Summer 2010 Pipeline Newsletter

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P R O V I D I N G A C U P O F WAT E R I N J E S U S ’ N A M E | S U M M E R 2 0 1 0


Looking Back & Looking Forward

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE | Spilling Hope: One church’s journey to quench the world’s thirst





This is a unique issue of

Chairman of the Board

Gary Loveless

President and CEO

Mike Mantel

in our history. This year marks

Executive Vice President

Gary Evans

President Emeritus

Jerry Wiles

Living Water International’s

Vice President

Lew Hough

Vice President

Tim Mulville

20th anniversary. This is also

Vice President

Brad Saltzman

Vice President

Bruce Whitmire

Pipeline for a remarkable time

a year of positive transition for our senior leadership team. We typically use these

Jerry Wiles and Gary Evans

pages to highlight the people we serve. In this issue, however, we hope you will enjoy the chance to spend some time with us and some of the leaders who make this ministry possible. You’ll get to know Mike Mantel who came on staff as Living Water’s Senior VP of Development after 16 years at World Vision. The past two years have left us without doubt that Mike is God’s man for the job, and as of this summer, he has become our new President and CEO. In this issue the three of us sit down to share our thoughts and plans for the future. We will also look back at some of those special moments in our history that have made us what we are today. Anniversaries offer a great opportunity to step back and marvel at what God had been planning for us all along. An exciting future lies before us. Thank you for being a part of our present. We pray you’ll be with us in 20 more years to marvel at God’s boundless love reflected by life-giving water.

Living Water International Headquarters PO Box 35496 Houston, TX 77235-5496 877.594.4426 Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and experience “living water”—the gospel of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst. is published quarterly by Living Water International to raise awareness about the global water crisis and to inspire Christians everywhere to respond with compassion to the needy of the world. We welcome your stories, comments and/or address changes. Send them to: The Editor, Pipeline, PO Box 35496, Houston, TX 77235-5496 or email the editor: Living Water International is a nonprofit Christian organization and tax exempt by the IRS under code section 501(c)(3). Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that the donee organization has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version™ TNIV Copyright © 2001, 2005 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved. All photos by staff and volunteers of Living Water International unless otherwise noted. COPYRIGHT © 2010 BY LIVING WATER INTERNATIONAL INC.

| TRANSITIONS Combined Federal Campaign # 10788




On March 4, Christian Kaufman and Cort Gatliff were standing on the beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, California. On April 1, they were standing on the beach overlooking the Atlantic Ocean on Tybee Island, Georgia. To make the trip from Santa Monica to Tybee Island, they did not drive or fly; they rode their bikes. Day after day across the United States, this pair of high school seniors from Memphis, Tennessee, made their way east. Along the way, they raised over $50,000 for water projects in Haiti. To learn more about this amazing journey, visit

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL SAN ANTONIO MARATHON & HALF MARATHON Saturday, November 14, 2010 San Antonio, TX

Contact Joshua Ibarra to join the team, For sponsorship or volunteer opportunities, contact

CHEVRON HOUSTON MARATHON, HALF MARATHON & 5K Sunday, January 30, 2011 George R. Brown Convention Center Registration begins July 27, 2010. This race fills up fast so register now!

Visit for more race and team info and to find additional athletic events in your area.

WORKSHOP: CONTEXTUAL BIBLE STORYING Saturday, July 17, 2010 • Houston, TX Houston Baptist University In our Contextual Bible Storying workshop, we invite you to interact with the stories of the Bible as an oral learner. Participate in the same orality training that Living Water uses in the field. You won’t just learn statistics and theories about oral cultures—you’ll experience Contextual Bible Storying both as a listener and a storyteller. To register or learn more, visit ANNUAL HOUSTON GALA 20 – CELEBRATING 20 YEARS Friday, September 17, 2010 • Houston, TX Hilton Americas in Downtown Houston For event details, contact Cheryl Thornton, Visit to purchase tickets or tables. ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Saturday, September 18, 2010 • Stafford, TX Living Water International Offices RSVP today to Sandra Grobe, MICHIGAN SHARE THE VISION Friday, September 24, 2010 • Location TBD Contact Jodi Mohney for tickets and sponsorship, Visit for event details. 10 DAYS: A NATIONAL COLLEGE EVENT October 25 - November 3, 2010 At college campuses across the nation. To get involved, contact Henry Proegler, Visit for more info. ANNUAL MICHIGAN GALA Friday, April 29th, 2011 • Grand Rapids, MI Amway Grand Plaza Contact Jodi Mohney for event details, Purchase tickets and tables online at


by jonathan wiles



Summer 2010

In its 20-year history, Living Water International has grown from a simple idea into an organization with a multi-million dollar budget and hundreds of staff scattered across dozens of countries. Much of Living Water’s growth has come in the past five years, and has come so quickly that its structures and methodologies have had to stretch to accommodate. A few years ago, Living Water International’s Executive Director Gary Evans began working with the board of directors to plan for the next stage of the organization’s development. One of the most significant parts of the resulting plan was Gary’s own transition into a new, more specialized role. As of this summer, Gary, as Executive Vice President, is now able to focus on what he loves—Living Water’s field operations; it’s a proposition that has him very excited.

Stepping into Gary’s shoes at the organization’s helm is Mike Mantel, who for two years has been Living Water’s Senior Vice President of Development, and before that served for 16 years in a variety of leadership roles with World Vision. Mike has now become President and CEO, and sees it as his first priority to preserve the best of what Living Water International has been throughout its history. “Transition is an opportunity to value our history, our relationships, the knowledge we’ve developed, and the blessings the Lord has given us,” Mantel said in a recent interview (which you can read in its entirety on pages 10-13). “[We need] to hold on to those things, and to build on them and to discern what the Lord has for us for the next 20 years. It’s moving into a new reality without losing sight of what has been effective and blessed by God in the past. My role is to step into the shoes of a founding director and to be a good steward of what this organization is and can be.” This practice of valuing the best of Living Water’s past and using these memories to help shape the future is also being used to fuel a year-long strategic planning process called “Watershed: Cultivating our Strengths for Growth and Impact.” The purpose of Watershed is to engage the entire Living Water system to create a unifying vision and plan for the organization. The process is anchored by a series of summits that will bring together key stakeholders in the US, Latin America and the Caribbean, India, and Africa. Led internally by a diverse group of staff, board members, and volunteers, and with the blessing and commitment of the senior leadership, Watershed will result in a five-year plan for Living Water International that is rooted in the best blessings and successes of the past. As the stage is being set for the next season of growth and impact, other leaders are stepping into roles that are critical to the process. Jerry Wiles has served as President since 2003, helping Gary give leadership to the organization. Now, as President Emeritus, he will focus his energies fully on his greatest passion: leading the organization’s spiritual development and outreach strategies. Much of his time will be spent traveling to Living Water’s countries of operation training staff members and local church leaders contextual Bible storying techniques. Along with his responsibilities as CEO since 1997, Gary Evans also served as the de facto Chief Financial Officer. As he moves on to new challenges, a new CFO is stepping into those shoes. In May, Jim Malliet took on responsibility for accounting, finance, budgeting, information technology, human resources, and facility management. Growing the organization’s structure in these critical areas is creating the framework for even more growth in the future. Growth always stretches us and creates new challenges, but the Living Water community is eager to see what’s next. Gary Evans may have said it best: “It’s going to be a lot of fun, and I get a front row seat.”


Mike Mantel began serving as President and Chief Executive Officer on July 1, 2010. Mike joined Living Water International in September of 2008 as Senior Vice President of Development after 17 years in various leadership roles with World Vision. Mike brings to Living Water a diverse range of experience, broad relational networks, and a PhD in Organizational Development as we enter a new season with increased opportunities for growth and impact. The Mantels—Mike, Natalie, and daughters Maggie and Katie—are excited about being in Houston; daughters Libby and Abbi attend Calvin College in Michigan but hope to join the family for summers and holidays.

Jim Malliet began serving as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) on May 17. Previously, Jim was CFO of Origio Inc., a publicly traded company that is located in New Jersey. Prior to that, Jim held CFO and Operations positions in private industry, including high-level international positions at S.C. Johnson (Johnson Wax), a multi-billion dollar consumer products company. Jim and his wife, Marcia, are very excited to respond to this new call in their lives and are looking forward to relocating to Houston.

Summer 2010

LOOKING BACK by paul darilek

A good plan yields wh at you had hoped for, but a great plan yields wh at God had hoped for you.


we reflect on Living Water International’s 20 year history there emerge moments that made us who we are in ways we could not have imagined. It’s as though we were planting shade-trees while God smiled on, already smelling the fruit they would surprise us with. We call them triggers, those pivotal plans that yield unforeseen fruit. Join us as we celebrate some of Living Water International’s historic triggers:

Trigger #1: The 1990 Mission Trip

# 1 the 1s9io9n0trip: mis ty s ir h t e h t g in t e e m

When we sign up for a mission trip it’s natural to pray God might use us to change the world, but sometimes we have no idea what we mean by that. A group of Texans who went on a 1990 mission trip to Kenya sure didn’t. They thought God might use them to build a church meeting hall, offer medical assistance, and drill a water well, but something far greater than that happened. They met thirsty people, and God broke their hearts. They came home to lives that didn’t look the same. They started to daydream about loving the thirsty. One man turned his workplace into a drill rig manufacturing ministry. Another enrolled in seminary, then moved his family to

#3 many of

operations caoumr new country U.S. tra ininge out o f our progra m

ona l i t a n g in in a r t 2 # tea ms to drill Central America. Others revolutionized the ways they use their time, property, and financial resources. Their lives were transformed to serve the thirsty. Living Water International was born and now millions of lives have been transformed. Quite a mission trip.

Trigger #2: The First Well The well wasn’t completed on that first mission trip. So they went back, but no well was completed on that trip either. Nor on the next. This went on for years, until they trained an African team to drill. As God would have it, that particular well was a success! It turned out that the whole endeavor had never been about serving that one Kenyan community after all. It was about God revealing our purpose and giving us a vision—to train, consult, and equip local nationals and foreign missionaries to address the water needs of the countries where they live and serve, in Jesus’ name.

Trigger #3: The Training Program Living Water co-founder Harry Westmoreland had developed the LS-100 drill rig. It was small, light, portable,

Summer 2010

and it didn’t cost a lot of money. Even an average church could buy one and start a small water ministry—if they knew how to use it. Larry and Rosemary Laird agreed to let us perforate their fishing property and Living Water’s training program was born. The plan was simply to teach people to drill wells, but the program began to attract foreign missionaries. Living Water started to invest in them and entire country operations were born. The training program also left a bunch of American graduates wondering where they could use their newly acquired skills, which pulled another trigger.

Trigger #4: Mission Trips Trigger two taught us our vision was to train, consult and equip missionaries and local nationals. But what do we do with all these trainees who want to drill wells? Their money goes farther if they give it to us and we pay local nationals to do the work, right? In the short-term yes, but what if the folks from trigger one had never gone on that trip? In 2001, Living Water hosted its first official mission trip. Today, Living Water hosts more than a thousand shortterm missionaries a year on week-long well drilling trips

#4 as we learned in 19 90,

a mission trip is all about relationships


250,000 people are drinking clean water

today because of the Advent Conspiracy to Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Haiti. Many of our most faithful supporters, advocates, donors, volunteers, and staff members say their lives were forever changed by their first Living Water mission trip.

Trigger #5: Advent Conspiracy What could be a bigger deal than going on a mission trip and drilling a well? How about that time God became a human being? In 2006 a few pastors got tired of the Christian civic ritual of complaining about retailers who say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas." The children at their churches said it wasn’t fair that we send Jesus packing after his birthday party with no gifts. So they started committing to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all to celebrate Christmas. They noticed that Americans spend $400 billion a year on Christmas and that just 2% of that could cut the world water crisis in half. They called it the Advent Conspiracy. We thought it was just a sensible way to celebrate Christmas, but it’s become an international movement. For many churches, spending less in order to give water to people who need it is simply the new Christmas tradition. Living Water has provided water

to a quarter-million people through the Advent Conspiracy and it grows by leaps and bounds every year. We don’t own or manage the Advent Conspiracy, and that’s what we like about it—it is the spirit of Jesus using the church to change the world, and not the other way around.

Looking Forward There are many other triggers that have propelled us to where we are now. We hope you will join us at our 20th anniversary gala this year to celebrate them (look on the back cover for details). As we look at the past we wonder which of the things we’re doing right now is a trigger. Our growing health and hygiene activities? Our well rehabilitation program? The grassroots advocacy initiatives starting up all around us? Maybe the year-long strategic planning process we’re in the middle of? Maybe all of those, and maybe others we can’t even see yet. One thing is certain though: we hope that one day you will look back with us on all the trigger moments you helped us create. We hope you’ll say, “I should have known we weren’t just planting a shade tree,” then pick a piece of fruit and eat while God smiles on.

 A CONVERSATION by jonathan wiles

We're sitting here today with Living Water International's senior leadership: Gary Evans, Jerry Wiles, and Mike Mantel. All three are transitioning into new roles with the organization. As of this summer, Gary has become Executive Vice President, Jerry is President Emeritus, and Mike is now President and CEO. Let's spend a few minutes talking about what this transition will mean for the organization and for the three of you. First of all, let’s talk for a minute about what each of you has done up to this point. What do you consider your greatest success(es) to be so far?

Gary Evans: As the Executive Director, I have gotten to lead the development, administration, and program departments—a role I held for quite a while. When I look back, I often think of the time, shortly after we got started—and before we had any full-time staff—when we decided that this had to be more than a hobby. We needed to get fully in or fully out. I remember the day when we [the founding group] were sitting around a table and realized that someone was going to have to do this full time—and they all looked at me. I told them I’d do it—I’d give it three months and see. That was 13 years ago. One of the biggest contributions that I think I’ve made is planning for the future. Out of that group of founders, I was

Summer 2010

the youngest, at 40; I have been amazed to watch God bring the next generation of leaders to the organization. I look around the office now, and see so many committed young people who are going to lead us into the future, and wonder how it happened.

Jerry wiles: My work, particularly in the past couple of years, has involved a lot of focus on the spiritual mentoring, outreach strategy, and evangelism that we get to be a part of at Living Water. As President, I’ve also been an ambassador of the organization to networks of people around the country. Some of the highlights for me over the years have been the people I’ve helped get involved with Living Water. I really enjoy getting us connected in new areas and with new people. Another role I’ve gotten to play has been helping develop the organization’s culture and define our core values.

Mike mantel: My role has been Senior Vice President for Development; I have gotten to organize and lead the individuals involved in communications, marketing, and fundraising. I have also been able to get involved a little bit in strategy development; but mostly what I’ve been doing is getting to know the people who are involved in the community of Living Water International. Greatest success? Well, I inherited a whole bunch of highly

talented individuals, and what we were able to do in the last couple of years is to organize those individuals into a number of high-capacity teams. These teams are excited and engaged in producing all kinds of terriffic work.

GE: Well, the deal we made was that you would prove that you

Mike, you have only been with Living Water for a couple of years. Can you tell us a little of what your life and work looked like before coming on board?

Jerry, you are moving into a more specialized role within the organization; can you tell us a little about the part you will play in the future, and how your past work with Living Water has prepared you for it?

MM: Prior to joining Living Water, I was the General Manager of the Central States for World Vision. I started with World Vision in 1992, and the job at that point was to organize World Vision’s work in a major city, which included communications, fundraising, and community development. The Lord blessed that work, and over the next number of years, we were able to replicate the organizational principles that we began in Chicago in multiple cities and regions.

could fill the shoes, and without a doubt, you have. It thrills me that I now get to serve under your leadership—it’s going to be a lot of fun, and I get a front row seat.

JW: Well, I think the Lord has been preparing me for many years for what I am doing now and what is coming up through the collaborative networks I’ve been part of in the mission world and in Christian radio, television, and academia.

About 10 years ago, while serving with World Vision, I was able to earn a PhD in Organizational Development, and that enabled me to study, learn, and consult in the area of sustaining positive change. My hope is that God will use some of those experiences here at Living Water International.

More than ever, I’m going to be focused on our outreach strategies, particularly in the area of orality. The vast majority of people in the areas where we work are primarily oral learners, so we are training our in-country staff and church leaders to be contextual Bible storytellers. It’s really exciting to see people equipped to share their faith in such a natural and effective way, and it fits so well in the communities where we’re working. I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to be a part of it.

Gary, you have been the CEO of Living Water for 13 years; a couple of years ago, you began moving the organization in a new direction that involves, among other things, you stepping down from the role of CEO. Can you tell us what led you to that point?

MM: I’m really excited about the leadership you bring to the organization in sharing the gospel with oral learners, because these are the people we are serving with a cup of water in the name of Jesus. What you’re bringing to Living Water will transform the way we have an impact on these communities.

GE: In the very beginning, I realized that we should be planning

JW: Thanks for that “amen.”

for perpetuity. How are we going to pass what we’ve done to the next generation? I want to be faithful to the Lord with what he has given us. I knew all along that I was going to have to pass the baton, so I started setting that up about three years ago, and it’s finally happening—all in God’s timing.

Mike, can you talk to us for a minute about what this transition means for you? How is becoming Living Water International's President and CEO a continuation of your calling?

MM: Gary, I know why you chose me to lead fundraising, but why did you recommend me to the board as your successor?

Summer 2010

MM: I think “transition” is a big word, and it has a few facets to it. The first is that we’re transitioning senior leadership roles. The second involves moving from a founding director to

a “hired steward.” And the third is that we’re going through an organizational transition from what has been for the past 20 years to the organization that we are becoming. So for me, transition is an opportunity to value our history, our relationships, the knowledge we’ve developed, and the blessings the Lord has given us—to hold on to those, and to build on them and to discern what the Lord has for us for the next 20 years. It’s moving into a new reality without losing sight of what has been effective and blessed by God in the past. Transition is looking back as well as forward. Now I think my role in that is to lead the organization to discover what the Lord will have and to help us get there. Calling? The world has hundreds of millions of people who do not have clean water, many of whom are thirsting for the gospel. And we have thousands if not millions of people who want to help. What I’d like to participate in is making that connection… between those who thirst and those who want to help, so that millions can be transformed.

sustain us into the next generation.

JW: I’ve already talked a little about my role in the future; I’ll just add to what Mike is saying that I think we’re going to see an outpouring of God’s blessing and provision that will result in exponential growth and impact. He has great plans for the future that go beyond anything we could dream or imagine. I recently heard someone talk about the difference between navigating with a map or a compass. Our faith walk is more like traveling with a compass; God doesn’t give us all the details ahead of time, but he gives us a direction to move, and if we move in that direction, he can use us and direct us as we go. The Watershed discernment process is really helping us get our bearing for the future.

GE: For me, I’m thrilled about being able to focus on my work in the operations side of Living Water—the technological and spiritual aspects of our work are important to me, and now I’ll get to spend most of my time and effort there.

GE: It’s about time, Mike. It took you a while to decide you wanted to lead this thing.

MM: It’s called discernment, Gary. GE: [laughs] Ah, right. Discernment. I’m just glad that I was uncharacteristically patient on this one, and could wait ‘til God’s man for the job showed up. This is for all three of you: What are you most looking forward to in your new role at Living Water?

MM: I’m looking forward to continuing to strengthen and build our leadership teams. I’m very excited about Watershed, our year-long strategic planning process that involves the whole Living Water community… from Houston to Latin America to Africa to India. Our future will be discerned and articulated through this process, and I can’t wait to see what it looks like. It will frame our future for the next 5-10 years—I’m trusting that the vision and the relationships that come out of it will

This year marks Living Water International's 20th anniversary. As a closing thought, would one of you tell us what is it that excites you most about the next 5, 10, or 20 years?

MM: Growth and impact. I think we have been so richly blessed as individuals in this country, and the world is so thirsty. I believe that God is going to give us a broader and greater role by growing the breadth of the work he has given us and deepening its impact around the world. GE: Amen.




In 2010, Living Water International joined forces with Oak Hills Church of San Antonio, Texas, in support of a church planting movement among the Dagara people of Burkina Faso. The team has been planting churches and training leaders among the Dagara people since 2002. Now, a group of Dagara leaders works with Living Water International partner Geoffrey Richter to serve their neighbors with clean water in Jesus’ name. The team has rehabilitated wells for six communities and will reach 10 more this year. In 2011, the plan is to reach another 60 villages and expand to a full 100 in 2012.

The U.S. military wrapped up its formal relief mission in Haiti on June 1. Still, many international aid agencies remain, hoping to address many of the long-term needs faced by the Haitian people. Living Water International will continue working in Haiti in the months and years to come, rehabilitating collapsed wells and broken hand pumps in order to continue providing efficient and cost-effective long-term water solutions for villages and towns ravaged by the earthquake. So far, our teams have been able to rehabilitate 91 wells since the quake, with plans to complete 409 more before the end of the year.



Despite some setbacks and equipment troubles, Living Water Uganda has been working tirelessly to provide safe water for 50 schools in the Ruhaama region of Uganda as part of the Living Water Schools for Schools campaign. So far, 27 of the 50 projects have been completed, forever changing the lives of schoolchildren (and teachers, administrators, and other community members) in Ruhamma County.

Summer 2010

Living Water’s partner in Hyderabad is in the process of revisiting 500 past water projects completed by Living Water, covering more than 530,000 square miles of territory, evaluating each pump and well and determining what, if anything, is needed to keep them in working order. Since the beginning of the year, our partner has visited more than 50 wells and has been encouraged to see the majority are still providing clean, safe water for communities throughout central India. As part of Living Water’s commitment to sustainability, the wells that need work will soon receive another followup visit for repairs.

SPILLING HOPE ONE CHURCH’S journey to quench the world’s thirst BY rICHARD DAHLSTROM


Living Water has a vision of the Body of Christ quenching the world’s thirst. It sounds grandiose, but the past 20 years have given us reason to believe in it. Just 2% of America’s Christmas budget could provide water to half the world’s thirsty. We can really do this. That’s why we love working with churches with vision, like Bethany Community Church in Seattle, Wash., and the effort they call “Spilling Hope.”

SPILLING HOPE: THE RESURRECTION On Easter Sunday, Bethany Community Church issued a challenge to the congregation: experience forgiveness and reconciliation with God, then spill that hope out into the world. Approaching Christ with a thirsty soul is about more than quenching our own thirst—it’s about becoming a river that quenches others. That resurrection Sunday, when people came to the altar they received information and bracelets stating the Spilling Hope challenge: Live Simply. Give Generously. Change Lives. We described the needs for clean water in Uganda, and challenged everyone who chose to participate to spend the next fifty days—until Pentecost—changing their lifestyles to save at least one dollar a day. During these fifty days we did water walks to help people understand that toll of gathering water. We showed a film about the global water crisis, and held a rock concert and art show themed around providing water in Uganda. We prayed for Uganda, and all the while, people saved money. And then they gave. More than $130,000!

SPILLING HOPE IN UGANDA We witnessed first-hand the work Living Water International does in Uganda working alongside local churches to implement

clean water projects and provide health and hygiene training. In the community of Buzaama, we attended a well dedication. “Water is life,” said Ronda, the water committee chairman, “…and you gave us life.” A school director in Ruhamma said the projects gave him hope for the future.

SPILLING HOPE AT HOME During my 14 years as Senior Pastor of Bethany Community Church, I’ve seen God work in marvelous ways. People have been healed, saved, and liberated to serve God. But when people brought their offerings on Pentecost Sunday and we added them up, I broke down in tears. It was the greatest thing I’ve had the joy of being part of at Bethany. People ask why, and my answer is always the same: “Because Jesus didn’t just come to get us into heaven. He came so that we could participate, right now, in the incredible joy of being a blessing in this broken world.”

SPILL HOPE WITH US IN 2011 Join us in Spilling Hope in 2011. Access Spilling Hope materials and stories through Living Water’s website at, or through the Spilling Hope website at Richard Dahlstrom is Senior Pastor of Bethany Community in Seattle, and the Author of “o2: Breathing New Life into Faith”

COMMENTS? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic, or any other that you found in this issue of . Send us an email:




PO BOX 35496 Houston, Texas 77235-5496 877.594.4426 WWW.WATER.CC


Jerry and Danielle Dearing EMCEE



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