Luxe Life Magazine Special Edition: Sexy Confidence With Sandra Gonzalez

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2 A Note from Our Founder 4 Contributors ARTICLES 16 What Are Your Dreams Trying to Tell You? by Tiffany Powers 18 The Importance of Following Your Dreams by Corinne Cavanaugh CONTENTS6 WOMAN IN CHARGE INTERVIEW WITH SANDRA GONZALES LUXE LIFE magazine Want to be featured? Interested in advertising? Please contact:


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Candice Bar is a multi-media mogul, speaker, mentor, tv personality and female entrepreneur advocate. Candice is the Founder and CEO of Luxe Enterprise which includes

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“I was inspired to create the magazine for female entrepreneurs, so we could provide proper advice to all of our readers and followers who are experts in their industry. Knowledgeable advice is invaluable. It’s time for the ladies to get some recognition.”

Luxe Media Studios

Founder & CEO Candice Bar


Tiffany Powers

Tiffany is becoming known as one of the most talented intuitive healers in the world. She is naturally gifted with the abilities to see, hear, feel and to know things intuitively. She is trained to remotely connect with anyone in any location and get very clear guidance pertaining to their life and situation. She is hired by top medical professionals, celebrities, and successful entreprenurs for her incredible and accurate readings on a variety of areas. These areas include business, love and finances as well as identifying blocks that she can see in her clients.

Corinne is the founder of Style By Corinne. She currently lives in Central Alberta, Canada near the Rocky Mountains with her husband of 28 years, their two teenage sons, and their two fur babies. Her and her husband are co-founders of Salvation Nutraceuticals with their well known product: GSH+, the Ultimate Glutathione Immune Strengthening Formula.Corinne works to empower, mentor and inspire women to take the steps to feel sexy, edgy, confident and beautful.

Corinne Cavanaugh



Candice Bar: What has been the greatest rou tine which has given you the greatest results?

answer! Why do routines improve and strengthen your mental health?

to get up early and make your bed because you get the sense of accomplishment. When you have that sense of accomplishment, its tied to your self esteem. When your self esteem is strengthened, you're going to be more confident to go forth and carry out the things that must be done. Getting out there and exercising, getting out there and do whatever it is that we have to do. If we incorporate those daily routines, that will strengthen our self discipline. It's all tied to self discipline. It's the little things like that have helped me, that gives me the end result I'm looking for because its tied to myself

Interview with Sandra Gonzalez

SG: Absolutely; one example would be what I share on my daily Insta Stories. I share how im portant it is to establish a morning ritual or daily ritual, if you will. Getting up early. One of the things that has helped me is getting up earlier. I actually get up earlier now than when I was in the Marine Core. I get up at 4 am because the mental bandwidth I have to think clearly, the silence the morning gives us with no distraction. So, to answer your question, not to deviate from what you asked me, but it's in the little things that we do. Getting up early and making that bed, it's one of the things I share on a daily basis on my Insta stories and Facebook stories. It's very powerful


Woman in Charge

Sandra Gonzalez: I would have to say it is the ability to self motivate. To do the things that must be done, even when I don't want to.

When you have that sense of accomplishment, its tied to your self esteem. When your self esteem is strengthened, you're going to be more confident to go forth and carry out the things that must be done.

CB: Can you give me an example?

SG: The right routines, which I call "High Caliber Habits", strengthen your mental health. So, it's incorporating the right high caliber habits that will strengthen your mental health. If you get up late you wake up frazzled and dazzled. Now you

“ When you strengthen your self-esteem, you feel better about yourself and when you feel better about yourself, then chances are you're going to want to go to the gym to strengthen your body. ”

have the sense of, “OK, well now I’m late to work.” Or you're stressing... you’re already waking up in a frantic state. Had you woken up 30 minutes or an hour prior, you wake up with a little bit more time to set the tone for the day. How you set the morning sets the tone for the day. It's tied to mental health for some of the reasons that I've already explained, but your self-esteem is everything. When you strengthen your self-esteem, you feel better about yourself and when you feel better about yourself, then chances are you're going to want to go to the gym to strengthen your body. You'll get in the car more in a more relaxed frame of mind and you won't experience road rage. Its tied to mental health in many ways, but it's also incorporating the right routines that make a big

is telling you, “Why are you going to get up early Sandy? You're retired Marine. You don't have to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning.” Your brain is trying to keep you safe. I would say it's much harder to follow your own routine, than somebody else’s. I hope I explained that!

SG: Exactly. You know, and especially as entrepreneurs: I'm accountable to myself. I If I say, ‘I’ll sleep in 30 min utes, or sleep in an extra hour,” and if I’m not getting the results I want: it is as a result of being complacent.

Sandra Gonzalez

CB: Yeah, it's like, “Oh, if you skip the gym today Sandra no one else is going to know besides you.” So, what makes you keep doing that, keep at it and keep SG:consistent?Mepersonally, it would definitely have to be this ability to self motivate myself and say “No!” To push myself even when I don't want to, so the self talk is part of the routine. My self talk has definitely changed over the years where it's more loving, more compassionate, more empathetic now. But it's the ability to dig deep to tell myself, "how am I going to feel as a result of not doing this?" And so that question alone I'm like, “Oh no, I'm not going to feel good.” Therefore the rest of my day I won't feel proud of myself. If I were to make the effort right now, despite it being cold outside, despite me being


CB: My add to that is, you have to be accountable for your actions; you’re only accountable to yourself.

find it easier or harder to follow the rou tines of others or the ones you've set for yourself?

SG: That's a good question. I would have to say, going back to the Marine Core, it was so much more easy to follow some other routine because it's already structured. They've already structured it in a way where, you know, “Hey, Marine, we need you here at 6:00 o'clock in the morning, we're going to have our first physical training session of the day.” It's already laid out for you and you just kind of have to follow suit. Whereas if I were to follow my own routine; and humans have a tendency to get compla cent. Therefore, when complacency sets in or your brain

“ My top tip is for anybody who's coping with an extremely stressful situation is to focus on the cure and not the disease. ”

SG: It would have to be with mental an intestinal for titude. So, an example of that would be when I was on a 15-mile hike with an 85-pound pack. I’m five feet two inches, 125 130 pounds and being at, I would say that eight- or nine-mile marker where my feet were numb, I could feel my blisters, its just pain. There's physical pain in my body knowing I had to go another 7 miles. So, my intestinal fortitude, that mental fortitude to keep going despite the pain I'm feeling. That has been the biggest lesson in the Marine core. A good example of that would be like charging up a hill. Are you going to give up or are you going to to slow down, but you're still going to keep going. That's the way I face adversity, that's the way I faced everything in my life. Whatever is in front of me is difficult, but I'm going to find a way. I'm going to find a way and I'm going to keep going. So, talking about this hike as an example, even though physically I was in so much pain, I realized that my mindset was stronger and it was the actual thing that was driving me to get to that desired end point. My mind, I realized, my mind is my lethal weapon. If I tell myself my feet are going to fall off before I fall out of this hike, there's no way. I'm going to keep going, I'm going to pass out if I have, too. I realized that your body could withstand so much more pain and our brain is like, wow! What else am I not tapping into that I'm possibly capable of? I’m capable of so much more! That's why I became a coach is really to help peo ple understand the power they have within themselves, to redirect where there are at, how they can overcome things, and how they can change their circumstances.

SG: The power of routine is so powerful. That's the question I ask, “Show me your routine and I'll show you where you're headed.” When I have a client or a prospect, show me your routine and I'm going to show you where you're headed. It's our habits that get us to our destina tion. It's what we do day in day out that is going to help

CB:Goddess!”Iwould agree with that!

CB: Very good. Whether it's through daily routines or a daily habit, what helps us make the right decisions and choices for our life?

SG: My top tip is for anybody who's coping with an extremely stressful situation is to focus on the cure and not the disease. To look at what's happening to you at this moment. If it's something that is life threatening, obvious ly make a decision and take care of yourself. But if you're going to divorce there's a lesson there. Look at the lesson don't look at it as a loss. I would have to say that adversity is your advantage, this thing that is happening to you, it's happening for a reason and it's our responsibility to look for the lesson. What does God want me to learn in this moment? How can I be better? How can I overcome this? When you look at it that way, your brain, you're going to develop this growth mindset. I also call it a warrior's mindset. You allow yourself to embrace the uncertainty, the difficulty. Then your brain will come up with a solu tion to your problem, not a stressor. I have many tips but I would say that comes to mind for the sake of brevity.

CB: What’s your top tip for coping with extremely stressful situations?

CB: Yeah, absolutely. What has been the most signif icant discipline you learned in the Marines which has served you in your coaching business today?

tired, I know I'm going to feel better.

So, it's, I would say those decisions come from you know this, this wealth of information that we have inside the sometimes we can't listen to because we don't know how to silence distraction.


SG: You know, actually to be quite honest, I didn't identify myself as a "Warrior Goddess". Over the years women have said to me, “Oh my gosh, you're like this "Warrior

that sometimes the things we're fighting for. During my father's passing I was in a horrible court battle with my ex-husband, ugly divorce case. I was allowing my ego to fuel me and for 3 1/2 years I just spent so much money unnecessarily until my father's passing that I realized I said, “I just need to let this person go. I just need to lubricate my mind with peace. I just need to learn to love myself and know that I'm going to be OK. That God will take care of me.” So, I would say that is definitely the goddess piece, which I'm still learning to this day. How can I be more feminine, more soft, more gentle, more compassionate, more importantly more patient.

SG: Thank you. Women have brought that up to me as they said, “You're a "Warrior Goddess.” And I would say it's the ability to harness my masculinity and my femininity so that it serves me. You know, as a warrior, I'm going to continue fighting for other people. Whether it's weight loss or wanting to be better mom or better entrepreneur, I'm a warrior in that aspect and I’m going to fight to ensure that I'm fighting for whatever they want. That's why I served my country for 20 years. As a goddess, I've learned how beautiful femininity is. It brings me to tears. My father's demise made me realize

SG: I would have to say that decision and choice is com ing from your gut intuition so. Often times, and this is why it's so important to develop a daily routine, because in doing so you will self discipline yourself to listen to what is calling at you, not what is clawing at you. Having said that, now you're going to be able to make decisions based on your intuition and knowing that “you know what. I'm going to get a divorce. I'm going to be OK.”

CB: You identify yourself as a "Warrior Goddess". What does that meant to you and why does it resonate with your identity?

Sandra Gonzalez

CB: Very good answer. Do you want to add anything?

us start or scale our business, that's going to help us with weight loss, that's going to help us heal from within or whatever it is that we're trying to do. That's why routine is so powerful, it's what will enable you to get to that end result. I had a prospect earlier on today, a 28-year-old young woman and she was like, “Well, I'm not exercising. I've gained 40 pounds because of Covid and this, this and that. I said “Where do you want to be six months from now? Because if you continue this routine, you'll be a lit tle bit heavier and, you know, forgive me for being direct, but as a coach is my responsibility to do that.” It is what it is. So routine is so clearly important.

yourself differently, you're not going to allow. She had her nephew on the call. I said, “you're not going to allow your one of your siblings to dump off your nephew when you have this important phone call.”

SG: So good, very good. Yeah, and that's the thing we teach people. How to treat us. We teach people every where, not only our family, in our sphere of influence, everybody we teach people how to treat us.

SG: Exactly, exactly. I do it because I love it and I want other people just to be the best version of themselves. I think, you know, that's my purpose in life is to help others just be the best version of themselves. We can't be other people. I'm not perfect. I can't be somebody else. I just want to be the best version of myself. In doing that it just helps my family, helps the community, the economy. It helps everything. It creates a ripple effect, if you will.

SG: Exactly, and people keep taking from me. She won ders why she's overwhelmed. I said, “Well, honey, you're overwhelmed because this, this and that.”

CB: You must deal with a lot of people with a ton of excuses. How is this with someone like you; talking about what you talk about, and with what your genius is. Speak your mind on this.

SG: Oh yeah, of course! They will probably never say it either, which is OK.

CB: Absolutely. Well, very good! Do you want to add anything else?

CB: I read a great quote once and I never forgot it. It said, “Givers need to learn how to stop giving because takers never learn how to stop taking.”

CB: Also, too I know, we're all different and our minds are all different and our drives all different, and not to pick on anyone, but we all went through Covid.

CB: A lot of the times you're probably inspiring people you never even talk to or met before. We really don't know who's listening or watching.

SG: Yeah, I know exactly. Some people will bounce back, others won't.


CB: So, it's really, and there's other words to say it better, but it's really our fault.

CB: Ah! What did she say?

SG: Well, I'm not perfect, but I love self discipline. I would say I that I love self discipline and it's one of the things that has helped me remain consistent to perse vere. Again, it's incorporating those high caliber habits that keep me feeling better about myself, that keep me productive and organized. I share them everyday because I know people that inspires people. At the same time, clients are watching and I inspired them to keep going.

CB: Yeah, you'll never know. But you know that day they wanted to lay on their ass and eat chips and they saw your stories and you inspire them to get up and get their ass going. They never told you, you probably will never know. But that's not the point.

SG: You could find me on Instagram, or my website. Thank you! t

Sandra Gonzalez

SG: Yes, yes! That's the thing that I kind of want to tell her is this thought that you have that it's Covid and that life is overwhelming. It's like camouflaging the real prob lem, it's not a problem, but it's your belief system. So, what we want to do is change your belief about yourself. She's a people pleaser and I kind of said that in a nice way. I said, “There comes a time where you have to put yourself first, make yourself a priority. How can you ex pect to change or become better when you're prioritizing everybody else but yourself?” I said, “your beliefs need to change around how you feel and how you see yourself.”

SG: She was like “Oh, you're Sandra!” It's so true what they say the way you do one thing is how you do every thing else. This goes back to a daily routine. How you do one thing is how you’re going to do everything else.

CB: Absolutely. You're the queen of daily routines. I watch your stories all the time. You're super consistent with the bed making, super consistent with the gym, super consistent with the food. I mean, you're walking your talk.

SG: Yeah, and that's why I was telling this client, I was sharing with her “Let me change your belief system how you see yourself, what you're doing, because if you see

CB: And not that you're doing things to get things back, but you've really got to assess the situation and really, stand back and look at things, “Wait a minute, this this isn't right.”

I would say I that I love self discipline and it's one of the things that has helped me remain consistent to persevere. Again, it's incorporating those high caliber habits that keep me feeling better about myself, that keep me productive and organized. ”


What Are DREAMYourSTryingToTellYou?

Ask your spirit guides to show you something specific. Before bed, meditate for five to fifteen minutes. Pose your questions to your guides.


“Could you show me how this will work?”

The messages you receive in dreams can be literal or symbolic. During the day we talk to ourselves in words, but at night, our subcon scious communicates with us through sym bols, images, metaphors and emotions. We’re more susceptible to these images at night.


Memory of our dreams is fleeting. Between 5:00 and 6:00 am we are most calm and open to receiving messages. When you wake up at that hour, try to focus on the dreams you were having. Before getting out of bed, mediate for five to fifteen minutes. Say out loud that you would like to remember your dreams. Then jot down everything you remember in a jour nal or notepad beside your bed. Voice record ing features on your phone work well too.

People on the other side can communicate with you through your dreams. They can be helpful if you need support. At night, invite them and ask them for support.

“Is this person trustworthy?”

The early morning hours are a perfect time to do spiritual work. You can meet with spirit guides to go over your upcoming day.

“Is this a smart investment for me?”

There are some common archetypes that appear in dreams flying, being chased, teeth falling out, being chased by a person or animal that can have particular meanings. Dreams are highly personal, and extensions of our lives during the day, so it is important to interpret what these symbols mean TO YOU and to what you’re experiencing in your own life at the Anyonemoment.canput this into practice. You don’t have to be gifted. It’s a skill that needs to be developed and practiced. In time, you will find yourself getting better at it. Be ing open to the messages your dreams are sending you is an incredible power, one that could save you. t


t’s so important that we learn to embrace and listen to the messages from our subconscious during this time. Think of all the times you’ve felt conflicted about a decision you needed to make. We’ve all had times when our minds tell us to go in one direction, but something just doesn’t feel right. Dreams can offer us intuitive messages and guidance when we are unsure. At night, in a state of rest, we are more susceptible to the message our spirit guides are trying to send us. If you are open to it, dreams can often show you the outcome of a business idea you’re having, how an investment or transaction will work out, or what a business you’re working on will can you learn to tune into these messages? And more importantly, how can you direct your dreams to bring you answers?



Following your dreams means to taking chances and risks. You will receive so many opportunities which you never thought would come to you. Take these risks and chances in life because we only live once.

No matter how big or small, work related or not following your dreams is an important thing to do in your lifetime. Follow your dreams to be come happier because dreams and goals are what you aspire to be or do which gives you a sense of meaning and purpose. Take that leap of faith; get uncomfortable; follow that passion that truly drives you! Live your best life! t


and remember WHY you started. For me, this article is a way to fulfil my dreams of helping people to learn and im prove their lives, as much as I am learning. Helping people is something I have always wanted to do. I am learning like you all are, and I want to help you progress like I am.

You will have more courage. Your dreams will eventually mean so much to you and achieving them will become something you will be doing non-stop. This shows and builds courage which is an important trait to have in many other aspects in life as well.




So, I have created a list that I find useful in my own life... what my ‘secret sauce’ is as to why it is so important to follow your dreams and make the most out of life.

It gives you a sense of purpose. All your dreams are meant to be followed even on your worst day; even if you are struggling. Keep going because your dreams will motivate you.



No one can follow them for you. Everyone has their own dreams. Some are actively pursuing them, some are not. You have the same choice. Only YOU will be the advocate for your dreams.

Remember this is something you’ve always wanted When things get tough and you feel like giving up, take a moment

ou all know the saying ‘Follow Your Dreams!’ but the truth is not everyone does. A dream, a vision, a goal, a desire, these are all things most of us know we need when we are working towards success but have somewhere along the line forgotten why it is so important that we follow them through. It could be things like costing too much money; not hav ing the time; or simply not believing in yourself enough to just go for it and reach for the stars. But the truth is we can all do it if we truly want to.


You will become an inspiration to those around you. Your work can in spire others to follow their dreams because they can see you working towards making your dreams a reality.



Remember you are doing it for yourself. Dreams may seem hard to achieve but that’s what dreaming is all about. There are many reasons why people stop following their dreams. Sometimes the reasons are not within our control, but often they are something we can control. Do it because you want to and do it for yourself.

You will meet new people who seek dreams as much as you do. When you’re excited about your dreams and follow ing them, you start attracting other people that are on the same wavelength as you.




Life is short. One of the most valuable possessions we all have, is time. Don’t waste it; you might not have everything figured out yet, but it will come along the way.








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