesia East Mall # 01-09 Jakarta, Indonesia Tel: +62 21 23580719

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