Cover Image: Dragmar Rd. (Featheredge fence panel). 2007
The Evaluation of Space Part: 5e ‘Fence Panels’ Or:
“The most viable form of privacy for ones kingdom” 2007
Text & Images Oliver Griffin Publishers
Borist Press
Life is boring, why make it interesting?
As fence panels go, these are prime examples of the spectrum of what you see in the British urban landscape. Enclosing ourselves with this slated wooden frame and concrete/metal foundations into our little piece heaven, containing our own personal and environmental aesthetics’. With the sheds, green houses and damp garages; a gaggle of out-houses that are sheltering various hobbies or distractions that are not allowed in the protection of the main house due to petit bourgeoisie doctrine (or maybe just because the miss’ does not want the clutter in the house). These D.I.Y. constructions of personalised architecture (both shed & fence) lays on ones own personal property as a status symbol and conversation starter at the annual summer BBQ, inbetween the summer showers, of course. The humble fence panel just acts more or less as a contemporary moat of the English mans castle. Protecting all he surveys, along with taking up the least amount of surface area, so producing a strip of land for bedding plants next to the slightly scruff lawn. The lawn-mower probably locked in the garage; under rusted up padlock and lost key. The division of private property with the newest Land Registration Act of 2002 that has been repealed & replaced pervious land acts from the start of the 17th century and the dissolution of the feudal system within God’s green land. The idea of the freeman and the land once had function, like the fence/stone wall also had more of an agriculture purpose. For example: the keeping of livestock in or out and the protection crops. But all we see poking out the top of picket and evergreen fence within the 20th century is runner beans or the odd sun flower it the slugs have not got to them before hand…
Grace’s Rd. (Overlap fence panel). 2007
Wilson Rd. (Bristol Fence Panel). 2007
Cross Rd. (Arch top fence panel). 2007
Dragmar Rd. (Featheredge fence panel). 2007
Cactus Close. (Featheredge fence panel). 2007
Neville Court. (Hit and miss vertical fence panel). 2007
Graces Mews. (Forest closeboard fence panel). 2007
Merrill Rd. (Featheredge fence panel ). 2007
Haverstock Rd. (Featherboard fence panel). 2007
Claremont Ave. (Norlapp fence panel). 2007
Treseana Ave. (Closeboard fence panel). 2007
Townsville Rd. (Corfe fence Panel). 2007
First edition Borist Press 2012 I.S.B.N. N/A
CopyrightŠ Oliver Griffin 2012
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Borist Press
Life is boring, why make it interesting?