1 minute read


It’s time to take a good hard look at the front of your home. So many of us pull into a driveway or garage and bypass the front of our homes altogether. What’s the first thing you notice? If it’s overgrown bushes, peeling paint, dirty windows, and dead plants, you have some work to do, and now is the time to give it the attention it deserves. Ask yourself: “If I was buying this home, what would my expectations be?” Here are some key points to consider:

Remove debris, trim grass and shrubs, freshen up your flowerbeds, and clear away clutter. Hiring a professional to get your landscaping into tip-top shape will pay off. Make your home shine by investing in a new doormat, replacing old address numbers, and giving your front door a fresh coat of paint. Clean the driveway and patch any cracks. Your expert real estate professional will advise you on what improvements will give you the most bang for your buck.

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