2016 2017student handbook

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September 1, 2016

Dear Families of Cape Charles Christian School: Welcome! Thank you for joining us as we begin our eighth year at Cape Charles Christian School. In the heart of Cape Charles, our students learn leadership skills by giving back to the community that surrounds and supports us. We are thankful for the vision and motivation God has instilled in the many hands that have made this wonderful school possible. Our teaching philosophy centers around the belief that children love to learn. They work exceedingly hard when held to high expectations and when given a variety of ways to express what they know and what they are capable of achieving. Because we are a small school, we have the ability to recognize each student’s academic needs in order to meet them where they are and help them achieve their greatest potential. Thank you for entrusting your children to us. May God bless us on our journey together!

Yours in Christ, Cape Charles Christian School Staff

About our Logo: When you s ee our logo, take n ote of its parts. Each is, of course, representative of our local culture and community. The ship represents the body of learning that our s tudents will take on and carry with them on their journey. Notice that the ship’s mast, the strength and core of a ship, is a cross. The legend of the sand dollar, a backdrop to the boat, tells of the b irth a nd death of Jesus. S tudy a sand dollar and you’ll see a poinsettia, an Easter lily, the start of Bethlehem, and holes representing Jesus on the cross. If you break the sand dollar in the center, you will s ee five white doves of p eace and good will. And last, the circle, a symbol of promise and connection, represents our community, our friends and our families.

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Contents Our Mission ………………………………………………………………………………………………3 Foundational Principles…………..…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Education of the Whole Child Includes ………………………………..……………………………….. 4 Other Curriculum/ Activities ………………………………………...………………………………….. 5 Organization of the School ……..……………………………………………………………………….. 6 Daily Schedule ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 After School Program ……………….………………………………………………………………….. 7 General Daily Schedule ……..………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Academic Program …………………………………...………………………………………………… 9 Academic Policies ………………...……………………………………………………………………. 10 Honor Code …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 General School Policies ………………………………………………………………………………… 12 School Contact Information ……………………………………………………………………………. 16 Email Contact for Staff and Board ……………………………………………………………………… 17 Acknowledgement …………………………..………………………………………………………….. 18

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Our Mission Trusting in God’s guidance, the mission of Cape Charles Christian School is to educate and develop the whole child in a non-denominational setting.

Foundational Principles Complementing our mission statement, we have adopted these foundational principles describing the values and strategies we will use to meet our purpose. These principles operate in an organization like a firm anchor. • We believe that as Christ loves all children, we embrace children of all races, religions, color, national and ethnic origins. • We believe that all children can learn given guidance and support from caring adults. • We believe that excellence in education is a journey of continuous improvement, not a race or a destination. • We believe that parental involvement and support are critical to a child’s success in school and in life. • We believe that school is a key part of the community; each benefit from the involvement and support of the other. • We believe that true education attends to the whole child and focuses on his or her place in this world and the next. Therefore, children are to be nurtured in such a way that they are able to develop their physical, moral, and intellectual talents; acquire a sense of responsibility, integrity, and right use of freedom; as well as participate actively in the social life of the school and the larger community.

Notice • Parents/guardians are expected to read the Cape Charles Christian School Student Handbook and review the contents with their child. • Parents/guardians must return an original signed acknowledgment regarding this handbook- see last page of this handbook.

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Education of the Whole Child Includes Mind: a scholarly approach to learning and a commitment to wisdom and lifelong learning. Students at CCCS will demonstrate: o Effective reading, writing, and oral communication skills o A methodical and reasoned approach to learning and problem solving o The ability to work collaboratively in small and large problem solving groups o Evidence of original authorship and academic integrity o A sense of personal organization including time management, prioritizing, and planning o An appreciation for varying world views o An ability to establish personal boundaries while respecting others o Growth and learning from the joy of success and the frustration of failure o The ability to reflect upon one’s personal experiences in order to form judgement and make needed changes in one’s life

Body: a recognition of the value of healthy, active living Students at CCCS will demonstrate: o Commitment to healthful nutrition and lifestyle o Commitment to physical self-improvement by engaging in an ongoing program of exercise o Discipline, perseverance and courage by participating in sports and athletic activities o Teamwork and cooperation by participating in team sports, clubs or collaborative projects with peers

Spirit: a personal spirituality based on prayer, faith tradition, relationship with community and living one’s beliefs through service to God and man Students at CCCS will demonstrate: o A strong sense of self-worth and compassion for others o An awareness of God’s love by extending that love to self, family, friends, and the community o Empathy for others, especially those from races, religions, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds different from his/her own o An ability to articulate one’s own faith and beliefs o The skill to evaluate moral choices and issues o The ability to make responsible decisions based on Christian values o The ability to form respectful relationships o A deep understanding of God and a desire for spiritual growth

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Community: living our Christ’s message of stewardship and becoming servant leaders Students at CCCS will demonstrate: o o o o o o

An awareness of social problems on local, national, and global levels A value system guided by spiritual values A belief in the value of human life and humankind, as creations of God A love for the environment and a commitment to protect it A commitment to helping the poor, sick, and less fortunate An understanding of what it means to love others and to utilize healthy conflict resolution skills

Other Curriculum/Activities The following will be offered weekly to all grade levels: o Bible Lessons § Erica Johnson will host chapel sessions and Bible classes weekly o Fitness Classes (in addition to daily recess) § Students in grades PreK through 5 will have daily recess, while middle school students will be provided with teacher-designated break-times. § Weekly fitness classes will be led by Ms. Jill Kratzer of Impact Fitness o Spanish Classes § Students in all grades will participate in Spanish classes each week. o Arts Classes § Arts Enter will be providing instruction in visual arts and performing arts. o Library § Students will visit the Cape Charles Memorial Library at least once a week. CCCS will also host special guest speakers and programs that correlate with or enhance the curriculum.

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Organization of the School

Faculty and Staff

Holly Hubbard, Head of School • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Valerie Travis, PreK Dawn Lewis, PreK Assistant Carrie Cabello, Kindergarten and First Grade Leslie Savage, Second and Third Grade Kate Tayloe, Fourth and Fifth Grade Holly Hubbard, Middle School Christine Tankard, Middle School Erica Johnson, Bible Studies and Chapel Coordinator Martha McNair, Spanish Jill Kratzer, Fitness Debbie Mountain, Secretary, fundraising assistant, and more! Eden Ertle, Visual Arts (through Arts Enter) Jean Flynn, Performing Arts (through Arts Enter)

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Daily Schedule School doors open at 8:00am, with Morning Gathering beginning promptly at 8:15am. Teachers will individually determine an appropriate mid morning snack time and recess times. The entire school will have lunch together at 12:00pm. School ends at 3:00pm. All remaining students will be sent to after care; there may be additional charges for after care. Parents will be responsible for applicable costs. Please be sure that you keep information current as to who has permission to pick up your child. Our students will participate in Chapel, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Fitness Classes weekly. Arts classes will be held at Cape Charles Christian School by teachers hired by Arts Enter Cape Charles. Upper school students may change clothes for Fitness class. All students must wear tennis shoes or lace up flat shoes for recess.

After School Program School doors open for students at 8:00am. For the convenience of working parents, after-school care is available from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. There is an extra charge for this additional service. Please contact the school for more information.

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General Daily Schedule 8:00

School Doors Open


Morning Gathering


Academic Focus: Language Arts Mathematics History/Social Studies Science Snack and Recess determined by teacher




Recess (lower grades)



3:00 3:00-5:00

Pick Up After School Program

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Academic Program Common Core Standards CCCS curricula are based on the Common Core Education Standards that provide the knowledge, skills and concepts our students need to excel in our global society. You may find a comprehensive list of National Education Standards by logging onto www.educationworld.com/standards. Several national and education organizations have taken on the voluntary challenge of creating these educational standards or guidelines to be used on a national level, including the following: • • • • • • • • • •

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics www.nctm.org National Council of Teachers of English www.ncte.org National Geographic Society www.nationalgeographic.org National Council on Economic Education www.ncee.org National Council for the Social Studies www.ncss.org Center for Civic Education www.civiced.org/stds.html Consortium of National Arts Education Associations National Center for History in Schools www.sscnet.ucla.edu/nchs/ International Society for Technology in Education www.cnets.iste.org National Academies of Science www.nas.edu

Lower School Emphasis in the Lower School is on building a strong foundation in reading and math, as well as science and social studies. The Common Core Standards will guide instruction, with emphasis on student involvement with their learning. Prayer and Bible lessons will provide a foundation for instruction in Christian values. Daily recess time encourages cooperative interactions and physical activity. Pre-Kindergarten is a full-day program. The Pre-K year serves as a transition time between home and school, providing an opportunity for adjustment to group situations and the introduction of academic and social concepts. The goals of the Pre-K program are the development of language and math readiness, gross and fine motor skills. Students participate in art, music, and physical educational activities. Bible lessons and library time introduce book learning and enjoyment. Kindergarten is a full day program with an emphasis on further development of language and math readiness, gross and fine motor coordination and social skills, including courtesy and consideration of others. Students participate in art, music, physical education, Bible lessons, and library. Students also learn basic computer skills. Grades 1-5 continue to build on reading, writing, spelling, and language arts skills, math, science, and social studies concepts and skills, as outlined in the National Education Standards. Students participate in art, music, physical education, Bible lessons, library, and computer training. Page | 9

Middle School Grades 6-8 students need an educational experience that addresses their social, emotional, physical, as well as academic needs. Classroom and extracurricular experiences will guide them in building self-confidence along with self-discipline, a positive work ethic and a personal sense of identity. The Common Core Standards will continue to guide instruction in the core areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students have opportunities to make choices regarding their study within the curriculum. Instruction in fine arts, health and physical education, library/computer technology, and Bible studies, are also part of the middle school experience.

Academic Policies Grading Scale Grades K and 1 will report skills as mastered or not mastered. Grades 2-8 use letter grades: A+= 98-100

B+= 88-89

C+= 78-79

D+= 68-69

A= 93-97

B= 83-87

C = 73-77

D = 65-67

A-= 90-92

B-= 80-82

C-= 70-72

F = 64 and below

Homework Homework that enhances and reinforces classroom work will be assigned at the discretion of the classroom teacher. It is expected that all assigned work will be completed. Failure to complete homework may result in lower grades and academic achievement. Teachers will contact parents if homework completion becomes a concern.

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Honor Code Cape Charles Christian School has adopted a simple but comprehensive Honor Code that applies to all aspects of our education and growth.

I will honor God, others and myself. All CCCS students must abide by the honor code, showing respect to God, others, and themselves. Failure to abide by the CCCS honor code may result in suspension and/or expulsion from the school without financial recourse.

Honor Roll The purpose of our honor roll program is to recognize and honor our upper school students who have exhibited outstanding academic success. High Honors- all A’s (90 and above) Honors- A’s and B’s (80 and above)

Promotion/Retention Policy Students who successfully complete the requirements for each grade will be promoted to the next grade. Students who do not successfully complete the requirements for each grade may be considered for retention. Reasons for retention include, but are not limited to: academic failure, teacher recommendation, and parent request. Parents will be notified about the possibility of retention and included in discussions regarding student placement as early as possible. Decisions regarding retention will be made with the child’s best interests in mind. Parent input in the decision will always be considered, however grade level placement will be at the discretion of the school’s teachers and leaders.

Testing The Stanford Achievement Test will be administered in the spring. During the school year, teachers will use a variety of assessment strategies to determine student learning including but not limited to quizzes, hands-on activities, projects, and research papers. Students must be present during the designated testing week. Makeup tests will be offered to students who are absent due to documented illnesses and/or emergencies only.

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General School Policies Athletics Recess will take place in the great outdoors, weather permitting, or inside the school building when not. Appropriate attire (i.e. shorts, T-shirts, and sneakers) is required for Fitness classes and recommended for recess. Attendance Punctuality is a lifetime virtue, which needs to be instilled at an early age. Students cannot learn if they are not punctual and/or do not regularly attend school. Compulsory attendance laws mandate the attendance of students in school. Parents are asked to make sure your child arrives at school on time on all days they are not ill or unable to attend because of a family emergency. Parents must provide a note to the teacher explaining their child’s absence from school. Any unexplained absence is considered truancy. Only student illness, family emergency, court ordered appearance, and medical/dental appointments are considered excused absences by the State of Virginia. Vacations, shopping trips, babysitting, etc. are examples of unexcused absences. Make-up work for excused absences will be accepted within a reasonable amount of time (usually one or two days). Make-up work for unexcused absences is at the teacher’s discretion. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices Unless specifically requested, all electronics should be left at home. Those brought to school, including cell phones, must be turned off and kept by the teacher during school hours. It is the student’s responsibility to collect all items at the end of the school day. Chapel Daily life at Cape Charles Christian School is built on a foundation of Christian values and the teaching of Jesus Christ. All students are required to attend weekly chapel services, which will be held under the leadership of local ministers, or lay leaders, and under the direction of the chapel coordinator. Computer Use All use of the CCCS network and computer systems shall be consistent with the CCCS Board of Director’s goal of promoting educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. The term computer system includes hardware, software, data, communication lines, connecting devices, printers, servers, workstation computers, laptops, the Internet and any other technology equipment or usage. Acceptable Use: • Access to the CCCS network and computer system shall be for the purposes of education or research and be consistent with the educational objectives of the School or for legitimate school business • Privilege- the use of the School’s network and computer system is a privilege, not a right. • Prohibited Conduct/Use- Each user is responsible for his or her actions and conduct on the school’s network, computer system, technology equipment and the Internet.

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Contracts for Payment of Tuition/ Fees After reasonable notice of non-compliance to the person(s) who is/are obligated to the School for payment, at the end of any 9-week period the School may deny continued enrollment for child/children covered by the contract. Discipline All students entering Cape Charles Christian School start with a clean slate. Recognizing that children will need guidance in adhering to the mission of the school, all school personnel will model and assist students in correcting behaviors which do not support our honor code and mission statement. We will rely heavily upon the support of parents to assist in correcting their children and to provide successful interventions for unacceptable behavior. However, students who are unwilling or unable to accept the Honor Code and the CCCS mission cannot remain part of the school. Such students, regrettable, will be dismissed without financial recourse. Discipline Interventions For minor infractions, teachers will work directly with the student to change his/her behavior. When a major infraction occurs, or minor infractions continue, parents will be contacted to enlist their help. Dress Code Students are to be clean and neatly groomed. Students should wear safe, modest, comfortable, correctly sized clothing that is appropriate for learning. At no time should a child’s undergarments be seen due to inappropriate clothing. The head of school will make a final determination regarding any questionable attire. Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedure CCCS students will be dropped off daily at Strawberry Street side of the building. • Turn right onto Fig Street upon entering town • Turn left onto Madison Avenue • Turn left onto Strawberry Street and pull up to the curb for students to exit/enter the passenger side of the vehicle • A staff member will be there to greet students and see that they get into the building safely • If a parent needs to enter the building, they must park on Tazewell Avenue or Monroe Avenue Drug and Alcohol Policy The use of alcohol and non-prescription drugs by CCCS students is contrary to our mission. The use, distribution, possession or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol by students on school property or at school-sponsored events will result in the immediate suspension or dismissal from school, as determined by the head of school.

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Emergencies at School In case of a medical emergency at school, the first adult on the scene will call 911. Your child’s medical and emergency forms will be given to the response team. It is extremely important that you keep the emergency record forms up to date regarding medications and allergies, which may affect your child’s health. Emergency Drills CCCS will conduct fire, bomb, tornado, and homeland security drills as required. All students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriately serious manner. Expulsion from School Students may be dismissed from school temporarily (suspension) or permanently (expulsion) for major infractions. Major infractions include but are not limited to: bullying, disrespect, bringing a weapon, drugs, or alcohol to school; calling in a bomb threat, threatening or striking a staff member or another student, harassment of any kind, and endangering the safely of anyone while under school supervision. Repeatedly disrupting the education of others with minor infractions is also grounds for suspension and/or dismissal. The head of school will issue suspensions when warranted; the Board of Directors will make decisions regarding expulsion. Field Trips CCCS believes that learning is enhanced when students can see, touch, feel, and participate in their own learning. Every opportunity will be used to have students learn “outside of the classroom” in Cape Charles, the Eastern Shore, and beyond. Many of these experiences will involve service to our local community. Whenever possible, students will walk (rather than ride) under adult supervision. Handicapped Parking and Building Access Handicapped access is provided by a reserved (sticker required) space in the alley on the Monroe/North side of the school building. A ramp is also adjacent to the handicapped parking space to allow full handicapped access. Health and Safety Students must show proof of up-to-date vaccinations as required by the state of Virginia. Parents of students with allergies or special health concerns should make sure that the teacher and head of school are notified and kept apprised of any change in condition or medication. A registered nurse will be on call in the Cape Charles area for in-school questions or concerns from school staff. Illness If your child is ill, please keep him/her at home to reduce the spread of any contagious germs. Children should be free of fever or vomiting for 24 hours (without medication) before returning to school. Please emphasize to your child the practice of thorough hand washing. Providing your child with tissues and hand sanitizing lotion will protect him/her and others from becoming ill.

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Internet Usage The Internet is provided as an educational resource. All students and their parents must sign the Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Contract to access the Internet. Students who misuse or abuse the Internet risk losing their access to the web at school. Personal electronic devices are not to be connected to the school’s internet system without teacher permission. Lunch and Snack Lunchtime is at 12:00pm to allow the maximum time for morning academics. Your child’s teacher will designate a mid-morning snack time. In keeping with our mission, please send healthy goods for lunch and morning snack time. Birthday and holiday treats are an exception, but should be coordinated with your child’s teacher. For students with peanut allergies, a peanut-free table/location will be provided at snack and at lunch time. Please provide a copy of physician’s recommendations if further precautions need to be taken by the school. Medication School personnel will administer prescription medication during school hours provided the following conditions are met: • The medication is prescribed by a physician/dentist and a written order detailing the name of the drug, dosage, and time to be give is signed by the prescribing physician/dentist and kept on file in the school office. • A signature of the parent/guardian requesting that the school comply with the physician/dentist’s order and granting permission to contact the physician/dentist if necessary. • The medication must be in its original container and delivered directly to the office by a responsible adult. If medication is not properly labeled, it will not be administered. • A maximum of one month’s supply of medication will be kept in the school office. • Self-administration of medications will NOT be allowed except in the case of inhalers for asthma and insulin for diabetics. Extra inhalers and diabetic supplies should be given to the school office for emergencies. Morning Gathering Each morning, the entire student body will assemble with the faculty promptly at 8:15am. Our day will begin with a daily devotional, morning prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, the national anthem (or other patriotic song) and the sharing of “good news” and requests for prayers. Smoking In keeping with our mission, CCCS is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is not allowed by anyone on school property. The use/or possession of tobacco or tobacco products by students is prohibited at school, on the way to and from school, and at all school sponsored events.

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Volunteers, Visitors, and Building Security For the safety of the students and staff, our building will be locked from the outside at all times. Visitors will press the door entry button to be allowed to enter. All visitors should be prepared to show identification if requested. We welcome volunteers, but ask that prior arrangements are made with the teacher and head of school. Parent visits to the classroom are welcome, however all visitors must report to the school receptionist or the head of school prior to entering a classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit.

School Contact Information Mailing Address: Cape Charles Christian School P.O. Box 30 237 Tazewell Avenue Cape Charles, VA 23310

Web Address: www.capecharleschristian.org

Phone: 757-331-1717

Fax: 757-331-1108

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Email Contact for Staff and Board Members Staff: Ms, Carrie Cabello: carriecabello@verizon.net Ms. Holly Hubbard: holly.hubbard@capecharleschristian.org Ms. Dawn Lewis: lewis.ken35@gmail.com Ms. Debbie Mountain: questions@capecharleschristian.org Ms. Erica Johnson: ramsey.erica@gmail.com Ms. Leslie Savage: eastvillesavage@aol.com Ms. Christine Tankard: christtank@yahoo.com Ms. Kate Tayloe: saltgrove@yahoo.com Ms. Valerie Travis: v_travis@msn.com

Board of Directors: Robert Barnes: email unavailable John Burdiss (Chair): johnburdiss@baycrk.net Gwyn Coghill: gcoghill@verizon.net Theresa Goller: codyscove11@gmail.com Russell Goodrich (Spiritual Advisor): russerich@verizon.net Mark Henry: markshenry7@gmail.com Jan Neville: jooonious@gmail.com John Outten (parent representative): joutten@co.northampton.va.us

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The undersigned as the parent/guardian for the following student(s):

______________________________________________________________________________ Hereby acknowledge the receipt of the Cape Charles Christian School- Student Handbook 2015/2016 and agree that we and the student(s) listed above shall comply with all of the provisions of that handbook.


______________________________________ (signature)

(date) ____________________

______________________________________ (print name)

______________________________________ (signature)

(date) ____________________

______________________________________ (print name)

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