Drawings embeffect help manual

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DRAWings® Embroidery Effect software Manual

DRAWings Embroidery Effect v.2.13 software manual The contents of this manual and the associated software are the property of DRAWSTITCH LTD. No parts of this publication or the accompanying software may be reproduced, adapted, copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to any third party.

Trademarks: DRAWings, DRAWstitch and DRAWings Embroidery Effect are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of DRAWSTITCH LTD. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Important: Your use of DRAWings Embroidery Effect software is subject to the DRAWSTITCH LIMITED End-User License Agreement. To view the End-User License Agreement, please refer to the DRAWings Embroidery Effect online help of the Software by pressing the “Help” button. In the “Help” window which will appear click on the “Contents” tab, expand the “Welcome to DRAWings Embroidery Effect” book, then the “DRAWings Embroidery Effect application” subbook and you will view the “License Agreement” by selecting the respective subject from the list.

Notice, Warranties and Disclaimers: All information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. DRAWSTITCH LTD assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the information, or software, or other documents, which are referenced by or linked to this manual. References to corporations, their services and products, are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event shall DRAWSTITCH LTD or its officers, employees or affiliates be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this information. This information is provided for informational purposes only, and while DRAWSTITCH LTD is confident in its accuracy, please note that this manual could include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this manual. DRAWSTITCH LTD may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time.

Contact: DRAWSTITCH LTD. info@drawstitch.com www.drawstitch.com/EmbroideryEffect/ Copyright © 2005-2006 DRAWSTITCH LTD. All rights reserved.

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Contents Contents ...................................................................................... 3 Welcome to DRAWings速 Embroidery Effect .............................. 4 Introduction...................................................................................................4 Online resources ..........................................................................................4 DRAWings Embroidery Effect application help.............................................5

Working with files........................................................................ 6 Introduction...................................................................................................6 Embroidery look images ...............................................................................6 DRAWings Embroidery Effect application window .......................................8 Vector and Bitmap designs.........................................................................10 Bitmap image files ......................................................................................10 Vector image files.......................................................................................10 Import and Export to DRAWings Embroidery Effect application .................11 Import Dialog Box.......................................................................................12 Go to last folder visited ........................................................................................... 13 Up one level ........................................................................................................... 13 Create new folder.................................................................................................. 13 View menu .......................................................................................................... 13

Embroidery to your designs........................................................................14

Embroidery Effect Adjustments ............................................... 15 Introduction.................................................................................................15 Select fabric Type.......................................................................................15 Changing image resolution.........................................................................16 Apply Multisample option ...........................................................................17

Creating embroidery effect ....................................................... 18 Introduction.................................................................................................18 Setting up Graphic designs ........................................................................18 Bitmap based graphics...............................................................................19 Vector based graphics................................................................................20 Output from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application ..............................22

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DRAWings速 Embroidery Effect software Manual

1 速

Welcome to DRAWings Embroidery Effect Introduction DRAWings Embroidery Effect application is an embroidery effect image tool that allows converting any vector/bitmap graphics to embroidery look image quickly and easily. Any imported file can be converted to embroidery look bitmap file that can be used in Printing and Embroidering industry but also in graphics designing. Find the designs you want to apply the embroidery effect, pass them through DRAWings Embroidery Effect application and you are ready to use them for your graphics designs.

Online resources More information about DRAWings Embroidery Effect application you can find in the official site of DRAWings Embroidery Effect: www.drawstitch.com/EmbroideryEffect/.

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DRAWings Embroidery Effect application help DRAWings Embroidery Effect application Help provides comprehensive information about all DRAWings Embroidery Effect application features. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application Help is displayed in the help viewer provided by your operating system: Microsoft HTML Help. You can access help by pressing Help button. You can find the information you need in any of four ways: The table of contents enables you to see all of the information organized by subject. Click top-level entries to view subtopics. The index, like a traditional printed index, allows you to look up specific terms or concepts. Search allows you to find any character string, anywhere in the text of the help system. Show help on is another way to access help for a specific tool, area, or function in DRAWings Embroidery Effect application. You can activate it by clicking on the icon from the title bar. When you activate show help on, the mouse pointer turns to a pointer with a question mark. Click on any function you want to see help on and the respective subject will be displayed.

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DRAWings速 Embroidery Effect software Manual

2 Working with files Introduction In this chapter we will analyze DRAWings Embroidery Effect application generally and how it works with files. The file types that it supports are vector and bitmap based. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application can apply embroidery effect on vector and bitmap based graphic designs with a single click. It applies cross-stitch embroidery effect to bitmap images and normal embroidery effect to vector images (Step or Satin stitch type fills and Running or Satin Serial stitch type borders).

Embroidery look images The embroidery look effect that DRAWings Embroidery Effect application applies on Vector and Bitmap images is based on actual embroidery conversion of the artwork to embroidery. This procedure produces realistic embroidery look results on the rendered image. Therefore some information about actual embroidery must be stated to be easier for you to understand the Embroidery effect.

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The embroidery effect is applied with 5 different stitch types. Those are the following: •

Satin stitch type: When the Satin stitch type is applied on any object, stitches are connecting two points from one side of the object to the other. These points are formed like closely arranged zigzag stitches along the shape of the object. Satin stitch type can be laid down at any angle and with varying stitch lengths. In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application small and oblong objects will be filled with Satin stitches look.

Figure 1:

Satin fill

Running stitch type: Running stitch type consists of one stitch between two points. It is used mainly for outlining, fine detail and complete designs. Also, known as a walk stitch. In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application all line art designs and thin object outlines will be filled with Running stitches look.

Figure 2:

Vector object

Thin outline object

Running fill

Satin Serial stitch type: Satin serial stitch type is applied on thick outline objects by forming closely placed zigzag stitches along it. It is generally used to fill borders and line art designs. In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application all thick line art designs and object outline will be filled with Satin Serial stitch type look.

Figure 3:

Thick outline object

Satin serial fill

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Step stitch type: Step stitch type (or Fill stitch type or Tatami stitch type) is a series of Running stitches commonly used to fill large areas. Different fill patterns can be created by altering the angle, length and repeat sequence of the stitches. In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application the large objects in the vector design most of the times are filled with step stitches look.

Figure 4:

Vector object

Step fill

Cross-stitch stitch type: Each cross-stitch stitch consists of two running stitches that are crossed in between creating an ‘X’. Crossstitches of different colors are shaping the image by creating a grid. In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application every imported bitmap image will be filled with the Cross-stitch embroidery effect look.

Figure 5:

Bitmap image

Cross-stitch fill

All the above stitch types are used from DRAWings Converter to apply the embroidery effect on the imported images.

DRAWings Embroidery Effect application window When you launch DRAWings Embroidery Effect the application window opens directly. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application can be used directly from this window and apply the embroidery effect on the image you have selected. You cannot open more than one DRAWings Embroidery Effect application windows at the same time.

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The DRAWings Embroidery Effect application window appears below and follows a small description its parts. Title bar

Show help on

Image resolution Fabric selection

Launch Help

Upgrade info

Apply Embroidery Effect

Apply Multisample option

Online recourses

Status bar

Title bar: The title bar shows the name of the window. Show help on: Select it and click on any tool you want to see help on and the respective subject will be displayed. Online recourses: Click on it and you will be transferred to the web page of the software, where you will find more information about DRAWings Embroidery Effect application. Image resolution: Specify the image resolution you want the produced image to have adjusting DPI (Dots Per Inch) value. Apply Multisample option: This option enabled will make the edges of the produced image smoother. Fabric selection: The fabric type that you will select affects the density of stitches that the embroidery effect will have. Render Image: The Render button will apply the embroidery effect on the imported image.

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Launch help: Opens the help file of DRAWings Embroidery Effect application. More info: If you click on www.corel.com link, the respective web page in Corel’s web site will open that will include information on how to add real embroidering abilities to your CorelDRAW software. Status bar: It is an area at the bottom of the application that shows all the procedures that are followed while an embroidery effect is applied on an image.

Vector and Bitmap designs DRAWings Embroidery Effect application is an embroidery effect image creator that converts Vector designs to normal embroidery bitmaps (Step or Satin stitch type fills and Running or Satin Serial stitch type borders) and Bitmap graphics to Cross-stitch embroidery bitmaps.

Bitmap image files DRAWings Embroidery Effect application does not convert Bitmap files, to normal embroidery look bitmaps (with Step or Satin fills and Satin Serial or Running borders) but only to Cross-stitch embroidery look bitmaps. Bitmaps (“.Jpeg”, ”.Bmp”, “.Tiff”, etc ) are mainly photos and images that are composed of grids of pixels or dots. Therefore any bitmap file can not be converted to a normal embroidery bitmap directly. The only way to have a bitmap design filled with normal stitches and converted to an embroidery look image, is after tracing it. You can use any bitmap tracer available in the market for this purpose or the bitmap Tracer that Corel DRAW includes. After tracing a bitmap to a vector file you can call DRAWings Embroidery Effect application and apply the normal embroidery effect as we will analyze later on. The bitmap based file formats that DRAWings Embroidery Effect application supports are all those that can be imported to CorelDRAW. The only limitation is that the bitmap images must have RGB colors.

Vector image files Vector designs are all the designs that are saved in the following formats and mainly are created inside Corel DRAW and Adobe Illustrator design software or other similar. Some of the most common vector files that can be used in CorelDRAW are listed below: •

Corel Graphics (*.CMX)

Encapsulated Postscript (*.EPS)

Enhanced windows metafile (*.EMF)

Scalable vector graphics (*.SVG)

Adobe Illustrator (*.AI)

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“Vector designs are images/drawings generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position length and direction in which lines are drawn. Vector designs are created as collections of lines rather than as patterns of individual dots or pixels�. The quality of the embroidery effect that will be produced, it depends a lot on the quality of the graphic input. Therefore, you have to use graphics designs that can be actually become embroidery in order to have a good embroidery effect result. Too complex designs with too many colors and effects might not produce very good embroidery effect results. Tip: Keep in mind always use vector designs that can be actually embroidered, in order for DRAWings Embroidery Effect application to produce high quality embroidery effect image files. Otherwise the result might not be good.

Import and Export to DRAWings Embroidery Effect application In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application you can easily import a graphics design and apply embroidery effect on it. Inside CorelDRAW import a design or create one with CorelDRAW tools, select it and activate the DRAWings option Embroidery Effect application by selecting the Embroidery Effect from Effects menu. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application will appear allowing you to apply embroidery effect on the design. More specifically, in order to import and export a graphics design in DRAWings Embroidery Effect application you must follow the steps listed below: 1. Click on the Import button from the standard toolbar or from File > Import menu. The Import dialog box will appear (view description below). 2. Find the graphics design you want to convert to embroidery look image. Click on it in order to confirm your selection. 3. Click Import to finish. 4. Specify the exact location you want the design to be placed by clicking on the working area. The design will appear on the working area 5. If you want to import more designs you can follow the same procedure. 6. Select the design you want to apply the embroidery effect and select from Effects menu The Embroidery Effect will Embroidery Effect be applied only on the selected design. 7. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application will appear with selected design already imported. Now you are ready to proceed with applying the embroidery effect on the design.

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8. After making the adjustments you want click OK button on DRAWings Embroidery Effect window and the produced Embroidery effect bitmap will be exported back to CorelDRAW working area, over the selected design. CorelDRAW allows you, also, to create your own designs from scratch by using its tools. If you have created a design that it consists of many objects, you can either apply embroidery effect on a part of the design or to entire design. In both cased you have to select the objects you want the embroidery effect to be applied on and then activate the DRAWings Embroidery Effect tool.

Import Dialog Box With the Import dialog you can load a vector\bitmap graphics design which is in a local disk drive or in a network disk drive. This dialog is a normal Windows file Open dialog with some extra options. In order to find the design you are looking for, you have to specify its position. This can be done with the Look in field. This field shows the folder and the disk that you are looking. The designs of the current folder can be viewed in the File list under the Look in field. By default every time you open the Import dialog, the program shows the folder where your last imported file is located. In order to change the Look in folder, click on the arrow showing down on the right side of this field. Example: If you want to load a design which is in “C:\Designs\Women” directory. Click on the Look in field and click on the C: Hard disk drive. The Look in field shows “C: <Name of the disk>” and the File list will show the contents of the hard disk C:. In the file list double click on the folder Designs. The Look in field shows Designs and the file list will show the contents of the “C:\Designs” folder. In the file list double click on the folder Women. The Look in field shows Women and the file list will show the contents of the “C:\Designs\Women” folder. Double click on the design you want to load. On the right side of the Look in field are two more buttons that helps you to change the folder that you are searching. If you click on any file design in the File list the image of the file immediately will be displayed on the preview area which is located at the bottom left corner of the dialog box. This area is activated whenever you click on any file design. The area automatically previews the design that it is selected. This helps you to select the design you want without remembering the file name of the design.

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If you have selected a Vector / bitmap file design, instantly in the preview area you will view the image of the design in small dimensions. This allows you to choose easier the design you want to apply the embroidery effect.

Go to last folder visited This button brings you to the previous folder that you saw. In the given example, when you are in the “C:\Designs\Women” and you press the back button, in the File list you will view the contents of the “C:\Designs” folder. The second time you will press the back button you will view the contents of the hard disk C:\ and the third time the contents of your designs directory.

Up one level This button brings you to the folder that contains the current subfolder. Example: The file open dialog shows the “C:\DRAWings\designs” directory and you want to find a design, which is in “C:\DRAWings\men”. Press the Up one level button and the Look in field will show the “C:\DRAWings” directory. In the file list double click on the men directory. The File list area shows the designs or the sub-folders that the current folder contains. The selections of the designs depend on the way you have set the parameters of your Windows Explorer. From the same settings depends the way that the selected design will be loaded.

Create new folder With this button you can create a new sub-folder in the current folder. After this button pressed a new folder named as New Folder appears in the File list area and you can type its name.

View menu With this button you can specify the way that the sub-folders and the designs will be viewed in the File list. The possible options are: Large Icons, Small Icons, List, Details and Thumbnails. Every design you are selecting from the File list its name is written in the File name field and it is previewed in the bottom of the dialog box. Also you can type in this field the name of the design that you want to load and after that press the Open button. In the Files of types field you can select the type of graphic files that will be visible in the File list area. In case that you want to see all the files, no matter the file type, you can select the All Supported option.

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Embroidery to your designs With DRAWings Embroidery Effect application you can convert your graphic designs to designs with embroidery effect easily and quickly. The only thing you have to do is to select the graphic design you want the embroidery effect to be applied on, select Embroidery Effect option from Effects menu, click OK on DRAWings Embroidery effect application window and you are ready. The design with the embroidery effect on will appear over the design you selected in the CorelDRAW working area. The embroidery effect design can be edited as any bitmap file. You can follow the same procedure and produce images with normal embroidery (Satin or Step stitch type fill and Running or Satin Serial stitch type outline) or Cross-stitch embroidery designs by using Vector or Bitmap design respectively. Every new converted embroidery design can be saved in any bitmap file format that CorelDRAW supports. Also, it can be edited inside CorelDRAW or by using any other editing software such as Corel PHOTOPAINT.

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3 Embroidery Effect Adjustments Introduction In this chapter we will analyze all the embroidery effect adjustments that we can do on DRAWings Embroidery Effect application. You will learn how to select the type of embroidery that will fill the effect by selecting fabric type and how to adjust the resolution of the embroidery image.

Select fabric Type In DRAWings Embroidery Effect application you can select, the Fabric type you want the design to have. The fabric type that you will select affects the density of stitches that the embroidery effect will have. According the fabric type you will select, you will receive the respective embroidery effect.

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Figure 9: Fabric Type menu

The five fabric categories that are available are Ultra Light, Light, Normal Light, Normal and Heavy. •

Ultra Light: The embroidery that will be placed on this type of fabric will be Ultra light that is why the embroidery will appear with low density. (Density 85)

Light: The embroidery that will be placed on this fabric will be Light that is why the embroidery view will appear with low density. (Density 55)

Normal Light: The embroidery that will be placed on this fabric will be Normal with a tension to Light that is why the embroidery will appear with normal density. (Density 45)

Normal: The embroidery that will be placed on this fabric will be Normal that is why the embroidery will appear with normal density. (Density 40)

Heavy: The embroidery that will be placed on this fabric will be Heavy that is why the embroidery will appear with high density. (Density 35)

In addition, no actual fabric will be shown when a fabric is selected from the list. Only the characteristics of the fabric type will affect the embroidery effect. Also, the Fabric parameters that each fabric holds are applied in the entire design and not differently on each object. Therefore you can not have an object of a design with Ultra light fabric and another with normal. Although it is possible to apply an embroidery effect on a part of the design with Ultra light fabric first, then another part with normal and with some image editing to produce the result you prefer.

Changing image resolution You can adjust the resolution of the embroidery effect image by changing the DPI (Dot Per Inch) value.

Figure 10: Set DPI value

Note: Dots per inch; measurement of the scanning resolution of an image or the quality of an output device. DPI expresses the number of dots a printer can print per inch, or that a monitor can display, both horizontally and vertically. Page 16

The resolution of an image is measured by the number of dots per Inch that it consists of when it is printed. The DPI value that you will choose affects the image quality. The DPI value that you can enter in the DPI field can vary from 60 to 600. Generally images that are created only to be displayed on computer monitors are 72 or 96 dpi and images that are created for the internet are 72 dpi. In addition images created for printing on desktop printers are between 150 to 300 dpi, while images for professional printers are usually 300 dpi or higher. You can produce images with embroidery effects with the dpi resolution you prefer by simply adding the DPI value in the field. We propose for better embroidery effect results to set the dpi value more than 150 dpi. With resolution near 160 dpi you will be near to the real dimensions of the design and you will get a proper representation of the embroidery effect by avoiding re-sampling the original image.

Apply Multisample option The Multisample option smooths the edges in the image. If the multisample option it is checked the embroidery effect that will be applied on the image will have smoother edges. On the other hand, if it is not checked the embroidery effect that will be applied will be sharp. The choice between the two depends on what you want to view each time.

Figure 12: Multisample option

The Multisample option increases the realness of the embroidery effect. Therefore, most of the times, it would be better to have it enabled.

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4 Creating embroidery effect Introduction In this chapter we will analyze all procedures you have to follow in order to prepare your graphic designs before applying on them the embroidery effect. Every imported image will be actually filled with stitches in order to have a realistic embroidery effect on it. Therefore, some embroidery knowledge is needed for producing better embroidery effects.

Setting up Graphic designs The embroidery effect results that DRAWings Embroidery Effect application produces are affected from the design you are using, especially for vector designs. The designs that will be imported in DRAWings Embroidery Effect application have to be proper for embroidery, which means that can be actually embroidered. This is a limitation that DRAWings Embroidery Effect application has, that you have to have always in mind. In addition, Vector / Bitmap designs may have hundreds of colors, something that can not happen in embroidery designs. In real embroidery designs there are limited thread colors, therefore, not all RGB color variations are available. For this reason DRAWings Embroidery Effect application automatically calculates and produces the thread colors that will be used with a limit of 20 Page 18

colors. This means that any embroidery effect image that will be produced will have 20 colors maximum. The colors that where rejected from the software was replaced from other existing ones from the 20 selected colors. Therefore, there might be a difference between the colors of the initial artwork and the final embroidery effect. If you do not want the automatic reduction of colors to be made you will have to do it manually, to preserve the colors you want to view on the embroidery effect.

Bitmap based graphics Bitmap based graphic design are handled differently from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application. To all bitmap based graphic files that can be imported in CorelDRAW from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application will be applied the cross-stitch embroidery effect without any specific adjustment on them. In order to increase the detail of the cross-stitch embroidery effect you have to increase the size of the bitmap. This will have as result a big high detailed cross-stitch design that will be closer to the actual image view.

Figure 13:

Bitmap file

With Cross-stitch embroidery effect

The side of the cross square that DRAWings Embroidery Effect application produces is 0,20cm or 0,082’’ when the DPI (Dots per inch; measurement of the scanning resolution of an image or the quality of an output device. DPI expresses the number of dots a printer can print per inch, or that a monitor can display, both horizontally and vertically) of the image are more than 25 or less than 6. If the dpi of the image

are between 6 and 25 then the size of the cross-stitch cell will vary from 1mm to 4,23mm. Therefore, if you want to adjust the cross-stitch cell size you have to change the dpi of your image, using a bitmap editing software, and set it between 6 and 25. Then you have to import it again to DRAWings Embroidery Effect application and view how the cross-stitch cell size has changed. For example, if you import a bitmap image with 10dpi resolution, the crossstitch effect will have 2,5mm cell size for each cross-stitch. Therefore, fewer cross-stitches will fill the same size of the image. The recommended cell size is the default one that DRAWings Embroidery Effect application produces when you import files with more than 25 dpi.

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Important: DRAWings Embroidery Effect application can import only bitmaps based images that have been created with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and not CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) colors. Any bitmap that was created with CMYK colors will not be converted properly.

Vector based graphics DRAWings Embroidery Effect application can apply embroidery effect on any vector based file design. The steps you have to follow are listed below: 1. Import a vector file In CorelDRAW working page by clicking on the Import button on the standard toolbar or create a design from scratch, 2. select the design and select Embroidery Effect option from Effects menu 3. the DRAWings Embroidery Effect dialog will appear where you can specify the DPI that the image will have 4. specify if you want the Multisample option to be applied or not 5. specify the way that the stitches will be placed on the fabric by choosing a Fabric type 6. Finally, click on the Render button to apply the embroidery effect on the vector design. The embroidery effect will be applied and will appear over the vector design you have selected.

Figure 14:

Vector file

With embroidery effect

The way that the embroidery effect will be applied on the design depends a lot on the vector design. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application uses many filters, artificial intelligence and knowledge of experienced embroiderers to produce the most realistic embroidery effect possible, while converting an imported vector design. Therefore, the vector files that you are importing in DRAWings Embroidery Effect application must be well designed and can be actually embroidered. Keep in mind that not all vector designs are appropriate to apply on them the embroidery effect, because not all can be actually embroidered.

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In addition, the designers that are creating the designs, most of the times, are focused on creating designs for printing purposes and not for embroidering. Therefore, some frills that appear in the vector design might be ignored from the embroidery effect generation procedure or not applied properly. In order to have the best possible embroidery effect results produced from the software, most of the times you will have to do some editing on the vector design prior using the DRAWings Embroidery Effect tool. CorelDRAW has all the needed tools that you can use to edit any vector design and prepare it for the DRAWings Embroidery Effect tool. There are some guidelines that you can follow to edit vector designs in order to produce high quality embroidery effect images. These are the following: •

Avoid having too small objects on the vector design, because it might not be possible for the Embroidery Effect application to set stitches on them.

Remove frills from the design that can not be actually embroidered.

Another thing that you should avoid in the vector designs is to cross curves in the same object.

If you want the border of the design to be filled with Satin Serial stitches make it thicker. On the other hand if you want to be filled with running stitches make it thinner.

Large vector objects most of the times are converted to step/fill objects and smaller ones to satin objects.

Keep in mind these guidelines and you will always produce proper embroidery effect images from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application. The objects of the imported Vector design will be filled with Step or Satin stitches look and the borders of those with Satin Serial or Running stitches look. The Stitch type that will be applied on each object depends on the size of it. Large objects will be filled with Step stitches but on the other hand, small and oblong objects will be filled with Satin stitches. The direction of stitches, of Satin and Step objects, is automatically decided from the software and can not be changed. Objects that are too small to be filled with any of the above stitch types will be not filled or filled with Running stitches. The borders of objects or line-art designs will be filled with different stitch types according their width. Thin line-art objects or borders will be filled with Running stitches look and thick with Satin Serial stitches look. Therefore, if you want a border or a line-art design to be filled with specific stitch type look, you have to adjust the object accordingly (Make thin objects thick and vise versa). By adjusting your artwork you can produce exactly the embroidery effect result you want. The exported embroidery effect file can be opened in any image editing software and be edited accordingly. It can be used for graphic designing, envelop decoration, creation of birthday cards, brochure creation and generally advertising material that are based on embroidery or not.

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Note: “.AI” Vector files, sometimes, are produced from their graphics design software with broken objects that affect the way that the embroidery effect will be applied on the vector design. Those “.AI” files must be edited in CorelDRAW in order the broken objects to be welded. This procedure will secure the results of DRAWings Embroidery Effect application.

Output from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application The images that are produced from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application can be used as artwork in various graphics designing projects. The embroidery effect that is added on the vector or bitmap artwork can be used from embroiderers to present their work or promote it. They can print it on any fabric to visualize the actual size of their work or create brochures with their designs. It can be also used to make combinations of printed embroidery effect on a T-shirt together with actual embroidery. This is a new trend in the market that combines both embroidery and printing on garments. For more realistic results in textile printing you have to produce embroidery images from DRAWings Embroidery Effect application that will have resolution 300 to 600 dpi and be resized 200%. The high resolution together with the resize will make the embroidery image to be more realistic on the fabric. In addition, embroidery effect images can be used also for decoration of envelops, birthday cards, business cards or any other graphics creation that could have embroidery look images on (view figures below).

Figure 15:

Envelop decoration

Birthday card decoration

Use your imagination and create the artwork you want with embroidery effect on. DRAWings Embroidery Effect application will do all the work for you automatically.

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