Breathtaking Kitchens. Unrivalled In Every Way.
At The Brighton Kitchen Company, we do things very differently We aren’t a typical kitchen retailer We design truly unique spaces which are innovative in every way and that push the boundaries of traditional design. We provide an unrivalled level of service & an experience for our clients which simply cannot be found anywhere else.

Its these principles that our company is built upon. Creating extraordinary, enviable kitchen spaces that exceed our clients’ expectations in every way imaginable is what we do.
Since our foundation, our award-winning team have designed & installed unique, breathtaking kitchens for our valued clients who were looking for more from their kitchen space
If you ' ve got an upcoming kitchen project that youd like to talk us about, we'd absolutely love to welcome you to our Hickstead showroom. A visit to our showroom is, quite simply, the best way to truly understand the incredible craftsmanship & detail which goes into creating each one of our bespoke kitchens and provides the perfect opportunity to discuss your project further with a member of our design team

We look forwards to hearing from you very soon,

Experience A Truly Unique Design Journey

Wemakeitourabsolutemissiontoprovideourclientswithunparalleledlevelsof service&totakethemonadesignjourneywhichtheysimplywon'tfindelsewhere. Thejourneywetaketogetherhasbeencarefullythought-out&craftedtoensure thatwecomprehensivelyunderstandyou&yourindividualneeds Everyaspectof eachoneofourprojectsistrulybespoke&absolutelynodetail-nomatterhow small-iseveroverlooked It’sthiscommitmenttoexcellencethatmeanswe continuetoexceedourclients expectationsineveryway.

"IchoseTBKCafteralongandfrustratingsearchforakitchendesignerthatwasnt justasalespersonwithapickinglistandaCADpackage.Theeffortpaidoff.Itwas clearfromtheoutsetthattheseguysweretherealdeal:creativeprofessionalswho coulddesignsomethingtrulyoriginal Notonlywasthedesigntheyproduced amazing(andaone-off)butthecraftsmenwhofitteditwerearevelationwiththeir superbattentiontodetailandcustomerservice IcantrecommendTBKChighly enough."