The 3rd iteration of the Development Master Plan continues to build upon the October 2018 submission to the City of Mississauga. The intention for the development was to put forth a plan for transforming the former OPG lands into a community on Mississauga’s waterfront. The master plan maintained the key structuring elements originating from the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan: 1) Continuous Public Waterfront, 2) A Larger Blue/Green Network, 3) A Fine Grain Street Pattern, 4) Bringing Transit To The Site, 5) A Cultural Hub At The Head Of The Piers, and 6) Employment And Innovation Corridor.
The Development Master Plan (DMP) has been evolving since its 1.0 submission in October 2018. LCPL then submitted DMP 2.0 as an update report to introduce new major framework elements. The latest evolution, DMP 3.0, is presented in this report and is a result of the ongoing community engagement process.