Architect Projects October Edition 2016

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Edi t or Mar i aSt i l l edi t or @ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Edi t or i alAssi st ant Cai nRol l and edi t or i al @ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Feat ur esEdi t or Ri char dLapt hor n r i char d@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk

Hel l o,Iwoul dl i ket oext endawar m wel comet oourOct oberedi t i onof Ar chi t ectPr oj ect s,wher eyouwi l lfindnewsont hel at estdesi gns,pl ans andcont r act swon. Summeri sal lbutoverandwehaveanabundanceofnewsi nt hi si ssue i ncl udi ngPLP’ st hr eeopt i onchoi cef orbacker sr egar di ng22Bi shopsgat e skyscr aperpr oj ectf ol l owi ngf ear sr egar di ngBr exi t .RI BA compet i t i onshave l aunchedacompet i t i onf ora£1 90m Rebui l dofGr eatOr mondSt r eet( see page5. )Wear epr oudmedi apar t ner swi t ht heLondonBui l dShow t hati s t aki ngpl aceatLondonOl ympi aon26t h–27t hOct ober ,i fyouar et hi nki ng ofgoi ngj ustpopont oourwebsi t ewher eyoucanappl yf orf r eet i cket s. Weal sot akeacl osel ookatar ef ur bi shmentpr oj ectwher eCont r act or Rober tWoodheadLt dwor kscl osel ywi t hAr chi t ect sMar shGr ochowskion t het r ansf or mat i onofTheat r eRoyal& RoyalConcer tHal li nNot t i ngham. I fyouhavear ecentpr oj ectt hatyouwoul dl i kepubl i shedwi t hi nourpages pl easef eelf r eet oemai lmeyourdet ai l s.

Pr oduct i on/ Desi gn Jenni f erHaml i n j enni e@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Sal esDi r ect or Fr ancesShaw f r ances@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk

Mar i aSt i l l Edi t or


Sal esManager Mar i aSut t on mar i a. sut t on@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Sal esManager Li am Campbel l l i am@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Account s JanetBal comb account s@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Ci r cul at i onManager JakeYor k subs@ ar chi t ect pr oj ect s. co. uk Gener alEnqui r i es 01 843598634 Ever yeffor ti smadet oens ur et heaccur acyandr el i abi l i t yof mat er i alpubl i s hedi nAr chi t ectPr oj ect smagazi nehowever , t hepubl i s her sacceptnor es pons i bi l i t yf ort hecl ai msor opi ni onsmadebyadver t i s er s ,manuf act ur er sorcont r i but or s . Nopar toft hi spubl i cat i onmayber epr oducedort r ans mi t t ed i nanyf or m orbyanymeans ,mechani cal ,el ect r oni c( i ncl udi ng phot ocopyi ng)ors t or edi nanyi nf or mat i onr et r i evals ys t em wi t houtt hepr i orcons entoft hepubl i s her .





Ar e naPr ope r t yS e r v i c e sL i mi t e dwa sf ounde di n1994a ndwec ont i n uea sac ompa n y ofCha r t e r e dBui l di nga ndL a ndS ur v e y or s . Wepr ov i deawi dev a r i e t yofGe oma t i cS ur v e y s , 3DL a s e rS c a nni ng , GPSS e r v i c e sa nd s pe c i a l i s ei na l l a s pe c t sofs ur v e y i ng , wi t ht hema j or i t yofourwor kbe i ngMe a s ur e d Bui l di ngS ur v e y s .


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