Latrobe Valley Express Wednesday 28 September 2022

Page 37

Walking the plank Adayatthe races

AYINNARSouth farmer is being forced to walkacross arickety homemade bridge to access his own property while waiting for authorities to repairabridge that was swept away in last year’s floods.

Upper Middle Creek Road landholder, GregDavis,isatloggerheads with government agencies about rebuilding aprivately-owned bridge across Crown land that allowed him to drive onto his property.

Mr Davis hasacreek-front lease with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning for the land between the road and his property.

He said the bridge was weakened in the 2019 Yinnar Southfires,when heavy emergency service vehicles repeatedly crossed it.

The landholder said he had warned the command centre the structure was not rated for trucks.

It meant the bridge could not withstand the devastating June 2021 storm and floods, whichswept it away,along with abuild-up of heavysilt andlogs.

Mr Davis had to build atemporary footbridge out of old pallets to allow him to walk from Upper Middle CreekRoad to the other side, where he trudges up apaddock to his house.

He can drive atractor through the creek over afordonaneighbour’s property, but this is only suitable for certain vehicles in dry weather.

“I walk across this footbridge every night when Iget home, evenatmidnight in the pouring rain. If Ihave to carry shopping up, Ihave another car parked

on the other side to take it to the house,” Mr Davis said.

“I don’t have any emergencyaccess; if we needed an ambulance, they would need ahelicopter, and it would be impossible to cross the ford if the creek was up.”

Mr Davis said his son slipped down an embankment and broke his leg, and had to hobble across the footbridge for the ambulance to meethim on the other side.

He said the lack of access was making lifedifficult for his partner with mobility issues, and also meant he could not get livestock on or off his property.

Mr Davis said he had contacted several authorities including Latrobe City Council, local MPs, DELWP, Agriculture Victoria, and the Ombudsman.

“Everyone says ‘I’m sorry Mr Davis’, everyonehas been hidingfrom this problem for ages and I’m sick of it,” he said.

“If you saw my partner hobbling across the paddock, it would put tears in your eyes.”

AForest Fire Management Victoria spokesperson said thatany replacement bridge would be subject to modern planning processes.

“DELWP will continue to engage and maintain communication with the impactedresident in relation to this assessment and the outcome of it,” the spokesperson said.

DELWP indicated it was aware that the issue had been raised with the Ombudsman and was complying with anyrequests for information.

Bruce Praski, Dave Evans, Evans Evans
and Kim
enjoyedperfect weather at Moe Racing Club's Thursdaymeeting.The countdown is nowonto Moe Cup Day. MORE -PAGE31 pho to gr aph lia md ur kin
Continued on page 8 Darren Chester Member forGippsland Shopping Locally CreatesLocal Jobs Authorised by Darren Chester The National Party of Australia, Level13, 30 Collins Street,Melbourne. pp GP1646724 G P 1 6 4 6 8 7 0 188Argyle Street eet Traralgon PHONE:51745311 ONE: 5174 5311Garages G&Sheds arages & Sheds Deal with the locals with over25years’ Dealexperience. experience. Best price,BestAdvice! IF YOU NEED A SHED, YOU NEED EUREKA! SHEDS!

ACOMMUNITY health academic has beenchosenasthe Greens candidate to contestthe seat of Morwell in the November state election.

Rochelle Hine will represent the Greens after moving to Gippsland two years ago to take up aresearch and lecturingpositionatMonash Rural Health.

Dr Hine is afirst-time candidate and joined the party in 2020 but had been voting for theGreens “for decades”.

The Greens attracted 3.64 per cent in Morwell in the 2018 state election.

“Greens policies fit my values around

humanity and caring for the Earth. I think the Greens are the only party that can hold Labor and Liberaltoaccount,” Dr Hine said.

“The Greens don’ttakedonations from fossil fuel companies or developers, so thisleavesthem free to make strong, evidence-based policies.”

The Warragullocal grew up in King Lake but moved to Gippsland from the small south-west Victorian community of Kirkstall.

She said her areas of speciality were rural mental health, community health funding, primary care, and rural workforce retention.

Hine will run for Greens in state election

Health help extended

GIPPSLAND PrimaryHealth Network’s successfulVaccine Helpers program has been extended in LatrobeCityand South Gippsland Shire.

The program has also been expanded from helpingpeople access their electronic vaccination certificates to also providing assistance in accessing My Health Record.

Latrobe City staff will assist their community through aseries of workshops, one-on-one sessions and accessible guidelines at all four library branches, three leisure centres and the council headquarters reception area.

In South Gippsland, there will be drop-in sessions at community houses and Centrelink, pop-up assistance at residentialaged care facilities, other council facilities and Men’s Sheds.

Gippsland PHN chief executive, Amanda Proposch,said the initial program had assisted 351 people between November 2021 and April 2022with positivefeedback across all locations.

Dr Hinewill be campaigning on tackling climate change,increasing living costs, housing affordabilityand homelessness, clear-felling native forests and justice for First Nations peoples.

“I have astronginterest in social justiceand equity. The gulf between the rich and poor is growing, the system is skewed to disadvantage rural people and those who are not wealthy,” she said.

“We need an ecological, sustainable transition from fossil fuel reliance that engages the wholecommunityand meets the needs of everybodytosustain people into new livelihoods.”

Dr Hine said she understood Morwell

had high levels of anxiety about coal closures.

“Coal-firedpower stations arereally oldand past their use-by dates; this is not the Greens’ doing.The Greenshavea robust plan for thistransition,” she said.

“The Greens are transparent about these policies and will make sure we haveconversations about what comes next to make sure no one is disadvantaged.

“If people looked at the Greens poli cies, they’d be pleasantly surprised how evidence-based and how supportiveof local communities they are.”

“The outcomeshave been positive with people appreciating that personal help in navigating technology to access important health information,” Ms Proposch said

“This is often not as easy as it sounds, especially for people who are not familiar with, or have access to, technology.This program hashelped them overcome barriers to accessing important government services.

“We are very pleased that many people in the community are taking advantageofthis assistance and hope that this continues through expanding opportunities for access.”

New paramedics bound for Gippsland, nine for the Valley

RECRUITMENT is now underway for 23 new paramedics in Gippsland.Ninewill be basedin the Latrobe Valley.

Creation of new ‘paramedic practitioner’roles will also help boost numbers for the Latrobe Valley’s ambulance service.

The stategovernment said the new appointments were clearevidence it was listeningtofrontline medical workers.

“As an emergency doctor, Iamexcited by this announcement,” said Australian Labor Party candidate for Morwell, Kate Maxfield.

“Thisisgame-changing news for healthcare in theLatrobe Valley,” she said.

“The government’s ‘paramedic practitioner’ role is an Australian first, treatingsickand injured patients quickly while easing pressure at our busy emergency departments.”

Paramedic practitioners won’t be servicing patients until 2026, as the new role demands two years’ training, but the government will grant full scholarships to currentparamedicssothey can rapidly upskill.

It will spend $20 million on getting the new practitioners into service, so that pressure on the ambulance service can be eased.

Withadvancedclinicaltraining,the new paramedic practitioners willbeabletoassess, diagnose and treat patients in the field, and take pressure off emergency departments. The rollout will begin in rural and regional Victoria, where paramedic practitionerswilltakeonanew role beyond emergency response –deliveringessential care in thecommunity.

This year the government appointed 23 paramedics to service Gippsland and 157 across the state.

Regional Development Ministerand Member for Eastern Victoria, Harriet Shing, said, “when the Liberal and Nationals were in power, they cut health funding, closed Latrobe Valley hospitals and went to war with Victoria’s dedicated healthcare workers”.

“Labor will continuetotakecare of ourhealthcare workers to deliver the best services when you need it most,” Ms Shing said.

RegionalDevelopment MinisterHarriet Shingand MorwellLabor candidate Kate Maxfield photo: submitted. Election: Rochelle Hine is the Greens candidate for Morwell photograph michelle slater
news Page 2—The Latrobe ValleyExpress,Wednesday, 28 September, 2022

Won’t go quietly

THE outgoing Member for Morwell, Russell Northe, is calling for the next state government to establishaninquiry into gambling harm or initiate acommission for gambling safety.

The Independent MP delivered his valedictory speech in parliament last week outlining his 16-year career in politics, in the final sitting before the state election in November.

Mr Northe had previously stated he would not re-contest the electionafter taking the seat in 2006 as aNationals MP.

He switched to an independent in 2017 after taking abreak, citing gambling and mental health issues.

“We cannot have the situation where the issues around gambling harm sit with the Minister for Gaming—there is too much conflict,” Mr Northe told parliament.

“At the very least,let us pull all this apart by way of an immediate and comprehensiveparliamentary inquiry as soon as the new government is elected.”

Mr Northe said he hoped to transition in his post-parliamentary career to suicide prevention, mental health or gambling reform.

He said gamblingharm needed to be treated as a publichealthissue as it affected vulnerablepeople and cost billionsand billions of dollarsevery year.

“I will not rest until we see positive change in this space, until we see areduction in the enormous harm and hurt that many individuals and families are experiencing,” he said.

“So hopefully Iwill continue to see many of you post-theelection as Icontinue on thisadvocacy journey.”

Mr Northe pointed to his own experience living with “an undiagnosed mental health condition, during which time Iunintentionally hurt many people.

“That is abig cross to bear, but it is important those people close to me know how dearly sorry I am for any pain that Icaused,” he said.

“Butwhen youare living with aperson with poor mental health or undiagnosed mental ill health, and they are displayingout-of-character anduncharacteristic behaviours, it is damn hard to understand, let alone deal with it.”

Mr Northe also looked back at his inaugural speech in 2006, when he cited the importance of the energy industry, and suggested to build anew coal-fired power station in the Latrobe Valley.

“Whilst Iunderstandand concede that that is a fantasy in the current environment, some of the issues aroundenergy security and supplyare still real today,” he said.

“I spoke about unemployment being aburden in the Latrobe Valley, and in many respects it still is today, but hopefully we can overcome those particular things.”

MASKSare no longer mandatory on public transport, with the state government citing COVID numbers that are below their winter peak.

Maskrules were relaxed last week,and are now in effect.Masks will longer be requiredon publictransport or in taxis, rideshare services or tourism vehicles, and will instead be strongly recommended, in linewiththe existing indoor mask recommendations.

Masks continue to be strongly recommended in indoorsettings,insituations wherepeoplecan’t physically distance, for people who have any COVID symptoms,and for anyone who may be immunocompromised or vulnerable to COVID.

The requirement to wear face masks will remain in some circumstances -such as visiting ahospital, care facility or any other indoor space

that is publicly accessible in ahealthcare setting, including allied health providers.

Masks are also requiredifyou haveCOVID or are aclose or household contact and are not required to quarantine. Forexample, because you have tested negative on arapid antigen test.

The decision brings Victoria in line with mask requirements in most other states, and willprovide more nationalconsistencyonthe approach to mask wearing.

Face masks remain alow-cost and highly effective tool to help reduce transmission and protect those most at-risk in the community.

“These sensible changes provide consistency for the community on mask-wearing requirements and Ithank the Chief Health Officerfor his advice on this matter,” Minister for Health Mary-Anne

Thomas said.

“It’s vitally important that Victoriansstayup to date withtheirCOVIDvaccinations, to help prevent serious illness and to ease pressure on the health system.

“As we movetolivingwith COVID, it’s important we ensureenduring behaviourchange in the community -and that means giving people the choice to wear masks to protect themselves and those around them.”

People should also maintain good ventilation indoors, get tested if they have symptoms, and speak to their doctor about COVID treatments.

For more information about mask requirements, visit

Farewell: Independent Member for Morwell Russell Northe delivered his valedictory speech in parliament last week photograph michelle slater
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 3
Masks: not mandatory, but recommended
G P 1 4 4 8 4 6 Book online at General Admission$20 | Pensioners $10 Under 18 FREE with payingadult
Page 4—The Latrobe ValleyExpress,Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 GP1644860

Ruckman’svisit ah

Store owner John Ryan was the one Draper for the public appearance.

Essendon ruckman Sam Draper stopped by the centrelastThursdayfor ameet and greet withfans.

The 23 year old, who recently won AFL Goal of the Year, generously stood for photos and signed autographs for the 500-strong crowd.

The centre gave away alife-size cut-out of Draper, which he thought was pretty funny, asking to get aphoto of him with it.

There is an AFL Store within TCP, and AFL

With the public holiday falling on Thursday visitgave footy fans of all ages the chance and meettheir hero.

TCP has hosted anumberofAFL events in recent months, with the 2021 AFL premiership cup even making its way to the centre.

Geelong fans will be hoping the 2022 instalment can find its way to little old Traralgon in the near future.

TRARALGON Centre Plaza couldn't let Geelong and Sydney fans have all the fun during AFL Grand Final week. Thumbs up: Jason Baldwin gottomeet Essendon player SamDraper. photograph supplied Star studded: SamDraperwith Traralgon CentrePlaza’sRoz Noon, Matt Rockeand Adele Nardino. photograph supplied Packed: Footyfans turned out in droves to see SamDraper. photograph Great company: TCP staffmember and passionateBombersfan Andy Theissling with SamDraper. photograph liam durkin Got him: Traralgon AFL Storeowner John Ryan organised forEssendonplayerSam Draper to make an in-storeappearance photograph supplied
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 5
GP1646854 GP1648447


Page 6—The Latrobe ValleyExpress,Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 WINDOW &DOOR REPLACEMENT 543 Princes Drive, Morwell Ph: 5133 7000 Aluminium and Timber options Residential and Commercial Made to measure, supplied and installed PROUDLYBROUGHT TO YOUBYTHESE PARTICIPATINGLOCAL BUSINESSES Sudoku No.0125 Howtoplay. Fill the grid so that everyrow and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1to9 Solution next Wednesday. Target Time No.0125 Howtoplay... Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or morecan youlist? The centreletter must be included and each letter may be used only once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in ‘s’. Solution next Wednesday
PROUDLY BROU ONE POINTERS 1. Which constellation is depicted on the Australian flag? 2. Which school house was Harry Potter placed into by the sorting hat? 3. Which birdisoften associated with delivering babies? 4. What is the name of the actor that starred as the Grinch in the movie ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’? TWO POINTERS 5. How many days areinaleap year? 6. Which singer originally sang the song American Pie? 7. What has agravitational pull so strong that light cannot even escape it? 8. Which fictional city is the home of Batman? THREE POINTERS 9. Who wrote the classic horror book ‘IT’? 10. Who founded Microsoft? 11. Excluding Pluto, how many planets areinour solar system? 12. Which ocean is Madagascar situated on? FOUR POINTERS 13. What is the name of the 2018 movie starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper? 14. Animals that eat both meat and plants arecalled what? FIVE POINTER 15. Who am I? Clue: I’m aproud Australian who was at the top of my chosen career beforeI retired earlier this year.Ialways excel at no matter what Idoand have recently married my long-time partner HOW DID YOU FARE? 37: Topofthe class; 30-36: Outstanding; 23-29: Well done; 15-22: Solid effort; 9-14: Room for improvement; 0-8: Hit the books. serswAn 1.ssronCSouther2.findorGryf3.Stork4.eyCarrJim5.3666.McleanDon 7.holelackAb8.CityGotham9.KingStephen10.GatesBill11.Eight 12.Indian13.norsBritaAS14.esOmnivor15.BartyAsh 1 10 15 20 30 34 38 2 21 24 11 16 25 3 35 37 12 26 32 4 8 23 22 9 13 17 31 36 39 5 27 6 18 14 28 19 33 7 29 Crossword Puzzle No.8501 Target: Average -12, Good -16, Excellent –24+GP1 64 72 09 ACROSS 1Much ornamented 5Sweetener 8Outlets 10 Mock 13 Builds 15 Get rid of 16 Separate 17 Hurry 20 Sample 22 Heat of mind 23 Barrier 24 Washes lightly 27 Perfume 30 Coalesces 31 Move quickly 32 Making known 34 Reddish brown 36 Containers 37 Piece let in 38 Strong thread 39 Detective DOWN 2Stagger 3Making lively 4Happening 5Brook 6Custom 7Plant secretion 9Lower 10 Dexterous 11 Tears 12 Dreadful 14 Quote 18 Meditate 19 Poet’sIreland 21 Land measure 22 Apple Isle (abb) 23 Assails 25 Part of the eye 26 Calm 27 Cicatrice 28 Preparefor publication 29 Hauls 30 Worth 31 Cults 33 That following 35 Wrongdoing Solution next Wednesday with Muzza

Rally for renewables

LATROBE Valley medical practitioners joined a group of doctors,nursesand healthworkers at state parliament last week, calling on both sides of government to back 100-per-cent renewables by 2030.

Healthy Futures delivered an open letter signed by aconsortium of health bodies and more than 200 health workers on the lastsitting day of parliament before the state election in November.

Signatories included the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, andThe Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

The groupsaidthe stateelection providedan opportunity for the government and opposition to commit to 100-per-cent renewables by 2030, in line with the ACT,South Australia and Tasmania.

It comes as both Victorian Labor and Coalition have signed up for 50-per-cent emissions targets by the end of the decade.

Latrobe Valley mental health nurse Veronique Hamilton added her voice to the call in an open

letter stating that climate change was impacting her community.

“When people are put under theadditionalstrain and pain of events such as flooding, fires, storms and the uncertainty and fear that those events bring, vulnerabilitiesbecome very evident,” Ms Hamilton said.

“Individually Isee people in the clinical setting whohave significantworry about whatthe future holds. These people often feel disempowered and let down by decision makers.”

Ms Hamilton said she had learned about pre-traumatic stress disorder, where people are developing mental health problems in anticipation of the impacts of climate change.

“With traditional PTSD you can work on the basis that the threat is no longer there and they are safe,” she said.

“However the threat of climate change is very real and dangerous, so how can we treat trauma when the threat is still evident?

“Asahealth professional, we have aduty of care and work on the basis of doing no harm. Does our government not have these same work ethics or code of conduct?”

Climate action: Healthy Futuresmedicos gathered at stateparliament lastweek callingfor 100-per-cent renewables by 2030. photograph supplied
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 7
GP1647551 GP1648490

Walhalla rink abig hit

WALHALLA was‘chockers’with visitors to the historic mountain village on the Thursday public holiday to enjoy ‘Springfest’ activities in brilliant sunshine.

The town was lined with parked cars and buzzing with tourists who took advantage of the state’s four-day weekendtocheck out the activitiesas part of the 10-day festival.

Atemporary ice-skating rink was set up at Stringers Park, with families testing out their balance on the slippery surface.

Other activities included mini-laser tag sessions, ghost tours, gold mine tours, Walhalla Goldfields Railway trips, and asnowball-throwing contest.

Springfestwas organised to helpthe townrecover from the impacts of bushfires, storm damage and COVID, which had led to atourism downturn and some business closures.

Walhalla business operators were eager to welcome visitors for the festival, with The Corner Store andMuseum manager NaomiBrosnan keen to get the event going.

“Emerging fromthe challenges of the past two years, our town is reallylooking forwardto Springfest and welcoming visitors to this spectacular part of the world,” Ms Brosnan said.

“There is more than meets the eye here in Walhalla,and one day just simply isn’t enough time to explore the town and take in all its attractions.

“Through this event, we hope to encourage visitors to stay afew nightssothey can delve into the historical significance of the town and have a greater understanding of its beauty.”

Springfest was organised with support from Baw Baw Shire in partnership with Destination Gippsland and Mt Baw Baw Alpine Resort.

Farmer walks home

Troubled waters: Yinnar South farmer Greg Davis by theremains of an accessbridgethatwas destroyed in last year’s floods photograph michelle slater Sun and fun: Thorpdale visitor Ellie Varsaci pushes WillowHornsby on the ice rink set up at Walhallaas partoflast week’s Springfest. Skating by: Hernes OakfamilyEmilyand Penelope Chapman with mumMiranda glide on the Walhalla ice rink photographs michelle slater Continued from page 1 AYINNAR South farmer is being forced to walk across arickety homemade bridge to access his own property while waiting for authorities to repair a bridge that was swept away in last year’s floods. Upper Middle Creek Road landholder, Greg Davis, is at loggerheads with government agencies over rebuilding aprivately-owned bridge across Crown landthat allowed him to drive onto his property.
news Page 8—The Latrobe ValleyExpress,Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
the plank to get 35 Albert Street, Moe. PHONE: 5127 7777 71 QueenStreet, Warragul. PHONE: 5622 3800 SALES: RebeccaRobinson PHONE: 0447049 555 LEASING: Dylan Quine PHONE: 0402 513 561 BUYING|SELLING|LEASING RESIDENTIAL|RURAL|COMMERCIAL

VICTORIA’S electricity-generation sector reduced its emissions by 2.2 million tonnesin2020, according to the latest figures.

The 2020 Victorian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report shows that the state’s emissions plunged almost six per cent between 2019 and 2020, with the largestreduction found in the electricitysector. This was followed by the transport sector with a decrease of 1.9 million tonnes of emissions.

All up, Victoria had exceeded its emissions reductions targets by almost double, to 30 per cent of 2005 levels, exceeding targets of 15 to 20 per cent.

The decrease was because of investments in renewables, which contributed to aquarter of Victoria’s electricity consumption between 2019 and 2020.

Renewables also contributed to 34 per cent of the state’s electricitygeneration in the2021/22 financial year.

In 2020, Victoriahad the third-lowest emissions of any stateorterritory acrossthe nation, after Tasmania and the ACT.

Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio said the state was “well on the way” to reachingits targets of reducing emissions by 50 per cent by 2030.

“Our nation-leading investment in renewable energy has helped us smash our 2020 emissions target,” Ms D’Ambrosio said.

“It’s only the Labor government that has atrack record of delivering on climate change -slashing emissions while drivingdown the cost of living for Victorianfamilies.”

Victoria was one of the first jurisdictions in the worldtolegislate net-zero emissions by 2050, and targets 50-per-cent emissions reduction by 2030.

Environment Victoriapolicy and advocacy managerBronya Lipski congratulated the state government for beating its targets.

“This is agreat start towards decarbonising our economy. This result demonstrateswhatispossible when astate government showsreal climate leadership,” Ms Lipsky said.

“With the state electionless than two months away, we now urge all political parties and candidates to step up to the challenge of reaching net zero emissions by 2035.”

Emissions ‘on track’ Environment job for all: EPA

EPA inspectionshave targetedindustrial precincts in the Latrobe Valley as part of astatewide blitz focusing on potential pollutionescaping into stormwater drains and out to waterways.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) Gippsland Regionofficersinspectedanindustrial precinct in Traralgon recently.

The EPA is particularly concerned about the precinctbecause its stormwater drain system is directly connected to local waterways that have economic, social,environmental and cultural importance. The aim of the blitz, in which 10 businesses were inspected, wastohighlightthe role businesses are expected to play in protecting the environment, and in particular, local waterways in catchment areas, including Loy Yang Creek.

“We targeted industry sectors that included automotive, timber treaters, food related (processor/storage) and painters and avariety of other general industrial activities,”Gippsland Regional manager Jessica Bandiera said.

“In all we have issued three notices and 16 piecesofcomplianceadviceaddressing issues suchasstormwater contamination, washwater and sediment controls and bunding.

“We are particularly concerned thatcontrolsare not adequate or are poorly maintained.

“We have seen too often the harm that can be done to the environment through uncontrolled releases into the environment.”

Ms Bandiera said the general environmental duties, or GED requirements,ofthe Environmental ProtectionAct 2017 madeitclear thatitwas everyone’s job to act to protect the environment.

“The EPA is working to generate agreater understanding of that responsibility. EPA wants to help businesses understand that they must act to improve their onsite controls to prevent spills and pollution entering the environment,” she said.

“Where EPA identifies poor controls to prevent pollution, they can expect us to use our powers to enforce compliance.”

news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 9
GP1647286 GP1648408

Festival marks 30 years for garden

THE Morwell Centenary Rose Garden will celebrate its 30th anniversary in November when the town hosts the International Rose Garden Festival

The free festival will feature stalls, workshops, talks, live music, landscape displays, children’s activities, food trucks and Devonshire tea with CWA scones.

ABC Gardening Australia host Costa Georgiadis is returning to Morwellthis year to host the festival and judge the cut-rose competition on the Saturday.

Visitors can also enjoy aspecial appearance from Aussie’s most favourite heelers, Bluey and Bingo, on the festival Sunday.

There willalsobenightlight displaysfrom 6.30pm to 10.30pm, with roving performers and pop-up attractions.

The festival was officially launched last week, celebrating the town’s rose garden, which features more than 4000roses that receivemorethan 6000 hoursayear of care by volunteers.

The garden’s history will be showcased with the launch of anew book put together by Friends of theRose Garden.

Friends of the Rose Garden treasurer, Frank Sutherland, said volunteers had spent the past

year researching and trawlingthrough archives to put the book together.

Mr Sutherland saidthe glossy book would feature ahost of full-colour picturesoutlining the development of the world-class rose garden.

“We go right back to the digging of the holes for the garden. The presidentofthe Rose Society of Victoria came up to help find the best position for it,” Mr Sutherland said.

“It took 10 monthstoprepare for the grand open ing. It’s grown enormously over the years, now to the other side of Commercial Road.”

Latrobe City Mayor Kellie O’Callaghan invited the community to be part of the festival,with Costa and Bluey and Bingo promising to be fantastic drawcards.

“Thefestival continues to go from strength to strength,attracting visitors fromacross the state to Morwell, as well as providing avaluable opportunity for our communitytoconnect andenjoy the atmosphere of the rose garden,”CrO’Callaghan said.

The Morwell International Rose Garden Festival is on November 12 and 13. For more information, visit

Moe’sSpring Art Show kicking off, marking society’s78th b’day

MOE ART SOCIETY members are busy preparing for the 2022 Spring Art Show

The show is little more than aweek away, opening on Friday, October 7.

The show will be open to the public from Saturday, October 8until Saturday,October 22.

Anyone is welcome on any day the Moe Library is open, as the display is to be throughout the facility.

Members of the society will be in attendance during weekdays from 10am until 5pm, and on Saturdays 9am until 12 noon.

Moe Lions Club will have asausage sizzle in the forecourt of the library on Saturday, October 8. Latrobe City Counciland library staff,together

with societymembers,are working hard to make this acommunity event.

The SpringArt Show will be followed by Artists @Workand the Mainstreet Artists of Life Skills Victoria’s Art Exhibition in the main library.

Moe Art Society is in its 78th year, something the society feels is acelebration in itself.

Any inquiries about the society can be made to presidentBeryl Galloway on 0407 271 686 or secretary Karen Rosato on 0400 278 565.

The society meets every Thursday. All are welcome to come in for achatbetween 9am and 2pm at the old Narracan Mechanics’ Institute Hall located in Heritage Park, Lloyd Street Moe.

Century-old steam locomotives attract thousands to Traralgon

THOUSANDS of people gathered in Traralgon on Saturday to see apiece of rail history with the 100year anniversary of the K-class steam locomotive taking to the Gippsland line.

Three locomotives departed from Newport carrying packed-out passenger cars and chugged down the Pakenham line to Traralgon amid atrail of steam and smoke.

Enthusiasts had parked beside the track along the way to watch the majestic machines on their journey down the line and back, with some people following the train on its way.

Locomotive Restoration Group workshop manager Jeff Male said the event was significant, marking acentury since the K-class locos were introduced to Victorian railways.

Mr Male said the heritage-listed 1904 Traralgon turntable was only one of three operating in Victoria, and was previously used this year to turn the Steam Rail Victoria snow train.

He said aswarm of people milled about to see the “amazingevent” as the trainpulled-in and watched the three locomotives in the round house chuffing out black smoke.

“There’s somethingabout the steam locomotive, they are almost like ahuman being. Some people say they even talk to you, they are an incredible piece of machinery,” Mr Male said. minaret,MINIATURE, mint,minter,minuet, minute, minutia, minutiae, mite, mitre, muriate, mute, nature, neat,nite, nitre, nutria, raiment,rant,rate, remit, rent,retain, retina, riant,rite, ruminate, runt,tame, tamer, tare, tarn, team, tear,term, tern, tier,time, timer,tine, tinea, tinier,tire, train, tram, trim, trine, triune, true, tuan, tuna, tune, tuner,turn, unit,unite, unmet,untie, uteri.

The threeengines were then linedupinthe Traralgon Roundhouse and put on the turntable to be set on theirwesternjourney back to Melbourne

Target: Average–40, Good -54, Excellent–75+

Runfor theroses: Friends of the Morwell Rose Garden volunteerDel Matthews with Latrobe CityCouncil mayorKellie O’Callaghan to spruik this year’s rose garden festival set forNovember photograph michelle slater History: The three K-class locomotivesinthe TraralgonroundhouseshedonSaturday. photograph supplied Flair: Moe ArtSocietymembersKaren Rosato, John Reeve, andKen Downs have been painting newboardsand easels.photograph supplied
news Page 10 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
GP1644789 DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC TRADING HOURS: Mon Fri 8am 5pm www surdexsteel com au 8 Surdex Drive Morwell (End of Jones Road) DELIVERYALL AREAS HOU S: o i a 5 l PH: 5135 3500 Steel Sales PURLINS MESH RHS PIPE ROOFING RETAININGWALLS ALUMINIUM STAINLESSSTEEL STRUCTURALSTEEL POLYCARBONATE G PROL UDLY BROUGHT TO YOUBYTHESEPARTICIPATING LOCALBUSINESSES Solutions Target Time No.0124 airtime, ament,ante, anti, antrum, atrium, aunt,auntie, emit,etna, etui,imaret, inert, inertia, inmate, inter,interim, intima, irate, item, mart,marten, martin, martini, mate, mater,matin, mature, meant,meat,merit
L R A P I E R O H I R E D M A T O N E G C O M P E T E C L A T I N S I E V E S T T I R E S O M E A R U S E S T A N N I L A R I D S H Y L A S T P E N S H E S E L L S I U T T E R I N G A D E S I R E E A R N S X R I N G L E T D F I R E D A R E B E L T E X P O S E R Sudoku No.0124 Crossword No.8500 GP1 64 72 21
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 11 GP1648081

Midnight Oil’slast gig: the end of an era

BY the end of next week, Latrobe Valley Express reporter Michelle Slater will have hit amilestone:she will have seen 73 concerts by Midnight Oil.

Her already imposing 71 concerts will have been added to by the Aussie rock band’s final two gigs -the first in Canberra and the second at the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney, which signals the end of the band’s touring career.

As nearly always, she will be in the front row.

“I have been following the band for over 32 years, all around Australia,” she said, with Darwin the furtherest destination she has travelled to.

“I fell in love with the band at high school in the mid-80s. It was due to acombination of musicianship and politics. It was rare to find music with apolitically relevant message.”

For Michelle, the songs matched the discussions around the family dinner table.

“The Oils responded to abroad range of issues -the Cold War, media ownership, and brought Indigenous issues to the mainstream spotlight,” she said.

Politics was always apart of growing up.

Her father was arefugee from Romania, her mother is from France. They met in France after her father escaped from Romania via Italy.

Her father’s Romania experience under communism made him conservative politically.

“Midnight Oil made politics accessible to me as ayoung person,” she said.

Her commitment to the Oils went up anotch in the 1990s -her university days when she was driving an old bomb of aHolden Camira.

One summer, she saved up her AusStudy grants, got into her ‘bomb’ and followed the band all around Australia, getting to know the members personally.

“The band went out of their way to make sure Iwas fed and had accommodation,” she said.

It was abit of ashock when the radical activist and band leader Peter Garrett decided to leave the world of protest music for politics, becoming amember of afederal Labor


“I was disappointed that Garrett went into politics. Iwas disappointed that an anti-nuclear warrior could be part of aparty and government that approved anew uranium mine in South Australia,” she said.

“I wrote aletter to him expressing my disappointment. Garrett made aharddecision; it was better to be inside the tent than screaming from the sidelines.”

Michelle acknowledged that Garrett did enter politics at adifficult time, during the period of Prime Ministers Rudd and Gillard.

“He faced alot of challenges, and was thrown under the bus over the pink batts affair,” she said. When the band decided five years ago that it would reunite, Michelle took it with a grain of salt. “I was not sure of how Iwould react on the back of Garrett’s political career,” she said.

There had been no abrupt abandonment of the band, however; during Garrett’s political

phase, she maintained contact with the other band members.

Michelle sees alot of live music -in Melbourne’s pubs in the independent underground scene, “which I’m very excited about”.

“Midnight Oil remains the most powerful live band I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen abad Oils gig,” she said. “Midnight Oil was the first live band Iever saw -that was Year 11 at school.”

Looking at the Oils’ near 50-year career, Michelle has always loved their musicianship, viewing their career as acollection of albums (all 16 of them) and eras, from post-punk to more acoustic and hollowed-bodied guitar sound of their later career.

Peter Garrett is now 70, and the band members are well into their 60s, but they will not stop playing live, just ending their touring career.

They could still do one-off concerts, for example, on apressingissue.

Read about it: Michelle Slater is on her way to her73rdMidnight Oil gig in Sydney. photograph liam durkin

Inset: Michelle Slater and Midnight Oil frontman PeterGarrett photograph supplied

Michelle recently saw their last two gigs at the Palais Theatre in St Kilda -their ‘swan song” for Melbourne. These were two two-and-a-half hour concerts, shows that spanned their career.

“That took alot out of them physically. Garrett’s voice -there are no more savage screams, and he doesn’t move the way he used to, but as acollection of musicians, they are still aforce to be reckoned with.”

And those front row seats, where she has been for most of the Oil gigs? “Front row -it’s like being in front of ajumbo jetabout to take off,” she said, “sandwiched between two of Australia’s most powerful and innovative guitarists.”

Michelle really enjoyed the latest album, which was savage on Australia’s lack of action on climate change, coupled with brutal guitar playing. “Some of itisquitecynical. Midnight Oil had never been cynical in their albums; there is always talk of hope, but this new album says ‘it’s too late to act’.

Michelle feels the band made the right decision to quit touring, considering their age.

“What they have given me is more than I could have asked for. I’msad at their farewell, but they have left something to value and cherish,” she said.

“It was an opportunity to say goodbye, a ‘thank you” to all they have given me and the Australian cultural landscape, supporting the band but also the arts industry and the whole industry that supports the Oils -sound engineers, suppliers and light crew, particularly important in the post-COVID time.”

Just for the record, her mother liked the Oils. She met them and approved of them.

“Nice young boys, not into drugs. And (drummer) Rob Hirst speaks French.”

news Page 12 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022

THE more recent residents of Trafalgar would not realise that at one time Trafalgar had as many as four motor traders in the town. One of themwas Willys and Whippet agent Arch McDonald,situatedinthe main streetoftown.

In 1926, Willys–Overland introduced anew line of small carsnamed Willys-Overland Whippet.

The Whippet at first was available only as the Model 96 with a30HP, four-cylinder engine on a3.93M wheelbase chassis, but the Model 98, poweredbya40HPsix-cylinderengine with a4.29M wheelbase, was added in 1927. Bodies available in bothmodelswerecoupe, roadster, two-door and 4-door sedans, cabriolet and landau.

All Whippetmodels were also manufactured and distributedinAustralia by the Holden bodyshops,but with21-inchinsteadof19-inch wheels and minor changes to the body.

Whippetproduction ended in 1931; its models were replaced by the Willys Sixand Eight. Production of the Willys Knightendedin1933.

The history of WillysKnight goes backto 1913 when J.N Willys met up with Charles YKnightwhile on atrip to England. Knight managed to convince him that the sleeve valve enginehad some very desirable attributes over the poppet valve motor.

During The Great Depression, Willys

Overland declared bankruptcy and areorganisation plan was implemented to rationalise the line-up of models.

This unfortunately spelled the end of the Willys Knight and the last sleeve-valve car built in America was the 1933 Model 66E Great 6.

Between 1914 and 1933 he was to sell almost half amillion of the relatively low-priced but high-quality sleeve-valveengined Willys Knight.

In 1937 Willys redesigned the four-cylinder model. It gained asemi-streamlined body with aslanted windshield, headlamps integrally embedded into the fenders, and aone-piece, rounded hood transversely hinged at the rear.

For 1939, the Model39featured Lockheed hydraulicbrakes,a50mm increasein wheelbase to 4.1M and an improved 134 DID four-cylinder engine, power increased from 48 to 61 hp. TheModel 39 was marketed as an Overland and as aWillys–Overlandrather than as aWillys.

The Willys Jeep was one of two bids when the United StatesArmysought an automakerthat could begin rapid production of alightweight reconnaissance car.

The Trafalgar Holden Museum is located at 69 Waterloo Road, Trafalgar and open until 5pm daily.

The museum is totally volunteer run. Those interested in getting involved can do so by phoning 5633 1684

Whip it good: A1928 Whippet. photographs supplied Vintage: The 1926 Willys Knight
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 13
Trafalgar’smotoring gem
5174 2156 Cnr Gwalia St &LiddiardRd, Traralgon 7TOPPINGS TO CHOOSE FROM TRADITIONAL -GREEK -SEAFOOD -HAWAIIAN -‘THE VINNY’ -BRISKET -AUSSIE GP1 64 74 37 Subscribe to the LatrobeValley Express Digital Edition FREE Online > Or visit subscribe Scanthis QRcodeto subscribe

WE at GCASA acknowledge all people who have been impacted by sexual harm, both long past or more recent.

We acknowledge your journey and strengths and the impacts experienced by you, your families, and your support people.

We want you to know we see you; we listen without judgement and we believe you.

GCASA provide specialist support services across the Gippsland region.

We are afreeand confidential service that offers individual counselling and advocacy for children and adults who have been impacted by sexual assault.

Our REFOCUS service offers atherapeutic response where achild or young person has engaged in problematic or harmful sexual behaviours.

GCASA provides aCrisis Care response 24/7 for people who have experienced a recent sexual assault across all of Gippsland.

GCASA also provides Crisis Care responses outside of business hours to people experiencing family violence living in the Baw Baw, Latrobe Valley, South Gippsland and Bass Coast Shires.

GCASA’s team of crisis care staff are all based within the Gippsland region and ready to provide alocalised response.

GCASA’s vision is to be an equitable community free of sexual assault and violence.

GCASA are committed to the prevention of sexual assault by engaging the Gippsland community in our initiatives to raise awareness and advocate for change to reduce the incidence of sexual assault.

There are no right or wrong responses to a traumatic event.

The impact of sexual assault can be varied and may include feelings of helplessness, fear, shame, guilt, emotional numbness, difficulties with sleep, feelings of anxiety and sadness.

With therapeutic and advocacy support the emotional, psychological, physical and social impacts of sexual assault can be reduced.

Whatever your experience we encourage you to seek support as soon as possible.

For further information about our service and for other helpful resources visit gcasa. or call GCASA: 03 5134 3922.

Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL): 1800 806 292

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre: 1800 015 188

Page 14 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 Gippsland Centre against Sexual Assault (GCASA) GP1648 P648 64848370 70 0 51343922 1800806292 /gippslandcasa GP1646594 Empowerment Respect Dignity Integrity -Support andAdvocacy -Counselling Children, Youth and Adult -Refocus Services -Information and SecondaryConsultation -Community Education/Prevention Work -Telephone and face to face FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL ServicingGippslandin Morwell,Warragul,Sale, Bairnsdale,Leongatha andWonthaggi

Understanding and connection

AS the largest Aboriginal child and family services organisation in the state, Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) has supported culturally strong, safe, and thriving Aboriginal communities across Victoria for more than 40 years.

VACCA provides arange of services in the Gippsland region to support individuals, families, and children who are impacted by family violence, or require homelessness services, family services, group work support, education services, justice services and youth support services.

Central to our work is an understanding that connection to culture, community and country supports healing.

We work with individuals and families to build on their strengths, so our community feels nurtured, supported and culturally strong.

As the ongoing impacts of the pandemic continue to be felt, we have seen demand for our services grow.

There is no shame in reaching out for help during what is adifficult time for many.

To learn more about our services, visit or contact our Gippsland office on 5135 6055.

The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 15
GP1632854 GP1648 6 P8397 97

In their colours

MORWELL Central Primary School celebrated afooty colours day recently, with all the students and staff dressing up in their favourite team’s colours.

In the afternoon, the junior school council hosted some activities.

One of these was aparade. While each football team’s song was played, the students in that team displayed their colours for the rest of the school.

Alongest-kick competition was also contested, with students and staff participating and achieving some amazing results.

Venturer Scouts trek to Noojee

THE 1st Newborough Venturer Scouts recently embarked on atrip to the picturesque town of Noojee.

The Venturers enjoyed an amble through rainforest to gain aclose-up view of the tiered waterfall known as Toorongo Falls.

Photographers were kept busy trying to capture the rich tapestry of textures and patterns of the landscape.

Next up, the Venturers walked the rail trail from the Noojee Historic Centre to the trestle bridge.

The majestic Noojee trestle bridge is the tallest surviving wooden trestle bridge in Victoria. The Visit Baw Baw website said the bridge was closed for maintenance, so the Venturers were delighted

when they arrived to find the works finished and the bridge reopened. As they walked across its 100-metre span they took in aview of tall mountain ash and fern forest. Venturers Scouts are young people aged between 14 and 18.

The 1st Newborough Scout Group runs aVenturer unit and welcomes new members.

Interested people don’t need any previous scouting experience.

For more information, phone Jane on 0403 656 351.

Warm greetings withBeanie Day

STUDENTS from St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School’s Junior School recently rugged up, arriving at school sporting their favourite beanie and ‘warmly’ greeting each other.

Though the chilly weather may have explained their attire, the students were in fact raising money for The Brain Cancer


The day was organised by the school’s community-minded Student Representative Council (SRC) to increase awareness of the mission of the Brain Cancer Centre.

The event raised more than $265 for cancer research.

Marching in: Declan and Darcyshowoff their St Kilda coloursatMorwell Central PrimarySchool. Old darknavyBlues: Carltonfans Jai(aide) and Oakley. Yellowand black: Isabella’s in her Richmond jumper on footycoloursday Flyup: Finn and Morwell Central PrimarySchool teacher Narelle VanDer Velden areone-eyed Bombers’ supporters. Happyteam: Julian andTyler barrackfor theHawks photographs supplied Flowing: 1st Newborough Scouts viewing Toorongo Falls Trip: Venturer Scouts Liam, Leon, Ryan and Ruby enjoyeda relaxing amble through Noojee. Great cause: Georgia,Hayley, Frankie and Sophie sportingtheir beanies to raise awarenessofthe centre’s mission. Woollywarmers: St Paul’s Year 5students displaying their beanies photographs supplied
Page 16 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022

Hundreds back Bath push for burns

HUNDREDS of Gippslanders have signed apetitionthat calls for an increase of fuel-reduction burning in Gippsland’s native forests.

The e-petition, signed by 738 people and organised by The Howitt Society, was tabledinState Parliament last week.

It was sponsored by Shadow Assistant Minister for Public Land Use and Memberfor Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath.

The e-petitioncalls on the stategovernment to increase the area of planned low-intensity burns across Victoria’s forests, in line with 2009 BushfireRoyal Commission recommendations. The recommendation was for fuelreduction burns of aminimum five per cent in appropriate forest systems.

Ms Bath said regional Victoriansand many public land managers were fed up with the state government’s failure to meet its own small annual fuel-reduction target.

“Victorian forests need to be actively managed utilisingregular low-intensity mosaicburns,which incorporate, where possible, methods practised by Traditional Owners in the past,” she said.

“Bushfire mitigation through low-intensity fire should be performed throughout the cooler months to remove excess undergrowth on the forest floor. The Howitt Society is correct in its assertion that fire is anatural phenomenon in Victoria, but catastrophic widespread bushfire over enormous areas of forest is not natural.”

The Howitt Society’s membership consists of experiencedlandand fire managers, scientists, foresters,anthropologistsand historians. It is named after the famed 19th-Century Gippsland scientist Alfred Howitt.

Ms Bath said Howitt Society members had a wealth of knowledge about the bush and public land management.

“The Howitt Society’spetition sends astrong message to the Andrews Government thatLabor’s poor record and inadequate approach to bushfire

mitigationinVictoria must be overhauled,” she said.

The state government had blatantly dismissed the Bushfire Royal Commission’s findings and moved to an ideologically flawed ‘hands-off’ approach in state forests and national parks, she said.

“As witnessed during the 2019/20 summer bushfires, aircraft and firefighting personnel become ineffective once the fires take hold, particularly in the terrain of East Gippsland and the Great Alpine National Park,” Ms Bath said.

“We need to avoid mega bushfires that burn so intensely that nothing survives, and devastating damage is inflicted upon our ecosystems and wildlife.”

Petition launched: ShadowAssistant Minister forPublic LandUse and Member forEastern Victoria MelinaBath file photograph
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 17
we’reonline The Range Retirement Village is aretirement living community in Moe, boasting alive-in Manager and high-quality residential villas set inside agated community. The Range offers elegant new and refurbished two and three-bedroom independent living villas, set in attractive and well-manicured surrounds. Each villa features an open-plan living area,wellappointed kitchen, private courtyardgarden and single or double garage. Plan your social life with your new community. Youwill have the flexibility and freedom to embrace life with asocialcalendar that includes, billiards, indoor bowls, craft, movie nights, trivia, bingo,cards and many moresocial activities and make use of our community bus to getaroundour local area Now is your time to down size and embrace life at The Range Features available for our residents to share at The Range Retirement Village include indoor pool, billiard room, cinema, dining area, craft room, librarywith internet access, outdoor barbeque and entertaining area.Resort-Style Clubhouse Range Way, Moe Sales and Inspections Phone: 1800 531 956 VILLAS NOW AVAILABLE GP1641428 52 Hazelwood Road Morwell 5134 3449




Even if you’re afflicted with two so-calledleft feet,noone is ever going to claim that dancing is bad foryou.But that doesn’t makethisdoco any less entertaining and heartwarming.Inthis two-part special, MyfWarhurst(pictured, SpicksandSpecks)sets outtodiscoverifdancing is ashortcut to betterhealth. Themusic loverpresents the experiment following agroup of over-65-year-olds as they trytoslowthe affectsofagingthrough dance training.Under the guidance of choreographer Kelley Abbey (HappyFeet), the group takeson12weeks of intensivetraining,with the crescendo aunique performance fortheir family and friends.

GOOD WITHWOOD SBS, Friday, 7.35pm

Former BakeOffhost Mel Giedroyc (pictured) bringsher unique brand of wide-eyedwonder and cheeky commentary to this hands-on reality competition series. The calibreofGiedroyc’s timber-based puns is ajoy to witness as 10 British woodworking enthusiastsenter the Welsh woodlandworkshopfor the firsttimeintonight’ssecond-season premiere.They will showcase their sawing, turning and joiningskills to create diningtables inspiredby acountryoftheir choice,hoping to carve out their place in the next round by impressing the newjudges, design historian TomDyckhoffand wood sculptor Sophie Sellu.


ABCTV, Sunday, 7.40pm

Pink-haired comedian Cal Wilson (pictured) is aperennial favourite guestonthislong-running and much-lovedmusical quiz show.

Tonight,Wilsonshowcases her music knowledge once again before she puts home bakers to the testasthe new co-hostof TheGreatAustralian BakeOff.She’s joined by former The VoiceAustraliacontestant Thando and one half of the electronic music duoPeking Duk, Reuben Styles,along with fellow stand-up Nath Valvo.

HostAdamHills andMyf Warhurst and Alan Brough banterinthe way only old friends can, beforeastirring performance from Melbourne-based international outfitAusecuma Beats.

Wednesday, September 28

ABC TV (2)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four Corners.(R) 11.05 David Attenborough’s KingdomOfPlants. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address 1.40 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.00 Escape From TheCity (PG,R) 3.55 ThinkTank. (R) 4.55 Anh’s BrushWithFame. (R) 5.25 HardQuiz. (PG, R)

SBS (3)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up With Adam Liaw Bitesize. (R) 9.05 Peer To Peer.(PG) 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City (PG) 11.05 Grayson Perry’sBig American Road Trip.(M) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight.(R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PGa,R) 3.40 The CookUp With Adam Liaw.(PG,R) 4.10 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

9-1-1 Seven, Monday, 9.10pm

Thewriters of 9-1-1areacreative bunch. Pumping outdisaster stories ranging from the silly to the obscene, the title forthe premiereofseason six can only be seen as unashamedly tongue-in-cheek. In “Let TheGames Begin”, viewers will no doubt be expecting the unexpected and, as usual, 9-1-1delivers over-the-top disaster fare.Athena(Angela Bassett, pictured) and the 118 mustrisetothe challenge whenablimpencounters mechanical failureand its engine catchesfire outside ajam-packed sports stadium. Meanwhile, emotions run high when Maddie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Chimney (Kenneth Choi) go to couple’s therapy.

SEVEN (7,6)

TEN (10, 5)NINE (9,8)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Home For Harvest. (2019,PGa,R) 2.00 Motorbike Cops (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 TheChase. (R) 4.00 SevenNewsAt4 5.00 TheChaseAustralia.

6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R)

1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In TheZoo (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 5.30[VIC]WINNews.

6.00 Nine News

7.00 ACurrent Affair 7.30 TheBlock. (PGl) HostedbyScott Cam 8.50 My Life As ARolling Stone: Keith Richards. (Madl) Part 2of4.Takes alook at Keith Richards, who has playedlead guitar in The RollingStones for 60 years.

10.10 InsideThe Mind Of Freddie Mercury. (Ma) 11.10 Nine News Late. 11.40 Family Law. (Mas) 12.35 Chicago Med. (MA15+am, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop.(R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory.(PGa) 4.30 TheAmazing Shockwaves: TheLateShowWith Colbert. (PG)

6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 The Bold And TheBeautiful.(R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 1.00 TheAmazing Race Australia. (PGl, R) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. 2.30 Food Trail: South Africa. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG,R) 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The BoldAnd TheBeautiful. 5.00 10 News First. TheChernobyl Disaster: Fallout. (Ma) Part 3of3 11.00 TheLatest: SevenNews. 11.30 Chicago Fire (Ma) 12.30 Secrets Of TheRoyal Babies. (PG,R) [VIC]HomeShopping.1.30 Medical Emergency.(PGa, R) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 NBC Today 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

3.30[VIC]Infomercials.(PG,R) 4.00[VIC]HomeShopping 4.30 CBS Mornings. TheMiddle. 3.00 The KingOfQueens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig BangTheory. 9.20 TwoAnd AHalfMen. 10.10 TheBig Bang Theory 11.00 Frasier Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 2.30 The Late Late ShowWith James Corden. 3.30 The King Of Queens. 4.30 Home Shopping. 10 PEACH (11, 52)

6.00 TheDrum 7.00 ABCNews. 7.30 7.30 8.00 Hard Quiz (Return, PG) 8.30 Question Everything. (Return) Presented by WilAnderson and Jan Fran 9.05 Summer Love (Mdls) Acouple confrontsocietal expectations. 9.35 Adam Hills: TheLastLeg. (Final, R) UK-basedpanel show 10.15 ABC LateNews. 10.30 TheBusiness. (R) 10.50 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R) 11.40 Parliament Question Time. 12.40 Midsomer Murders.(Mv,R) 2.10 TopOfThe Lake:China Girl. (MA15+as, R) 3.10 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 The Drum. (R) 5.25 7.30.(R) 6.00 MastermindAustralia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 TheAustralian Wars. (M) Part 2of3 8.35 24 Hours In Emergency:Keep Calm AndCarry On (M) Aman is brought to St George’s after falling off a ladder onto hisbackwhile gardening. 9.30 The Stranger (MA15+) Adam clasheswith the Stranger 11.10 SBS World NewsLate. 11.40 Vienna Blood. (Ma) 1.30 World On Fire.(MA15+v, R) 2.30 ZeroZeroZero.(MA15+av,R) 4.50 Poh & Co.Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight. 6.00 SevenNews 7.00 Home AndAway. (PG) 8.00 ABBA: TheMissing40 Years. (PGs) Takesalook at the secrets of ABBA’s missing 40 years. 9.00 TheAmazingRace (Return, PGl) Twelveteams of two embark on arace aroundthe worldfor a$1million prize. 10.00
ACurrent Affair.(R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today. 6.30 TheProject. Alook at the day’snews and events. 7.30
Race Australia. (PGl) HostedbyBeau Ryan. 9.00
TheBali Bombings. Explores thelives of those affected by the October 2002Bali bombings, 20 years after theyoccurred. 10.00 Bull (PGlv,R)Chunk does his daughter afavour 12.00 TheProject. (R) 1.00
CONSUMER ADVICE (P) Pre-school (C) Children (PG) Parental GuidanceRecommended (M) MatureAudiences (MA15+) MatureAudiencesOnly (AV15+) Extreme AdultViolence (R) Repeat (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sexreferences (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. 6am WorldWatch. 8.10 ABCAmerica Nightline 8.40 CBC The National. 9.30 Shortland St 11.00 Counter Space Noon Hoarders. 2.30 Deportees Of Tonga. 3.00 Curse Of Oak Island 3.45 ABC WorldNewsTonight With David Muir 4.15 PBS NewsHour 5.15 Shortland Street 5.45 The JoyOfPaintingWith BobRoss. 6.15 Forged In Fire 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 We’reAll Gonna Die (Even Jay Baruchel) 9.40 MontyPython: The Meaning Of Live 11.30 MOVIE: Coherence.(2013,M) 1.10am Colony 4.40 NHK WorldEnglish News. 5.00 Al JazeeraNewshour 6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country 7.30 Harry’sPractice. 8.00 CruiseAway. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute 9.00 Jabba’s School Holiday Movie Special. 9.30 NBC Today Noon The Surgery Ship 1.00 My Greek Odyssey 2.00 Sydney Weekender 2.30 SonsAnd Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale 5.00 Coronation Street 5.30 EscapeToThe Country 6.30 Bargain Hunt 7.30 Heartbeat. 8.45 Lewis. 10.45 Born To Kill? 11.45 Miniseries: Hatton Garden 12.45am CleaningUp. 1.45 House Calls To The Rescue. 3.00 Fresh TV 3.30 Room ForImprovement. 4.30 Million Dollar Minute 5.30 James Robison. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 TheDoctors 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 iFish 10.00 MacGyver Noon The Love Boat 1.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek: TheNext Generation. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS 8.30 Hawaii Five-0 10.20 Blood And Treasure. 11.15 Evil. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Hawaii Five-0 3.10 Star Trek: TheNextGeneration. 4.05 MacGyver 6am TV Shop: Home Shopping. 7.00 CrefloDollar Ministries. 7.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian Noon Days Of OurLives. 12.55 The YoungAnd The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 1.55 The Channel:The World’sBusiestWaterway. 2.55 Antiques Roadshow 3.25 MOVIE: Private’s Progress. (1956) 5.30 Murder,She Wrote 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 As Time Goes By 8.50 Midsomer Murders. 10.50 Chicago Fire 11.50 Danger Man. 1am TV Shop: HomeShopping. 1.30 Take Two. 2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 JoyceMeyer 5.00 TV Shop: HomeShopping. 10 BOLD (12, 53) 9GEM (92,81)7TWO (72, 62)SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 5.35pm PJ Masks. 5.50 PeppaPig 5.55 Nella The Princess Knight. 6.05 The Adventures Of Paddington. 6.20 Bluey 6.25 Peter Rabbit. 6.45 Andy’s Safari Adventures. 7.00 Grace’sAmazing Machines 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Anh’s Brush WithFame. 8.00 ArtWorks. 8.30 Civilisations. 9.30 Take 5 With ZanRowe. 10.00 And We Danced 11.00 Louis Theroux: Return To The Most Hated Family Midnight Ghosts 12.30 Catalyst. 1.25 ABC News Update 1.30 Close. 5.00 Cookie Monster’s Foodie Truck. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Sarah &Duck. 5.30 Guess How Much ILoveYou. 5.40 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Race Across TheWorld. 1.30 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: Contagion. (2011, M) 9.40 To Be Advised. 11.35 Young Sheldon. Midnight Smash. 1.00 Say YesToThe Dress: Australia. 2.00 Say YesToThe Dress: UK. 3.00 Bakugan: Armored Alliance 3.30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. 4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 5.00 Pokémon UltimateJourneys 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. 6am Fishing. Australian Championships. AFCIX. Replay 7.00 Oz Fish TV 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 AFootballLife. 9.00 America’s Game:The Super Bowl Champions. 10.00 Pawn Stars. 10.30 Storage Wars:Texas. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Bushfire Wars 12.30 WildTransport. 1.00 Aussie LobsterMen 2.00 Jade Fever. 3.00 Shipping Wars 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars South Africa. 4.30 Truck Night In America. 5.30 Storage Wars:Texas. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Family Guy 8.00 American Dad! 8.30 MOVIE: X-Men: DaysOf Future Past. (2014,M) 11.10 Late Programs. 9GO! (93, 82)6am Viceroy’sHouse. Continued. (2017,PG) 6.50 Strange Birds.(2017,PG, French) 8.15 The Prince AndThe Showgirl. (1957,PG) 10.25 Lootera. (2013 M, Hindi) 12.55pm The King Of Comedy.(1983,PG) 3.00 Date With An Angel. (1987, PG) 5.00 Teen Spirit.(2018,PG) 6.40 Three Summers. (2019,PG, Portuguese) 8.30 Cape Fear.(1991, MA15+) 10.50 Black Sea. (2014,M) 12.55am Song Lang. (2018,M Vietnamese) 2.50 TheFamily.(2013,MA15+) 4.55 BugsyMalone. (1976,PG) 6am TheLate Show With Stephen Colbert 7.00 Friends. 8.00 The King Of Queens 9.00 Becker 10.00
11.00 Frasier Noon This Is Us 1.00 Friends. 2.00 Becker
7MATE (73, 63)SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Extreme Africa. 10.50 Road Open. 11.00 The Point. 11.30 Going Places. Noon Over TheBlack Dot. 12.30 Feeding TheScrum 1.00 Characters Of Broome 1.30 Artie: Our Tribute To ALegend. 2.00 Shortland St 2.30 GoingNative. 3.00 Bushwhacked! 3.25 TheMagic Canoe. 3.50 Wolf Joe. 4.00 Raven’s Quest. 4.10 Grace Beside Me. 4.35 Spartakus And TheSun Beneath TheSea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 Te Ao With Moana. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Extreme Africa. 7.30 TheAustralian Wars 8.35 MOVIE: Manganinnie. (1980, PG) 10.10 The Kings. 11.10 Late Programs. NITV (34)
MEL/VIC The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 19

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Peer To Peer.(PG) 10.05 7.7Billion People And Counting. (PGa, R) 11.05 Big American Road Trip.(M) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Cook Up With Adam Liaw Bitesize. (R) 2.05 First Ladies. (Ma, R) 2.55 Going Places. (R) 3.25 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up.(PG) 4.10 The Supervet. (PGa,R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The MorningShow. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Darrow AndDarrow:InThe KeyOfMurder. (2018,PGav)Kimberly Williams-Paisley, TomCavanagh. [VIC]MOVIE: Darrow AndDarrow.(2017,PGav)2.00 Kochie’s Business Builders. 2.30 MotorbikeCops. (PGa, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The ChaseAustralia.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R) 1.00

6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 JudgeJudy.(PG, R)

7.30 Bold. (R) 8.00 10 NewsFirst:Breakfast.

Taronga: Who’s Who In TheZoo.(PG, R)

2.00 Pointless. (PG)

3.00 Tipping Point. (PG)

4.00 Afternoon News.


5.00 Millionaire HotSeat. (R) 5.30[VIC]WINNews.

5.20 SammyJ.(PG,R) 5.25 7.30.(R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Dishing It Up (Premiere) Narrated by Veronica Milsom.

8.00 Guillaume’s Paris. (PG)

Guillaume Brahimiexploresbistros

8.30 World’sMostScenicRiver

Journeys: TheNeretva (PG) Bill Nighy narratesa journey down Bosnia and Herzegovina’s NeretvaRiver

9.25 TheHandmaid’sTale. (MA15+) June works to overcome her violent instincts while grappling with Serena’s closeproximity

10.25 SBS WorldNewsLate. 10.55 Gomorrah. (MA15+v) 11.50 Luther (MA15+av,R)

3.50 Food Safari Earth. (R) 4.50 Poh& Co.Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight

6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Home And Away (PGas) Felicity followsa trail of suspicion. Leah may havepushedHeather away 8.30 Kath &Kim. (PGals, R) Kath is enjoyinglifeasanempty-nester,until her married daughter Kim movesback in. Adding to the pressure on their relationship is the fact that Kathappears to have caughtthe eyeofbutcher KelKnight 10 50 TheLatest: SevenNews.

11.20 AutopsyUSA: David Bowie. (Mad, R) Alookatthe death of DavidBowie. 12.20 Kiss Bang Love (PG, R) Blindfolded contestants kiss 12 partners. 12.30[VIC]HomeShopping. 1.35 Harry’s Practice. (R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBCToday 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise

6.00 Nine News. 7.00 ACurrent Affair 7.30 RBT. (Mdl) Follows the activities of police units.

8.30 Paramedics (Return, Mm) Flight paramedic Steve headstothe country after atractor topples over and crushes afarmer

9.30 A+EAfter Dark. (Mlm)

Apatient is flown in by air to the Hull Royal Infirmary after fallingdown a ditch with her mobility scooter

10.30 Nine News Late.

11.00 New Amsterdam. (MA15+am)

11.50 TheGulf (Madlsv, R)

12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory.(PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair.(R) 5.00 News Early Edition.

5.30 Today

6.30 TheProject Alook at the day’snews and events.

7.30 TheAmazing Race Australia. (PGl) Hosted by BeauRyan.

8.30 GoggleboxAustralia. Adiverse range of people open their living rooms to reveal their reactionstopopular and topical TV shows, with the help of special, locked-off cameras which captureevery unpredictablemoment 9.30 To Be Advised.

10.30 Law&Order:SVU (Ma, R) Apowerfuljudge railroadsCarisi

11.30 TheProject. (R)

12.30 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG)

8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGals, R) 1.00 The Amazing Race Australia.(PGl, R) 2.30 Entertainment Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold AndThe Beautiful 5.00 10 NewsFirst TheDrum. SammyJ ABCNews. 7.30 Presented SarahFerguson. 8.00 Foreign 2.10 LesMisérables. (Mv,R) 3.10 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 The Drum.(R)

1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 3.30[VIC]Infomercials.(PG,R) 4.00[VIC]HomeShopping.

4.30 CBS Mornings.

7TWO (72, 62)

6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Cruise Away 8.30 MillionDollarMinute. 9.30 NBC Today Noon The SurgeryShip 1.00 Million Dollar Minute. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. 8.30 McDonald And Dodds. 10.30 Murdoch Mysteries. 11.30 Late Programs.

9GEM (92,81)

6am TV Shop 7.00 Creflo

7.30 TV Shop 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 TheYoung And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 The Channel: The World’sBusiest Waterway. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow 3.30 MOVIE: The IronMaiden.(1963) 5.30 Murder,She Wrote 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 Grantchester 8.30 Poirot. 10.30 The Case Of Caylee Anthony. 11.30 Late Programs.

NITV (34)

SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)Programs. 1.35pm Bamay. 2.00 Shortland St 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Jarjums. 3.50 Wolf Joe. 4.00 Raven’s Quest. 4.10 Grace Beside Me. 4.35 Spartakus The Beneath The The77Percent. 6.00 Bamay Extreme Africa. 7.30 Going PlacesWith Ernie 8.30 The Porter. 9.25 MOVIE: Tudawali. (1987, 11.00 Late Programs.

7MATE (73,63)

6am Morning Programs. 10.30 Storage Wars:TX. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Bushfire Wars. 12.30 WildTransport 1.00 Aussie Lobster Men. 2.00 Heavy Lifting. 3.00 Shipping Wars 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.30 Scrap Kings. 5.30 Storage Wars: TX. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 8.30 MOVIE: Deadpool. (2016, MA15+) 10.45 Late Programs.

7MATE (73,63) At Noon. 1.00 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 1.30 Question Everything. (R) 2.00 All CreaturesGreat And Small. (PG, R) 3.00 Escape From The City.(R) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, 4.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, 5.25 (PG,

9GO! (93, 82)

6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Race Across The World. 1.30 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 YoungSheldon. 7.30 Survivor 9.00 MOVIE: TheLegend Of Tarzan. (2016,M) 11.10 Young Sheldon 11.35 Up All Night Midnight Smash. 1.00 Late Programs.

10 PEACH (11, 52)

6am The Late Show With StephenColbert 7.00 Friends. 8.00 The King Of Queens. 9.00 Becker 10.00 TheMiddle 11.30 Friends. Noon The LivingRoom. 1.00 Frasier 2.00 Becker 3.00 The King Of Queens 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The BigBang Theory 9.30 Mom. 10 30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Shopping 1.30 StephenColbert. 2.30 Late Programs.

6am Home Shopping 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 MacGyver Noon The Love Boat 1.00 Star Trek: The NextGeneration. 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek:The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Bull. 10.30 Elementary. 11.30 48 Hours. 12.30am Home Shopping. 2.00 BloodAnd Treasure. 3.00 ST:Next Gen. 4.00 MacGyver

10 BOLD (12, 53)

6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 JudgeJudy.(PG, R) 7.30 Bold. (R) 8.00 10 NewsFirst:Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGals, R) 1.00 Living Room.(R) 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 Ultimate Classroom. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey.(PGa) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The BoldAnd The Beautiful. 5.00 10 News First. man recalls the story of his extraordinary life to anyonewho will listen to him, while he waits for the bus to take him to the only woman he has ever loved. TomHanks, Robin Wright, Sally Field. To Be Advised. BehaveYourself (PGls, R) Presented by DarrenMcMullen. [VIC]HomeShopping. Million Dollar Minute (R) HostedbySimonReeve NBCToday. News and current affairs. Nine News. ACurrentAffair CountryHouse Hunters Australia. Hosted by Catriona Rowntree 8.30 MOVIE: Gladiator. (2000,Mav,R)

7TWO (72, 62)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: ASummer To Remember.(2018,PGa, R) Catherine Bell, Cameron Mathison. 1.45 Garden Gurus Moments. (R) 2.00 Pointless.(PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat.(R) 5.00 Millionaire HotSeat. (R) 5.30[VIC]WINNews.

6am Morning Programs. Noon Bushfire Wars. 12.30 Wild Transport 1.00 AussieLobster Men. 2.00 Pawn Stars. 3.00 Timbersports. 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.30 Scrap Kings. 5.30 Storage Wars: TX. 6.00 Football. AFL Women’s.Round

6. Hawthorn vWestCoast. 8.00 Football.AFL Women’s.Round 6. Port Adelaide vAdelaide. 10.00 MOVIE: Aliens. (1986,M) 12.55am Late Programs. 9GO! (93, 82)

6am Children’s Programs. Noon Revolution. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny 3.30 3rdRock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 MOVIE: Nutty ProfessorII: The Klumps. (2000, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Dolittle.(2020 PG) 9.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 The Emily Atack Show 12.15am Stunt Science. 1.15 Revolution. 3.00 Bakugan: ArmoredAlliance. 3.30 Ninjago. 4.00 TV Shop 5.00 Late Programs.

10 BOLD (12, 53) The LateShow Stephen Colbert 7.00 Friends. 7.30 Seinfeld. Becker 10.00 The Middle 11.30 The King Of Queens. 12.30pm Frasier 1.30 Seinfeld. King Of Becker 5.00 Frasier Friends. 8.00 TheBig Bang Theory 9.30 10.30 NancyDrew 11.30 Frasier Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs.

After asuccessfulRoman general is betrayed and his family is murderedbythe emperor’s heir,heseeks revenge. Russell Crowe,Joaquin Phoenix,Connie Nielsen. 11.30 FirstResponders (Malm) 12.25 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.20 Talking Honey. (PGa, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Take Two. (R) R) Whitney Cummings, Jermaine Fowlerand BigJay Oakerson showcase of theirmost raunchymaterial. TheProject. (R) Alook at the day’snews and events. ShowWith Stephen Late-night show Discovery 12.15am Shopping. 2.15 Sherlock Elementary. 3.10 Late Programs.

Friday,September 30 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5)NINE (9,8) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Q+A. (R) 11.10 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG,R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Savage River (Mal, R) 1.55 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) 3.00 Escape From TheCity. (R) 4.00 Think Tank (R) 4.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG, R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Peer To Peer.(PG) 10.05 FocusOnAbility Film Festival 2021. (PGa,R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’sBig American Road Trip.(M) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.10 First Ladies.(PGal, R) 3.00 NITVNews: Nula. 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up.(PG, R) 4.10 The Supervet (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show.(PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News. 12.00 MOVIE: DarrowAnd Darrow:Body Of Evidence. (2018,PGav)Kimberly Williams-Paisley,Tom Cavanagh. [VIC]MOVIE: DarrowAnd Darrow:InTheKeyOfMurder.(2018 PGav)2.00 HouseOfWellness. (PGan, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 SevenNewsAt4 5.00 The ChaseAustralia
6.00 TheDrum. Analysis of theday’snews. 7.00 ABCNews. Takesalook at today’stop stories. 7.30 Gardening Australia. Clarence Slockee repairsgardenflood-damage. 8.30 MOVIE: Misbehaviour (2020) Based on atruestory.A groupofwomen from the women’s liberation movement hatch aplan to disrupt the1970Miss World competition being held in London to protest its misogynistic nature. Keira Knightley,Greg Kinnear,Stephen Boxer. 10.15 ABC LateNews. Detailed coverage of the day’sevents. 10.30 SummerLove (Mdls, R) Acouple confront societal expectations. 11.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) Continuous music programming. 6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS WorldNews. 7.35 Good With Wood. (Return) Hosted by MelGiedroyc 8.30 Secrets Of TheLostLiners: Normandie. (Premiere) Charts the design, service and loss of some of the world’sgreatest ocean liners, including the Normandie 9.20 World’sGreatestHotels: BeverleyHilton (R) Takesa look at the Beverley Hilton 10.10 SBSWorld News Late. 10.40 DasBoot. (MA15+s, R) 11.35 Thin Blue Line. (MA15+alv,R) 1.50 RedElection. (Malv,R) 3.40 Food Safari Earth. (R) 4.40 Bamay.(R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. 6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens JohannaGriggsand theteam demonstrate some terrific ideas for the house, gardenand the kitchen. 8.30 MOVIE: ForrestGump (1994,Malv,R)A kind-hearted, yet simple-minded,
4.30 Global Shop (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 6.30 TheProject Alook at the day’snews andevents. 7.30 TheLiving Room. BarryDuBois renews adrabkitchen and dining area for some amazing grandparents. 8.30 To Be Advised. 9.30 JustFor Laughs. (Ml, R) Stand-up comedy performances from Aaron Chen, Georgie Carroll and Nath Valvo. 10.00 JustFor Laughs Uncut (MA15+als,
11.30 TheLate
Colbert. (PG)
12.30 HomeShopping. (R) 5.00[VIC]Infomercials.(PG,R) 6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 CounterSpace Noon Mukbang. 12.50 Hunters. 1.40 Who Killed The Electric Car? 3.20 Feeding The Scrum. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St 5.45 JoyOf Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats DoesCountdown. 8.30 Hoarders. 9.20 Atlanta. 9.50 Adam LookingFor Eve. (Final) 10.45 American Gods. 11.45 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Hard Quiz. 8.30 MOVIE: The KidsAre All Right.(2010,MA15+) 10.15 DoctorWho 11.00 QI. 11.35 Ghosts. Midnight RedDwarf 12.30 Ross Noble: Stand Up Series. 1.00 Motherland. 1.25 ABC News Update. 1.30 Close. 5.00 CookieMonster’s Foodie Truck. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Pocoyo 5.30 Guess How Much ILove You. 5.40 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Teen Spirit.Continued. (2018, PG) 6.10 ARaisinInThe Sun. (1961, PG) 8.30 The Band’sVisit.(2007,PG, Arabic) 10.05 The Skin Of Others. (2020,M) 11.50 BlackSea. (2014, M) 1.55pm Three Summers. (2019, PG, Portuguese) 3.45 Hotel Salvation. (2016,PG, Hindi) 5.40 All QuietOnThe Western Front. (1979, PG) 8.30 The Untouchables. (1987, M) 10.40 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 1.35pm Bamay. 2.00 Shortland St 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Bushwhacked! 3.25 The Magic Canoe 3.50 Wolf Joe. 4.00 Raven’s Quest. 4.10 Grace Beside Me. 4.35 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 OurStories. 5.30 NITVNews: Nula. 6.00 Bamay 6.40 Extreme Africa 7.30 MOVIE: Yogi Bear.(2010,PG) 9.05 FirstNations Bedtime Stories. 9.10 Ella Fitzgerald. 11.15 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 MacGyver Noon The Love Boat 1.00 Star Trek: The NextGeneration. 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek:The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Blue Bloods. 10.20 Evil 11.15 Star Trek:
3.00 The
Queens. 4.00
10 PEACH (11, 52)6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 DVineLiving 9.30 NBC Today Noon Bargain Hunt. 1.00 MillionDollarMinute. 2.00 Modern Business Australia. 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street 5.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 BorderSecurity:International 8.30 Escape To The Country 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 12.55pm The Young And TheRestless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 The Channel: The World’sBusiest Waterway. 3.00 AntiquesRoadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: Happy Go Lovely.(1951) 5.30 Murder,She Wrote. 6.30 AntiquesRoadshow 7.30 AntiquesDownunder (Premiere) 8.00 Antiques RoadshowDetectives. (Premiere) 8.30 To Be Advised. 11.00 Late Programs. 9GEM (92,81)
Thursday, September 29 ABC (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5)NINE (9, 8) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Australian Story.(R) 10.30 That PacificSports Show.(R) 11.00 Rick Stein’s Secret France.(R) 12.00 ABC News
Hard Quiz.
(PG) 7.00
Correspondent. International current affairs program. 8.30 Q+A. Public affairs program featuring Stan Grant and apanel of experts answering questions. 9.35 Kurt Fearnley’sOne PlusOne Kurt Fearnley speaks with Robert Irwin. 10.05 ABCLateNews. 10.20 TheBusiness (R) 10.35 Old People’s Home ForTeenagers. (PG, R) 11.35 Doc Martin. (PG, R) 12.25 All CreaturesGreat And Small. (PG, R) 1.10 TopOfThe Lake: ChinaGirl. (Final, Malnsv,R)
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 CounterSpace Noon Hoarders. 2.30 ToxicGarbage Island 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St 5.45 JoyOf Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats DoesCountdown. 8.30 The Curse Of OakIsland. 10.10 Escaping Polygamy 11.00 Bangkok Airport. Midnight News. 12.55 Dark Side Of The Ring 2.35 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.30 Mock The Week.(Return) 9.00 Hard Quiz. 9.30 Question Everything. 10.05 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 10.45 Doctor Who 11.30 Ghosts. Midnight WouldILie To You? 12.30 ZoeCoombs Marr: BossyBottom. 1.35 Blunt Talk 2.05 ABC News Update. 2.10 Close. 5.00 Cookie Monster’s Foodie Truck. 5.15 Late Programs. ABC COMEDY (22) 6am Bugsy Malone. Continued. (1976,PG) 6.35 Three Summers. (2019, PG, Portuguese) 8.25 Hotel Salvation. (2016,PG, Hindi) 10.20 Selma. (2014 M) 12.40pm The Program. (2015, M) 2.35 Strange Birds. (2017, PG, French) 4.00 The Prince And The Showgirl. (1957,PG) 6.10 ARaisinInThe Sun. (1961, PG) 8.30 Cop Land. (1997) 10.30 Regression. (2015 MA15+) 12.30am Late Programs.
6am Morning
Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30
6.30 News. 6.40
Page 20 —The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 Mobility And More Moe 5127 2099 Open Saturdays from 9till midday 32 GEORGE ST MOE, VIC. 3825

Victorian Seniors Festival

The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 21
40 Years 2022

The Victorian Festival for Seniors back with

THE Victorian Seniors Festival is bigger and better in its 40th year,with the state government supporting the state-wide event to celebrate older Victorians and their invaluable contributions to our communities.

Minister for Disability,Ageing and Carers, Colin Brooks, has announced details of the 2022 Seniors Festival, which will featurelive and online events, including concerts, dances, sport, the arts, historytalks and tours.

“Victoria’sseniors make an invaluable contribution to our community -and the senior’s festival is achance to say thank you for all they do,” he said.

“Whether online or in-person, the month-long festival provides senior Victorians with opportunities to get involved, meet new people, learn new skills, or just enjoy the entertainment.”

The Victorian Seniors Festival, boosted by an extra $400,000 in funding this year, is an integral partofthe state government’ssupportfor older Victorians by empowering them to connect, socialise and further their wellbeing.

Victoria is home to morethan 1.5 million older Victorians, and this year,79local councils, businesses and community and

cultural organisations will help deliver activities in everycorner of the state.

The theme ‘Takin’ it easy’ focuses on presenting accessible and comfortable spaces, both live and online, to ensureour seniors feel relaxed to participate and ease back into events.

Building on the success of the previous Victorian Seniors Festivals, this year’sevents will include online and radio programs, as well as First Nations performances and entertainment from multicultural artists.

The CountryConcertseries will take the festival fun on the road to 26 regional towns, and the Aged CareTour will entertain aged careresidents with music and magicians from September to December

To ensureolder Victorians can make the most of thefestival, Victorian Seniors Cardholders can access free travel on public transportservices from October 2to9-including on V/Line. FORDISABILITY, AGEING AND CARERS

Colin Brooks
Victorian SeniorsFestival 40 Years2022 Page 22 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
n Seniors Festival
GP1648161 Mobility AndMoreMoe 03 5127 2099 w 32 GEORGE ST MOE, VIC. 3825 Stocking daily living needs and mobilit OPEN SATURDAYSTILL12PM mobilityaids GP 16 48 30 8$150 WILLS& POWERS OF ATTORNEY* Plus GST General WiLitigation lls&Estates Superannuation & Insurance Claims Crime, TrafficOffences &InterventionOrders Business &Property Disputes FamilyLaw

Eight days of free public transport

AS aVictorian Seniors Card holder,you can get out and exploremetropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria with free travel from Sunday,October 2 to Sunday,October 9.

Remember to always carry your senior’sMyki and Victorian Seniors Cardwith you on public transport.

Touch on and offasper usual -you won’tbecharged for the trip.

Mobile myki is also available for Victorian seniors -for more information visit Public Transport Victoria’smobile Myki website:

Wherecan you go?

YOU’LL be able to travel for free on all public transportin Victoria, including Melbourne trains, trams and buses and regional trains, coaches and buses (including regional town bus services).

To book aseat on V/Line Services requiring reservations call 1800 800 007.

Youneed to reserve aseat on long distance V/Line trains and some coaches. Seats can fill quickly so book early

You’ll need to collect your tickets within 48 hours.

Youcan only travel free in economy class.

Youcan book areturnjourney for up to four Victorian Seniors Cardholders.

If you areplanning to make agroup booking for up to 19 travelling on aV/Line train service, or 12 or moretravelling on aV/Line coach service, visit your nearest station or agent.

Unreserved V/Line services

TRAVEL for free without booking aseat on these trains and coach services, including those starting or ending at:

 Ballarat/Wendouree/Ararat;  Bendigo/Eaglehawk/Echuca;  Geelong/Marshall;  Traralgon;  Seymour;  Reserved V/Line services.

Youwill need to reserve aseat beforetravelling for free on these services.

Check whether you need to book beforetravelling by looking for an ‘R’ on V/Line timetables.

Reserved services include:  Albury/Wodonga;  Bairnsdale;  Shepparton;  Swan Hill;  Warrnambool.

For further information on planning your journey,use the planner tool from Public TransportVictoria (PTV) using the PTV app or visiting the PTV website.

The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 23

Takin’ it easy in 2022

IN its 40th year,the annual celebration of senior Victorians runs throughout October each year,and includes thousands of free and low cost events whereolder Victorians can come together and connect with one another

Regardless of background, experience or mobility,all seniors areinvited to learnnew skills, make new friends, and take partin fun-filled activities.

Visit Federation Square, Melbourne on Sunday,October 2between midday and 7pm and enjoy Celebration Day with all it has to offer

Be immersed in great music, dance and performances on the main stage at The Edge and on Riverside Terrace.

Feel like awalk to stretch the legs prior to midday?

Take aone hour walk commencing at 11am from Federation Squareat

the startofthe Pri Bidd walk through the Victoria Gardens statues, tributes finishing up at Th

rinces Bridge and famous Queen s,taking in the and memorials, and heTan.

The festival sprea city centre, with h or low-cost event Victoria.

ads beyond the hundreds of free tsacross regional

For moreinforma and activities, pic from Coles stores community organ

ation about events ckupaprogram s,councils and nisations.

Visit Seniors Onli www.seniorsonlin for the calendar o festival events st wide in October

ine at ne.vic. estival, of ateAN N


Victorian SeniorsFestival 40 Years2022 Page 24 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
The Range Retirement Village is aretirement living community in Moe, boasting alive-in Manager and high-quality residential villas set inside agated community. The Range offers elegant new and refurbished two and threebedroom independent living villas, set in attractive and wellmanicured surrounds. Each villa features an open-plan living area, well-appointed kitchen, private courtyardgarden and single or double garage. Range Way, Moe Sales and InspectionsPhone: 1800 531 956 Plan your social life with your new community Youwill have the flexibility and freedom to embrace life with asocial calendar that includes, billiards, indoor bowls, craft, movie nights, trivia, bingo, cards and many moresocial activities and make use of our community bus to get around our local area. “NOW IS YOUR TIME TO EMBRACE LIFE AT THE RANGE” Features available for our residents to share at The Range Retirement Village include indoor pool, billiard room, cinema, dining area, craft room, library with internet access, outdoor barbeque and entertaining area Resort-Style Clubhouse VILLAS NOW AVAILABLE

Celebration Day

THE launch of the 2022 Victorian Seniors Festival at Federation Squareruns from 12pm to 7pm, and includes free musical performances, entertainment, information stands and displays.

The main stage will feature performances by:

Silver Grove Big Band (12-12.45pm)

The Silver Grove Swing Band is partofNunawading U3A

Amix of seasoned musicians who still play in several bands, and those who have taken up their instruments again in their retirement who all love to performthe wonderful music of the swing era and other popular big band tunes.

Nuline Dance with Marie (12.45pm-1pm)

Line dancing group Stars-InLine arefestival regulars and performtoe-tapping routines to various dance genres, featuring favourite old-time and modern music for all ages.

Youcould have fun picking up astep or two!

Welcome to Country withYortaYorta dancers (1pm-1.20pm)

Official Opening of the 2022 Victorian SeniorsFestival (1.20-1.40pm)

Makepisi -Acapella Choir (1.55pm-2.35pm)

An exciting acappella line up, singing contemporaryand traditional South African songs.

In the style of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, this group contains powerful voices hailing from different South African choirs and shows and delivering rich, invigorating sound.

Youare guaranteed to be uplifted!

Dave Arden Band (2.45pm-3.

David was the Koori Y worked wit great first n HardTime Roach and and BartW Relation Ba

In 2006, Da Arden was founding m

and musical director for The Black ArmBand, and in 2007 David’sown voice was added to first nation musical history with his second album release Kooka-tha/Gunditjmara Clan.

SallyFordand the Idiomatics (3.40-4.20pm)

Sally Fordand the Idiomatics play songs of life, love and lived experience.

This newly formed ensemble emerges from the multi-faceted musical provenance of its members, with backgrounds in cumbia, salsa, film music, ska, jazz, pop and funk.

Soulectric (3.40pm-5.15pm) Adiverse ensemble showcasing vibrant Melbourne voices in aseries of original compositions.

Inspired by the underground dance scenes of New York, Chicago house and rhythmic storytelling, the band blends house music with lively African percussion, guitar,keys, vocals, movement and art contortionism.

Spectrum (5.25pm-6.15pm).

Mike Rudd penned the number one hit ‘I’ll Be Gone (Someday I’ll have money)’ and his band Spectrum was one of the starring bands at the 1972 SunburyFestival and is still going strong.

Mike and lead guitarist Brenden Mason of Madder Lake will be joined by bassist Broc O’Connor,drummer Peter ‘Robbo’ Robertson and keyboardist Daryl Roberts.

HoneyBand the Stingers (6.25pm-7.15pm)

If you’repassionate about 50’s and 60’smusic, put on your dancing shoes and let Honey B and The Stingers take you on a great musical journey

They areatruly authentic rock n roll band30pm). the front man for Youth Band, and has hmany of the nation acts from Band, Archie d Altogether Band Willoughby and Mixed and. avid a member

Sunday,October 2
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 25 li vi ng Trafalgar Retirement Living with aDifference Contact Debraon 1800 362673 or visit formoreinformation $10,000* upgrade package couldbeyours! STAGE5 UNDERWAY OPEN DAY WednesdayOct 5th2022 11am -2pm -Giveaways on the day -Trafalgar Men’s Shed BBQ -Meet our Residents -Tour thestunning Displays 2FlagshipDrTrafalgar (Entry via Hardy Dr) *Conditions apply

What’sonatThe Hub?

THE Festival Hub at The Edge Theatre, Federation Square, 2/20 Swanston St, Melbourne, over the period 11am Monday,October 8to4pm Friday,October 7offers information, entertainment and refreshments to seniors visiting the city during the free week of public transportfor Seniors Cardholders.

All concerts and activities at the Hub arefree(includes tea and coffee) and no bookings arerequired.

The Bold Pink Team


Nurse Next Door Home CareServices present daily Power of Happier Ageing sessions outlining some of the proven ways to maintain asense of purpose and possibility as we age.

Concerts at the Hub


Dave Arden (11.30am-2pm)

AKokatha, Gunditjmara singer and songman.

He has performed for 32 years in the Australian music industrywith the likes of Archie Roach, Ruby Hunter,Paul Kelly,Kutcha Edwards, BartWilloughby,Shane Howard, Altogether Band, Koori Youth Band and HardTimes.

Aeolian Players (12.30pm)


Tania Kernaghan (11.30am)

One of Australia’smost recognised female countrymusic recording artist.

Melbourne RedShield Band (1pm)

Agroup of dedicated musicians committed to spreading the gospel message through sanctified music.

Tatu (3pm) Russian singer


Valanga Khoza (11.30am-2pm)

Borninthe Limpopo Province of South Africa.

Valanga carries the influences of growing up through his songs and storytelling, with lively singing, drumming and dancing.


GramOphonie Brothers(11.30am-2pm)

The Gram-O-Phonie Brothers use accordion, double bass, ukulele, spoons and moretomurder the classics.

This family-friendly,delightful comic duo play favourites from across the years with passion, spontaneity and aretrotwist. 5.30PM.

Who Do WeThink We Are(5.30pm)

Members of U3A Melbourne City sharetheir personal stories in a celebration of diversity -fromparticipants of First Nation heritage, through convicts and settlers of the early days, to those escaping the turbulence of the 20th centuryinwar tornEurope.

Illustrated with projected images from the archives and family photos.

Bookings required at TryBooking.


Enter event name: Who do you think we are.


SkiffleParty (11am)

Ahigh energy upbeat American roots music in the style of Lonnie Donegan, Chris Barber and the Vipers Shiffle Group. 2PM.

Laki Vallejo (2pm)

AColumbian African/Indigenous descendant singer/songwriter, performer,plus guests.

Victorian SeniorsFestival 40 Years2022 Page 26 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
Forfurther information contactSue Tettmann Phone 5133 9099 127VaryStreet,Morwell MITCHELL HOUSEINC. Village Complex forElderly People Extra Care is ready when youare For seniorcitizens from our local community. All rooms have ensuites and enjoy a garden outlook in amodern and attractive facility with spacious s rooms and all amenities. 22 independent living units are located adjjacent to the Agged Care Faacility G P 1 6 4 8 1 4 3 Were youexposed to asbestos? Formoreinformation Office: 5127 7744 Mobile: 0407 274173 Medical Equipment Oxygen Concentrators Nebulizers Wheel Chairs Shower and Toilet Chairs Information Brochures and Booklets FREE Services include: ACV/ GARDS provides support and information to sufferers, their families and carers Were youaDIY expert? We arethere to supportyou 24/7 Morwell RSL 52 Elgin Street, Morwell Bookings: 5134 2455 WE WEARE ARE OPEN Bringyourfamilyand friendsandenjoyameal Check out our brand new KIDS PLAYROOM l EnjoComeyourNEW MENU Tuesday POT& PARMA NIGHT A Wednesday Friday& nightsMEMBERS &HRAFFLE HOURAPPY & s Saturday STEAK NIGHT MondayKIDS EAT FREEWITH MEALEVERYMAIN PURCHASED

Healthy ageing

THERE’S plenty of healthy ageing activities to allow you to ease back into it.

Tryheading offtoanart class to find the ‘Rembrandt’ within you, or grab agroup of friends to attend aconcert, or atheatrical event, or enjoy some travel, there’smuch to keep you involved.

Ever thought about volunteering?

Thereare many organisations who look for volunteers to assist in helping others, why not tryitfor yourself?

Not only will you feel asense of achievement and self-worth, but your social network will certainly be extended.

Neighbourhood Houses areanother great option, with many classes and activities on offer,socheck out your local one, and see what’sonoffer

It’sall about feeling relaxed and confident to participate and ease back into activities and events.

After all, in 2022, it is about ‘Takin’ it easy’.

Get your group together and enjoy an amazing day out at Walhalla Goldfields Railway!

Take a step back in time and marvel at the sights of Stringers Gorge on our historic railway

Follow this up with a stroll through the village surrounded by history

Enjoy what your experience? Why not become a part of our award winning team? We have positions available for the inexperienced through to the experienced. Training is provided along with uniform and a travel allowance

Phone the office on: for more information

The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 27
GP1648153 6
5165 6280
WALHALLA GOLDFIELDS RAILWAY Phone 5174 6711 2/12 Deakin Street, Traralgon COMPLETE HEALTH CHECKS AND ASSESSMENTS HEART HEALTH CHECKS ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOARTHRITIS MANAGEMENT CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT MENOPAUSE SUPPORT VACCINATIONS 82 Your Local and Trusted Supplier for all your Home Care and Equipmentneeds. Visit ourTraralgon or Sale Showrooms today! Large range and styles in stock. Quote this ad for FREE delivery!

Applying for aSeniors Card

THE Seniors Cardencourages older Victorians to keep active and engaged in the community through offers and incentives that make it affordable to get out and about.

The easiest way to apply for aSeniors Cardistouse the online application formfound at have your Medicarecard with you.

Allow up to four weeks for your application to be processed and for you to receive your card.

Visit the Seniors Card‘Frequently

Asked Questions’ page for more information.

If you arealready partofthe Seniors Cardprogram, visit ‘Manage your card’ to update your contact details, replace or cancel acard, or manage your e-News subscription.

The Seniors Cardisavailable for those who are60years or over,a permanent resident of Australia residing in Victoria, and working less than 35 hours per week in paid employment or fully retired.

Seniors Business Discount Card.

The entrypoint into the Seniors Cardprogram, the Seniors Business Discount cardisfor people who work for more than 35 hours per week in paid employment, are60years of age or over,and apermanent resident of Australia, residing in Victoria.

This cardallows you to obtain discounts on arange of goods and services from participating businesses, but does not provide public transportconcessions nor does it provide free travel vouchers.

We understand that you can’t always be therefor an ageing loved one, but we can.

Naturally,carers, like anyone, need time to themselves.

Traralgon Aged Careishere to help offering aDay Respite program, wherethereisfull nursing support, varied lifestyle programs, home cooked meals and friendships to be made.

Victorian SeniorsFestival 40 Years2022 Page 28 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
Yallambeeisa well establishedproviderofresidential aged care andindependent living forthe peopleofTraralgon andsurrounds, where ourresidents have theopportunitytolive theirbestlife! Oneand twobedroom unitscurrently available Call us nowon 5132 3500 forfurther informationortobook apersonalisedtour,and letus showyou thedifferenceatYallambee. UnitsNow Available
CONTACT TRARALGON AGED CARE 51760759 or our Admissions Coordinator on 0438 984 299 to discuss or visit Day Respite Program made G P 1 6 4 8304 rgeStreet, orwell 1342555 Diabetes, Glaucoma &Cataract Co-Management • Pensioner’s discounts • Eye Health Examinations lk ll d 13 Geo Mo PH: 513 Bulk Bi e EST. 1974

2.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG, R) 3.30 Take 5With Zan Rowe (PG, R) 4.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R) 4.50 Landline. (R)

5.20 David Attenborough’s Kingdom Of Plants: SolvingThe Secrets. (R)

6.10 ExtraordinaryEscapes: Johnston. (PG) Presented SandiToksvig. ABCNews. Takesalook today’stop stories.

7.30 Death In Paradise. (Ma, R)

Awealthy coffee magnate is shot

8.30 Miniseries: Marriage. (Ml)Part 4 of 4. Jessica breaksupwith Adam and movesback into her parents’ home.

9.30 Summer Love (Mdls, R)

Twomen confront the societal expectationsofbeing gay versus what they actuallywant as ahappy couple.

10.00 Savage River (Mal, R) Atip off leads to themeatworks

10.55 SilentWitness. (Manv,R)

Aswimminginstructor is murdered. 11.55 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 HowToGet FitFast. (PG) 9.55 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PG)

11.00 Paul O’Grady:For The Love Of Dogs. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. SuperbikeWorld Championship Round 8. 2.55 Gymnastics. FIG Artistic World ChallengeCup.Round 4. 4.40 KGB: The Sword AndThe Shield.(PGa,R) 5.40 Secret Nazi Bases.(Return)

6.30 SBS WorldNews

7.30 World’sGreatest Train

Journeys From Above:Copper CanyonRailway (PG) Alook at theluxuryElChepe train.

8.25 Secrets Of TheRoyalPalaces. (Return) Takesa look inside the unique world of the British Royal Family and their grand palaces.

9.20 Secrets Of Tutankhamun. (PGa, R) Aspecialist team unearth atomb

10.10 8Out Of 10 CatsDoes Countdown. (Mals, R)

11.05 IAmMLK Jr (Malv,R)

1.00 Going PlacesWithErnie Dingo.(PGa, R) 3.00 Michael Mosley:Frontline Medicine (Mal, R) 4.10 Food Safari Earth.(R) 4.40 Bamay.(R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC

Philippines TheWorld Tonight

6.00 NBCToday.(R) [VIC]Home Shopping.7.00 WeekendSunrise. 10.00

The Morning Show:Weekend. (PG) 10.45

Here ForThe Horses. (R)

12.00 Horse Racing. Epsom Day AndTurnbull Stakes Day 5.00 SevenNewsAt5 5.30 Border Security:Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R)

6.00 SevenNews

7.00 Border Security:Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) Biosecurity officers uncovera huge quantity of high-risk items in the luggage of aChinese student.

7.30 MOVIE: Independence Day (1996,Mv, R) The US president and his motley groupofalliesbattlestosave Earth from an armada of attacking aliens. Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum.

10.30 MOVIE: X2: X-Men United. (2003, Mv,R)Amilitary officer uses the attempted assassination of theUS president to justifyhis plan to eradicate mutants. Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. 1.10 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Presented by Greg Grainger

1.30[VIC]HomeShopping. 4.00 It’sAcademic (R) HostedbySimonReeve 5.00 House Of Wellness (PGa,R)

6.00 Getaway.(PG,R) 6.30 ACurrent Affair (R) 7.00 WeekendToday 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday.(PG) 12.00 Cybershack. (PG) 12.30

Rivals. (PGl) 1.00 DriveTV. 1.30 MOVIE: The Black Stallion Returns. (1983,G,R)Kelly Reno,VincentSpano,WoodyStrade 3.30 The Bizarre Pet Vets.(PGm, R) 4.30[VIC]The GardenGurus.5.00 News:First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG)

6.00 Nine News Saturday. 7.00 ACurrentAffair

7.30 MOVIE: Wonder Woman (2017,Mav,R)After an American pilot crash-lands on an isolated island during World WarI,anAmazonian princess resolves to end the conflict by travelling into the outside world to locate Ares, the god of war. GalGadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright.

10.15 MOVIE: GreenLantern. (2011, Mv,R)Anirresponsible test pilot is given aspecial ringwhichbestows him with supernatural powers. Ryan Reynolds, BlakeLively, Peter Sarsgaard.

12.30 Rivals. (PGl, R) Sheldon Simkus puts his skills to the test.

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 Global Shop (R) Home shopping.

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

5.30 SkippyThe Bush Kangaroo (R) Matt and Sonny aretaken hostage

6am MorningPrograms. 12.00 Luxury Escapes. (R) 12.30 Living Room.(R) 1.30

HealthyHomes Aust 2.00 Australia By Design: Innovations. (PG, R) 2.30 Taste Of Aust.(R) 3.00 What’sUpDown Under 4.00 [VIC]UltimateClassroom.(R)3.30 Farm To Fork. (PG,R) 4.30[VIC]FoodTrail: SouthAfrica.4.00 Ultimate Classroom. (R) 4.30 Food Trail: South Africa 5.00 News.

6.00 Luxury Escapes. (Final) Sophie Falkiner visits Singapore, amicrocosm of Asia itself that is less than eight hours from Australia,experiencingthe best the gardencity has to offer whilestaying at twoofthe city-state’s finest resorts

6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PGal, R) Trainee Lachie finds out if he has made abig enough impression on Hoppo and the team to earn him apermanent spot on the Bondi lifeguard squad.

7.00 Soccer AustraliaCup.Final. Sydney United 58 FC vMacarthur FC From CommBankStadium, Sydney 10.30 To Be Advised.

11.30 Ambulance (Ma, R) Ambulance crews must deal with mental health issues while responding to emergencies.

1.30 Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 Authentic (PG) Religious program.

5.00 Hour Of Power. Religious program.

NITV (34)

6am Morning Programs. 2.25pm Bamay 2.50 Hockey.WAMen’s Field Hockey.Premier Division 1. 4.20 Hockey.WA Women’s Field Hockey. Premier Division 1. 5.50 Songs From The Inside. 6.20 Kriol Kitchen. 6.50 News. 7.00 True North Calling. 7.30 Black Mamba: Kiss Of Death. 8.30 Moogai. 8.45 MOVIE: Friday The 13th.(1980,MA15+) 10.25 MOVIE: Farming. (2018,MA15+) 12.15am Late Programs.

6am Programs. The (1987, 10.20 The Wait.(2021, Finnish) 12.15am Late Programs.

Sunday, October 2

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 HowToGet FitFast. (PG) 9.55 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PG) 11.00 Paul O’Grady:For The Love Of Dogs. (PG) 12.00 APAC Weekly 12.30 France 24 English News Morning Second Edition. 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Countdown To Qatar2022. 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 ScanningThe Nile.(R) 5.40 SecretNazi Bases.(PG)

7TWO (72, 62)

6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Winners. 11.00 Creek To Coast. 11.30 Weekender Noon Weekender 12.30 Auction Squad 1.30 Animal Rescue 2.00 EscapeToThe Country. 3.00 Bargain Hunt. 4.00 EscapeToThe Country. 5.00 Horse Racing.EpsomDay And Turnbull Stakes Day 5.30 Mighty Ships. 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country 10.30 I Escaped To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs.

7MATE (73,63)

6am Morning Programs. 1pm Blokesworld. 1.30 Australia ReDiscovered. 2.00 Motor Racing. Australian TopFuel Championship.Round 1. Highlights. 3.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars 4.00 Pawn Stars. 4.30 Barter Kings. 5.30 Last Stop Garage 6.00 Pawn Stars. 6.30 MOVIE: Wrath Of The Titans (2012, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Kingsman: The Secret Service. (2014,MA15+) 11.05 Late Programs.

9GEM (92,81)

6am Newstyle Direct. 6.30 TV Shop 7.00 Leading The Way. 7.30 TV Shop 8.00 Beyond Today. 8.30 TV Shop 10.00 Tennis LaverCup.Highlights. 11.10 My Favorite Martian 11.40 Danger Man. 12.50pm MOVIE: AMan About The House. (1947, PG) 2.50 MOVIE: The Indian Fighter.(1955, PG) 4.40 MOVIE: Shane. (1953) 7.00 MOVIE: True Grit. (1969, PG) 9.40 MOVIE: The Jackal.(1997, MA15+) 12.10am Late Programs.

9GO! (93, 82)

6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Raymond 2.00 Motor Racing. IndyCar Series. Grand Prix of Monterey.H’lights. 3.10 To Be Advised. 5.30 MOVIE: Grumpier OldMen. (1995 PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Now YouSee Me 2. (2016,M) 10.00 MOVIE: Sicario: Day Of The Soldado. (2018 MA15+) 12.30am Stunt Science. 1.30 Raymond 3.00 Power Rangers Dino Fury 3.30 Beyblade Burst: Quad Drive. 4.00 Late Programs.

6am TheLate Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 The King Of Queens. 8.00 Frasier 9.00 Becker 10.00 Friends. Noon TheAmazing Race Australia. 6.00 The BigBang Theory 10.15 Friends. 12.15am HomeShopping. 1.45 Mom. 3.35 NancyDrew 4.30 Home Shopping.

10 PEACH (11, 52)

SEVEN (7,6)

6.00 NBCToday [VIC]HomeShopping. 7.00 WeekendSunrise. 10.00 TheMorning Show:Weekend. (PG) 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PGan,R) 1.00 Football. AFL Women’s.Round 6. Brisbane Lions v Essendon. 3.00 Football. AFL Women’s Round 6. Fremantlev Melbourne. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security:Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R)

6.00 FishingAustralia. (R) 6.30 ACurrent Affair.(R) 7.00 WeekendToday 10.00 Sports Sunday.(PG) 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show.(PG) 1.00 Grand Final Day 1.20 Rugby League.State C’ship.Grand Final. From Accor Stadium, Sydney 3.15 GrandFinal Day. 3.55 Rugby League. NRLWomen’s Premiership Grand Final. From AccorStadium, Sydney 5.35 To Be Advised

10 BOLD (12, 53)

6am Home Shopping 9.00 The Doctors. 10.00 PatCallinan’s 4x4 Adventures. 11.00 Escape FishingWithET. 11.30 Healthy HomesAustralia Noon The Love Boat 1.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 2.00 MacGyver 4.00 Roads Less Travelled. 4.30 iFish. 5.00 Reel Action. 5.30 Scorpion. 7.30 NCIS 8.30 NCIS: LosAngeles. 10.20 Blood And Treasure. 11.15 48 Hours. 12.15am Blue Bloods. 3.10 Late Programs.

TEN (10, 5)NINE (9,8) 6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 WeekendBreakfast. 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Offsiders. 11.00 Compass. (R) 11.30 Praise. 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 2.30 Old People’s Home ForTeenagers.(PG, R) 3.25 TakeoverMelbourne. (PG, R) 3.30 Rick Stein’s Secret France. (R) 4.30 Question Everything. (R) 5.05 Art Works. (PG,R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

7MATE (73,63)

6am Morning Programs. 1pm Hook, Line And Sinker 2.00 On TheFly 2.30 Merv HughesFishing. 3.00 Al McGlashan’s Fish’n With Mates. 3.30 Fishing Addiction 4.30 MotorbikeCops. 4.45 MOVIE: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes.(2011, PG) 7.00 MOVIE: Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone. (2001, PG) 10.05 MOVIE: The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. (2003, M) 12.20am Late Programs.

8.30 NCIS:Hawai’i. (Mv,R)NCIS Nick Torres and Jessica Knight learn akey one of their old cases has turned up with

10.30 FBI. (Mav,R)FBI headquarters is put at risk.

11.30 TheSundayProject. (R) Alookatthe day’s news.

12.30 Home Shopping. (R)

6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Living Room (R) 9.00 Ultimate Classroom. (R) 9.30 St10.(PG) 12.00 Freshly Picked. (R) 12.30 The Amazing Race Australia.(PGl, R) 1.30 Everyday Gourmet. (R) 2.00 PoochesAtPlay. (R) 2.30 LuxuryEscapes. (R) 3.00 Cook It With Luke.(Premiere) 3.30 Food Trail: South Africa. (R) 4.00 Farm To Fork. (PG,R) 4.30 Taste Of Aust. 5.00 News. NRL.Grand Final. commentary provides the NRLGrand Final. Alook the latest andevents. 48:Killer Contact. (Ma) Katie Belflower (Ma) (R) (R) Of (PGa)

9GEM (92,81)7TWO (72, 62)

2.30[VIC]Infomercials.(PG,R) HomeShopping.(R) CBS Mornings. 8.00 Beyond Today 8.30 The Incredible Journey. 9.00 TV Shop 10.00 Garden Gurus. 10.30 Getaway 11.00 Women’s Footy.(Return) Noon Avengers 1.10 MOVIE: Lease Of Life. (1954) 3.10 MOVIE: NewYork, New York.(1977,PG) 6.30 The Bizarre Pet Vets. 7.30 Mega Zoo. 8.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 Late Programs.

9GO! (93, 82)

6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Rivals. 2.00 Women’s Footy 3.00 Top Chef.(Final) 4.15 Full Bloom. 5.15 Children’s Programs. 5.30 MOVIE: Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London. (2004,PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Tenet.(2020,M) 10.30 To Be Advised. 12.30am StuntScience. 1.30 IAmCait 3.30 BeybladeBurst: Quad Drive. 4.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. 4.30 Ricky Zoom. 4.50 Monkie Kid. 5.10 Late Programs.

6am The BigBang Theory 8.30 Carol’sSecondAct 9.30 Friends. Noon The Middle. 2.00 Basketball. NBL.Round 1. Melbourne United vNew Zealand Breakers. 4.00 Basketball. NBL.Round 1. Perth Wildcats vBrisbane Bullets. 6.00 The BigBang Theory 9.00 The Neighborhood. 10.00 Friends. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 MOVIE: Nights In Rodanthe. (2008 PG) 3.30 TheBig Bang Theory 4.30 Shopping.

6am Shopping. 7.30 Key Of David. 8.00 TheDoctors. 9.00 4x4 Adventures. 10.00 Reel Action. 11.00 Healthy HomesAust. 11.30 DestinationDessert. Noon Scorpion. 2.00 ToughTested. 3.00 Stories Of Bikes. 3.30 Snap Happy 4.00 Roads Less Travelled. 4.30 What’sUp Down Under. 5.00 IFish. 5.30 Reel Action. 6.00 Bondi Rescue. 6.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS 10.20 48 Hours. 11.15 Late Programs.

6.30 Compass:The Accidental Archivist. (Final, PG, R) Alook at trans legend Julie Peters. 7.00 ABC News Sunday 7.40 Spicks And Specks. (PG) HostedbyAdam Hills 8.30 Savage River (Mals) With Miki back in custody and the meat works salealmost finalised, new motives come to light. 9.30 Silent Witness. (Mav) With aprowler seemingly on the loose, DI Meredith continuestosuspecther former colleague. 10.30 TheNewsreader. (Ml, R) 11.25 Mystify: Michael Hutchence. (Mal, R) 1.00 TheHeights. (PG, R) 2.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.15 The Recording Studio.(Ml, R) 5.00 Insiders. (R) 6.30 SBS WorldNews 7.30 LatestSecretsOfThe Hieroglyphs. (PG) Alook at Egyptian hieroglyphs. 8.30 Titanic’s Lost Evidence. (Ma, R) Examines the sinking of the Titanicand at information recently uncovered aboutthe tragedy. 10.00 Jackie Chan: Building An Icon. (Mn, R) Alookatthe career of Jackie Chan. 11.00 Who Gets To StayIn Australia? (PGa, R) 12.00 Michael Mosley: Trust Me, I’mA Doctor (PGa, R) 3.00 Michael Mosley:Frontline Medicine. (Ma, R) 4.10 Food Safari Earth.(R) 4.40 Bamay.(R) 5.00 NHKWorld English News Morning 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al JazeeraNews. 6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Spotlight: Who Killed Michael Jackson? Alook at the deathofMichaelJackson 9.00 MOVIE: TheDevil Wears Prada (2006,PGl, R) Ayoungwoman is hired as an assistant to the ruthless editor of a leadingfashion magazine in Manhattan. Anne Hathaway,Meryl Streep,Emily Blunt. 11.15 Police: Hour Of Duty (Malv,R) Followsmembersofthe police force 12.15 BehaveYourself (Ml, R) 12.30[VIC]HomeShopping. 1.15 MedicalEmergency (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping 3.30 Million DollarMinute. (R) 4.00 NBCToday. 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 NineNewsSunday 6.30 NRL Grand Final Pre-Match Entertainment. From Accor Stadium, Sydney 7.30 RugbyLeague.
9.30 NRL Grand Final Post-Match. The
views, opinions, analysis and post-match interviews from
10.30 Nine News Late.
11.00 TheFirst
12.00 KillerCouples:
And MikeSimons.
1.00 FishingAustralia.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping.
4.00 Believer’sVoice
4.30 Take Two. (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today 6.30 TheSunday Project. Alook at theday’snews. 7.30 TheAmazing Race Australia. (PG) Teams learn atraditional Yucatan dance, use alocal landmark to solvea puzzle, and put their sewing skills to the test.
travel to Hawai’i when they
witness in
crucial evidence.
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Story Of Noon Party Of Five 12.50 The Employables. 1.50 Rise Up 2.45 WorldWatch. 3.15 Lost Gold Of World WarII. 4.45 Sidelined: Women In Basketball. 5.45 World’sGreatest Hotels. 6.40 The Buildings That Fought Hitler 7.35 Abandoned Engineering. 8.30 The UnXplained WithWilliam Shatner. (Final) 9.20 CrackingThe Code. 10.20 Late Programs. 6am Children’s Programs. 7.10pm Shaun The Sheep. 7.20 Bluey 7.30 AustraliaRemastered: Forces Of Nature. 8.25 Louis Theroux: The City Addicted To Crystal Meth. 9.25 Old People’s Home ForTeenagers. 10.25 Civilisations. 11.25 MOVIE: The KidsAre All Right. (2010,MA15+) 1.10am George Clarke’sAmazing Spaces. 1.55 ABC News Update. 2.00 Close 5.00 Cookie Monster’s Foodie Truck. 5.10 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am The Band’sVisit.Continued. (2007, PG, Arabic) 6.35 Dean Spanley.(2008,PG) 8.30 Rosie. (2018, PG) 10.10 Joshy.(2016, M) 11.50 The Untouchables. (1987,M) 2pm All QuietOnThe Western Front. (1979,PG) 4.50 Babette’s Feast. (1987, PG, Danish) 6.50 Love AndFriendship.(2016,PG) 8.30 The Seagull. (2018, M) 10.20 Tulip Fever. (2017, MA15+) 12.20am Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 7.55 Raven’s Quest. 8.05 Wolf Joe. 8.15 Pipi Ma. 8.20 Waabiny Time. 8.45 Little JAnd Big Cuz. 9.00 Rugby League. Koori Knockout. 5.30pm Living BlackConversations. 6.00 Amplify. 6.30 News. 6.40 Wild Mexico 7.40 Servant Or Slave. 8.40 History Bites Back. 9.40 MOVIE: OBrother,Where Art Thou? (2000,M) 11.35 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Morning Programs. 1pm DVine Living. 1.30 Modern Business Australia. 2.15 Equestrian. FEI World C’ships. Team Jumping. H’lights. 3.30 South Aussie With Cosi. 4.00 My Greek Odyssey 5.00 To Be Advised. 6.00 Air Crash Investigation: Special Report. 7.00 Border Security. 8.30 Steam Train Journeys. 9.30 The Yorkshire Steam Railway:All Aboard 10.30 Extreme Railways 11.30 Late Programs. 6am TV Shop 6.30 Amazing FactsPresents. 7.00 LeadingThe Way. 7.30 In Touch.
SBS VICELAND (31) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 10 BOLD (12, 53) 10 PEACH (11, 52) Saturday, October 1 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5)NINE (9, 8) 6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 WeekendBreakfast. 9.00 Rage.(PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Vera (Mv,R)
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 CounterSpace Noon Photo Op: Trump And Black Lives Matter 1.15 MOVIE: TheBig Squeeze. (2021, M) 2.30 Over The Black Dot 3.00 Sportswoman. 4.00 WorldWatch 5.30 Insight 6.30 Domino Masters. 7.30 ImpossibleEngineering 8.30 TheGood Fight. 9.30 The Handmaid’sTale. 10.30 Late Programs. 6am Children’s Programs. 7.10pm Shaun TheSheep 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 QI. 8.30 Tom Gleeson: Joy. 9.45 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 10.10 Mock The Week. 10.40 Doctor Who 11.30 Friday Night Dinner 11.55 Brassic 12.45am ADog’s World WithTony Armstrong. 1.40 ABC NewsUpdate 1.45 Close. 5.00 Cookie Monster’s Foodie Truck. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Pocoyo 5.30 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22)
6.20 All Quiet On
Western Front. (1979,PG) 9.10 Babette’s Feast.
PG, Danish) 11.10 The Kindergarten Teacher.(2018, M) 1pm CairoTime. (2009,M) 2.40 ARaisin In The Sun. (1961, PG) 5.00 The Band’sVisit. (2007, PG, Arabic) 6.35 Dean Spanley.(2008,PG) 8.30 Killing Them Softly.(2012,MA15+)
The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page29

11.25 Q+A. (R)

12.30 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 TheDrum. (R) 5.25 7.30.(R)

8.00 DD India Prime Time News. 9.00 RugbyLeague. Koori Knockout. 2.30 RugbyLeague. Koori Knockout.

5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Sunrise. 10.00 TheMorning Show. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorningNews

6.00 Today. 9.00 TodayExtra.(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: CookingWith Love. (2018,G,R)Ali Liebert, Brett Dalton.

6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 JudgeJudy.(PG, R)

7.30 Bold. (R) 8.00 10 NewsFirst:Breakfast.

8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R)

Hosted by Richard Morecroft

12.00 MOVIE: At Home In Mitford. (2017,G,R) 2.00 GoldCoastMedical. (PGa, R) 3.00 TheChase. 4.00 SevenNews At 4. 5.00 TheChase Australia.

1.45 Garden Gurus Moments. (R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 AfternoonNews. 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat

1.00 The Amazing Race Australia.(PG, R)

2.00 Entertainment Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 Farm To Fork.(PG,R) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

PresentedbyJennifer Byrne

6.30 SBS WorldNews

7.30 Celebrity Letters And Numbers. (Return, M) Hosted by Michael Hing

8.30 Iceland With Alexander Armstrong (PG) Part 1of3 AlexanderArmstrong embarks on ajourney across Iceland.

9.25 24 Hours In Emergency: World’sCollide. (Ma, R) A64-year-old man is rushed to St George’s after being struck by apizza delivery motorbike

10.20 SBS WorldNews Late.

10.50 Beforeigners. (MA15+av) Alfhildr makes aprofound discovery

11.50 Outlander (MA15+v,R)

2.05 Miss S. (Mav, R)

5.00 NHK World EnglishNewsMorning 5.30 ANC Philippines The WorldTonight.

6.00 SevenNews.

7.00 Home And Away (PGav)

7.30 Farmer WantsAWife. (PGl) Theremaining farmers visit the homes of their final two partners as they prepare for their biggest decision yet. 9.10 9-1-1. (M) Whenablimp suffers mechanical failure, the118 must rescue victims both inside and outside astadium.

10.10 S.W.A.T. (Mav) The team helps ateenage girl.

11.10 TheLatest: SevenNews. 11.40 Heartbreak Island Australia. (Mls) Hosted by ClintonRandell 12.45 MOVIE: Butter (1998,MA15+lv,R)Ernie Hudson. 1.00[VIC]HomeShopping. 4.00 NBCToday 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise

7TWO (72, 62)6am Children’s Programs. 5.35pm To Be Advised. 5.50 Children’s Programs. 7.20 Bluey 7.30 ADog’sWorldWith Tony Armstrong 8.25 Long Lost Family 9.15 Restoration Australia. (Final) 10.15 Catalyst. 11.15 Adam Hills: The LastLeg.(Final)

NITV (34)

6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath TheSea. 7.55 Raven’s Quest. 8.05 Wolf Joe. 8.15 PipiMa. 8.20 Waabiny Time. 8.45 Little JAnd Big Cuz. 9.00 Rugby League. Koori Knockout. 2.30pm Rugby League. KooriKnockout. 5.30 LivingBlack. 6.00 Bamay 6.30 News. 6.40 Extreme Africa. 7.30

The Blinding Of Isaac Woodard. 8.30 Karla Grant Presents. 9.30 LakeOfScars. 11.00 Late Programs.

5.00 MillionaireHot Seat 5.30[VIC]WINNews.

6.00 Nine News

7.00 ACurrent Affair

7.30 TheBlock (PGl) HostedbyScott Cam.

9.00 UnderInvestigation:The Hate Police. Takesa look at aseries of violent attacks on Sydney’sgay community by gangs in the ’80s and’90s.

10.00 TomDaley: Illegal To Be Me. (Malv) TomDaley visits homophobic countries.

11.15 Nine News Late. Alook at the latest news and events.

11.45 Fortunate Son (Ma)

12.35 Emergence. (Mhv,R)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory. (PGa)

4.30 ACurrentAffair (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today

6.30 TheProject. Alook at the day’snews and events

7.30 TheAmazingRace Australia. (PG)Hosted by Beau Ryan

8.30 Have YouBeenPaying Attention? (Malns)Celebritypanellists compete to see who can remember the most about events of the week.

9.30 JustFor Laughs Australia. Stand-up comedy performances from Felicity Ward, Ben Lomas and Diana Nguyen.

10.00 TheMontreal Comedy Festival Offensive. (MA15+ls, R) Hosted by Tommy Little.

11.00 TheProject. (R)

With Justine Schofield. 4.30 TheBoldAnd TheBeautiful. 5.00 10 News First TheBusiness. (R)

12.00 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG)

1.00 Home Shopping. (R)


6am Shopping. 6.30

Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today 10.30 To Be Advised. Noon Emmerdale. 12.30 Coronation Street 1.00 Sons And Daughters. 3.00 Weekender. 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. 4.30 Medical Emergency 5.00 Animal Rescue. 5.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 Bargain Hunt 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 ATouch Of Frost. 10.40 Late Programs.

6am The Movie Show 6.30 Love AndFriendship.(2016,PG) 8.10 Boychoir.(2014,PG) 10.05 The Parting Glass (2018,M) 11.55 Unconscious. (2004, M, Spanish) 1.55pm Dean Spanley.(2008,PG) 3.50 Rosie. (2018, PG) 5.30 Broken Hill. (2009, PG) 7.30 Little Woods. (2018,M) 9.30 FiveFingers ForMarseilles. (2017,MA15+,Afrikaans) 11.40 Jailbreak Pact. (2020,M,Spanish) 2.10am Late Programs.

7MATE (73,63)

6am MorningPrograms. 10.30 Armchair Experts: NFL Edition. 11.30 Wild Transport. Noon Seven’sMotorsport Classic. 1.00 Aussie LobsterMen. 2.00 RidesDown Under: Workshop Wars 3.00 Shipping Wars. 3.30 Barter Kings. 4.30 Scrap Kings. 5.30 Storage Wars:TX. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 American Pickers. 8.30 MOVIE: Terminator 2. (1991, M) 11.20 Late Programs.

3.00[VIC]HomeShopping.(R)4.30 CBS Mornings. 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Dark Side Of The ‘90s. 9.25 PEN15.(Return) 10.25 VICE 11.25 Speed With Guy Martin. 12.20am Late Programs.

6am TV Shop 7.00 Creflo 7.30 TV Shop 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young AndThe Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 MOVIE: Operation Bullshine. (1959) 3.45 MOVIE: Will Any Gentleman…? (1953) 5.30 Murder,She Wrote. 6.30 AntiquesRoadshow 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 Dalgliesh. 10.40 Late Programs.

9GEM (92, 81)

6am Friends. 8.00 TheBig Bang Theory 9.30 TheMiddle. Noon The Neighborhood. 1.00 Carol’sSecond Act 2.00 Friends. 3.00 The King Of Queens 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 2.30 TheLateLate Show With James Corden. 3.30 The King Of Queens 4.30 Shopping.

9GO! (93, 82)

6am Children’s Programs. Noon Inside Legoland. 1.00 Inside British Airways. 2.00 Rivals. 2.30 Full House 3.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 YoungSheldon 7.30 RBT. 8.30 MOVIE: V ForVendetta. (2005,MA15+) 11.10 Young Sheldon. 11.40 Telenovela.(Premiere) 12.10am Smash. 1.10 Camp Getaway 2.10 Inside British Airways. 3.00 Bakugan:ArmoredAlliance. 3.30 Late Programs.

10 BOLD (12, 53) PEACH (11, 52)

6am Home Shopping 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 Tough Tested. 11.00 MacGyver Noon NCIS: New Orleans. 1.00 Walker,Texas Ranger 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 10.20 Blue Bloods. 11.15 Motor Racing. Formula1 Race 17.Singapore GrandPrix. 12.15am Shopping. 2.15 L.A.’s Finest 3.10 ST:Next Gen. 4.05 MacGyver

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.(PG) 11.30 MorningNews. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, Getaway (PG, Pointless (PG) Tipping Point. (PG) by Cherry Healey by Scott Cam. Andy Leeisjoined by a panel of comedians and 100 Aussies to explore the fun behind the facts. Botched. (Mamn, R) Thedoctors help awoman with three breasts. Nine News Late. Law&Order: Organized Crime (MA15+v) SeeNoEvil. (Ma) Cybershack. (PG, R) TV Shop: HomeShopping. (R) Believer’sVoice Of Victory.(PGa) 4.30 Affair.(R) ShowWith Colbert. (PG)

6am The LateShow

With Stephen Colbert 7.00 Seinfeld 8.30 Basketball. NBL.Round 1. Melbourne United v New Zealand Breakers.Replay 10.30 Becker 11.30 Frasier 12.30pm The King Of Queens. 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig BangTheory. 9.30 Mom. 11.10 Frasier Midnight Shopping 1.30 Late Programs. 9.00 10.00 Rosehaven. ABC America This Week 7.30 France 24 English News.

6am Home Shopping

8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 MacGyver Noon NCIS: New Orleans. 1.00 Walker,Texas Ranger 3.00 Bondi Rescue 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 StarTrek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS 8.30 Bull. 10.20 48 Hours. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Elementary. 3.10 Star Trek:The Next Generation. 4.05 MacGyver

Tuesday, October4 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5)NINE (9,8) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 PlanetAmerica. (R) 11.00 The Human Revolution. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Miniseries: Marriage. (Ml,R) 2.00 All CreaturesGreat And Small. (PG, R) 3.00 GardeningAustralia. (R) 4.00 Think Tank. (R) 5.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 5.25 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.10 Peer To Peer.(PG) 10.10 Employable Me (UK) (Ma) 11.20 World’s Most Amazing Festivals. (Premiere, PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Cook Up With Adam Liaw Bitesize. (R) 2.10 First Ladies. (Ma, R) 3.00 Going Places. (R) 3.30 DestinationFlavour ChinaBitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up.(PG, R) 4.10 Animal Einsteins. (R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorningNews 12.00 MOVIE: Watch Your Back. (2015, Mlv,R) 2.00 What TheKiller Did Next: Norma Bell. (Mav,R) 3.00 TheChase. 4.00 SevenNews At 4. 5.00 TheChase Australia.
R) 1.30
R) 2.00
4.00 Afternoon News. 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat 5.00 MillionaireHot Seat 5.30[VIC]WINNews. 6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 JudgeJudy.(PG, R) 7.30 Bold. (R) 8.00 10 NewsFirst:Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 The Amazing RaceAustralia. (PG,R) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 Farm To Fork.(PG,R) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 TheDrum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Take 5With Zan Rowe: MissyHiggins. (PG) Part 3of5 8.30 Keep On Dancing Part 1of2 9.30 Home: TheStoryOfEarth: HumanPlanet. (PG) Part 4of4 10.25 People’sRepublic Of Mallacoota. (Ml, R) 10.55 ABC Late News. 11.10 TheBusiness. (R) 11.30 Four Corners. (R) 12.15 Media Watch. (PG,R) 12.30 LesMisérables. (Masv, R) 1.30 All CreaturesGreat And Small. (PG, R) 2.20 Silent Witness. (Mav,R) 3.15 Rage (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 The Drum. (R) 5.25 7.30.(R) 6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS WorldNews 7.30 GreatCoastal Railway Journeys: Morpeth To Amble. (PG) Hosted by Michael Portillo. 8.30 Insight. Alook at whatlifeislikewhen yououtliveyour cancer prognosis and why doctors cansometimesget it wrong. 9.30 Dateline: Senior SexAnd The City Alook at seniors searching for love 10.00 SBSWorld NewsLate. 10.30 ThePoint. (R) 11.00 Wisting. (Malv) 11.55 WarOfThe Worlds. (MA15+av,R) 3.35 Addicted Australia. (Madl, R) 4.40 Bamay.(R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight. 6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Home And Away (PGav) 7.30 Farmer WantsAWife. (Final, PG) Hosted by Natalie Gruzlewski 8.40 Extreme Weddings: Australia. (PGls) Acouple sing their waythrough their vows,only to be surprised when their audience turns into aflash mob 9.40 10 Years YoungerIn10Days. (PG) Presented
10.40 TheLatest: SevenNews. 11.10 Chicago Fire. (Ma) 12.10 Australia’s Cheapest Weddings (PG) 12.30[VIC]HomeShopping. 1.10 MedicalEmergency. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping 4.00 NBC Today 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 Nine News 7.00 ACurrent Affair 7.30 TheBlock (PGl) Hosted
8.40 TheHundred With
Lee. (Ml) Andy
5.00 News Early Edition 5.30 Today 6.30 TheProject. Alook at the day’snews and events 7.30 TheAmazingRace Australia. (PGl) Teams takea leap of faith over Rottnest Island. 8.30 TheCheap Seats. (Mal) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald takea look at the weekthat was. 9.30 NCIS. (Mv,R)The NCIS team investigates the death of aman on acruise ship whose body wasdiscovered in asauna. 11.30 TheProject. (R) 12.30 TheLate
1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 3.30[VIC]Infomercials.(PG,R) 4.00[VIC]HomeShopping. 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Story Of Noon The Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia. 2.10 One Armed Chef 3.00 How Not To GetCancer. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St 5.45 JoyOf Painting 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats DoesCountdown. 8.30 Alone 9.40 StaceyDooley Sleeps Over 10.35 Stacey Dooley Meets The IS Brides. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am MorningPrograms. 8.00 CruiseAway. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today Noon Emmerdale. 12.30 Coronation Street 1.00 Sons AndDaughters. 3.00 Creek To Coast. 3.30 MillionDollar Minute. 4.30 Medical Emergency 5.00 Animal Rescue 5.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary &Thyme. 8.30 Judge JohnDeed. 10.30 Air Crash Investigation 11.30 Late Programs. 6am TV Shop 7.00 Creflo 7.30 TV Shop 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The YoungAnd The Restless. 1.50 World’sGreatest Natural Icons. 2.50 Antiques Roadshow 3.20 MOVIE: The Rebel. (1961) 5.30 Murder,She Wrote 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 New Tricks 8.40 TheCloser 9.40 Rizzoli & Isles. 10.40 Late Programs. 9GEM (92, 81)7TWO (72, 62)6am Children’s Programs. 5.35pm To Be Advised. 5.50 Children’s Programs. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 WouldI Lie To You? 9.00 BluntTalk. 9.30 Friday NightDinner 9.55 Rosehaven. 10.25 Summer Love 10.55 Motherland. 11.25 Sick Of It 11.50 Black Comedy 12.20am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 12.45 Brassic 1.30 Ross Noble: Stand Up Series 2.00 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Race AcrossThe World. 1.30 Rivals. 2.00 Full House 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 3rdRock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70sShow 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: Fear.(1996,M) 9.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 Young Sheldon. Midnight Smash. 1.00 Camp Getaway 2.00 Full House. 3.00 Bakugan: Armored Alliance. 3.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1pm Aussie Lobster Men. 2.00 American Pickers. 3.00 Shipping Wars. 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.30 Scrap Kings. 5.30 American Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 Aussie Salvage Squad. (Return) 9.30 Outback Truckers. 10.30 Hustle &Tow.(Premiere) 11.00 Late Programs. 9GO! (93, 82)6am The Movie Show 6.10 Rosie.(2018,PG) 7.50 Broken Hill. (2009,PG) 9.50 Mon Oncle. (1958,French) Noon The Seagull. (2018, M) 1.50 Love And Friendship.(2016,PG) 3.30 Boychoir.(2014,PG) 5.25 The Orator.(2011, PG, Samoan) 7.30 Guilty Men.(2016,M,Spanish) 9.40 TheRider.(2017, M) 11.35 Bull. (2019, MA15+) 1.35am Late Programs. 5.45 TheMovie Show 7MATE (73,63)6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Black Rock 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 Songs From The Inside. 3.00 Jarjums. 4.35 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 IndianCountryToday News 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Great Blue Wild. 7.30 ThePoint 8.00 WellingtonParanormal. 8.30 The Casketeers. 9.00 Kura.(Premiere) 9.55 Trickster 10.55 Late Programs. NITV (34)
SBS VICELAND (31) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 10 BOLD (12, 53) 10 PEACH (11, 52) Monday,October 3 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5)NINE (9, 8) 6.00 News Breakfast.
ABC News Mornings.
Landline.(R) 11.05 Antiques Roadshow.(R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00
(PG, R) 1.25 Vera (Mv,R) 3.00 Gardening Australia. (R) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R) 5.00 Anh’sBrush With Fame. (PG,R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 6.00 DW English News Morning. 6.30
6.00 TheDrum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 Presented by SarahFerguson. 8.00 Australian Story. Australians tell personal stories 8.30 Four Corners. Investigative journalismprogram that leads national debate and confronts issues that matter 9.20 Media Watch. (PG)Paul Barrytakes alook at thelatest issues affecting media consumers. 9.35 Planet America. Alook at American politics. 10.05 Parkinson In Australia. (PGa,R) Michael Parkinson interviews Elton John. 10.55 ABCLateNews. 11.10
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Story Of Noon Front Up 12.30 The Ghan:Australia’sGreatest Train Journey. 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St 5.45 JoyOfPainting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy!
11.55 Penn &Teller:Fool Us. 12.40am Ghosts.(Final) 1.10 RedDwarf 1.40 ABC News Update. 1.45 Close. 5.00 Cookie Monster’s Foodie Truck. 5.10 Dot. 5.25 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22)
Page 30 —The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 GP164 SIGNUP NOW! FREE -DIGITAL EDITION SUBSCRIPTION

Racegoers lap up perfect weather

IF the racing gods happen to read this, please bringthe same weather you did last Thursday to every Gippsland meeting this Spring Carnival.

You honestly could not have asked for abetter day weather-wise at Moe Racing Club for last Thursday’s meeting.

The sun shined brightly without being scorching, while the air was warm without being humid. Atemperature in the low 20s and no breeze to speak off just capped it off.

The 10-race card program welcomed ahealthy crowd, with many racegoers making use of the sudden public holiday.

As the AFL Grand Final eve public holiday was known for along time, the extrapublic holiday,brought about as a day of mourning for the death of Queen Elizabeth II, meant aday at the races presented the perfectway to welcome

in the long, long weekend.

The Australian flag flew at half-mast in honourofthe fallen Monarch,and aminutes silence washeld before the first race.

Believeitornot, the Royal Family haveaconnection to little old Moe Racing Club.

Ahorse part-ownedbyThe Queen ran in the 2001 Moe Cup.

From one royal to another, the horse, Life Is Beautiful, was trained by racing royalty Gai Waterhouse and ridden by Jim Cassidy.Cassidy of course being the two-time Melbourne Cup winning jockey.

The royal link did little in the end, as Life Is Beautiful ran 10th of 12 runners.

Moving to the present day, Kaciga was too strong in the Race 1Ladbroke It! Super VobisMaiden Plate, across 2088 metres.

The five-year-oldmaregave the Cranbourne stable headed by Shea Eden

awin, which was followed by victory to another Cranbourne trainer in Michael Trotter, with Foxeto winning the Race 2 S&S Equipment Hire Maiden (1628m).

Foxeto continuedits promisingform of late, which sawitplace in two of its last four starts heading into its Moe assignment.

The Race 3Ladbrokes Moe Cup Oktoberfest Marquee Maiden Plate (1017m) returned aclose finish, with Le Derrieregetting in ahead of Marxist by half alength.

Race 4, the Ladbrokes Moe Cup -Turfside Marquee Maiden Plate (1017m), had an even closer finish.

G’Day Gorgeoustouched in ahead of Jukebox Lucy by anose, giving Cranbourne trainer Daniel Williams a nerve-killing victory.

Sub Gaugewas too strong in the Race 5 Ladbrokes Moe Cup -Punters Marquee MaidenPlate (1217m), winning by a length, while in the Race 6Ladbrokes

Moe Cup -DJAfter Party Maiden Plate (1217m), Beagle got awin for the Mornington team of Anthony and Sam Freedman.

In the Race 7LadbrokesSwitchBM58 Handicap (2088m),five-year-old gelding Romania proved its four-week freshen was worth it, winning its first start since December.

The Race 8Ladbrokes Moe Cup Fashions on the Field BM64 Handicap (1117m), featuredthe closest finish of the day,withonly 0.2 of alength separating the top three horses.

In the end, it was Ocean Reward that won for Cranbourne trainer Mark Webb.

Our Redente won the penultimate race, the Race 9Ladbrokes 0-64 Handicap (1217m).

Alocal win was saved for last, with Sharper winning the Race 10 Ladbrokes Moe Cup 14th October0-64 Handicap (1628m).

It was all tooeasy for the four-year-old

gelding, who cruised past the post nearly four lengths before its nearest rival.

Thewin continuedthe good formMoe trainer Michael Templeton has enjoyed with Sharper, which has seen him run second, third and nowfirst in his last three starts.

As if the names of most races didn’t make it clear enough -the Moe Cup is coming up.

The Moe Racing Club’s day of days is on Friday, October 14.

If Cup Day has the same weather that was seen last Thursday, it is going to make for one great day.

As good as the weather was last Thursday, this writer was forced to learn alesson the hard way -hayfever season is officially back.

The Telfast tablets are coming back out of the cabinet.

Victorious: Le Derriere, ridden by Jack Hill, winsRace 3atMoe Racing Club lastThursday. photograph patscala/racing photos Big smiles: Trafalgar’s AntonyDevassyand daughter Joan Mary enjoying aday at liam durkin Local success: Sharper,ridden by JakeDuffy and trainedatMoe by Michael Templeton, rounded out themeeting with awin in the BM58 Handicap photograph patscala/racing photos Shane ClaireRandall and Todd Randall make Family: Moe’s Aaron andKiraGlen,holding baby Charlee photograph liam durkin
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 31
the races photograph
All welcome: Moe’s RayStewartand guestsJayne Hollier and SoniaWelshfordtravelled from Rowville fora dayatMoe Racing Club photograph liam durkin Good company:
Randall, AmyHolt,MillaRandall,
use of theperfectweather at Moe Racing Club photograph liam durkin
Great men: Well-known Latrobe Valleyfootball umpires Steve‘Esky’Esler,Steve ‘Budgie’Buhagiar andScott‘Moose’ Moorhouse in the membersbar at Moe Racing Club. photograph liam durkin Your majesty: Atribute to Queen ElizabethIIplayedonthe big screen photograph liam durkin

Dayout with your pet

ON October 16, the Ted Basarke Mercy Foundation will be hosting a ‘Celebration of Pets’ at the MoeYallourn Rail Trail from 9.30am.

After registration, awalk along the rail trail will begin the celebration, which will include ascavenger hunt, followed by afundraising sausage sizzle, afreecoffee cart and activities for dogs. The Ted Basarke Mercy Foundation is anot-for-profit organisation which subsidises veterinary treatment for pets whose owners are financially vulnerable, as well as supports those whose wellbeing and independence are enhanced by ownership of acompanion pet.

The TBM Foundation is supported in this event by Latrobe Health Assembly, as well as the Friends of the Moe-Yallourn Rail Trail.

This celebration is being named the ‘Jane Morrey Celebration of Pets’, in memory of Jane, who died recently. Jane was avalued, long-term member of the TBMF since 2014, having stepped into the role of president from 2017 until 2021.

Jane was aregistered dog trainer and her love and passion for all dogs was evident.

She was instrumental in the success of the celebration of pets days, creating adog activity course where dogs and owners could test their skills. Jane also hosted atraining/ behaviour workshop as afundraiser for the foundation. She was aregular at monthly pet walks and was more than happy to share her wealth of knowledge with pet owners. She will be sadly missed.

This event will be agreat day out with your dog, or indeed any pet. Dogs must be on leash, other pets confined for their safety.

Agold coin donation for the walk will assist the fundraising efforts of the group. Prizes will be awarded for various activities on the day. Donations are gratefully received.

Inquiries can be made to secretary, Lynne Stayches, on 0457 872 260.

Children’s book out now INSPIRED by his grandchildren’s demand for longer bedtime songs (Operation Bedtime Delay) local writer Ian Whitehead wrote a children’s book, Wheels on the Bus. Bedtime Edition

Awacky animal alphabet story, the book is best enjoyed when joyfully sung.

Published and available in UK and US bookshops, the book is available online in Australia from Booktopia, Amazon, Dymocks and Readings.


THE 60th anniversary of the Traralgon and District Historical Society was celebrated at the group’s September monthly meeting.

The event was also chosen as the occasion to present society member John Power with aSpecial Award he had received from the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, one of only 10 issued throughout Victoria each year.

Professor Richard Broome from Latrobe University came from

Melbourne to present the award, and also to be the keynote speaker.

Latrobe City Cr Dale Harriman also attended to show his and council’s support for the society.

John joined the society in the 1980s, was president for many years and has remained amember since. His ability to reference so much history of the Gormandale, Carrajung, Traralgon and surrounding areas is rare and a very much appreciated skill. Family, friends and members were all there to congratulate and support John.

Professor Broome, in his address, spoke of the evolution of Melbourne from its beginnings as apastoral centre to becoming an education, innovation and industrial urban centre. This was led by the people who had come to join the gold mining efforts of the 1850s and who were a somewhat more educated group.

These miners became the civic leaders who had avision for the future, which led to many changes, including the establishment of The University of Melbourne in 1853 and eventually the establishment of the Education Act of 1872. Up until then, education had been conducted by churches, local groups and private providers.

The Actwas to establish asystem totally different to Great Britain and America, where education was to be centrally controlled and the education was to be secular, compulsory and free.

The importance of literacy and numeracy was recognised for a growing society that aimed to produce leaders. Some schools still existing are celebrating their 150 years this year, including Bundalaguah in the

Sale area.

At the end of Professor Broome’s talk, the anniversary cake was cut by Bruce Lawn, the longest-serving current member of the society, who joined in 1964. The ceremony was followed by supper. The room had a display set out following each decade, which members were able to peruse.

The next monthly meeting will take the form of the annual dinner at Dal Mondos in Traralgon on October 11 at 6.30pm (cost $45).

Anyone wishing to attend is asked to email the society via secretary@ ASAP.

The guestspeaker will be Jenny Davis, agranddaughter of Arthur Layton, who with his brother established Layton Bros in Franklin St, Traralgon in abuilding still standing where the Westpac bank is currently located.

Moe Social Dance Club

MOE Social Dance Club are holding their Annual Ball on October 14.

The ball will be held at Newborough Public Hall, Balfour St Newborough from 8pm to midnight. Cost is $15.

Silhouettes are playing that night and everyone is welcome. For more information, phone the secretary on 0448 906 657.

Queen memories

TRARALGON resident Coralie James has very fond memories of The Queen and Prince Phillip visiting Traralgon in 1954.

Ms James was astudent at Traralgon High School and remembers it was avery hot day and

students sweltered in their heavy school uniforms.

Ms James also has photos of Prince Phillip’s visit to Traralgon in 1956 when he visited the paper mill. Her father had the honour of escorting

him around.

Radio days

THE Moe Latrobe Valley Jazz Club featured ‘Radio Days’ Jazz Band at its monthly event at Moe RSL last Sunday.

Radio Days was formed in Melbourne in 1989 by seven experienced jazz musicians, with the aim to interpret songs from an era when radios still had valves.

The members of Radio Days are Pat Miller, Mike Edwards andPeter Mason on reeds, Chris ‘Charley’ Farley on banjo, Steve Paix on piano, Bill Morris on tuba and Richard Opat on drums.

Radio Days is performed through the versatility and musicianship of its members, to bring to life atime when melody came into the home by the magic of radio.

All members of the band sing, and since its comeback five years ago the band has been in high demand at jazz clubs principally because of its emphasis on dance music.

For more information on the Moe Latrobe Valley Jazz Club, phone Bruce Lawn on 5174 3516.


IAN Hamilton was undefeated while Peter Bakker was made to pay for his oversights in recent chess action.

Another contender for the September honours, Bob Cooper claimed three wins and one loss.

Two wins helped Steve Ahern challenge the leaders but the chances with Liam Durkin

Music to our ears: The Moe Latrobe ValleyJazz Club featured ‘Radio Days’recently Royalty: Traralgon resident CoralieJames with photos of tworoyal visitsto Gippsland. photographs supplied
Page 32 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 news To join the Express Birthday Club please post full details (including postal address and phone contact) to 21 George St Morwell 3840 or email reception@lvexpress com au *Eligible for children 11 years and under receives an Inflatable eWorld xperience valued at $18 SPONSORED BY eivves s I fl b Stadium34, 34BellStreet,Moe Ph:51278300 TUESDAY27SEPTEMBER Amelia Parry turns 10 William Harding turns 9 Ava Cassar turns 5 Owen Heily turns 7 Charlie Whitehead turns 7 Ava Sawyer turns 7 WEDNESDAY28SEPTEMBER Casey Johnson turns 12 Maleah Bertoli turns 9 Tamara Jolley turns 8 Max Vodden turns 5 Joey Chalmers turns 1 SUNDAY2 OCTOBER Kingston Sheedy turns 1

slipped away.

Alex Lovejoy found threats, forcing good moves from opponents while an improved method was useful for Ben Holt.

Cliff Thornton was in front against two opponents but found himself with problems in the other battles.

Phone Ian Hamilton on 5134 1971 or Cliff Thornton on 0413 330 458 for more details regarding local chess.

Knitted Knockers

THE Traralgon Branch are having their first fundraising event for the month of October.

We have afantastic raffle and we will be selling tickets along with a display of what we do at the following locations in October.

Wednesday, October 5, 9am to 3pm at Traralgon Centre Plaza.

Thursday, October 6, 9am to 3pm at Traralgon Centre Plaza.

Wednesday, October 12, 9am to 3pm at Mid Valley Shopping Centre.

Thursday, October 13, 9am to 3pm at Mid Valley Shopping Centre.

We start selling tickets on October 1 and it will be drawn October 30.

Our first prize has been donated by Brendan from Traralgon Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. He has given us afully-installed split system valued at $2000.

Other prizes include Hampers, Watercolour Painting, Vouchers and Gift Bag.

Tickets will sell for $2 each or three for $5.

The raffle will be drawn on October 30, 2022 and winners will be notified.

For further information email knittedknockersausttraralgon@gmail.


Meditation evening

THE Planetary Meditation for Peace (also known as Twin Hearts Meditation) is ameditation designed to bless the earth and is an instrument of world service for peace, loving kindness, joy, goodwill and abundance.

In addition, this meditation cleanses and energises the energetic body while also promoting ahigher level of awareness and consciousness.

After the meditation, you can experience afreepranic energy

healing which can address physical and emotional issues.

Location: 2Avondale Rd, Morwell.

When: Every Tuesday 7pm to 8.30pm.

Cost (by donation): $5

MorwellCombined Pensioners

MEMBERS are reminded to bring a plate to share for lunch on October 3 and finger food for our pre-cup day on October 31.

There will be prizes for the best hat and sweeps will be run by Gillian and Bill.

Ashort committee meeting will be held at 10.30am sharp on October 3 to discuss the Christmas break-up.

For more information, phone the president on 0414 962 615 or secretary on 0413 089 696.

GippslandAcousticMusic Club

GIPPSLAND Acoustic Music Club are pleased to present Charm of Finches.

The duo will perform on Sunday October 2from 7.30pm at Tyers Hall.

The Melbourne sister duo of Mabel and Ivy Winfred-Wornes make haunted tunes about love, grief and

whispering trees; indie folk awash with seamless blood harmonies traversing melancholy and wonder in equal measure.

The support act will be Ukelicious, the GAMC’s ukulele performance group.

Tickets are available at the door or through CAVPU

For more information, go to the GAMC website at www.musicclub. or phone 0408 747 882.

Moe ViewClub

MOE View Club’s October meeting is on Wednesday, October 5.

The meeting will take place at Moe Hotel (Leggies), Lloyd St Moe, from 10.30am.

We have welcomed new members this year, which is wonderful, enjoying new friendship’s and helping to raise money for Smith Family students we sponsor.

TraralgonSeniorCitizens Centre

CURRENT programs: Bowls -Wednesday and Friday 1pm.

Patchwork/needlework -Monday 12 noon.

Cards (500) -Tuesday 1pm. Tai Chi -Thursday 9am.

Cost: membership $4 per year

Activities: $2 Afternoon or morning tea following activity is free.

Phone 0475 610 039 between 10am and 4pm weekdays for further information.

GippslandOrchid Club

THE Gippsland Orchid Club will be hosting the Spring Orchid Show at Mid Valley Shopping Centre from Friday, September 30.

Showtimes are 9am to 5pm (later close on the Friday).

There will be some magnificent plants to view at the show.

With the cold nights this winter, producing many buds on the spring flowering orchids, which in turn are now opening to spectacular flowering plants,

Also, the club will once again have asales bench with awide range of orchids to choose from.

The club appreciates the volunteers who step up at our shows.

The next monthly meeting will be held at the Traralgon Baptist Church on Thursday, October 13 commencing from 1.30pm.

After our last meeting the committee decided to continue with afternoon meetings for another month.

It has been great to have several new members bring themselves and their enthusiasm to our meetings.

This meeting will be our AGM and we thank those members who have indicated interest in joining the committee.

Following the AGM our member Marita will do ademonstration on splitting up Australian native orchids.

For further information, phone Pat on 0407 741 621.


WITH avariety of local stall holders, there is achance of getting that special gift for that special someone or that much wanted item.

The event will be on October 1from 11am to 3pmatthe Morwell RSL ANZAC Room.

Cost: gold coin donation.

All our fundraising is for veterans and their families.

Get Together

GET Together is an open space for conversation and community. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 5at10am in the Traralgon Uniting Park Lane Foyer. This will be atime when you can meet and chat with others over a cuppa.

If you or anyone you know would like to be apartofthis Get Together, please bring them along. All are welcome.

For more details phone 5174 2398 or 5177 8107.

Inner Wheel Club

THE Inner Wheel Club of Moe is part of one of the world’s largest service organisations and originally began as afriendship group for the wives of Rotary Club members.

World membership is 100,000 and Australian membership is approximately 4000.

Objectives of Inner Wheel are to promote true friendship, to encourage the ideals of personal service and to foster international understanding.

Our club meets once amonth, where we have ameal, guest speakers and support the community where able.

We currently sponsor local primary school students to attend camp, make toiletry bags for welfare organisations and at Christmas we supply gifts for disadvantaged teenagers.

This year’s Inner Wheel theme is ‘Work Wonders’ and our club does this quietly and efficiently in many ways.

If you would like to know more about the Inner Wheel Club of Moe, please email our secretary via iiw.

Traralgon CancerGroup

THE Traralgon Cancer Group is having aPinkRibbon afternoon tea on Sunday, October 16 at the Traralgon Tennis Centre.

The tennis centre is located on Franklin St. The tea will be held from 2pm to 4pm.

Tickets are $30 per person.

Group booking of tables of eight or individual tickets are now available from the Seymour St Newsagency in Traralgon.

This is aticketed event with only 100 tickets available so get in quick!

As well as ascrumptious afternoon tea, there will be raffle prizes, door prizes, trading table and much more. Any queries or more information, please phone Una Fisher on 0434 673 032 or Mariana on 0417 051 158.

Feast day

MORWELL Catholic Parish will celebrate the feast of San Francis of Assisi this Sunday.

Asolemn mass will commence at 2pm, with aprocession and benediction.

At the completion of the religious ceremonies, there will be light refreshments served in the Sacred Heart School Hall.

Sacred Heart Parish is located at 262 Commercial Road, Morwell.

Youcan be apartof Community Corner

IF you are acommunity group and have any news items you need publicised, feel free to email us at

You can address the correspondence to editor Liam Durkin.

Deadline is Friday 9am to appear in the following Wednesday issue.

Bookworms: Local authorIan Whitehead reads to grandchildren Alexander and Christopher from his newbook photograph supplied Honour: Traralgon Historical Societymember John Powerreceiving his award from Richard Broom. Celebrate: Traralgon and District Historical Society’s60thanniversary cake.
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 33
Page 34 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 HUTCHISON’S ASPHALTING HUTCHISON’S Asphalting PtyLtd startedtheir family-owned and oper ated business in 2018 team hasmorethan sofexperience in the asphalting and civil construction ies Hutchison’s Asphalting covers the entireGippsland region and surrounding areas with afull guarantee of supportand services which include:  Asphalt driveways  Rock driveways  Carparks and footpaths  Asphalt patches and repairs  Bobcat, excavatorand tipper hire  Concreteand concrete curbing The companypridesthemselves on being reliable and completing all worksto100 per cent customer satisfaction with free measureand quotes Call them todayon0467 175886 or email akhutchison@bigpond. com Youcan also visit Hutchison’s Asphalting Facebook or Instagram pages which showcase aselection of their fine work BUSINESS OF THE WEEK Business Guide LOCAL TRADES AND SERVICES Contact Dianne on 5135 4416 to arrange the promotion of your business GP1496634 AIR CONDITIONING Compliance Certificate issued with each installation PermitNo. L004172 RUSSELL THOMAS PH: 0407 505 567 • All areas • Prompt service SplitSystem Air Conditioning Installations GP1644754 ASPHALTING GP1644756 Specialising in Insurance Work and RepairsinLatrobe Valley phone: e: 03 5174 3006 GP1 644 75 7 Finduson Facebook 11 Stirloch Circuit, Traralgon ▪ Domestic ▪ Rural ▪ Commercial ▪ Industrial “The solution for “Theall forall your electrical yoneeds” ur needs” MORWELL tkd electrics@gmail com 0434121324 GP1 644 75 8 REC # 22363 pty ltd ELECTRICIAN ContactPeteron 0438 177153 or 5126 2110 GP1 644 75 9 -Domestic -Commercial -Rural -Tele /data Smart Choice Electrical REC 4188 ABN73882 721322 ELECTRICIAN GARDENING Mowing, Gardening, Rubbish Removal, Clean-ups, Gutters. Insurance Cover Free Quotes 131546 (Local Call) 131JIM Franchise Welc G P 1 6 4 4 7 6 2 e Enquires come OVENREPAIRS REC. 9764 ELECTRIC OVEN/STOVE REPAIRS INCL.OVENDOORS • Reliable experienced and friendly. • Most parts are carried on board • 12 month guarantee on repairs Phil0412165 542 FREE ESPHONETIMATES EXHAUSTS US S WHILE YOU WAIT FITTING SERVICE Exhaustrepairs from E$35 x xhhaau u us s st t r reeppa a aiirrs s f fr r room $ $335 5 2year warranty on 2ystandard ear standard replacement remufflers placement flers Custom tube Custombending bending SportSystems Large Larstockonhand ge stock on hand 53 Lloyd Street Moe PH: 51274747 GP1 645333 29 years of quality service and advice Rohan Mayne Sean Frew M: 0439 960 533 M: 0417 807 637 GP1 64 71 19 Panelift Remote Control Roll-A-Door SALES &INSTALLATION GARAGE DOORS ELECTRICIAN OUTOFPHASE ELECTRICAL • DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Locallyowned andoperatedin Tyers- ServicingGippsland ContactCameronon 0437683 744 (Rec.33170) NOJOB ISTOO SMALL GP1 64 72 38 Contact Dianne 5135 4416 IDIDN’T KNOW ABOUT YOUR FENCING BUSINESS! Advertise with us to get moreresults. Package includes print and digital edition GP1 64842 1
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 35 Business Guide LOCAL TRADES ANDSERVICES Contact Dianne on 5135 4416 to arrange the promotion of your business GP1619639 PLUMBING THETAP SPECIALIST CallYourLadyPlumber Allison 0405 430 061 ALIST r u  T Tap/Toilet installation  Small renovations  Dishwasher installation  All small plumbing jobs G P 1 6 4 4 7 2 7 GP1 644 76 3 ROOFING Bristile Roofing products to new and old homes.We alsooffer roof restorations and repair work. and Repairs •Servicing all of Gippslandand the LatrobeValley All workmanship and repairsfully guaranteed CALL NOWFOR A FREE QUOTE Mitchell: 0413 537569 @Stormcoat Roofing BOSSE PLUMBING BOSSE& & ROOFING PROP/L Office: (03)51766657 PLUMBING  General Plumbing  New Colorbond Roofs  Heating Units  Hot Water Services  Guttering  Spouting&Downpipes  Gas, Water &SewerConnections  SewerBlockages  Truck, Digger& Sewer Machine Hire BOSSE PLUMBING GP1 644 76 4 Qualified, courteous plumbers who can attend to all your Plumbing, Roofing and Gas Fitting needs. SPECIALISED TREE SERVICE VALLE YWIDE TREE R SERVICES FREE QUOTES Charles 0412 613443 GP1 644 76 5 Copy of current $20MILLION Insurance Policy is carriedinall trucks 24 Hour Emergency Pensioner Discounts 1800 180GOTREES 0GOTREES Contact Kael 1300 301 678 Pensioner Discountsand ContactlessService Available GP1 644 76 6 C t • Tree removal • Tree shaping • Hedging • Tree pruning • Stumpremoval t K l l • Fullyqualified • Fullyinsured • Free Quotes • Gippslandlocal for over 27years SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES FREE QUOTE 0409 14 15 19 Rick or Daniel Kruyt HIGH TREE TREE SERVICE “CARIRNGFAMIL I YBUSINESS” SINCE 1990 ABN 20 410 687 524 Spring Spring Special THIS MONTH ONLY 25 OFF % Pruning&removal oftrees &shrubs Stump removal Hedges Mulching & mulchsales Fullinsurance cover Find us on Facebook GP1 644 76 8 SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES GP1 644 76 9 SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES SECURITY Servicing TheLatrobe Valley,Gippsland andSurrounds PrivateSecurityBusiness LicenceNumber:571-756-70S PrivateSecurityBusiness Registration Number:571-756-91S 5174 1671 19 Leesons Road,Traralgon SECURITYSERVICESPROVIDED: Crowd Control Mobile Patrols -Night &Day Inspections Guard Services Armed SecurityCash in Transit Service 24HRS Alarm Response &Monitoring INSTALLATIONS: SecurityAlarm Systems Digital CameraSurveillance Major Commercial Systems Access Control ACMA Licensed Cablers Locally Owned &Operated,employing Local People FORMERLYL.V.SECURITYNETWORK MANAGING DIRECTOR: Rod Zagami GP1 645334 STEEL GP1 645336 DIRECTTOPUBLIC STEEL Gippsland Steel Centre PH: 5135 6600 527 Princes Drive Morwell RHS, Beams, Angles Pipes, Rounds, Flats ect Aluminium and stainless Roofing Purlins, TopHats Retaining wall sections. Delivery No need to buy full lengths Huge range of Accessories G P 1 6 5 3 3 7 nd ons pply WHENREADYYOU ARE 24/7 HIGHLY EXPERIENCED FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED Professional workmanship guaranteed! NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Pacey yTc ree Servi es WE WILL BEAT WIANYCOMPETITIVE YC QUOTEGUARANTEED! ● FREE FStumpGrinding REE Stummp p G Grriinnddiinng g ● FREE FAdvice REE Advice ● FREE FMulch REE Mulch ● Pensioners Discounts PApply ensioners Apply n apPHONE DANNY 0437 371 0437112 112 SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES TREES &EXCAVATIONS IDIDN’TKNOW IDABOUT IDN’TKNOW ABOUT YOUR YOURBUSINESS! Letushelpexpand your media advertising to reach all ages, in both print and digital Call Dianne 5135 4416 GP1 648422 TRADIES Does your current marketing markhit eting hit all the right audience? As well as goingin our PaperEdition it also goes online in our Digital Edition Stretch your advertising dollars further and take advantageofthis packagediscount and Book Now! Contact Dianne Clarkeon 5135 4416 TODAY! Advertise with us and help reach those who maynot use digital media



Tropical and goldfish. Guppys $1 ea, Bristlenose Catfish. 0411 604 704.

Old Port Poultry Farm

MOVING sale -everything needs to go! 2recliner chairs, 2door fridge, top loader washing machine, small electric appliances, crockery,manchester, brushwares, stick vacuum cleaner with wet and wash vacuum. Nothing over $100. Ph 5120 1847.


60 Well St, Saturday, 9am -2pm. Bric-a-brac, tools, household items and more. No early callers.



All classifications before 3pm Monday

In person:

Latrobe Valley Express

21George St,Morwell

NextraLotto Moe 1-3 MooreSt, Moe Seymour St Newsagency 83 Seymour St, Traralgon

PLEASE NOTE:| thatadpaymentis required prior to publication unless afullaccount is held with the Latrobe Valley Express.

Email: classifieds@

PLEASE NOTE: Confirm your email if youhave not received a confirmation email from us, emails ARE NOTALWAYS RELIABLE and we don’t alway receive them


Latrobe Valley Express, “Attention Classifieds’’ 21 George Street, Morwell 3840


Most Newsagents act as our agents and will accept your advertisements up until the same deadlines as above

Credit Card:

When placing your advertisement over the phone or via email you charge it to your Mastercard or Visa

Delivering 18 week old Isa Brown laying hens to your area, Sat. 1October. $28 ea. 0438 832 535.

PUREBRED male Golden Retriever puppy, 8wks, pedigree papers, parents have hip elbow eye/heart certificates and are also DNA tested, reg'd breeder with dogs Victoria, ready for his new home, vacc., m/chipped, comprehensive puppy bag with info. and food, RB102959, M/C 941000027212848 $4400. Ph 0407 132 116.

NEWB., 57 Dinwoodie Drive, Sat. and Sun., 8.30am-2pm Krazy Craft sale, lots of bargains, fabric, lace, ribbon and more. Too much to list, all stock must go. No early callers.

NEWBOROUGH, 10 Tarwin Grove, Sat. 9am-3pm. New and old items, household goods, tools, crystal, brand new vacuum cleaner and lots, lots more.


2Tresswell Avenue, Fri. 2pm-5pm, Sat. 9am-2pm, deceased estate, all must go! Tools, household goods, NativeIndian memorabilia, model cars, motorcycle gear, books, garden tools, vinyl records.

• ROSEDALE, 72 Moore St, Sat. and Sun., 8am 4pm. Furniture, electrical, kitchen appliances, knick knacks etc., camping gear, craft books -great prices!!

ROOM forrent $135 per week, 2weeks rent and $540 bond up front. 5 minute walk to Midvalley, pet lover and references, phone 0407 568 939.

Garage Sales

TRARALGON, 140A Kay St, Sat. 8am-2pm. Moving sale -all must go! 2seater couch, furniture, books, LPs, bric-a-brac, clothes, linen, office supplies, more.

CREDITORS, next of kin and others having claims against the estate of any of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to STATE TRUSTEES LIMITED ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal representative, on or before 25 November 2022, after which date State Trustees Limited may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which State Trustees Limited then has notice.

Moe Self Storage

various sizes from $85 p.c.m. Contact Strzelecki Realty on 5127 1333. to place your classified in our WEDNESDAY


Specialising in all domestic work. REC.4188. Phone Peter 0438 177 153 or Carol 5126 2110.


Handyman Service

Reg. roof restorer, roofs painted, gutter cleaning, shed and house ext. painting. Free quote. Ph Colin 0434 273 073.


ELECTRIC bed, remote, for elderly disabled, railings, frame, memory foam mattress plus table $2500. No lift chair, small adult with wheels, grey $300 o.n.o. 0448 770 799 msg.

Landscaping Mulch

Beautify your garden. Bulk quantity available, $25m3. Phone 0412 613 443 or 1800 468 733.

MARKET Shaw's Arcade pop up market, this Sat., 8am-12pm, 36 George St, Moe. Craft, sweets, plants, bath &bod, honey and lots more.


TRARALGON, 19 The Avenue, Sat. and Sun., 8am -2pm. Heaps of stuff! Miscellaneous items, furniture, liquidated retail products. No early birds.

PHIPPS, Janice, also known as Jan Phipps, late of Unit 3, 1Bubb St, MOE, VIC 3825, retired, deceased, who died on 5 May 2021. 16 September 2022

SUPPORT After Suicide For those who have lost a loved one to suicide. This is asupport group providing aspace to connect with others bereaved by suicide who understand and care. Meets first Thursday of each month at The Courthouse Garden Bar. Enter via Barkley Street, Warragul 7pm -9pm. For more information contact Chris Hobbs 0424 258 466 or David Hobbs 0427 235 470.

All Welcome

pruning, planting, weeding, small jobs through to large jobs, shed clean ups, rubbish removal etc.

Reasonable rates, pens. disc. Under NDIS the services costs may be covered by your Care Provider.

Reliable &efficient. Police check. Fully ins. 18 yrs exp. Chauncy The Gardener. ABN 17268203656. Call Richard 0401 345 345.

Gas Appliances

Specialising in commercial, residential work, over 30 years experience. For prompt and reliable service to all the Gippsland region phone Joe 0421 374 463.

Residential, commercial, int./ext. No job too small. Free quotes. Qualified tradesman. 0408 086 776. MOWING and garden maintenance. ABN, fully insured, great rates. Ph 0411 372 205.

Vic Marino's Painting


Farm Mortgages Ltd

Finance advanced in Victoria. Investments accepted. Interest paid 6.5% p.a. 03 5593 3450. On Rock’s 20th Anniversary Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance


Gippsland Guitar School, all ages, 8-80, beginners to advanced, banjo and ukulele lessons also available. 0439 111 610.

Lawns Mowed

Big and small. Phone 0429 977 323.

Saturday8th October Band: Itchy Fingers Lavalla School Hall, Kosciusko St T’gon 7.15 11.30pm $20pp BYOE. Dress R ‘n’ R Anne 0409 502 914 20 Hooked

Install -Service -Repairs Co Testing -Gas Safety Check.Contact Paul 0428 877 432. Lic.103230.


General plumbing, repairs/ maintenance, drainage and sewerage, roofing and guttering. Small jobs welcome. Glenn 0437 327 879. Lic. No. 45333.

Public Notices

"Nanjo's", 31 Holmes Rd Morwell. Open 7days, for information call Nan 0422 772 673 or Jo 0437 981 388 BABY THE EXPRESS

MOE, 87 Lloyd St (next to Lloyd St Tyre &Autos), Saturday, 9am. Household goods, wooden pieces, furniture, bric-abrac and more.

TRARALGON, 24A Albert St, Sat. 1st &Sat. 8th Oct., 8-12pm. Tomatoes (bush type and exotic vine types), zucchini, capsicum, cucumbers, pumpkin, sweet corn -singles $2.50, tubs $3. Home made relish and chutney's at marked prices. Also avail. Thurs. and Fridays in driveway. All proceeds to Guide Dogs.


would like to inviite interested



Moe United Soccer Club will be held at 6pm on Friday 14th October 2022 at the Club

The Latrobe Valley Express welcomes photos of your newest arrival

for 2023 season FORALL GRADES Remuneration package available to Head Coach All interested applicants please email the club on: bfncdemons@ Applications close: 12 October2022 We are afamily friendly club welcoming newpeople GO DEES!!


Meetings 35 Gillie Cres. Sat., 8-1pm. Dec'd estate, moving sale! Tools, h/hold goods, collectables, furniture, lots of books, toys and more. 0423 469 049.

Moe Meals on Wheels Inc. A.G.M., 11 October, 1.30pm, Newborough Public Hall. We welcome all volunteers and general public.

Parents are welcome to email a copy of your newborn photos for publication to our editorial staff news@lvexpress com au with the subject line ‘baby photo

Please include the following details:

Baby s first and middle name/s

Baby’s surname


Mum s maiden name

Mum and Dad’s names

Location of Hospital Hometown

Notice of 2022 Yallambee

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Yallambee Traralgon Village for the Aged Inc. (Margery Cole Residential Aged Care) The meeting will be held via TEAMS Monday, 24 October 2022 at 6:30pm

All Members are invited to join the meeting and will receive further information by RSVPing to for link

• 5135 514455 35 4455 Place a6line “For Sale’’ section classified ad with the goods to the TOTALVALUE OF $200 or LESS and you receivethe ad for HALF PRICE! ONLY$13.50 -for oneedition This offer is for NON BUSINESS customers youKeeping withintouch marthesales ket CLASSIFIEDS 5135 C4455 L LAASSSSIFFIIEDDS S 4 44 4 45 5 55 5 HALFPRICE FORSALEADS FO For Sale • GP1648423 MOVING SALE Morwell, 282 Commercial Rd, Sat. and Sun. 9am-1pm 11/2cm tempered glass dining table, extends to 150cm circular table, cream 2seater leather couch, antique black, leather 3 seater couch. All must go!! NEWSPRINT REEL ENDS Price: $11 GST incl. Available at the Latrobe Valley Express Office 21 George Street Morwell Enquiries: 5135 4444 Does your current marketing hit the correct audience? Reach morethan just your facebook friends -reach the whole of Latrobe Valley 5135 4455 REACH THOSE THATDON’T HAVE or WANT FACEBOOK! With areadership of over 76,000 you’re guaranteed awider audience! ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE IN THE EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS 5135 4455 IS HERE! Turn your Clutter into MORWELL,
BUDGET BLINDS Lenny 0418 514 132
Come help us celebrate
years of
On Rock!
REMOVALS GIPPSLAND ARBORICULTURE SPECIALISTS Pruning, stump grinding, hedging, insured and qualified Beatany genuine writtenquote Brent 0403 080315 SERVICING ALL AREAS For Sale • Public Notices •
WANTED TO BUY ● Antiques and collectables ● Old furniture ● China ● Old tools ● Retro furniture ● Deceased Estates FREE QUOTE Phone Johnny on 0412 525 340 Yarragon Vintage Barn
5135 4455 E X P R E S S C L A S S I F I E D S
Public Notices • Home Maintenance • Home Maintenance • Garage Sales • Livestock • For Sale • Legal Notices • classif MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM-5PM
51354455 Page 36 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022

Looking for a lifestyle change?

Wanting to be your own boss?

Jim's Mowing is looking for aFranchisee in the Latrobe Valley area.

CONTACT 131 546

For ano-obligation free Info Kit


Vacant •


Would you like to deliver the Latrobe Valley Express newspaper to individual homes on Tuesday and/or Wednesday afternoons in Morwell, Traralgon, Moe, Newborou gh and Churchill? Please apply to the Circulation Manager 0456 000 541.

Please note: Children must be 11 years or over as we will need to apply for agovernment Child Employment Permit Children younger than 11 cannot or will not be accepted. Adult deliverers also welcome.


Do you want to make adifference?

Gippsland Disability Advocacy -GDA is looking for an Executive Officer to lead Our team.

This is an exciting opportunity to make apositive difference, to advocate, promote and be responsive to the welfare, rights, and interests of people with disabilities.

We are seeking adynamic and values-driven Executive Officer, who will lead Gippsland Disability Advocacy into the next phase of our growth as we embark on anumber of exciting initiatives and organisational changes.

For afullcandidate information pack including position description is available by contacting contact Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc. Board Chair Yvonne Waite or call the GDA office on (03) 5175 0444.

This position closes at 9am, 7October 2022.

Positions Available Enrolled Nurses and Personal Care Attendants

Casual and Permanent Part Time Flexible Hours

Ashleigh House is committed to being an employer of choice. We do this by offering above award remuneration, flexible working arrangements, great professional development programs, employee support and opportunity to grow your career in Aged Care and Assisted Living.

If you are an empathetic, community minded person who is motivated to work with the elderly and vulnerable, then you may wish to consider acareer with Ashleigh House.

The successful candidate will be areliable, passionate, hard-working person who works well in ateam environment. Experience is preferred but not essential.

Australian Paper Major Outage Employment Opportunities

Starting 7th October 2022

Omega Network Pty Ltd are seeking expression of interest from experience and qualified personnel for upcoming Major Outage works at Australian Paper Maryvale Vic.





An application form can be downloaded from our website Email Expression of Interest to: or mail to: PO Box 3075 Gippsland Mail Centre, Vic. 3841

Afull time position exists for an enthusiastic person with customer focus to help us continue growing in our Morwell Branch.

Acasual position also exists in our SaleBranch with theexpectation that it will become permanent part time or possibly afull time position in the not too distant future.

The successful applicants will be required to work within our small team environment.

Ideally, you will have experience in stores and/or spare parts/a mechanical aptitude with a background in external sales.

Previous experience in the Bearing Industry would be adefinite advantage. Computer literate and a Victorian driver's licence are required.

Duties will include but not be limited to:

● Counter/phone sales and quoting

● Goods received/purchase

● Orders

● Stock control

Remuneration to be negotiated dependent upon experience.

Only mailed or emailed applications will be accepted.

Managing Director PO Box 3100, Morwell 3841


ANC Forestry is based in Morwell Victoria. We are currently seeking 2Tip Truck Drivers for full time ongoing work.

Requirements of the role:

● White card

● An HC Licence

● Excellent driving skills

● Hardworking and reliable

● Good communication skills

● Safety conscious

● Truck and dog experience

● Confident to work unsupervised

● Self-starter with ability to think

This is afantastic opportunity for along-term stable job with variety in the work and agreat team to work with.

We offer:

● Excellent job security and remunerations

● Alarge well-established supportive workshop

● Home every night

● Friendly team environment

Please email or call on 5133 0222

The successful candidate will require aclear NDIS worker screening check and up to date COVID19 vaccinations prior to commencement.

Applications via





Please note: Children be 11 years or as we will need to apply for agovernment Child Employment Permit. Children younger than 11 cannot or will not be accepted.

Adult deliverers also welcome GP1 632593

Qualified Diesel Mechanic EVENING SHIFT

Full-time Position

We are on the hunt for one or two mechanics that would like to work the hours of 4pm to 12am. If you think this is you and would enjoy working in afriendly and very supportive environment: APPLY NOW

ANC Forestry is an extremely well-established logging and transport company seeking to employ a suitable person to manage our evening shift maintaining our fleet of Log Trucks, located in Morwell Victoria.

An experienced Diesel Mechanic/Fitter is required for immediate start to work in the workshop carrying out basic servicing and repairs across our fleet of single and B-double trucks.

To be successful for this role, you will possess the following:

● Track record of experience in the maintenance and repair of heavy vehicles

● Strong understanding of hydraulics and electrical systems

● Excellent diagnostic and repair skills

● Ability to problem solve

● Self-motivated, with apositive 'can do' attitude

● Great remuneration offered to successful candidate

● Ability to work within ateam or autonomously when required

● Sound knowledge of pneumatic braking and suspension systems


Your career in Hospitality

The Italian Australian Sporting &Social Club of Gippsland is currently seeking an Assistant Manager to join our existing team of hospitality professionals. We are looking for an individual who is highly food focused, has demonstrated experience in gaming & wagering and understands the importance of providing exceptional customer service. The successful applicant will be ahighlymotivated and enthusiastic individual that has proven leadership qualities.

Serving the community for more than 60 years the Italian Australian Sporting &Social Club is alicensed hospitality venue situated 170 kilometres southeast of Melbourne in the heart of the Latrobe Valley. The Club is an employer for 55 staff and has adiverse membership base of around 1,100 plus members. The venue comprises a160-seater family bistro with kids play area, amain function hall for up to 260 people, a smaller cocktail room for private parties and corporate events, abusy gaming room holding 42 EGMs, a modern wagering bar area and aspacious multipurpose Club lounge. Club sporting bodies include our foundation sport of bocce played in our nationally recognised bocce centre. The Club also supports other recreational pastimes including awell patronized family fishing club and apopular local golfing club. Reporting directly to the General Manager the primary role of this position will be to assist the General Manager with the smooth and effective operations of the Club and have specific responsibility for.

● Staff supervision

● Stock Management

● Gaming &Wagering operations

● Supervision of Bistro &Function Operations

● General Cashier reconciliation

● Implement and maintain Club standard policies and procedures

To qualify for this position the successful applicant will have:

● Demonstrated bar, bistro and gaming experience

● Aminimum of 3years supervisory experience in amulti-faceted venue

● Current RSA, RSG and Gaming licence

● TAB accreditation

● The ability to work, days, nights, weekends, and public holidays

● An understanding of Clubs liquor licensing requirements

● Knowledge of Gambling Code of Conduct and Self Exclusion Programs

If you believe you are the right person for this position and wish to receive aPosition Description, please forward your resume along with your letter of introduction to:

Italian Australian Sporting Social Club of Gippsland Inc.


The Italian Australian Sporting &Social Club of Gippsland is currently seeking aQualified Chef to join our existing team of hospitality professionals. We are looking for an individual to perform cooking duties as aCommi/Demi Chef de Partie or equivalent, having completed an apprenticeship or passed the appropriate trade test, and engaged in general or specialised cooking, baking, pastry cooking or butchering duties.

Reporting directly to the Head Chef the primary role of this position will be to assist the Head Chef with the smooth and effective operation of the Bistro Kitchen and Functions.

Key Responsibilities:

● Working with our current kitchen team and head chef to prepare and serve food for our Bistro and various functions

● Maintaining high levels of food safety

● Stock control, including correct preparation and rotation

● Ability to work unsupervised when required

● Ability to follow set up and pack down procedures with high standard and consistency

● Other duties as directed by the Head Chef

● To assist in the implementation of workplace policies and procedures as directed by the Management

● To participate as part of ateam providing services to membersand patrons

● Through the application of recognised Occupational Health and Safety practices, provide asafe and healthy work environment

● To perform all duties consistent with the policies of the Club and Statutory requirements

To qualify for this position the successful applicant will need to demonstrate they have the following Knowledge/Skills &Experience:

● Holds aCertificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) or equivalent

● Holds acurrent Food Handling Certificate

● Demonstrated management and leadership skills

● Ability to manage stock control and ordering with respect to food services

● Ability to develop and implement policies and procedures as required

● Ability to exercise initiative and sound judgement

● Experience in function work and high volume bistro work

Salary $64K -$70K depending on experience.

If you believe you are the right person for this Permanent Full Time position and wish to receive aPosition Description, please forward your resume along with your letter of introduction to the Clubs Acting General Manager Frank D'Urbano, email:

Bookkeeper/BAS Agent

Part-time or Full-time Position Location -Drouin Office Professional and dynamicenvironment Salarypackage basedonexperience Xero/MYOB/Reckon

About thebusiness and the role

RGMFinancial Group provides financial services in Accounting and Financial Planning with three offices across Gippsland. We’reafinancial services firm with adifference, with over 65 years’ experience creating opportunity and building wealth by offering the right advice from ateam of the verybest The role is to take careofall our BASclients within the Drouin Office. Youwill be responsible for liaising with clients, data entry, production of Quarterly BAS’s and meeting deadlines. To be successful in this role you must have doubleentryaccounting experience, abasic understanding of financial reporting, and data entry with attention to detail. Youmustpossess excellent communication and organisational skills and also have the ability to work both autonomously and as part of ateam.

About You

Ahighlevel of GSTknowledge, experience with softwareproductssuch as Xero,Reckon and MYOB would be an advantage.

In return, you will be rewarded with an attractive remuneration package and be part of agreat team environment andhavea positiveand excellent work ethic.

Job benefits and perks

Monthly RDO’s

Flexibleworking arrangements

Strong social cultureincluding monthly office lunches and mid and end of year functions

An organisation that looks to nurturetalent Amulti-faceted financial services firm in Gippsland

Family first environment

Forwardyour resume with acover letter to: Bookkeeper -Drouin -via email drouin or applyonline: Applicationsclose -7th October 2022.

● Ability to prioritise all repairs and work to a deadline

We are also seeking Truck Drivers and Boilermakers.

Please email or call on 5133 0222


Division 1, Grade 5orGrade 1 and


Latrobe Valley Village are currently sourcing applications from motivated and enthusiastic RN Div 1, Grade 5orGrade 1and Enrolled Nurses who wish to utilise their training and qualifications on apermanent part time basis. Applicants must be prepared to work all shifts over a24-hour period including nightshift, weekends and public holidays.

The successful applicant should possess the following knowledge and skills, whilst these skills are an advantage, on the job training will be provided for successful applicants.

1. Previous experience in Aged Care an advantage

2. Comprehensive understanding of Aged Care standards and Accreditation process

3. Working knowledge of ACFI documentation and requirements

4. Basic computer skills

Salary packaging is available to successful permanent part-time applicants.

Essential Criteria:

1. All applicants must have acurrent Registration with the Midwifery and Nurses Board of Aust.

2. Current Victorian police check (within a3years period of date of application/employment)

3. Proof of 3COVID vaccinations

Position Description may be obtained by phoning 5127 7488 during office hours. Applications ongoing.

Letters of application forwarded to Facility Care Mgr, Latrobe Valley Village Inc., 5Ollerton Avenue, Moe 3825 or emailed to:

Application to be accompanied by resume and any other relevant information including three referees.

Italian Australian Sporting Social Club of Gippsland Inc.
you liketodeliver the Latrobe Valley Express newspaper to individual homes on Tuesday and/orWednesdayafternoons in Traralgon, Morwell and Newborough.
apply to:
000 541
Business Opportunities • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 37

Administrative Officer, Monash Rural Health

The Gippsland Regional Training Hub is seeking to appoint an Administrative Officer to provide a range ofprofessional and high-quality administrative services to improve regional training and career opportunities for junior doctors and maintain excellent working relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

If you have adegree (or experience) in arelevant field, or substantial relevant skills and work experience you are strongly encouraged to apply.

This role is apart-time position (0.6 FTE); however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated. This position will involve travel to various locations, some of which are not easily accessible via public transport.

At Monash University, we are committed to being a Child Safe organisation. This position at the University will require the incumbent to hold avalid Working with Children Check.

Your application must address the selection criteria. To apply please refer to this following link: 641351/administrative-officer-monash-rural-health We encourage applications from First Nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, and people of all genders, sexualities and age groups.

Closing Date: Sunday 2October 2022, 11.55pm AEDT


wantedfor home care in Moe, Trafalgar, Warragul and Trida.

Minimum of 2years ICU/PICU experience.

Must be Ventilation and Tracheostomy competent Competitive payrates.

Please contact Patrik on 0410 942 230 or email patrik@intensive GP1 64 78 16



Well-established, friendly community pharmacies

located in Newborough and Warragul seeking a reliable and enthusiastic part-time pharmacist to build our team. Position available for 2-3 days per week. Additional weekend hours available. Negotiable work days. Flexibility to work across several stores. Competitive pay rates.

Position requirements:

● Full qualification including first aid certificate.

● Proficiency with FRED Dispense software.

● Excellent interpersonal communication skills and ademonstrated ability to work within a team environment.

● Community pharmacy experience would be beneficial to applicants but not essential.

Enquires andresume submission to

Davco Mowing & Maintenance is looking fortwo employees to join the Davco Team

We're after someone with experience on ride-on lawn mower's, whipper snipping, trimming etc. Must have their driver's licence, police check and working with children's check.

There will be two casual roles but for the right person it could be afull time job Monday to Friday.

Please send resumes to: hello@davco

St Vincent's is seeking adynamic and innovative leader to work in partnership with our staff, student and parent community. The role of the deputy principal is to support the principal and leadership team in managing the planning, delivery, evaluation and improvement of the education of all students. It will involve working closely with the principal in enacting the strategic directions of DOSCEL and the strategic deployment of resources, which reflect the following key priorities:

● Enlivening faith education and Catholic identity

● Improved learning outcomes for all students

● Strengthening and development of expert teacher practice, leadership formation and capacity building

● Ongoing commitment to effective and supportive governance

We are seeking asuitably qualified applicant with a proven record of leadership and who aspires to principalship. The position of leadership will initially be offered on afixed-termbasis for three years, with opportunity for renewal. The successful applicant will be offered ongoing employment at the school.

St Vincent's community is committed to the safety, wellbeing and protection of all children in our care.

This role is classified as Deputy Principal Level 2.

Mechanical Fitter Tradesperson (Technician/Operator)

If youare an extraordinaryperson who wants to join adiverse team,be well rewarded with greatsalary, perksand benefits,then keep reading!

About us

LoyYang Bisanelectricity generator located in the picturesque Latrobe Valley currently supplying around 20% of Victoria’s power.Weare owned by Chow TaiFook Enterprises (CTFE) and belong to theAlinta Energy family,agrowing andinnovative energy market disrupter

We arefocused on increasing plant performance, efficiency and flexibility and areinsearch of people with expertise and experience to contribute to innovative newprojects.

We arecommitted to increasing workforce diversity and creating an environment wherepeople with new ideas feel empowered to speak up and explorewhat is possible.

We constantly strive to understand and meet broad community expectations regarding environmental management,health, safety and good corporate citizenship.

About the opportunity

Competitive salaryand otherbenefits. Generous superannuation, contributions above the superannuation guarantee or membership of a Defined Benefit Scheme.

Flexible working arrangements to balance your work, life and play(base 36 hour,4day work week). Aboveawardannual leave entitlements

Enjoy close proximity to great regional communities of Traralgon, Warragul and Sale, access to alpine regions and snow,expansive beaches, wilderness escapes and leading schools.

Create change and ‘futureready’ the organisation through your involvement in key projects.

Access to development opportunities to continue to grow leadership and technical skills that arehighly transferable throughout industry. Training in power plant operations to fulfill the Technician Operator function of the role

What you’ll do

Maintain and operate the coal fired generating facility

Conduct preventative, corrective and emergency maintenance of all mechanical and electrical plant and equipment

Undertakediagnostics and corrective actions.

Assist in plant start-up and shut-down

Use computerised maintenancemanagement systems to plan and coordinate work.

What you’ll need

Certificate III in Engineering (Mechanical Fitter) or equivalent

Proven performer with extensive maintenance experience in steam generation turbines and associated plant

Ability to understand technical information, drawings and engineering data. Relevant experience within the power generationorheavy industryfield. Excellent communication skills.

If this sounds likeyou, don’t ignorethis opportunity, makesureyou:

Apply via our careers page

Position closes Tuesday 11 October 2022.

LoyYang B– powering your career!

LoyYang Bwelcome applications from people with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and people with disability.Wewill provide reasonable adjustments for individuals with disabilitythroughout the recruitment process. If you identify as aperson with disabilityand requireadjustments to the application, recruitment, selection and/or assessment process, please advise via the above email and indicate your preferred method of communication (email or phone) so we can keep in touch and meet your needs.

Application Procedures Applications should include acover letter and completed application form.

Applications via email to Dave Cooper (Principal) by Friday, 30th September 2022

Afull role description and application form can be found on the CECV website:


Much hardship and difficulty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns.

Our Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry aspecific and genuine offer of employment. Ads for `Business Opportunities' and `Training Courses' and `Employment Services' should be submitted under those headings.

Placing misleading ads is an offence against the Trades Practices Act and state/territory fair trading acts and all advertisements are subject to the publisher's approval. Forfurther advice, contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on 1300 302 502 or your state consumer affairs agency.


Flexible Part-time. Start immediately

An experienced and competent person is required to relieve at Reception and be responsible for the administration of accounts and payments.

Must be familiar with Xero and be comfortable with other software required to perform required tasks. Must also have great attention to detail and good communication skills.

Aknowledge of real estate functions would be an advantage.

Resumes to include experience in types of software used in previous positions.

Email to:

Fulltime Scaffold Supervisor

Aposition is currently available for aFulltime Scaffold Supervisor.

Successful applicant potentially up to 3to6 years employment.

The successful applicant will:

● Have experience, preferably within the heavy industrial environment, power, gas and paper

● Have acurrent SA licence (Advance Scaffold) experience

● Have acurrent LF licence (forklift)

● Current driver's licence, HR preferred but not essential

● Experience and/or willingness to learn computer-based maintenance systems

● Outstanding leadership skills

● Excellent organisation and problem-solving skills

● Superb time management skills and dedication to meet time sensitive deadlines

Email Expression of Interest to:

Career Opportunities

We areseeking applications from suitably qualified and experienced people for the following positionsatour Yallourn and Jeeralang PowerStations,and across the broader Latrobe Valley area:

ElectricalO&M Technician (Jeeralang)

Technical Officer –Controls (Yallourn)

Technical Officer –Scientific (Yallourn)

Training Co-ordinator (Yallourn)

Apprentices (Yallourn)


▪ Mechanical Fitter

▪ Electrical Remote Energy Consultant (Latrobe Valley)

Forfurther information on these opportunities and to apply visit: http://careers energyaustralia com au




(Full Time (38 hours per week)

We are currently seeking avibrant, energetic and highly skilled Receptionist/Administration Officer to join our team. You will possess a'can-do attitude', have proven experience in time management and multi-tasking, be aproblem solver, team player, be self motivated, highly organised, positive and proactive. You will have extensive administrative experience. Reporting to the Business Manager you will be responsible for managing all GLS reception functions including:

● Answering and managing inbound and outbound calls professionally, timely and with a sense of pride

● Liaising with customers/contractors, internal and external key stakeholders positively and professionally

● Ordering/purchasing of all GLS office supplies and PPE

● Managing the GLS Employee Training Database

● Maintaining of general office equipment

● Providing the GLS Management Team with administrative assistances as required inclusive of project tasks

● Raising purchase orders and entering work orders into the GLS work scheduling system

The successful applicant must have:

● Minimum 5years experience in aReceptionist/ Administration role

● Strong ability in using MS Office (MS Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Word)

● Exceptional interpersonal and stakeholder management skills with the ability to build professional, respectful, inclusive and effective working relationships across all of GLS

For further information please contact

Marita Edwards, Business Manager -Gippsland Land Services on 0412 992 316 or email

Gippsland Land Services
Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Page 38 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022



Full-time, required for Morwell practice. Must be well presented, diligent and reliable. Willing to train an enthusiastic candidate.

Present resume in person at: 118 Buckley Street, Morwell, by Friday, 30 September 2022

House Supervisor, Advanced Support Worker and Support Worker Roles

● Melba. Living Life!

For over 50 years Melba Support Services has been committed to providing people with disabilities truly individualised services focused on creating more choice and greater control for each person, over their life. Melba is growing, and we have exciting opportunities for everyone, from experienced House Supervisors to those wishing to enter the disability sector without any experience. We are looking for passionate and committed people to fill the following roles in Latrobe Valley.

● House Supervisor Complex (DDSO3/3A) -Must hold relevant Advanced Diploma qualification (or willing to obtain). Full time position available, shift work required.

● House 2IC (DDSO2A) -Must hold aqualification in disability (or willing to obtain). Part time position available, shift work required.

● Support Worker (DDSO1) -No qualification or experience just apassion for helping people. Multiple part time positions available, shift work required. You will also have in your toolkit:

● Current Full Driver's Licence

● Current Level 2First Aid Certificate with CPR (or willing to obtain)

● Working with Children Check and NDIS Workers Clearance (or willing to obtain)

● Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Employment, salary, and benefits will be in accordance with Disability Services Enterprise Agreement Victoria (DSEAV) 2018 2022 classification level DDSO1/DDSO2A/DDSO3A (as relevant).

If you'd like to apply for any of the above roles, please visit:

To find out more about any of the roles, please contact our People &Culture Team via

Melba Support Services is aChild Safe Organisation and an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Applications close 14 October 2022.

Catholic College Sale Ltd “EveryStudent,Every Day”

Applications areinvited for the following Canteen Assistant

(part-time -60hours per fortnight)

As aChild Safe School our focus is to provide a faith-filledpartnership between students, families and theCollegetoachieve student learning goals.

Further information and application forms available at

All applications aretobeforwarded to

Applications close: 4.00pm Wednesday5October 2022

GP1 648629

St Paul’s AnglicanGrammar School is seeking applicationsfor thefollowingvacancies at Traralgon Junior School:

Classroom Teacher

Full time

Fixed term contract

Commencing January2023toDecember2023

Classroom Assistant

Part time 0.86 FTE Permanent Ongoing Commencing 3October 2022

Early Childhood Teacher

Part time 0.6FTE

Fixed term contract Commencing 27 January 2023 to 12 December2023

If you areinterested pleaseforwardacurrent resume andcover letter to

Fora copy of the Position Description please refer to ourwebsite:

Applications close 5pmMonday26September 2022


Old or new, buying all makes and models. LMCT 11618. Ph 0455 776 443.


Please check yourad on the first day andbring any errors to the attention of the Classifieds Department immediately

The Latrobe ValleyExpress makes everyefforttoavoid errors We regret that we cannot be responsible forany errors beyond the first day if you fail to bring it to our attention

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We reservethe right to revise or restrict any ad we deem objectionable and to change the classification when necessary to conform to the policy of this newspaper.

In the event an ad is omitted from publication, we assume no liability forsuch omission.

1990 Ford H1JLM44206$25,000 Phone 0499

Nissan Pathfinder 2001, one owner since new, runs great, all receipts, 1VF-7EL $2800 o.n.o. Phone 0402 762 997. accompanied by resume and any other relevant information including three referees.

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Update your tired old car for anewer model or sell it as spareparts!! 5135 4455 EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TOYOTA RAV 4
4WD • PERSONAL CARE WORKERS Permanent Part time Latrobe Valley Village are currently sourcing applications from motivated and enthusiastic Cert III Aged Care -Personal Care Workers who wish to utilise their training and qualifications on a permanent part time basis within our friendly team. In return for your commitment to our high-quality residential care and our continuous improvement initiatives, we offer excellent working conditions and support from aco-operative management team. Salary Packaging available to successful applicants. Essential: ● Certificate III in Aged Care -Medication ● Current First Aid Certificate /CPR ● Provision of acurrent (within 3years) Victorian police check report ● Applicants must be prepared to work all shifts over a24-hour period including nightshift, weekends and public holidays ● Proof of 3COVID vaccinations Position Description maybe obtained by phoning 5127 7488 during office hours. Letters of application forwarded to Facility Care Mgr, Latrobe Valley Village Inc., 5Ollerton Avenue, Moe 3825 or emailed to: Application to be
FI50, EFi, 5.8lt, V8, Windsor, reg. till Dec. 2022, 5sp man, new tyres, mag wheels, a/c, tray top r.w.c. VIN 6FPAAAA-
982 650. GP1648374 Trucks &Tractors • CareersatLatrobe • ManagerCityPresentationManagerCityPresentation-SeniorOfficer Contract • CreativeExperienceProgrammer-Permanent Cr ceProgrammer-Permane FullTime • SchoolCrossingSupervisors SchoolCrossingSupervisors-Casual • LearntoSwimInstructors Le ntoSwimInstructors-Casual • Customer Service Officer/ CuLifeguardLeisure stomer LifeguardL Facilities cilities -Casual • PreschoolandChildcare–MultiplePositions Preschoola Childcare–MultiplePositions Casual,Permanent &Temporary Part Time • MaternalChildHealthNurse–Multiple Positionssitions-Casual, Temporary&Permanent Part Time LatrobeCityCouncilhasexcitingopportunitiesforenthusiasticand forward-thinkingindividualswithapassionforprovidingexcellent servicestoourcommunity Forfurtherinformationincludinghow toapply,positiondescriptionsand applicationclosingdates,pleasevisitour Pleasenotesuccessfulapplicantswillbe requiredtoapplyforandsatisfactorilyobtain aNationalPoliceCheckandWorkingwith ChildrenCheck TRAVELLER caravan 23', 2012, dual axle, full ens., w/mach., large fridge, full annexe, 2solar panels, 4 remove movers, 2chairs, $55,000. 0408 193 281. Cash in Hand! d! It’s easy, just call 5135 4455 4 45 5 55 5 and a annd put an ad in the paper today! ayy! Letusdothe hardwork for you -advertise in both print and on-line PEDIGREE Pop-top, 2001, 2gas bottles, TV, m/wave, radio/CD, 3-way fridge, gas stove, top electric oven, twin bunks, awning $16,500. 0417 533 007. Caravans • GP1648173 WisdomIntegrity CompassionRespect GP1 648 17 4
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IMR is currently recruiting an experienced full time Driver to undertake roles in the Scrap Metal Industry. Essential for the role you will have: ● Heavy Combination licence, experience in hook lift and trailer ● Positive attitude and demonstrated customer service skills ● Commitment to Health &Safety ● Physically fit ● Astrong work ethic and flexible approach to working hours Applications close: 8October 2022. Please send CV and cover letter to: email: or
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Motor Mart EXPRESS Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 39

Thanks •

THANK YOU St Jude for all the help that you give to me and my family. For this Ipromise your name to be known and cause you to be invoked.

BAILEY, John. 19/10/1950 -15/9/2022.

Our dearest friend John, we will miss your friendship forever, you and Di have been part of our lives for such along time. Akind and gentle man, you lived for Di and the family.

Remembering you with love always Jan and Rex Cadwallader and families.

BARRY, Brian Lawrence. 4/7/1938 -20/9/2022.

Ican't believe you're gone. Ilove you Dad and all you were, the good, the bad and everything in between, it's what made you the Dad Iwill love forever.

You have agood rest now old boy and just know you are never far from our thoughts and forever in our hearts. Love you Dad/Pa. From Steve, Tania, Kristy and Jay.

And thanks big brother for looking after Dad for the last 20 years and right till the end. You were always there for him for everything always. Thank you XX

BATES, Peter John. Passed away suddenly on 15 September 2022.

Aged 66 years

Dearly loved son of the late Sheila and Max Bates. Adored brother of Jeanette (dec.). Much loved uncle of Terri-Ann and Brett, special and loved uncle to Kristy-Lee.

Great uncle of Bowie, Hart, Goldie and Johnny.

Loved ones reunited

BATES, Peter John. 16/6/1956 -15/9/2022.

Passed away suddenly at home.

Loved nephew of Margaret and Dick Galway (dec.). Loved cousin of Lyn, Cheryl, Kathie, Michael and their families.

Rest In Peace

Our thoughts are with Terri-Ann, Brett, Kristy-Lee and family.

CARROLAN (Wood), Margaret Patricia.

Passed away unexpectedly on Friday, 23 September 2022.

Aged 90 years Dearly loved wife of Frank (dec.). Much loved mum of Val and Len (dec.), Kathy and Ron (dec.), Dianne and Kevin, Jennie and Graham, Peter and Annette, Kerrie and Barry, Craig (dec.) and Vicki. Adored grandmother of 22 grandchildren and 30 great grandchildren. We will cherishyou in our hearts and hold you near forever

JAMES, Ernest "Ernie". Passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on Thursday, 22 September 2022.

Aged 88 years Loved husband of Kathleen. Loved and respected father and father-in-law of Gail and Bill, Warren, Joanne and Rick. Cherished role model Pa to Jodie, Matthew, Luke, Joseph, Jamie and Zoe. Great grandfather to seven.

In our hearts you will always be remembered

PACE, Susanne Rubena. 9/4/1962 -15/9/2022.

You fought to stay with us but your soul had other plans. You watched us take our first breath and we were there for you to take your last, your hands we held to the end.

We will find solace knowing that you're in abetter place. Till we meet again, your loving children, Tracey, Kylie, Mandy, Kirsty, Shaun and Skye. XXXXXX

VINCENT, Kevin. Passed away on Friday, 16 September 2022.

Much loved husband of Monika. Father, grandfather and friend. At Peace

WHITE, Diana (Jan). Passed away in the loving care of her family on Monday, 19 September 2022.

SWIFT. The Funeral Service for Mrs Sharyn Maree Swift will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes H'wy, Traralgon on THURSDAY (29 September 2022) commencing at 2.30pm. The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of the Service for the Toongabbie Cemetery.

BATES, Peter. MFNC wish to sadly acknowledge the passing of Peter Bates. Peter (Batesy) was a tireless worker at our club over many years. At his peak he was first to arrive and last to leave. Peter was awarded Life Membership in 1999 and was awarded numerous other club awards for his tireless volunteer work. Our club extends sincere condolences to family and friends of Peter.

BRIDLE, Robert James (Bob).

Passed away suddenly at Monash Medical Centre Clayton, on 20 September 2022.

Aged 89 years

Dearly loved husband of Margaret (dec.). Much loved brother of Margaret and Leo (dec.). Very special uncle to Vicki, John and Carolyn, Mardi and Paul. Great uncle of Ben and Meagan, Matthew, Chantelle, and Khayliann. He did it his way

BRIDLE, Bob. Avery special person, Avery special friend, Avery special man, That will never be replaced.

"Uncle Bob", How lucky was Itohave you around most of my life. Treasured and loving memories. Love Kim, Shae, Sarah and Shian XXX Reunited with Aunty Marg.


BRIDLE, Bob. Fond memories of Bob. Condolences to Margaret, Vicki and Mardi and families. From the Klingszot family.

Very much loved mum to Val and Len (dec.). Nanna of Leanne and Damian, Kim and Stuart, Wayne and Bonny. Great Nanna of Jai, Romee, Dustin, Kayla, Shannon Tia, and Poppy. Reunited with Dad and Craig

Our minds know you are in abetter place. You are at peace. We understand that. We just need that explained to our hearts.

Love always. X

Loving mum and grandmother. Sadly missed by Kath and Ron (dec.), grandchildren, Grant (dec.), Shellee, Brad and Jenny, Narelle and Todd.

Great grandchildren Chelsee, Toni and Zoe.

Loved mum of Dianne and Kevin, Nana of Donna and Garry, Kev and Maree, Paul and Shani. GreatNana of Jack, Charlie, Kevie, Millie, William, Finn and Henry.

Thank you Mum for alife time of memories, love, kindness, help and encouragement.

Mum your love for us will live forever in our hearts. It's awhisper atug at our hearts, asense of your presence in the moment and memories that matter. You were simply the best, rest in peace with Dad.

From your loving daughter Jennie and Graham your grandchildren Adam, Mellissa, Trevor, Kylie, Steven and your great grandchildren Ethan, Joel, Bryanna, Evelyn, Jack and Lily.

Loved mum of Peter and Annette. Nana of Denise and Brad, Scott and Aimee, Tony and Robyn. Loved Great Nana of Nicholas, Madison, Riley, Aydan, Lexie, Joseph, Grace, Ada and Isobel.

Now with Grandad, beautiful lights shine down on us

MALININ, Michael. Passed away peacefully on 18/9/2022.

Aged 75 years Surrounded by his loving family. Dearly loved son of Leonid and Katerina (both dec.). Dearly loved brother and brother-in-law of Anna and Greg, Peter, Olga and Mal. Much loved uncle and dear friend to all of his nephews and nieces. Reunited with Mum and Dad.

Sadly missed Forever in our hearts "Gone Fishing"

SWIFT (née Leitch), Sharyn Maree. Passed away Wednesday 21 September 2022. Loved wife of Rob. Loving mother of Kaylah 'Porky'.

Loved sister of Wayne, Scott (dec.) and Narelle (dec.). N-Goat of Aaliyah, Bailee, Laura-Kate, Ella and Carter.

So dearly loved and sadly missed

SWIFT, Sharyn. Passed away suddenly on 21/9/2022.

Much loved mother of Cheree and Neville, Shane, Rhonda and Brad. Former wife of Ron. Nanna to her grandchildren Amy and John, Chris and Courtney, James and Amanda, Marcus and Cailey, Brittany and Adin, Jessica and Mason, Monique, Maddison and Wade, Jamie and Kyle, Katie and Luke, Emily and Rob; and her great grandchildren Phoebe, Oscar, Jayden, Amelia, Jacob, Esther, Ivy-Lou, Iris, Eli, Conner, Summer, Carter, Amelia, Hunter, Grace, Jeremiah and Adeline.

Eternally home at last

Sharyn's Service will also be livestreamed. To view the livestream, please visit latrobevalley

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on

SZNEK. The Funeral Service for Mr George Sznek will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel 437A Princes Drive Morwell on WEDNESDAY (28 September 2022) commencing at 2pm. The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of the Service for the Hazelwood Cemetery.

WHITE Diana (Jan)

SMITH, Neil William. 11/9/1964 -12/9/2022. Passed away whilst on holidays in Broome/Perth WA.

Deeply loved partner of Karen. Special mate to Kylie and Luke, Cameron and Stacey, Duncan and Laura.

Much loved Neil'o to Millie, Seth, Amy, Tess, Mia and Shaun. Missed by his best mate Buddy.

Forever in our hearts

My darling Neil, thank you for the fun and good times we have had. Our plans for our journey of life and tomorrows taken away too soon. Words cannot explain the emptiness and loss Ifeel. Sadly missed, love Karen.

SMITH, Neil William. Dearly loved son of Jan and Neil (Gordon, dec.). Loved brother of Trevor and Leanne, Carolyn, Debbie, Pam and Ian. Loving uncle of Tammy, Jay and Deli, Gavin and Camilla, Luke and Tiffany, Zoe and Jacob, Trent and Janelle, Wade and Sammy, Brock and Charlize.

Loved and loving daughter-in-law of Roni. Your passing has come as such ashock, you'll be loved and missed always Rest In Peace

TIMMINS, Benjamin Robert (Robert). Passed away peacefully 23/9/2022. Son of John (dec.) and Kathleen (dec.). Loved brother to Dot (dec.), Douglas and Ted (dec.) and their families.

Loved brother of Douglas. Sister-in-law of Betty. Uncle to Sandra, Susan (dec.) and Anne. Now at rest Lovedbrotherand brother-in-law to Dot and Doug Welch (both dec.). Uncle to Gavin, Kerry, Julie (dec.), Bruce (dec.) and Alison.

Rest In Peace

Much respected uncle and Great uncle to Kerrie and Nathan. You will be missed Rest In Peace

The President, Committee, staff and members of the Morwell RSL Sub Branch are deeply saddened by the passing of their valued Affiliate Life Term Member Jan. Deepest heartfelt sympathy to all of the family and friends.



BATES. The Funeral Service for Mr Peter Bates will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 437A Princes Drive Morwell FRIDAY (30 Sep tember 2022), commencing at 11am.

George's Service will live streamed, to view the live stream go to: latrobevalley and click on livestreaming.


MFNC wish to express our deepest sympathy on the recent passing of Bob Bridle.

Bob was avery talented footballer who played 133 senior games and was a member of our 1952 & 1961 premiership teams.

Bob is remembered as a true gentleman who was always up for achat and had time for all. The club extends its sincere condolences to Bob's family and friends.

BRIDLE, Bob. Morwell Club Golfers are saddened by the loss of our loyal member and friend. Our sincere condolences to his family.


So sad to loose my old mate Bob. He was one of The Brigade who didn't mind adrink, punt or story about the old days. One of the good guys as they don't make them like him anymore. Our condolences to the families. Tom Miller and family.

The conversations, cups of tea and coffee around the dining table and laughter we had with you lightened our lives and warmed our hearts. All our memories that we will now treasure and pass on to future generations will be cherished.

Precious mum to Kerrie and Barry. Loving Nana to Clint and Casey, Katie and Col. Adored Great Nana to Cooper, Riley and Corey.

There will never be enough words to express how much we love you. We will cherish our memories and hold them close.

Much loved and cherished mother to Craig (dec.) and Vicki, Grandma to Alex and Emily, Emma and Daniel, Kate and Matt (dec.), Great Grandma to Cody.

Loved andforever in our hearts

Great uncle of Madi, Zeke, Obi, Ollie, Elena, Gemma, Dante and Archie.

Forever in our hearts

For Funeral details visit:

TWADDLE, James Raymond (Jim). Passed away peacefully at Latrobe Valley Village Aged Care Newborough on 24 September 2022, surrounded by his loving family.

Aged 83 years Dearly loved husband of Joan (dec.).

Much loved father and father-in-law of Andrew and Julie, Stuart and Carol, Fiona and Steve, Ken and Carol, Malcolm and Teena.

SZNEK, George. Passed away suddenly at his home in Morwell on 18 September 2022.

Aged 66 years Dearly loved partner of Helen.

ORMROD, Edward John (John). 5/6/1942 -23/9/2022.

Aged 80 years

Loving husband of Sylvia. Loved father and fatherin-law of Susan and Wayne, Michael (dec.), Joanne and Daniel, and Ian and Lisa. Adored grandfather of all his grandchildren. Out of pain, in peace now For Service details please visit: www.latrobevalley

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on

Adored Pa to all his grand and great grandchildren.

TWADDLE, James The President, Committee and Members of the Yallourn/Newborough RSL Sub Branch Inc. deeply regret the passing of their esteemed member and colleague and respectfully extend their sympathies to James' family. Lest We Forget

TWADDLE, Jim (Jimbo). Passed away 24/9/2022. Long time member of our Social Golf Club. Always ready to help in any way and enjoy agreat game of Golf with the boys. Keep on playing and enjoying Golf Jimbo. Sincere sympathy to Jim's family.

• TIMMINS. The Funeral of Mr Benjamin Robert Timmins will be held at the Gippsland Memorial Park Crematorium Chapel, Cemetery Drive Traralgon on FRIDAY (30 September 2022) commencing at 1.30pm. Benjamin's Service will be livestreamed. To view the livestream visit our website www.latrobevalley

The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of the Service for the Hazelwood Cemetery.

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MORWELL 5134 4937 Place your tribute on

BRIDLE. The Funeral Service for Mr Robert (Bob) Bridle will be held at St Mary's Anglican Church, Latrobe Road Morwell, TUESDAY (4 October 2022) commencing at 1.30pm. The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of the Service for the Hazelwood Cemetery.

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MORWELL 5134 4937 Place your tribute on

CARROLAN (Wood). AService to celebrate the life of Mrs Marg Carrolan will be held at the Nielsen Funeral Chapel, Korumburra Rd, Warragul on TUESDAY (4 October 2022) at 10.30am.

The Service will also be live-streamed. To view Marg's Service please visit:

Following refreshments, the cortege will leave for the Moe Cemetery, arriving at approx. 1.30pm.

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on

TWADDLE. The Funeral Service for Mr James (Jim) Twaddle will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 6Ollerton Avenue Moe on TUESDAY (4 October 2022) commencing at 11am. The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of the Service for the Yallourn cemetery. Jim's Service will be livestreamed. To view the live stream go to: latrobevalley and click on live streaming


Place your tribute on

VINCENT. The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mr Kevin Vincent will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 6Ollerton Ave, Moe on FRIDAY (30 September 2022) commencing at 11am.

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MOE 5126 1111 Place your tribute on

JAMES. The Funeral of Mr Ernest (Ernie) TH James will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes Highway, Traralgon on THURSDAY (29 September 2022) commencing at 11am.

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on

WHITE. The Funeral Service of Mrs Diana (Jan) White will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 437A Princes Drive, Morwell on THURSDAY (29 September 2022) commencing at 11am. APrivate Burial will follow.

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MORWELL 5134 4937 Place your tribute on

MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MORWELL 5134 4937 Place your tribute on
Tenders •
EXPRESS Personals Deaths • Deaths • Deaths • Deaths • Deaths • Deaths • Funerals • Page 40 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022

PENFOLD, Adam Sean. 28/9/1991 -1/9/2018. Always remembered, always loved, forever missed Nan and Grandad (dec.)

POTTER, Gayle. 5/9/1972 -2/10/2018.

Four years have now passed since you were tragically taken from us, we think of you every day and wish you were here, we will love you forever.

"Keep flyinghigh our Darling" Mum, Dad, Phillip, Lachlan, Brittany and Alex.

"Until we meet again"

SAMPSON, Noel Francis. 19/12/1926 -30/9/2016.

My darling Sam, Everyday has been so sad and lonely without you. Memories of our life together are so precious.

TIMMINS, Ted Edward. 11/7/1942 -26/9/2021.

One year has passed and you are missed more than words can say, you were our everything. We will love you forever, Janice, Pauline and John (dec.).

WILLIAMS, Phillip. Sandra, Sonia, Brian, Hannah and Will would like to say thank you to everyone who attended Phillip's funeral and sent floral tributes, cards and text messages. Aspecial thanks to family and friends for their support during our time of loss and sadness. Thank you also to Raychel of Julie Harwood Funeral Services and Civil Celebrant Carly Maling. Ralph. darling Ralph, all my love your 74th birthday.

All-inclusive programatEagles


TRARALGONWest CricketClub is hostinganall-ability cricket Master Blasters program.

The program takes place in Term 4ofthe school year. All-ability sports are about fun and participation for everyone.

The local all-ability groups are parent-run and driven, and caterdirectly to theneeds of kids with additional needs in thelocal area.

During the sessions avariety of games and activities are

played to learn and develop new skills,activitiesare modified so that everyone can have ago.

Participants can also benefit socially by making new friends and feeling part of ateam.

Sessions will be held at Traralgon West Cricket Club, Jack Canavan Oval, Douglas Parage.

The sessions are scheduled for Tuesdaysfrom5pm starting October 4.

For more information, phone Sam on 0414 516 295 or Louise on 0414 540 296.

Or search All Ability Sports, Latrobe Valley on Facebook.

Summer of tennis coming


THE Latrobe Valley Tennis Association junior and senior tennisseasons will start on Saturday, October 8. Clubs across the Latrobe Valley will be involved: Churchill,Flynn, Glengarry, Moe,Morwell, Pax Hill(Traralgon), Thorpdale, Toongabbie, Trafalgar, Traralgon,Traralgon South, WillowGrove and Yinnar.

Whatwillbeonoffer for the 2022/23 tennis seasonisa junior competition

with nine sections running on aSaturday morning from 8.30amto1030am,including Tennis Hotshots stages for beginners.

Senior competition will have two sections running on Saturday afternoon from 1pm to 3.30pm.

Onesection will be athee aside singles/ doubles competition, while the other is a four aside doubles competition.

There will also be evening midweek social tennis for lower level players, and an evening midweek competition for more advanced players.

Social night tennis is for teens and adults, males and females.

Agreat opportunityfor the family to play together. The LVTA encourages beginners to come and have atry.There is also competitive players that are looking for asocial hit of tennis. Weekly cost is $5.

You can enter ateam or enter as an individual, so if you are interested in being involved in any of the above, please get in touch with your local tennis cluborcall LVTA president Sally Kirstine on 0403 282 630.

Ash Nicholes scorches his way to abig month of swim success


FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD Traralgon Swimming Club vice-captain, Ash Nicholes,has been makingsomereal wavesinthe poolover the past month with medals,records and triumphant swims over four levels of competition.

StartinginJuly, Ash competed at theVictorianShort Course Country Championships in Ballarat, winning four gold and two silver medals, breaking aVictorian Country record in the Boys 14/15 years, 100-metre individual medley (57.97). He was also amember of the 14 years/over 4x 50 mixed freestyle and medley relays, which both created Country records.

One week later, Ash turned out at the Victorian ShortCourse Age Championships against the best in Victoria and had afantastic meet:four gold, one silver and two bronze medals. He had three individual Country records in 14/15 years 100-metre individual medley (57.39), 100-metre freestyle (50.94) and 200-metre freestyle (1.51.91). These werecomplemented by another two relay records in the Boys Open 4x 50 Medley and Freestyle events.

The following day after theVictorian Championships, Ash travelled to Brisbane for the School SportAustralia Swimming Championships,competing at the highestlevelinAge group school swimming Australia. Fromhis seven individual events, he swam two personal best times and won onesilverand two bronzemedals

Swimming likeafish: Traralgon Swimming Club’sAsh Nicholes will have asorenecksoonfromall the medals he has won. photograph supplied

Finally, Ash travelled to Sydney for the Australian Open Short Course Championships, where he tookanother leap in the standard of swimmers. Swimming against the best in Australia,

Ash performed exceptionally well in all his eight events, making an Age group final and finishing eighth in the 50-metre Breaststroke. He swam 29.44 in the heat and 29.29 in the final,both times Out of Gippsland records in the 15/16 years age group.

Ash wasproud of his achievements. “The best meet for me was the Victorian Short Course Championships, ameet where Iwas fully tapered and prepared. However, the best learning meet for me was definitelythe Australian Open Championships,” he said.

“Watching swimmerslike Kyle Chalmers and Emma McKeon race, their warm-up preparation and mental toughness under extreme pressure, can’t be produced in training conditions. Iwas very lucky to have the opportunity to go to all of these meets.”

Behind Ash’s achievementsand success is ateamofasupporting mother Julie, who has travelledwith Ash to all of his competitions; Traralgon SwimmingClub performance coach Dean Gooch, who has prepared his training planover many months, culminating in thismonth of racing; Traralgon Swimming Club strength andconditioningcoach Sam Fenton,who has preparedhis physical program to meet the rigours of continuous racing; and his fellowTSC club mates, who work with him day in and day out during the season.

Ash Nicholes is astar on the rise and we look forward to the nextchapterofhis swimming journey.

DAVID HASTIE General Manager MARK RIDDLEGARY DRINKEN ALLAN WORTHY MYRAKRAFFT Funeral Ace: Local tennis begins Saturday, October8 file photograph
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 41
Bereavement Thanks • MARSHALL,
To my
sending you
Missing you so much. Love forever, Helen XX. Birthday Memoriam • HONOUR YOUR LOVED ONES and SHARE THEIR STORY When you lose someoneclose to you, it canbehardtoput your thoughts and feelings into words Placeyourpersonalmessage in the Latrobe ValleyExpress and share your memories To placeyour message today, contact Classifieds 5135 4455 Family owned and locally based Funeral Directors. We bring25years experience to families in Traralgon,Morwell, Churchill, Moe, Trafalgar and surrounding areas. THE CHOICE IS YOURS Practical, sensible and affordable. We offerboth at-need and pre-paid funerals. Dignity and respect. Always. Funerals Julie Harwood CREMATION PACKAGES FROM $2750 For 24/7 support 0405 669 532
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Funeral Consultant
Manager/Funeral Consultant
Funeral Consultant
Consultant DI SISTO, Nicolantonio. 3October 2010. In everlasting memory of our dear Papà. Love eternal Laura, Renato and Peter. Funeral Directors • In Memoriam •

Football &Netball Grand Finals in Foopictures tball pictures

Scanning the court: Mirboo North’s Emily Taylor looks for an option during the Mid Gippsland A Grade Grand Final photograph liam durkin Number one fan: Guy Sinclair celebrates Traralgon Tyers United grand final victory with his son photograph zoeaskew Yeah we did: Lauren and Caitlyn Passalaqua are all smiles after Rosedale’s premiership in North Gippsland photograph zoeaskew Special guest: The AFL premiership cup dropped by the Gippsland League Grand Final photograph liam durkin Cheer squad: Some of Yallourn Yallourn North’s littlest supporters on grand final day photograph zoeaskew Demanding the best: Mirboo North A Grade coach Ebony Best addresses the team at quarter time of the Mid Gippsland Grand Final photograph liam durkin Footrace: Newborough’s Jack Robinson looks to soccer the ball forward as Yinnar’s Matt Dyke (nearest to ball) and Matt Williams close in during the Mid Gippsland Senior Grand Final photograph liam durkin Calm before the storm: Morwell A Grade netballers line up for the national anthem photograph liam durkin Drive: Jayden Van Dyk kicks downfield for Newborough in the Mid Gippsland decider photograph liamdurkin Back to where it all started: Adelaide player and Maffra boy Sam Berry was runner for the fourths grand final photograph liam durkin Siren time: The Leongatha bench erupts as they are officially made Gippsland League senior premier Why is Tom Marriott on the bench? photograph zoeaskew
Page 42 The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
Happytobehere: Mirboo North wingattack Dani Blair findsreason to smile during theA Grade GrandFinal. photograph liam durkin Go Jets: YallournYallournNorth supporterscheer on theirteam at Heyfield on North Gippsland Football-Netball League Grand Final day. photograph zoeaskew I’m Blue da ba deedabadi: Rosedale netballers hadplentyofsupportongrand final day. photograph zoeaskew Leading by example: Sale playing-coach Jack Johnstone takesanincredible markinthe wetduring the thirdquarter of the grand final. photograph lotjemcdonald Come on: Sale superstarShannen Lange celebrates agoal during the Gippsland League Grand Final. photograph lotje mcdonald Four great men: Moe Football-NetballClubhostedthe Gippsland LeagueGrand Final. Lending ahand as parking attendants on the dayweresenior playersBen Morrow,Clinton Taylor,Aaron Wilson and Grady Cocksedge photograph liam durkin Cheer cheer: Traralgon had four netball teamsand four timesasmuch supportongrand finalday photograph zoeaskew Whirlwind: AllanNorris is joined by lovedones afterthe North GippslandFNL Grand Final. Norris startedthe year with Rumbalarainthe Murray Football League,and wonapremiership in just his ninth game with theJets photograph zoeaskew
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 43

Ex Studentsagaintipped to beteam

aGrand Finalspotlast year, topping Glengarry’s BGrade wickets and then claiming six wickets at just 9.33 in A Grade in the lead up to finals.

Glengarry also needanotherspin option when situations and conditions require.

Sam Marks could fill this space but the rumour mill is suggestingalate signing could also be on the cards.

One to watch: Abig season is on the cards for Ben Marks, who will love the hard ball pingingoff the bat late in innings. After only five innings in AGrade last season, just watch him launch some big scores in 2022/23.

Prediction: Like Ex Students, atop twofinishisaguarantee and they have shownthat they step things up at the pointy end of the season and could easily walk away with aflagthisyear.


Last season: AGrade:third; BGrade:fifth; CGrade: fourth.

Captain: Keenan Hughes

AFTER along and wet winter,the Traralgon District Cricket Association season has finally arrived,scheduled to startthisSaturday, October 1.

With forecasters predicting La Nina to hang around for another year, the start of the season may be adifficult one for curators, but as always you can’t predict the weather.

With anotherfull season of one-day matches scheduled this season, here is alook at how clubs are shaping up for TDCA season 2022/23.

Ex Students

Last season:A Grade:premiers; BGrade:third; CGrade: premiers.


ANEW regime hastaken affect at the Traralgon Recreation Reserve, after Lee Stockdalemade the decision to step back after amassive couple of seasons at the helm.

Not too many would want to relinquish the captaincy of such an incredibly well performedteam, but afterlanding his beloved Sharks three AGrade premier ships in the past six years, as well as captaining the TDCArepresentative team to three Grand Finals including apremiership in that time, as well as being vicecaptain of the Vic Country team, it’sunderstandable Stockdale now wants abreak

Pryde will now get his opportunity, and although he has been the heir apparent for some time, it’s still going to be interesting to see how he goes in the main chair and what sort of style of captain he will be.

The Sharks are so well drilled and play one day cricket incredibly well, it’s impossible to see how they don’t finish in the top two this season.

They bat so deep and their bowling unit complements each other in away that is just too hard to find achink in the armour to exploit.

The use of Duke balls this season may affect how the spin trio of Stockdale, Pryde and Michael Warne operate due to the balls staying harder than the Kookaburras traditionally do, but considering how dynamic this team is, it’s doubtful that will be an issue at all.

In the lower grades, the club is going

through abit of transition, with some younger players to be blooded in BGrade and afew of the older guys going back to CGrade.Keep an eye out for Zachary Bastin and Nathan Thomson to start climbing through the ranks and make an impact at AGrade level, and Kade Duncan to up his workload with the swinging ball as well.

One to watch: Last season it was all about the top order batsmen making big scores, but as mentioned before, the Dukes ball will allow more scoring opportunitiesdownthe order this season. What this does it set up the season for Rick Battista to do what he does best and put teams to the sword late in the day. It wouldn’t be asurprise if he finished the season with the TDCA AGrade battingaverage award either so watch this space.

Prediction: Atop two finish is a certainty, but it’s hard to go back-to-back in the TDCA. Ex Students willmake the Grand Final again, but after that is anyone’s guess.


Last season:A Grade:runner-up; BGrade sixth; CGrade fifth.

Captain: Nat Freitag.

THE Magpies were wounded last season after losing the premiership on their home track, which willhave fuelled the fire forseason 2022/23.

Their AGrade team is chockfull of talent with both bat and ball, and boasts last season’s LH Cox AGrade Player of the Year opening the batting for them as well in Al Jenkin,who headlines a top order made up of Frank Marks, Nat Freitag and Sam Marks, who all score heavily.

Cam Grahamwill be licking his lips bowling with the Duke, as will Frank Marks whose outswingers willbendaroundcorners, causing all sorts of issues for batsmen across the competition.

The clubs lower grades have struggled alittle bitinrecent years, but witha good crop of eager young players wanting to prove themselves, they should make abit more impact on the season this time around.

Some difficult decisions need to be made at some point as well’, with Gareth Waack-Hawkinsdemanding more overs in AGrade after justmissingout on

THE Rams look set to challenge again this season after agood 2021/22 where they finished third in AGrade.

Toongabbie had seven batsmen all make over 100 runs last season, but none made over 200, so the likes of Rob Wheildon, Kevin Stoddart,Jason Veneman and Tom Shippenneed to convert their starts into big scores to make an impact.

JamesChalmers was the find of the season for the Rams, and will look to improve on his 195 runs, hopefully anchoring the innings late with his hard, straight hitting.

Keenan Hughes will be deadly with a new Duke, and theguile of TomShippen will mean no team can feel safe batting against the Rams.

Toongabbiehas afew young players starting to come through the ranks as well, which should mean that the Band CGradeswill benefit all season.

With acore group now getting into their mid-30s, it’s crucial that Hughes can make sure the youngplayers are developingand getting ataste of higher level cricket while still using that current core to win games.

One to watch: MattBarry continues to tick all the boxes of ayoung developing star. He ledthe Rams for wickets last season with17and is set to now take big bags and not just be asupport role for the likes of Hughes, Shippen and Stoddart.

Prediction: With no new additions to the list, Toongabbie will be duking it out betweenYarram &Districtfor fourth spot on the ladder.

Yarram &District

Last season:A Grade:4th; BGrade:third; CGrade: runner-up.

Captain:Anthony Scott

THE Pelicans are building into apowerhouse club, and now thatthey have aturf wicket on their home ground, the club will enjoy playing AGrade games at home for the firsttimesince forming.

Yarram playsauniquehard-hitting style, which can see them sometimes be all out cheaply, but then also get scores of 250 plus quite easily.

Anthony Scott is obviously their most dangerous bat, but while he’s going at one end there needs to be amore level head up the other end.

The loss of Brett Pedlow will hurt the club, but Daniel O’Keefe will step up and

take over from him, whileyoung gun Matthew Garland should see himself in AGrade allseason and have abig impact.

The Pelicans’ swing bowlers are an honest bunch and always challenge the stumps of the opposition, and hopefully Jeremy Babb can play afull season in the As as he is class.

ThePelicans boast real depthintheir wholeclub, with their Band CGrades always strong. It won’t be ashock if all three grades feature heavily in the finals this season.

One to watch: Kelly Griffiths is a talented young bowler who missed out on the clubbowling aggregate in 2021/22 by just one wicket.

Prediction: As mentioned previously, it’sYarram and District versus Toongabbie for the final spot in the finals. Yarram can mix it with the big boys, but havealsoshownthey can have off days and drop unexpected games, so if thePelicans find alittle more consistency this season then they should just make the top four.


Last season:A Grade:fifth; BGrade:runner-up; CGrade: seventh.

Captain:Adam Brady.

GORMANDALE fell just short of making the top four last season, after missing out by asinglepoint as Yarram &District jumped them afterawashout in the last round of 2021/22.

New skipper Adam Brady heads into this season knowing that some great foundation work wasdone lastseasonas outgoing captain Luke Henderson was able to get some games intothe younger players at the club, which will be agood building block for this season.

Gormandale know they underperformed in 2021/22 and should bounce back.

Matt Hibbs had adown campaign after making close to 500 runs in 2020/21, but with Yohan Soyza returning to the club, he will get plenty of support with the top order strengthening.

Gormandale’s bowling has taken a recenthit,withyoung Campbell Peavey heading to Dandenong to try his luck in Premier Cricket, but it gives an opportunity to the likesofEthanJarvis and Hibbs to show how good they can

Sharksare hungry: Ex Students will be outtomakeitback-to-backflags Stalwart: Toongabbie veteranTom Shippen will bring no shortage of experience to the Rams line-up this season. photograph liam durkin Newsheriff: James Prydehas takenoverthe captaincyatExStudents from Lee Stockdale. photograph tyronbramwell Leader of the pack: Glengarrycaptain Nat Freitag photograph tyronbramwell Response: Gormandalewillfeel it underperformed lastseason, and will be gunningtoclimbintothe finalsthistimearound. photograph liam durkin
Page 44 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022

to beat as new TDCAseason begins

Add Justin Little to the team, as well as afully fit Dougal Williams, who was having agreat season beforegetting injured last year, and Rovers are ready to play finals again.

Ewan Williams’ input was down last season so he’ll almost be like having a new player,because playersofhis ilk don’t have two bad seasons in arow.

It wouldbegreat to see aConner Little or Kade Marsh really commit to afull season, as either of those two players would certainly sure up the middle order, and if Simon Duff can set himself ataskofaveraging 20 batting in the lowerorder, Rovers have the team to push every club in the association.

One to watch: Another club with an import, Rovers has enlistedthe help of hard-hitting top order batsman Olly Mason from the Redditch Cricket Club to take it up to the opening bowlers around the league. Mason hadanincredible strike rate of 111.26 from his 24 matches in the UK, so bowlers willneed to be aware of the hard-hitting Englishman’s talent.

Prediction: Boys will become men this year at DCP, with Rovers to be the big mover and finish third on the ladder.


Last season: AGrade:sixth; BGrade:seventh;C Grade:third. Captain: Ryan Morley.

file photograph

IT was all doom and gloom this time last year, but Imperials surprised afew people early, notching up good wins against Rovers and Gormandale, before fading out late in the season.

It was areal‘club first’ effort last season, with manyplayers playing across all three gradestomakesure the club was ticking along and building astrong culture.

Ross Williams was superb with the ball, taking out the league bowling aggregate from the last placedteam in what was an amazing achievement, but with Brad Sizelandnot expecting to return from injury until late this season, he will need to again be the super dependable player Imps need.

With Sizeland out, it does leave young Lachlan Rickwood with an opportunity to fast track his spinners, and hopefully Ryan Bosch can shoot his shot with the new ball as well.

Batting was aconcern last season for Imps, and availabilityofplayersmay again mean this is an issue in 2022/23 as well.

After coming off an 800-runseason in the UK, Ryan Morley is primed and ready to go for abig season.

Full one dayseason using Dukeballs


Imperials vGormandale Toongabbie vExStudents GlengarryvRovers Yarram BYE


Gormandale vYarram Rovers vImperials

Ex Students vGlengarry Toongabbie BYE


Imperials vExStudents Glengarryv Toongabbie Yarram vRovers Gormandale BYE


Ex Students vYarram Toongabbie vImperials Gormandale vRovers Glengarry BYE



Toongabbie vYarram GlengarryvImperials Gormandale vExStudents Rovers BYE


Yarram vGlengarry Toongabbie vGormandale Ex Students vRovers Imperials BYE



Yarram vImperials Gormandale vGlengarry Rovers vToongabbie Ex Students BYE


Imperials vGormandale GlengarryvRovers Toongabbie vExStudents Yarram BYE

be with the ball.

The Gormandale BGrade team were nearly the fairytale story of season 2021/22, playing BGrade finals for the first time in 15 years and knocking off the reigning premiers in the semi, only to fall short against agood Rovers side.

The Tigers CGrade willhope they don’t set any more records this season and need to improve on some efforts from 2021/22.

One to watch: The return of Yohan Soyza has buoyed the club, and he will provide some excellent all-round talent and showsome of theseyounger players just how to approach each match.

Prediction: Gormandale has agood mixture of young and old players, but will need some luck along the way to play finals.It’s not completely out of the realms of possibility, but with other clubs around the competitionimproving

they are going to just miss out on finals again this season.


Last season:A Grade:sixth; BGrade:premiers; CGrade: sixth.

Captain:Dougal Williams.

ROVERS got busy after an unlucky season.

Having added theirfirst piece of silverware to the cabinet for the first time in 30 years, Rovers not only celebrated it hard but were left wanting more.

This desire has led to the club getting back big quick Mitch Floyd, who they missed drasticallylastseason as he not only provides some aggressive pace bowling but also ahunger to win and a real hard edge as well.

Imps’ BGrade can continue to blood the young players, while their CGrade are awalk up start to be back in the finals

One to watch: Imports are back in the TDCA and Imperials have agood one. Keep an eye on Tom Starkey this season, who Ryan Morleyisbringing back from theUKtotakethe field at Catterick Crescent. Starkey made 646 runsand claimed 38 wickets with the new ball for the Olicanian Cricket Club If he can replicate these sorts of stats for Imperials, they will not be taken lightly at all this season.

Prediction: Finals are still afew years awayfor Imperials, but they have been busy adding to the club with plenty of new players signing on. Their depth may be challenged but their fight is never an issue and for aclub who play their home ground so well, don’t think they won’t upset afew along the way this season.

Yarram vToongabbie Imperials vGlengarry Ex Students vGormandale Rovers BYE

ROUND 6, NOVEMBER 5 GlengarryvYarram Gormandale vToongabbie Rovers vExStudents Imperials vBYE


Yarram vImperials GlengarryvGormandale Toongabbie vRovers Ex Students BYE


Gormandale vImperials Rovers vGlengarry Ex Students vTonngabbie Yarram BYE

ROUND 9, NOVEMBER 26 Imperials vRovers GlengarryvExStudents Yarram vGormandale Toongabbie BYE

ROUND 10, DECEMBER 3 Rovers vYarram Ex Students vImperials Toongabbie vGlengarry Gormandale BYE

ROUND 11, DECEMBER 4 Imperials vToongabbie Rovers vGormandale Yarram vExStudents Glengarry BYE


Yarram vGormandale Rovers vImperials Ex Students vGlengarry Toongabbie BYE


Yarram vRovers Imperials vEx Students Glengarryv Toongabbie Gormandale BYE


Yarram vEx Students Toongabbie vImperials Gormandale vRovers Glengarry BYE


Yarram vToongabbie Imperials vGlengarry Ex Students vGormandale Rovers BYE


GlengarryvYarram Gormandale vToongabbie Rovers vExStudents ImperialsBYE


Yarram vImperials GlengarryvGormandale Toongabbie vRovers Ex Students BYE

The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 45
SEMIFINALS March 11 GRAND FINAL March18 Traralgon District Cricket Association First Grade Fixture2022/23 Conditioned: Imperials batsman Ryan Morley playedcricketinthe UK over winter file photograph Great expectations: Many arepredicting Rovers to be this season’s bolter in the TDCA. file photograph Exciting times: Cricketwill be played on turfinYarram thisseason. photograph supplied

SALE’S fairy tale run in the Reserves ended with aloss in the Gippsland League Grand Final.

The Magpies went down 10.9 (69) to 6.2 (38) at TedSummerton Reserve on Saturday, September 17

Playing aformidableopponent in Leongatha,the underdogs competed admirably.

The reservesprobably had the worst of the weather overall, as strongwinds and acool breeze made conditions difficult.

The Parrots led by 34 points at the main break and looked to run away with the game.

However, the Magpies responded in the third, outscoring their opponents.

At three quarter time, the margin was five goals -very doable in today’s football.

Sale coach Peter Morrisontook the step of asking the team to form acircle around him and link arms

as he addressed the side.

Arallying cry of “just play” was followed by inspiring words of “don’t walk in front of me -I may not follow; don’twalk behind -Imay not lead; walk beside me and be my friend”.

The Magpies battled out the last term, managing as many goals as the Parrots, but had to make do with running second on the day.

Josh Butcher wasbest for Sale,followed by Hayden Potts, Tom Campbell, Shane Fyfe, Jonty McGuiness and Jack Rietschel.

Therewas little time for Fyfetodwell on the result, andwithin amatterofminutes he was changed into his coachinggear to assist the senior team on the sidelines.

Best for Leongathawas Tim Sauvarin, Jacob Lamers,Dylan Garnham, RickyO’Loughlin,Steve Forrester and Ben Perry.

Essendon captain Dyson Heppell was on hand to congratulate his old club,embracing JoshSchelling during the post-match celebrations.

The win capped off adominant year for the


At the end of the regular season they were on top of the ladder with apercentage close to 550.

Leongatha wasblessed with exceptionaldepth in 2022, meaning many genuine senior players simply could not break into the main starting 22.

As aresult, the reserves had aplethora of senior quality players such as Nick Nagel, Rhett Kelly, Tallin Brill,LachieWright, MasonMcGannon, Sauvarin, Forrester, and Schelling.All namesthat would walk into the senior team at other clubs.

It would not be too outlandish to say Leongatha’s seconds fromthis year wouldbeatmostGippsland League senior sides.

Fair playtothe abovementioned names for their loyalty. Onecan only imagine the offers they get to play in the minor leagues.

You would be hard pressed to find abetter reserves side in Gippsland League history.

MAFFRA had two teams in junior Grand Finals.

The Eagles had awin in the Fourths, while the Thirds couldn’t quite get over the line.

The Fourths started the day with a12.9(81) to 8.3 (51) victory.

Maffra broke the game open in the second term, kicking five goals to take an unassailable lead.

Defender Ashton Wright took anumberoftelling marks, and looks aplayer for the future.

The team wasbuoyed to have Adelaide player and Maffra boy Sam Berry runner for the game.

Maffra Thirds lost to Warragul 8.16 (64) to 6.3 (39).

While they didn’t get the flag, Maffra did get the most unbelievable goal for the day.

In the third quarter, along kick inside 50 at the scoreboard end literally turned likeanoff-break and went through.

The win was fortunate timing as much as anything for the Guls, as they were able to get a number of players back from Gippsland Power.

Warragul only had 17 Thirds players available for the second semi due to Power still playing finals.

Conversely,Maffra waswithout Jonti Schuback andCodyBurgiel, both on Vic Country duty.

Leongatha twos are senior quality LEAGUE

FOLL: Jack Leslie (Sale), Shannen Lange

(Sale), Aiden Lindsay(Wonthaggi)

INTER: Ryan Sparkes(Wonthaggi), Brandon McDonald (Morwell), AlexCarr (Maffra), TomSchneider (Traralgon), Aaron Hillberg (Leongatha), NickGraham (Warragul).

COACH: Trent McMicking (Leongatha)



GK: Renee Cook (Warragul)

GD: Shannon Freeman (Morwell)

WD: Zali Anderson (Wonthaggi)

C: Nicola Marriott(Leongatha)

GA: Hannah Flanders(Leongatha)

WA: AlexMoody (Moe)

GS: DaisyHill (Morwell)

INTER: TaylahBrown (Leongatha), Tanya

Budge (Morwell), Jess Edgar (Leongatha), April Bethume (Drouin), RamayerGourley (Moe), AmyHarrison (Traralgon).

COACH: Rachel Patterson (Morwell)


Football: Tristen Waack(Morwell)

Netball: Sienna Green (Warragul)


Jacqui Banson (Bairnsdale),Alison Henderson (Drouin),ScottSkewes (Leongatha),Paul Shelton (Maffra) Clinton Taylor (Moe), John Pollutro(Morwell), David Allison (Sale), Dylan Loprese (Traralgon), David Skews(Warragul), Elise De Santis (Wonthaggi).

GOAT: Leongatha completed adominant season by winning the GippslandLeague Reservesflag Go Gulls: Warragulwon theThirds premiership Future stars: Maffraadded another cup to thecabinet,taking home the Fourthstitle photographs liam durkin Young stars: with Ned Hanily
BEST AND FAIREST FOOTBALL Seniors: TomMarriott(Leongatha) Reserves: Mason Porykali (Morwell) Thirds: Lachlan Allman (Maffra) Fourths: Oliver Wilson (Warragul) and Max Stobie (Maffra) NETBALL AGrade: Shannon Freeman (Morwell) BGrade: Kasie Rump (Leongatha) CGrade: Makenzi Gourlay(Leongatha) 17 and Under: Montanna Styles (Traralgon) 15 and Under: LaraGill(Leongatha) 13 and Under: Ella Bigham (Traralgon) MVP Football: Shannen Lange (Sale) Netball: Shannon Freeman (Morwell) LEADING GOAL KICKERS Senior: JedLamb (Warragul) 70 goals Reserves: CurtleyNettleton (Maffra) 57 goals Thirds: TomGray(Morwell) 41 goals Fourths: Marlon Neocleous (Traralgon) 48 goals LEADING SCORERS AGrade: Jess Edgar (Leongatha) 548 goals BGrade: Kate Sperling (Leongatha) 573 goals CGrade: Makenzi Gourlay(Leongatha) 376 goals 17 and Under: Kate VanDer Voort(Sale) 440 goals 15 and Under: Chloe Felsbourg(Maffra) 428 goals SENIOR FOOTBALL TEAM OF THE YEAR B: Will Leslie (Sale), Declan Keilty (Moe), Tye Hourigan (Traralgon) HB: Hudson Holmes (Maffra), Logan Austin (Bairnsdale), Cameron Stone (Leongatha) C: MarkCollison (Traralgon), TomMarriott (Leongatha), Boyd Bailey(Morwell) HF: Tristen Waack(Morwell), BrettEddy (Traralgon), Jack Hutchinson (Wonthaggi) F: Brad Dessent (Sale), JedLamb (Warragul), Aaron Heppell (Leongatha)
Page 46 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
Mr Consistent: Morwell’s Mason Porykali wonthe reservesbestand fairest.
Morwell’sTristen Waack(thirdfromleft) wonthe rookie of the year.Waackispictured
nominees Noah Anderson (Wonthaggi),
(Leongatha) and Randall Stewart(Bairnsdale). Reward: Traralgon’s Montanna Styles wonthe 17 and Under bestand fairest. Topmarks: Traralgon’s Ella Bigham with her league best and fairest. Effort: Morwell’sTom Gray wonthe thirds goalkicking Sharpshooter: Traralgon’s Marlon Neocleous took outthe fourths goalkicking Helping hand: Club membersand volunteers across the GippslandLeaguewererecognised. Line-up: Gippsland League AGrade netball team of theyear photographs gippslandleague Choc-a-block: Senior football team of theyear SEASON 2022 AWARD WINNERS

Marriott takes top award

IT’S not called Marriott’s Medal for nothing.

Leongatha superstar TomMarriott took out the TroodAward andRoddaMedal forthe Gippsland League senior best and fairest.

Thewin put Marriott in esteemed company as a multiple Trood Award and Rodda Medalist, going with his2018triumph.

Marriott won with 27 votes, two clear of Morwell young gun Tristen Waack.

Athree-vote game in the Parrots last game of the regular season gave Marriott the win.

Others to poll well were Sale’s Jack Leslie (22 votes), Wonthaggi captain Aiden Lindsay (19), and Sale’s Shannen Lange (17).

Lange still took home an award, taking out the Gippsland League MVP, (voted on by coaches after every game) for the second consecutive year.

There was also cause for Morwell officials to borrow from The Simpsons and sing ‘Oh Whacking Day’ after Waack was named the league’s Rookie of the Year.

As well as Waack, the Tigers had afew players on stage at league presentation.

Shannon Freeman won both the AGrade league best and fairest and MVP.

The defender chalked up 33 votes in the league count and 32 in the MVP.

Morwell’s Mason Porykali also won the reserves league best and fairest.

It was areturn to normal service for the reserves vote count,asaruckman againtook out the award.

While it is said the Brownlow Medal has become amidfielder’s award, one could argue the Gippsland League reserves best and fairest has become aruckman’s award. Recent winners havebeen JamesHeslop (Moe,2018), Chris Rump (Leongatha, 2017), Macklin Raine (Maffra, 2015) and Will Joplin (Wonthaggi, 2013) -all ruckmen.

The Gippsland League again had its vote count via alivestream, doing away with the need for tiresome vote counts and forcing clubs as far as Bairnsdale and Wonthaggi to travel to afunction centre in the Latrobe Valley.

Withthe winners known beforethe official presentation last Wednesday, the Gippsland League wasabletohold an efficient presentation night at theItalian Australian Club, Morwell.

The Gippsland League senior bestand fairestis named after former Sale player Victor Trood and Morwell’s Fred Rodda.

Trood played 41 games for University in the VFL, and donated an award to the league in 1928 and continued to do so for many years.

He went on to become the inaugural president of the Latrobe Valley Football League (Gippsland League) in 1954,and was inducted as alifemember in 1959.

Rodda tragically died from internal injuries in 1935, leading the then Central Gippsland Football League to rename its best and fairest award the Rodda Medal the following season.

After the CGFL disbandedand the remaining clubs joined the LVFL,the namesTrood and Rodda were enshrined onto the one award.


THREE: John Gallus -Bairnsdale/Maffra/Warragul (1969, 1970, 1975), Greg Morley- Traralgon (1992, 1998, 2003).

TWO: Bob Mason -Sale (1954, 1955)

SteveSzabo -Morwell (1960, 1965)

BarryRowlings -Moe (1973, 1974)

PeterHall -Traralgon (1977,1984)

David Vogel -Morwell (1978, 1982)

Jeff Gieschen -Maffra(1979, 1982)

RayMilldenhall -YYN (1981, 1983)

Jim Silvestro- Traralgon (1986, 1987)

Hayden Burgiel -Maffra(2001, 2004)

GaryJones -Maffra(2002, 2010)

Andrew Soumilas -Garfield/Drouin (2005, 2011)

NickHider -Maffra(2007,2008)

TomMarriott- Leongatha (2018,2022)

Churchill hunts $4M sports funding

THE Churchill sporting community is renewing its push for funding ahead of the upcoming state election for much-needed upgrades to Gaskin Park to replace outdated and dilapidated facilities.

Churchill Football-Netball Club vice-president Mark Answerth is calling on both sides of politics to commit funding to a $4 million master plan for arevamp that had been drawn up adecade ago.

Answerth said the facilities were more than 50 years old andwere riddled withasbestos,with “tiny” umpires’ rooms, no femalechangerooms or disability access.

The Gaskin Park master plan includes developing acommunity sporting hub for the football-netball, cricket and baseball clubs.

Designs include new changerooms, accessible toilets, two new netball courts and anew playing surface on the junior oval.

“These buildings are structurally unsound and not fit for purpose,all the boxes we should be ticking these days are not beingticked,” Answerthsaid.

“The back oval is apaddock, they can’t play cricketonitand it’s too wet and dangerous in winter. We are having trouble attractingnew families to the club with facilities like this.”

Answerth said the club was frustrated that nothing had been done more than 10 years since the master plan was drawn up.

“We were told if we had amasterplan then some money could be put towards it when it became available, but as soon as we got to the top of the list something else came up,” he said.

“We feel like we are second-class citizens compared to everyoneelse,we’vebeen waiting patiently. It’s now our turn to get somemoney spent on us.”

Latrobe CityCouncil had beenseeking state and federal funding for the Gaskin Park revamp,

and has put forward afunding application to get surface upgrades done.

Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath, said she wouldadvocate for funding after visiting the grounds with the candidate for Morwell Martin Cameron.

“It defies belief that there are no female specific facilities at Gaskin Park and no disability access, whilethe public toilets are antiquated, and the six netball teams share one court,” Ms Bath said.

The state governmenthas contributed $1

million for the Churchill United Soccer Club at the Hazlewood South Reserve, and another $1 million for six lighting projects across Latrobe City. It also provided $4.75 million in this year’s budget towards revamping the Traralgon Recreation Reserve as part of a$10-million Traralgon Flood Recovery Project.

Astate government spokesperson said applications for the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund were being assessed and would-be applicants would be notified in October.





Seniors: Ricky Cochrane (Boolarra) and TomCameron (Fish Creek)

Reserves: Josh Griffin(Toora)

Thirds: NickCummaudo (Mirboo North)


AGrade: KelseyAngwin (Toora)

BGrade: CarlaJenkins (Toora)

CGrade: Kate Torney (Morwell East)

DGrade: Kathryn Smith (Mirboo North)

17 andUnder: KirraJones (MDU)

15 andUnder: Mia Cheffers (Yinnar)

13 andUnder: Aleeah Munnich (Boolarra)





Seniors: Boadie Motton(Yarram)

Reserves: Michael O’Sullivan (Woodside)

Thirds: Lincon Sketcher (Woodside)


AGrade: Simone Turner (SaleCity)

BGrade:TessHansford(Sale City)

CGrade: Leah Leeson (Rosedale)

DGrade: Simone Brighton (Churchill)

17 andUnder: Lily Kerrison-Mae (Yarram)

15 andUnder: ChloeScott(Sale City)

Upgrades: Churchill Football-Netball Club president Michael Johnson and junior football club president Shannon Towers arehoping forfunding to revamp ageing facilities at Gaskin Park photograph michelle slater Clean sweep: Morwell’sShannonFreeman wonthe AGrade best and fairest and MVPfor the Gippsland League. file photograph
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 28 September, 2022 —Page 47
Printedand published by B.C. Ellen forElliott Gippsland Newspapers Pty.Ltd ACN004 634 333 and K.S.H. Investments Pty. Ltd. ACN 007 251845 at 21 George Street, Morwell 3840. The editor LiamDurkin accepts responsibility for electoral comment *Registered by Australian Post -PP349085/0002 Advertising 5135 4444 Classifieds 5135 4455 Email: Editorial 5135 4444 Quick linktoour website Audited Circulation 34,894 CONTACTS ADVERTISING Bookings: Thursday 12noon CLASSIFIEDSGeneral: GeneralMonday 3pm Deaths/Funerals: Monday3pm WEDNESDAY EXPRESS DEADLINES Address: 21 George Street,Morwell 3840 Telephone: 03 5135 4444 Office hours: Monday -Friday 9am -5pm GP1 637 14 7
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