Luyi Huang Undergrad Portfolio

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Luyi Huang 485, 1050 North Mills Avenue Pitzer College, Claremont CA 91711 (909)4191799

Luyi Huang (909)4191799 C23, 250 College Park Drive Upland, CA 91786


Pitzer College, Claremont Colleges | Claremont, CA Bachelor of Art’s Degree Environmental Analysis with Sustainability and Build Environment Harvard University Graduate School of Design | Cambridge, MA Career Discovery Certificate Program Architecture Design Studio Envirolab Asia, Pomona College | Claremont, CA Fellowship Program EnviroLab Asia is a laboratory for cross-disciplinary research and experiential learning that links knowledge with practice. This is an initiative at the Claremont Colleges funded by the Henry Luce Foundation’s LIASE (Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment) Program, which focuses on East and Southeast Asia. DIS Study Abroad Program | Copenhagen, Denmark Architecture Design Studio


Sep 2015-May 2019

Jun - Aug 2017

Dec 2017- June 2018

Sep 2018 - Jan2019

Internship | Energize Colleges| Hixon Center for Environmental Design •Learn to communicate and request relevant data from campus partners. • Learn to compile and synthesize large amounts of data towards preparing a Campus Sustainability Report for Harvey Mudd College. • Learn and apply project management and communication skills and strategies.

Dec 2917- Present

Environmental Analysts | Roberts Environmental Center | Claremont McKenna Colleges • Plan and Organize a conference for early spring 2018 to bring together key figures from the corporation, environmental NGO and academia worlds to discuss the benefits and challenges of a partnership.

Jan 2018- Present

Staff | The Grove House Kitchen | Pitzer College • Conduct food services. • Help to organize the kitchen and manage chaotic task loads with the team

Sep 2016- Present

Lab Assistant | Environmental Analysis Department | Pomona College • Formulate the instructions of utilizing the machines in Lab through Github. • Assist preparations for the class and organize the lab.

Sep 2016-May 2017

Unilever | Summer Internship| Customer Department| Beijing, China • Produced data sheet analyzing storages of company’s products • Developed and presented 20 slides presentation and weekly reports to the director of department based on personal analysis of the delivery chain.

Jun - Aug 2016



Campus Life Committte, Student Senate, Pitzer College •Eenhance the intellectual, cultural, and social life of the College, to promote and support close faculty-student relationships, and to encourage the involvement of alumni in the campus community.

Fall 2017

International Representative, Student Senate, Pitzer College • Represent the views of the international students. • Inform the international students of the ongoing work of the Student Senate. • Plan and organzie graduation stole for the 2018 international seniors.


NISSO (New International Student and Scholar Orientation) Leader •Meet and welcome new international students across the Claremont colleges. •Organize events such as performance, open mic, and discussion panels. •Help new international students to adjust the cultural shock.

Aug 2016

OA( Orientation Adventure) Leader •Help the OA Coordinators set the vision for the trip activities and logistics. •Assist with new student move-in day. •Facilitate pre-trip meetings and tasks in advance of the OA trip departures •Build relationships and provide support to new students. •Facilitate a safe, welcoming and enjoyable experience for new students.

Aug 2016

Pitzer International Student Association, Claremont CA • Club Secretary, one of the founder of the association. Intended to created resources and provide a safe space for international students on campus.

Sep 2016- Present

Claremont College Ballroom Dance Company, Claremont, CA • Committed member of one of the preeminent collegiate ballroom dance organizations on west coast, and one of the most active communities in the Claremont Consortium

Sep 2015- Present

Tutor | Literacy for All of Monterey Park (LAMP) | Monterey Park, CA • Coached non-English speaking Chinese immigrants pass the Citizenship test. • Conducted four parts structured curriculum consisting of citizenship question, N400 vocabulary list, reading and writing.

Feb - May 2016

Farmer | World Wild Opportunities in Organic Farm (WWOOF) | Perth | Australia • Voluntary work in exchange for food and accommodation. • Dig irrigation trench, feed chicken and clean their cages, clean out weeds, and pick up fruits and vegetable.

Mar-May 2015














Urban Engaging Center

Luyi Huang Harvard Graduate School of Design. Career Discovery July 2017

Onsite Model: Programming

“Globalized industrialized food is not cheap: it is too costly for the Earth, for the farmers, for our health. The Earth can no longer carry the burden of groundwater mining, pesticide pollution, disappearance of species and destabilization of the climate. Farmers can no longer carry the burden of debt, which is inevitable in industrial farming with its high costs of production. It is incapable of producing safe, culturally appropriate, tasty, quality food. And it is incapable of producing enough food for all because it is wasteful of land, water and energy. Industrial agriculture uses ten times more energy than it produces. It is thus ten times less efficient.� -Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is an anti-globalization author who opposes the mass industrial practices and promotes the idea of ecofeminism. Being inspired by her book, my design will focus on the small scale execution of a sustainable farm. The site will be transformed into an urban space which contains three major components: 1)a semiself sufficient farm with the support of green technology 2)affordable/temporary housing for the homeless people 3) last but least, a welcoming space for the members of the community

Transportation Map

The goal for my design under the overall framework of locating a slaughterhouse in our site is to have a small scale sustainable urban farm. Looking at the research that we have done in our initial phase of the project, the land use types of the surroundings are 90% residential area with couple historical buildings. So I believe that it is less suitable to have an industrial slaughterhouse. More importantly, often time globalized industrial practice produces toxic waste and contaminates the nearby neighborhood. It is also important to promote the ideology of sustainable agricultural and self-sufficient farm in the site because according to our research, this area has a higher poverty rate and affordable food issue. The overall design is only using half of the site and the other half will return to the landowners and develop for more residential housings. There are three components in my site. 1)Whole semi self-sufficient urban farm system 2) One floor of multi-family apartment 3) civic spaces that created by the interactions of previous two components My focus for the design is less on the self-sufficient urban farm but more in the mix-used building. The building is based on the topography of the site. There is a roughly about 16 feet height along Magget street reach to the Patnam street. I’m using this slope to create an enclosed underground slaughterhouse that is only accessible for trucks. Another usage for the semi-underground level is to have a parking lot along with a two levels restaurant. Above the restaurant is the housing. The idea for the design: first, the corridor has a consistent slop along with the topography creating a theatric sense of the urban living room. Meaning that residents or visitors can view the ongoing vivid scene of the farm (croplands and chicken coop). At the same time, the unit itself has a different slope that is slighted twitted up to receive more lightings and totally different experience than standing in the corridors. Finally, the roof. The double overlay roof is designed to have once again a semi-enclose feeling and to also receive more sunlight.

The Twightlight Zone

Luyi Huang Harvard Graduate School of Design. Career Discovery Jun 2017

Circulatory System within the Comfined Space of a Single Room

Orientation One: Section

Orientation Two: Section

Orientation One: Plan

Orientation Two: Plan

Call Of The Void

Luyi Huang DIS Study Abroad Program Sep26, 2018

SITE ANALYSIS Established in the early 17th century, the King’s Garden is the oldest park in central Copenha- gen, Denmark. This project comes as a proposal for the temporary pavilion competition happened every two years located within the park. The design intention rises from the rigid lay- out and landscape of the park. The idea is to create a playful space yet maintain the in- compliancy echoes through the park. The com- bination of organic and regular shapes are taken into the design. A rectangular box looking from the outside, yet through each slice visitors are able to glimpse into the void.































Renewable Energy Potentials An Analysis of the Renewable Energy Potentials in the Contiguous United States

Grace Stewart . Weronika Konwent . Luyi Huang .Taylor Novick-Finder GIS (Geographic Information System) Group Project Dec5, 2016

“United States is entering the initial stages of an energy crisis. Coal, oil and natural gas reserves are rapidly being depleted at the same time that population growth is leading to greater energy consumption. Our nuclear power plants are aging, and while many new power plants are being proposed, a facility capable of generating ~3 GW (gigawatts) of power via nuclear technology requires roughly ten years to build at an estimated cost in excess of ten billion dollars. In addition, both coal/oil/natural gas and nuclear generation methods yield byproducts that are highly problematic. Alternative approaches to power generation rely upon renewable sources of energy, either directly (e.g., photovoltaic) or indirectly (e.g., wind farms, hydroelectric). To put this into perspective, if the solar energy striking the Earth over ~40 minutes could be converted to a useable form it would match the level of current global energy consumption for a full year. What are those needs? The target of the proposed energy plan, looking ahead to the year 2050, is to meet ~70% of our nation’s electrical needs. Given current energy projections, we will need to generate ~3000 GW of power via some combination of renewable methods. If successful, by 2050 projected energy consumption would be reduced to 2.7 billion barrels of oil (it was 6.9 in 2007, expected to be 10.9 by 2050), 11.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas (it was 22.2 in 2007, expected to be 35.4 by 2050), and 0.5 billion Wtons of coal (it was 1.2 in 2007, expected to be 1.9 by 2050); in addition, resulting CO2 emissions would drop to 2.3 billion tons, compared to 6.1 in 2007 and a projected level of 9.4 by 2050.” For this project, we will focus on electricity generation using two proven and evolving methods: Wind and Solar.

“Implementation of an energy plan for the United States by 2050 that draws heavily upon solar generation alone has many things to recommend it. For example, rapid advances in photovoltaic cell production are yielding cheaper, more efficient units that will soon be capable of competing with coal and natural gas in terms of cost per Watt, and once the panels are built the technology requires very little cost to maintain and yields essentially no undesirable byproducts. Solar generation, however, also faces considerable hurdles. For instance, it is weather- and time dependent, indicating that a system for long-term storage and delivery of solar-derived energy will be required. One proposal involves use of the energy to store compressed air underground, with subsequent release of the air driving turbines in much the same way that a dam taps the energy from a river; others exist as well, and none are proven. In addition, efficient distribution of solar energy—generated better in some parts of the country than others—will require the use of DC rather than AC transmission lines, thus necessitating construction of a suitable new electrical infrastructure that can operate in parallel with or replace existing power lines.”

Ranking Solar Panel Installation Fesibility Solar Irradiance in Low Sunlight Months

Wind Class Values (1-7) of the U.S

“Other forms of renewable energy, while facing their own challenges, are highly complementary to solar generation. Wind generation, for instance, operates well in areas that might not receive a lot of sunlight, or which are subject to different land use constraints, though several of the concerns noted above for solar generation (e.g., storage, transmission, cost) are equally applicable to the development of wind resources. In contrast, hydroelectric facilities developed extensively over the past half century in the US are less affected by some of these (i.e., storage isn’t a major issue since rivers flow at all hours) but they face issues of their own (lifetime constraint due to sedimentation, etc.), and there is little opportunity for further facilities development. Ideally, to offset their individual weaknesses, it is worth exploring how different approaches might be combined into a configuration that meets the future energy needs of the United States.�

Topography of United States

Topography and slope ranges play significant factors in determing the feasiblity of planting wind turbines in certain regions. Orange portion (1~2) represents the area of lands that have higher slope, which are less suitable for building wind turbine. Whereas dark blue (8~9) represents the flatter lands that are most suitable for wind turbine.

Ranking Solar Pnel and Wind Turbine Installation Feasibility Distance to Power Lines

Ranking Solar Panel and Wind Turbine Installation Feasibility Land Use Classfication

Ranking Solar Panel and Wind Turbine Installation Feasibility Restriction of Natural Hazards

Tornado Touchdown Points

Hails Greater than 2 Inches

Earthquake(Peak Ground Acceleration)

There is obviously going to be a significant financial burden associated with shifting to renewable energy. The first-order cost in terms of taxpayer subsidies, including construction of the necessary power support infrastructure, is estimated at ~$500 billion between now and 2050. To place this into perspective, consider that estimates (at the 5 yr mark) for the cost of the Iraq war ran around $560 billion. As a more useful comparison, proposed “carbon tax� approaches to funding the equipment and materials needed to reduce CO2 emissions at current coal-burning plants in the US alone would amount to an increase in the price of electricity by 1-2 cents per kW-hr, whereas ~$500 billion in funding could be acquired with a tax that translates to ~0.5 cents. In other words, funding implementation of the new technology could be cheaper (even ignoring all of the other benefits) than attempting to mitigate the damage done by existing technologies should we opt to keep them active at the necessary levels instead.

Digital Art

Luyi Huang Pitzer College. The Claremont Colleges Jan 2018

Architectural Perspective Font School Project Illustrator Feb 2018

Opt-Art Poster School Project Illustrator Feb 2018

MARCH 23 7PM-1AM Mounds. BroadCenter. ClockTower

One Night Only Music & Art Festival Pt.1 Pitzer College Identity Board Feb 2018

One Night Only Music & Art Festival Pt.3 Pitzer College Identity Board Feb 2018

Still-Life Project School Project Illustrator Apr 2018

Motion Design School Project After Effect Apr 2018

Interactive Zine School Project After Effect Apr 2018


Luyi Huang Pitzer College. The Claremont Colleges Feb - May 2018


School Project Red Cherry, Walnut Finger Joints & Slide-in Lid May 2018

Tape Dispenser School Project Plywood Finger Joints May 2018

The Rock Wall

Community Engagement Project Wood, Cardboards, Paints, & Metal CASA Ontario Program, Pitzer College May 2018

CASA Ontario is Pitzer College’s ‘Pitzer In Ontario’ Community Center where Pitzer operates an academic, community immersion program for Claremont College students to work on projects and research papers in collaboration with internship sites that range from healthy food access to public health equity to workers rights. In addition, CASA houses three local non-profits which are Huerta del Valle Community Garden, Riverside All of Us or None and Starting Over Inc., and the Youth Mentoring Action Network. The space is open to all of our community partners and organizations we work with in the Inland Empire where we host events such as information forums, meetings and focus groups, retreats, cultural performances, social justice organizing, movie nights, art workshops, and even theatrical performances. “The Rock Wall” is designed for Pitzer College community engagement office at Ontario. The space is located at the first floor of a residential building. The office has a long history and is an open space with few divisions. Some of the challenges the office faces are to provide privacy as well as soundproof mechanism. Our design aims to relatively mitigate the problems by creating a removable whiteboard wall with different heights of cardboard on the backside.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.� -- Rumi

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