Newsletter September 19, 2014

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Shannon Lewis -Upshur Co.

Rachel Burkett -Hampshire Co.

Debbie Conner

Read Notes with Note Trainer Do you have students who have trouble reading music? For students who need additional practice reading notes on a staff, Note Trainer by Thoor Software AB may be just the app for them. Utilizing the iOS range of devices, Note Trainer will help students learn to read notes, whether they are a beginner or an advanced student. Advanced students can choose a higher level starting point in the app.

-Mercer Co.

Note Trainer, currently $2.99 in the iTunes store, (no Android equivalent available) will track progress as students complete the exercises, and provide feedback at the end of each one. When the program feels that a student is ready to move to the next exercise, it will let the student know. It even has a time mode where students can race against the clock to test their knowledge. The app will even connect to MIDI devices, such as a keyboard, or students can use the virtual piano included with the app. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Class Dojo & You


Adventures with Classcraft


Science, Math, Technology, & Engineering




IXL in the Classroom


ColAR Mix Me ColAR Mix (Puteko Limited) turns simple coloring pages into 3D animated experiences and lets you teach kids about augmented reality. Students could use this to color a page, make it come to life, and then write a story about it. It is such an engaging app that both students and teachers love it. ColAR Mix is free in both the Android and iTunes stores, but does have in-app purchases. Several of the coloring pages are free to print, but there are also a wide variety available to purchase.

Professional 5 Development & WVLearns

Technology in PE/Health In researching apps for PE and Health, one in particular stood out. It was the HIIT Timer. This timer is both interactive and cheap at $1.99 a download. It is particularly useful with stations, keeping the lesson on a time table and also creating whatever kinds of intervals are needed. This app has the ability to create higher as well as lower intensity intervals. It allows the user to add sound effects and a large digital time display. Any interval can be saved for future use once it has been created. The HIIT timer was designed for use on the iPhone, the iPad and the iPod touch. There is also an Android version available. Although the timer is recommended for PE, it could be used for stations in any subject or in any situation that calls for the use of a timer.



Class Dojo & You Looking for a way to manage your classroom behavior, track data, and keep parents up to date? Look no further than Class Dojo. Best suited for elementary (but can be adapted to any level), Class Dojo allows a teacher to assign an avatar to a student. Students can customize their avatar’s look. The avatar is rewarded for positive behavior (along with accompanying sound), and docked for negative behavior (again, with an accompanying sound). Behaviors are easily customized by teachers, and can be carried over from year to year.

“Classcraft is an

Class Dojo is available to use on a to use any device that runs Android or iOS software, or even run it on your computer. Even better, teachers can collect behavior data for every child, allowing them to see just what behaviors are repeated over and over. This allows teachers to adjust their classroom behavior systems as necessary. Parents can also easily connect to Class Dojo by giving the teacher their email address. The teacher sends an invite for them to connect to their child’s account, and then the parent receives weekly reports

every Friday automatically. Students, if given their parents’ permission, can connect to their avatar to track their own behavior, and customize their avatar’s look. Class Dojo is an easy system to learn, and can be used school-wide after a recent update to the program. Multiple teachers can now be connected to one class, allowing resource teachers to give their input on a child’s behavior in addition to the teacher. This is optional, and not required to use the program. (Image used with permission from Class Dojo)

up and coming

Adventures with Classcraft

behavior management system that has its own twist—it’s designed to mimic a RPG (role playing games) system.”

If you’re looking for a behavior management system for older students that combines the basics of Class Dojo with an RPG (role playing game) style system, then check out Classcraft. It immerses students in role playing similar to what they are used to from video games. In Classcraft, teachers become the game master for their classroom, and their students become the players. Students play as part of a team, either as a warrior, mage, or healer. Their characters have hit points (HP), attack points (AP), and experience points (XP). Because they are on teams, students must learn to not only help themselves, but also their teammates or face dire consequences.




They can use their AP to save themselves or help out classmates on their teams. They can gain XP by helping out others. If a student loses all of their HP, they are deemed to have “fallen in battle”. Students learn to work together and collaborate in order to successfully navigate the world of Classcraft New updates to the system this fall include the ability to customize avatars, as well as pets. An iOS app is currently available for iPhones, and the iPad version is shortly to follow. An Android version is projected to follow before the end of 2014. The game is always free to play, but there will be freemi-

um and premium options available, too. Freemium is free, and premium charges a set class setup fee, as well as a fee for each student account. While the appeal of the system may be seen as geared toward high school students, the system can successfully be used with students as young as 3rd grade. It all depends on the teacher, and their dedication to learning how to use Classcraft. However, teachers who successfully overcome these obstacles will have a new, innovative way to engage students. (Image used with permission from Stephanie Carmichael of Classcraft)






Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math ties and its ability to make more precisely controlled manipulations. Science and technology are different, but there are areas where they overlap. Science depends on technology to test, experiment, and verify what it is trying to prove. Technology depends on science to test, verify, and apply its laws and principals.

The relationship between science and technology is so complex and the two so closely related that the terms are often used interchangeably. Science is often defined as a system used to acquire knowledge, This acquisition of knowledge is based on a certain methodology used to organize a body of knowledge gained through research. Science attempts to explain the natural world through observation and controlled manipulation. Technology, on the other hand, is the practical application of knowledge, often in a particular area. It is the use of tools and machines to solve real world problems. Technology can be the use of something as simple as a wedge or as complex as a computer. The purpose of technology is to make our existence easier through the production of something that at this moment doesn’t exist. Even though both areas of study have different purposes, technology can be used to enhance the teaching and understanding of science. Both domains are fundamental to human expression and achievement and can be used together for mutual growth and benefit. Technology’s practical application can provide science with the means necessary to further its observational capabili-

Any mention of science and technology would be incomplete without including both math and engineering. There is a symbiotic relationship between technology, science, mathematics, and engineering. Nature itself is mathematical and cannot be accurately described without the use of math, Mathematics has been described as the “Queen of Science.” Because science is the study of the natural world and the things that exist in the world, math can be used to reveal relationships in that world. Through math new and powerful conclusions about that world can be reached, With the use of basic arithmetic, evidence can be found to support or refute theories. The simplest way to define the relationship between math and engineering would be to say that you must use math for engineering, but you don't have to be an engineer to do math. Engineering takes mathematical and scientific knowledge and applies that knowledge to benefit humankind. Engineering depends on technology, mathematics, and science, Technology depends on engineering, mathematics, and science. All four subjects are closely interrelated. The study of technology and engineering is not possible without studying natural science and in turn these two areas cannot be understood without a basic understanding of math. Math has often been referred to as the language of nature. Science is the study of nature,

but it needs mathematics to help define that relationship. Engineering and technology synthesis the knowledge gained through scientific analysis and give it a practical application. Scientists acquire new knowledge and engineers apply that knowledge. Math makes the knowledge understandable and technology helps make it all possible. So important and interrelated are these disciplines that there is a government initiative, often referred to as STEM. This effort is designed to strengthen the public education curriculum in regard to these vital educational areas. In addition to government programs, there is a large variety of free materials available to the general public and educators. The following examples are just a few of the many outstanding resources available to all. The NEA has ten recommendations that include everything from curriculum resources and materials to professional development. Another great website is It is another great site that includes a large variety of quality materials, everything from webinars and free resources to an extensive video collection. Intel education offers free STEM courses, competitions, and online resources. These are just a few examples. In fact there are so many educational resources available that it would be almost criminal to ignore this important concern.

“There is a symbiotic relationship between technology, science, mathematics, and engineering.”


Creates individualized learning paths

For grades K-8

Monitors progress continually

Built on Common Core Standards

Remediate with targeted lessons

Find and Fix missing skills

Adaptive and Differentiated

Built from the ground up

Progress Monitoring

Practice only new, unknown words

Motivate with badges, games,

Build fluency with daily practice

and contests

Set review cycle to retain words for a

Increase test scores by 1.5 grade levels in 40 hours of



Special Education=Special Students Standards alignment It's easy to find the right skills to practice for your state's standards! All of IXL's dynamic math and language arts skills are aligned to your standards, including: The Common Core State Standards and All 50 states and D.C. Program Fees Free trial period for 30 days. $249 for a class for a year. Standards reporting You’ll get a breakdown of the IXL skills that comprise each standard, and how your students are progressing on each. Standards score that predicts how your class would perform on each of your state's standards. You’ll also get a trouble spots report which identifies standards your students need to review. You can also find summaries of the standards your students have practiced, and those they haven't started yet. Even see suggestions for skills your students should practice in order to raise their standards scores. Finally, get one-click access to detailed data for each skill, showing time practiced, problems answered, and much more.

Math and Language Arts Curriculum Divided by grade level Teachers can assign lessons

Upcoming Professional Development: 9/25-9/26 Evaluation Leadership Institute-Charleston 9/29-9/30 Classroom Management-Beckley 9/29-9/30 Teaching Diverse Learners-Beckley

Most cost $75 which if you

10/6-10/7 Classroom Management-Morgantown

live more than 60 miles

10/6-10/7 Teaching Diverse Learners-Morgantown

covers your lodging and

10/8-10/8 Ruby Payne-Morgantown


10/8-10/8 Dealing with Difficult Situations-Morgantown 10/15-10/15 Ruby Payne-Charleston

College credit may be

10/21-10/22 Evaluation Leadership Institution-Martinsburg

available depending on class. Additional fees may apply.

WV Learns Fall 2014 Courses 21st Century Instruction with Project Based Learning** 21st Century Teaching and Learning in the Language Arts 21st Century Teaching and Learning in the Mathematics 21st Century Teaching and Learning in the Science 21st Century Teaching and Learning a Social Studies Classroom Management Common Core ELA Reading Grades 6-12 Common Core Math Content Grades 3-5 Common Core Math Content Grades 6-12 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and English Language Learners (ELL) Cyber Safety for Educators** Designing a Virtual Field Trip** Differentiating Instruction Digital Citizenship** Digital Storytelling** Early Childhood Book Reading Practices Finding the Best Education Resources on the Web** Google Applications for Classroom Instruction** Helping Struggling Readers Improve Comprehension Improving Reading and Writing in the Content Area Intel Teach: Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms** -go to site, create account and self register

** technology class

Renewing Your Knowledge in School Nursing Supporting Literacy in Lower Elementary Classrooms** Teaching and Learning With Mobile Devices** Teaching Writing in the Elementary Classroom Teaching Writing in the Middle School Classroom The Road to Proficiency for World Languages Theatre: Theatrical Design and Production for Educators** Universal Design for Learning

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