Total Prestige Magazine

Page 1

TOTAL PRESTIGE Aurum Advisors President creAtes 7137% meteorite rise for comPAny revenues

the entrePreneur

mArc lubAszka

President of Aurum Advisors exclusive interview

JOSEPH JACKSON fAther of the first royAl fAmily of music

FAWAZ GRUOSI the history of A PAssionAte creAtor

rolls-royce Ghost beyond luxury totAlPrestiGe diAmond cArd

motor sPort country club Special premier edition 6.95 eUr Vol 1/ no.1 $11.95 canada $9.95 USa

JAiMie HiLFigeR By John Pecos

Jaimie Hilfiger was born on August 28 in upstate New York. She was raised in New Windsor, NY with a strong background in performing. Jaimie is the niece of legendary fashion designer, Tommy Hilfiger. Jaimie attended The University of Central Florida and graduated with a degree in Broadcast Media. Once moving back to New York City she began working as a Hawaiian Tropic Model and becoming Miss Howard Stern TV. Modeling soon became her full-time career and she has appeared on several magazine and book covers, calendars, full page magazine spreads, featured stories, and ad-campaigns. To further her television career Jaimie moved to Los Angeles in early 2009. Since moving she has had the opportunity to appear in many commercials, hit television shows, hosting segments, and Red Carpet events. Jaimie Hilfiger is now splitting her time between Beverly Hills, CA and NY, NY. Her goal someday is to have her own self-titled talk show to help others find health and well-being in life. Contact manager info: Marco Derhy 310.613.2773



e xcLusive

• Marc Lubaszka ..............................8

• a Mediterranean paradise,.................56

the entrepreneur With the GoLden touch


private resort

F ine L ivinG d one

p eopLe & e vents

• Motors port country cLub ..........23

• super cars ........................................40 • vacheron Grand openinGs.................46

W hat M oney c an b uy …? • roLLs-royce Ghost.......................20

e ntertainMent

L iFe s tyLe

• MeMory oF MichaeL Jackson..............48 • the Jackson FaMiLy center .................52 in Gary, indiana

• totaLprestiGe diaMond card ........65 • the scene ....................................29

p oWer & passion

Fashion & b eauty • cheryL FudGe .....................................31 • victoria's secret................................71

• FaWaz Gruosi ...............................34

President rose Marie Perez Publisher simon sahouri

editOrs bob rind Alex lightman

COntributing Writers Ahn'na^. hargrove bob rind eddie sahouri Alex lightman Paul Voth John Pecos dina hall Pete Allman

MAnAging editOr John Pecos

direCtOr Of sAles & MArKeting dina hall

direCtOrs Of entertAinMent & PubliC relAtiOns Michelle Czernin von Chudenitz Pete Allman

sAles exeCutiVe (AsiA) Kim dinh

exeCutiVe direCtOr Of sOCiAl eVents Kenneth hall

legAl COnsult don barton Attorney at law

executive Vice President - OP Marco derhy executive Vice President - Cr eddie sahuri


PhOtOgrAPhers dina hall Joaquin Compta Palacin ladi novotny

design & lAyOut KrAehenKOMitee graphic group berlin ACKnOWledgeMents City of las Vegas Cultural & Community Affairs City of gary, indiana hollywood Arts Council hollywood Chamber of Commerce las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority las Vegas news bureau los Angeles Cultural Affairs dept. university of nevada, las Vegas Cannes film Market and festival (france) City of Cannes tourist bureau (france) Promevent & Media, germany Jackson family foundations City of Monaco, france grAPhiC design & PrOduCtiOn fOr AdVertising rAtes & infOrMAtiOn

Website WWW.tOtAlPrestigeMAgAzine.COM WWW.lVhMAgAzine.COM WWW.tOtAlPrestige.COM e-MAil sAles@lVhMAgAzine.COM tOtAl Prestige MAgAzine is nOt resPOnsible fOr inCOrreCt PriCing Or infOrMAtiOn listed Or fOr the lOss Or dAMge tO unsOliCited MAnusCriPts stAteMents, OPiniOns, PhOtOgrAPhs And POints Of VieW exPressed by Writers And AdVertisers Are their OWn And dO nOt neCessArily rePresent thOse Of the Publisher.COPyright 2010 by tOtAl Prestige MAgAzine/ lAs VegAs hOllyWOOd/ lVh MAgAzine- lAs VegAs, neVAdA, CAlifOrniA, usA eurOPe, AsiA, Middle eAst, AfriCA, nO PArt Of the PubliCAtiOn MAy be rePrOduCed, in WhOle Or PArt WithOut PriOr Written PreMissiOn frOM the Publisher. All rights reserVed

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Letter from the President

Letter from the PubLisher

i am delighted to present to you this first issue of totalprestige magazine. A long time dream come true and i want to express my special thanks to mr simon sahouri, President/Publisher of Las Vegas hollywood magazine. We have maintained a very cordial business relation for few years and in march 2010 we officially joined my innovative ideas and his publishing experience to publish totalPrestige magazine in print as an elite publication targeted to the discerning aficionados with a passion for the finest and best things in life. it was also a pleasure to welcome mr sahouri as a new honorary President at totalPrestige Community, as mr. Joseph Jackson is the Chairman of the Jackson family foundation and mr. sahouri is the President. ( ) A foundation established by Joseph and Katherine Jackson for the purpose of developing the Jackson family museum & Cultural Center and michael Jackson Performing Arts Center & Concert hall in the birthplace of the Jackson musical family; Gary, indiana, as both a memorial to their son michael and a tribute to their entire family. in addition, the Jackson family Charitable foundation will support cultural, social and educational projects carrying on the philanthropic work of michael Jackson.


Simon Sahouri, Mayor Rudy Clay and Joseph Jackson

i want to express my thanks and my appreciation to everyone who has contributed and helped in the creation of this special edition of totalPrestige magazine

totalprestige Community is supporting “the million dollar Challenge” fund-raising project, aimed at raising one million dollars on behalf of the totalprestige foundation and the charities selected by its honorary Presidents. We are glad to add the Jackson family foundation as new beneficiary charity

every one we have interviewed from around the world had great appreciation of what we are presenting our first Premier issue, this opportunity presented itself to thank all those involved from Advertisers, to sponsors to writers, and designers and especial to rose marie Parez the President of totalprestige magazine for giving us this opportunity to publish such an exquisite and luxury magazine and to marco derhy for his creativity, knowledge and continuous support, and special thanks to shawn Andrew for his support and help.

· the project river of Life as suggested by Princess elfi odo-dua of benin, Germany. · the project “4 my Planet”,chosen by h.s.h. Princess Karina bagration-moukhransky, ukraine · the ireo foundation - united nations, as proposed by mr Paolo Zampolli, new York. · fundació Juvanteny chosen by mr Lorenzo Quinn, barcelona -spain. · the robin hood foundation, nominated by mr ransel newcombe Potter, new York. · the Jackson family foundation, chosen by mr simon sahouri, Las Vegas

We recognize and honor one of the greatest men in the music industry for the effect that he has brought to the world through his persistence, vision and determination, in creating super stars that supersede any stars in the entertainment and music industry, where as their music and songs has touched every home and every soul in the world, this man is Joseph Jackson, father of the first royal family of music and the Creator of the Jackson five, a name that will be remembered for all the years to come and it will flourish through the years.

my special thanks and gratitude to the honorary Presidents for their support and priceless advices and help.

my special thanks to marc Lubaszka, president of Aurum Advisors for his support.

i want to express my special thanks to mr. marco dhery, for his great work and his fabulous creativity, and to our main sponsors in the magazine mr. marc Lubaszka president of Aurum Advisors and to every one that helped in creating our first premier edition from advertisers, to writers to designers and to all the members of the totalprestige Community.

We have evolved through the years, as we have reached out to other countries and other regions in the world, we do thank you for reading and enjoying our magazine. totalprestige magazine is proud to support the new Jackson family Center.



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The enTrepreneur


Editor: AlEx lightmAn PhotoS: JoAquin ComPtA PAlACin ProduCEr: mArCo dErhy


How do you define success? Success to me is the constant pursuit of worthy goals and expansion during difficult times. When times are good, it’s easy to make bold plans. True success is measured when times are tough and you perform well anyway. For me, my greatest victories have occurred while my back was against the wall with time running out. I have found I do my best work under 10

pressure. Difficult times are defining times. You either fold or move ahead. How did your journey to success begin? As a child I had a fascination with money, especially shiny gold and silver coins. I wanted more and more of shinnies because I realized early that money was the means by which you could accomplish almost

anything in the world. You could eliminate suffering, create peace, start wars, end wars, help people, and buy places and things. I never wanted to be limited by my choices or by my environment. I was determined to find solutions to my own problems and understood the role that money played in the process. What did I do? I went to work with my father in hopes that I could someday be the boss and I did manage

to pull together a bunch of silver coinage from going to the job site with my dad, chores around the house and odd jobs that I got from the neighbors. By the time I turned 15, I had started a small business and began working for myself, which I liked. At age 18 my roommate in college and I wanted to figure out how we could make money while we slept. 11

I thought I would be moving in the right direction if I could do that and it would lead to my ultimate goal financial independence. So here we were running around town with a business plan that we had painstakingly put together and revised and revised and revised over the course of months. Looking back now it’s kind of funny because we thought the emphasis was in the plan. And I thought “the plan” was the


most important variable in the “raising a small amount of seed capital” formula which at the time was only $250,000. Here we are taking meetings with friends, family, basically anyone who would lend an open ear never actually understanding how any of the meetings went. I remember believing that when someone said “I

want to think about it” that it was a good sign instead of a polite blow off. After attending over 100 meetings and hearing the word “no” a lot more than the word yes, we had our money. The money that we had raised went into the world’s first live online reality show. This was back when dial up modems were the norm and most people preferred to chat over telephone lines instead of shooting off a quick email. I realized

the importance of getting one’s message out on a national and global level. I also understood that the Internet was going to change not only how we did business but also how we lived in a revolutionary way and I wanted to be a part of the revolution, a big part of it. So after a year my partner and I went our separate ways. His vision for the company was drastically different from mine and I wanted to change not only


the business I was in but I also wanted to take a step back and gain a better understanding of where I thought things were going economically. In 1999 the tech and Internet sectors had not fully imploded. Money was being made by brokers who believed we were in a new era and that all of the old rules were out and money could be made hand over fist indefinitely. I had friends doing well in real estate. It was a good time for most in this country. Too good, I thought. I thought it unlikely that after a boom period there wouldn't be a bust. So I decided to move in the direction of Gold. Gold at that time had underperformed everything, and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING for the prior 20 years. I had always grown accustomed to taking the unpopular route so when I thought about getting into the gold market it just felt right. Shortly thereafter, I applied at the most highly endorsed gold brokerage in the country. I thought if I learned how to sell gold bars and gold coins to investors on a national scale now I would be well positioned when real estate and the stock market collapsed. So that’s what I did. I was the youngest broker when I started by over a decade. This was good and bad. It was good because I didn't have any of the wrong experience and it was bad because I didn't have any of the right experience either. After learning everything about how to a reputable gold business is managed, over four very challenging years, the goal setting bug bit me again, and I formed what is now Aurum Advisors. We are just beginning our seventh year. I like to think that I learned the right lessons from my first gold experience, as I’ve been able to grow my company’s revenue by over 7,000% by treating people right. You have been interviewed on CNBC, national radio programs, and the International Business Times. Additionally, you have been quoted on, Market Watch, Reuters, and AOL Money and Finance – explain the media’s interest in you. I believe the media has stayed interested in what I say and do because every prediction I made publicly over the last decade has turned out to be completely accurate while almost every major analyst, financier, banker, and government official got everything wrong. Business media exists to find the people who know how to help people money by making the right calls without making the wrong calls and I delivered. The goods time after time. I predicted oil to rise sub14

stantially in 1999 and it’s up over 500% since then. I recommended investors buy gold at $265 an ounce in 2000 $11 above its 22 year low. Gold is up over 300% since then. I began recommending investors get out of the US dollar in 2002 before the dollar dropped over 30%. I suggested exiting real estate about 6 months before housing prices began their descent. I recommended investors buy silver at $4 an ounce and silver is now up over 400% since then. Business media has an interest in me because I have been one of the only voices in this country able to tell people what to expect ahead of time. I have been able to help people prevent loss and make money du-

ring the most challenging decade since the great depression. I know that not a lot of people who start from scratch end up where I am currently. I currently run a successful gold brokerage that provides its clients with an asset that has true value, not just the representation of value and that is reflective of my life on a broader scale. Many people today try to appear as if they have everything under control. I look to help others get things under control financially now and

on an ongoing basis. The media loves real stories. You see, if you can provide something to someone at a reasonable price that does what it says it is supposed to do then the rest will take care of itself. I have learned that it is easier and better to give people what they want even if it goes against what I believe is best for that person. Luckily, with gold, there is consistency. Worldwide investors believe having some of their money in gold will provide them with security and additional Growth and peace of mind because if you aren't making the world better then you are allowing it to get worse. Who wants to be part of the problem? If anything, I believe it is important to find solutions to the threats facing the world today.

And the threats are plentiful. There is no shortage of true threats. It seems as if the fabric of society is being torn apart piece by piece in a methodical systematic way. Some would disagree but others would agree because the quality of their life has continued to disintegrate and America has always represented freedom and opportunity. The US has a “good hearted in general” approach whether the challenge relates to business, social or political issues. America has always

set the stage for the rest of the world since its founding as an independent nation. Not what are we experiencing? We are experiencing a world that is becoming more familiar with struggle and sacrifice not on its own accord in attempts to get ahead but from a place of having to, because the system has broken down. Sacrifice is now a requirement of survival and survival alone has become the focus of the present moment. Why are you so private? My attention has been and will continue to be on what matters most to me and that is my company Aurum Advisors. I have a responsibility to our clients. They depend on my advice. They depend on my recommendations which come from observations that I make on a continuous and ongoing basis. I have made the choice and commitment to constantly observe what happens in the financial media, which I feel it gives me an edge. I do think fame can be used as a tool and there are benefits that come along with being in the spotlight. I personally have just always been introverted. Tell us about some of your greatest influences. I have had many influences in my life, first and foremost my parents. They taught me to value hard work, how to value a job done well, and how important it is to get back on the horse if it bucks you off . My father always emphasized how important it was after getting knocked down to just get up and keep going. Getting up was always required while I was growing up. My father wasn’t the kind to say, “Oh, you are unhappy? Don't worry about it”. He’d say “Get back into it and get it done.” Weakness and passivity were always frowned upon. Punishment or should I say the threat of punishment were usually enough to keep us in line, a line that I challenged from time to time but I did stay more or less in line. Both my parents showed me the value of keeping commitments. When you say to someone “I promise” you always keep your promise. In my family we said, “It’s done” because that was the same thing for us. This focus on keeping my word has enabled me to build a solid reputation with investors, and I thank my father for that. My father emphasized that in an uncertain world that as long as you can count on the truth of your own word, you can keep moving forward towards achieving your goals.


This approach allowed me to fight through challenges I wasn’t expecting and allowed me to appreciate the good things. I feel fortunate when I receive a gift or a break. The easy times are pleasant for me because I never expect them. The tough times I always expect and I am constantly prepared for. Work ethic triumphs everything else. Outworking the other guy is more important than anything else because outworking someone is a matter of will and will is a quality you can build through effort. To this day I am usually the first one in and the last one to leave my office. For years I had a rollaway bed in my office and still to this day I keep a pair of pajamas in my desk drawer. The 19th century natural philosophers, Thorough and Emerson, were influences on me as well. Here in America many people blur the line between “needs” and “wants”. For many years I liked spending money only on what I needed. I enjoyed eliminating all wants. I found it fascinating to sit down at the end of each month and focus on what I spent for that period and calculate the requirement needed to satisfy obligations. The money left over would then be looked at and I enjoyed seeing how small of a percentage I needed from sales to satisfy my survival. The excess cash would then be reinvested back into my company or given away as a charitable contribution.

tances that gave them that opportunity. Third, my family. My family is important and luckily my family is self sustaining so whenever I can draw from my experience to provide my family with advice, encouragement, or understanding I feel like I am moving in the right direction. Aside from that I believe success is something that is developed on an ongoing basis we are constantly getting better or worse we are never staying the same so the important question becomes How is your continued success effecting the people you care about. Place in the world enhancing the experience of others?

Were you ever influenced by other entrepreneurs? Any small business owner, CEO, or president of any corporation that I could talk to growing up or anyone who realized his or her dreams in any real way were people I would take the time to interact with. I wanted to be around people that lived their dreams and lived the lives that others wished they had so that I one day could do the same. And now I am. I can say with great certainty that I currently wouldn't change anything about my life, not a single thing. So when people ask “what would you like to do differently in your life?” the answer is always the same. I would like to do more of what I am already doing. And what is that?

What is your Perspective on Life? I know how to be happy with everything I have, good and bad, while I pursue everything that I want. This keeps me in a continuous state of appreciation and it forces me to take an active role in designing the things that contribute to my happiness.

First, I would like to continue helping the people around me better their lives. That gives me more satisfaction than anything in the world. I want to be surrounded by people that are dedicated to living lives that are great whatever that means to them. Second, I am committed to helping people I don't know in ways that are unexpected to them. It is always nice when we “catch a break” I like being the guy that causes that “break” for others without that person realizing it. When someone I don't know has an experience and they walk away going “wow - did I luck out!” I want them to be unaware that it was me that created that opportunity or the set of circums16

Does The Attention Get To You? The attention never really gets to me because most of the attention is focused on my company and on gold and fortunately almost 100% of the attention has been positive over the last 10 years. Aurum Advisors also takes a responsible approach with our clients. The majority of our clients understand that a small amount of gold goes a long way. Most of our clients have the majority of their portfolio invested in other areas and they just use gold as an insurance policy. They want to make sure they have something to fall back on so our ability to provide security is looked at favorably.

What Drives You? I am driven by a desire to make a difference in the world. When I die I want to know that I did my best and whatever I could to help the people around me with their lives in any way I could. I think it is so important to make a commitment early on to others. It doesn't have to be a big commitment but I do think it is important to be committed to others in a very fundamental way. This doesn't mean I will always get things right. It doesn't mean I will always make a contribution in the way other would like to see but it does mean I have the desire and I am working towards enhancing the lives of others. And I think if everyone did just that on any level we would be much better off, as a world. What is your favorite city in the world? My favorite city is my hometown Chicago. There are a lot of great cities in the world and I like cities everywhere for different reasons. I guess Chicago to me has a special place in my heart because my entire family is still back there. My mom has 11 brothers


and sisters and when you look at the entire family the head count is in the hundreds, so holidays are always a blast, and everyone knows how to have a good time. I also like parts of South America. Being from Chicago I can certainly appreciate tropical weather. Miami comes to mind. I liked Sydney when I was there a few years ago on business. I was fascinated with Shanghai. I was there meeting with officials from the Shanghai Gold Exchange some years back. It was interesting to see how massive that city was, I believe you can fit five New York cites in to one Shanghai. What is the importance of money in your life?


Money is very important but then again so is everything else in my life. It is all important. Money, family, faith, friends, travel…it’s all very important to me. I don’t take any of it for granted. I appreciate it all. I really appreciate all of it. Balance or should I say the lack of balance around money should never be neglected. Living below ones means, doing the right things with money, giving some away – there is a value in all of it. What is the secret of your success? Work every day to make your customers successful. It takes ten thousand hours to be skilled at an area.

Success, at least for me, was very difficult to earn. I was willing to sacrifice everything - relationships, vacations, weekends, health – I knew early on what I wanted my life to look like and I was willing to sacrifice everything in order to create the life I wanted. Continuous self education was also very important. Luck plays a role. Being in the right place at the wrong time. A tremendous work ethic. Being well capitalized. Building the right team. Having the right skill set. Having a competitive advantage. These are a few of the ingredients. Ultimately, if you want to succeed you have to take a big risk. The greater the risk the greater the potential reward. Now that’s the

first part. The second part is the more difficult part. The second part is staying successful once you are successful. How are you able to achieve success in a short period? I was never able to achieve success in a short period of time. I got great at one thing – helping investors make the right moves related to gold. I got a few of the big things right and I did a lot of the little things right everyday and over time it all added up. I never bought into a get rich quick scheme. In fact, I have never bought a lottery ticket or played a slot machine in Vegas.


RollS-Royce GHOST


By TotalPrestige Staff

Autumn 2006, Paris motor show: Rolls-Royce Motor cars announced that work had begun on a new model series. The new car would be in production and on sale by the turn of the decade. The only other facts confirmed at that stage were that it would be smaller than the Phantom saloon and priced somewhere between â‚Ź200,000 and â‚Ź300,000 before tax. Speculation about its style and specification began almost immediately...


Little was seen of the new car, codenamed RR4, until the spring of 2008, when Rolls-Royce released the first official sketches. The styling was instantly recog-

marque, delivering 563 bhp with extraordinary performance figures. It would ride on an intelligent air suspension system offering peerless ride and dynamics. And it would be called Ghost. “Ghost is one of the most revered names in automotive industry,” said Tom Purves. “It evokes images of adventure and technical innovation. The first cars to bear the Ghost name were known not only for impressive dependability and refinement but also great flair and style.”

nisable as a Rolls-Royce, although less traditional than previous models. At the time Chief Designer, Ian Cameron, said, “The RR4 has a more informal presence than the Phantom models with a greater emphasis on driving. In design terms this is expressed through its slightly smaller dimensions, yet with powerful, purposeful proportions. It is a true and uncompromising Rolls-Royce in every sense.” As sightings of secret development models on the road increased, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars unveiled 200EX, the experimental forerunner to Ghost, at the Geneva motor show in March 2009. An instant hit, 200EX bore the trademark Rolls-Royce design cues but in altogether more compelling fashion. It was a clear statement of intent. What the design team was seeking to create was a modern RollsRoyce that achieved a new dynamism but remained true to its luxurious heritage. They had found inspiration in contemporary furniture, architecture and yachts but also in the spirit of the 1930s – that sense of adventure and endeavour – which they wanted to capture in the character of this new car. After the show, 200EX embarked on a world tour, during which further information about the forthcoming production model became available. It would be powered by a new 6.6 litre V12 unique to the


Following the overwhelmingly positive reaction to 200EX during its travels, very few changes were made in the transition to the production Ghost – a tribute to the remarkable achievements of Ian Cameron’s and Helmut Riedl’s design and engineering teams. In September 2009, the new Rolls-Royce Ghost was formally launched to the world. Ghost is a vision of simplicity – of taking the core values of Rolls-Royce and creating contemporary effortless luxury. Ghost has been engineered to ride

and drive in peerless fashion. The chassis’ poise delivers a dynamically engaging experience for the driver, yet a serene, comfortable ride for passengers. Engine power is delivered in a manner which has become an engineering signature, seemingly effortlessly and endlessly. The latest in-car technology falls easily to hand while forming part of the background.

The S c e n e By Pete Allman

This year, the Oscars did a tribute to horror films, during which, the presenters lamented that these films don’t get the recognition they deserve. Perhaps these presenters have been living in a time capsule because, over and over, we see these small independent horror films become cult classics and launch the careers of some of our greatest directors (Polanski, Rami, Jackson). Meet THE BIRCHWOOD CRUSHER, a gleefully revolting script that begins when two coquettish, wannabee journalists lead some rogue classmates into the woods. There, they contract a supernatural virus that makes the person you pass it to hallucinate until they go mad and kill you. Think SCOOBY DOO

meets 28 DAYS LATER. Crusher carries with it, a crew of young, driven horror buffs. Director, Ryan Spindell’s horror short, KIRKSDALE filled

Marco Derhy and Simon Sahouri, Cannes

a screaming theatre at Tribeca last year. Writer and actress, Shira Zimbeck , is a hot young female writer with a mind that would make her male peers blush. Cinematographer Phil Parmet’s camera guided us through “The Devil’s Rejects” and “Halloween.”We are seeking one or more investors to participate for financing BIRCHWOOD CRUSHER, a low-budget ($1.3 M) horror comedy feature film. Crusher will capture a very loyal and large horror audience base and, through its characters, the indie audi-

Lara Barakat, Joe Jackson, Deema Barakat, Basem Barakat In Vegas


ence as well. We plan to aggressively pursue large box office, DVD, and international sales. Our timeline is aggressive, with the hope to begin shooting in late summer or early fall. Therefore, we would like to talk with you further about THE BIRCHWOD CRUSHER. Contact: Eugene Mandelcorn French Message Unit +33 (0)9 70 46 83 26, U.S. number 323-786-6692 E-mail Sandra Lupercio was born in Monterrey, Mexico. She has been living in Paris for 20 years and is engaged in a wide range of activities. She

Marco Derhy

Sandra Lupercio & French Actress Firmine Richard

and women. This year, she will participate in the annual Cannes Film Festival; she handles the communications side for the Swiss company. Pete Allman is a Las Vegas and Los Angeles commentator, broadcast personality, and producer of television commercials and half hour entertainment programs.He has interviewed over 30,000 movie and sports personalities Mr. Allman’s interviews are distributed through edmagiktv, peteonthescenechannel, and other print and internet outlets and Celebrity endorsement. Contact Pete Allman at

specializes in communication, marketing, and public relations. She has organized many events, such as art exhibitions, film previews, fashion shows, concerts, etc. Her global work experience in several fields has led her to gain an eclectic list of contacts and connections. In addition, she is also a journalist. She has interviewed many personalities in the arts, fashion industry, politicians, businessmen

Marco Derhy, Rose Marie Perez and Simon Sahouri



unCanny ability to transForm

luxurious vintage FabriCs into upsCale garments is a giFt to us From the design gods. And now, thanks to her success, we can enjoy it in more places than just the island of Nantucket with the upcoming opening of the new soaring Cheryl Fudge flagship store at 1010 Montana Avenue in Santa Monica, a summer Fashion Camp at the exclusive Malibu Country Mart, and plans to add locations up and down the coast in coming months. “We've just had so many celebrities and other devoted clientele from off-island visiting us for years asking why couldn’t we open one where they live,” says Fudge, “I decided to take the leap to the west coast, specifically LA and Malibu, where a significant part of our customer base lives,” says Fudge, “It's also where women who want to cultivate their own unique style and who want to do it as uniquely as possible thrive.” In fact, that's why people have flocked in fashionable droves to Fudge's Nantucket island Mecca for years. With the idea of purchasing pieces that nobody else will be wearing while sipping at a cocktail party or networking at a high-end fundraiser, island visitors have found this approach to getting dressed up extremely appealing. No doubt her hand-dyed fabrics and ethereal couture designs created from col-

lectible vintage silk scarves and rich fabrics have enticed them as well. And no two women have ever been seen in Cheryl Fudge’s clothing because each piece is one-of-a-kind. But let it never be said Fudge's penchant for designing pretty things is all exclusive, she wants to inspire you to design your own clothing by tapping into your inherent creative juices at “Fashion Camp.” Her camp that started seven years ago as a way to keep her customers' kids busy while they shopped, has now evolved into an experience that was voted "Top 10 Things to do on Nantucket" by Country Living magazine. And a summer booking has now become as elusive a reservation as a table at The Pearl, Nantucket's Tony restaurant across the street. Camp “designers” of all ages create their own clothing choosing from 1,000's of different vintage patches, ribbons, trims and styles. "We encourage kids to choose their own options, and we guide them through it. They know exactly what they want, and they are very proud to wear it afterward. It is about being creative, and building self-esteem. We actually don't think of ourselves as retail at all we think of ourselves as a 'design experience'," says Fudge. So in-demand are her parties that a recent private birthday party package deal went for $20,000 at the Storybook Charity Ball live auction for Mass General Hospital in Boston. Not to mention Fudge was recently jetted out to LA to host a Sweet 16 birthday party where she designed with teens for two hours, had her stitchers sewing the partygoers designs on-site, and then did a fashion show with the clothes they made. “We had a videographer that made DVD’s of the kid’s 31


fashion show complete with a runway and music. They were able to design their own runway show with what they made. It was instantaneous and selfmade, and everyone absolutely loved it. They are already planning their next party with me,” says Fudge, adding that the clients were loyal shoppers at her Nantucket boutique.

This is nothing new though to Fudge. Hollywood’s stylish set has followed her for years.

Fudge also offers free fashion camp for Autistic children, inspired by former NBC CEO Bob Wright and his wife Suzanne, both devoted Nantucketers, who started Autism Speaks after finding out their grandchild had autism. “After a breakfast I had with Suzanne, I was inspired to offer free fashion camps during the summer at our Nantucket store. We block off scheduled studio times to accommodate families that might find it difficult to participate in a public group setting and offer them private classes in the summer.” Certain social circles are circulating the scoop about Fashion Camp as well. Catherine Zeta Jones' and “Curb Your Enthusiasm's” Cheryl Hines' kids took part in her Fashion Camp this past summer on Nantucket.

When all is said and done, the captivating designer hopes to create a fashion empire based on a core goal of making fashion fun to wear while encouraging the inner designer in all of us. So far so good! Look for Cheryl Fudge on the Samantha Brown show on the Travel Channel May 27 and a satellite Fashion Camp this summer at Malibu Country Cheryl Fudge 1010 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica Tel 310.393.3333 23 Federal Street, Nantucket tel 508.228.9155 Malibu Country Mart, Malibu



GrUoSI The hISTory of A PASSIonATe CreATor H

e is the soul of the Company, its founder and creator. He leaves his daring mark on every single piece designed for de GRISOGONO. For Fawaz Gruosi, everything began one day in 1952‌ President, owner and founder of the company de GRISOGONO, nothing predestined Fawaz Gruosi to become one of the most sought-after watchmakers and jewellers of his generation. Born on the 8th of August 1952, he spent his childhood in Florence with his mother. Driven by the need to find a job, but also out of interest in beauty and art in general, he left school at 18 in order to train as a sales assistant with a famous Florentine jeweller. Seven years later, the latter asked Fawaz Gruosi to oversee the opening of a new store in London, first as a consultant to the firm, a position that quickly saw him evolve into store manager for a period of four years. At only 30, he was noticed by the Alizera family, official agent to Harry Winston, who offered him the position of representative in Saudi Arabia. Enterprising and dynamic, Fawaz Gruosi agreed to take up the challenge. After three years, he returned to Europe, where he was immediately contacted by the Bulgari company. Gianni Bulgari, a cult name in the world of jewellery, created a new position for him within Bulgari Precious Trading, putting his complete trust in him. He thus became the first within the group to have access to the brand new high-jewellery collections, which he would be responsible for selling worldwide, except for the Bulgari stores, of which there were only eight back then. A fantastic field of opportunities opened up before Fawaz Gruosi, enabling him to fill up his address book with the numerous relationships he built up. It was a unique and extremely enriching experience, but when Gianni Bulgari left the company, he decided to follow suit and stand on his own two feet. In 1993, without any commercial strategy, he founded de GRISOGONO with two associates. Based in rue du Rhône in Geneva, Fawaz Gruosi offered his customers exclusive art objects and began to express his creativity through inventive and precious jewellery. Shortly after, the de GRISOGONO style took shape through ever more surprising designs and volumes.




In 1996, not even a year after Fawaz Gruosi parted company with his two associates, a new chapter opened for de GRISOGONO. Driven by a continuous urge to anticipate trends without fearing to stray from the beaten track, Fawaz Gruosi restored the prestige of black diamonds, which had been neglected by jewellers for decades. Indeed, he discovered a 190 carat gem called “Black Orlov” as he came across it by chance whilst reading. Fawaz Gruosi was literally fascinated by this black diamond. He then decided to dedicate to it an absolutely unique jewellery collection, which met with rapturous acclaim. Only three years after its launching, the per carat price of the black diamond literally exploded on the precious stones market – quite an unprecedented event! Today, these black diamonds adorn necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets, wonderfully enhancing voluptuous pearls, blazing rubies, deep emeralds, or quite simply white diamonds. Encouraged by his unexpected success, Fawaz Gruosi kept trusting his instincts. His jewellery creations, recognizable amongst thousands, seduced the customers and surprised the professionals. In 2000, after acquiring considerable experience as a jeweller, Fawaz Gruosi chose to enter the world of watchmaking and presented his first-ever watch at BaselWorld. He called it Instrumento N°Uno. It was only the first in a series of successes. Thanks to Fawaz Gruosi’s inventiveness, the de GRISOGONO Company, launched more than 20 watch collections between 2000 and 2009, all distinguishing themselves on exclusive and original designs. At the same time, de GRISOGONO’s jewellery collections were enriched with new designs using stingray (galuchat), opalescent diamonds – “Icy Diamonds” – or a new shade of gold with a brown glint called “Browny Brown Gold”. All these inventions have been praised by the customers and are a testimony to Fawaz Gruosi’s insatiable inspiration. Fawaz Gruosi has always been inventive. Neither gemmologist nor designer, he owes his success in the first place to his passion and curiosity

and, no doubt, to his genuine creative talent. Avoiding fashionable gimmicks, he plays with trends, sometimes against the tide, only listening to his inspiration. “Everything I see around me, in nature or in everyday objects, is a source of inspiration”, he confides. He trusts his intuitions, always refusing to give way before what others would deem impossible. He follows no commercial rules, and still suc-

ceeds in everything he does. A hard worker whose uncompromising, demanding nature is here to serve the highest standards, Fawaz Gruosi willingly admits to being impatient. “I like reactivity, I want things to move fast”, he confides. “The people who work with me must accept that”. Also, he never takes a holiday! “ I find it very hard to relax, some people even think that I am a maniac”. He also has very few spare-time activities, but many passions, such 37

as dogs, good wine and good food; alas, too often unquenched, due to a lack of time. Still he manages to keep some spare time for his daughters, Allegra and Violetta. Fawaz Gruosi is also on the watch when it comes to acquire antiques – preferably Florentine – or works of art. “As far as my collections of objects or paintings are concerned, I trust my intuition, as for everything else. It doesn’t matter whether it is a classical or a contemporary piece, I am simply an aesthete.” An implacable truth that has been evidenced for 15 years, through the watch and jewellery collections by de GRISOGONO, revealing with every piece the daring passion of their creator. When asked? I do things out of passion , I create out of Instinct. He is an atypical entrepreneur. By dint of daring and creativity, this passionate man has turned de GRISOGONO into an internationally recognized brand. how do you see de GrISoGono’s achievements in the last 16 years? In the first place, I really want to emphasize that de GRISOGONO’s success is based on teamwork. I haven’t made de GRISOGONO on my

own. As a founder, president and designer, it is true that my role is on the foreground, to create the buzz through our creations and our events; however, I am only the standard bearer of an enthusiast and motivated team. There lies, without a doubt, one of our strengths: there is a team spirit at de GRISOGONO, and we must ensure that we perpetuate it as the company grows. de GRISOGONO has experienced spectacular progression: the number of staff has almost doubled in three years, as well as the turnover. How do you manage this growth? Unbridled growth is a company’s worst enemy. This requires fast structural adaptation, considerable investments, and constant risk-taking. For some years, we have taken on an important work regarding our structure: we have consolidated the foundations, developed our production capacities thanks to new watch making and jewellery workshops, and strengthened our executive, financial, and commercial management, so that we can feel serene about our future. Our organization is now ready to manage the expected growth.

Instrument n° Uno. Automatic movement - dual time - large date aperture - crown set with a natural black diamond. Black lacquered dial, 18K red gold appliqué Arabic numerals, water-resistant to 30 meters.


what are your priorities in terms of distribution? With 7 subsidiaries in France, Italy, UK, USA, Japan, Saint-Barthélemy and Hong-Kong, 16 stores and almost 180 retailers worldwide, we now have an extremely efficient distribution network. We can’t do everything at the same time. Our priority is to strengthen our position on those markets where we are firmly established. how would you define de GrISoGono’s distinctive features? What is Fawaz Gruosi’s touch? My strength lies in being anti-commercial! I do things out of passion, I create out of instinct. If I had followed every advice of those who know about jewellery and watchmaking, the de GRISOGONO company would certainly not be here. We are not interested in doing what others have done very well. Creativity and boldness are the key reasons for our success. de GRISOGONO’s independence allows us to take risks and venture where others don’t. That is how we can present original creations that find an audience. We do not need a great deal of marketing research to present a new watch or a jewellery creation: either we believe in what we develop and do all we can to finish and launch the product, or we cut it off. This freedom of creation is certainly an asset, and it surely shows in the creations designed by de GRISOGONO.

earrings in white gold set with 204 white diamonds of 6.30 carats and 72 black diamonds of 4.20 carats

how do you explain the impressive rise of de GrISoGono? The secret is to maintain creativity, to maintain our determination to do things well; you need to feel the urge to go further. You can find this drive everywhere at de GRISOGONO and, quite obviously, this is what moves the company forward. Although both competences are paramount to the success of any company, we are more creative people rather than finance specialists, which is obviously telling on our collections. This is perhaps another reason why de GRISOGONO has managed to emerge amongst the giants of the industry.

ring in white gold, set with 0.5 carat of white diamonds, 14.2 carats of "Icy Diamonds" and a South Sea pearl


ToP MARQues Hits tHe Lucky seven 30,000 visitors 路 euro 100 MiLLion in saLes

Queen of the Riviera, with over 700 years of history behind her, the Princely Family has endeavored to make the Principality of Monaco a place where history, science, sports, culture, art and humanitarian interests play a prominent role. And when it comes to cars, you have to look far and wide to find another city that is more endowed with the automobile heritage that Monaco has. It thus comes as no surprise that Top Marques Monaco, the only live supercar show in the world, makes its home in this privileged site on the Mediterranean. the 7th edition of top Marques Monaco proved to be exactly what we had forecasted: a veritable triumph! Four days filled with marvelous surprises, stupefying chic and classic beauty. When smart air parked its plane on the esplanade of the Grimaldi Forum, little did anyone know that it was a presage of things to come! top Marques Monaco was definitely operating under another dimension, attested by the fact that all


the exhibitors were already in place before the the icelandic cloud explosion hit the headlines; the only live supercar show in the world was on the road to making headlines of its own. the internationally renowned couturier, kenZo takada opened top Marques Monaco under a beautiful blue sky. Greeted by top Marques Monaco chairman,

MonAco 2 0 1 0 By Ahn'n창 Hargrove

at the twinkle in his eyes and the gorgeous smile on his face. Having retired in 1999, everyone was under the hypnotic spell of his charm and awed by his presence.

Lawrie Lewis, and the Lloyds international Private Banking Managing Director, Piero Grandi, and Mr Franck M체ller, the talented watch entrepreneur, kenZo exuded a fragrance of Zen and harmony throughout his tour of the various stands. His laughter translated his delight at what he saw, as exhibitors and media melted

kenZo loved to touch everything with his hands as well as with his eyes; after all, one cannot deny that he does have a magic touch. after all was said and done, kenZo praised top Marques Monaco for its diversity, quality and the breathtaking beauty of the show. However frequently in and out of the cars or on and off the impressive motorbikes, one could not discern his favorites; the consummate artist reveled in it all. top Marques Monaco welcomed James Bond, alias sir roger Moore, who gave exhibitors and medias alike the


tricolore; ultimate perfection!

suave 007 approach. captivated eyes followed the debonair agent from stand to stand, his alarming smile, keeping everyone in tow. sir roger Moore is a frequent visitor and friend of top Marques Monaco and lends it his support in a style and manner which rivals none. you can imagine the surprise of the Design by Dante whose team (all dressed to kill as 007 agents) came face to face with the real Mccoy! an emotional moment transpired when sir roger Moore, reminiscing on his Bond days, got a glimpse of the aston Martin rapide; this gorgeous 4-door masterpiece has undergone many a change since the days of his DB5, especially the wristwatch that actually opens the car... visitors came from around the coast for the rolex Masters tennis open and the MiPtv in cannes, as well as other events throughout the area; they streamed through the doors to view the top…the test Drive Pits filled the avenue Princesse Grace with noises it had never heard since last year. the Marussia’s 1 and 2 pivoted around the Grand Prix circuit of Monte-carlo, with Wiesmann’s, v-MaX motorbikes and other smashing supercars close on their tails. inside the salle ravel, the visitors marveled at eco chic translated by the nLv Quant, silver magnificence in luxurious splendor; and the Pagani


seven (that number again) of our fantastic supercars lined up in front of the Hotel de Paris, stopping all traffic with their winning looks. the Monaco tourist authority (Dtc) sponsored a chic soirée in the opulent salle empire for top Marques Monaco sponsors and exhibitors. the Place du casino brightened up as cars rarely or never seen took their places in the impressive square. Monte-carlo by night continued thereafter down at the celebrated Black Legend. early saturday morning, a phone call informed us that His serene Highness had successfully returned from London where he had opened the "Grace kelly: style icon" exhibition at the victoria and albert Museum. HsH Prince albert ii of Monaco has continually supported top Marques Monaco since its beginnings. kenZo returned to the show to meet Him, surrounded by the directors of top Marques Watches, steven saltzman and Médéric Del Monaco. the 6 to 6 experience supercar club rally from spain to Monte-carlo: 75 supercar owners driving down avenue

Princesse Grace to the ultimate car show. affluent aficionados of supercars, these guys wanted to see if top Marques Monaco was all that they had heard it was! china and spain weren’t the only visitors who came from afar. on behalf of HH sheikh ahmed Bin rashed al Maktourn, Mohammed al kamali and Dr. sulaiman al Fahim, both members of a senior delegation from the uae national olympic committee from Dubai, explored the fascinating top Marques Monaco automobiles, receiving the royal treatment from Ferrari. this year, 44% of the stands were new, and they have practically all rebooked requesting more space. the leads and contacts made at top Marques Monaco went beyond their expectations. surprisingly enough, the russians headed 5 stands in the salle ravel; young, dynamic creators who have entered the scene and have

begun to make a significant mark in the industry. excellent reviews flowed from all exhibitors who are already booking their spaces for 2011. this is evident proof that the B2B (business-to-business) platform of top Marques Monaco gets the results the manufacturers are seeking. extremely positive sales figures grossing nearly eur 100 Million showed that luxury is still skirting the crisis. sales from Pagani, Maserati, Porsche cayenne, Fisker (massive number of sales), Lazareth bio-fuel motorbikes, rebeillon watches, van Dutch boats, ruf, and Garia (the electric luxury golf kart) were


indeed very noteworthy. FabergĂŠ, brought by Pavel Bobylev from Prague impressed many visitors, as well as the fine of refined jewellery by La Piramide, sabbadini and stardust. exclusive bags by aznom also made a great impact.


Marussia – the first supercar from russia - was the most popular car in the test-drives Pits; the radical from uk Garage blew your head off; while the orange monster, the savage, truly gave people something to look at as it careened down avenue Princesse Grace; while down

on the Port, several boats awaited the lucky potential buyers who love the sea. top Marques Monaco turned out to be an exercise of cerebral futility! 30,000 people crowded the aisles of the Grimaldi Forum, enthralled and excited about what their eyes saw. celebrities like kenZo, sir roger Moore were joined by others like Flavio Briatore who announced his return to F1; as Monaco’s stÊphane ruffier, moto champ Loris capirossi; F1’s Giovanno Lavaggi, Jordan Laws, pop music DJ/mixer; and a myriad of other stars (footballers from nice, several F1 drivers who were not in shanghai). sunday, tennis fans finally had a break until the two spaniards would battle it out to see who would be champ of the hard turf at the rolex Masters tennis

open. From the looks of the entrance at 10h25, top Marques Monaco was in for its own cloud of visitors. seven ... is indeed the magic number that makes top Marques Monaco the most unique live supercar show in the world. a four-day festival of the most prestigious automobiles on the planet, plus art, yachts, planes, collectors and exclusive timepieces, fabulous jewellery, and products from the luxury industries.


Grand OpeninGs

and G r a n d e s C O m p l i C at i O n s FIRST VACHERON CONSTANTIN BOUTIQUES IN INDIA AND THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA The world’s oldest Swiss Haute Horlogerie manufacture with 255 years of uninterrupted history, opened its first boutique in India, located in New Delhi at the DLF Emporio Mall.

features an elegant and warm interior design with almost 50 square metres, highlighted by precious materials such as wood, marble and leather, all reflecting

The inauguration was organized March 11th, 2010 in the presence of Mr Marc Guten, International Director of Vacheron Constantin and Mr. Yassin Tag, Brand Manager for Middle East & Indian Subcontinent who were sharing this special occasion with their long-term partners Mr. & Mrs. Anoop Mehta, Directors of Dia Precious Jewelry Pvt. Ltd., exclusive distributors of Vacheron Constantin in India. Located at the first floor of the From left to right: Mr. Yassin Tag, Mrs. Devaunshi Mehta, Mr. Marc Guten, DLF Emporio Mall, the new bouMr. Anoop Mehta, a model, Mrs. Swati Mehta, Mr. Chetan Mehta tique marks the Vacheron Constantin’s very first in India. In line with the design aesthetic of the manufacture’s historithe serene intimacy and welcome atmosphere characcal Maison in the heart of Geneva, the new boutique teristics of the Vacheron Constantin spirit. This new boutique offers the entire range of services of Vacheron Constantin with notably a complete collection of exquisite timepieces displayed in refined showcases and the after-sales service. To celebrate the grand opening of the boutique in New Delhi, Vacheron Constantin showcases the most ultimate timepieces High Jewellery Collection and High Complications Collection, which embody the quintessential know-how and masterful craftsmanship tradition of Vacheron Constantin in the specialized field of Métiers d’Art decorative arts and creative horology. Mr Yassin Tag and Mr Jamal Matar


Patrimony Grandes Complications at the top of the hierarchy of precious metals, denotes the highest prestige in fine watchmaking. Extremely rare, it can be used to protect only watch movements of the most elaborate complexity. Vacheron Constantin thus gives full honour to this most precious of metals by choosing it to encase the very complicated movements of three models introduced in 2010. Three weeks after the opening in India, Vacheron Constantain unveils a new exclusive boutique in Riyadh. This boutique is the second in the Middle East after Dubai, and the very first in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – located in the heart of Olaya Street, the bustling trade hub of Riyadh. In line with the design aesthetic values of the historical Vacheron Constantin Maison in Geneva, the new boutique offers an exclusive and warm setting with a comforting atmosphere, dedicated to technical and precious Haute Horlogerie. It is adorned to highlight the spectacular architecture and stylish interiors with precious wood, leather and fine furnishings creating an atmosphere of confidence and serenity.

celet, servicing a watch, providing watch making advices and information about Vacheron Constantin.

For collectors and watch aficionados, the boutique houses a complete timepieces collection as well as a wide range of services including changing a strap or a bra-

This boutique has been launched in partnership with Al Fardan Jewelries and enjoys the exclusivity of Vacheron Constantin in Riyadh.

Riyadh Boutique


By Paul Voth

There is not much that hasn’t been said about Michael Jackson after his tragic death on June 25 of this year. But what really remains? His fans will say: a legend, the King of Pop. His friends and family say: a man who was too kind for this world. Or, as his sister Janet put it: To you he was a superstar, to us he was family. Here we are going to look at the beginnings and what made this young boy the most famous person that has ever lived – well within his lifetime.

HOw THe JacKsOn 5 were DiscOVereD This is probably one of the most legend-filled story about Michael Jackson and his brothers. There are many different stories about who discovered them and when. The truth, as confirmed by several of the brothers, is as following. Motown artists Bobby Taylor and Gladys Knight had «The Jackson 5» open their shows at Chicago’s The Guys' and Gals' Cocktail Lounge and Restaurant. Both Knight and Taylor were extremely impressed with the boys and decided to bring them to the attention of Motown. Bobby Taylor invited the brothers and father Joe to live at his Detroit apartment on July 22, 1968. Due to shortage of beds, they had to sleep on the floor. The next day, Motown executive Suzanne de Passe and Taylor persuaded Motown founder and owner Berry Gordy to let «The Jackson 5» audition at Motown. The brothers sang James Brown’s «I Got The Feeling». Gordy, who was very reluctant to receive them before the audition, was blown away. He immediately decided to sign the boys and to make huge stars out of them.


In November of the same year Berry Gordy invited the Jackson brothers to his villa where they met Motown’s shakers and rollers. They performed before Motown stars, executives and creative people, and later met Diana Ross and several other stars. This was famously depicted in the ABC mini-series «The Jacksons – An American Dream». Gordy came up with a great plan to introduce the Jackson 5 to the world. He simply had Diana Ross do it. The Jackson 5 made their TV debut on «The Ed Sullivan Show», singing their first single «I Want You Back». After the performance, Ed Sullivan asked Diana Ross, who was in the audience to stand up. He then proclaimed that she had discovered the «Jackson 5» in Gary, IN. The same was written on the back cover of the group’s first album which was called «Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5».

When «The Jackson 5» were inducted into the «Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame» on May 16, 1997, Michael Jackson remembered those first months during his acceptance speech. Of that party at Berry Gordy’s house he said: «Berry Gordy, you promised us four consecutive number one records. And you delivered them all. I’ll never forget it. It was a first in music history».

MicHael & Diana rOss When Michael and his brothers were signed at Motown Records, one of Michael’s biggest wishes was to meet his idol Diana Ross. That particular wish came true very soon, when the boys and father Joe met her and other stars at a party held by Motown founder Berry Gordy. Michael and Diana developed a deep friendship over the years. At some point in the nineties Michael and Diana had a mysterious falling out, which they must have resolved. As the world now knows, he named her back-up guardian of his children if his mom was not willing or able to take that role. After Michael Jackson’s death, tapes have surfaced in which the singer speaks of deep feelings of love for Diana Ross. Whether they were reciprocated or not is a mystery for the ages.

THe BrOTHers The relationship between Michael and his brothers wasn't always easy. There were the pillow-fights in hotel rooms while on tour. There were the pranks played on grown-ups. But there was also the rivalry and other troubles. Another issue was the fact, that Michael was so obviously the star of the band. Sure, there was the handsome Jermaine and Jacky who were popular too. But wherever they went, Michael was the star. It went even so far that sometimes they were introduced as «Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5» – and this was back in the seventies, before «Off The Wall», before «Thriller», «Billie Jean» and all the rest.

leaVing MOTOwn By the mid-seventies The Jackson 5 weren't as successful as they used to. The last number two hit in the US is the 1974 single «Dancing Machine». Their last single released under Motown is the beautiful «All I Do Is Think Of You» which peaks at 50 in the US R&B charts and fails to chart in the US mainstream charts or in the UK. Michael and his brothers put more and more pressure on Motown to let them write and produce their own work. But Motown was beginning its decline and it seems that CEO Berry Gordy was unwilling to make changes. Ultimately the Jackson brothers decided to leave Motown. With one exception: Jermaine. The lead singer of the Jackson family band, before Michael joined, had married Gordy's daughter Hazel and felt indebted to his father-in-law. He remained with Motown and left the Jackson 5. He later released a few albums which never had the same kind of success he had enjoyed with the Jackson 5 in their heyday. To replace Jermaine, the youngest Jackson brother Randy joined the band. The group signed with CBS records in 1976 and changed their name to «The Jacksons» because Motown legally stop-


ped them from using the name «The Jackson 5» any longer. They released 6 albums before Michael left the band in 1984, effectively dissolving the band. Some of the biggest Jacksons hits which are still well known today are «Blame It On The Boogie», «Shake Your Body Down (To The Ground)», «Can You Feel It», «Enjoy Yourself», «State Of Shock» (with Mick Jagger) and more.

THe JacKsOns sPliT In 1984 The Jacksons (The Jacksons plus Jermaine) embarked upon a nationwide tour. During that tour Michael's striving for creative control and his expectations of his brothers lead to the inevitable: The Jacksons split. What ensued was a first major upset between the Jackson brothers. With the brothers' age differences it must have been difficult to keep things together for as long as they had. The traditional Jehova's Witnesses upbringing they had would have been a huge help in this. That, however, can only last for so long. Additionally, Michael wanted more control over what he did as an artist. The 1982 album «Thriller» had already made him a super-star in his own right. It is not easy having a little brother who works in the same field as you, only with a lot more success. Once the split came about, the anger and frustration on both sides lead to confrontations and some legal disputes. Michael Jackson donated his earnings from the tour to charitable organizations. That was the last time Michael recorded or toured with his brothers.

leaVing THe nesT After the split from his brothers, Michael withdrew from the family and dedicated all of his time to working on his solo career. He released the hugely successful «Bad» album in 1987 after writing «We Are The World» for the «USA For Africa» charity project


in 1985. «Bad» spawned a massive 4 number one singles and 2 top ten hits. The least successful single in the US-charts was «Another Part Of Me» which was released during the Bad World Tour and peaked at "only" 11.

THe resT is HisTOry In 1991 Michael Jackson released the heavily anticipated Dangerous Album. One of the biggest selling albums ever and the biggest selling album of the nineties, it included hits like «Black Or White», «Remember The Time», «Give In To Me» and many more. «Heal The World» was another big hit all around the world, except for the USA. From day one the sales figures of the «Dangerous» album were astronomical and solidified the image of Michael Jackson as a living legend. His «Dangerous World Tour» broke record after record. Michael Jackson was also entered into the «Guinness Book Of World Records» as having donated more money to charity than any other artist that ever lived. He still holds that record, along with many, many more. Those days were the last times that Michael could really enjoy his life. The problems had already

begun. In the eighties Michael had had an accident during the filming of a commercial for «Pepsi», in which part of his scalp was burned. An injury he never recovered from. It was also the time that he was diagnosed with «Vitiligo». A skin condition that slowly but unstoppably destroyed the color-pigmentation of his skin, essentially turning him white. Those problems along with other health issues like a lung condition he had since birth were joined by extortion and public accusations against him. Eventually he was tried and found innocent, but not until 10 years after the first accusations. By that time he was already branded a pervert, a weirdo. The astonishing thing was not only that Michael survived all of these things. He also released music throughout and after these ordeals. And successfully. The «HIStory» album which was released after the first allegations became the biggest selling double-album of its time. Statues were erected all over the world to promote the

album and Michael kept selling out stadiums and breaking sales records. No matter what he had to go through or what was done to him, his music always shone through. No other artist has had to go through anything remotely as career-ending as Michael Jackson, emerging with a still intact career at the other end. The perfection, dedication and endless talent and love for music are the things that have never before come together in one single man in this way. And they never will again. So lay back, play your favourite Michael Jackson record and thank God that you had the pleasure to have witnessed that period of time in which Michael Jackson walked the Earth. As for Michael - I will leave you with one of his most memorable quotes:

«If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.»


Joseph JacKson and

K at h e r i n e J a c K s o n

The Jackson Family cenTer in Gary, indiana By eddie sahuri 路 photo dina hall

The Jackson Family Foundation Preliminary Master Plan Narrative Gary, Indiana Initiative The Jackson Family Charitable Foundation, a not for profit organization, was established by Joseph and Katherine Jackson for the purpose of developing the Jackson Family Museum & Cultural Center, Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center & Concert Hall, and Michael

Jackson Memorial Pavilion to be built in the birthplace of the Jackson musical family; Gary, Indiana. The Jackson Family Center is to be both a memorial to their son Michael and a tribute to their entire family. In addition, the Jackson Family Charitable Foundation will support cultural, social and educational projects as well as carry on the philanthropic work of Michael Jackson. The Jackson Family Center will also include various other elements that will compliment the Museum and Performing Arts Center, making the


entire development a major, dynamic, exciting, year around regional and global attraction. These elements are expected to include a world class hotel with an eight story shaded atrium, a Jackson Family Conference Center, fine and casual dining, boutique retail stores, night-life entertainment lounges, a major Cineplex theatre, a light passenger rail connection to the Adam Benjamin Transit Station in downtown Gary, a light rail and bus terminal with various retail and dining facilities within, funding for beautification of the Gary downtown area, an element of low rise residential units, an arboretum and bota-

nical garden, improvements to the existing parks, improvements to existing sports facilities, and re-design of the existing golf courses to make them the first of their kind as ecologically-designed world class courses. The main elements of the Jackson Family Center will be connected with an enclosed pedestrian concourse for ease of access in a conditioned space, both summer and winter.


A Low Rise Residential Element

F Hotel with an 8-Story Shaded Atrium + Retail, Dining, Night Life & Cinema Complex

B Jackson Family Museum & Cultural Center C Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center and Concert Hall + Michael Jackson Memorial Pavilion D Jackson Family Conference Center

H First of its kind Ecological Designed World Class Golf Course

E Enclosed Pedestrian Concourse

I Parking Structure

To develop and operate these elements, the Jackson Development and Marketing Corporation will be responsible for the overall project development, management, and general operations of the Jackson Family Center Project. The Jackson Family Foundation will manage and facilitate the philanthropic work of the foundation. From dining to retail and entertainment, to learning about the history of the Jackson Family, the Jackson Family Center will be a “must visit” immersive and interactive experience destination for millions of fans and tou-


G Light Passenger Rail Terminal + Retail, Market Hall & Dining

rists from around the world. Featuring stateof-the-art entertainment experiences, the Performing Arts Center will be a one-of-a-kind concert hall featuring the absolute pinnacle of acoustical systems and technology available. The museum will be an entertaining and interactive cultural experience. The retail mix will feature the world’s largest Jackson merchandise selection. All of the elements from the architecture to the presentations will be of world caliber to make the Jackson Family Center a true world caliber destination for not only the fans of the Jackson Family but for world travelers of all interests.

the period of construction and after, for ongoing operations of the Center. The project is being envisioned as a major catalyst to bring economic development and growth to the City for the benefit of all.

The location of the Jackson Family Center will be fronting on interstate 80/94 and with two major entrances from Grant Street and Broadway. The Jackson Family Center had all the support and the help from the city of Gary and under the visionary leadership and initiative of Mayor Rudy Clay in collaboration with the City Council members and the support of the administrative staff of the City of Gary. The development is intended to provide employment and business opportunities to the residents and businesses of Gary both during

This preliminary master plan is presented by The Jackson Family Foundation; Joseph Jackson and Katherine Jackson and Simon Sahouri in conjunction with a large team of professionals to make this dream a reality. AuCopia International with it’s team as consultants and the draft conceptual master plan design was created by Igino V. Pellizzari. For any additional information regarding the project please go to e-mail to


I WA S THERE By Rose Marie Perez

I’m on a plane headed for Mallorca, a small Mediterranean island that has long been a permanent place of residence (or a home away from home) for many celebrities like Catherina Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas, Annie Lennox, Claudia Schiffer, Cynthia Charles, Julian Lennon, Michael Schumacher, Steve McManaman and Joseph Jackson. It’s Friday and I’m on my way to my first interview with J., a new Diamond Cardholder who has asked Totalprestige to promote his private resort: Villa Scorpio 56 17

A MediterrAneAn PArAdise VIll A ScoRPIo

57 18

Some of his staff are waiting for me at the airport to pick me up and they drove me with the resort private car to visit his mansion, in which also can be reached directly by helicopter. It’s a sunny day and the landscape is truly awesome. It’s so quiet and peaceful here! Once at the mansion they lead me to my room, as I will stay here over the weekend. I’m then invited to tour the residence. These are the key words that come to my mind as I tour the premises: Beauty, quality, good taste, relaxation... The time has come for my interview with J., a German millionaire entrepreneur who owns several residences throughout the world. Now that I’ve met him, I am pleased to add that he’s got an exquisite good taste, has a charming personality... and that it is a real pleasure to deal with him. Here’s a man who is proud of his professional success and of the fact that he has always been true to himself and to his personal convictions. He tells me that he wants to promote his private resort, but only within a closed circle. J. laughs and cheerfully replies ‘Ya!’ when I ask him with a smile on my face: "So... you want this done ‘off-market?’" He explains that Villa Scorpio is an extraordinary place (as it is, indeed!) and should therefore be available only to extraordinary people. He lists some of the celebrities who have spent time at Villa Scorpio (all of them through ‘word of mouth’ referrals), seeking a haven to escape from annoying paparazzi and daily stress, in order to relax and enjoy their stay for a few weeks or for just a weekend. It’s not necessary to book the entire mansion: Guests can also book a private suite. I must add that this resort is also available for top level events. Then we tour the entire mansion once again, but now together. The swimming pool is... impressive! The surrounding landscape is... incredible! I notice some images of scorpions embroidered on cushions and engraved on a bench, so I ask J., "What about these?" He smiles, shrugs his shoulders casually and replies, "Ah, its simple... I'm a Scorpio!" 58



By lVH Staff

Mallorca (Majorca), to many considered the capital of the Balearic Islands (Menorca and Ibiza), lies in the Mediterranean sea off the south east cost of Mainland spain.


From the onset of mass tourism in the 1960's, Mallorca has without a doubt become one of thee most popular destinations in Europe. Its proximity to all major cities in Europe, beautiful weather, nightlife and wide range of attractions from the 14th century Gothic cathedral to the excellent restaurants, fashion shops continues to attract tourists by the numbers. Last year the Son Sant Joan International Airport of Mallorca recorded over 20 Million visitors to the Island, second only to Las Vegas. To the untrained traveler, a visit to Mallorca will place you among the crowded tourists and beaches in the capital Palma. However head north, approximately 60 km towards Mancor and a whole new world awaits you in the town of Petra. This sleepy town of sand colored houses would be completely off the tourist map if it were not the birthplace of Mallorca's most famous son, Fray Junipero Serra. Born in 1713 he became a priest in 1730 and worked as a missionary in Mexico from 1749 to 1763. At the age of 54 he was sent to California; the missions he established there grew into some America's largest cities including San Diego and San Francisco.

To this day you can visit the house where Serra's parents lived, a museum devoted to his life and work, the font where he was baptized and a plaque outside the same church describing him as a “Explorer Missionary hero civilizer.” Along the street leading to his birthplace are decorations of majolica tiles depicting him baptizing Native Americans. The beautiful Muro beach, the cleanest I have seen, is unparalleled and completes the scenery of tranquility, contemplation and meditation of the town. The surroundings remind you of Tuscany but with a Spanish flair. There is another gem to Petra not many but the chosen few have discovered. Out of nowhere, like a mirage on a sunny day, from the narrow winding roads we stumbled upon the massive gates of a very large private resort “Residencia Real” (Royal Residence). So seclusive like the Fort Knox bullion depository, security camera flashes greeted us as the paparazzi greet those walking the red carpet at the Oscars. Engraved on the gates is the world famous Freemason symbol. We discovered from locals nearby that among other activities it is used also as a Grand lodge for the Freemasons in Mallorca.


From the design of “Residencia Real”, you can tell it was made to exude power, wealth and total privacy.

basketball courts, A country club lounge, custom jogging path surrounding the whole resort etc.

Our curiosity got the better of us. We searched for days, asking various acquaintances and making numerous phone calls. Finally we found a valuable lead that directed us to the company Ezra Group AG ( After listening to us talk about our love of the town Petra and the reasons for us wanting to explore the property, Mr. Andrew Shawn, Chief Executive officer of Ezra Group /AG, agreed to grant us an hour access to the resort three days later.

Two villas grace the property. Villa Vista Tramontana, with over 16,000 sq feet, 8 king size suits, it gives you a picturesque view of the Tramontana mountains. Go further north and a second 8,000 sq feet Villa “El Scorpion” awaits you. Both villas are furnished with the most custom luxury furniture collection from nearly every corner of the globe. Marble walls, granite bathrooms, stones comparable in size to those that built the Colosseum in Rome, wellness, Jakuzzi, fitness, flat screens, conference rooms, literally everything to mesmerize the mind. It is a labor of love.

What if you slept and in your sleep you dreamt that you went to heaven. And there found and plucked the most strange and beautiful flower. And what if, when you woke up you still had that flower in your hand! What if? That was the feeling we had going through “Residencia Real”. Designed to perfection, it is a wonder to behold. The landscaping is one to marvel about. With over 500 Palm trees imported from the mainland, Residencia Real is the largest collection on any world resort. Flowers and plants from all parts of the world greet you as you wonder through the plethora of amenities: Helicopter landing pads, a man made lake, a Golf puttinggreen, custom heated swimming pools. Tennis courts,


The large solar panels, satellite dishes, wireless communication and private water wells did not go unnoticed. This place is built for self sufficiency. We learned from the staff that Disney filmed the promotion of High school Musical II in Europe at this resort. What struck me most was how attention had been paid to every little detail. For example there is jogging path that runs through the whole resort, that would give one the feeling of running through paradise. As our alloted time was almost over, I inquired how members move


around the other cities. I must have caught him off guard, with his mind occupied with the paper he was reading. He answered nonchalantly. “Oh, we have a 9 seater Citation XL Private Jet that belongs to the resort and is on standby to take our members to any major city in Europe.� Feeling my way, I inquired what corporations or private individuals should do, it they wanted to use the resort.


He provided us with the contact details of Rose Marie Perez, founder of the luxury Private Club, TotalPrestige. If you are an extraordinary, hard to please person who will only accept the finest, and wish to spend a few days of rest and relaxation with guaranteed discretion at the Villa Scorpio paradise, you can receive further information by E-mailing her at

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