無障礙航太座椅 社會公共 / Social and public design 現代社會對於航空交通的搭乘日趨普遍,出國的機會 將越來越多,而科技的進步對現有的產品除了能有所 提升之外,勢必也會影響並改變未來的航空模式。 同時,也考量到未來的社會模式,通用、智齡設計日 漸被重視,因此我們希望在航空交通方面,針對年長、 行動不便等較弱勢族群的照顧也能夠更加完善。 Wheelchair users often face difficulties while taking a plane, many have to switch from chair to chair in order to go through the process. Accessible Aero Seat is designed to simplify the course. With good coordination, it allows users to simply change seats once, which provides transport throughout the entire time, from boarding to deplane. AAS offers more comfort and convenient to those in need, improving the whole aviation experience.
概念發想 / Design concept 由於觀察到輪椅使用者在搭飛機的程序中,因需更 換輪椅而得動身至少兩次,且機上提供的輪椅方便 性也不高,整體上是諸多不便的,無障礙航太座椅 的設計目的即是簡化搭機程序,避免身體過多的移 動。 The concept of tumbler not down to make with interactive audioWith play, pause for example, want to stop the tumbler ,you just push it rightThe principle of the tumbler .