Simplified Construction: Building in Palmetto Bluff, Bluffton SC

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Building in Palmetto Bluff CHA R LESTON, S . C.



delivers full-service simplicity in a one-stop-shop that combines a solution-driven engineering perspective with the experience of a team of builders, designers and contractors dedicated to their craft. As a construction firm that has experience in building in Palmetto Bluff, we appreciate the architects and craftsmen behind the designs that serve as the foundation of the Palmetto Bluff vernacular. S IMP LIF IE D CONSTR U C TI O N

As a firm that specializes in the design build process of custom homes, we bring our considerable skills to bear in developing a unique home for you, one that is both buildable and cost effective from day one. Our specialties include: The use of SIPS (Structurally Insulated Panel) Construction giving significantly above BIC Building Code performance including fast & efficient build times, tight building envelope, very high insulation standards, high wind resistance and fireretardant build qualities. High performance HVAC installations including the use of Minisplit, ducted Mini and variable flow multi-head systems, engineered to greatly reduce heating & cooling costs and deliver superior humidity control in the Lowcountry climate. Incorporation of non-standard building methodologies in your home’s design including reclaimed materials, historic salvage, plasterwork, timber frame and structural timber components. Our relationship does not end when you move in. Our Luxury Simplified Retreats group will also be on hand to manage or cash flow your home after completion and beyond. At Simplified Construction, we’ve built our reputation on our simple mission statement of “dare to be different,” but no matter what, always be E XCE P T I O N A L .

KRIS MILLE R President O ( 843) 85 3 6 0 5 5 | M ( 84 3) 80 1 4436 KR ISM @LUXURYSIM P LIF IE D. C O M

SIM P LIFIE D C O N STR U C TI O N , I N C . 9 5 B R OAD ST R E E T C HAR LE STO N SC 29 401 84 3 . 85 3 .6 05 5 | I N F O @ LU XU RYSIM P LIF IE D. C O M | WWW. LUXURYSIM P LIF IE D. C O M

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