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6 LUXIERE 26 Self-Care: Slugging Your Skin | 30 Art: Holding Space For Indigenous Art | 32 Art: David Holland | 67 Luxiere Property Portfolio EDITION 38 CONTENTS 42 ON THE COVER: EYES ON FULFILLMENT
When she started as superintendent, Millwood Public Schools was struggling, but to Robinson-Woods it was a dream job, because she’s been able to build a community.
An eye for potential is a great gift for a designer — Conni Lovelace has spent 20 years letting homes tell her what they can be, and then bringing those visions into being.
Getting away from it all is a real possibility; just ask former Okies Timothy Fields, Eddie Walker and Jill Smith, all of whom recently seized the chance to move to Portugal.
In a career that’s taken her from Apple Computers to Harvard Medical School and back to Oklahoma, Gene Hopper has learned the value of networks, and she’s ready to share.
A lifelong art aficionado and collector, Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice Yvonne Kauger’s home near the Capitol is very like a gallery … and that’s entirely by design.
Embracing his creative and artistic side did wonders for the character of Phil Clayton’s business, TSO Optical — and even more so for his lovingly curated home in Crown Heights. BY LAURA NANCE 18 BUSINESS: THE REAL DEAL

LUXIERE 7 PURVEYOR OF HAND SELECTED TILE AND NATURAL STONE 300 W Wilshire Blvd • Oklahoma City, OK 73116 • 405.242.2227

8 LUXIERE 405-509-5375 • BEENEAT.COM Put everything in its HAPPY place. 405.808.1332 | STACY @ LUXIERE.CO THE HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE Reserve your space now.

Lauren French, Director of Sales REALTOR® Broker Associate, Wheeler Realty 4 0 5 6 9 7 0 2 0 6 r e a l t y @ w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m w w w w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m A L L T H I N G S W H E E L E R D I S T R I C T
W h e e l e r R e a l t y i s t h e e x c l u s i v e , i n h o u s e b r o k e r a g e f o r W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t , a g r o w i n g n e w u r b a n i s t c o m m u n i t y n e a r d o w n t o w n O K C . D i s c o v e r a r a n g e o f h o u s i n g o p t i o n s a n d a c o n n e c t e d c o m m u n i t y d e s i g n e d f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y t o f o c u s o n t h e t h i n g s y o u l o v e m o s t W h e t h e r b u y i n g o r s e l l i n g r e s i d e n t i a l r e a l e s t a t e w e a r e t h e g o t o s o u r c e f o r a l l t h i n g s W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t . Lauren French, Director of Sales REALTOR® Broker Associate, Wheeler Realty 4 0 5 6 9 7 0 2 0 6 r e a l t y @ w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m w w w w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m
A L L T H I N G S W H E E L E R D I S T R I C T W h e e l e r R e a l t y i s t h e e x c l u s i v e , i n h o u s e b r o k e r a g e f o r W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t , a g r o w i n g n e w u r b a n i s t c o m m u n i t y n e a r d o w n t o w n O K C D i s c o v e r a r a n g e o f h o u s i n g o p t i o n s a n d a c o n n e c t e d c o m m u n i t y d e s i g n e d f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y t o f o c u s o n t h e t h i n g s y o u l o v e m o s t . W h e t h e r b u y i n g o r s e l l i n g r e s i d e n t i a l r e a l e s t a t e w e a r e t h e g o t o s o u r c e f o r a l l t h i n g s W h l D i i t L a u r e n F r e n c h , D i r e c t o r o f S a l e s R E A L T O R ® B r o k e r A s s o c i a t e 4 0 5 6 9 7 0 2 0 6 r e a l t y @ w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m w w w w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m A L L T H I N G S W H E E L E R D I S T R I C T Featuring 1912 Pioneer St W h e e l e r R e a l t y i s t h e e x c l u s i v e , i n h o u s e b r o k e r a g e f o r W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t , a g r o w i n g n e w u r b a n i s t c o m m u n i t y n e a r d o w n t o w n O K C D i s c o v e r a r a n g e o f h o u s i n g o p t i o n s a n d a c o n n e c t e d c o m m u n i t y d e s i g n e d f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y t o f o c u s o n t h e t h i n g s y o u l o v e m o s t W h e t h e r b u y i n g o r s e l l i n g r e s i d e n t i a l r e a l e s t a t e w e a r e t h e g o t o s o u r c e f o r a l l t h i n g s W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t Lauren French, Director of Sales REALTOR® Broker Associate, Wheeler Realty 4 0 5 6 9 7 0 2 0 6 r e a l t y @ w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m w w w w h e e l e r d i s t r i c t c o m A L L T H I N G S W H E E L E R D I S T R I C T W h e e l e r R e a l t y i s t h e e x c l u s i v e , i n h o u s e b r o k r a g e f o r W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t , a g r o w i n g n e w u r b a n i s t c o m m u n i t y n e a r d o w n t o w n O K C . D i s c o v e r a r a n g e o f h o u s i n g o p t i o n s a n d a c o n n e t e d c o m m u n i t y d e s i g n e d f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y t o f o c u s o n t h e t h i n g s y o u l o v e m o s t W h e t h e r b u y i n g o r s e l l i n g r e s i d e n t i a l r e a l e s t e w e a r e t h e g o t o s o u r c e f o r a l l t h i n g s W h e e l e r D i s t r i c t .

Have you ever fantasized about picking up and moving house, say, to Europe? We caught up with three Oklahoma City ex-pats who have done just that. Many of you will know Jill Smith, Eddie Walker and Timothy Fields, all of whom now make their homes in sunny Portugal. Walker and Fields, whose darling sons are both now in college, have been integral to Oklahoma’s arts community for decades, what with Walker’s tenure at the OKC Phil and Oklahoma Contemporary and Fields’ tony hair salon and forays into magazine writing; Smith, whose adventurous spirit simply cannot be contained, had the same idea. They’ve now become fast friends and share stories of their new home exclusively within ourJusticepages. Yvonne Kauger has been an avid collector of Indigenous art for decades, in addition to serving on Oklahoma’s Supreme Court since 1984. She kindly allowed us into her bespoke private residence, and we are thrilled to bring you a glimpse into the worldclass collection housed in her Lincoln Terrace home. Our Edition 38 Woman of Influence, Dr. Cecilia Robinson-Woods, is dedicated to ensuring that the students of Oklahoma City’s Millwood School District will be academically equipped to create the lives and careers of their dreams. Their academic prowess will ensure that their future will be entirely up to them. We also profile Dr. Chelsea Herr, the Jack and Maxine Zarrow Curator of Indigenous Art and Culture at Tulsa’s Gilcrease Museum (currently closed for reimagining), whose charge is to move Indigenous art and stories into the larger narrative, creating space for them to come to life in ways not previously possible. Edition 38 is about a sense of place. It’s about Oklahoma reimagining itself and those individual people changing our home (or their own) for the better. We hope their stories capture your imagination, as they certainly have ours. Until next time, STACY D. JOHNSON Publisher, Owner FROM THE PUBLISHER 38 EDITION For us, the whole idea behind Luxiere is, at the core, about holding space for things we feel are important. Or interesting. And of course, we love beauty in all its forms. Often, some element of “home” comes into play, whether we are celebrating someone’s brilliant or beautiful living space, the idea of feeling at home in one’s skin, showcasing Oklahoma’s dynamic real estate and homebuilding industries or simply — again — holding space, creating a home for the inclusion of important stories. This issue is all of that, and more.

LUXIERE 11 6443 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills • APPAREL / ACCESSORIES / BEAUTY Nichols Hills Plaza ZANG TOI TRUNK SHOW AUGUST 25—27

HANNAKATI Writer MOBLEYJORDAN Photographer KINNEYMICHAEL Writer NANCELAURA Writer ANDERSONCOOPER Website DAVISONJESSE Designer STACY D. JOHNSON owner/publisher DESIGN | nvsble ON THE COVER | Sculpture from the home of Phil Clayton Photograph by Kennon Bryce CONTRIBUTORS Special thanks to all of our Luxiere Oklahoma vendor partners for your contribution of time and talent to make this extraordinary resource. LUXIERE MAGAZINE CORPORATE OFFICE 2123 N Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73106 info @ Luxiere Oklahoma is published bimonthly, direct-mailed to a curated readership and distributed at select retail locations free of charge for individual use. To request copies, please contact the publisher. For more information, visit ADVERTISING INQUIRIES email: stacy@ phone: 405.808.1332 © Copyright 2022 by Luxiere Magazine. All rights reserved. Advertising claims and the views expressed in this magazine by writers do not necessarily represent those of Luxiere Magazine. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited materials. Originals of manuscripts, photographs, artwork or other materials should not be sent to Luxiere Magazine unless specifically requested to do so in writing. Luxiere Magazine is not responsible for the return of any manuscripts, photographs, artwork or other materials submitted. Luxiere Magazine shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. Luxiere Magazine shall have no liability for any infringement of copyright or other arising out of publication thereof. Luxiere Magazine reserves the right to edit submissions before publication. Reproduction in any form without prior written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. All requests for permission and reprints must be made in writing to Luxiere Magazine, c/o Legal, 2123 N Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73106. EDITION NO. 38 BRYCEKENNON Photographer GUTIÉRREZVALENTINA Videographer/Writer EDDINGTONCHRISTINE Editor GILLSTEVE Copy Editor/Writer EDITION 38 CONTRIBUTORS TIMOTHY FIELDS & JILL SMITH Writers 12 LUXIERE

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I was often the only woman in the deal room, and it became clear how valuable this network was. It was because of this experience that I decided to launch the Posse and Tribe, which are our peer-to-peer advisory groups, and the Real Deal Collective. Both are centered on creating communities that have each other’s back.
G ene Hopper is a serial entrepreneur and highly successful consultant. Her diverse career began at Apple Computer with time at Harvard Medical School and OU’s Health Sciences Center. She has been a central figure in the Oklahoma community and her footprint can be seen in hundreds of local businesses through her consulting, coaching and training.
You have been very successful throughout your career as an entrepreneur. Tell us about your professional journey. I have had a diverse professional journey. I finished college and got an internship with Apple Computer. This was right after the launch of the Macintosh, and it was an incredible experience! While with Apple, I worked on a major telemedicine project with the State of Oklahoma and the Health Sciences Center. The Health Center recruited me to leave Apple, and we launched what was, at the time, the largest telemedicine network in the country. This was an exciting project with lots of national and international attention. While doing the telemedicine work, I became the medical center’s CIO. I left OU and co-founded a venture-funded diagnostic company called Inoveon, also an adventure. After Inoveon, I went to Harvard Medical School’s Joslin Diabetes Center and did another health care start-up. I commuted during this time from Oklahoma (we didn’t have Zoom), and the travel was more than I wanted. I founded a consulting firm and have been a trusted advisor to business owners ever since.
Most recently, Hopper launched The Real Deal Collective, a curriculum-based program that equips local business owners with the fundamental knowledge, tools and network they need to successfully grow their business. Learn more about this remarkably gifted entrepreneur and her most recent program benefiting local businesses.
Throughout your career, you have always found ways to give back to your community by supporting growing businesses. With your most recent venture, The Real Deal, you offer local entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to create connections with businesses and mentors in the community while receiving support through the sixmonth professional curriculum program. How did you develop the idea for The Real Deal Collective? It can be lonely starting a company. Every small business owner can relate. After our company raised millions in outside funding, I like to say our company began to sparkle—people who would never talk to us started offering to help us. I call this the “I got a guy” phase. “If you need help with (fill in the blank), I got a guy for you.” I remember saying, “If every start-up had this network, imagine what could be done.”
Tell our readers a little about The Real Deal and why it is so impactful for the participants that go through it. The Real Deal Collective combines business planning, financial and leadership resources with a high-value network to help small business owners close the gap in knowledge and skills and make a strategic jump. The power of the Real Deal is the people. You are in a room with intentionally diverse CEOs from all over our community, who know what it is like to walk in your shoes, and you learn from each other.
The scholarship funds are for businesses that are in Oklahoma City that are in Qualified Census Tracts or minority owned. Our readers would love to know a little bit about what has helped you be so successful in your career. What is one habit you believe has helped support your success as a leader? Listening deeply. It’s the fundamental skill of a thought partner. With the experience you have now, what advice would you give a new entrepreneur? I would tell them that it is supposed to be messy in the beginning, otherwise you would have never launched. If you are doing the right things, there is something magic about three years. But setting expectations that it is supposed to be crazy normalizes how hard it is. Listen, there is a reason less than 10% of the population owns a business.
Finally, we all have our must-have luxieres in life. What is yours? Long weekends that include food with friends, conversation, family and pickleball. •
Who is the ideal candidate for The Real Deal?
Our Alumni Program is launching this year. The goal is to have a community we can all draw upon while the learning and connections deepen. As someone who has attended the graduation for each Real Deal cohort, I’ve always been moved to tears by the stories shared between both the graduates and the sponsors. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a program where sponsors aren’t just as affected as the graduates. What type of businesses make good sponsors for this program? If you have a vested interest in the success of small business, this is a great program to become involved with. Yes, we need your financial support, but we want your engagement and expertise even more.
The ideal candidate owns a business that ranges from $500K - $20M in revenue, has 5 – 200 employees, is privately held and has an owner that wants to take their company to the next level.
The program’s track record has attracted a lot of attention and recent support from the City by providing ARPA funding for scholarships. What type of entrepreneur qualifies for this scholarship?
Gene Hopper speaks to local business owners in Oklahoma City.
What does The Real Deal look like in 3 years?
To learn more about The Real Deal Collective, visit Kati Hanna is a partner with The Mettise Group. The Mettise Group focuses on providing business owners with clarity, capacity, capital and connections through their consulting, coaching and peer advisory groups.

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D esigner Conni Lovelace loves to imagine — and reimagine — the possibilities of homes. “I listen to what a home wants, and oftentimes that means changing the vibe,” she says.
And that’s exactly what Lovelace and her husband Richard did when they found a gem of a home off Venice Boulevard in Oklahoma City’s Cleveland Neighborhood near NW 30th and May. While the house had already been flipped, they had a vision for its next chapter. “The home had so much potential to create a forever home. And because it already had basic updates, it allowed us to invest in layers that added personality, which I refer to as ‘fun money’ — the details that make a difference in the design and your own mental state of confidence,” she says.
Conni Lovelace and the promise of design possibility BY LAURA NANCE PHOTOGRAPHY BY JUSTIN MIERS

An Oklahoma native, Lovelace embarked on her design career over 20 years ago and apprenticed for Melinda Douglas of Douglas Associates in Denver. When Douglas retired, Lovelace took over her existing clients and continued to help others transform their spaces. Lovelace and her husband returned to Oklahoma in 2020, right before the pandemic hit, and moved into the home on Venice. “I call the backyard at Venice our ‘COVID summer’ project — we had lots of time on our hands, so we concentrated on making updates to the backyard and front porch.” As they continue to settle into their life in Oklahoma City, Conni and Richard are both honing new skills. Richard — whom Lovelace affectionately calls a Renaissance Man — is learning more about construction, and she is working with Melissa Fitzgerald of Kitchen Society Design to learn about kitchen design and remodeling.
The Venice house recently sold — to the first person that walked through the door — and Conni and Richard are now on to their next project, a 1950s home near NW 50th and Walker. “Oklahoma City is such a great place to grab a charming home in one of the many historical neighborhoods,” she says. As for the plans for their newest project, they’re looking to give the house new architecture and are anxious to discover the story it wants to tell. “When you fix up homes, you have to step back and imagine the potential. And, ultimately, leave things better than you found them.”

• A good “art chair” is the perfect addition, something that starts a conversation. Or take something average and tweak it, like changing a lampshade.
• Every room needs something green, at least a plant or a vase of flowers.
HOME + DESIGN CONNI’S TIPS THINK LIKE APROFESSIONALDESIGN • Mix different eras: vintage rugs plus new, custom window coverings create a framework for the rest of the home’s •design.Iprefer pulling textures, materials and different patterns together and staying away from a theme. • I appreciate the unexpected mix, and collecting pieces — sometimes you don’t have a place for them immediately, but there may be a day when you do.

Rider is a huge fan of Spanish luxury skincare line Natura Bissé. “I really love Natura Bissé for skincare, especially the Diamond Cocoon Sheer Cream and the Diamond Cocoon Sheer Eye.”
Lacy Dvoracek, RN and Lindsey McElvaney, Medical Aesthetician | Restorative Injectables
She also said that when layering your products (including slugging), it goes by texture, thinnest to thickest. Wait 10 minutes between products, and sunscreen always goes on last. “You always, always need sunscreen regardless of the season.” Two products she especially loves for an at-home day are Natura Bissé C+C Vitamin Souffle Mask ($52) and the Trish McEvoy Triangle of Light Eye Mask Pads ($69 for 8 pads).
BY LAURA NANCE Have you ever heard of “slugging” your skincare overnight? It’s the practice of layering a thick, nearly impenetrable layer of occlusive product over serums and other treatments overnight, in order to lock in their goodness and maximize results. This idea has actually been around for generations. Did your grandmother sleep in a thick layer of cold cream or petroleum jelly? She was slugging. In the name of research, I slugged several new-to-me products and chatted with experts who offered their thoughts on why ease is where it’s at when it comes to taking care of your skin.
Dvoracek and McElvaney agree that women can get overwhelmed by all the products and all the steps, so it is best just to start with the basics. “Cleanser, moisturizer and a good sunscreen are a must,” Dvoracek says. When asked about toner, McElvaney said she thinks it is often the missing piece in some routines. “With toners people can quickly see a change in their skin — pores get smaller, and skin gets brighter.” With a solid routine in place, they said, your skin is prepped so any serum will work that much better and in turn, you get more return on your investment. Speaking of more bang for your buck, medical grade products may be more expensive, but both agree they’re more cost-effective in the long run because a little of each product goes a long way. “There are more fillers and extras in drugstore products, while medical grade is more active. It is actually doing much more for your skin and it lasts longer,” saysOneMcElvaney.question I had for Dvoracek and McElvaney was about mixing products from different lines. Their answer: it’s A-OK! “I love different things in all our lines and like to mix depending on skin type,” McElvaney says. And as for taking tips from social media, be careful who you trust. “Often all you see are short, attention-grabbing clips that don’t give you all the information you need, or even good information. So if you have questions, it is best to see a professional to get you started on the right products,” says Dvoracek.
Kat Rider, Make-up Artist/Beauty Consultant | Balliets “What I think is most important is a cleanser, eye cream and moisturizer. Then, depending on what the skin needs, adding in a serum,” says Rider. She agrees that your routine need not be complicated or include dozens of products. “When you find the right products it makes things easier, so you’ll stick with it — and I always encourage women to pay attention to ingredients.”
As my girlfriends and I talk about skincare, we are often confused about what to use, the order, the best products, etc. What would you tell us? U Beauty is as streamlined, simplified and effective as a skincare routine gets. After cleansing, apply the Resurfacing Compound, which replaces up to eight products in a single formula, including retinol, toner, exfoliator, AHAs, antioxidants, vitamin E and more… If you want glass-like skin, this is it.
Laura’s Test Run
I started BagSnob in 2005 after just giving birth; I needed something to keep me busy while I was home with a newborn… It actually ended up becoming the motivation for U Beauty. Years of being a beauty influencer gave me access to the best the beauty world had to offer. It also made me realize that there had to be a more streamlined yet effective approach to skincare.
Both Restorative Injectables and Balliets offer complimentary consultations. Tina Craig
Next, the SUPER Hydrator, featuring five unique types of hyaluronic acid — including dehydrated long-chain hyaluronic acid — delivered through HYDRA-SIREN Capsules, it keeps your skin dewy and ultra-hydrated for up to 48 hours straight. Apply it after the Resurfacing Compound to seal it in.
Next up was U Beauty. I was given its Resurfacing Compound (which I had already heard was amazing), the Super Hydrator, the Barrier Bioactive Treatment and the Plasma Lip Compound. Because I follow Tina Craig, founder of U Beauty, on social media I was already aware of the products and how the Resurfacing Compound replaces up to eight products. That speaks to my lack of patience in skincare steps for sure!
I’m Chinese; I was born in Taipei and immigrated to Los Angeles when I was eight years old. I attended the University of Southern California and graduated with a degree in finance. What made you decide to start your blog BagSnob? What lessons did you learn that prepared you for starting U Beauty?
What sets U Beauty apart? What sets us apart is our one-of-a-kind technology: Our doublepatent-pending SIREN Capsule Technology is the only innovation in the beauty industry that’s strictly activated in the presence of free radicals. Developed at our medical-grade lab in Italy, you won’t see this delivery system in any other skincare, and it’s the reason products that I’d only dreamed of before are now on the market.
Lucky me! I was gifted several new-to-me skincare products and I couldn’t wait to dig in. While I have a solid skincare routine, I am always open to trying new products, especially if they’re multitasking … because to be honest, I am not patient enough for more than three. First to arrive were products from the Natura Bissé Diamond Extreme Collection: the Diamond Extreme Oil and the Diamond Extreme Mask. The first thing I noticed was the lovely, spa-like scent — so soothing! I started with the oil, which felt rich to the touch. The directions said only 5 drops, and that was the perfect amount to cover my face and neck. After about 10 minutes I added the mask, which includes ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinol and copper peptides that are said to firm and plump the skin. I loved how my skin felt and looked in the morning; it was soft and bright and did seem a little plumper.
Founder Tina Craig. We came to know Craig (who also founded and her product line because key members of her marketing team are based in Oklahoma City. In another Luxiere exclusive, she took the time to share a little about herself and why U Beauty is perfect for those suffering from skincare confusion. She’s fascinating. Enjoy. Tell me about your background — where you grew up, school, etc.
What led you to start U Beauty? Cosmetic confusion! I was using 15 products a day, twice a day. I was tired of countless steps and dozens of products each day just to barely maintain the health of my skin. Not only was I beholden to an elaborate routine, I’d developed rosacea and sensitivity. I wanted to find a better way, because I knew there had to be one. So I set out to simplify my routine and preserve and protect the skin I had.
For night, the BARRIER Bioactive Treatment repairs, softens and strengthens your skin on a deep level like you’ve never experienced. Designed as a sumptuous overnight mask (and the final step in your routine), you’ll wake up to healthier, younger-looking skin, even if you’ve barely slept!
One person I will always watch on social media is U Beauty
I used the Resurfacing Compound day and night, the Super Hydrator each day and most nights and the Barrier Bioactive Treatment about twice per week, especially if I had been outside that day or in the sun (yes, I do wear sunscreen every day). I loved how the products felt when they went on, but what I loved most is how my skin looked the next day. It didn’t take long for me to begin to feel more comfortable running my morning errands with just some mascara and a swipe of lipstick. I loved trying these new products and was thoroughly impressed with everything!

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After losing a significant amount of weight, it can be an unpleasant surprise when you see the excess, sagging skin that can result. After massive weight loss, many people are left with excess skin around the abdomen, arms, thighs and breasts. To restore a naturally shaped figure and achieve a leaner shape, BODY CONTOURING after massive weight loss is an option for some patients. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bajaj, a body contouring specialist who is passionate about helping her patients restore their bodies and reclaim their lives and confidence.
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“In the United States and throughout the Western hemisphere, museums are a tool of colonial power,” Herr says. “The idea of preserving art or cultural items, that is something that was brought over through European Enlightenment thought. So, trying to work in an anti-colonial way by giving voice to people of color in these colonial spaces is going to be difficult no matter what.”
Even though that was more than two decades ago, Herr is still thinking about access when it comes to museums, art galleries and historical sites. But now as a curator with Tulsa’s Gilcrease Museum, she can not only do something about access, but also what people see once they come inside. “It’s very easy and very common to push aside people from marginalized communities for people who don’t have as much access to cultural institutions to feel alienated,” Herr says. “That’s something at Gilcrease that we’re trying to rectify.”
BY MICHAEL KINNEY G rowing up, Dr. Chelsea Herr was a frequent visitor to the local museums and galleries around Los Angeles. Despite living in Riverside County, which is more than an hour away, her school often took field trips to prestigious and world renowned institutions such as the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Getty Center, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, the Huntington Library and the Norton Simon Museum. As Herr found out later, this was not the norm for most students. “Those were not funded by the school,” Herr says. “Parents had to pay for it. That’s a very limited population of kids whose parents could afford to pay for a bus trip out to L.A.”
Gilcrease appointed Herr, 34, as the first-ever Jack and Maxine Zarrow Curator of Indigenous Art and Culture in May of 2020. It is her first full-time curator position. Herr joined the Gilcrease right as it was embarking on transforming the museum from what it and most historical institutions had been throughout their histories.
Herr comes from a family with an artistic and educational background, so she had a great appreciation and interest in both. But it wasn’t until Herr went to college for her undergraduate work in graphic design that the idea of working in the public sector began to formulate. After taking a few art history courses, she decided to double major in graphic design and art history. “From there I just got more and more interested in museum work and I knew that I wanted to work with the public and really
Herr saw the new path Gilcrease was taking and jumped at the chance to be part of its curatorial team and build the Indigenous collections. “I feel incredibly blessed that even before I started at Gilcrease, they had already started on this process of deconstructing what their function and their purpose as an institution was,” Herr says. “Maybe this is a chance to include more people than have ever been included before. That really is the goal. Not necessarily to silence other people or to rewrite the history that other people are familiar with. But really to say there are multiple people who have experienced some of the same events. We are not rewriting certain histories, but we’re expanding them. We’re saying there is not only one narrative that brings us all into the same space or same moment.”
White Swan muslin cutting, late 19th century, 35.4375x71” Artist: White Swan (1851-1914), Native American; Apáalooke
kind of advance museum missions of bringing art and culture to the public that they might not get in other settings,” Herr says.
While working on her undergraduate degrees in Seattle, Herr volunteered as a tour guide at the Seattle Art Museum in 200810. It was there she saw for the first time just how much power museums have in shaping the story of history. “That opened my eyes to the fact that museums are narrative,” Herr says. “They are subjective. They are driven by certain motivations. They are not neutral institutions. The folks involved with museum work very much impact how a visitor will experience the art or whatever is on display. For me, coming from an Indigenous family, I knew that kind of representation is even less accurate and less well thought out than the art and culture of Euro-American artists.”
Bringing art to the masses became a focus for Herr for a variety of different reasons. That includes her conviction that art makes society better. “I have a personal belief that art, creative expression and cultural production are really imperative to our existence. I think that is very often overlooked, especially in the United States,” Herr says. “ I grew up in an era when art funding in public schools was diminishing every year. I could see our schooling system becoming more focused on social sciences and math. I really do believe that creativity connects us more to our own humanity. One of the things that help us understand civilizations and cultures from the past is artistic production.”
Instead of being turned off by the process and system, Herr gravitated to it. “I realized our voices are not heard in the same way other people’s are,” Herr says. “It was in that experience that I decided it’s not enough to see a problem. So, I decided I was going to do my best to try and correct some of that historical representation of Indigenous people.”
Herr officially moved to Oklahoma in the Summer of 2015 when she started her Ph.D. program at the University of Oklahoma. However, that was not her first time in the Sooner State. Herr’s family on her mother’s side, which is native Choctaw, hails from Southeastern Oklahoma. So she spent her summer traveling to Oklahoma to stay with her grandmother. Five years later, after earning a doctorate in Native American Art History, Herr joined the Gilcrease. Despite the museum being closed and under construction since July 2020, she has been hard at work transforming the Indigenous collection for the day the doors re-open in late 2024. “The way I view my role as a curator of Indigenious art is primarily to care for the items that are currently in the museum collection,” Herr says. “One of the ways we’re doing that now at the museum, we are collaborating with about 35 tribes across the country to make sure when we reopen in a couple of years that any story or history that relates to these Indigenous communities, that it’s fully done in collaboration with the appropriate communities. Making sure that when the public interacts with items on display that it’s not my voice, not the museum’s voice, but it is the voice of the community it comes from. That to me is the foundation of what being a curator is.” •

“GHOST SHIP” 18 x 24” oil on canvas

O klahoma City-based painter David Holland, born into an army family, had lived in Oklahoma, Kansas, Okinawa, Japan, Idaho, Maryland and Arkansas by the time he graduated from high school. When he was seven, his mother enrolled him in an art class that sparked his interest in creating art, while his family’s travels exposed him to a broad range of people and communities. Always the outsider, he became an observer of everything around him.
As an adult, trips to Europe spent touring countless art museums underscored his sense of the infinite variety, value and longevity of art. Photographs taken while in those museums led to one of his series he calls the “Torso Series,” where he depicts ancient broken Roman marble torsos in vivid colors. In March of 2010 in his hometown of Lawton, Oklahoma, he exhibited 35 pieces of his series “Modern Life,” at the Leslie Powell Foundation and Gallery. Not satisfied with the financial results of that exhibition and harnessing his desire to be a full-time artist, he embarked on his current, highly collected series of cloudscapes. With the Christmas gift of a complete set of oil painting supplies, his new series featured oil paintings of the mercurial essence of clouds and storms in vivid color and detail. We recently caught up with Holland for this conversation.
ART When and how did your interest in art begin? The first time I can remember being proud of a piece of art I’d made was the 4th grade. It was called “Yuccas and Things,” a pencil drawing of a desert scene from pictures in an encyclopedia. I think my mom at some point found some paint-by-numbers 8x10s at the PX for me and I remember loving the colors in those little cups. One picture of a deer in the woods turned out really nice and I put the little painting up on my bedroom wall. I’ve always loved making things. I think those feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction after hours of concentrated work started things. Tell us about the creative process. What is the part that you enjoy the most? In my work I try to match, as closely as possible, the real color I see when I witness a storm, so I enjoy that mental challenge of mixing the perfect colors. But the part I enjoy the most, I’d have to say, is when I have my brush on the canvas and my mind is totally engaged with my source cloud and I’m smearing in some great color that really makes some part of the painting pop into place for me.
The dynamic tension of a well-executed thunderstorm painting was all I was after when I started painting storms back in 2009.
“I’LL MEET YOU UP THERE” 24 x 24” oil on canvas 34 LUXIERE
Your work is a beautiful marriage of technology, with the cameras you use to photograph the storm and clouds, and paint. How has your work evolved throughout the years? Where do you see it going? I’ve always loved watching clouds, particularly storms, which led to taking pics of them… As long as my camera is fully charged I can take hundreds of pics of a single storm over the course of its development. A logical next step for me is to become adept at capturing time lapse images that show that development and using those for large-scale immersive video installations…Where and when, who knows?
Usually those pieces had a simple dark horizon line with little to no detail. When I showed those pieces to people, almost to a person they said they’d like something to give them the perspective of how big the storm is, so over the years I’ve developed landscapes to add to the foregrounds of my pieces. I look for landscapes that are evocative but that don’t compete with the grandeur of the sky.

What is the best time of year to capture sky images for the work you do? In Oklahoma it’s pretty much nine months out of the year because you never know when you’ll have the right mix of atmospheric conditions to form clouds or storms that are photogenic. We get fronts coming through in all seasons, except winter, that can produce a good thunderhead. My ideal setup is when a front storms through and is east of the city and the sun is behind me, about an hour before sunset with no obstruction illuminating the storm, bringing out all the shapes and structures within the line of storms. That would be an evening I’d probably take 400 pictures or more as the line played out through the setting of the sun and into dusk. Tell us about the connection you develop through your work with nature and how meaningful that is to you. It’s hard to describe the feeling I get when I’m standing in front of a mind-bogglingly beautiful storm that the sun is catching perfectly. I know it’s trite to say, but my heart does race and my breathing gets rapid. It’s like I can’t really believe this is happening and that I am lucky enough to watch it happening. Who are some of the people that have had the biggest influence on your work? My mother, who’s always been right behind me, never critical, always supportive. This is an incredibly long list that includes two worlds. One of friends/family and one of the art world itself. My father was convinced by my mother that I had some talent and then he and I traveled to three different cities to sell my work at festivals. In doing so he saw my commitment to my work and its effect on people first hand, and consequently he became a huge supporter. And my partner, John, who for 44 years has been through the whole journey, encouraging me and keeping my feet on the ground. What does art mean to you? A purpose. A living. A reason to get up in the morning and face this kooky world we live in and work at the challenge of creating something from nothing. I’ll use part of the question in the answer. It gives my life meaning.
ART “A PARTICLE OF TRUTH” 44 x 68” oil on canvas

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n 2013, Cecilia Robinson-Woods, a fourthgeneration educator, returned home to Oklahoma City to become the superintendent of a thenstruggling Millwood Public School District. Under her leadership, Millwood Public Schools has become one of the first “Charter Conversion” schools in the state. Because of this distinction from the state, Millwood Public Schools is allowed to utilize charter law to advance its mission as a public school, which is to ensure that students are prepared to be champions in the classroom, in the community and in life. RobinsonWoods was also recently named one of The Journal Record’s “50 Women Making a Difference.” She was named the Women of Color “Educator of the Year” in 2015 and the Women of Color “Woman of the Year” in 2020. Robinson-Woods currently serves on the State Superintendents Advisory Board, MAPS 3 Citizens Advisory Council, James Mission Board, OSSAA Board, Executive Board of USSA and OASA and the Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma Board, and as the co-chair for the Governor’s Oklahoma Workforce Youth Council. She is also a graduate of Leadership Oklahoma City and serves as a community director for the OU Medicine, Inc. board. Upon arriving at Millwood, job one was establishing a solid sense of community for her students. “The great news about Millwood is it really is my dream job,” she says. “I get to build a community … When I came in, we were hemorrhaging. We were losing enrollment. Our buildings were falling down around us; the community didn’t trust us. And so in my nine years, I’ve set out first to build community trust to tell people that we are who we say we are.” From there, it’s been about teaching kids how to learn. “Can they carry on a conversation? Can they clearly state their ideas? Can they solve a problem? Can they think critically? Can they work with others? That’s what I’m worried about,”
Robinson-Woods says. She understands, better than most, that this sense of familiarity and safety are the foundation upon which her students’ academic and other successes must rest. It’s something she was not afforded as a child. “We were bused every year in elementary school, because I grew up in Oklahoma City Public Schools at a time when desegregation was the law. If you were Black, they put you on a bus and they brought you to a white school. We didn’t even go to school with the same kids that lived right across the street from us growing up. My parents lived in the same house for 48 years, and I went to five different elementary schools, and my parents had never moved. And so being a part of a community, and just feeling like you belong, was a big part of just what I knew I wanted to do,” she says. Finally, in middle school, she spent three years straight in the same school, with the same kids, and it felt transformative.
She wasn’t sure how that passion would manifest, but it was always there. Her parents wanted her to become a businesswoman. They wanted her to go into something perhaps more lucrative than education. “My parents wanted me to go into business just because smart kids don’t go into teaching. Right? They go into something that’ll make them some money.” When it came time for college, Robinson-Woods dutifully majored in business. But, as she says, she “absolutely hated it.” By the middle of her sophomore year, she knew she had to make a change. “I called my parents and I said, ‘I’m going to education, but I’m not, I’m not going to stay a teacher, I’m going to become a principal.’ And I thought if I can be in charge of a school, I can build my own community.” She finished undergrad, started teaching and went back to school for a master’s degree, completing it as soon as she could. Then, Cupid stepped in. “I met a man who was from the East Coast and we got married and he moved me out east.”
One other thing about Robinson-Woods: She’s always preferred to be the boss. “I always was. My friends will tell me, I was always in charge. That’s just me. Wherever I go, I’m in charge and my passion was always building communities.”
The couple landed in Hartford, Connecticut, and RobinsonWoods interviewed for a position teaching fourth grade. Two days later, her principal came back after having looked over her resume. “She said, ‘You’re a principal,’ followed by ‘Your interview was better than any of my assistant principal interviews. I want you to be my assistant principal.’” And her destiny was sealed. From Connecticut, her career took her back west, to Kansas City, Tulsa and finally back to Oklahoma City. She’d been a Blue Ribbon principal in Hartford, a troubleshooting expert in turning schools around in Kansas City, an associate superintendent and early childhood expert in Tulsa — “Not by choice, but honestly because I was the only woman on the cabinet and I had a two-year-old. So I was the early childhood specialist,” she says, laughing. Her end goal? To show her students that there are career paths available to them that they may never have realized. “A lot of times it’s not that our kids don’t have the ability or even the will, they just don’t know these jobs exist. You can’t decide to be something that you don’t know exists. That’s the goal. And, and in fairness, you know, if you speak to male engineers, white male engineers, for most of them their dad was an engineer or the grandfather was an engineer, you know what I’m saying? It’s a family business. You rarely find just one doctor in a family. That first doctor in the family won’t be the last doctor, because now the next generation knows they could be a doctor.”

CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE Castel Santana, MD, is a functional medicine physician who offers a variety of services and specialized testing that provides an in-depth look into root causes of chronic disease and potential health risks. NORMAN WELLNESSREGIONALCLINIC 2605 S.W. 119th St., Suite B | Oklahoma City, OK 73170 [405] 912.3900 + Bio-identical hormone treatment + Chiropractic care + Food intolerance, genetic and toxin testing + Functional lab panel + Gut Health + IV therapy for fatigue, recovery, hydration and more Castel Santana, MD Angela Schmidt, DC Nicole Garber, APRN 40 LUXIERE

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A n old proverb says that the eyes are the windows to the soul — and for Phil Clayton, what he sees and how he helps others see have come together beautifully in his personal and professional lives.
Owner of Edmond’s TSO Optical since 1986, Clayton is the first to admit he was a bit naïve in terms of following a corporate model when he opened TSO. “It was probably between years three and five when I realized I didn’t like the service and quality we were providing, so that began my journey into higher-end eyewear,” he says. TSO now offers unique and beautiful eyewear from France, Germany, Belgium, Japan and other countries, and partners with optometrists and ophthalmologists to be a full-service shop. “It’s an unusual setting that we have all the o’s together. TSO is unique that it combines optometry, ophthalmology and opticianry under one roof. Our clients can be diagnosed, [get] treated, have surgery and choose eyewear all in one location.”

Clayton’s collection of art is diverse and eclectic — from sculptures to glass to paintings. “Every piece has a story, and many pieces are from local artists,” he says. “And I love that over time I have built relationships with many of the artists.” Such as Oklahoma City mixed media artist Paul Medina, whose “Crown and Roses” sculpture graces a coffee table, along with his painting of Clayton’s daughter Molly, complete with a few koi “Thefish. goal for my home is for my necessities to blend in and get color and expression from the art,” Clayton says. And he doesn’t buy art just for the sake of buying it. “I wait until I find a piece I love, not just because I have a space to fill.” Case in point: the sculpture of a woman that sits alone on his fireplace mantel, purchased from a street vendor in Soho. “I fell in love with it; I found her both romantic and haunting.”
The home has had two add-ons in its history, and most recently Clayton redid the entire kitchen. “There’s a responsibility when you own an older home. There’s always something to do, projects to be tackled. Admittedly I am always on alert — in the house and by the pool — constantly fussing and tweaking, but it makes me happy.”
The side of him that knew there was something more beautiful and creative to be found within his business also saw the same for his home. Built in 1937, his charming English Tudor-style home in Oklahoma City’s Crown Heights neighborhood is a fusion of modern and old house charm, telling the story of the hobbies and things he loves — like art, bonsai and Japanese koi fish. Clayton has a creative and stylish side and is a great admirer of art. “I like things orderly in a minimalist way and have a critical eye for balance, design and symmetry, and my hobbies reflect that,” he says.

Clayton’s Westie, Miss Kitty Giraffe, lounges contentedly in her art-filled home.

The uniqueness and beauty in Clayton’s business and home translate to all areas of his life, and it’s not lost on him that he is lucky. “I am so fortunate,” he says. “I truly love going to work every day, but I also love coming home. I am happy.”
While his business and home keep him busy, community involvement plays a huge part in Clayton’s life — and it’s no surprise it revolves around the arts. He spent 15 years on the board of OKC Ballet, including as its board president, along with three years on the board for the Arts Council of Oklahoma City. “My father always said that public service is important and to leave something better than you found it,” he adds. His next community endeavor is co-chairing, with Brooke Coe, The Exquisite Corpse Costume Ball Oct. 29 at artist Laura Warriner’s ARTSPACE at Untitled. “The arts in Oklahoma City are so important, and I love Laura’s mission of helping emerging artists, along with providing educational opportunities.”
The former dining room/library posed a bit of a conundrum. “It had been 13 years of not knowing what to do with it,” he says. A client and friend, decorator Troy Wilson, came into TSO to shop for glasses and Clayton asked him if he’d look at the room and offer ideas of what could be done. “After Troy looked around, he asked me about my hobbies and what I love and he said, ‘Why don’t you make this a bonsai room?’ and that is exactly what I did.” Now, he utilizes the room for working on his beloved bonsai, without the hassle of setting up outdoor tables and moving things in and out.
Phil Clayton working in his bonsai room

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BY CHRISTINE EDDINGTON PHOTOGRAPHY BY KENNON BRYCE O ne of the most remarkable homes in Oklahoma City’s historic Lincoln Terrace neighborhood is also one of its newest. Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice Yvonne Kauger calls the style of her home, completed in 2007, “Taos Pueblo Spanish Deco.” The striking home manages to tuck itself harmoniously into the neighborhood while also jubilantly asserting its presence with its phenomenal, super-sized stainless steel mask by renowned Oklahoma City sculptor and mask maker G. Patrick Riley. The desert sandcolored stucco home is adjacent to the State Capitol complex and across the street from the Oklahoma Judicial Center, which houses the Oklahoma Supreme Court.
LUXIERE 51 HOME + DESIGN Stainless steel mask by sculptor G. Patrick Riley

Kauger is a fourth-generation Oklahoman from the small town of Colony, Oklahoma, and an avid collector of art. In fact, she owns an art gallery in Colony, and her home collection rivals that of any gallery you’ll find on Santa Fe’s Canyon Road. She graduated at the top of Colony High School’s class of 1955, serving as co-valedictorian. It entertains her to tell folks that, following it up with the fact that there were seven in her graduating class. As a teen, she worked for a lawyer in Cordell, Oklahoma, during the break before cotton picking season began. He had been a classmate of Kauger’s mother. There, she met the lawyer working down the hall, J.T. Bailey, who became her career advisor and told her to go to law school. She did, but only after earning an MT(ASCP) degree in biology and chemistry, with the idea that she could pay her way through law school by working as a medical tech, which she also did, at Medical Arts Laboratory. She attended Oklahoma City University School of Law, at night, graduating first in her class in 1969, and later made history. She was the first female staff lawyer at the Oklahoma Supreme Court. She was appointed to the position of Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma by Gov. George Nigh and was sworn in in 1984. She’s one of three women currently on the bench. Kauger, an honorary member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, founded the Red Earth Festival and also founded and coordinates the Sovereignty Symposium, an annual conference featuring panels focusing on Oklahoma tribal and state relations. When the Supreme Court moved into its current home in the Oklahoma Judicial Center, formerly the Oklahoma History Center, it was Kauger who worked with the State Arts Council and Historical Society, forming a committee to fill the building with a truly magnificent collection of Indigenous art. There’s even a beautiful coffee table book about the collection, written by Gayleen Rabakukk, MFA, and photographed by Dr. Neil Chapman. That’s how she rolls.



OPPOSITE: The gallery walls in Kauger’s home are filled with works by dozens of artists including DG Smalling, Bert Seabourn, Mike Larsen and Benjamin Harjo, Jr.
ABOVE: Kauger’s living room. The doorway to her personal suite came from a church in Bristol, England. Above the fireplace is another piece by G. Patrick Riley. The turned-wood bowl is by the late William Charles Sellers, a fine trial attorney, pilot and artist.
She was just as hands-on in the creation of her home, which she designed along with Kyle Shifflett, Kauger’s staff attorney at the Oklahoma Supreme Court. The home strikes a balance that can be tough to achieve – it’s wonderfully livable and also perfect for entertaining. A low-walled patio on the home’s west side is scattered with café tables and a fireplace; inside the primary living space can seat as many as 40 guests for dinner. As Kauger moves from room to room, she casually says things like “That’s a Jerome Tiger. In here is an Eric Tippeconnic.”
RIGHT: A massive painting by Jean Richardson anchors the entryway.
The collection is visually breathtaking, so much so that it can be hard to stay focused on the conversation at hand. Kauger has cleverly planned the installation of her collection. In her primary living areas, art is very much the focus, but it’s balanced by her handsome furnishings and rugs. Along the back hall toward the garage (its walls also filled with art) and upstairs on the landing are spaces treated like galleries, with pieces hung next to one another from floor to ceiling.
She’ll tell you the story of each piece, what she knows about it and what she likes about it. Many of her favorites are the creations of her grandsons, Jay and Winston, now wonderful young men, whom she has declared to be “practically perfect.”
The entire composition of this art-filled home is at once lively, sophisticated, interesting and bold. Just like the woman who created it. •

1130 North Harvey Avenue Unit 101 | (917) CIRC PILATES STUDIO 2022 SUMMER INTENSIVE FACULTY MEMBER AT OKLAHOMA CITY BALLET ADJUNCT FACULTY MEMBER FOR THE JUILLIARD SCHOOL DANCE DEPT. ROMANA’S PILATES TEACHER/TRAINER 20+ YEARS CARRIEOWNER/INSTRUCTORKENNEALLY 56 LUXIERE AT FINANCIALCAMERONSTRATEGIES, we understand that financial planning is not about numbers on a page, it is about developing a long-term relationship between client and advisor. Every client needs a dedicated professional to provide objective advice to help them make informed decisions about their finances. No two clients are the same and our advisors know this better than most. Our deep financial knowledge and years of experience inform our every decision, with only one goal in mind: your ideal future. To learn more, please visit us at or call 405.463.7952 . Melinda Olbert Financial Advisor, CFP®, JD SECURITIES AND ADVISORY SERVICES OFFERED THROUGH CETERA ADVISORS LLC, MEMBER FINRA/SIPC, A BROKER/DEALER AND REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR. CETERA IS UNDER SEPARATE OWNERSHIP FROM ANY OTHER ENTITY. INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES DO NOT OFFER A FIXED RATE OF RETURN. PRINCIPAL, YIELD AND/OR SHARE PRICE WILL FLUCTUATE WITH CHANGES IN MARKET CONDITIONS AND, WHEN SOLD OR REDEEMED, YOU MAY RECEIVE MORE OR LESS THAN ORIGINALLY INVESTED. NO SYSTEM OR FINANCIAL PLANNING STRATEGY CAN GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. WE HAVE MOVED! PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS: 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 190 | Oklahoma City, OK 73112

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BEST MADE PLANS, OR TRAVEL GODS SMILING? By some pandemic miracle, the trip happened. We followed the dining blueprint of the Lisbon episode of the Netflix series “Somebody Feed Phil.” We highly recommend this show for travelers and foodies. For us there is no better way to get to know a city than to eat your way through it. Next we drove north up the Silver Coast – very popular with American expats, with miles of pristine beaches, dramatic cliffs and quaint villages.
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Timothy Fields, Jill Smith and Eddie Walker
W ords of wisdom: The move that you are afraid to make is the one that just might change everything. When my husband Eddie Walker and I announced in January our decision to retire early and move to Portugal, we were met with curiosity from many who share a similar desire. For some time Eddie and I had taken note of the rankings of the top countries for Americans to retire. Portugal seemed to always be in the top five, and often in first place. Our interest wasWepiqued.andseveral friends booked a Viking cruise from Barcelona to Rome for May of 2020. We planned to spend the prior week exploring Portugal. I mean, if you’re that close, why not? Well, we all know what happened in 2020! During lockdown, we took long walks chatting about life and our future. Our two boys were off to college, and we began asking "what’s next?" Our conversations always came back to Portugal.Withour original plan dashed by COVID, and instead of taking Viking’s refund offer for the canceled trip, we rolled the dice and booked their Douro River cruise, with a pre-week in Lisbon, for September 2021.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Oklahomans are picking up and moving … to Portugal! Jill Smith felt a yearning to free herself from the daily grind of the work-obsessed United States. So she did. Eddie Walker, Timothy Fields and their two wonderful sons have been an anchor of Oklahoma City’s cultural and arts scene for decades. Walker was executive director for the OKC Philharmonic from 1999 to 2019, after which he was executive director at Oklahoma Contemporary until retiring last year. Fields owned his boutique hair salon for many years. This year, to the surprise of many, they retired and moved to Portugal. Luxiere wanted to know how it’s going, and the couple was happy to tell us. Follow their adventures on Instagram @wheresjilldo and @timneddieinportugal.

One big consideration when moving abroad is whether to ship your possessions or to sell (or store) it all and start anew. We chose the latter. Selling all your stuff is a daunting task, and seeing it all splayed out is a humbling and somewhat shocking experience. Prior to this, if someone asked what our style is, I would have said minimalist. We didn’t have too many “pretties” out, and we didn’t think we had that much storage, but clearly, we had some STUFF. To say our sale was a success would be an understatement; we were practically sold out in five hours.
At this point, we still needed to decide where in Portugal to live. By watching YouTube videos, I found and fell in love with Setubal, a town of about 100,000, just southeast of Lisbon and nestled between mountains and the Atlantic. It is known as an arts and culture center of Portugal and is also famous for having the largest indoor fresh market. Look it up, it’s lovely.
First stop was Sintra, a charming town with colorful palaces rising above the clouds, with our first night (my 60th birthday!) at the oceanside Hotel El Farol in Cascais. Next was Obidos, a walled city with whitewashed homes draped in bougainvillea and a castle converted to a hotel. Sadly, COVID delayed its reopening but we were rescued with a lovely stay in a small hotel inside the walls. The following day took us to the historic pilgrimage site of Fatima before arriving in Nazare, famous among surfers for its massive waves. Then it was back to Lisbon for the start of the Douro cruise, taking us farther north to Porto, the terraced vineyards along the river and tastings of the region’s amazing green wines (vinho verde) and world-famous ports.
We came back with an unspoken determination to return. Neither of us could have guessed then just how soon that would be. Funny how the universe works, right? For some time I have followed the Facebook group "Americans and Friends in PT" which offers a wealth of information on the do’s and don’ts of moving to Portugal. Floods of Americans were uprooting and moving there, even during COVID. We thought perhaps a five-year timeline was doable. We kept talking, and shorter horizons seemed possible. A previously scheduled visit with a new financial advisor confirmed that this crazy idea just might be within reach. The strong real estate market was the key, so we called our friend Monty Milburn to come for an assessment. To our surprise the price we needed and his guesstimate were only $6,000 apart. Was this really about to happen? Within a matter of days, we had a full price offer, sight unseen.
The next few months were a flurry of activity as we began gathering the requirements for the visa process, as well as preparing to cut ties with our professional lives and leave our home. A Portuguese attorney helped with opening a bank account and reviewing our apartment lease, two critical components of the D7 visa application. Through the Facebook group I was able to connect with an English-speaking realtor who has been a tremendous help with securing our apartment and in helping set it up for our arrival.

I think part of this process is building relationships and sharing knowledge and experiences. One of the couples we befriended had a trip planned to Paris, and they encouraged us to come along. Well, why not? A big part of why we chose Portugal was to explore this continent, so why wait?
We were lucky to have friends who had just purchased a townhome in the new Villa Teresa development as an investment property, and they were kind enough to let us crash there until we got our visas approved and were awaiting our departure.Ourlast couple of months in OKC we spent saying our goodbyes to family and friends (there was some serious handholding), preparing for our two dachshunds to travel, eating at our favorite places and attending annual events important to us. To say we will miss this great city that has been home for so many years and has been so good to us is an understatement. But the excitement of this adventure propels us forward.
Three months in and we realize that living abroad is a gift we could have only dreamed of receiving. We spent our first month furnishing our apartment and settling into our new life. Setubal has a fantastic group of expats from all over the world, including a fellow Okie, Jill Smith, who we didn’t know previously but with whom we share many friends in common. Soon after arriving our city hosted a Gin Festival in the Casa Da Baia, one of the many cultural and tourism centers here. The Portuguese love their gin and wine. At the festival we met in person some of the fellow expats that, at that point, we had only interacted with through social media. Friendships were formed that night and dinner invitations followed.
DAY BY DAY Our new city is very walkable and we may have covered every inch. We also walk our dogs at least four times a day — quite different from just opening the back door and letting them out. We start our morning by catching up on what’s going on in the States. We have started learning the language and I have begun painting lessons, something I have wanted to do for some time. Eddie does laundry, so if you know him you know he is very happy with that. Somehow our days fly by and we wonder where the time has gone.
One of our first dining experiences was dinner in the castle that sits high on the hill towering over Setúbal. Portugal’s rich history as a launching point for many explorers brought back the flavors of the world, creating a very diverse and exciting cuisine. Living on the coast also offers the opportunity to try a variety of fresh seafood. We are continually surprised by the affordability of food here, whether out to eat or shopping in the grocery store. Yet with so many restaurants to explore, we still find ourselves missing some of our old home favorites. So I cook.
Y’ALL COME We had our first friend and longtime client of mine, along with her family, over at the end of July for a visit, followed by a much-anticipated visit from our boys in August. We look forward to what we hope are many more visits from friends and family. We are happy to share this new life we have been gifted.

Y ou’ve heard the saying, “There’s no way I was born to just pay bills and die.” A dear friend and I were having an intense conversation about whether he should retire, as he was in his 50s, or continue to work. That choice never came; he passed away a month later. This is the moment I truly realized we are not promised tomorrow. A fire in my soul was lit to get out of the rat race and go live a wonderful life while I was still able. But how to make this happen, and where would I go? This took several years to implement but when I decided to move forward on this decision, it completely consumed every thought. Europe was on the radar, especially Portugal. My insatiable desires to explore the world, meet people from other cultures, walk untouched paths in nature and simply live in peace were what I was in search of. In 2020, I booked a three-week solo vacation with a backpack and crossed the Atlantic Ocean, landing in Portugal in hopes of finding what I had read online about the lifestyle, affordability, wonderful free healthcare, fresh seafood, rich history, kind people, endless beautiful beaches, consistent weather and peace that I desired so deeply. I found it! It was everything and more. This adventure showed me I didn’t need a lot of things to make me happy. I wanted meaningful experiences. As you know, our world is in the midst of great change, and people are trading their money in for meaning at astounding rates. I was one of those people. I was finished with materialism to fill voids in my life. This is when it happened – the mindshift. After returning from vacation, I put pen to paper to see if I had enough money saved to make this move.Here’s the deal. You can drive yourself crazy playing this back-and-forth game in your head, trying to talk yourself out of doing what you most desire and find all the reasons not to

The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you did. I didn’t want to be that person. I began downsizing my home with plans to sell it and everything in it. February 2021, I was on a plane with three suitcases to start a new life in Portugal. On the flight, I had many hours to contemplate my decision. I’m in my 40s, I left a great job I enjoyed, left loved ones and a home I poured my heart into. Had I lost my mind? The answer was no. This decision did not come easily, and this move did not come without several adjustments and lonely days. I mentally tried to prepare myself for events like being away from my closest family and friends, language barriers, linedrying clothes, bureaucracy and the “I’ll get to it when I get to it” attitude. Portugal is slow and relaxed, and knows the meaning of work/life balance. It’s something foreign to Americans in my opinion. Faster is not always better, I have come to realize, and being busy is not a badge of honor. In addition to discovering the pure simplicity of life in Portugal, I’ve also discovered over 1,000 miles of coastline, mountains, Roman roads, castles upon castles, charming cities with exorbitant amounts of history dating back to the Roman Era, a cluster of nine islands called the Azores and this very special island called Madeira in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Sure, most would tell you about Lisbon, the Algarve, Porto, Lagos and the bullet point cities, but I want to share more of what makes Portugal amazing. It’s this place. Madeira is a 5-million-year-old volcanic island that stole my heart with its Jurassic Park look and feel and the endless, extensive hikes through UNESCO Laurisilva forests that only exist on three islands in the world, levada walks also called irrigation channels, exotic fruit and bananas growing down the steepest mountains you can imagine, waterfall canyoning, natural lava pools, unique seafood, nine microclimates and 32% grade, white-knuckle roads all over the island. I get goosebumps talking about it because it is more than I could have ever expected when I went searching for meaning and life. The point is if you desire something more, it’s out there. You have to be open to opportunities and possibilities and be willing to take them. •
TRAVEL + HOME do it. As my mentor told me, “People leave with $200 in their pocket and set out on this journey, and they figure it out.” He said, “You will be fine.”

Thalassotherapy and Natural Spas Sessions in saltwater pools can be combined with other relaxation techniques like aromatherapy, hot stones, yoga and meditation. Everything is geared to taking care of the body and restoring the mind, and always by the sea.
The upscale Farol Hotel is situated in an elegant 19th-century waterfront villa in the Lisbon suburb of Cascais. Each of its 33 rooms was decorated by renowned interior designers, and there are quirky and colorful artworks in the shared areas.
For more than 140 years, this market has reigned supreme as an incredible place to sample typical Portuguese flavors from salt-dried cod (bacalhau) to custard tarts (pasteis de nata). The array of fresh produce on sale here is mesmerizing, with some 300 independent vendors all under one roof. Still an integral part of Setúbal life and culture, this market is impressive to behold.
Hotel El Farol, Cascais
Portugal’s Silver Coast Situated between Porto and Lisbon, this fascinating region stretches from the majestic mountains of the Serra da Estrela to the stunning beaches of the west coast and includes the historic cities of Tomar and Coimbra.
The first part of the trail consists of a mixture of endemic and introduced vegetation after the discovery of the island. In the second part, the trail penetrates into the interior of the island, which remains the same since before its discovery, more than five centuries ago.
Mercado do Livramento, Setubal
Levada Walk, Laurissilva forest, Madeira
Praia da Figueirinha This dreamy beach is set in the Serra da Arrábida National Park, just beyond the mouth of the Rio Sado estuary. It’s one of the best known and most popular beaches in the Arrábida area and is one of the closest to the town of Setubal.

64 LUXIERE Indulge Yourself in a Luxury Lash Experience!Spa 405.985.1881 | Indulge Yourself in a Luxury Lash Spa Experience! www lashspaokc com Book Today! 5 7 0 0 N W 1 3 5 T H S T S U I T E 2 0 0 O K C O K 7 3 1 4 2 4 0 5 9 8 5 1 8 8 1 JIL SANDER Locally Owned LuxuryBoutiquesOuterwear Oklahoma’s Only “I am convinced there can be luxury in simplicity” 3023-J South Harvard, Tulsa 918-742-3331 5637 North Pennsylvania, OKC 405-242-3015

LUXIERE 65 residential and 405.720.7663goodmanconstructionok.comcommercial

66 LUXIERE Founder | Broker | Realtor Whatever your vision of luxury, Cherrywood can help. From rural living to city living, land acreage to townhomes in the heart of downtown, we do it all. Luxury (noun) | lux • u • ry a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort Luxury Your Way Lauren Toppins C 405.821.4061 O 405.768.3468 lauren

LUXIERE 67 byListed GroupRealty525•BurnettTy

68 LUXIERE #1 OKLAHOMA LUXURY REAL ESTATE TEAM $1,775,000 | 2433 NW Grand Circle $1,800,000 | 117 Lower Green Way $1,795,000 | 1509 Guilford Lane $2,395,000 | 15808 Fairview Farm Blvd $2,292,000 | 14804 Gaillardia Lane $2,250,000 | 5709 Mistletoe Court LISTED BY: Wyatt Poindexter, Keller Williams Elite 5629OKLuxuryHomes.com405-417-5466N.ClassenBlvd| Oklahoma City, OK $4,500,000 | 7800 Indian Springs Rd $3,200,000 | 88 Ridgeline Road

LUXIERE 69 LISTED BY: Wyatt Poindexter, Keller Williams Elite 5629OKLuxuryHomes.com405-417-5466N.ClassenBlvd| Oklahoma City, OK #1 OKLAHOMA LUXURY REAL ESTATE TEAM $1,250,000 | 101 Lower Green Way $1,225,000 | 33 Boulevard $1,066,000 | 2525 W Wilshire Blvd $1,095,000 | 135 Lake Aluma Drive $430,000 | 19708 Millstone Crossing Dr $1,100,000 | 77 Ridgeline Road $899,000 | 82 Lower Green Way $895,000 | 74 Lower Green Way $1,495,000 | 2550 E Overholser Drive $1,495,000 | 5103 Forum Circle $1,395,000 | 5809 Oak Tree Road $1,385,000 | 8501 Stonehurst Court $325,000 | 816 NW 8th Street $595,000 | 17200 Osprey Circle $350,000 | 8412 Stonehurst Court $1,770,000 | 6057 Red Rock Lake Road

70 LUXIERE As a longtime resident of Oklahoma City, David Oliver has an exceptional understanding of the Oklahoma City real estate market dynamics and its diverse communities. His success is attributed to his dedication to go above and beyond for his clients, always striving to exceed their expectations. David is a savvy marketer with a keen understanding of what it takes to position a property locally, and paired with an award-winning residential brokerage, the exposure he offers is unparalleled. AN INCOMPARABLE BUYING & SELLING EXPERIENCE 5709 MISTLETOE CT | OKLAHOMA CITY 4 BD | 6 BA | 6,324 SQ FT | $2,250,000 | PENDING 15808 FAIRVIEW FARM BLVD 5 BD | 7 BA | 7,259 SQ FT $2,595,000 | PENDING 2433 NW GRAND CIRCLE 4 BD | 4.2 BA | 6,911 SQ FT $1,775,000 | PENDING 135 LAKE ALUMA DRIVE 3 BD | 4.1 BA | 1.74 ACRES $1,095,000 | AVAILABLE

LUXIERE 71 1508 W WILSHIRE BLVD | OKLAHOMA CITY 3 BD | 5 BA | 6,807 SQ FT | $2,695,0001508WILSHIRE.COMDAVID G. OLIVER WYATT POINDEXTER GROUP DAVID G. OLIVER 5629 N. Classen Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 405.948.7500 | david@wyattpoindexter.com405.532.3800

72 LUXIERE Jennifer Kragh 405.274.6767 IG: Nothingcompares. Jennifer Kragh pairs her attention to detail and market expertise with the unrivalled expertise, best-in-class exposure and unmatched reputation of Sotheby’s International Realty. Sotheby’s International Realty brings power and reach greater than any other real estate company in the world with more than $204 billion in global sales in 2021. Whether buying or selling, the choice is clear. The Jennifer Kragh Group closed 53 transaction sides in the last 12 months, representing buyers and sellers throughout Oklahoma’s most-sought cities and neighborhoods.
LUXIERE 73 © 2022 Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks licensed to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. Representing Seller 1545 S Timber Road Keystone Lake ACTIVE LISTING 5740 E Wilshire Boulevard Eastern Oklahoma City Estate CONTRACT PENDING 2825 NW Grand Boulevard #10 The Commons Condominiums CONTRACT PENDING 700 NW 15th Street Heritage Hills SOLD 1703 N Hudson Avenue Heritage Hills SOLD Representing Buyer 434 NW 19th Street Heritage Hills CONTRACT PENDING 700 NW 15th Street Heritage Hills SOLD 1606 Guilford Lane Nichols Hills SOLD 3001 Stone Oak Lane Black Oak at Iron Horse Ranch SOLD 2916 Pelham Drive Lakehurst SOLD

74 LUXIERE Nothingcompares. Jennifer Kragh Megan TaborJennifer Kragh Group Jennifer Kragh 405.274.6767 IG:

LUXIERE 75 © 2022 Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks licensed to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. Timber Ridge on the Lake 1545 S Timber Road, Cleveland, OK EVENT3.722TimberRidgeKeystone.comHOMESACRESVENUE $1,100,000

This exceptionally beautiful 4 bedroom, 4 1/2 bathroom home has everything you’ve been looking for and more. Complete with a stunning pool, true theatre room, upstairs bonus room, and guest cottage, it’s an oasis in the middle of town. 3036 VIA ESPERANZA AN EXECUTIVE HOME IN ESPERANZA RESERVE YOUR PRIVATE TOUR TODAY $950,000

LUXIERE 77 LISTED BY: Brad Reeser Real Estate Team 10BradReeser.com405-990-8262E.Campbell| Edmond, OK This exquisite home and shop sit on a sprawling 5+ acre estate minutes from Memorial and I35. Delightfully and painstakingly renovated over the last few years, the current owners have transformed a once traditional Tudor into a contemporary castle with every amenity on your list. And the pièce de résistance? A workshop worthy of its own cover story. FIND INNER PEACE IN THIS URBAN ESCAPE RESERVE YOUR PRIVATE TOUR TODAY 12500 THREE OAKS DRIVE $995,000

78 LUXIERE ENGEL&VÖLKERS® CHARLI BULLARD ©2022 Engel & Völkers. All rights reserved. Each brokerage independently owned and operated. Engel & Völkers and its independent License Partners are Equal Opportunity Employers and fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act. Charli Bullard Engel & Völkers Oklahoma City 1138 N Robinson Ave • Oklahoma City, OK 73103 405-414-6215 • LUXURY LIVING DESERVES A LUXURY AGENT. SOLD / NEW CONSTRUCTION Representing the Buyer & Seller 1121 Belford Ave, Nichols Hills

LUXIERE 79 The natural beauty of Forest Creek Estates will inspire you to dream big. This environmentally friendly gated community, with its 5-acre lake, 15-acre nature preserve and acreage lots, is designed for people who wish to create a distinctive home. 1 TO 2+ ACRE LOTS | GATED COMMUNITY 15 ACRE NATURE PRESERVE | EAST OF I-35 • EDMOND, OK Welcome to Forest Creek Wyatt Poindexter, Keller Williams Elite 405-417-5466 | 5629 N. Classen Blvd | Oklahoma City

Broker Associate
| EACH HOME HAS 4 BEDS | 3.5 BATHS | 3,481 SQFT PRICED AT $1,655,000
80 LUXIERE LUXIERE 80 ©2022 Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks licensed to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC.
An Exclusive Listing for Exclusive Living. at Robert
When Holsey Company had the vision to build Robert Square, they selected Thomson + Thomson to design a community of historically-inspired urban homes unlike anything Oklahoma City has ever seen. Holsey is building each home to feature its own unique facade offering both natural light and privacy throughout. The open dining to living space is lit from towering front windows and double doors leading you to the completely private backyard. Upstairs you’ll find the spacious primary suite with a juliet balcony overlooking the backyard. Two additional bedrooms and a bathroom complete the front wing of the upstairs but a skybridge with towering 5x10 windows will lead you to the guest suite in a private upstairs wing. Combining a forward-thinking design with the warmth of natural stones and wood throughout. Welcome to Phase 1 of Robert Square. Square Harper, 405.465.6566

OKLAHOMA’S PREMIER LUXURY LISTING in the scenic landscapes of Sugar Hill. This contemporary estate features a breathtaking main living area with a cathedral ceiling and view that nods to traditional mountain architecture. Then boasts a stunning chef kitchen with oversized marble island, commercial appliances and upscale dining areas. Each room offers an array of touches for a unique experience. The main suite holds a see-through fireplace, garden room, celebrity style closets, heated bathroom marble floors and steam shower. An ingeniously smart Control 4 system provides whole-home automation. Entertaining? THX Theater Room. Entertainment suite and bar. Elevator to cavernous basement and wine cellar. Resort infinity pool. Any number of patios with seamless indoor-outdoor transitions and fire features. Don’t forget the guest home or cabana with home gym. Short distance from paved Lake Arcadia trails. With endless detail and style, this is the ultimate luxury living experience.
Your Oasis Awaits.

82 1512 CAMDEN WAY $1,140,000 | 4 BD | 3.1 BA | 3,931 SQ FT 6149 RED ROCK LAKE RD $1,625,000 | 4 BD | 4 BA | 5,033 SQ FT Buyer Represented 3404 HARRIS DR $799,500 | 4 BD | 4 BA | 3,941 SQ FT 1119 NW 56TH ST $699,000 | 3 BD | 2.1 BA | 2,464 SQ FT #1 INDIVIDUAL LUXURY AGENT AT KELLER WILLIAMS ELITE 3464 BRUSH CREEK RD • $995,000 | 4 BD | 4.2 BA | 6,002 SQ FT www.3464brushcreek.infoSOLDAVAILABLE AVAILABLESOLDSOLD SIMON SHINGLETON 405HOUSEANDHOME.COM 405.633.3611

83 LUXIERE 416 NW 38TH STREET, OKLAHOMA CITY 3BD+OFFICE | 3BA | SOLD 1501 NW 16TH STREET, OKLAHOMA CITY 3BD | 2.5BA | 2,836 SQ FT | $850,000 3312 N HARVEY PARKWAY, OKLAHOMA CITY 3BD+OFFICE | 3.5BA | 3,628 SQ FT | $825,000 701 N HUDSON AVENUE #402, OKLAHOMA CITY 2BD | 2BA | 1,526 SQ FT | $640,000 ©2022 Engel & Völkers. All rights reserved. Each brokerage independently owned and operated. Engel & Völkers and its independent License Partners are Equal Opportunity Employers and fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act. ENGEL&VÖLKERS® BRITTA ELITE TEAM Britta McAfee Thrift, JD • Advisor 405-821-2313 • Follow me 1138 N Robinson Ave • Oklahoma City, OK 73103 • THE URBAN CORE SPECIALIST BRITTA MCAFEE THRIFT, JD ADVISOR


85 LUXIERE ©2022 Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks licensed to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. 3105 PEORIA DR, TULSA 5 BEDS | 5 FULL BATHS | 2 HALF BATHS | 9,246 SQ FT | $15,000,000 5317 WISTERIA DR, OKLAHOMA CITY 5 BEDS | 5 FULL BATHS | 3 HALF BATHS | 9,634 SQ FT | $3,995,000 5901 N SANTA FE AVE, EDMOND 5 BEDS | 4 FULL BATHS | 7,422 SQ FT | $1,795,000 12350 N HARRAH RD, LUTHER 4 BEDS | 3 FULL BATHS | 1 HALF BATH | 5,375 SQ FT | $1,495,000 ROB ALLEN CEO & Broker #173362 rob @ | 405.696.7622 Rob has led Sage Sotheby’s International Realty to be the top luxury real estate brokerage in Oklahoma all the while maintaining his status as a multi-million dollar producer. For service as elevated as your standards, contact Rob for your next move.

PROUD PARTNER WITH Oklahoma’s High Net Worth Insurance Expert BRIAN HARVEY / PRIVATE CLIENT ADVISOR 13100 N. Western, Ste. 115, Oklahoma City O 405.863.9842 M 405.397.3823 You just bring the sunscreen. COMPREHENSIVE TRAVEL INSURANCE | KIDNAP & RANSOM PROTECTION | JEWELRY PROTECTION PERSONAL PROPERTY (AUTO/HOME) | WORLDWIDE EXCESS LIABILITY | LIFE INSURANCE Relax. We’ve got you covered.


Building Business Together. Central Bank is proud to partner with so many remarkable people dedicated to making Oklahoma City one of the best places to live, work, and raise a family – a great place to grow. Together, we’re laying roots for the future of OKC. WWW.CENTRALBANK.NET | MEMBER FDIC 3032 East 2nd St. Edmond, OK Coming Soon: 5701 North May Oklahoma City, OK 8700 S. OklahomaPennsylvaniaCity,OK Visit our locations at:

Visit Selah Selah is a new urbanism development located just 10 minutes south of historic downtown Norman. Offering 540 acres of front porch living, fresh air, and fresh food, Selah focuses on reconnecting family and neighbors. This walkable community is set among acres of more than 50% preserved green space (compared to a 15% national average) with miles of nature trails that will connect homes and restaurants with arts and business. The Selah vision is unlike any of its kind in Oklahoma, providing a large range of authentic experiences, both in terms of lifestyle choice and every day interaction. For this reason, Selah has been welcomed as 1 of only 13 Southern Living Inspired Communities™ in the United States, making it the first and only in Oklahoma. SOUTHLAKE VILLAGE ENTRY DISTRICT ESTATES EAST RIDGE AND VINYARD HOME & ESTATES SWEETWATER VILLAGE HOMES PARKVIEW SERIES TOWER HOMES OKLAHOMA’S ONLY Mollie Gatto, Director of Sales 405.426.0895 | mollie @ The Selah Realty team is the exclusive, go-to-source for all things Selah. Call for a personalized tour.

90 LUXIERE 412 NE 2ND STREET | $1,150,000 414 NE 2ND STREET | $950,000 420 NE 1ST TERRACE | $749,900 106 RUSSELL M PERRY AVE | $699,900 403 NE 1ST STREET | $499,900 104 RUSSELL M PERRY AVE | $3,350/MO MATT MARCACCI 405.613.5303 | matt @ ©2021, MLSOK, Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain information contained herein is derived from information which is the licensed property of, and copyrighted by, MLSOK, Inc This information is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Subject to verification by all parties. The listing information being provided is for consumers personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. This data is copyrighted and may not be transmitted, retransmitted, copied, framed, repurposed, or altered in any way for any other site, individual and/or purpose without the express written permission of MLSOK, Inc. Everything’s Waiting For You Downtown. Whether you’re ready for less maintenance, more travel, or simply to enjoy the amenities downtown OKC has to offer … it’s time to Lock & Leave LIVE! CALL TODAY FOR CURRENT & FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES

LUXIERE 91 | 405.259.1665 Native plants, modern, sustainable, low maintenance, eco-friendly, landscape and hardscape Commercial Landscaping Experts SERVICE & CLASS Sara Knudsen • Advisor | Broker Associate 405-408-8480 · sara.knudsen@evrealestate.comFollowonIG@sara.knudsen.ok Certifications and Designations: Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist Accredited Buyer’s Representative® Seller Representative Specialist At Home with Diversity® e-Pro® - Technology in Real Estate Military Relocation Professional Pricing Strategy Advisor Seniors Real Estate Specialist® Resort and Second-Home Property Specialist Supreme Auctions Certified Auction Agent Residential Real Estate Council Luxury Homes Certification Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist™ RRC Inside Sales Agent Graduate, REALTOR® Institute ENGEL&VÖLKERS® SARA KNUDSEN ©2022 Engel & Völkers. All rights reserved. Each brokerage independently owned and operated. Engel & Völkers and its independent License Partners are Equal Opportunity Employers and fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act.

Creating timeless custom home plans for over 35 www.brentgibson.comyears. Find us on Instagram @nicolerickeydesigns@brentgibsondesign415 West 15th Street, Ste. 1 Edmond, Oklahoma 73013 405.340.1980 92 LUXIERE Never worry about your Sprinkler System again. Using cutting edge technology and products, Conserva Irrigation is the leader in ensuring that your sprinkler system delivers precisely the right amount of water at the right times, based on what your property www.conservairrigation.comneeds. | 405.259.1648

LUXIERE 93 DAVID BOHANON JD, DBOHANON@BLACKSTONECOM.COMDEVELOPER-BROKER405.850.0987 MODERN URBAN LIVING Single Family Custom Homes from 3,000 SF & Up Garden Offices from 3,000 SF & Up Executive Garage Condos Walking Trails, Ponds, Fountains, Parks FALL 2022 “74” Full Service Restaurant Scheduled to Open PLANNED Upscale Condos and/or Apartments NW 72nd & N Classen Blvd East of Nichols WilshirePoint.comHills

LISTED BY Mary Hatch Group, West + Main Homes
BUILT BY Jarred Smith and FlipOKC
New construction in the heart of the Western District and Helm Farm. These classic modern Tudor homes bring modern flair to timeless architecture. With expansive windows, open concept kitchen, dining and living spaces, these homes are charming yet modern. These are the first homes available in the revitalized Helm Street community.
Joy Baresel • CEO CITY &
96 LUXIERE WHERE LUXURY IS FOUND 4 BED | 7 BATH | 6,319 SQ FT2701$2,000,000Elmhurst Ave. Nichols Hills There is no reason to leave your home when you own a resort estate. This property has a one of a kind JBL 32-speaker residential cinema with a 14 foot screen that helps you enjoy a film even better than the movie theater. The layout inside is perfect with three beds downstairs including the primary each with their own private bath. The office filled with custom woodwork has an attached bath and Murphy bed for your guests. The open living and kitchen are perfect for entertaining especially as they open to the pool, spa, fire pit, and outdoor chef’s kitchen! This kitchen was designed for cooks to create wonderful meals at the eight person table or bar top for you and your guests. The 36” Kalamazoo grill, Viking warming drawer, two burner cook top, custom sink, and a deep fryer for those pool side fries! The second story has two large rooms one with an attached bath and balcony. The second story sound proof studio would be perfect for recording music, podcasts, or simply video conferencing. +1 405-826-7465 |
Private Office Real Estate Advisor Engel & Völkers OKLAHOMA

ENGEL&VÖLKERS® JOY BARESEL©2022 Engel & Völkers. All rights reserved. Each brokerage independently owned and operated. Engel & Völkers and its independent License Partners are Equal Opportunity Employers and fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act. WHERE LUXURY IS FOUND

TSOOPTICAL.COM | 405-341-6941 | 3840 S BLVD. EDMOND, OK 73013