The Evaluation of space Part: 9 (E.S.: 9) – part a ‘The University of Plymouth: A survey project’ 2010-2012 Or: “One years Psychogeographic adventure into the alien environment of Academic facilities, bureaucracy and failure that turns into my personal fiction.”
E.S.:9a Brunel Laboratories ‘External buildings’ Or: “Men in sheds and the boys in backrooms are what made Britain Great.”
By Oliver Griffin
E.S.:9a / Fig. 0
My first personal introduction to the University of Plymouth was the Brunel Laboratories and the out-building that surround it. These Gas Cylinder cages safely containing Cylinders ranging from size ref: K to VK/CK, weighting from 65-99 kg. These generic Industrial Gas Cylinder Cages hold the most common gases with a few mixed gases: Acetylene, Argon, Propane, Nitrogen and high purity Hydrogen. All these gases contained in the exterior of the building are used in manufacturing and welding of metals. The generic Industrial Gas Cylinder Cages have been moved and replaced with 48GSD Gas vault’s to the east side of the laboratories for easier access to the main shutter doors for easier access in early 2012. The pervious site of the cylinders was situated at the main south entrance of the laboratories. In which they were bolted into the concrete from the birth of this temporary construction in the mid 70’s. Although no details of the deconstruction of this building have been released yet to my knowledge. The other brick work bunkers and cyclone dust collection system apparatus site quite comfortably along slide the building and have not moved since the each of these self containing structures were once main for their single purpose. Ether to house small generators or outdoor storage areas for controlled/hazardous substances, creating ventilated safe areas again accidents that might arise in specifications met by COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health).
E.S.:9a / Fig. 1-4
E.S.:9a / Fig. 5-6
E.S.:9a / Fig. 7
E.S.:9a / Fig. 8-9
E.S.:9a / Fig. 10-11
This series of pychogeographical adventures within the University of Plymouth, U.K, explores the t o p o g raphy through the typologies of the everyday objects and elementary architecture that clutters Oliver Griffin’s educational environment between September 2010 to November 2012. Though this transplantation into an alien environment for the purposes of education, these publications are records of mundane points of interest accompanied with observational notes and a crudely research history of the site. This is set of documents evaluates and archives a point in time where the United Kingdoms educational at a graduate level is changing within a political landscape along with the psychical environment of this particular academic environment.
Copyright© Oliver Griffin 2012 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission of the publishers.
Borist Press
Life is boring, why make it interesting?
Borist Press
Life is boring, why make it interesting?