370 Prompt Book (Winter 2018)

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370 Prompt Book Winter 2018

acknowledgements Students in ENGL 370: Poetry Writing created this book of prompts at the University of Indianapolis during the winter term of 2018. Students pulled their ideas from personal experience, course readings, others’ prompts, Internet resources, each other’s interests, and poems. Each was written in the spirit of the “double-dog dare”—we challenged each other to stretch our imaginations, our talents, and our expectations of what we thought possible. In total, the class produced 72 prompts, which students (collectively) used to write over 216 poems during the term in their poetry journals. For more information, please contact Liz Whiteacre at whiteacree@uindy.edu. It is our hope this prompt book will continue to inspire poems. Cover art by Hattie Whiteacre.

Table of Contents


Tyrah Chery Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Hurricanes Lullaby Planets Poem about You


Jeff Dixon Fight w/ Constrained Writing Late Historical Event Remorse Death


Sarah Hoffmeier The Roads of Indiana The Item: A Pastoral Prompt Smile Shoes Weddings Vs Funerals


Jessica Marvel Dream Imaginary Friend Wonder Fantasy Character


Brooklyn Raines Heartache in Reverse Music Video Hair First Time Copy and Paste


Cassie Reverman 2 Chains Potato Chips Mother Nature Pool Memories

Song Titles 7

Shauna Sartoris Sway, Move, Jump, and Jive Adjectives (!!) Body Parts Stream of Consciousness Name Generator


Kylie Seitz Different Perspectives Re-Title Connection Roots A Frequented Place


Alexis Stella Scare Favorite Person Influence Regret Awkward Moment

Tyrah Chery

Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Find a word in the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows blog page and write a poem of at least 15 lines describing an experience where you would feel that emotion or a narrative around that emotion. Visit the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows at http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/. Prompt about Hurricanes Write a prompt about a hurricane in love. It cannot be in love with another hurricane, and it must be written in 23 lines. Example: Langston Hughes’ “Dinner Guest: Me” at Poem Hunter: https://www.poemhunter.com/best-poems/langston-hughes/dinner-guest-me/ Lullaby Write a poem in the form of a lullaby. Planets Write a poem about Pluto finding a friend. You cannot use words to describe loneliness but instead, use colors. Poem about you Write a poem about the person you wish you were.


Jeff Dixon

Prompt about Fighting w/ Constrained Writing Write a poem about a fight or argument without using the letter "e." Late Prompt Write a poem wherein your speaker is late for a hugely important event. Historical Event Choose an event, historical figure, etc. to write about. Maybe get in somebody’s head or write more broadly about the event. Remorse Write a poem about remorse. It does not necessarily have to be a personal account. Death Write a poem about death.


Sarah Hoffmeier

The Roads of Indiana Write a prompt about an experience you or someone you know about a cruise along any type of roads. Make the road placed in Indiana. The Item Write about an object that holds deep meaning to you. Make it a Pastoral. Learn more about the pastoral form and see examples at Poets.org: https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poems?field_poem_themes_tid=1621&field_occasion _tid=All&field_form_tid=All&title=&field_first_name_value=&field_last_name_value= &body_value=&order=field_first_name&sort=desc Smile Write a poem of a smile. Be it sad, fake, or truly bright. Create a repetition of one of the lines at the end of each stanza. Shoes Write a poem on shoes. Be it about walking or the form of the shoes. Give the shoe a deeper meaning rather than just it being a shoe. Weddings Vs Funerals Write a poem comparing to someone visiting a wedding and/or a funeral. You can contrast— you can do whatever. Make a metaphorical statement of life to death.


Jessica Marvel

Dream Prompt Write a poem about a crazy dream that you have had and how it affected you in your waking life. Imaginary Friend Poem Write a poem either about or from the perspective of an imaginary friend. Try not to say anything about the friend not existing or being invisible, clear, etc. Wonder Prompt Write a sort of list poem about things you wonder about. You could take the stance as a child looking forward, what you used to during that time, or your current stance. Fantasy Prompt Write a poem about a fantasy world or a mythical beast. Character Prompt Take one of your favorite characters, either somebody else's or maybe even your own, and write a snapshot of their story in their voice. Try choosing a character from a work that is in third person.


Brooklyn Raines

Heartache in Reverse Prompt For this prompt reflect on a time of heartache and pain. It could be your first major breakup, a death of a loved one or pet, your first time failing, or disappointing a loved one. Once you've reflected back on this time of sorrow consider what would've happened if this heartache went in the opposite direction. If this event brought you joy instead of pain. What if you were still with this first love? What if you and this partner didn't break up and you two were still together? Would you be happier? Miserable? Think about it and write. Music Video Prompt Write a poem in response to the images in a music video you enjoy. Maybe the lighting? The storyline in the video? Here's one of my favorite music videos from Jhene Aiko. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x-d3pabd5o Hair Prompt Write a poem about hair. It could be your hair, your creepy neighbor's mustache, leg hair, or anything else that pertains to the topic of hair. First Time Prompt Write about the first time you got drunk and don't use the word I in the entire poem. Copy and Paste Prompt Take your favorite line from your least favorite poem you’ve written and copy and paste it into a new document. From there create a brand new poem that starts with that line.


Cassie Reverman

2 Chains Write in the style of 2 Chains’ musical style. Potato Chips End your poem with the line, "and I ate a bag of potato chips." Mother Nature Write about taking care of nature as if you could take care of your mom. Pool Memories Write about a past summer day at the pool. Describe the scents. Song Titles Using song titles, describe a moment in your life that you think about often.


Shauna Sartoris

Sway, Move, Jump, and Jive Write about a dance (a dance party, a single style of dance, the act of dancing, whatever) using as many verbs as you can. Try for 20. You CANNOT use the same verb twice. Adjectives (!!) Write a poem with EXACTLY 2 adjectives per line Body Parts Write at length about a single body part of yours or someone else's. Try for at least 20 lines. (For an extra added challenge, avoid adjectives as much as possible!) Stream of Consciousness Write for 3 minutes without stopping (NO STOPPING!! If you can't figure out the next word, just keep writing the last word until you are ready to move on.) Write whatever comes to mind, even the words or phrases don't flow together. Don't fix misspelled words, mistaken keystrokes, or incorrect punctuation as you go along (at least not until those 3 minutes are up.) Turn in what you have, or turn it into a poem! Have fun! Name Generator Randomly select a name from a name generator (like the one found at this link: https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/gen-random-us-us.php). Describe the person in a poem WITHOUT drawing on a historical or personal figure of the same name.


Kylie Seitz

Different Perspectives Write a poem including two different perspectives on the same idea/object/event. Re-Title Write a poem that’s title completely changes the meaning of the poem. Connection Write a poem about or with connection, be it associative, emotional, mental, social, romantic, etc. Roots Write a poem about roots (physical or otherwise). A Frequented Place Write a poem either about or set in a place you visit frequently.


Alexis Stella

Scare Write a poem about something that scares you. Favorite Person Write a poem about your favorite person. Influence Write about an influence in your life. Regret Write about a regret you have. Awkward Moment Write about an awkward moment.


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