57 minute read





Vol. 14, No. 133, Summer 2021

On the cover: Composer Matthias Georg Kendlinger, conductor and founder of Ukrainian-Austrian symphonic orchestra K&K Philharmoniker

15 months. We haven’t had the chance to chat with you for 15 months! In an entirely unforeseen turn of events, the entire world shut down for more than a year. Just look at some of the stories we featured in our last issue – which went out just days before Lviv went into lockdown last Spring. It featured everything from an upcoming Dakh Daughters concert, to the premiere of the Paralympic-themed movie ‘Pulse’, to the expected boom in tourism throughout Western Ukraine.

Well, we’re not the only ones back. The Dakh Daughters are coming back to Lviv this summer, the ‘Pulse’ premiere will take place this month, and with international travel still complicated because of COVID, Western Ukraine is already experiencing a boom in tourism!

It was life as usual right up until lockdown last March. Mask manufacturers, like Lviv’s ‘Hoyra’, didn’t know the gold mine they were sitting on, Zoom was still just a word from an effective car commercial, and the Queen’s Gambit was a move used by Lviv’s chess masters Anna and Mariya Muzychuk, and not some chic Netflix serial. COVID has affected people in many ways. We’ve lost many people we loved. Some of us have lost our livelihoods. Leisure travel has become an oxymoron, if even possible.

Life stopped.

But we all adapted. We discovered new vocabulary, like “social distancing”, “PPE”, and “vaccine hesitancy”. Mask wearing has not only become the norm but morphed into an intimate part of fashion.

Lviv Today, too, learned to adapt. We started a social media campaign called #ThisDayInUkrainianHistory so that people could learn about Western Ukraine with all their newfound time at home.

And, like everyone else, we waited.

Finally, we are back! In yet another sign of life returning to normal, Lviv Today is proud to welcome you to our first post-pandemic issue. As Leopolitans return to the cafés, restaurants, and clubs we missed so dearly during lockdown, Lviv Today will be there to guide you along the way.

Check out our Summer 2021 issue to see all the cool events going on in Lviv during the next few months, from big name concerts like Alyona Alyona and Jamala to haute couture fashion events and the return of our beloved festivals including the world-renowned Lviv Jazz Fest.

Lviv is back, baby! And so is Lviv Today.

Lee Reaney, Editor of Lviv Today magazine




24–28 June with stages at Rynok Square, Potocki Palace Yard (15 Kopernyka St.), and B. Khmelnytskyi Park of Culture & Leisure (4 Bolgarska St.)

Leopolis Jazz Fest is an international open-air jazz festival and one of the biggest festivals on Lviv’s cultural calendar. Each June since 2011, world class musicians converge on three stages in Lviv’s city centre to perform in front of Leopolitan music lovers and guests of the city from across Ukraine and around the world, The Eddie Rosner main stage, where tickets are required, is located at the B. Khmelnytsky Culture Park, while free stages are located in the city’s historic district (Potocki Palace Square) and UNESCO-recognised centre (Rynok Square).




24–28 червня. Сцени – на пл. Ринок, у дворі палацу Потоцьких (вул. Коперника, 15) та в парку культури й відпочинку ім. Б. Хмельницького (вул. Болгарська, 4)

Leopolis Jazz Fest – це міжнародний джазовий фестиваль просто неба та один з основних та найбільших фестивалів у культурному календарі Львова. Кожного червня, починаючи з 2011 року, музиканти світового класу захоплюють три сцени в центрі Львова, щоб влаштувати мегаперфоманс перед численними меломанами, які спеціально в ці дні з'їжджаються до Львова. Головна сцена Едді Рознера, куди потрібні квитки, знаходиться в парку культури імені Б. Хмельницького, тоді як сцени з вільним доступом – в історичному районі міста (вул. Коперника, Палац Потоцьких) та центрі міста (площа Ринок).



11–16 July in Mirror Hall at Lviv National Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.) and S. Ludkevich Concert Hall at Lviv National Philharmonic Society (7 Tchaikovsky St.)

Many delightful musical events were canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, however the long-awaited return of the Matthias Kendlinger Music Festival will indeed go ahead this year! Started in 2017 by Austrian composer and conductor Matthias Kendlinger, the festival attracts world-renowned artists to the Western Ukrainian capital to wow audiences in the heart of Leopolitan summer.

July 11. The festival kicks off on 11 July at Lviv’s famed Philharmonic Concert Hall with the Festfanfare No. 1, followed by the Human Rights Symphony for orchestra, choir, and soloists, starring Anna Shumarina (soprano), Ramon Vargas (tenor), and Stepan Drobit (baritone).

July 12. Concertgoers can look forward to performances at Lviv’s iconic Opera & Ballet Theatre by the K&K Horn Quartet – in the Mirror Hall – and the world premiere of the K&K String Quartet No. 1 Manipulation Symphony. Like his father, Maestro Kendlinger picked up the accordion when he was a child, so many of his early works feature waltzes and polkas for the accordion. Talented, young accordionist Ivan Churylov, together with the K&K String Sextet, will delight audiences with a selection of Kendlinger’s best early works.

July 15. Music lovers won’t want to miss the performance of the Our Father Concerto No. 1 Op. 8a for piano and violoncello at Lviv Opera & Ballet Theatre’s Mirror Hall, where they can admire the skills of pianist Philipp Scheucher and cellist Lev Sivkov. Music aficionados will also have the splendid opportunity to enjoy the world premiere of the dynamic Trio Galaxy, featuring Robert Stepanian on violin, Ashot Khachatourian on piano, and Lev Sivkov on cello.

July 16. The final day of the festival will see a superb concert featuring the Healing Meditative Poem for string orchestra, pianist Philipp Scheucher in the Larissa Concerto for piano and orchestra, and the K&K Philharmoniker in the AustrianUkrainian Symphony, led by young conductor Maximillian Kendlinger.

Kendlinger’s artistic work has been cited for its ability to cross musical borders, act as a cultural ambassador, and serve to build bridges between Austria and Ukraine. Kendlinger’s performances are a delight, so don’t miss out on your chance to see this spectacular summer event! For more information and ticket booking, please visit www.kkphil.at or www.facebook.com/KKphilharmoniker/.


11–16 липня. Дзеркальна зала львівського національного театру опери та балету (пр. Свободи, 28) та концертний зал Львівської національної філармонії ім. С. Людкевича (вул. Чайковського, 7)

Багато чудових музичних подій було скасовано через пандемію коронавірусу в 2020 році, однак довгоочікуване повернення музичного фестивалю Матіаса Кендлінгера дійсно відбудеться вже цього літа! Започаткований у 2017 році австрійським композитором та диригентом Маттіасом Кендлінгером, фестиваль щороку залучає до західноукраїнської столиці відомих артистів зі світовим ім'ям, щоб зачаровувати та дарувати музичну насолоду львівським гурманам класичної музики.

11 липня. Фестиваль розпочнеться 11 липня у знаменитому концертному залі львівської Філармонії з виконання "Святкові Фанфари №1" та симфонії для оркестру, хору та солістів "Права людини" за участю: Анна Шумаріна (сопрано), Рамон Варгас (тенор) та Степан Дробіт (баритон).

12 липня. В цей день в Дзеркальному залі Львівської опери музичні поціновувачі можуть почути виступ K&K Квартету валторн та стати свідками світової прем'єри симфонії "Маніпуляції" від струнного квартету K&K. Як і його батько, маестро Кендлінгер опанував акордеон ще у ранньому дитинстві, тому в багатьох його ранніх роботах є вальси та польки власне для акордеону. Молодий талановитий акордеоніст Іван Чурилов разом із Струнним секстетом K&K порадує глядачів добіркою найкращих ранніх музичних творів Маттіаса Кендлінгера.

15 липня. Любителі музики не захочуть пропустити концерту "Наш Батько" №1 оп. 8а для фортепіано та віолончелі у Дзеркальній залі Львівської Опери, під час якого вони зможуть насолодитись майстерністю піаніста Філіпа Шойхера та віолончеліста Лева Сівкова. Меломани також отримають чудовий шанс першими почути світову прем'єру від динамічного Тріо "Галактика", в якому виступлять Роберт Степанян на скрипці, Ашот Хачатурян на фортепіано та Лев Сівков на віолончелі.

16 липня. В останній день фестивалю відбудеться концерт "Зцілення" – медитативна поема для струнного оркестру. Наступним стане виконання концерту для фортепіано та оркестру "Лариса" за участю: Філіп Шойхер (фортепіано), симфонічний оркестр K&K Philharmoniker під керівництвом молодого диригента Максиміліана Кендлінгера. І на завершення фестивалю пролунає "Австрійсько-Українська" Симфонія.

Музична та культурна творчість Маттіаса Кендлінгера вже давно здатна перетинати музичні кордони, виступаючи в якості посла культури, та служить для побудови та зміцнення творчих мостів між Австрією та Україною. Естетична вишуканість "Фестивалю Маттіаса Кендлінгера" завжди викликає величезну музичну насолоду, тож не пропустіть свій шанс побачити та почути цю вражаючу літню подію! Для отримання додаткової інформації та бронювання квитків відвідайте www.kkphil.at або www.facebook.com/KKphilharmoniker.


23 July at 19:00 at Gastroli Hall of !FESTRepublic (Staroznesenska St. 24–26)


23 липня о 19.00, Gastroli Hall на !FESTrepublic (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)


20 August at 19:00 at !FESTRepublic Club (24–26 Staroznesenska St.)


20 серпня, о 19.00 в! FESTrepublic Club (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)


12 August at 19:00 at !FESTRepublic Club (24–26 Staroznesenska St.)


12 серпня, о 19.00 в !FESTrepublic Club (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)


14 August at Gastroli Hall of !FESTRepublic (Staroznesenska St. 24–26)


14 серпня о 19.00, Gastroli Hall на !FESTrepublic (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)


26 June at 17:00 at Lviv University Botanical Garden (44 Cheremshyny St.)


26 червня, 17:00 Ботанічний сад, вул.Черемшини, 44


17 July at 19:00 at !FESTRepublic (Staroznesenska St. 24–26)


17 липня о 19.00 о! FESTrepublic (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)


16 July at 19:00 at !FESTRepublic (Staroznesenska St. 24–26)

It’s safe to say that Alyona Alyona could be the hottest musician in Ukraine right now. Not only has she starred in collaborations with superstars like Lviv’s-own Okean Elzy frontman Svyatyslav Vakarchuk and Eurovision-winning songstress Jamala (‘Zhali’), but she’s also in demand for feature film tracks, like the inspirational hit ‘Go’ from the Paralympic-themed film ‘Pulse’. Not only did she nab more nominations than any other artist at Ukraine’s prestigious Yuna Awards, where’s she’s up for Best New Artist, Best Album, and Best Hip Hop Track, but British newspaper ‘The Guardian’ named her one of the Top 50 New Artists of 2020, singling out her track ‘Pushka’ as the second track from a newcomer! The former kindergarten teacher makes sure to keep her material clean, just in case the kids are listening. But her tracks remain biting, tackling issues from bullying, to body shaming, to just feeling out of place. Notably, she switched from rapping in Russian to Ukrainian – which calls a “beautiful, soft, tender, and more poetic language” – following the Revolution of Dignity. Don’t miss out on your chance to see Ukraine’s hottest artists! Tickets start at 390 UAH. For additional information and ticket booking, please visit www.concert.ua.


16 липня о 19.00 о! FESTrepublic (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)

Можна з упевненістю сказати, що зараз Alyona Alyona напевно найгарячіша музична виконавиця Україні. Вона не тільки створила колаборації з такими суперзірками, як Джамала та фронтмен "Океану Ельзи" Святослав Вакарчук, її пісня "Go" стала офіційним саундтреком до спортивної драми "Пульс". Мало того, що вона здобула більше номінацій, ніж будь-який інший артист, на престижній українській премії Yuna Awards, британська газета The

Guardian назвала її одним із 50 найкращих нових виконавців 2020 року. Вона посіла друге місце зі своїм треком "Пушка" ("Пістолет"). Колишня вихователька дитячого садка, Alyona Alyona ретельно стежить за "чистотою" своїх текстів на той випадок, якщо її будуть слухати діти. ЇЇ дебютна відеоробота на пісню "Рибки" зібрала на YouTube майже 3 мільйони переглядів. Alyona Alyona читає реп про своє звичайне життя, торкаючись тем фемінізму, екології, пандемії, хейту, боді-позитиву та терпимості, суспільних стереотипів та внутрішньої гармонії. Приходьте за улюбленими хітами й новинками альбому GALAS!. Вартість квитків: від 390 грн. Для отримання додаткової інформації та бронювання квитків, будь ласка, відвідайте www.concert.ua.


24–30 June at Planeta Kino and Muliplex Cinema

You don’t need to know the difference between genres to appreciate a good music documentary. With the right mix of charismatic and off-kilter personalities, and a rigorous attention to detail, the result is simply a great film. Of course, the right subject makes a music doc all the more enjoyable, which is why Lviv Today offers you this hot tip for your next music doc – Moustache Funk. The early 70s were a golden epoch for popular music. Hundreds of songs featuring groundbreaking sound, exquisite quality, and even futuristic suits. Bands, or “vocal and instrumental ensembles”, began to appear in the USSR, and they intended to become the Soviet analogues of their famous Western rock band counterparts. How could these bands emerge in a socialist state? How did a brand new music scene, original in sound and philosophy yet still in-sync with global music trends, develop? It was real fund behind the Iron Curtain – music, costumes, lyrics, personalities. Not only did the ensembles sound cool, they also looked like their overseas counterparts. Smerichka, Berezen, Dzvony, Vodogray, Mriya, Svityqa, Zhyva Voda, Amica – these groups rocked stadiums in front of tens of thousands of fans, but today their songs are largely forgotten. The Moustache Funk project of film research received over $70,000 USD from the State Film Agency to look back at these forgotten legends. You can dive deep into musical history on 24 June, when the film is set for release. For more information and ticket booking, please visit planetakino.ua or multiplex.ua.



з 24 по 30 Червня, в кінотеатрах Планета Кіно та Multiplex

Наприкінці шістдесятих років минулого сторіччя, після періоду "відлиги", в СРСР почали створюватися музичні колективи, покликані стати аналогами західних рок-груп. Вони отримали назву ВІА – "вокально-інструментальні ансамблі". Наступне десятиліття стало "золотою" епохою української попмузика. Фільм досліджує феномен українського "вусатого фанку", який не втратив актуальності й досі. 70-ті роки минулого століття — один із найяскравіших періодів української популярної музики. Це був справжній фанк за залізною завісою: музика, костюми, лірика. Мало того, що ансамблі звучали круто, та ще й виглядали як заокеанські зірки. Смерічка, Березень, Дзвони, Водограй, Мрія, Світязь, Жива вода, Візерунки шляхів, Арніка – ці ансамблі збирали стадіони та багатотисячні зали, однак сьогодні їхні пісні майже забуті. Усі співають "Червону руту", але тоді, у 70-ті, подібних пісень було дуже багато. Впевнені, ви майже нічого не чули про це. Але скоро все зміниться. Проєкт фільму-дослідження став одним із переможців відбору Державного агентства з питань кіно та отримав державне фінансування у розмірі 70 000 доларів, що становить загальну вартість виробництва фільму. Документальний фільм "Вусатий фанк" з 24 червня в кінотеатрах України. Детальний розклад показів у Львові та квитки:www. planetakino.ua та www. multiplex.ua.


17 July at Bukovel Resort (Ivano-Frankivsk Region

Looking for a unique racing experience in the heart of the picturesque Carpathian Mountains? Check out Race Nation 2021, which features 5 km, 10 km, and 20 km races featuring more than 20 obstacles that appear over the course rather unexpectedly. You can take on the challenge in the Standard, Team, or Elite categories, all of which will test your physical, mental, and even spiritual limits. The race is a great team-building event and even more than that – it’s an awful lot of fun! Great people and a friendly atmosphere always make Race Nation a memorable day. For more information, please visit www.racenation.ua.


17 липня, курорт Буковель (Івано-Франківська область)

Насолоджуйтесь перегонами на дистанціях 5 км, 10 км або 20 км, долаючи понад 20 перешкод, які досить несподівано будуть з'являтися протягом траси посеред мальовничих декорацій Буковеля. Ви можете прийняти виклик у категоріях Стандарт, Команда або Еліта, перевіряючи свої фізичні, психічні та навіть духовні межі. Перегони — це чудова нагода для тімбілдинга, оскільки дружня атмосфера та безліч викликів роблять цей день незабутнім для всіх учасників. Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, відвідайте www.racenation.ua.


27 June from 7:00 to 14:00 in front of the Opera & Ballet Theatre (28 Svobody Ave.)

The Molokiya is a superb half marathon that has been crossing the streets of charming Lviv since 2015. Great for beginners and experienced athletes alike, the fast, flat course gives runners stunning views of the city centre. Choose a course that fits your level – individual races of 4.2 km, 10 km, 21 km, team races, or even a relay. Come to tackle a new challenge, revel in the race camaraderie, or even just for the bespoke finisher’s medal. Register and start training to be in your best shape for the Molokiya Lviv Half Marathon 2021! For more information, please visit www.lvivhalfmarathon.org


27 червня з 07:00 до 14:00 перед Театром опери та балету (пр. Свободи, 28)

Візьміть участь у цьому чудовому півмарафоні вулицями чарівного Львова. Швидка, рівна! траса, з вкрапленнями львівської бруківки чудово підходить як для початківців, так і для досвідчених спортсменів, і дає учасникам можливість насолодитись чудовими краєвидами на центральну частину міста. Обирай дистанцію залежно від рівня підготовки: індивідуальні забіги на 4.2 км, 10 км, 21 км, командні забіги або естафету. Приходьте за новими викликами, шаленими емоціями, духом товариства або медаллю фінішера. Реєструйся та розпочинай підготовку, аби підійти до ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ПІВМАРАФОН 2021 у найкращій формі! Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, відвідайте www.lvivhalfmarathon.org


1–21 July at Ivan Franko Park (opposite the Hotel Dnister) and online

Training the body, breath, and mind to connect with one’s spirituality are the main objectives of yoga. Not only does yoga improve one’s balance, strength, and flexibility, it also helps manage stress, improves sleep, and brightens the mood. Leopolitan yoga lovers and guests of the city will be able to introduce yoga into their lives with a variety of online and outdoor events at Lviv’s Ivan Franko Park during the nearly month-long Lviv Yoga Day event. Sessions start at 8:00 in the picturesque park, with the Yoga Challenge led by highly skilled and experienced yoga teachers. Yoga Sound sessions start in the evening at 19:00 and are filled with powerful mantras and meditations. Roll out your yoga mat and get ready to relax! Guests are asked to register at salebot.site/mp/lvivyogaday. For up-to-date information, please visit facebook.com/lvivyogaday.


1–21 липня, в парку Івана Франка (навпроти готелю "Дністер") та онлайн.

Тренування тіла, дихання та розуму для зв’язку зі своєю духовністю є головними цілями йоги. Йога не тільки покращує баланс, силу та гнучкість, але також допомагає подолати стрес, покращує сон та підіймає настрій. Цього року фестиваль Lviv Yoga Day буде проходити З 1 по 21 липня. Офлайн в парку Франка, на Вашому улюбленому місці – верхній галявині парку, зі сторони готелю Дністер та Онлайн на сторінці www.facebook.com/ lvivyogaday. Ранки у мальовничому парку будуть розпочинатись о 8:00 з YOGA CHALLENGE, під керівництвом висококваліфікованих та досвідчених викладачів йоги, вечірні заходи YOGA SOUND, наповнені потужними мантрами та медитаціями — о 19:00. Прихопить свій килимок для йоги та приготуйтеся до відпочинку! Гостей просять зареєструватися на сайті salebot.site/mp/ lvivyogaday. Щоб отримати актуальну інформацію, відвідайте facebook.com/lvivyogaday.


From 29 July at Planeta Kino

Leopolitan cinema fans and guests of the city will be excited to hear that the best picks from modern Italian cinematography will be available for your viewing pleasure between 1-7 July. Classic Italian films from the 70s were even popular in Ukraine back in the day, so organisers are hoping to acquaint modern Ukrainian audiences with the Italian short film genre to continue the tradition of cultural interaction between the two nations.

Included on the programme this year are Andrea Della Monica’s comedy ‘Elvis’ (2018), Vito Palumbo’s melodrama ‘U Muschittieri’ (2018), Ginaluca Zonta’s drama ‘Pizza Boy’ (2019), Alessandro Haber’s drama ‘Il Gioco’ (2020), and Giuliano Giacomelli & Lorenzo Giovenga’s dram ‘Intolerance’ (2020). One show not to be missed is the directorial debut of rising Italian star Jasmine Trica’s drama ‘Being My Mom’ (2020), an autobiographical short based on the relationship between a mother and daughter in a deserted, sun drenched Rome. The film was presented at the Venice Film Festival’s Orizzonti line-up last September. For more event information, please visit planetkino.ua.


З 29 Липня, в кінотеатрах Планета Кіно

"ITALIAN BEST SHORTS 4: Історії нашого життя" – збірка кращих італійських короткометражних фільмів, які взяли участь у безлічі італійських і європейських оглядах, включаючи 77-й Венеціанський кінофестиваль та "Золотий глобус".

Це зворушливі, кумедні й важливі картини, що розповідають про дивовижні людські долі: двійника Елвіса Преслі, маленького борця з мафією Джованні Фальконе, вуличних футболістів з усього світу, грузинського рознощика піци та багатьох інших. Серед учасників — фільм "Будь моєю мамою" (Being my mom), який був показаний на Венеціанському кінофестивалі 2020. Це режисерський дебют Жасмін Трінке, що отримала приз секції "Особливий погляд" на 70-му Каннському кінофестивалі. Комедія 2018 року режисера Андреа Делла Моніка "Елвіс", мелодрама Віто Палумбо "Мушкетери" 2018 р., драма Джанлуки Зонти 2019 року "Рознощик піци", драма Алессандро Абера 2020 року "Гра", Комедія Віто Пальм’єрі 2018 року "Чемпіонат світу на площі" та драма "Нетерпимість" 2020 року режисерів Джуліано Джакомеллі та Лоренцо Джовенга. Більше інформації на: www.planetakino.ua.


10-12 September from 16:00 at !FESTRepublic Club (24–26 Staroznesenska St.)

From brewery-focused pubs and taprooms to restaurants and even your local supermarket, the popularity of craft beer remains as strong as ever. Leopolitan beer lovers will again be in hops heaven when the Craft Beer & Vinyl Music Fest returns to !FESTRepublic Club for its ninth flavourpacked year. Highlights include daily afternoon tastings, where visitors who purchase a pass can sample from a pool of more than 20 specialty beers lovingly crafted by a variety of local, regional, and national breweries. Entrance ticket holders are also encouraged to savour the day before or after the tastings by enjoying a meal while listening to some great hits by Ukrainian artists. Entrance fee is 50–100 UAH. For more event information, please visit gastroli.ua


10 – 12 вересня, з 16:00 у !FESTRepublic (вул. Старознесенська, 24–26)

Популярність крафтового пива залишається незмінною — від пивоварених пабів і крамниць до барів, і навіть місцевого супермаркету.Тож львівські поціновувачі пива знову опиняться в хмільному раю, адже наповнений смаками Craft Beer & Vinyl Fest в 9 раз повернеться до свого регулярного місця розташування FESTRepublic! Пивоварні та домашні пивовари з усієї України, фудкорт, вінілові DJ, маркет вінілів та апаратури, дитячі майданчики з розвагами та майстернями, вечірки та твої друзяки поруч. Та звісно неперевершена атмосфера, що притаманна лише Craft Beer & Vinyl. Вхідний квиток: 50–100 грн. Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.gastroli.ua


28 July to 1 August from 12:00 at the Ternopil Hippodrome

Knowing what we now know about the virus and how its spread – and with more and more people being vaccinated daily – people are about ready to go outside and start living normally again! For sure, is there a better place than an outdoor concert – it’s like the best of both worlds. You’re outdoors, you’re able to socially distance, but you’re still doing something you enjoyed doing before anyone knew the words “COVID” or “socially distanced”. Organisers continue to work hard on the programme to book bands in a wide variety of genres that will make the trip outdoors worth your while, meaning that the lineup is a cracking good mix of styles and genres: Alestorm, Avatar, Pornofilms, Druha Rika, Bad Omens, Beyond The Black, Louna, Rotting Christ, ТНМК, Жадан і Собаки, Karna, Ghostkid, Lord Of The Lost, Go-A, Motanka, Один в каное, Stoned Jesus, Wildways, Space of Variations, Detach, Nizkiz, Latexfauna, Smetana band, Skinhate, Ignea, Курган & Агрегат, The Unsleeping and others. Tickets range in price from 200–2900 UAH. For more information, please visit fainemisto.com.ua or www.gastroli.ua


28 липня – 01 серпня, з 12:00 на Тернопільському іподромі

Зараз, коли нова світова реальність стала буденністю, Файне Місто знову відкриває ворота у свій світ, щоб кожен знайшов те, що по праву належить йому: свободу і жагу до життя. Звичайно, концерт просто неба — ідеальне місце — це як найкраще з обох світів. Ви перебуваєте на свіжому повітрі, ви зберігаєте соціальну дистанцію, але все одно робите щось цікаве, що ми робили раніше. Організатори наполегливо попрацювали з наповненням програми, щоб запросити колективи різних музикальних стилів та жанрів. Анонсовані учасники фестивалю: Alestorm, Avatar, Порнофільми, Друга ріка, Bad Omens, Beyond The Black, Louna, Rotting Christ, ТНМК, Жадан і Собаки, Karna, Ghostkid, Lord Of The Lost, Go-A, Motanka, Один в каное, Stoned Jesus, Wildways, Space of Variations, Detach, Nizkiz, Latexfauna, Сметана band, Skinhate, Ignea, Курган & Агрегат, The Unsleeping та багато інших. Загалом понад 100 виконавців на 7 сценах фестивалю. Вартість квитків від 200 до 2900 грн. Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.fainemisto.com.ua або www.gastroli.ua


24 August at 18:00 at Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska St.)

Jot down the date of 24 August for a trip down memory lane with the Super Disco 90s concert! Reminisce with the tracks that brought us out on the dancefloor, with hits from such artists as Boney M (Xperience), Mr. President (Lazzy Dee), Global Deejays, Snap!, and Captain Jack. You’ll be sure to hear all your favourite hits in one fabulous four-hour night at Arena Lviv. DJ Gooch Brown and DJ Gonibez will have you singing your heart out and dancing your shoes off! So, ready your fancy dress and get set for the best party of the year! Tickets go for 320–820 UAH.To find out more or book tickets, please visit www.kasa.in.ua


24 серпня, о 18.00 на Арені Львів (вул. Стрийська, 199)

Ми відкриваємо портал в 90-ті роки минулого століття! Забронюйте день 24 серпня для подорожі стежиною пам’яті у супроводі легенд дискотек і хіт-парадів, топових артистів 90-х: Boney M (xperience), Mr.President (Lazzy Dee), East 17, Global Deejays, Snap!, Captain Jack, NaNa. Саме вони домінували в музичній індустрії тих років! Під час 6-годинного концерту на Арені Львів ви за одну ніч почуєте всі свої улюблені хіти. За пультом – Dj Gooch Brown та Dj Gonibez. Ми обіцяємо, що ви будете співати від душі та танцювати до упаду! Тож підготуйте свій стильний look та мерші на найкращу вечірку року! Вартість квитків становить 320–820 грн. Більше про бронювання квитків, на www.kasa.in.ua.


14 August at 19:00 at Arena Lviv (199 Stryiska St.)

The Ukrainian Song Project – a grand, national musical event featuring some of Ukraine’s hottest young artists from a wide variety of genres – is coming to Arena Lviv on 14 August. Designed to promote the artistic talent of Ukraine, increase national pride, and popularise the songs of up-and-coming Ukrainian artists, this event is often called “Ukrainian Eurovision” as it’s broadcasted on national TV and radio. Last year the event took place without an audience because of COVID health restrictions, but audiences will return in 2021as fans are set to enjoy hearing some of Ukraine’s most talented young musicians. The Ukrainian Song Project is back! Tickets go for 300–950 UAH. To learn more about the lineup, please visit uapisnya.com.ua and to book tickets, please visit www.lviv.kontramarka.ua


14 серпня, о 19.00 на Арені Львів (вул. Стрийська, 199)

14-го серпня 2021 року на стадіоні "Арена Львів" вшосте відбудеться Національний проєкт "Українська Пісня/Ukrainian Song Project".- грандіозна музична подія, в якій візьмуть участь одні з "найгарячіших" молодих артистів України. Недарма цю подію називають "Українським Євробаченням". У концерті беруть участь переможці всеукраїнського відбору та справжні зірки української сцени. Для молодих артистів "Українська пісня/ Ukrainian Song Project" — це відмінний стартовий майданчик і шанс проявити себе перед широкою аудиторією слухачів. Минулого року, через епідеміологічні обмеження подія відбулася без глядачів, але зараз ніщо не завадить нам побачити наживо талановитих молодих музикантів з усієї України й вже визнаних зірок. "Українська

Пісня/Ukrainian Song Project" повертається! Квитки коштують 300–950 грн. Детальніше про склад виконавців на www.uapisnya.com.ua, щоб забронювати квитки, відвідайте www.lviv.kontramarka.ua



Explore the unique and wonderful world of Lviv art every month with our very own Lviv Today gallery gourmet

Olha Shchur


Phantasy Workshop. Open during whole summer, each Saturday from 15.00 till 17.30, featuring acquaintance with exciting art stories and various techniques of the three-dimensional compositions creations. Ticket price (including lecture and materials): 100 UAH for kids, 150 UAH for adults. Availability is up to 10 person, duration: 2,5 h. For more detailed information please call on +38 098 717 39 82. Lviv–Briukhovychi, 16, Muzejna str.. | Tues. – Sun.: 10:00–18:00 Closed: Monday


Till 11.07 exhibition KADOSH by Kateryna Kuziv featuring the cycle of icons of the life of Eve and Mother of God 26, Virmenska str. Tel.: (032) 235 52 95 11:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon. gallery@iconart.com.ua www.iconart.com.ua


Till 11.07 exhibition "Holiday" by Vladislav Sherishevskiy 3, Stefanyka, str. Tel.: (032) 261 44 48 Tues. – Fri. 11:00–17:00 Sat. – Sun. 10.00–18.00 Closed: Monday www.facebook.com/lvivartgallery www.lvivgallery.org.ua


25.06–19.09 exhibition “Vasyl Stefanyk. Portraits. Stories. Illustrations.” Till 29.08 exhibition project “Henryk Streng, Marek Wlodarski and Leopolitan modernism” Tues. – Thurs., Sun. 10:00–18:00 (tickets office open till 17:30) Fri. – Sat. 12.00–20.00 (tickets officeopen till 19:30) Closed: Monday 20, Svobody ave. Tel.: (032) 235 88 46 www.nml.com.ua


Exhibition MINI MONUMENTS by Anna Atoyan Exhibition of seven compositions (3d objects, wood, levkas, painting), which are very personal as opposed to public monuments (lat. momentum – “memory, monument”). 7, Virmenska str. Tel.: +38 050 665 0603 12:00–19:00 / Closed: Mon. www.artgreensofa.com



During 11.06–06.07 exhibition of paintings "Nespyimane” (Not caught) by Khrystyna Pryimak. Mon-Fri. 11:00–19:00 | Sat: 10:00–17:00, Sun: 12:00–17:00 www.facebook.com/galleryPM | www.pmgallery.com.ua/


(80 km from Lviv) 16.06 – 15.08 exhibition "Peremoha – triumf – vidpochynok" (Victorytriumph-rest) by Volodymyr Budnikov and Vlada Ralko www.lvivgallery.org.ua


Till 15.07 exhibition “The new life of the Holy Trinity iconostasis in Zhovkva” 2а, Lychakivska str. Tue. – Fri. 11:00–17:00, Sat. – Sun 10:00–17:00 Closed: Mon.


From 15.06 exhibition of artistic metal works and art jewelry by Igor Kolesnyk. 8, Lesi Ukrainky str. | Tel.: 066 972 64 87 | Facebook: Melanka Art Project Open: Mon. – Sat.: 12.00–18.00. Sunday by appointment


During whole summer on display creative project ArtDeco and modern trends 4a, Fredra str., Tel.: 067 37 38 538 Mon. – Sat.: 12:00–18:00 Closed: Monday www.artsalonveles.com


Till 19.08 exhibition of the alternative photos “Integratsiya svitla” (Integration of light) 15, Svobody ave. Tel.: (032) 297 0157 mehp@etnolog.lviv.ua 11:00–18:00 / Closed: Mon.


This venue is a new exposition location of the B. Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery. The 7 halls of the newly created museum showcase a retrospective of the Lviv art that visualizes the worldview of modernism: from the first early modern experiments in the direction of manmade progress – to refined examples of the aesthetics of late structuralism, with its emphasis on rethinking ancient cultures and cosmogony. 15, Kopernyka str. Tues. – Fri.: 11:00–17:00 (tickets office open till 16:30) Sat. – Sun.: 10.00–18.00 (tickets office open till 17:30) Closed: Monday Tel.: +38 097 161 26 99


'KVARTYRA (APARTMENT) 35” Till 04.07 exhibition of photos “Dvi kimnaty” (Two rooms) by Taras Bychko at | Mon. – Thurs. 12:00–22:00 Fri. – Sun. 12.00–00.00 35, Virmenska str. Tel.: 067 672 7464 www.dzyga.com www.facebook.com/DzygaLviv


06.06–07.07 Artistic transcendent exhibition “р:ОМ:анюк” 18a, Valova str. Tel.: (032) 254 61 55, (032) 295 69 68 11:00–19:00

hwww.facebook.com/museumofideas www.idem.org.ua


Till 10.07 photo exhibition | Street dialogues 2.0” Opening of the third exhibitional premises of the centre. Till 20.07 first personal exhibition of art by Lesya Khomenko “Bazhana ploschyna” (The desired space 11, Stefanyka str., Entrance door code is 27 Tel.: 063 110 4899 Entrance is free of charge Open: 10:00 – 21:00 www.lvivart.center www.facebook.com/lvivart.center


Till 29.08 exhibition of folk and decorative art “Roste derevo” (Tree grows) featuring artistic objects from Naddnipryanshchyna region (over Dnieper region) of the XVII-middle of the XX century 42, Drahomanov str. | Wed. – Sun.:1 1:00–18:00 | Tel.: (032) 261 35 92 | www.nml.com.ua



What is Ukraine most commonly associated with? Throughout the past three decades of Ukrainian statehood, the answers to this question have often been depressingly bleak, ranging from the Chornobyl nuclear disaster to poverty, corruption, and war. These negative stereotypes have created additional hurdles for the country as it seeks to shake off the legacy of centuries spent under foreign rule and establish an independent international identity of its own.

It has not been all bad, of course. Sports stars such as football legend Andriy Shevchenko and the Klitschko boxing brothers have introduced global audiences to Ukrainian excellence, while the country’s increasingly world-class tech sector continues to challenge notions of postSoviet stagnation.

In recent years, a new generation of Ukrainian fashion designers has joined the country’s expanding list of unofficial ambassadors, while a handful of Ukrainian authors have also built up significant international followings. However, no single event has done as much to promote Brand Ukraine or showcase the country’s creativity as the Eurovision Song Contest. The 2021 Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in Rotterdam in mid-May, was a case in point. While many nations favored slick and indistinguishable pop presentations performed in bland Euro-English, Ukraine opted for an intense and infectious Ukrainian-language techno anthem that borrowed heavily from ancient Ukrainian folklore traditions. The song, performed by Ukrainian electro-folk band Go_A, proved a viral hit on social media and qualified for the contest final comfortably, where it was soon being talked about as one of the favorites.

Thanks to the convoluted nature of the Eurovision scoring system, Ukraine’s ambitious entry only managed to secure fifth place in the 26-nation final. However, it was the number two song among voting TV audiences across Europe, and was widely acknowledged as one of the most memorable Eurovision entries in recent memory.

The story did not end in Rotterdam. In the week following the song contest, Go_A’s track surged to top spot in the global Viral 50 chart of the world’s largest music streaming service, Spotify, and also featured prominently on the iTunes and Apple Music platforms. In early June, it became the first Ukrainian-language song to enter the authoritative weekly Billboard Global 200 chart compiled by Billboard magazine. Meanwhile, videos of the song have clocked up tens of millions of views on YouTube and counting. In other words, Eurovision has succeeded in introducing a vast global audience to a uniquely Ukrainian sound.

This year’s song contest success is nothing new. Indeed, Ukraine has made a habit of excelling at Eurovision, and has frequently done so while demonstrating a flair and originality that is entirely at odds with the country’s somewhat dour and dreary international image. Many of the most memorable moments in Ukraine’s long love affair with the Eurovision Song Contest mirror the country’s broader emergence from the Soviet shadows. During the economically grim 1990s, cash-strapped Ukraine did not participate in Eurovision at all. The country eventually made its debut in 2003. Within a year, Ukraine struck gold.

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of Ukrainian singer Ruslana’s 2004 Eurovision Song Contest victory. Her winning folk-inspired “Wild Dances” track went on to be a hit in countries across Europe, but it was in Ukraine itself that it resonated loudest.

As one of independent Ukraine’s first major international successes, Ruslana’s Eurovision win was a source of enormous pride across the country. Some have even suggested that it played a role in consolidating the growing mood of national self-confidence that would go on to fuel the Orange Revolution, which erupted just six months later. Predictably, Ruslana made numerous appearances on Maidan during the revolution and was one of the most prominent Ukrainian celebrities to back the pro-democracy uprising.

Ukraine’s second Eurovision victory came 12 years later in very different circumstances, but was to prove equally historic. With the country then entering into the third year of an undeclared war against Putin’s Russia, Crimean Tatar diva Jamala took the Eurovision title in May 2016 thanks to her haunting ballad “1944,” which told the story of the WWII-era Soviet deportation of the Crimean Tatars.

Jamala’s win sparked considerable controversy. While the song itself was undeniably excellent, critics claimed it was too overtly political and risked undermining the lighthearted nature of the song contest. Despite these grumblings,

Peter Dickinson is Publisher of Lviv Today magazine and Editor of the Atlantic Council’s UkraineAlert Service.

“1944” was to prove a major soft power triumph for Ukraine. The song drew renewed international attention to the plight of Crimean Tatars living under Russian occupation in Crimea. It also raised awareness about Soviet crimes against humanity, while undermining Moscow’s attempts to falsely claim that Crimea had “always been Russian.”

In addition to the country’s two Eurovision wins, Ukraine has also claimed two silvers and one bronze. The most memorable of these runnerup entries was undoubtedly Ukrainian comedy drag act Verka Serduchka’s delightfully bonkers hit “Dancing Lasha Tumbai,” which took second place in 2007.

Verka’s memorable mishmash of German, English, Ukrainian and Russian lyrics, together with disco ball-inspired headgear and tonguein-cheek delivery, made for the quintessential Eurovision song and guaranteed the Ukrainian performer a prominent place in the contest’s hall of fame. The UK’s Guardian newspaper declared it “the best song never to win Eurovision.” Fourteen years on, fans of Eurovision still copy Verka’s iconic outfit during fancy dress parties to mark the annual song contest.

Verka’s appearance also produced one of the most unlikely and memorable political spats in Eurovision history, when Russian sources protested that the Ukrainian entry included the lyrics “Russia, goodbye.” The man behind the Verka persona, Andriy Danylko, responded by stating that the lyrics in question were actually “lasha tumbai.” This, he claimed somewhat unconvincingly, was a Mongolian phrase meaning “whipped cream.”

As well as providing a global stage for Ukrainian talent, the Eurovision Song Contest has also helped introduce Ukraine itself to the outside world. Thanks to the country’s 2004 and 2016 song contest wins, Kyiv has twice served as the host city for Eurovision. On both occasions, thousands of fans and journalists have flocked to the Ukrainian capital and been pleasantly surprised by the blossoming beauty that is Kyiv in May. During the course of these two events, Ukraine probably received more positive coverage in the international media than at any other time since the dawn of independence in 1991. There is, of course, something faintly ridiculous about taking Eurovision seriously. But at the same time, there is no denying the positive impact this kitschiest of contests has had on Ukraine’s international profile. This year’s Eurovision Song Contest attracted an international TV audience of 183 million, cementing its status as the world’s biggest live music event. For a country that is still struggling to assert an independent identity on the international stage, such exposure is quite literally priceless.




Lviv’s popular Batyars on Bicycles retro bike ride returned to the city on 12 June. Designed to pay tribute to the city’s past and pay tribute to the Batyar culture that once flourished here, the event drew over 100 participants that cycled throughout the city in retro outfits from the interwar period. The programme included a tour through the Trush Memorial Museum of Arts and a lecture by experts and researchers of fashion, while attendees enjoyed traditional Galician cuisine. Lviv’s LEM Station hosted events as well, include a retro parade, award ceremony, film screenings, live music and yes, even swing dancing! The event was capped by a antique fair and special themed expositions from Lviv’s Tlum & Kram flea market. An exceptional auction of ceramics, accessories, and other early 20th Century items was arranged for those guests that came without bicycles. The project "Batyars Ride Bikes" is implemented as part of the “Culture. Tourism. Regions” program jointly organized by Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF), USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (USAID CEP), and State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine.


The Ukrainian Wines Festival took place from 11–13 June at Lviv’s majestic Potocki Palace. Days were filled with wine tastings, contests, live music, and more. Festivalgoers rubbed elbows with some of Lviv’s most unforgettable personalities and whetted their whistles with imaginative wines – favourite activities of any wine adventurer. Top domestic winemakers took part in the ‘Best Ukrainian Wine 2021’ competition, where the professional jury struggled to select the top white, red, rosé and sparkling wines. The festival also offered guests the Wine and Art Zone, where the unique Radio Wine UA – created especially for the event – was released. One of the festival’s highlights came with a performance from Ukraine’s Go_A, stars of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. Beyond being an elegant exploration of the grape beverage we all know and love, the Ukrainian Wines Festival is becoming an expert forum that enables the exchange of experiences among manufacturers, experts, opinion leaders, and consumers.


У Міжнародному центрі миротворчості та безпеки 19 червня відбулась церемонія випуску молодих офіцерів Збройних Сил України Національної академії сухопутних військ імені гетьмана П. Сагайдачного. Зі стін військового вишу випустилося 572 офіцерів серед них – 48 дівчат. Поміж молодих офіцерів – 108 учасників бойових дій на сході України, які вступили на навчання до Академії безпосередньо з фронту. Під час урочистостей традиційно зачитали клятву випускника. Кращим випускникам академії вручили золоті медалі. А кращому випускнику Академії сухопутних військ імені Петра Сагайдачного 2021 року – лейтенантові Роману Невірку вручили особливу відзнаку – пірнач. Цьогоріч вперше випускники на урочистостях не стояли, а сиділи, як у військовій академії збройних сил США Вест-Пойнт. Не обійшлося без звичних в таких випадках підкидання військових головних уборів, та святкового шампанського…


WABBA Ukraine hosted its Lviv Bodybuilding Open Cup Championships at Lviv’s Malevich Night Club on 23 May. Over 200 of Ukraine’s fittest physiques from 18 regions of Ukraine joined their counterparts from Angola, Belarus, Iran, Germany, and elsewhere to show off their personal skills and stunning appearances. Athletes competed in 21 categories, including Fitness, Physique, and Model for men, and Bikini, Wellness, Shape, and Model for women. Belarus’ Oleg Chvajkovski claimed the Physique title, while Angola’s Adolfo Mabedo won the Bodybuilding title and Kryvyi Rih’s Anna Ostapenko claimed the bikini crown. Congratulations to all the winner and participants!


Залізні м’язи та... спокуса, яку важко описати. WABBA Ukraine 23 травня провела Відкритий кубок Львова WABBA 2021. Понад 200 найкращих атлетів з 18 регіонів України приєдналися до колег з Анголи, Білорусі, Ірану, Німеччини та інших країн, щоб продемонструвати свої фізичні навички та приголомшливий зовнішній вигляд. Cпортсмени змагалися в ростових, вікових та Абсолютних категоріях. Основна боротьба за звання володаря кубка Львова відбувалася в трьох Абсолютних категоріях: "MAN PHYSIQUE", "MISS BIKINI" та "MAN BODYBUILDING". Титули та призовий фонд у розмірі 60 000 грн здобули переможці Олег Чвайковський (Білорусія), Анна Остапенко (Кривий Ріг) та Адольфо Мабедо (Ангола). Вітаємо всіх переможців та учасників!

Sure, music festivals are great. But what about a culinary festival? It’s like a dream come true – a whole little world filled with the most glorious food all just a spoon or forkful away. These gastro festivals feature some of the best Street Food Cuisine, as well as splendid ice cream delights, mouthwatering desserts, and the aroma of coffee floating through the air. Fill your belly with tasting menus from some of Lviv’s finest restaurants, learn hot culinary tips from some of the city’s finest chefs, and mingle with gourmand experts and other food enthusiasts while enjoying your own divine dish.

So, be sure to mark you calendars and start saving up for these amazing foodie events that are sure to be a highlight of Lviv’s cultural calendar.

The Lviv Ice Cream Festival is a unique feast for all lovers of ice cream looking to enjoy all kinds of types and flavours, including gelato, soft, yoghurt, ice roll, sorbets, ice lollies, vegan, and organic – all in one place! A delightful event for the whole family, there will be entertainment for both youth and the young at heart, several competitions and, most importantly, lots and lots of tastings! This is a must-visit event for all lovers of fresh fruits, soft drinks, coffee, and yummy deserts. For more information, please visit the www.facebook.com/ streetfoodsogoodfestival.

This event is regarded as one of the most exciting autumn food festivals in the region. Lviv has become a foodie hub and this autumn will celebrate its culinary heritage at the Street Food. So Good: Autumn Edition from 4–5 September. For two days this fall, Leopolitan foodies and guests of the city can enjoy local menus from some of Lviv’s top restaurants and cafés, pop-up events, foraging walks, urban cookery classes, and demonstrations aplenty! There are even special workshops for the little ones. There’s a little something for everyone to enjoy! For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/ streetfoodsogoodfestival. Ця подія – один з найяскравіших осінніх кулінарних фестивалів в регіоні. Street Food So Good не просто вуличний фестиваль їжі, а місце захопливих розваг і вдалого шопінгу для львів'ян та гостей міста. Тож цієї осені, протягом двох днів львівські гурмани та гості міста зможуть смачно, драйвово, крафтово і просто незабутньо провести час на гастрофесті. Для вас тільки найсмачніша вулична їжа, майстер-класи, дегустації, розваги, драивова музика та друзі. Не забувай жити стрітфудним життям Львова! Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.facebook.com/streetfoodsogoodfestival.

The Lviv Coffee Festival is Lviv’s flagship coffee event. It’s just one more reason to celebrate the burgeoning specialty coffee scene in this great city. With exceptional coffee, food, cocktails, live music, and art on offer, it’s an unmissable introduction to life in Lviv and a marquee event for coffee lovers of all kinds. The Lviv Coffee Festival is a celebration of community and culture – no matter whether you’re a beginner, an aficionado, a self-professed coffee nerd, or even a key industry stakeholder, you can expect an immersive programme specifically designed with you in mind. Taste your way through the vibrant Leopolitan coffee scene with hundreds of exciting coffees to sample, boost your knowledge at one of the many workshops, and be part of the interactive demonstrations where you can meet top Ukrainian and foreign artisans and baristas one-to-one. To top it all off, enjoy delicious street food, coffee-based cocktails, coffee-inspired art, and live music. For more information, please visit facebook.com/LvivCityCoffeeFest.


Just hearing the word ‘pizza’ brings a smile to the face of just about every Ukrainian. Whatever style or variety – from thick, deepdish pizza stuffed with gobs of cheese, sausage, and pepperoni to a thin-as-a-cracker crust topped with veggies – pizza invariably makes it to the top of nearly everyone’s ‘favourite foods’ lists. We’ve compiled a list of fun and interesting facts about this paragon of global food. See how many you already knew!


The word ‘pizza’ was first documented around 997 CE in Gaeta, Italy. Soon after, the name started to spread across southern and central Italy. But it was actually the ancient Greeks that invented the world’s favourite food. They used to bake large, flat, and round breads and topped them with veggies, spices, potatoes, spices, and olive oil.


The oldest known type of pizza is the Marinara, dating back to at least 1734. Simple and wholesome, it was – and still is – topped with tomato sauce, garlic, oregano, and extra virgin olive oil. It took its name because it was popular among fisherman (aka ‘mariners’)!


The first documented commercial pizza came from 18th Century Italy. It didn’t have any toppings though; it was just a plain, flat, and round bread that was quite tasty and filling. It was popular with the poor as it was cheap. Street vendors in Naples sold these breads by the name ‘pizza’.


One popular legend holds that Italian Queen Margherita was traveling across her kingdom in 1889 and noticed that peasants were munching on the large piece of bread. Curious, she tasted it for herself and liked it so much that every time she visited her subjects, she had some more. But because it was a ‘peasant’s food’, it created anxiety and dismay in the Royal Court. The queen eventually had Chef Rafaelle Esposito make the dish for her and he used fresh basil, mozzarella, and tomatoes so that the ingredients matched the colours of the Italian flag (red, white, and green). The dish quickly became the queen’s favourite food, which increased her popularity among the peasants. The Margherita pizza remains one of the most popular pizzas around the world today.


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Pizza became popular in the USA, UK, France, and Spain following World War II. It is believed that the popularity of pizza in these areas comes from their soldiers being based in Italy during and after the war.


Frozen pizza was invented in 1957 by the Celentano brothers – the same year the Soviets launched Sputnik. At the time, frozen pizzas were only available in grocery stores. However, its popularity led to it becoming widely available in gas stations, convenience stores, grocery stores, and bars.


Every country adds something personal to pizzas. Italy may be the food’s fatherland, but pizza is popular worldwide, so it’s not surprising that each country gives it a special twist. Peas are a common topping in Brazil, eggs in France, and the Chinese love pizza crusts made with mini hot dogs. In Ukraine, sweet corn is often used in pizza toppings as it is considered to go well with ham and champignon mushrooms. We also use a slightly different dough here as it is yeast-based, which gives the flour a higher gluten level because of the nature of Ukrainian wheat.


There is an annual World Pizza Championship that holds five different types of competitions – Freestyle Acrobatic Dough Tossing, Fastest Dough, Largest Dough Stretch, Fastest Pizza Box Folding, and the Pizza Triathlon, where you have to stretch out two dough balls and fold one pizza box.


The world’s most expensive pizza is the Pizza Louis XIII. Created by chef Renato Viola and costing a cool 12,000 USD, the dish is prepared at your own home and includes toppings like red prawns, three types of caviar, and Mediterranean lobster. Best not be hungry though, as the pie only comes in an eight-inch serving.


Pizza delivery is incredibly popular, but did you know that a pizza was once delivered to space? Not in a movie, but in real life! Pizza Hut delivered a six-inch salami pizza to the International Space Station back in 2001.


A group of NASA scientists created a 3D printer in 2013 that can cook a pizza in just 70 seconds, literally spraying on the flavor, smell, and micronutrients!


According to UberEats, Saturday is the most common day to order pizza.


Did you know that pizza is the same word the world over? From Antarctica to Greenland, from California to China – the word ‘pizza’ has the same meaning.


Ukraine’s most authentic pizza is found right here in Western Ukraine. Many Western Ukrainians work or used to work in Italy and have brought back the original recipes to their homeland. Ukraine’s biggest pizza – eight metres in diametre – was made in the western city of Chorkiv last summer. If you are coming to Lviv, be sure to give the Western Ukrainian capital a chance to surprise you with Ukraine’s tastiest pizzas at many of our finest restaurants.



Leopolitans have much to celebrate this summer as Ukraine marks thirty years of independence. Throughout the past three decades, Lviv has consistently occupied a leadership role in the country’s historic nation-building progress, and has emerged as a highly promising Central European city in its own right.

While most of the landmark events defining Ukraine’s 30-year national journey have necessarily taken place in the capital city, Lviv has consistently been over-represented in the country’s political and cultural life. If Kyiv is the heart of independent Ukraine, Lviv has a strong claim to being the country’s soul.

In many ways, Lviv’s own evolution since 1991 mirrors Ukraine’s broader transformation from the identity crisis of the early post-Soviet era to today’s increasingly self-confident European nation. empire. It was a dark and deeply provincial city with an air of end-of-the-line inertia. The romance of Ukraine’s young statehood was still perhaps more tangible in Lviv than anywhere else in the country, but this fragile scent of optimism was frequently overwhelmed by the everyday realities of chronic dysfunction and grinding hardship.

The contrast between the gothic gloom of the 1990’s and today’s Lviv could hardly be starker. The city is now bright and bustling, with a sense of swagger epitomized by an innovative restaurant and bar scene that regularly attracts approving attention from the international media.

Once an obscure and relatively unknown destination, Lviv is now the undisputed flagship of Ukraine’s tourism industry and routinely features in European reviews of the continent’s most exciting weekend break destinations. Meanwhile, the growing number of Lvivbranded cafes and coffee shops popping up across Ukraine reflect the city’s rising profile and strengthening brand value among domestic audiences.

The Lviv economy benefits from one of Ukraine’s largest IT hubs, and the investment climate has been boosted by the city’s geographical advantages as a convenient gateway to the nearby EU. It is no coincidence that, prior to the disruption of the Covid pandemic, Lviv International Airport boasted some of the most impressive passenger growth figures in Central Europe.

Lviv’s transformation is far from over, of course. Nevertheless, this year’s milestone offers a welcome opportunity to pause and reflect on the huge strides Lviv has made since it first helped propel Ukraine towards independence thirty years ago.



Nearly 400 of Ukraine’s finest athletes are headed to Tokyo this summer – one year later than expected – to compete in the 202One Olympic and

Paralympic Games. Leopolitans have plenty to look forward to cheering about as several of our native sons and daughters are set to prove to the world just how elite they are – and Lviv Today will be there to cover all the action.

Ukraine’s powerhouse Paralympic team finished third – ahead of the United States (!) – at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The team is once again aiming for a Top 5 finish and will be led by several athletes from the Western Ukrainian capital.

So, here is Lviv Today’s list of Lviv’s Top 10 Athletes to watch at this summer’s Olympic and

Paralympic Games:

Stanislav Horuna – Karate

Ranked No. 3 in the world, Lviv’s Stanislav Horuna has just one chance to add Olympic gold to his already impressive trophy case. Karate was added to this summer’s Olympic programme thanks to its popularity in Japan, as hosts can select specific, non-Olympic sports to include. Normally, the biggest events for karate are the World Games, World Championships, European Games, and European Championships. Horuna has medaled at each event, including gold at the World Games (2017), European Games (2019), and last month’s European Championships. Date: August 6

Khrystyna Pohrachyna – Artistic Gymnastics

18-year-old Khrystyna Pohrachyna may be one of the younger athletes competing for Ukraine, but she has the experience and pedigree to hit the podium. Competing since she was five, the talented two-time Ukrainian junior champion has already competed in the Junior Olympic Games, where she won all-around silver in Buenos Aires in 2018. Be sure not to miss Lviv’s 2017 ‘Citizen of the Year’ (and Lviv Today’s 2018 co-‘Sports Personality of the Year’) wow audiences this summer! Dates: August 6–8

Pavlo Korostylov & Oleksandr Petriv – Shooting

For a city that prides itself as being a bastion for “Ukrainian-ness”, the city continues to churn out world class shooting talent – like Oleksandr Petriv and Pavlo Korostylov. Petriv is already an Olympic champion, having bested the world in Beijing in 2008, and is looking for a second Olympic title to add to his collection. 24-year-old Korostylov is hoping to join him. Already a Youth Olympic Games champion, three-time European champion, and 2018 world champion – as well as Lviv Today’s 2018 co-‘Sports Personality of the Year’ – Korostylov remains one of Ukraine’s biggest medal hopes in Tokyo. Dates: Korostylov – July 24, Petriv – August 1–2

Anton Datsko, Andriy Demchuk & Nataliya Morkvych – Wheelchair Fencing

Lviv’s dynamic duo of Datsko and Demchuk are two of the biggest names in Wheelchair Fencing. Both are Paralympic champions and remain among the most feared fencers in the sport. Datsko will compete in his fourth Olympics and is looking to add to his silver in Foil B from London 2012 and gold in Sabre B from Rio de Janeiro 2016. Demchuk will represent Ukraine at the Olympics for the third time and is looking to add to his gold in Sabre A from Rio 2016. Ranked No. 4 in the world in both Sabre and Foil, Morkvych is looking to add a pair of Paralympic medals to her three world championship titles. Dates: Datsko, Demchuk – August 25, Morkvych – August 25, 28–29

Olena Starikova – Cycling

One of the fastest cyclists in the world, Lviv’s

Olena Starikova represents Ukraine’s best chance for a medal at the velodrome. The 2019 Cycling World Cup champion added a silver medal in the 500m time trial at the 2019 world championships in Poland. Named the best athlete in Ukraine in January 2019, this ‘star’ athlete will look to add Ukraine’s first medal in cycling since 2008 when she competes in the sprint. Dates: August 6–8

Oksana Livach & Alla Cherkasova – Wrestling

It’s been a long time since Ukraine’s women’s wrestlers have seen success on the Olympic mat, but Lviv’s fierce duo of Oksana Livach and Alla Cherkasova lead a strong Ukrainian team that will look to change that this summer. Ranked No. 4 in the world in the -50kg division, Livach will want to add some Olympic hardware to her 2019 European title, 2019 European Games silver, and 2018 world championship bronze. Lviv’s European and World champion Alla Cherkasova (-68 kg) is one of the best bets to claim Ukraine’s first women’s wrestling Olympic gold since Iryna Merleni’s golden run in Athens in 2004. Lviv Today’s 2018 ‘Sports Personality of the Year’ is looking to avenge an upset opening round loss in Rio in 2016. Dates: Livach – August 6–7, Cherkasova – August 2-3

Veronika Marchenko – Archery

Lviv is home to some of Ukraine’s finest archers and there is no better women’s archer in the country than our own Veronika Marchenko. The World and European champion will be looking to better her results from Rio 2016, where she bowed out in the Round of 32 in both the individual and team recurve events. Dates: July 23–23, 25–30

Roksolana Dzoba-Balyan – Para Archery

Waving the flag for Ukrainian archers during the Paralympic Games will be Lviv’s-own Roksolana Dzoba-Balyan. Ranked No. 11 in the world, Dzoba-Balyan added a silver at the inaugural European Para Archery Cup in 2019 to her world championship silver medal. She finished 6th in Rio 2016, narrowly losing her quarterfinal match against China’s Wu Chunyan, who went on to win silver. Dates: August 27, September 2

Viktor Didukh – Paralympic Table Tennis

The cream of the Class 8 division crop since 2014, Lviv’s No. 1-ranked Viktor Didukh hopes to add an individual Olympic gold to the one he won with teammate Maksym Nikolenko at the 2016 Paralympic Games. With multiple World and European titles to his credit, Didukh will be looking to make up for a disappointing quarterfinal loss in the individual event in 2016 and will almost certainly add hardware as Ukraine looks for another Top 5 Paralympic finish. Dates: August 25–28, 30

Marian Kvasnytsia – Para Swimming

No nation on earth dominates in the pool like Ukraine’s Para swimmers. The team collected a staggering 74 medals, including 25 golds, at the 2016 Paralympic Games and then dominated the European championships in May, collecting 95 medals (37 gold). Ukraine will send 40 of its best swimmers to the Paralympic Games, including Lviv’s Marian Kvasnytsia, who will be looking for his first Paralympic medal at his third Paralympic Games. Dates: August 29–30, September 3

*In many Olympic sports, athletes earn qualification for their National Olympic Committees – not individually. Not all spots awarded to the Ukrainian NOC have been allocated to specific athletes.

The information above is subject to change.

Lee Reaney



Wearing his culture on his sleeve, the Lviv native speaks to Lviv Today about his Olympic chances, its COVID-necessitated postponement, as his distinctive ‘Chub’ hairstyle.

Few faces will be representing Western Ukraine – both figuratively and literally – at the Tokyo Olympics this summer as prominently as Lviv’s Stanislav Horuna. One of the world’s greatest living karate practitioners, Horuna will be hoping to capture Olympic gold as karate makes a rare appearance at the Olympic Games. Already a champion at the World Games, European Games, and European Championships, the rare chance at Olympic glory means a lot to the Leopolitan fighter.


Unlike its martial arts counterparts judo and taekwondo, karate is not usually an Olympic sport. Host nations can add sports popular at home and Japan added karate and baseball to the Tokyo 202One Games. This means that karate will not feature on the Olympic programme in Paris 2024.

Despite the high stakes in Tokyo, the confident Horuna isn’t approaching the Olympic Games any differently than any other tournament.

“Every fight by itself is always the same”, he explained to Lviv Today. “You have your opponent with the distance and attacks that he can offer to you, the judge, and your coach. That’s why it doesn’t matter where you fight – at the Olympic Games or at some local tournament.”

He has no plans to change his training regime either, planning to hold a small training camp after his arrival in Tokyo on July 21.


The postponement of the Olympic Games has impacted athletes in very different ways. Horuna sees it as positive for the sport of karate, even if it was a bit nerve-wracking for the athletes. “Karate was an Olympic sport for one more year – which was good for karate, in general”, he said. “But for many athletes – including me – waiting for the last qualification tournaments was really tiring as we lived in a period of uncertainty.”

Horuna was named one of the first 40 fighters to get an Olympic license in May of 2020. He didn’t know the rest of the field – another 80 fighters – until the Olympic Qualification tournament concluded this June.

Representing Ukraine alongside Horuna in Japan are No. 1-ranked Anzhelika Terliuga (-55 kg) and qualification tournament winner Anita Serogina (-61 kg).


It’s hard to miss Horuna on the mat as he wears his distinctive ‘Chub’ hairstyle with pride. “Presenting Ukraine at international competitions with such a look makes people pay attention to the hairstyle I use”, he said. “[It’s] part of Ukrainian history and culture, an element of our national identity. [Plus], I like how it looks.”

Of course, he’s not the first Ukrainian superstar athlete to sport a cultural hairdo. World cruiserweight and Olympic champion Oleksandr Usyk, a Lviv State University of Physical Culture grad, sported the same hairstyle when he won Olympic gold in 2008.

Horuna likes the conversation the hairstyle inspires.

“They often ask what it means. Or if they don’t ask, they ask Google”, he said with a wink. “It’s a nice way to make people know a bit more about Ukraine”.

You can catch Horuna in action on 6 August.


Вітаємо переможницю зі Львова, Анастасію Василик з номінацією ІІІ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ ПРЕМІЇ "НАЙКРАЩА УКРАЇНКА В ПРОФЕСІЇ". Це соціальний проект, метою якого є прославляння успішних жінок та збір коштів на оздоровлення дітей, що опинилися у важкій життєвій ситуації та дітей-сиріт. Анастасія Василик – засновниця марки етноодягу з ручною авторською оздобою «Чичері», кандидат філологічних наук, перекладач, науковець у сфері культурології, колекціонер давніх українських строїв, лауреат конкурсу молодих дизайнерів, що проходив у рамках Днів моди в Мілані у 2019 р.

Детальніше дізнатись про ексклюзивний одяг та поспілкуватись з дизайнером можна в Етноарт просторі «Чичері»: м. Львів, дорога Кривчицька 17а, попередньо зателефонувавши за Тел.: +38-067-772-56-53.

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