April 30, 2018

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April 18, 2018 Volume 6, Issue 17


The Technophobic Teacher Many teachers are learning about technology. It’s unknown, it’s “complicated”, and is challenging to integrate as an instructional tool. We are all on a technology journey. Access to information is readily available. Technology trends change day to day, minute to minute. It’s overwhelming to stay abreast of these technology tools and trends. In facilitating TIS support for the novice techy teacher, it is important to understand the the celebrations and challenges of this teacher.

Inside this issue

Technophobic Teacher ............ 1 Technophobic Teacher ............ 2 Technophobic Teacher ............ 3 STEM Book Study…………………..3 Simple Suggestions………………..4 Tips for Technophobic ............. 4 Upcoming Events ..................... 5 Meet the Authors…………………..6

We interviewed a technophobic teacher. Her honest answers to this interview are insightful and necessary for the TIS to comprehend.

~Continued on page 2.

Interview by Melinda K. Louisos.

Shannon Hedgecock Biography Shannon is a 4th grade teacher at New River Elementary School in Oak Hill, WV. She received her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education, K-6, from Concord University in the spring of 2012. In the spring of 2015, she received her Master’s degree in Leadership and Supervision, also from Concord University. She and her husband welcomed a baby into their lives. Her name is Sage Elizabeth. The Hedgecock family enjoys spending time with family and friends. Contact Information: smcknight@k12.wv.us

1. What is your name? Teaching Position? How many years have you taught to present? My name is Shannon Hedgecock, and I have taught 4th grade at New River Elementary School for six years. 2. Describe your level of technology in your classroom. My level of technology in my classroom is emerging. I utilize programs such as MobyMax, ReadWorks.org, Kahoot, and Plickers. However, I categorize myself as emerging, because I do not utilize these programs on a daily basis. 3. What is your technology celebration? My technology celebration is my effort. I am more than willing to try anything as long as it benefits my students. Being open to change is the first step to creating a technology driven classroom. 4. What is your technology challenge? My technology challenge is incorporating technology into my everyday instruction. I’m utilizing it more each year, but I still feel that I am not using it as much as I can. 5. What frightens you about technology integration? What frightens me most is letting go and managing off-task behaviors. I can notice, if a student is off task during whole group, small group, and independent work. I can also give immediate feedback during those times. However, it is more difficult to manage off-task behaviors and give immediate feedback when online. For example, I had a student that looked like he was going to town on MobyMax. I even gave him a compliment on how hard he worked during that class. However, when I was reviewing each student’s work, he had failed every lesson. My concern is how to ensure that students understand their responsibility.


Interview Continued from page 2. 6. What intimidates you about technology integration? What intimidates me the most about technology is the time needed to gather and create resources. I know that once the resources are created, they can be reused; however, the initial setup can be time consuming and overwhelming. I feel it is overwhelming, because there are so many technology resources to sift through to narrow in on effective technology tools.

STEM Resource

7. What instructional supports or professional development would benefit you in the classroom? I am a visual person. With that being said, I would benefit from observing a teacher that has effectively integrated technology into the classroom daily. 8. Other comments or questions? I truly understand the benefits of technology, and I want to learn as much as I can to become a tech savvy teacher for my students. I want to facilitate the quality education they deserve.

TIS Tips for Mrs. Hedgecock ~Provide resources for incorporating MobyMax, ReadWorks.org, Kahoot, and Plickers, readily, as technology integration tools rather than “stand-alone� tools. ~Collaborate and peer critique a lesson plan via the SAMR Model.

~Check out this Book~ This hands-on, minds-on book is awesome for a book study. The research-driven material provides strategies to incorporate STEM instruction across the content areas. Bender

~Frontload some of the research for Mrs. Hedgecock. Provide resources and links for the teacher, before-hand, to alleviate the stress of researching resources and ideas independently. ~Facilitate observations for Mrs. Hedgecock in classrooms that are rich in technology integration strategies. ~Push-In to the teacher’s classroom and team teach to facilitate strategies in technology and classroom management. ~Facilitate professional development and networking.

does an awesome job of providing resources as well as strategies for the

Technophobic Teacher to the Techy Savvy Teacher. Learning Sciences Int., (2017)


Tips to Help the Technophobe

Simple Suggestions to Include Technology into a Classroom

Teacher by Robin Romano

*Familiarize the teacher with the technology. Assist the teacher in checking email, daily and/or use an online gradebook. *Introduce the technology to the teacher personally. Engage as a team in the classroom and model Whiteboard on the iPad, model navigation of a Smartboard or Promethean Board, and model the teacher’s lesson plan, while incorporating technology. *Be present while the teacher is

Webquests A webquest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format design where most of the information is found on the web. Webquests can be used in many different ways. Two examples are as an introduction or as a conclusion to a unit of study. Webquest.org Follow the above link and search your topic of interest. You will be presented with numerous webquests about your topic. Following a webquest is a very unassuming way to introduce technology into a classroom. The teacher does not have to look

for online resources, but just follow the given links in the webquest.

By Mary Lachance

using technology. Give the teacher guidance and technology support, while the teacher is teaching.

Virtual Field Trips

*Support the technology hardware and software for the teacher. Make sure the devices are in working order. Troubleshoot with the teacher and refer equipment to

the TSS for assistance. *Provide resources both online and offline. Pinterest has many tips on incorporating technology into the

Virtual field trips will help make your lessons memorable! Students will be able to have amazing experiences without ever leaving the classroom. Google Arts and Culture includes tours of famous museums from around the globe right from your classroom. Airpano.com has 360° panoramas and 360° videos of places all over the world. NationalGeographic.org/education has incredible virtual field trips led by explorers and scientists. Onlinelabs.in offers virtual labs for science education.

classroom. *JUST DO IT!

Encourage the teacher to take baby steps or jump in with both feet. Be there to catch him/her, too. Provide on-going support. Citations: http://www.educationworld.com/ a_tech/tech159.shtml http://www.teachhub.com/12-easyways-use-technology-your-classroomeven-technophobic-teacher.


Podcasts and Blogs Podcasts are a digital or audio file that you can listen to on any of your devices. Just search for a topic and you’ll be surprised by the results! Try Apple Podcasts , Stitcher.com , or Kidslisten.org . Using a blog in class has many benefits and it’s a great way to encourage students to discuss topics in a conversational style. It can be simple to set up your own blog. Try Blogger or WordPress. Both links will walk you through, step by step, setting up your own blog.

Feeling Adventurous? Try making a class website with Weebly, Google Sites, or use Publisher from Microsoft. Try searching TeacherTube.com for videos for mini lessons. Use a noise meter such as BouncyBalls.org , or TooNoisyApp.com. Try simple coding via https://www.scratchjr.org. Sources: Guido, Marcus. “25 Easy Ways to use Technology in the Classroom”. Prodigygame.com. Haynes, Kim. “12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom.” TeacherHub.com.

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. Steve Jobs Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/steve_jobs

Upcoming Events ISTE Conference – June 24-27, 2018, Chicago, IL. Building Learning Communities – July 25-27, 2018, Boston, MA. Maker Faire -

Check out these websites for exciting upcoming events. WVSTC.com ITEEA.org

June 23-24, 2018, Kansas City, MO; July 28-29, 2018, Detroit, MI; September 22-23, 2018, New York, NY. 5

TIS Cohort 2018

Meet the Authors/TIS Candidates 2018 Mary Lachance Mary Lachance is a Kindergarten teacher in Berkeley County. She has seven children ages 6-18. They are all involved in soccer, football, swimming, track, gymnastics, orchestra, math club, chess club, and robotics. They volunteer outside of school and are active in their church. Mary is equally proud of all seven children for all of their accomplishments. Melinda Louisos Melinda Louisos is the Multi-Categorical Technology Teacher at New River Elementary School in Fayette County. She is also the Technology Contact for her school. In addition, she coordinates the Technology Integration via push-in co-teaching and collaboration. She and her husband, Tom Louisos, have five children, TJ, Ty, Hailee, Cole, and Alex. They are excited, first-time grandparents to Reece. Robin Romano Robin Romano is a Special Education teacher at Webster County High School. She is married to her husband, Mark, and they have two sons, Adam and Jared. She enjoys watching her oldest son run cross country and track at West Virginia Wesleyan College and spending time with her family.

CHECK OUT THESE INTERNET RESOURCES Below, you will find resources for the technophobic teacher. From device storage to strategies, the following links provide excellent resources: http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech159.shtml https://www.pinterest.com/explore/teacher-cart/ https://www.pinterest.com/explore/technology-lessons/ https://thecornerstoneforteachers.com/tips-working-push-teachersparaeducators/ https://www.edutopia.org/topics



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