Widening Horizons April 2010

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horizons widening

April 2010

Wind power is on the timetable! News from around the borough

Keeping you informed | www.northtyneside.gov.uk

How to get in touch with the council We want to make it easy for you to contact the council – and that includes in person, by phone, by letter, online or by email.

In person

You can call in at one of our customer service centres, located throughout the borough. Staff can provide advice and information on a range of council services, including housing and benefits. Our centres are based at: ● White Swan Centre, Killingworth ● Unicorn House, Suez Street, North Shields ● Park Road,Wallsend ● Victoria Terrace,Whitley Bay

By phone ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ●

General enquiries North Tyneside Homes and housing repairs Environment Council tax and benefits Racial incidents Payments Families Information Service Emergencies (24hrs) Social care (out-of-hours)

By letter ●

0845 2000 101 0845 2000 102 0845 2000 103 0845 2000 104 0845 2000 105 0845 2000 107 0845 2000 108 (0191) 200 6800 0300 123 0812

You can write to: North Tyneside Council, Quadrant,The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside NE27 0BY


The council website – www.northtyneside.gov.uk – contains plenty of information on a wide range of subjects. You can apply for planning permission, pay your council tax or report an incident of flytipping. Page after page is available at the click of a mouse.


You can also contact the council via: contact.us@northtyneside.gov.uk

horizons widening

April 2010

North Tyneside Council produces Widening Horizons for the residents of the borough.

Inside this issue Mayor’s message


The magazine is printed five times a year and distributed to every home in the borough.

Linda Arkley talks about the latest issues facing the residents of North Tyneside.

Our aim is to keep you informed about what the council and its partners are doing to improve life for people in North Tyneside.

Budget update


If you would like to comment on any of the articles in Widening Horizons, please write or send an email to:

The council promises to deliver value for money as it sets this year’s council tax.

It’s the Year of the Arts!


Free taster sessions


Service delivery


Local elections 2010


Don’t lose out!


Keep it Local


Steve Forshaw Marketing & Communications (3rd floor right) Quadrant The Silverlink North Cobalt Business Park North Tyneside NE27 0BY Email: steve.forshaw@northtyneside.gov.uk The next issue of Widening Horizons will be distributed from June 14.

NorthTyneside Council wants to make it easier for you to get hold of the information you need. We areable to provide our documents in alternative formats including Braille, audiotape, large print and alternative languages. For further information please call (0191) 643 5080. Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it. Cover picture: Pupils at Amberley Primary have helped to switch on the school’s new wind turbine. Full story – page 43.

North Tyneside launches a year-long programme of arts events and activities. Clubs across the borough are encouraging young people to try a new sport or activity. Find out what services are available at your local service centre or library. All you need to know about casting your vote in next month’s council elections. A three-page guide to the various benefits you may be entitled to claim. Three pages of classified adverts – featuring small businesses from around the borough. Competition winners: Congratulations to Lisa Robson and WJ Waugh, who each won a pair of tickets to see Hot Flush! at the PLAYHOUSE Whitley Bay.



Mayor’s message through your door in the last few weeks.

Dear resident, Welcome to the latest edition of Widening Horizons – I hope we can at last enjoy some nice spring weather. You will have seen in the press a great deal of information relating to the 2010/11 Council Plan and budget. The following two pages of the magazine contain more information about the process. As you will know, my key priority as Elected Mayor is to reduce the authority’s reliance on borrowing and ensure a stable financial future for North Tyneside Council. We have introduced a number of measures, including substantial reductions in unsecured borrowing and reliance on reserves. We have also implemented a detailed and resourced Council Plan for the next three years.

This edition of Widening Horizons contains lots of information about forthcoming events and initiatives in the borough. Planning for the Mouth of the Tyne Festival is well underway and we have recently announced James Morrison as the headline act. Tickets are selling fast – go to www.ticketmaster.co.uk for more details. I am sure this will be another fantastic event. We are also launching this year’s North Tyneside in Bloom and our Big Spring Clean – two initiatives that will improve the appearance of the borough.The In Bloom competition has two new categories,‘street effort’ and ‘grow your own’. ‘Street effort’ recognises communities working together while ‘grow your own’ honours the increasing number of people producing their own vegetables.

At the same time, we have been able to set the lowest-ever Council Tax by an elected mayor of 2.4 per cent.

This edition also contains information on how you can get involved in consultation on a learning trust for North Tyneside schools – more details are available on page 20. I would encourage you to take part in the process.

Detailed information is available in the Council Tax leaflet that will have come

We also have an article detailing the work we have done to improve the

roads across the borough. We have repaired 2,000 potholes in the last few months – largely due to the extra £50,000 my administration has allocated for the work. We know we have more to do and we have plans to ensure that happens. That is why we will also be putting £1.4m into roads and pavements generally and another £1m allocated through area forums – that’s a total of £2.4m in 2010/11. Meanwhile, work continues to promote our town centres. We have a series of events coming up (see pages 18 and 19) and we are also looking at extending free car parking. More details will be available soon. And finally, I would like to mention two important events since the last edition. I attended the remembrance service for Admiral Lord Collingwood at Tynemouth and the lighting of the torches along the length of Hadrian’s Wall.You can read more about these two memorable events on page 21. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Widening Horizons.

Linda Arkley


Budget will deliver

value for money

Residents have been promised the council will deliver value for money and eradicate wasteful spending as it guarantees sound long-term financial planning.

The pledge, from Elected Mayor Linda Arkley, was made as the council agreed its budget for the next 12 months and confirmed a council tax increase for this year of 2.4 per cent – equivalent to 45 pence per week for a Band A property. It is the lowest-ever increase introduced in the borough by an elected mayor. The council’s commitment to delivering “value for money for the people of North Tyneside” means reducing the level of unsupported borrowing is being made a top priority.

The aim is to reduce borrowing from £41m to £34m this financial year, with further reductions planned over the next two years. The authority will also make sure it eradicates waste and provides services more efficiently to deliver £126m of savings over the next five years – including £21m by the end of this year. Key areas for achieving savings will include cutting the council’s accommodation costs, re-designing services, saving money on consultants and improving customer services to make sure the council gets it right first time. The budget also reduces the council’s reliance on using reserves from £10.3m to £4m – a 60 per cent reduction.


widening horizons • April 2010

Mrs Arkley said:“The budget will allow us to deliver our Council Plan – a plan based on the needs and priorities of the people of North Tyneside.

“It is not a budget of short-term fixes or political gimmicks.This is a budget about getting more for less. Its priority is getting value for money for the people of North Tyneside. “And we will focus our spending on delivering sustainable improvements for our residents – better services, improved communities and a successful future.”

Funding is prioritised towards the key Council Plan themes over the next three years, including: ●

Our families and children – extending extra youth provision in each locality; the roll out of the Widening Horizons agenda that gives young people access to sports, arts and cultural activities in partnership with schools and voluntary organisations; the introduction of an Ease Plus card for the over-60s and a commitment to the Building Schools for the Future programme that will deliver investment in local schools.

Backing business – delivering two hours free car parking to town centres, including at the weekend; increasing the advice and small business rate relief to businesses; increasing support for tourism.

Shaping North Tyneside – re-launching area forums to give residents more say in council decision-making, including spending on improving roads and pavements. Getting more for less – making council financial management more transparent; improving the council’s approach to customer services and reviewing the way it does business, for example reducing the use of consultants. A safer, greener, cleaner North Tyneside – including a £1.4m budget for roads and pavements; an extra £450,000 over the next three years to improve environmental standards, including

Council tax 2010/11 a seafront recovery plan, more litter and leaf collections, more dog waste bins, less use of landfill and a spring time litter blitz and planting scheme.

The regeneration of North Tyneside – including taking forward the North Bank of the Tyne Project, which will see the creation of a learning village providing skills and learning opportunities for local youngsters; the regeneration of Wallsend, including a new pool; the regeneration of the Coastal Zone – including the Spanish City site.

Every home should have recently received a booklet detailing this year’s council tax increase. Here is a quick guide to the new figures. Tax band

Council tax


£989.93 £1,154.92 £1,319.91 £1,484.90 £1,814.88 £2,144.86 £2,474.83 £2,969.80

Single adult council tax (25% discount)

£742.45 £866.19 £989.93 £1,113.67 £1,361.16 £1,608.64 £1,856.12 £2,227.35

For enquiries about council tax or benefits, please contact 0845 2000 104.

Mrs Arkley said:“I believe this is an effective, resourced budget for the long-term that will deliver the priorities of the residents of North Tyneside but not at the risk of our financial stability.” Council priorities: Investment in schools and regenerating the North Bank of the Tyne are among the key Council Plan themes.


Parade will honour local heroes

Deputy Mayor Cllr Judith Wallace is encouraging residents to welcome our local heroes as they march through Wallsend.

The parade will also include a military

On Saturday May 15, around 60

Chairman of the Council, Cllr Michael

band and a procession of military


Elected Mayor Linda Arkley and

and security, as well as our democratic way of life.”

Troops will form in the car park opposite the Town Hall, before

marching down High Street East at

volunteer servicemen and women –

Huscroft, will attend the ceremony.

the town at 11am as part of the

Cllr Wallace, who will also be attending

West Street, at around 11.20am.

opportunity for the residents of North

The 103 (First Newcastle) Field

work carried out by the brave men

now based in Newcastle, was

past and present – will march through

Freedom of Wallsend parade.

the parade, said: "This is the perfect

The troops are from the Territorial

Tyneside to show their support for the

Army’s 103 (First Newcastle) Field

Squadron Royal Engineers. Many have seen service in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Former servicemen and women

involved in the ceremony have

completed tours of duty in the Balkans

or the Falklands.


widening horizons • April 2010

and women in our armed forces.

"I would urge anyone to come along

and acknowledge the outstanding

efforts of past and present members of

our reserve forces, who go wherever

they are sent to protect our safety

11am.The parade will finish at High

Street West, at the junction with

Squadron Royal Engineers, which is

originally located in Wallsend. It was

awarded the Freedom of Wallsend in

1960, prior to North Tyneside being

formed in 1974.

The council is inviting people eligible for a veteran’s lapel badge to take part in a special ceremony to mark Armed Forces Day on Monday, June 21. Organised with the support of North Tyneside Veterans Committee, the ceremony will include the presentation of the lapel badges. Anyone who has served in the armed forces, including the volunteer and regular reserves and is currently resident in North Tyneside, is entitled to apply for the badge. An Armed Forces Day flag will be raised during the ceremony, which will take place at Quadrant, the council’s HQ on Cobalt Business Park. This will be followed by the presentation of badges to ex-service personnel. Those eligible are being asked to contact the council, which will send applications to the Ministry of Defence on their behalf. Successful applicants will be invited to the presentation ceremony. To apply for a lapel badge, please write to Malcolm Henderson, Events Officer, North Tyneside Council, Quadrant West, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY. You can also email Malcolm.Henderson@northtyneside.gov.uk or phone (0191) 643 7419. The deadline for applications is Friday, May 21.

A flower and music festival, with the theme ‘Heroes, Past and Present’, takes place at St Nicholas’ Cathedral in Newcastle between July 13 and 18. The festival includes 60 magnificent flower displays, taking visitors from Trafalgar to Ypres and from the Battle of Britain to Helmand, and a series of concerts by army and RAF bands. The festival opens with a VIP reception and gala concert featuring military bands and local choirs at the Sage, Gateshead on Tuesday, July 13. Proceeds will be shared between SSAFA Forces Help and the Army Benevolent Fund.Tickets can be booked online at: www.heroesflowerfestival.org.uk or at the Sage from April 1. The festival opens to the public on Wednesday, July 14 and features a series of evening concerts at the cathedral. It closes on Sunday, July 18 with an afternoon programme of reflective music and choral arrangements. Admission to the flower festival is £5 per person and £15 for each evening concert (includes floral display). Concessions, four-day and five-day tickets are also available. For more details, visit: www.heroesflowerfestival.org.uk


Contest is

blooming marvellous There’s never been a better time to enter North Tyneside in Bloom.

The new Grow Your Own category has been added to reflect the growing popularity of growing fruit and vegetables.

After listening to the views of previous entrants, this years’ competition includes an improved judging process as well as some new categories.

You don’t need a garden, allotment or large area to be able to do this – many people grow successfully in containers or baskets in their yard.

These include “Street Effort” and “Grow Your Own”.

The full list of categories is: Small Garden; Medium Garden; Large Garden; Container and Hanging Basket Display; Community Effort; Street Effort; Residential Care or Sheltered Accommodation; Pub, Hotel or Restaurant; Places of Worship; Business Premises; Conservation and Wildlife Garden; Nursery, School or College; Young Gardener; Grow Your Own; Individual Allotment; Allotment Site; New Allotment Tenant; Allotment Community Effort.

Street Effort aims to recognise when residents in a street work together to make the area where they live more beautiful.

Everyone who enters this year’s contest will also receive a feedback form setting out what the judges liked and how they felt improvements could be made. Prizes are awarded to the top three in each category.The winners are also invited to the annual North Tyneside in Bloom awards evening. If you are interested in taking part, contact Kathryn Waugh on (0191) 643 7276 or email bloom@northtyneside.gov.uk for a free entry form.The closing date is Sunday, June 13.



widening horizons • April 2010






For example, residents might make sure all gardens are to a good standard by perhaps helping those who cannot manage to look after their own. Or a group could choose to work together to improve the communal areas in their street.

Each category will be judged by a pair of judges and at least one will be qualified in the field of gardening or horticulture. An ecologist will judge the Conservation and Wildlife category.


beauty spot? What’s your favourite

The Big Spring Clean is back – and it’s bigger and better than before.

By getting involved, not only will you be doing your bit for the local environment but you’ll have the chance to win some fantastic prizes. There are three main ways to support this year’s campaign – voting for your favourite beauty spot, community clean-ups and school clean-ups.

Beauty spots

We’ve picked 10 of the borough’s top beauty spots and would like you to vote for your favourite. The 10 areas are: Brierdene in Whitley Bay; St Mary’s Lighthouse;Weetslade Country Park; Killingworth Lake; Rising Sun Country Park;Tynemouth Priory and Castle;Tynemouth Longsands; North Shields Fish Quay; Springfield Park in Forest Hall; and Wallsend Parks.


You can submit a vote in the Big Spring Clean section of the council website at www.northtyneside.gov.uk.Voting forms are also available at libraries, community centres, customer service centres and sports centres.

Afterwards, our Big Spring Clean panel will decide which was the borough’s best clean-up event.There will be a £250 prize for the winners to spend on improving the local community.

Everyone who submits a vote will be entered into a prize draw. Up for grabs are pairs of tickets for Westlife, Cirque Du Soleil or Britain’s Got Talent at the Metro Radio Arena as well as for Fawlty Towers and Little Big Club at the PLAYHOUSE Whitley Bay, sponsored by the Evening Chronicle.

Every school which organises a clean-up will receive £50 worth of flower seeds and bulbs if they achieve a target based around numbers of pupils taking part and amount of waste recycled.

The beauty spot with the most votes will be celebrated and promoted in the way that best suits the area – it could be a plaque or perhaps a new park bench.

Community clean-ups

As with previous Big Spring Clean initiatives, we’d love it if you organised a community clean-up event or took part in one that’s happening in your neighbourhood.We can help by providing high-visibility vests, bags and litter pickers.

School clean-ups

In addition, the school judged to have organised the best clean-up will win a prize of £250 to spend on environmental improvements to their school. To register a clean-up event, or to find out if one is happening in your area, visit the Big Spring Clean section of the council’s website, at www.northtyneside.gov.uk Email: bigspringclean@northtyneside.gov.uk Phone: Kathryn Waugh on (0191) 643 7276.

Shining example: St Mary’s Lighthouse is among the 10 beauty spots you can vote for.


Welcome to the

Year of the Arts

North Tyneside’s first-ever Year of the Arts was launched last month and will continue until the Mouth of the Tyne Festival in July 2011.

Forming part of Widening Horizons 4 Arts, it features an exciting range of arts events and activities, involving local artists and performers as well as a strong international contingent, and plenty of opportunities for people to participate. The main aims of the Year of the Arts are to: ●

Profile North Tyneside’s Arts Development Strategy and the strategic importance of the arts. Increase engagement and participation in the arts. Showcase local arts. Promote local arts organisations and artists.

ONS Z I R O H G WIDENIN eside n y T h t r o Ar t s N

Provide new artistic experiences for residents and visitors.

Some of the early highlights of the year include:

May 15, Saville Exchange, North Shields - Taproot Theatre

Until mid-June, the most unusual exhibition space in the region – The Bridge in Tynemouth Station – houses a new installation by artist Helen Edling. A displaced forest world is created above the railway tracks, conjuring up a sense of magic.

Company present the acclaimed play “The Journey”, where two men, recently unemployed, embark on a voyage of personal discovery.

There’s much more to look forward to in the coming months, including a brand new play by Cloud Nine Theatre’s Sixties Group,Whitley Bay’s first reggae festival and a unique poetry boxing night at Saville Exchange.

and dance group Black Umfolosi 5 from Zimbabwe will be presenting their spectacular performance which has delighted audiences across the world, including the gumboot dances showcasing the traditional style and rituals of southern African mining regions.

Throughout the year, the council will also be working with local arts organisations and individual artists, as well as recognising the achievements of young people involved in arts activities.

June 15, PLAYHOUSE Whitley Bay, sponsored by the Evening Chronicle - World-famous a cappella

For more details, and to sign up for the regular email bulletin, go to www.northtyneside.gov.uk/arts and click on ‘Year of the Arts’.

Spectacular show: Black Umfolosi 5 will be appearing at the PLAYHOUSE in June.


widening horizons • April 2010

A helping hand for your club Sports clubs, coaches and volunteers are being offered a helping hand to develop their skills and qualifications.

One of the ways the council plans to achieve this is by supporting the development of clubs, coaches and volunteers.

The Widening Horizons 4 Sport initiative aims to create new and enhanced sporting opportunities across the borough.

For more information about any of the sessions listed below visit www.northtyneside.gov.uk or phone (0191) 643 7447.

Club, coach and volunteer programme

Sport Coach UK courses in North Tyneside

These are free sessions led by the council’s Sports Development team at Quadrant East, Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park. Booking is essential for each of the courses. Please phone (0191) 643 7447.

All courses are held at The Parks Sports Centre, Howdon Road, North Shields. For booking information, visit: www.tynewearsport.org/ted

Funding guidance for your club Wednesday, May 19 – 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

A workshop and presentation from VODA’s funding officer giving details of what funds are available in North Tyneside, who qualifies and how to apply. This will also include a specific session on how to apply for SITA funding grants. One-to-one club development sessions Tuesday,April 27; Monday, May 10; Friday, June 4 – 4.30pm to 7.30pm.

Meet a member of the sports development team to talk through or follow up on your club’s individual needs and development plans. Bookings are available in 45-minute slots.

IZONS R O H G WIDENIN h Tyneside t r o N t r Spo

Safeguarding and protecting children

(formerly good practice and child protection) Wednesday,April 28 – 6pm to 9pm, £20 per person. Protect yourself, the young people you are coaching and your employer by understanding and following good coaching practice. Learn about child abuse and how to handle situations if you have concerns.

Action planning for your club

Wednesday, May 26 – 6pm to 9pm, £20 per person. Creating a sports development plan will tell outside bodies what your club needs, when it needs it and why it needs it.

Emergency first aid in sport

Wednesday, June 30 – 5.30pm to 9.30pm, £30 per person. Candidates will be able to deliver good first aid in the minority of serious cases where further emergency assistance is needed.They will also be able to treat the majority of minor incidents occurring daily across all sports.

Funding for your club

Wednesday, July 28, 6pm to 9pm, £20 per person. This workshop provides practical ideas for raising funds from a range of sources, including fund-raising events and sponsorship. It will also help you identify how you can promote your sports club more effectively.


Try a new activity for free in May! A series of FREE junior “come and try” sessions are being held throughout May as part of Widening Horizons 4 Sport.

Clubs across the borough are offering the sessions to encourage young people to try a new sport or activity. All the sessions on these pages are free to new participants throughout May unless stated otherwise. Simply turn up or, if required, book ahead and tell them it’s part of Widening Horizons 4 Sport.

Archery Dates/times to be confirmed at time of going to press. Contact the council’s Sports Development team on (0191) 643 7447 or email: sportsdevelopment@northtyneside.gov.uk Athletics Saturdays and Sundays, 10am to noon. Churchill Playing Fields, Hartley Avenue, Whitley Bay. Email: tommybrannon67@yahoo.co.uk

Badminton Mondays, 6.30 to 8pm (aged 8-15), Sport & Leisure @ Burnside - Business and Enterprise College, St Peter’s Road, Wallsend. (0191) 643 7480. Basketball Fridays, 4 to 5.30pm. Giants Basketball, Monkseaton High School. Chris Rennison-Rae. Email c.rennison.rae@gmail.com

Wednesdays, 4 to 5pm (aged 8-12). Newcastle Eagles Basketball,The Lakeside Centre, Killingworth. Mel Brown (0191) 643 2816. Bowls Monday, May 17, 6pm. Backworth Welfare Bowling Club.Wear flat-soled trainers if possible. Albert Smith on (0191) 257 3284, email: arthur.smith@homecall.co.uk Thursday, May 13 (6 to 8pm) and Saturday, May 22 (10am to noon) Collingwood Bowling Club,The Parks Sports Centre, North Shields. Bob Millar on (0191) 252 2270 or r.e.miller@talktalk.net Saturday, May 15 (10am to noon) and Thursday, May 27 (6 to 8pm) Innisfree Bowling Club, Oxford Centre, Longbenton. Eddie Darke on (0191) 266 0383, email: eddiedarke@msn.com

Breakdance Saturdays, 12.30 to 1.30pm. Amanda Nicole School of Dance, Bewicke Road,Wallsend. Amanda Nicole on (0191) 289 2262, email: amanda@amandanicole.co.uk. Booking required. Fencing Saturday mornings.Times allocated on booking. Durham Phoenix Club, Coach Lane campus, Northumbria University. Email: chris.belmont91@talktalk.net. Booking required.Wear trainers and tracksuit bottoms.

Fitkidz Fit 4 Rugby Tuesday, May 18 and 25, 4 to 5pm (aged 9-12).YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson on (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance.

Floorball Wednesday, May 5, 4 to 5pm (aged 6-11); 5 to 6pm (aged 12-16).YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson, (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance. Football Saturdays, 9.30 to 11.30am (aged 5-8). Tyne Met College, Sixth Form Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields. James Carron, 07989 369 659, email: accesscoaching1@hotmail.co.uk. Booking required. Bring shinpads and a drink.

Freestyle dancing Saturdays, 9.30 to 10.30am. Amanda Nicole School of Dance, Bewicke Road, Wallsend. (0191) 289 2262, email: amanda@amandanicole.co.uk. Booking required.


widening horizons • April 2010

Gymnastics Thursdays, 10am to 5pm; Saturdays, 10am to 3pm. Linskill Centre, Linskill Terrace, North Shields. Gail Robson, email: gymclub@blueyonder.co.uk. Sessions for different age groups. Booking required. Free for first session only. Sundays, 2.30 to 3.30pm.Top Gymnastics, Business and Enterprise College, St Peter’s Road,Wallsend. Email: topgymnastics@yahoo.com

Handball Mondays, 6 to 7pm, (Age 16+).Tyne Met College, Sixth Form Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields. James Carron, 07989 369 659, email accesscoaching1@hotmail.co.uk. Booking required. Bring shinpads and a drink.

Wednesday, May 26, 4 to 5pm (aged 6-11); 5 to 6pm (aged 12-16). YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance.

Hula Hooping Monday, May 17 and 24, 4 to 5pm (over-8s).YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson on (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance. Children aged 8-11 must be accompanied by an adult.

Ice Hockey Sunday, May 16, 4.15 to 5.30pm (up to age 11).Whitley Bay Ice Rink, Hillheads Road. Mel Lydall, 0777 892 1139, email: mellydall@blueyonder.co.uk. Booking required. Equipment and skates provided, Wear warm clothing.

Judo Mondays and Fridays, 6.30 to 8pm (over5s) The Parks Judo Club,The Parks Sports Centre, North Shields. Email: Duncan.stewart@wolseley.co.uk

Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6.15 to 7.15pm (under-8s); 6.30 to 8pm (over-8s) The Parks Judo Club,Tyne Youth & Community Centre, Mariners Lane, North Shields. Email: duncan.stewart@wolseley.co.uk Tuesdays, 7.30 to 9pm (aged 10-16); Wednesdays, 7 to 8pm (aged 6-16).The Lakeside Centre, Killingworth. Mel Brown, 643 2816. Free for first session only. Life saving introduction (dry land) Saturday, May 1 and Saturday, May 29, 1 to 2.30pm, 3 to 4.30pm (over-8s), NSVL Headquarters, Central Lower Promenade,Whitley Bay. Email: james@nsvl.org. Booking required.

Wear clothes suitable for outdoor activity and the beach. Mini Soccer Wednesday, May 12, 4 to 5pm (aged 6-11); 5 to 6pm (aged 12-16). YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson, (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk Booking required one week in advance.

Rugby League Saturdays, 10am to noon (Age 8-15). WBBRL Club,Whitley Bay Young People’s Centre, Hillheads Road. Ken Sykes, (0191) 297 0548, email: ken@wbbrl.com.Wear tracksuit or shorts, bring a drink. Rugby Union Sundays, 10 to 11.30am.Wallsend Rugby Club, Benfield School Campus. Brian Thirlaway, (0191) 234 4877, email: bthirlaway@msn.com Saturday, May 22,Taster Rugby Day @North Shields RFC, Preston Playing Fields. For more information, email: gordon_duff@hotmail.com

Speed,Agility, Quickness Wednesday, May 19, 4 to 5pm (aged 6-11); 5 to 6pm (aged 12-16). YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson, (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance.

Tennis Club, Springfield Park, Forest Hall. Sessions for different age groups. Dave, (0191) 259 9862. Booking required. Children must be accompanied by an adult.Wear tennis shoes or similar.

Trampolining Saturday, 10 to 11am, 11 to noon (aged 4-15) , Sport & Leisure @ Burnside Business and Enterprise College, St Peter’s Road,Wallsend. (0191) 643 7480.

Urban Dance Wednesdays, 4 to 8pm. Jenny Gallagher Performance Academy, Civic Hall, Wallsend. Sessions for different age groups, Jenny Gallagher, 07792 292 339. Booking required. Free for first session only. Zumba Dance Wednesday, May 26, 4 to 5pm (aged 12-16).YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson, (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance.

IZONS R O H G WIDENIN eside n y T h t r o Sport N

Table Tennis Friday, May 21 and 28, 7 to 8.45pm (Age 12+).YMCA, Church Way, North Shields. Bruce Robertson, (0191) 257 5434 ext 109, email: enquiries@ymcanorthtyneside.co.uk. Booking required one week in advance. Tennis Saturdays, 9am to 3pm. Collingwood Tennis, Priors Park,Tynemouth. Sessions for different age groups. Stuart Cass, 07787 543 072. Booking required. Rackets can be provided at junior sessions. Saturdays, 9am to 1.30pm; Monday to Friday, between 4 and 6pm. Forest Hall


Owzat for a smashing new scheme! Residents will be getting into the swing – thanks to Widening Horizons 4 Sport.

As part of the initiative, the council wants to improve the provision of a variety of sports and the first two to benefit are cricket and tennis. It has commissioned Tynemouth Cricket Club and North Tyneside Tennis to increase participation and improve links with local schools.

Elected Mayor Linda Arkley said:“We want to provide a broader, richer set of opportunities for residents, and in particular young people, to engage in cultural activities. “Our partnership with Tynemouth Cricket Club and North Tyneside Tennis will lead to new opportunities to enjoy these sports in the borough. “But this is only the beginning.We’ll be working with a host of organisations to enable people to develop and improve their skills in other sports too.”

The cricket and tennis initiative will lead to a host of benefits, including: ●

A community cricket club will be created in Wallsend and a new tennis club at the indoor tennis centre at Churchill Community College. There will be new tennis and cricket holiday programmes for young people as well as after-school clubs and lunchtime sessions. A link will be developed between schools and the borough’s cricket and tennis clubs. A social inclusion project will be developed in schools to teach young people social skills though cricket. There will be an increased number of community tennis sessions for adults.

Look for updates at www.sportnorthtyneside.org.uk Sporting opportunities: Elected Mayor Linda Arkley, Russell Perry, chairman of Tynemouth Cricket Club, and local pupils launch the new initiative.

Ace tennis centre on the way

A brand new indoor tennis centre for the borough is being developed at Churchill Community College, Wallsend. The new facility will provide an all-weather, four-court racket sports environment for students, the community, and local clubs. The project has been funded by Churchill Community College, The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). The centre will be open from 8am until 10pm on weekdays and 8am to 8pm on weekends. Students from the college will use the centre during the day and it will be available to tennis clubs and members of the public at evenings and weekends. Work is scheduled to be complete by the summer. Once opened, bookings for the centre will be managed by the college.


Widening horizons • April 2010

get fit!

New classes can help you

A number of new fitness classes have been introduced at the council’s leisure centres. Why not make 2010 the year you get fit and healthy? Experienced staff are on hand to help you take the first steps on the road to a new life! The Lakeside Centre in Killingworth (643 4177) is holding a Swimfit session every Thursday, between noon and 1pm. A trained instructor is available to provide motivation as well as fitness and swimming advice. You can register on www.swimfit.com for advice on all aspects of swimming. Through the Swimfit website, swimmers can access tailor-made fitness programmes, like a gym, to set themselves goals and chart their progress. Contours gym members who use the Fitlinxx exercise tracking system will be able to incorporate swimming into their existing programme.

The Swimfit sessions cost the same as normal swimming sessions – £1.70 for priority Ease card holders; £3 for Ease card holders; £3.80 for non-Ease card holders. Waves in Whitley Bay (643 2600) has a new body blast class on Tuesdays, from 1.30 to 2.30pm. The Parks in North Shields (200 6364) has new Pilates classes on Mondays and Fridays, at 12.30pm. Sport and Leisure @ Burnside (643 2025) is staging a series of new classes, including a public gym session for 14 years and over between 6 and 9pm on Wednesdays; urban funk for eight to 12 year-olds between 9.30 and 10.15am on Saturdays and mini-hip hoppers for four to seven year-olds between 10.15 and 11am on Saturdays.

The centre also has spinning on Wednesdays, 8 to 9pm, and Sundays, 9.30 to 10.30am; body pump on Sundays, 11am to noon; gymnastics on Sundays, 2.30 to 3.30pm and 3.30 to 4.30pm, bums, legs and tums on Mondays, 6 to 6.45pm. Meanwhile, the new Wallsend Pool is due to open on schedule in July. The design of the pool is based on the award-winning Lakeside Centre and will include a 25-metre pool, a learner pool and a Contours gym. The June issue of Widening Horizons will carry more details on the pool, including opening times.


What’s on in the The council is currently working with business organisations in the borough to stage a series of events in our town centres.

Events that have taken place so far this year have included appearances by children's TV character Peppa Pig, Newcastle Falcons rugby team, and the Newcastle Eagles basketball team. There have also been performances from beatboxers, steel bands and dancers, balloon modelling, falconry displays, history tours, celebrity look-alike personal shopping and special one-off activities. These events are set to continue during April, May and June.The latest confirmed events include:

Saturday,April 10

Magic on the Streets with Martin Duffy – Whitley Bay town centre, 11am to 1pm;Wallsend town centre, 2pm to 4pm. Come and meet players from Newcastle Falcons in the Beacon Centre, North Shields between noon and 2pm. To be kept up to date on events in North Tyneside, visit the council's website or see local press for details. You can sign up for a regular newsletter by emailing: events@northtyneside.gov.uk or calling (0191) 643 7409.


Widening horizons • April 2010

Saturday,April 17

World Circus Day – join a group of jugglers and performers as they pass on hints and tips, walking through our town centres.Whitley Bay 10am to 11am; North Shields 12.30pm to 1.30pm;Wallsend 3pm to 4pm.

Saturday,April 24

The Rhythm Kings play traditional English jazz for St George’s Day – Whitley Bay (town centre) 3pm to 4pm; North Shields (Bedford Street) 10am to 11am;Wallsend (bandstand, outside the Forum) 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

Saturday, May 1, 8, 15 and 22

Young musicians from the borough's schools will be performing in all three town centres on the first four Saturdays in May.Whitley Bay (town centre) May 1 - 10am to 11am; May 8 - 3pm to 4pm; May 15 - 12.30pm to 1.30pm; May 22 - 10am to 11am.

North Shields (Bedford Street) May 1 12.30pm to 1.30pm; May 8 - 10am to 11am; May 15 - 3pm to 4pm; May 22 12.30pm to 1.30pm.Wallsend (bandstand, outside the Forum) May 1 - 3pm to 4pm; May 8 - 12.30pm to 1.30pm; May 15 - 10am to 11am; May 22 - 3pm to 4pm. (All times are subject to change or cancellation at short notice.)

Saturday, May 29

Gillian Quinn School of Dance Theatre presents Dance Kaleidoscope – Whitley Bay (town centre) - 3pm to 4pm; North Shields (Bedford Street) 10am to 11am;Wallsend (bandstand, outside the Forum) - 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

borough Other events taking place during the next couple of months include:

Sunday,April 18 and Sunday, June 13

Book fairs at Tynemouth Station. For more details, contact Ylana First on (0191) 257 2180.

Friday,April 23

YOUTH4YOUTH – fundraising concert in aid of the Chernobyl Continuity charity. Performing Arts Centre, Royal Grammar School, Jesmond, starts 7.15pm.Tickets £6. Phone (0191) 250 2040 for more details or to book tickets.

Thursday, May 13 to Saturday, May 15

Three-day reggae and ska festival – the Trojan Rooms, South Parade,Whitley Bay. 8pm until late, each evening. For more information, phone (0191) 251 0080.

Saturday, May 15 and Saturday, June 19

Purely Crafts craft fair at Trinity Methodist Church,Wallsend. 1pm to 4pm. Phone 07752 744 804 for more details.

Saturday, June 26

Stride out to the Lighthouse 10K Walk. Starts at The Parks Sports Centre, North Shields, at 10.30am. To register, or for more details, phone the council’s physical activity team on (0191) 643 7441.

Discover a great deal! This year’s Discover Pass – which offers great deals and discounts at dozens of attractions across Tyne and Wear – is now available at local tourist information centres for just £2. Last year’s offers included buy one, get one free at Segedunum Roman Fort and kids go free at Tynemouth Priory and Castle. For details of participating attractions, or to buy your Discover Pass online, go to www.visitnewcastlegateshead.co.uk/ discover

Rising Sun spring events From pond dipping to mini-beast safaris, and archery to creative recycling, the Rising Sun Country Park is staging plenty of events for grown-ups and youngsters during the next couple of months. For more information, phone (0191) 643 2241 or email: risingsun@northtyneside.gov.uk The spring events brochure can be downloaded from the council website – www.northtyneside.gov.uk


Schools to explore

new ways of working

Schools in North Tyneside have always worked closely with each other, and with partners, to improve the education and life chances of our young people.

Now, a number of schools have decided to explore the idea of moving partnership working further forward, by becoming a Trust School and part of a Learning Trust. A Trust School is a kind of foundation school - Roman Catholic and Church of England schools are already foundation schools - which forms a charitable trust with outside partners. The school would link up with public and private sector partners, such as local universities and large employers, who would formally work with the school, and sit on its board of governors. Trust Schools in North Tyneside would then work together to form a Learning Trust, which would also include partners from industry, education, and public sector bodies including the council.

Trust Schools would still remain part of the local authority system.

A number of organisations, including Procter and Gamble, Newcastle University and Shepherd Offshore, have already agreed to be part of the development of a Learning Trust in North Tyneside.

Have your say

Consultation on the proposals is now underway, and schools that have opted to explore the idea have written to their parents, staff and governors, explaining what this means and asking for views. If you don’t have links to a participating school, you can find out more information and have your say on the idea of Trust Schools and the Learning Trust, by visiting the North Tyneside Learning Trust website at: www.ntlearningtrust.org.uk You are also welcome to attend one of the following area events:

South West – Tuesday, April 20 at Churchill Community College; North East – Thursday, April 22 at Whitley Bay High; South East – Tuesday, April 27 at Marden High; North West – Wednesday, April 28 at Longbenton Community College and Thursday, April 29 at Seaton Burn College.

All events start at 6pm and will last no longer than two hours.Tea and coffee will be available from 5.30 pm. If you plan to attend, please register by telephone on (0191) 643 8137 or by email at: enquiries@ntlearningtrust.org.uk

What Trust School status could mean

• More learning opportunities for pupils • More innovation and creativity in schools • An enhanced curriculum • Stronger school partnerships across the borough • Increased training and apprenticeship opportunities • Support and sponsorship from partners

What Trust School status won’t mean

• Changes to the tier structure within North Tyneside • Changes of teaching staff • Changes in admission policies • Abandoning the National Curriculum • Separation from the local authority For more information, or to share your views on the proposals, please visit www.ntlearningtrust.org.uk You can comment until noon on April 29.


Widening horizons • April 2010

Spectacular sights and sounds The spotlight was on North Tyneside in March when the borough hosted two spectacular events. Cannons at the Collingwood Monument in Tynemouth were ‘fired’ for the first time in more than 100

years, during a remembrance service for Admiral Lord Collingwood.

It formed part of the Collingwood 2010 Festival, a year-long celebration of the life of the admiral, who directed the fleet to victory at the Battle of Trafalgar as Nelson lay mortally wounded.

The cannons were ‘fired’ using modern pyrotechnics, as they are no longer in working order.

The service also featured the laying of tributes at the monument and an exchange of salutes between the Royal Navy warship HMS Cumberland and field guns from 101 Regiment Royal Artillery on shore. Meanwhile, thousands of people attended Segedunum Roman Fort for an event marking the lighting of the 84-mile Hadrian’s Wall Path National Trail. The first beacon was lit at the Wallsend museum as part of the Illuminating Hadrian’s Wall initiative.

Staff tackle pothole problem

Highways staff have filled in more than 2,000 potholes in recent weeks.

The work has been carried out after the severe winter weather left roads across the borough in a poor condition. Elected Mayor Linda Arkley earmarked £50,000 to allow urgent repairs to be carried out but the scale of the problem has meant the council has applied to the government for emergency support.

A report to Cabinet revealed the number of complaints about potholes had increased by 40 per cent on last year and there had also been a significant increase in insurance claims against the council. Meanwhile, the council is asking local residents to say how they would like their area improved. People can submit their ideas – including which roads or pavements need to be repaired – by filling in a

leaflet sent to every home in the borough.The leaflets are also available at libraries, community centres and customer service centres. People can also phone (0191) 643 2828 for a form, email areaforum@northtyneside.gov.uk or fill in the form on the council website. The relaunched area forums will look at the suggestions and recommend how their individual budgets should be spent.


just books!

More than

From comedy to murder, there’s something for everyone in the forthcoming series of events at local libraries.

Tuesday,April 20 North Shields Library, 2pm. ‘Tea with Tom’.

Tuesday, May 18 (Whitley Bay Library, 7pm) and Wednesday, May 19 (Killingworth Library, 2.30pm)

Tyneside writer Tom Kelly will talk about his life and work and launch his new poetry collection, Somewhere in Heaven.

Tuesday,April 13 North Shields Library, 2.30 to 3.30pm. Liz Million.

Tuesday,April 27 North Shields Library, 7pm. Sara Delphi.

Back by popular demand, another chance to hear Juliet Archer, author of the Jane Austen in the 21st Century series.

Tuesday, June 8 Killingworth Library, 7pm. Murder Mystery Evening.

Join us for what promises to be a fascinating evening as leading clairvoyant and astrologer Sara Delphi speaks about tarot and palmistry.

Join popular authors Sheila Quigley and Ken McCoy for a night of murder and mayhem!

Learn more about famous names such as Dr Livingstone or Jane Austen and see Mr Darcy in a state of undress!

Liz is an illustrator whose work includes designing characters for books and her own crockery range. Suitable for over-fives. Places bookable through North Shields Library (200 5424). Monday,April 12 to Saturday,April 17 North Shields Library, 12.30pm. ‘Strangers on a Bus’. The latest offering from Cloud Nine’s Sixties Group is a fast-paced, 35-minute comedy set on a bus in the Sunderland area.

Wednesday, May 5 Whitley Bay Library, 2pm. Fran Sandham (inset).

"Dr Livingstone, I presume?" Travel writer Fran Sandham will talk about the engaging human interest story behind the famous meeting between Dr David Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley – and how Stanley's words became literally the most famous greeting in history.

Thursday, June 17 North Shields Library, 7pm. Undressing Mr Darcy.

Returning from a stroll about town, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy prepares to undress. Is he a Rake, a Beau or a 'Pink of the Ton'? (Nearly) all will be revealed as our historical costume expert takes off the layers before your very eyes in this hugely popular presentation about the clothes of a Regency gentleman. Tickets for all events are available now. Please note there may be a small charge for some events. For more information, please phone Wallsend Library on (0191) 200 6968.

Extended opening times

Wallsend customer service centre on Park Road and Longbenton Library, in the Oxford Centre, are opening later on Wednesdays. The customer service centre is now open until 4.30pm while Longbenton Library is open at lunchtime and until 5.30pm.


widening horizons • April 2010

New leaflet delivers

recycling reminder Households across North Tyneside have received the latest instruction leaflet for the council’s recycling service. It contains advice about how to use the grey recycling bin and a calendar displaying collection dates for the year ahead. The leaflet also contains important information about changes to Bank Holiday refuse and recycling collection dates. The council is working in a different way to previous years, which means some collection dates have changed from what residents may be used to. Ninety-four per cent of residents take part in the recycling scheme, an increase in take-up of around 50 per cent when compared to the previous black box initiative.

Around 1,400 tonnes of recyclable waste are collected each month – approximately 10 times the amount collected in 2008. Each month, the council carries out 169,000 collections, or more than two million for the full year.

The scheme has been improved this year to enable the recycling of envelopes. For further information about the scheme, contact Envirolink on 0845 2000 103.

Use the caddy for:

Remember: Glass goes in the caddy, NOT the bin

Glass in the bin can contaminate the paper and cardboard, which means they can’t be recycled. Small batteries should be placed in a small bag on top of the glass.

Use the main part of the bin for:

Please rinse your cans and plastic bottles and put your textiles in a tied plastic carrier to keep them dry. No black bin bags.


What’s available at our service The council is developing a network of service centres – bringing together a range of services under one roof. The full range of services can currently be accessed through our four main service centres. There is one in each of the four areas of the borough:

South East - Unicorn House,

Stephenson Street, North Shields. Open Monday to Thursday (8.45am to 4.30pm); Friday (8.45am to 4pm).

South West - Park House, Park Road,Wallsend. Open Monday to Thursday (8.45am to 4.30pm); Friday (8.45am to 4pm).

A fast track service is available at the White Swan Centre for basic enquiries, forms and information that do not require a private interview.This is available Monday to Friday (8.30am to 7pm) and Saturday (9am to 5pm). At the main customer service centres, you can: ●

North East - Victoria Terrace, Whitley Bay. Open Monday,Tuesday and Thursday (8.45am to 4.30pm); Wednesday (8.45am to 1pm); Friday (8.45am to 4pm).

North West – The White Swan

Centre, Killingworth. The customer service suite is open Monday to Thursday (8.30am to 4.30pm); Friday (8.30am to 4pm).

● ●


widening horizons • April 2010

Make payments for council services by cash, cheque, debit and credit card (Only at North Shields, Wallsend and Whitley Bay. Payments can be made using cash or cards at the automated payment kiosk at the White Swan Centre.) Apply for a Blue Badge parking permit or a disabled bus pass. Get advice on housing and council tax benefits, including help with completing forms. Express an interest in a council house through the Homefinder scheme. Arrange an interview with a housing officer. (We can provide assistance if you are homeless.) Be referred to social services. Contact the housing repairs team (Council properties.) Pay penalty notices and fines, or obtain information on how to appeal. Make enquiries about planning, licensing, commercial letting, refuse collection, grass cutting, pest control and the condition of roads and footpaths. Report fly tipping, abandoned vehicles and buildings in a dangerous state. Make an enquiry about any council service.

centres and libraries At the John Willie Sams Centre in Dudley, the Oxford Centre in Longbenton and the Shiremoor Centre and Library, you can: ●

Use the library, with free access to computers and the Internet. Use a freephone to contact housing and the Kier North Tyneside repairs service. Express an interest in a council house through the Homefinder scheme. Use private interview rooms for appointments. Book a variety of different-sized rooms for regular or one-off events. Complete an application for an Ease card or Ease Extra card (not Shiremoor centre). Use the community gym in the evenings (John Willie Sams Centre only).

These centres will shortly be providing access to a range of other services, such as Blue Badge applications. All three are open Monday,Wednesday and Friday (9am to 5.30pm);Tuesday and Thursday (9am to 7pm) and Saturday (9am to 5pm). Our main libraries at Killingworth, North Shields,Wallsend and Whitley Bay provide a full range of library services, including free access to computers and the Internet.You can also express an interest in a council house through the Homefinder scheme.

– Monday and Friday (9am to 5.30pm); Tuesday and Thursday (9am to 7pm); Wednesday and Saturday (9am to 5pm). Wallsend and Whitley Bay – Monday and Friday (9am to 5.30pm); Wednesday (9am to 12.30pm);Tuesday and Thursday (9am to 7pm); Saturday (9am to 5pm). The newly-opened Howdon Library and Family Learning Centre provides library services, including computers and the Internet; the ability to use Homefinder and has community rooms available for booking. The libraries at Battle Hill, Coast Road, Cullercoats, Forest Hall, Monkseaton, Tynemouth and Wideopen offer library services, including computers and the Internet, along with Homefinder. Smaller rooms are available for booking at Battle Hill. Since 2007, we have opened new facilities in Shiremoor, Dudley, Battle Hill and Howdon and completed refurbishments of Unicorn House and the White Swan Centre.We are now looking to expand our network of main service centres and develop the range of services available at all our centres.

Please note: Quadrant – the council’s administrative HQ – does not offer a full range of customer services. However, there are instances when enquiries may be dealt with, such as planning matters. If in doubt, please contact the council by phone (643 5991) before travelling to Quadrant. You can also get in touch with the council by phoning the Contact Centre on 0845 2000 101 (see page 2 for a full list of specific numbers). The Contact Centre is open from 7.30am to 8pm – Monday to Friday. It takes a high volume of calls each day and can be very busy at peak times. You can also contact the council by email – contact.us@northtyneside.gov.uk For environmental issues: envirolink@northtyneside.gov.uk For housing repairs: nt.repairs@kier.co.uk

Library opening times: Killingworth – Monday to Friday (8.30am to 7pm); Saturday (9am to 5pm). North Shields


Let’s hear it for

school lunches

School meals are changing and the days of overcooked vegetables and lumpy mashed potato are long gone.

For just £1.60 per day your child can enjoy a choice of freshly cooked main courses, accompanied by fresh salad or vegetables, bread, a healthy drink, and a tasty dessert. Our school meals are designed to give your child exactly the right kinds of foods to keep them going until teatime, including lots of energy-giving carbohydrates, and at least two of their five-a-day fruit and vegetables.

Our menus have plenty of choice for even the pickiest of eaters, and at most schools your child can also enjoy a free and unlimited salad bar to accompany their meal.

The desserts we serve are just the kind that children enjoy, and portion sizes are measured to support an energetic child without overloading them, and are always offered with calcium-rich custard, yoghurt, or a glass of milk. All meals are freshly prepared each morning in each school and meet rigorous guidelines set out by the government.

New menu out now! A new spring menu for North Tyneside’s primary and middle schools will be on offer from mid-April.

We’ve worked with pupils to come up with lots of new choices, including fresh salmon and broccoli flan, Spanish tortilla and vegetable balti, as well as keeping some of the classic favourites, such as homemade pizza. New, perfectly proportioned desserts include fruit and cornflake cookie, and chocolate rice pudding. If your child doesn’t already stay for a school meal, now’s the ideal time to start! For more information, or to download a menu, visit: www.northtyneside.gov.uk/schoolmeals

Free school meals If you receive income support or certain other financial benefits, or have a low annual household income, then you could be entitled to claim free school meals. To find out more, speak to your school, or call Catering Services on (0191) 643 8355.


widening horizons•April 2010

Spring into action and start learning today!

Adults across North Tyneside have been widening their horizons by learning new skills and gaining qualifications – and so can you.

From maths to modern languages, and from construction to computer skills, North Tyneside Council’s Adult Learning Alliance can offer you access to training that could help you build a brighter future. A Courses for Adults leaflet, produced by the alliance, is currently being delivered to thousands of homes across the borough.You can also pick up a copy from any library or community centre or download a copy from the council website

If you haven’t received a copy of the Courses for Adults leaflet, and would like one, please contact the North Tyneside Adult Learning Alliance on (0191) 643 2288.

Getting arty with IT

The Computer Art class at Wallsend People’s Centre has been running for three years and group members have mastered a new world of IT skills, including downloading photographs, manipulating images, designing new artworks and creating fantastic multimedia slideshows.

“The group is motivated, friendly and supportive and the atmosphere in the classroom is always very positive and productive.

“We always make sure the skills we teach are those which the students can use in their daily lives, and more importantly, can develop at home, using easily accessible software.”

Skilful: Jimmy Lavery has created a commemorative Swan Hunter calendar.

Tutor Jane Nesbitt said:“We’ve got a class of very keen learners who help each other.

You’ll find details of courses, starting in April, across a range of subjects and at levels to suit all learners.You may even be eligible to study for free! The alliance can also offer you advice and support on childcare, costs, and other needs. For more information and details of how to enrol, check out the Courses for Adults leaflet, or visit the North Tyneside website at www.northtyneside.gov.uk


Cash boost to benefit patients Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has announced plans to invest around £25m in one of its flagship hospitals.

Services for patients at North Tyneside General Hospital will be radically improved over the next 10 years. There will be more single rooms with en-suite bathrooms, more space and facilities on the wards, and clinics and public areas will be refurbished. It’s part of the Trust’s strategic plan to deliver healthcare of world-class standard for the people of North Tyneside and Northumberland. The work will start with the remodelling of the entrance and outpatients area and major


widening horizons • April 2010

improvements to the endoscopy suite. There will also be enhanced patient information and advice services.

Work to reduce the number of beds in a bay from six to four, with more bathrooms and new private rooms, will begin in line with the opening of the Specialist Emergency Care Hospital at Cramlington, estimated to be in 2012. There will also be a new assessment centre for elderly patients and children where GPs can refer patients to specialist consultants that day or the next. Jim Mackey, chief executive of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said:“This is part of our bigger plan to make a real difference for all of our patients.

“Our aim is to give people a more pleasant experience while they are here and also to keep improving so that our patients can benefit from world-class healthcare.”

Roddy Golightly, representing the Trust’s Governors’ Body, said:“I am pleased to see the trust recognising and fulfilling the commitment made during the public consultation. “It is excellent to see the public has been listened to and that the project is progressing.” Patients will have more space and privacy while staying in hospital or attending outpatient clinics. The improvements to North Tyneside General Hospital are part of the trust’s £200m investment programme, which includes building the Specialist Emergency Care Hospital at Cramlington, upgrading services and facilities at Wansbeck General Hospital and rebuilding the community hospitals at Berwick and Haltwhistle.


Use your right to LOCAL ELECTION

Polling day is Thursday, May 6

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm.

A Parliamentary (General) Election must be held by Thursday, June 3 – make sure you’re registered to vote.

If you are not registered to vote, act now and complete the form on page 33.



Important dates

Election 2010

All the information on this page relates to the Local Election on Thursday, May 6. ●

Last day to submit a registration application form to be included on the Register of Electors (in order to

Deadline to submit a new application for a postal vote – 5pm on Tuesday,April 20.

● ● ●

be able to vote in the May election) – Tuesday,April 20.

Deadline to submit any changes to existing postal or proxy votes – 5pm on Tuesday,April 20. Deadline to submit a new application for a proxy vote – 5pm on Tuesday,April 27.

Deadline to apply for a proxy vote on grounds of a medical emergency – 5pm on election day.

Poll cards

We will send poll cards to all voters who are voting in person. These will be delivered during the first week of April.

Your poll card will tell you where your polling station is. Remember, you do not need your poll card in order to vote.

Voting in person

On election day, the staff inside the polling station will ask you your name and address and check you are on the electoral register.

You can show them your poll card but you don’t need this to vote.

All polling stations should have disabled access. If you need assistance with voting, ask staff at the polling station to help you. If you need help filling in your ballot papers, or are unsure what to do, ask the polling station staff for help.

Voting by post

You will receive a postal voter poll card during the first week of April. This is to remind you that you have applied for a postal vote.

Applications to vote by post will be accepted up until 5pm on Tuesday, April 20.


widening horizons • April 2010

Anyone aged 18 or over can apply for a postal vote. You do not need a reason to vote by post.

A postal vote can be sent to your home address or any other address that you give. Postal votes can be sent overseas but you need to consider whether there will be enough time to receive and return your ballot papers by election day.

When will you get your postal voting papers?

Postal votes will be sent out between Monday, April 26 and Thursday, April 29. If they don’t arrive, you can get replacement ballot papers in person from your electoral registration officer up until 5pm on election day. Please remember to send back your postal vote as early as possible.

Remember, if you have applied to vote by post, you cannot vote in person at the polling station.

If you no longer wish to vote by post, you can cancel your postal vote by writing to us at the address below by 5pm on Tuesday, April 20.

Voting by proxy

Applications to vote by proxy will be accepted up until 5pm on Tuesday, April 27. Applications for an emergency proxy vote, if you become incapacitated after April 27, will be accepted up until 5pm on election day.

How to contact us: ● ●

I’ve spoilt/lost my ballot papers/postal voting statement. What do I do?

You can get a replacement up until 5pm on election day. You must pick it up in person from your electoral registration officer. If you have spoilt your ballot papers, you need to return the whole pack that was sent to you. A form of identification is required before a replacement ballot pack can be issued.

● ●

Helpline: (0191) 643 2270 Fax: (0191) 643 2430

Email: elections@northtyneside.gov.uk

Web: www.northtyneside.gov.uk

Write or visit: Electoral Services North Tyneside Council Quadrant The Silverlink North Cobalt Business Park North Tyneside NE27 0BY

Post Code

New / present address (where you live now)

Names of all people living at this address

First name in full and initials (if any) (BLOCK LETTERS PLEASE)

Post Code

Old address (if you moved within the last 12 months)

Please state the nationality of ALL persons at this address



Please give the dates of birth of 16/17 year olds


If over 70 by 1 December 2009 please mark X below.



Please see Section ‘D’ overleaf.


If you do not want your name to appear on the edited Register please mark X below.


Each applicant must sign this form. The form will be returned if each person does not sign.


Please give the name of the council for your old address (if known):


PLEASE NOTE: In order to be registered for the elections in May, we must receive this form by 20 April 2010.


For help filling in columns A - F of this form see notes on reverse

Please add the names of any residents who are over 16 and are British, Irish, Commonwealth or European Union citizens.


Please give a daytime telephone number and / or email address:


Add the names of all residents using BLOCK CAPITALS. Please see over for help on how to complete this form and where to return it

Don’t lose your right to vote!

Registration Form: Elections May 2010

North Tyneside Council – Electoral Services Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park North Tyneside NE27 0BY

Please return completed forms to:

Email: elections@northtyneside.gov.uk

Telephone: 0191 643 2270

For further assistance, please contact Electoral Services:

F. Each person added must sign the form opposite his or her name. Names will not be added to the register if each individual applicant does not sign it.

A. Please state the nationality of each resident. Names will not be added to the register if each individual applicant does not state their nationality. B. Please give the date of birth in column B of any residents who will be 18 between 1 December 2009 and 30 November 2010. C. Please put an ‘X’ in column C if any resident is over 70. People aged 70 and over are not eligible for jury service. D. If anyone listed would find it more convenient to vote by post please put an ‘X’ in column D opposite his or her name and we will send out an application form for a ballot paper to be sent by post for all future elections. If a proxy application is required please contact Electoral Services for the appropriate form. Two Versions of The Register E. The full Register of Electors lists everyone who is entitled to vote. It is available to check, under supervision and by appointment, by ringing Electoral Services at North Tyneside Council. It is also used by other organisations for the prevention and detection of crime and for checking your identity when you apply for credit. The law says who can have a copy of the full register and what it can be used for. The Edited Register is available for sale to anyone that requests a copy and can be used for any purpose. If you do not want your name to be sold onto anyone please place an ‘X’ in column E of part 3. All occupiers must be asked individually if they want to opt out of the Edited Register.

Part 3 Please list the names of all eligible residents who live at this address. Do not include people under 16, foreign nationals (other than British, Irish, Commonwealth, and European Union Citizens) or anyone currently serving a prison sentence.

Part 2 Please give your previous address if you have moved within the last 12 months. If you know the name of the council for your last address please put this in the box provided and we will let them know that you have moved to North Tyneside.

Part 1 Please give your new / present address here. Please give telephone / email address details in the space provided so that we can contact you if there is anything unclear on your form.

Notes for completing this form


at any age

The council is committed to protecting the welfare of vulnerable adults in the borough. If you’re concerned that a vulnerable adult is being abused then please don’t ignore it, but report it to Adults First Call on (0191) 643 2777. A vulnerable adult is anyone over 18 who needs support from health and social care services to maintain their independence. Abuse could be: ● Shouting or swearing, which makes the person afraid. ●

Hitting, slapping or pushing. Unwanted touching, kissing or sexualised contact. Not being cared for properly or denied privacy, choice to social contact.

How can you tell if something is wrong? You may notice changes in the individual’s physical or emotional state, or spot unexplained injuries. Some people will not be able to tell anyone they are being harmed. If you are worried about a family member, or someone you care for, and think they may be at risk of harm then report it. Don’t leave it to someone else – it might be too late.

Scams and rogue traders Vulnerable adults may be more at risk from scams and rogue traders.

Victims of scams should contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06. Visit www.consumerdirect.gov.uk for more information. Rogue traders try to get people to agree to work being carried out on their house, which is often unnecessary, poor standard and expensive. Some rogue traders can hurt the occupant and steal their goods if they do get into their home. The council works closely with Northumbria Police to tackle rogue traders. If you are in any doubt, contact the council on (0191) 643 6628 or visit www.northtyneside.gov.uk/tradingstandards

Scams are tricks that often offer people get-rich-quick investments or fake lottery and prize draw wins. People who carry out scams usually have sophisticated ways of persuading people to part with their cash.

Money or property taken without permission or under pressure.

And abuse can happen anywhere – in a person’s own home, day services, college, on transport or in public places. Anyone can abuse, including a carer, member of staff, a friend, neighbour, family member, partner or a stranger.


Window dressing - with a Shoppers in Whitley Bay could be forgiven for thinking a new business has moved into the town.

Deputy Mayor, Cllr Judith Wallace, said: “ We need to do whatever we can to support our businesses and our town centres.

The colourful products seen behind the window of the high-quality delicatessen in Whitley Road look good enough to buy – but in fact they are part of a new window treatment never used anywhere else in the world.

“The economic climate has forced many businesses to bring down the shutters. We have to ensure the remaining businesses survive and that means ensuring our high streets look attractive to shoppers and potential business investors.

The designs are an eye-catching way to advertise the properties to real businesses and can be removed quickly to let new retailers open their doors. The vacant Select store is the first to benefit but other shops in North Shields and Wallsend could soon follow suit if the trial – the latest initiative by the council to support local town centres – is successful.

Eye-catching: The new frontage and (inset) the former Select store.


widening horizons • April 2010

“This is a simple and cost-effective approach that keeps the retail unit available for potential new uses and, in the meantime, also improves the look of the street.”

The project has been funded through the Department for Communities and Local Government’s empty shops fund and the design includes contact information for anyone wishing to let the property and details of the council’s business support services. Karen Goldfinch, Chair of Whitley Bay Chamber of Trade, said: “What a difference this makes to our high street – it’s a tidy, professional, quality design to inspire and raise hopes for our town.

difference “It’s an excellent way of promoting how a unit can be used, making you think about it in a different way to what you’ve been used to seeing, perhaps inspiring new businesses to come into the town. It’s great to hear people talking about it in a positive way.”

Dome prepares for centenary

As The Dome prepares to celebrate its centenary, there is a new drive to move forward the regeneration of Whitley Bay and the wider coastal zone. Two key documents – the

borough’s new Coastal

Regeneration Strategy and the

To ensure the regeneration of the

area, the council has also agreed it

will consider the use of compulsory

purchase orders as a last resort. The council already owns the

majority of the site but the legal

powers may be necessary if

negotiations with landowners are unsuccessful.

Town Centre Regeneration

Elected Mayor Linda Arkley said: “We

year and will be supported by an

regeneration of Whitley Bay seafront

Strategy – will be unveiled later this

are committed to taking forward the

Area Action Plan.

because we know it is so important

In the meantime, the council is

visitors to the borough.

preferred developer and scheme

“The compulsory purchase order

moving forward to select a

for the Spanish City site, including the Dome.

Interested developers have been

short-listed and are being invited

to prepare detailed proposals for

consideration during the summer. A flexible brief has identified a

range of potential uses for the site with the final scheme

to our residents, our businesses and

will be put forward as a last resort.” The council’s long-term plans, subject

to funding and planning approval,

include moving the road behind the

Dome to create an attractive

seafront promenade, with fountains

and performance areas.

Watch out for details on the

possibly including retail, leisure

celebrations to mark the centenary

restaurants, a hotel and some

the return of the ‘dancing lady’ statues

and cultural use, cafes and housing.

of The Dome, which will culminate in

to the top of the historic landmark.


Be your own boss with

A service aimed at helping potential entrepreneurs has opened its doors in North Tyneside. The Business Factory is based at 86

High Street West, Wallsend and offers

free business start-up advice to North Tyneside residents. You don’t need to

make an appointment, just drop in any

time between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

North Tyneside Council and TEDCO

handmade cards after being forced to

service, which is designed to help

with MS.

and encourage them to become more

“The team at TEDCO has provided

have joined forces to deliver the

people generate new business ideas


The Business Factory has a team of

advisers and coaches, who will work

with you to help identify your talents,

build your skills and enable you to start

a business.

give up work when she was diagnosed

great support,” said Anice. “Having

advice I can trust has been invaluable.” The Business Factory is holding a

couple of free workshops during April

to discuss money-making ideas.

The workshops, which are open to

One of the early success stories is

anyone over 16 who lives in North

started her own business designing

at West Moor Community Centre

Anice McNamee, of Longbenton, who

Tyneside, are on Tuesday, April 13

(12.30 to 3.30pm) and Monday, April

26 at the Riverside Centre in North

Shields (12.30 to 3.30pm).

For more information, or to

book a place, contact Danyelle

Towns on (0191) 263 6092 or email dtowns@tedco.org.

For more information about

The Business Factory, phone

(0191) 263 6092 or email

info@businessfactorynt.co.uk. Ready to help: The Business Factory team.


widening horizons • April 2010

Don’t lose out A quick guide to the various benefits available

You could be missing out on extra money each week simply because you don’t know about the benefits you are entitled to. With so many headlines about the credit crunch, high fuel bills and the general cost of living, there’s never been a better time to claim everything you’re owed. If you lose your job, or if your hours at work are reduced, you may be able to claim financial benefits or tax credits to help you and your family.

What benefits can you claim?

Income Support (IS) – if you are a single parent with a child under 12, or a carer. Housing Benefit – to help pay your rent. Council Tax Benefit – to help pay your Council Tax.

If you are working for at least 30 hours a week, you may qualify for Working Tax Credit, depending on your income and personal circumstances. You might get it even if you only work between 16 and 30 hours and you have a child, or you are disabled, or you are over 50.

You may also be able to claim Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit if you are still working. There are other benefits your family may get if you have children, such as Child Benefit, Child Tax Credit, cold weather payments, Educational Maintenance Grants (if your children stay on at school after 16) and help with childcare costs if you are getting Working Tax Credit. (continues overleaf)

Many people do not claim their full benefit entitlement, as they do not know what this entitlement may be. Some benefits depend on your income and savings. These are called means-tested benefits. Other benefits depend on your National Insurance contributions in the past. These are called contributory benefits. Here are the benefits you might be able to claim if you aren’t working: ● Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) – if you are looking for a new job. ● Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – if you are too sick or disabled to work.


Don’t lose out Depending on your means, you may also qualify for these: ● Free prescriptions ● Free school meals ● Help with school clothing ● Help with travel to school ● Healthy Start food vouchers ● Payments from the Social Fund ● A Sure Start Maternity Grant ● A funeral payment ● Energy efficiency grants ● Help with travel costs to job interviews ● Help with legal costs or court costs. You can find the current rates of all benefits at the benefits A–Z section of the Department for Work and Pensions website: www.dwp.gov.uk

How do you claim benefits? Claims for JSA, ESA and IS are made over the phone. If you find using the


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phone difficult, you can fill in a form from your local benefits office. You can also claim online.

During the last year, more than £430,000 in extra income was awarded to people in the borough.

If you are claiming Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit, you need to claim from the council. However, if you are also making a claim for JSA or Income Support, your claim will be automatically submitted for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit – you shouldn't need to apply separately.

Staff recognise the important role they play in supporting people during the current financial climate and have been running benefit take-up campaigns, attending drop-in events and offering financial health checks at various venues.

You can find links to all the claim forms on the government website at www.direct.gov.uk

Staff provide a helping hand The council’s Revenues and Benefits Service is working hard to make sure that claimants who are entitled to benefit do not miss out.

Their work complements the support and advice provided by local Jobcentres, Age Concern and the Citizens Advice Bureau. During 2008/09, North Tyneside CAB gained more than £3.2m, and Age Concern £1m, in extra benefits for claimants.

Don’t lose out Housing Benefit Your landlord won’t reduce your rent but Housing Benefit might! You could be one of up to 350,000 older people who are entitled to Housing Benefit but are not receiving it. A simple claim could reduce your rent bills each week and cover some service charges like lifts and communal laundry facilities.

Can I claim it? ●

You must be responsible for paying the rent. If you are a couple, only one of you can claim it, and your joint income/savings will be taken into account. You cannot usually be living in a close relative’s household. You need to have less then £16,000 in savings. However, if you get Guaranteed Pension Credit, there is no savings limit and your rent is likely to be fully covered by the benefit. The main exception would be if you have someone living with you, such as a grown-up son or daughter, who is expected to contribute to the rent.

Council Tax Benefit Up to 2.1 million pensioner households are missing out on Council Tax Benefit that could cut their council tax bill by an average of £690 a year. Whether you own your own home or pay rent, you should find out if you are eligible. You could have one less bill to worry about.

Can I claim it? ●

You must be responsible for paying the Council Tax. As with Housing Benefit, you must normally have savings of less than £16,000 (don’t forget, the value of your home is not included). If you get Guaranteed Pension Credit, there is no savings limit. You can also reduce your Council Tax in other ways, such as discounts for those with disabilities, metal health problems or for people living alone.

Working together For advice on what benefits you may be entitled to, phone (0191) 643 2345 between 8.30am and 4.30pm. (An answerphone will be available at other times.) Initial calls will be taken by council staff, who will then refer individual cases to either the CAB or Age Concern.


Pay your bills by Direct Debit . . .

. . . it does exactly what it says on the tin Itʼs the easiest, most convenient way to make payments – once you sign up you donʼt have to worry about queues or travelling to make a payment.

The council offers a choice of payment dates, making it easier to track your finances.

And the Direct Debit Guarantee covers all payments, so they can only be taken where the amount and date have already been agreed by yourself. Council departments that take payment by Direct Debit are: • Council Tax – (0191) 643 2355

• Business Rates – (0191) 643 2365

• Council Housing Rents – 0845 2000 102

• Customer Accounts (such as allotment rents, commercial rents, residential fees, homecare fees, nursery fees) – (0191) 643 2370 widening horizons • December 2009 42 widening horizons • April 2010 www.northtyneside.gov.uk

If you have a query, please contact the relevant department listed alongside or view details of all our Direct Debit schemes on the council website – widening www.northtyneside.gov.uk


Wind power is on the timetable

Pupils at a local school have shown they’re switched on when it comes to knowing all about the benefits of renewable energy. For the youngsters at Amberley Primary in Killingworth have helped to turn on the school’s new wind

turbine, which is expected to generate enough electricity each year to make more than 100,000 cups of tea.

A monitor in the school will enable pupils to check how much energy the turbine is generating and the amount of carbon saved.

Year Four pupil Thomas Finch, aged nine, said: “We’re trying to be as green as possible and the turbine will help to save more carbon.”

The installation of the 12-metre turbine has been made possible through a £10,000 grant from the Co-op and funding from other sources. Headteacher Alice Barkes said: “We are working on a number of initiatives to make Amberley a greener school and the switch-on of the turbine is an enormous boost to our efforts. “It will reduce our carbon footprint, save on electricity bills and help us to inspire our pupils about environmental issues.”

New club offers a warm welcome

The Co-op has spent £2m on installing solar panels at 160 schools across the UK since 2007 and it is now piloting the use of wind turbines, biomass boilers and ground source heat pumps at other schools.

A new club is helping older people to have a cup of tea and a chat in safe surroundings.

can get out and about but have nowhere to go and no one to go with.

The Live at Home Activities Club is held at St Andrew’s Church, Station Road, Benton every Friday between 1.30 and 3.45pm.

It is part of the Methodist Homes ‘Live at Home’ initiative, which runs similar schemes in North Shields and Whitley Bay.

There is a different activity each week, followed by afternoon tea, for £1. Excursions and sight-seeing trips are being planned for later in the year.

For more details, phone Val Liddell on (0191) 272 8368 or call into St Andrew’s Church on a Friday afternoon.

The club, which is open to anyone over 65, is aimed at older people who


Northumbria Police Shopwatch scheme is paying off

A Shopwatch scheme in Whitley Bay has quickly made an impact with a number of thieves being banned from the town. In January alone, 10 persistent shop thieves were excluded from local shops for between one and two years. Twenty-one stores have joined the Whitley Bay Retail Crime Initiative and Northumbria Police is keen to encourage more retailers to get on board. "Overall, crime has fallen in Whitley Bay,” said Insp Jim Gray, of the local neighbourhood policing team. “We believe a Shopwatch scheme will benefit shoppers and traders alike by deterring shoplifters from coming to Whitley Bay." The chair of the Shopwatch scheme, George Wilson from Park View shopping centre, said: "We've got off to a great start with this initiative and I would like to encourage more retailers to take part and work with Northumbria Police to help prevent crime." Retailers who would like to join the scheme should contact PC Guy Morgan (Whitley Bay Neighbourhood Policing Team) on 03456 043 043 ext 69191.


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Working together: Insp Jim Gray, George Wilson and neighbourhood beat manager PC Guy Morgan.

Staying safe online Police officers have helped local schools to promote national Safer Internet Day.

Officers from Wallsend Neighbourhood Policing Team held a free Internet safety session at Burnside Business and Enterprise College for parents, to complement the work schools were doing with pupils on the same theme. PC Tom Spencer said: "Schools and police have been working with pupils for some time about how to use the Internet safely. But we're aware that parents also need advice so they can

protect their family when using the Internet." In December, officers linked up with Redesdale Primary School in Wallsend to show how children can stay safe when they use social networking sites, messaging and chat-rooms. Now officers are also helping parents tackle these issues. Julie Thompson, from Burnside, said: "Working together with Northumbria Police has benefited our students immensely. We were pleased to be part of this initiative to raise awareness and understanding of e-safety."

local news Police tackle problem drivers Police have been taking firm action against inconsiderate drivers in the Killingworth area after warning letters went unheeded. Residents complained about the growing number of motorists who were persistently parking in inappropriate places – causing danger to pedestrians, especially around schools, and obstructing other road users. Officers initially issued letters, containing safety advice, to drivers but as the problem continued they followed up with enforcement action. Sgt Mark Storey, of the Killingworth Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: Vigilant: PC Nick Smith outside Forest Hall Primary School with a penalty ticket.

"We need to get across the message that those drivers who park illegally – on zigzag lines outside schools; too close to junctions and on pavements and across driveways – will be penalised. "Officers have tried to educate drivers about the problem by sending letters to more than 100 motorists. But in many cases they have not been heeded and we are now taking action. “Motorists found committing offences face a £60 fine and three points on their licence. The vast majority of drivers do drive and park safely but a persistent number are causing problems for others."

Shed-ucation is the message Gardeners are being invited to become 'shed-ucated' this Spring. Police are advising shed and garage owners to tighten security to prevent burglary or theft. This includes locking away gardening tools and ensuring ladders are protected with a substantial chain and padlock.

Tools may be of little value to the owner but they may be very valuable to a thief looking for something to use to break into your home. Secure access to your shed by locking gates and growing thorny bushes next to walls and fences. Have you visibly marked the contents of your shed? External security lighting activated by movement is a useful deterrent.

Doors of sheds need good security. Use strong pad bars and close shackle padlocks. Consider a shed bar for extra protection.

Use coach bolts or non-return screws to secure door hinges, hasp and staples. Chain lawnmowers, strimmers, tools, ladders, cycles and other items to a strong anchorage point.

Alarms for sheds are also a good idea.

Together we'll crack crime. Start or join a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Exactly what insurance cover do you have? Check your household policy covers you for theft from your garden and its shed.


Poster promotes community meetings Talented students from Tynemet College have designed a poster to promote police and community meetings. Officers from Wallsend Neighbourhood Policing Team were keen to encourage people to attend their regular Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meetings and asked the young designers to lend a hand. PC Dean Hood, neighbourhood beat manager for Battle Hill and Hadrian Park, said: “We asked students from the first year graphic design course to design a poster. “There are clearly some very talented students at the college who have come up with some winning designs." Sgt Scott Berry presented winner Kurtis Amos, 19, with an iPod donated by PC World. The winning design has been made into a poster that will be used to promote PACT meetings in the area. Paul Harvey, programme leader for HND and HNC Graphic Design at Tyne Met College, said: “It’s always a great opportunity when our students are able to work on a live brief, particularly if it involves the local community, as we see those links as vitally important."


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Impact: Sgt Berry with Kurtis and the winning design.

PACT meetings

PACT meetings take place regularly across North Tyneside. Residents can meet their local officers and discuss any policing concerns. Representatives from the council will also be present to deal with any queries.

The next PACT meetings are: Monday, April 19 (6pm to 8pm) Howdon Park House, Howdon Lane, Wallsend. Monday, April 19 (4pm to 5pm) Backworth Park Primary School, Backworth. Tuesday, May 4 (11am to noon) - St Aidan’s Church Hall, Lynn Road, North Shields. Tuesday, May 4 (5.30pm to 7.30pm) the Scout Hut, Chicken Road, Wallsend. Thursday, May 20 (10am to 11am) Park View Shopping Centre, Park View, Whitley Bay.

Wednesday, June 9 (10am to noon) Howdon Community Centre, Denbigh Avenue, Howdon.

Neighbourhood beat manager drop-in sessions

Saturday, April 10 (11am to 1pm) Four Lane Ends Bus Station, Four Lane Ends, Benton. Saturday, May 15 (noon to 2pm) The Oxford Centre, West Farm Avenue, Longbenton. Sunday, May 16 (noon to 2pm) The Fairways Community Centre, Hoylake Avenue, Benton. Saturday, June 19 (11am to 1pm) Four Lane Ends Bus Station, Four Lane Ends, Benton.

Northumbria Police local news

Special constables prove their worth

Teachers join night-time patrols

Special constables attended more than 1,900 incidents in North Tyneside between April and December 2009.

Police in Killingworth have enlisted the help of local teachers on their night-time anti-social behaviour patrols.

Northumbria Police has a 22-strong team of special constables working across the borough supporting the neighbourhood teams and other officers. Special Constabulary Commandant Scott Blackett said: "Special constables support all frontline uniform policing across North Tyneside and are an important resource for the area command. "They work a minimum of 16 hours a month but many choose to work much more, because they enjoy it."

Special constables attend a wide variety of incidents including assaults, thefts, disorder, collisions, burglary and criminal damage. Recruits come from all walks of life and current officers include teachers, students, IT workers, civil servants, mechanics and a chemist. If you are interested in finding out more about being a special constable, contact Scott Blackett on 03456 043 043 ext 63847.

On the beat: Special constables Andy Crawford and James Younas.

Officers invited teachers to join them on patrol so they could see how police deal with young people. Sgt Mark Storey, of Killingworth Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: "Tackling youth-related anti-social behaviour is one of our policing priorities. Local residents tell us it's an issue that causes concern.� Headteacher Stephen Fallon, from St Stephen's RC Primary School in Longbenton, was the first to take up the offer. He said: "I was very impressed how officers tackled some challenging and difficult situations through talking to youngsters and pointing out how their actions were having negative consequences." Teachers at other schools in Killingworth have signed up to the scheme and will be joining officers on patrol over the coming months.


extra special New housing scheme is

Residents have been moving into a new Extra Care housing scheme in Killingworth.

Rowan Croft, on the site of the former Sir James Bowman residential care home, is a 45-apartment complex for older people. It is one of two Extra Care schemes being developed in North Tyneside through a partnership between the council, Frank Haslam Milan and Housing 21. The second scheme is at Linskill Park in North Shields. Elected Mayor Linda Arkley attended an open day at Rowan Croft to see the

spacious apartments and on-site facilities, including a library, activities room, guest room and laundry.

In addition, there is a restaurant, hairdressing salon and landscaped garden, which are open to the local community.

and independent. I hope the new residents enjoy living there." Clare Hemming, development programme manager for Housing 21, said: "These apartments have been built to a high standard and are fitted with emergency call facilities and security door entry system.

Extra Care is designed to provide a secure environment that meets the needs of older people and enables them to continue living independently within the community.

"Extra Care housing provides tenants with independence but with the reassurance of care and support being available on site 24 hours a day."

Mrs Arkley said: "We want older people in the borough to be healthy and part of strong communities.

Most of the apartments are for rent, although there are a small number set aside for shared ownership.

“These Extra Care schemes are one of the ways we can help older people, with a range of needs, to stay active

Interested applicants should contact Housing 21's lettings team on 0345 606 6363. Extra care: Occupational therapist Sylvia Lowes points out safety features to Linda Arkley and Clare Hemming. Right, the entrance to Rowan Croft.


widening horizons • April 2010

Homefinder scheme proves a success

North Tyneside Homefinder is now up and running – with more than 3,200 people registered. The lettings scheme – run by the council’s housing service, North Tyneside Homes – gives those interested in social housing more choice over what home they are offered and where they want to live.

“The best thing is that you can go online in your own time and search for available homes yourself rather than have people contacting you.” You can find out which homes are available each week by:

North Tyneside Homefinder also advertises homes from housing associations and private landlords.

• Viewing the North Tyneside Homes advert boards in customer service centres and libraries. • Calling the automated telephone line on 0845 901 1140. • Picking up a copy of the North Tyneside Homes weekly newsletter from customer service centres. • Logging on to www.nthomefinder.co.uk

Miss Bennett, who was one of the first customers to be offered a home, said: "The scheme went live on the Thursday, I expressed my interest on the Friday and got my home the following week.

If you want to register with the North Tyneside Homefinder scheme, more details can be found on www.nthomefinder.co.uk, at customer service centres or libraries, or by calling 0845 2000 102.

In the first month, there were nearly 6,000 expressions of interest and more than 120 homes were let.

There are still more people wanting homes than are on offer but don’t give up hope. Use the feedback information to help you decide which homes you have the best chance of being offered.

Homes available

Are you 60 or over and looking for a home to rent? Sheltered accommodation could be for you. A number of sheltered housing units, bungalows and flats, and previously advertised homes are now available on a first come, first served basis, subject to meeting the letting criteria. Please contact the North Tyneside Homefinder Team on (0191) 643 7681 or visit the website – www.nthomefinder.co.uk – for further details on the homes available.

Services in the spotlight

The Audit Commission will inspect the council’s housing services in May. Inspectors will test every aspect of our services and say where we are performing well and also highlight areas where we need to improve. If you want to find out more about housing inspections, you can visit the Audit Commission website at www.audit-commission.gov.uk/housing






Calling all pet lovers! Does your dog have star quality?

If you have a cat or a dog, why not pop along to the first of this year’s pet roadshows?

parks or on the waggonways network.

The first roadshow takes place at

The Pet Roadshows are brought to the

on Tuesday, April 13 (noon to 3pm)

Protection League and the RSPCA,

on Saturday, August 28.

and vets Strachan, Tyson and Hamilton.

The show, which is always well

Howdon Boys Club in Archer Street and Wednesday, April 14 (2 to 5pm). Entry is free and representatives from

the council, a firm of vets, the RSPCA

and animal charities will be available to

provide advice and answer questions.

Last year, hundreds of people brought

their pets to the roadshows to take

advantage of the free micro-chipping service.

You can also find out about some of the great walks available in our local

borough by Pawz for Thought, the Cat

working with North Tyneside Council

The Pets At Home Charitable Trust and Pedigree Chum Adoption Drive provide financial support.

The Friends of Wallsend Park are

staging their annual dog show with a

difference – the Summer Dog Oscars –

supported, will also feature a number of craft stalls. For more details, email:


The friends are also holding a spring

Look out for similar roadshows taking

fayre on Saturday, May 1, from 11am to

months. For more details, please ring

children’s competitions, bouncy castle,

place in the borough during the coming 0845 2000 103 and ask for the dog


3pm. There will be various craft stalls,

face painting, tombola and raffle.

Having your pet micro-chipped means it’s identified for life and can be

returned to you if it goes missing. The roadshow also offers free

neutering for cats and a subsidised service for dogs.

And if you want to know more about

effective worm or flea treatments, or

the law regarding animals, then don’t be afraid to ask!

A team of friendly volunteers will be

on hand to give advice and answer whatever questions you pose.


Primary Care Trusts are the local part of your such as those provided by GPs, district nurses,

Summary care record scheme All patients in North Tyneside are to be given the option to have an NHS summary care record (SCR) as part of the drive to deliver better and safer healthcare.

Your SCR will be a secure electronic record that can be shared between healthcare staff involved in your care, ensuring vital information is at hand during treatment. The SCR will contain important information about your health, such as details of any allergies, current

scheme, you can go online to: prescriptions and whether you have had any bad reactions to medicines. It www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk will only be accessible by staff directly Or you can contact your local involved in your treatment. patient advice and liaison service (PALS) on: From April 15, a letter and SCR Freephone: 0800 032 0202 information pack will be sent to Fax: 01670 511260 everyone registered with a GP practice in North Tyneside. The pack Text: 01670 511098 Email: northoftynepals@nhct.nhs.uk will give more details about the summary care record and the options available to you. In the meantime, if you would like further information about the SCR

How to spot early cancer symptoms

North Tyneside residents are being reminded how to spot the early symptoms of cancer.

Advice: Dr Meng Khaw.


Widening horizons • April 2010

The Healthy Communities

Collaborative (HCC) works across Wallsend, Howdon, North Shields,

Riverside and Longbenton – helping to increase awareness of cancer

symptoms and encouraging people

to go and see their GP if they have

any concerns.

North Tyneside has some of the highest death rates from bowel,

breast and lung cancer, compared

to other areas of the country, and

research has shown that a major

factor is that people delay visiting their GP when they suspect something is wrong.

NHS and run community healthcare services, health visitors and specialist therapists.

Cash boost for local dental services North Tyneside is to benefit from a share of £5.5m being invested in NHS dental services across the north of Tyne.

The extra money will make it easier for local people to see a dentist, including the Whitley Bay area.

and we look forward to developing these new services.”

NHS North of Tyne will award contracts for the majority of the additional activity by April, with extra dental services in Whitley Bay planned to be operating by September.

Jeff Goldthorpe, head of dentistry for NHS North of Tyne, which commissions health services on behalf of North Tyneside PCT, said: “This extra investment represents a significant step towards delivering our commitment to improve local access to NHS dental services

Staff will let you know which dentists in your area are currently accepting NHS patients and how to contact them.

Dr Meng Khaw, director of public

without dieting; unexplained, extreme

Lung cancer - having a cough

“Hopefully, by encouraging people to

pain in the tummy or bottom; bleeding

health for North Tyneside PCT, said:

come and see their GP earlier when

they think something might be wrong, we can help to reduce the number of

people who die from cancer.”

Symptoms to look out for:

tiredness; bloating, swelling or severe

most of the time; a change in a

from the bottom without a reason,

time; being short of breath;

such as piles, or bleeding when


Breast cancer - a lump or

or pain when breathing or

coughing; loss of appetite; fatigue;

If you have any concerns about

turns in, sinks into the breast or becomes


irregular in shape; a blood-stained

four weeks; sudden weight loss

with signs of blood in it; an ache

dimpling of the skin; a change in the

change in the size or shape of a breast;

have just been; a persistent change in

constipation that lasts for more than

coughing up phlegm (sputum)

losing weight.

shape of your nipple, particularly if it

bowel habit, for example diarrhoea or

cough you have had for a long

thickening in an area of the breast; a

Bowel cancer - a feeling that you

want to go to the loo, even after you

For general advice on how to see a dentist, please call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

your health, please contact your

discharge from the nipple; a rash on a

nipple or surrounding area; a swelling or lump in your armpit.


Sub 21helps cut kerbside

An award-winning project to reduce kerbside drinking among young people recently held a national ‘learning day’ to share its innovative work with others.

The research was then used to build the project – offering a range of activities for those involved, the young people and retailers, in return for their support.

Sub 21 is a joint initiative that uses a two-pronged approach to reduce kerbside drinking in Wallsend, Howdon and Battle Hill.

Rose Khan, who runs H and S stores in Wallsend attended the day. Rose and her husband Sagheer introduced a ban on selling alcohol to people under 21 after agreeing to take part in Sub 21.

It combines a package of support to off-licensees, to help them tackle proxy purchases of alcohol, with a programme of youth-led activities and events providing an alternative to street drinking for young people. Under the scheme, retailers have been asked to bring in a voluntary ban on selling alcohol to under-21s at weekends.

The original ban was introduced to cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights but Mr Khan said the voluntary ban had had such brilliant results that he decided to introduce it on a permanent basis, as well as banning the sale of cigarettes too.

The project has also created more opportunities for young people to take part in activities such as street dance and nail art close to their home. Sub 21 is one of 10 national demonstration sites for social marketing in conjunction with the National Social Marketing Centre and Department of Health. This approach puts people at the centre of the project, with research carried out to understand their behaviour and what support could be put in place to help to make changes.


widening horizons • April 2010

Alternative activities: Former Newcastle Utd star Peter Beardsley meets some of the youngsters on the Sub 21 project.

He said: “One or two people moaned about it at first but now they understand. At first sales did dip but all young people now know that I won’t sell alcohol to them and that means they don’t hang around outside the shop, and that means more and more other customers are coming in to the shop. I should have done this years ago.”

As part of the Sub 21 package of support, Mr Khan receives weekly visits from Northumbria Police to check everything is okay. Mr Khan said he had noticed there had been other benefits from the ban.

drinking “I used to notice there was broken glass and the nearby bus shelters had been vandalised but since the ban I’ve noticed that less and less. Sub 21 has had a positive effect on me and my community.”

She said: “We also asked young people themselves why they did it and what would prevent them from continuing to drink.

The Sub 21 partnership brings together North Tyneside Primary Care Trust (PCT), the council’s community youth services and licensing teams, off-licences, police, local schools and Wallsend Boys Club.

“It emerged many young people bought alcohol and drank in the streets because there is a shortage of alternative activities. It became apparent it was necessary to relieve the boredom by putting other things in place to give them something else to do.

Jan Thompson, of North Tyneside PCT, said working with retailers was just one part of the equation that would help deal with the issue of young people drinking on the streets.

“The kind of things they wanted included dance, football, performing arts, singing, work skills such as cookery, joinery, IT skills. So that’s precisely what we put in place.” The activity sessions in the area have swelled due to popular demand and now include Bodyfit, which has been extended to include adults as well as young people, Kickfit, nail art, hair, beauty and make-up sessions.

dj-ing, presentation and interview skills with their own half-hour shows. Wayne Daley, Sub 21 co-ordinator, said: “The activities have proved extremely popular and are not only giving young people new hobbies but the opportunity to gain work-based skills. “From a health perspective, the project has not only focused on alcohol but adopting healthy lifestyles, including a good diet and regular exercise, which has also involved local families.” Plans are currently in place to extend Sub 21 into the North Shields area with a range of activities to be held across the summer months. Watch this space for further details.

The cookery classes are also continuing, with members who have attended since last May acting as ambassadors to work with those new to the course. The sessions have also grown into a community enterprise as members take the sessions out into the community and use the money raised for group activities such as days out. There is also Radio Sub 21 – an Internet-based community radio station where young people can hone their


our unsung heroes Awards honour

Do you know someone who gives up their time to help others?

If you do, the Chairman of the Council, Cllr Michael Huscroft, would like to hear from you.

Cllr Huscroft, assisted by a special panel, is seeking nominations for this year’s Chairman’s Commendation Awards. The scheme aims to recognise individuals or groups who voluntarily give up their time for the benefit of others.

All types of volunteering will be considered for an award. It could be visiting the sick and lonely, driving patients to hospital appointments or helping to organise activities or special events.

Cllr Huscroft said: “North Tyneside is committed to building strong, active communities and at the heart of any such community lies voluntary activity.”

Nominees should have contributed their time, kindness and effort to one or more of the following:

Creating a clean and pleasant environment. Creating a safe and crime-free neighbourhood. Increasing training and working opportunities for residents of the borough. Improving health and health care for members of the community. Making a significant difference to their local community or an individual. Improving the quality of life of their local community or an individual. Supporting the local community/individual through the provision of, or influence on, sport, leisure, cultural activities, religious and community affairs, social welfare or educational services. Helping others to reach their potential. Responding to an immediate need, significantly affecting the life or lives of others.

How to nominate

Nomination forms are available on the council website (see chairman’s pages) or from the Civic Office, phone (0191) 643 5347. The closing date is Friday, May 7.

Nominations must be for voluntary activity, wholly outside of paid employment, where individuals or groups have volunteered for a substantial amount of time.

All nominations will be considered by the panel, which will determine whether they are worthy of commendation. The successful nominees and their nominators will be invited to a ceremony and reception at the council’s headquarters, Quadrant, hosted by the chairman.

2009 awards: Last year’s Chairman of the Council, Cllr Ian Macaulay, presents certificates to parents at Whitehouse Primary, North Shields, for acting as ambassadors of the school and (inset) Colin McKay for his service to the Scouting movement for more than 50 years.


widening horizons • April 2010

North Tyneside Strategic Partnership

Working towards 2030

were made and a shortlist of potential North Tyneside Strategic priorities for the new Strategy Partnership (NTSP) is updating its Sustainable Community Strategy, compiled. for the period 2010-13. The current Sustainable Community Strategy covers 2007-10 and includes a vision of the borough in 2030.

Many elements of that vision for 2030 remain our goals today. However, since it was written there have been changes beyond our control that will have long-lasting effects, such as the global economic downturn. The vision needs to be updated to reflect these. NTSP carried out consultation with residents, councillors and voluntary and community groups during November and December, when suggestions for amendments to the vision for 2030

These were then refined by representatives of the NTSP executive board and the various organisations that are members of its theme partnerships, at an event in January.

They agreed the vision, and the priorities that will underpin it, and began considering the practical side of how the objectives in the Strategy will be implemented. Over the next few weeks, the Strategy will be written – taking into account the consultation results and external factors such as central government policy and the global economic situation.

The Sustainable Community Strategy will be ‘signed off ’ at a meeting of the full council in June and more information will appear in a future issue of Widening Horizons. Contact NTSP Telephone: (0191) 643 5608 Email: ntsp@northtyneside.gov.uk www: www.ntsp-online.org.uk

NTSP brings together representatives from the council, primary care trust, police and emergency services, Tyne Met College, Jobcentre Plus, voluntary and community groups, and the private sector. Partners work together to improve the quality of life for people living and working in North Tyneside.

2030 vision: Representatives discuss priorities.


Healthy Community Awards 2010

More than 40 clubs, groups and other organisations have been honoured for helping to make North Tyneside a healthier borough.

The annual Healthy Community Awards are hosted by the Community and Health Care Forum and supported by the council and the local primary care trust – both members of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership. This year’s ceremony took place at The John Willie Sams Centre in Dudley and Elected Mayor Linda Arkley and Mary Coyle, chair of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership, presented the awards and congratulated the winners on their efforts to make North Tyneside a healthier place to live. Local groups were invited to complete an application pack, in line with the eligibility criteria, and then judged by a multi-agency panel. This year saw a new category for those groups who are not community based but promote best practice in relation to the health and wellbeing of staff or customers – the Innovations category.

The 2010 winners are:


Chris Lucas Trust Alzheimer’s Society LifeLink, Age Concern Stroke North Walking With in North Tyneside The Phoenix Community Support Service North of Tyne Healthy Communities Collaborative (HCC) Age Takes Centre Stage – Festival Planning Group YMCA North Tyneside Barnardo’s, The BASE Young People’s Centre

Highly commended

Forest Hall Young People’s Club Margaret Road Thursday Club Nite Bite North Tyneside Disability Forum – Tinnitus Support Group Killingworth Community Consortium Kirkdale Court Outreach Service Whitley Bay Community Allotment and Gardens Key Enterprises

The Meadows Neighbourhood Centre North Tyneside Disability Forum – Songs For All Choir North Tyneside African Group St Paul’s Community Partnership The Farsi Speakers Community Group Migrant Pathways Project The 3P’s (Promoting Positive Parents) The Salvation Army Wallsend People’s Centre North Tyneside Disability Forum – Health and Wellbeing Club Shiremoor Veggie Bags DASS Support and Services Project The Vine Community Café North Shields Live At Home Scheme


Bangladeshi Women’s Group North Shields Up Close Breastfeeding Support Group Willington Quay Line Dancers Cedarwood Trust Barnardos Palmersville Training The Willington Quay Songsters Dudley Walking Group Whitley Bay Children’s Centre Fordley Community Primary School – The Goodlife Fruit and Veg Scheme Independent Advocacy (North Tyneside) Women Together Group Longbenton Children’s Centre

Innovations category

Eastcoast Taxis Tesco Stores Ltd, North Shields Extra Blueline Taxis Go North East Tyne Metropolitan College The Lakeside Centre

Day out: Customers enjoy a bus trip during last year’s Age Takes Centre Stage Festival..


widening horizons • April 2010

For further information on the Healthy Community Awards, or the groups mentioned, please contact: The Community and Health Care Forum, 205 Park Road, Wallsend or phone (0191) 295 4233.

equality scheme

Council launches new The council is working hard to promote equality and eliminate discrimination, for both residents and staff.

Until this year, the council had separate equality schemes for race, gender and disability, in line with legislation covering the public sector. Recently, however, there has been a move to simplify how public sector organisations set out their work on equality and diversity. The result is a single document, our Corporate Equality Scheme. Covering 2010-13, it sets out our responsibilities, ambitions and actions relating to: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Age Disability Gender and gender identity Race Religion or belief Sexual orientation

Cllr Glynis Barrie, cabinet member for Community Services, said: “We want to make sure all our residents, staff and visitors to the borough feel valued and respected. “Everyone should be able to make a positive contribution to their community, no matter how long they have lived here or what their circumstances are. As part of developing the Corporate Equality Scheme, the council talked to staff and councillors, residents, and voluntary and community sector groups representing diverse communities to make sure their views were incorporated.

Actions in the scheme include: ● Improving the data we have on the profile of our population, to help tailor our services. ● Collecting views from all sections of our communities about their experience of local services. ● Increasing the council’s engagement and involvement with diverse communities to influence service planning and monitor changes. ● Reviewing the profile of the council’s workforce, and developing it to be more representative of the borough’s population. ● Increasing knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity issues among staff and councillors. ● Working with partner organisations on joint equality and diversity work. ● Publicising progress and achievements.

Corpo ra Equalit te y 2010 -13 Scheme

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www.no rtht

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Copies of the Corporate Equality Scheme will be available in libraries, or to view on the council website, in April. If you would like a paper copy, please contact (0191) 643 5608 or email equalities@northtyneside.gov.uk

What do we mean by ‘equality and diversity’?

Equality – People are protected by law from being discriminated against because of their age, disability, gender or gender identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. People have different needs but are all entitled to the same, or similar, ‘outcome’.

For example, to use a library, many people could simply walk up steps to enter, but someone with a wheelchair or pram would need a ramp to access it, and therefore have the same outcome of using the library.

Diversity – A diverse community is one that includes different groups of

people representing different backgrounds and life experiences. In a strong, cohesive community, the differences between people are recognised, respected and valued.


Essential standards From April, new essential standards of care are being introduced across all health and adult social care services in England.

NHS trusts are the first to come into the new system. From April, NHS hospitals must be registered, by law, with the CQC, according to the new standards.

Your voice will count in helping the CQC decide what judgments to take. The commission is developing ways to enable you to feedback your comments directly.

The Care Quality Commission – the new independent regulator of health and adult social care – will license services if they meet essential standards and monitor them to make sure they comply with the law.

Assessors and inspectors for the CQC are currently reviewing each NHS trust application before licensing them to operate.

The government has given the CQC greater powers of enforcement to ensure it can take swift action where care providers are failing people.

Once registered, the commission will publish information on its website about the status of your NHS hospital and this will be updated during the course of the year.

You can find out how you can expect to benefit from the introduction of the essential standards by visiting www.cqc.org.uk

The new system, which is being introduced gradually, means you can expect services to meet essential standards of quality and safety that respect your dignity and rights.

New system: Services must meet essential standards of quality and safety.


widening horizons • April 2010

Keep it local North Tyneside Council is committed to helping small businesses. If your company is based in the borough, you can advertise on this page – free of charge.

Just send the following details and we’ll put your entry in the next available issue: • Name of company • Brief (20 words maximum) description of your business • Phone, email or web address


String quartet, duos and jazz groups available for weddings, corporate events, parties and functions in the North East. Tel: 07748 797 192 Email: dawn@andrelli.co.uk www.andrelli.co.uk

Dilation Design

Design for print, graphic design, logo makeover, corporate identity, stationery, business forms and leaflets. Holiday cover for the printing industry.

Tel: 07814 988 691

Email: freethjulian@aol.com

New Beginnings

5, South Parade, Whitley Bay. We can provide bridal gowns, bridesmaids’ dresses, men’s suit hire and all wedding accessories. Alteration service.

Tel: (0191) 251 3431

Please note: space is allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Adverts not used in one edition will receive priority for the next. The next issue of Widening Horizons is published on June 14. Deadline for adverts is May 7. Send your details to: steve.forshaw@northtyneside.gov.uk You can also write to Steve Forshaw at the address on page 3. (Terms and conditions available on request.)

Green Park Services

High quality painting and decorating. Free estimates and competitive prices.

Tel: (0191) 234 3858 or 07751 793 656

Anne Morrison

For expert help with stress, anxiety, phobias and fears, weight issues and self-confidence.

Tel: 0790 573 5457

BJ’s Joinery & Property Maintenance All aspects of joinery and property maintenance carried out. Domestic and commercial work undertaken. Free quotations. All work guaranteed. Ring Ben. Tel: 07790 197 444

The Balloon Fairy

A high quality local balloon-decorating business. No job is too big or too small. Are you having a party – give us a call! Tel: (0191) 268 6132 or 07795 620 549 www.balloonfairynortheast.co.uk

We are an independent property lettings and management company, providing specialist services to private landlords. Tel: (0191) 262 1260 or 0795 825 8914 www.villabelaproperties.co.uk

Email: gary@villabelaproperties.co.uk or admin@villabelaproperties.co.uk

A B Counselling

Tel: 0785 790 5429

Tel: (0191) 253 7373


Email: y5benn@yahoo.co.uk

Villabela Properties Ltd, Wallsend

Orange Man Cleaning Services Domestic and commercial carpet cleaning, upholstery and leather cleaning, domestic and commercial window cleaning. We also clean conservatories, gutters and Upvc.


Counselling service for individuals and couples. Corporate work welcome. Reiki sessions also available. Half-price reiki session with this advert.


North Tyneside Council does not accept any responsibility for the businesses listed above.


Keep it local next2buy - property retailers Residential sales, lettings and independent mortgage advice. 136/138 Station Road, Wallsend.

Tel: (0191) 295 3322


North Tyne Construction Ltd

Disability adaptation specialists. Tel: (0191) 258 0319 Mobile: 0790 355 6605 or 0785 226 2183 Email: help@northtyneconstructionltd.co.uk



The UK’s No1 letting agency. Visit our website to find out our most up-to-date availability. Tel: (0191) 253 5666 Email: whitleybay@martinco.com


Sundara UK @ Tantalize

16 Ann Street, Shiremoor. Offers a full range of beauty treatments for women (and men) – nail extensions, waxing, massage, spray tans and powerful 225W sunbeds. Special offers available. Tel: (0191) 251 7700

Email: sundara.uk@hotmail.com

Sarah Hudson Culture Management

Consultancy and project management services for the arts and cultural sector – based in Whitley Bay. Tel: (0191) 251 1671 or 0774 228 1045 Email: sarah@culture-management.co.uk


Free photoshoot, canvas prints starting from £27, every Saturday plus school holidays. Browse our web gallery. Bookings available online. 38/40 Park View, Whitley Bay. Tel: (0191) 290 2197


Complete Gardening Service

Hedge, garden and lawn maintenance, fencing, drystone walling, landscaping. 20 years gardening experience. Qualified horticulturist and drystone waller. Worked in Grade 1 listed garden. Police checked, references available.

Contact Mike on 07986 232 203


widening horizons • April 2010

Trusted Grave Care

Specialised grave tending and maintenance, including upkeep of graves and plots, professional cleaning of headstones and replacement of decorative gravel. Tel: 07889 567 801. Email: info@trustedgravecare.co.uk



We can provide a wide range of washable nappies, including swim nappies and accessories. We stock tots-bots, bambinex and many more.

Email: sales@eco-naps.com



Professional confidential counselling – on issues such as bereavement, stress/work-related stress, depression, postnatal depression, anxiety, relationships, self-esteem, loss, lack of confidence. Tel: (0191) 550 0012 or 0797 615 6291



Southcliff Apartments

Fabulous 4-star weekly-let apartments in clifftop location – Cullercoats with spectacular sea views. Fully equipped. Winner of Green Award. Tel: (0191) 251 3121 Email: southcliffapartments@theseaside.co.uk


V Salon Hairdressing

A five-star salon, situated in Crawford Place, Monkseaton, specialising in colour correction, human hair extensions, wedding hair appointments. Open until 9pm on Fridays.

Tel: (0191) 252 3987

Forest Hall Tennis Club

We are a small friendly local club that offers junior and adult tennis coaching – all abilities welcome. Contact Dave on 0780 359 7005 or (0191) 259 9862 (4 to 6pm weekdays)


Access Virtual PA

We help businesses work smarter – not harder – with telemarketing, LinkedIn, website updates and in-house administration. Tel: (0191) 256 6617 Email: enquiries@accessvirtualpa.co.uk


Keep it local CDA Pet Services

Barkes Associates

Tel: 07513 741 058

Tel: (0191) 262 1299 Email:lesleyann@barkesassociates www.barkesassociates.com

If you work all day and have to leave your dog, we will take them for an exciting and happy walk. Based in Longbenton but cover North Tyneside or Newcastle. Email: cdapetservices@hotmail.co.uk

Waite IT

Professional, reliable IT support for home and business. See how we can help you or call for a FREE consultation for your business. Tel: 07976 456 955

Email: support@waite-it.co.uk


1st Accounting Services Ltd Local accountant dealing with all aspects of small and medium-sized businesses and personal tax. Friendly, personal service. Phone Joe. Tel: 07711 383 152

Fax: (0191) 209 2196

Delivering professional, high quality, affordable, remote secretarial services to small, medium and large organisations worldwide.


Green Ginger Shopping Arcade, 78 Front Street, Tynemouth. Beautiful gifts for the home. Gorgeous jewellery for men and women. Sterling silver and costume jewellery. Tel: (0191) 257 2277


Ladybird Cakes

Sugarcraft and cake decorating supplies. Based in the Land of Green Ginger, Tynemouth. Wedding cake stand and tin hire available.

Tel: (0191) 257 1707

Email: info_1staccounting@hayoo.co.uk

Bells School of Motoring

Sharp Electrical Contractors

Email: info@bells-school-of-motoring.co.uk or david@bells-school-of-motoring.co.uk

Tel: 0792 135 8884

North East Pest Control

Seafront Apartments

Tel: 07887 842 663

Tel: 07977 203 379

Based in Cullercoats. Registered with Pass Plus and qualified to NVQ Level 3 in driving tuition. 10 per cent off block bookings. Tel: (0191) 290 1568 or 07753 747 255

Specialists in all areas of pest control. Commercial and domestic. Free, no-obligation quotation.


Simply Destressed

Indian head massage therapy, including upper back, neck, shoulders and head. Carried out by caring, qualified, fully-insured therapist. Tel: 0797 104 7324 Email: info@simplydestressed.com www.simplydestressed.com

All electrical work undertaken. Rewires, fuse boards, sockets, lighting, BT/aerial points, testing/certificates etc. FREE estimates.

Email: richiepattison@btinternet.com

Visitors, family, colleagues coming? 4-star weekly self-catering apartments. Superb Cullercoats Bay location. Close to shops, restaurants, Metro, buses. Email: stay@seafront.info


Featheredge Plastering

Contact Craig – all aspects of plastering undertaken. Insurance work welcome. Clean and tidy reliable service. Competitive rates. Free estimates and advice.

Tel: (0191) 268 2805 or 0779 247 1982

Lucci’s Tiling

John Edward Web Design

Tel: (0191) 234 4698 or 0780 438 6183 Email: papgarcia@live.co.uk

Email: info@johnedwardwebdesign.co.uk

Plastering and bathroom installation service. Domestic and commercial. Free no-obligation quotation. Expert advice. Solo trader.

Professional, affordable web design for small businesses, self-employed, charities, voluntary and community organisations. All websites built to industry standards. Tel: 07964 878 098.


North Tyneside Council does not accept any responsibility for the businesses listed above.


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