LWHS Viewbook, 2016-2017

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Lick-Wilmerding High School

Head, Heart, and Hands


Founded in 1895, Lick-Wilmerding High School stands apart as a unique educational institution. In the pages to follow, you will learn more about our dynamic and challenging academic program, the way we weave innovation into our curriculum through the study of the technical arts, the opportunities students have to explore their emotional and physical selves through visual arts, performing arts, and athletics, and how we ask students to engage with the world in order to enact positive change. What may be a bit less visible in these pages are the relationships embedded in the fabric of the school that support these many endeavors of our students. At Lick-Wilmerding, students forge life-long connections with their peers, faculty, and the subjects they study. These relationships are born out of a passion shared by all members of our community to be fully engaged with each other and with all that our world has to offer, both locally and globally. Our mission affirms our commitment to developing the head, heart, and hands of our students, “inspiring them to become life-long learners who contribute to the world with confidence and compassion.� This attention to the whole person ensures that a Lick-Wilmerding graduate is an accomplished scholar, a creative thinker, and an agent for creating a better world. I look forward to meeting you at one of our Open Houses and invite you to attend any of our athletics, performing arts, or community events to become acquainted with our school. I appreciate your interest in Lick-Wilmerding, and as you continue to attain a more complete picture of life at LWHS, I hope you, too, will be captivated by our spirit and dedication to helping students succeed in becoming their authentic selves.

Eric J. Temple Head of School

LWHS honors the individual, while celebrating the collective strength of life-long learners who strive to contribute to the world with confidence and compassion.

Because there is no one else like you. Immerse yourself in a learning community that develops the head, heart and hands of students who value diverse thought, perspective, and creative expression.



E LWHS advances teaching and learning with Habits of Mind that cultivate in students the skills and habits to build lives of consequence and fulfillment. Habits of Mind are dispositions that are skillfully and mindfully employed by characteristically successful people when confronted with problems where solutions are not immediately apparent*. * Arthur L. Costa, Ed. D. Professor Emeritus California State University, Sacramento


MY FAVORITE ASPECT OF THE LICK EXPERIENCE is that the people around me have taught me to treasure individuality. My classmates taught me to be unapologetically myself, and I was equally impressed by the variety of unique talents that surrounded me. Each person I met at Lick was passionate about something—they cared about something deeply and worked hard to cultivate talents and create change. I never cease to be blown away by the creativity, work ethic, and individuality of my classmates.

—Taft Kilpack ’16

Learn to use a plasma cutter, write a memoir, untangle differential equations, choreograph a hip-hop dance, examine the history and complexities of US-Middle Eastern relations, film a documentary, learn Chinese calligraphy, engineer a structure to withstand a tsunami, and record an original song—our course offerings inspire students to think analytically and creatively and develop physical, cognitive, emotional, and aesthetic skills.

In our 121st year, Lick-Wilmerding is the only independent high school in the nation that offers a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and extensive courses in technical arts and design. LWHS offers a unique collection of shop classes in circuits & electronics, computing, metal fabrications, jewelry, and woodworking. Students are required to take a minimum of four semesters in the shops exploring one or more of the technical arts disciplines. As a pioneering institution in the technical arts, LWHS students work conceptually and physically with both their minds and hands.

What will you do at LWHS?

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Lick-Wilmerding’s Patterson Ethics Initiative engages students in the practice of ethical thinking and discourse. It challenges them to consider various perspectives and implications when faced with moral and ethical dilemmas. For example, students explore terms such as ethics, morality, integrity, and authenticity during their study of literature and attend faculty-led workshops inspired by the essential question, “How do I find purpose and act with compassion and responsibility as a young adult?� A goal of the Patterson Ethics Initiative is to build an inclusive, ethical community as LWHS students complete their academic coursework.

AS MUCH AS THE ACADEMICS AT LICK HAVE BEEN AMAZING, my experience would not be complete without the times I shared with the members of the cross country team. During my four years on the team, I met my closest friends, who became like my brothers and sisters. We bonded through the mud, sweat and tears of races, the hearty pancake breakfasts, and the relaxing team retreats. The team, for me, represented all of the spirit, compassion, and drive that Lick has in abundance. I leave the team, and the school, feeling confident in who I am and what I hope to become. And for that, Lick-Wilmerding High School will never lose a place in my heart.

—Brian Ebisuzaki ’16





Honors and advanced classes are offered across the LWHS curriculum. LWHS students select their required and elective coursework from the following areas: BlendEd

Performing Arts

Body-Mind Education



Teaching Assistantships


Technical Arts


The Center for Civic Engagement

Independent Studies Mathematics

Visual Arts World Languages

THE LICK COMMUNITY IS A COLLECTION OF TALENTED, DRIVEN, PASISONATE not to mention genuinely friendly, people from all over the Bay Area. When they say we come from, “all walks of life” they really mean it. Here, students from completely different backgrounds collaborate because they want to help each other learn and succeed together. Students lead workshops, clubs, and organize student-run productions with the utmost passion, dedication, and enthusiasm because Lick kids truly care about sharing their interests. This community shares a collective passion for learning and growing in all directions, whether that’s by supporting students in pursing their interests in the classroom, getting involved in social justice issues, on the athletic field, in the shops, dance room, or theatre.

—Marissa Fong ’16


The diverse learning community at LWHS fosters respect for all as a way to develop each student’s voice and call to action. Our 490 students come from around the corner and around the globe and represent 132 middle schools. These talented and inspired students come to LWHS eager, curious, and excited to learn and challenge themselves. LWHS is dedicated to sustaining and strengthening a diverse and truly inclusive community—one that is welcoming, safe, and respectful where all students and families will thrive.

LWHS founder, Miranda Lux, believed in the educational philosophy “To do common things uncommonly well.” This belief still rings true to LWHS students today.


self identify as STUDENTS OF COLOR


reside in


Beyond the trophies and pennants won, Lick-Wilmerding values athletics because participation brings out the best in our community. Our mission: To enrich the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of LWHS students through competitive athletics where lifelong lessons of sportsmanship, individual effort, teamwork, integrity, commitment, and self-discipline are emphasized.

SPORTS HAVE BEEN AN AREA WHERE I’VE FOUND A HOME AT LICK. I think that the reason why I love the sports teams at Lick is that they balance competition and fun. As a freshman I ran cross country and as a sophomore I began playing soccer, and both teams made me feel very comfortable and welcomed. I had never run cross country before going to Lick, so although the sport was really physically taxing, the team was very tight-knit and supportive. I found a welcoming and accepting community with the soccer team as well. Feeling accepted and supported in the classroom and on sports teams has been one of the best things during my experience at Lick.

—Jamila Wilson ’16


GIRLS SPORTS • Fall: Cross Country, Tennis (Varsity and JV), Volleyball (Varsity and JV), Club Sailing, Water Polo • Winter: Basketball (Varsity, JV, and Frosh/Soph), Soccer (Varsity and JV), Wrestling • Spring: Badminton, Lacrosse, Swimming, Track & Field, Club Sailing BOYS SPORTS • Fall: Cross Country, Soccer (Varsity, JV, and Frosh/Soph), Club Sailing, Water Polo • Winter: Basketball (Varsity, JV, and Frosh/Soph), Wrestling • Spring: Badminton, Baseball, Lacrosse, Swimming, Tennis (Varsity and JV), Track & Field, Club Sailing

IN 2015-2016






play on an


LWHS partners with City College of San Francisco to allow our student-athletes to access their state-of-the-art athletic facilities and Health and Wellness Center. LWHS athletic teams practice and play matches and games on eight tennis courts, an all-weather track, an indoor 25 yard swimming pool, and on soccer and lacrosse fields located across the street from our campus.


and engaging academics built upon


faculty who challenge students to be

FAMILY LIFE, it is impossible to

their best. It’s an integrated technical

imagine life without Lick. The original

arts program where students learn

appeal of LWHS still holds true—a

to problem-solve, innovate, and

Head, Heart, and Hands education

express themselves. It’s a fundamental

reflected in strong academics, a

orientation towards service and public

vibrant technical and visual arts

purpose that permeates the campus.

program, and values closely aligned

And most importantly, it’s an inclusive

with those of our family as they relate

and supportive community. For LWHS

to the human spirit, community, and

students, it is safe to go outside one’s

diversity. Eight years at LWHS have

comfort zone to explore new activities

brought these words to life in ways we and thoughts, and to regularly could not have predicted.

THE PETERSON FAMILY L to R: Heidi ’14, John, Tori, Nick ’12, Brooke ’17, Courtney ’16

reassess perspective and choice.

As the adage goes, the total is far greater than the sum of its parts—that is the magic of LWHS. It’s dynamic


to work on projects in the Shops,


stays after school for sports, tries

his high school search. It was

to make all the special events, and

a special combination of motivated

basically finds any excuse he can to

students, engaging teachers, an

be at school…and we can see why.

inspiring athletic director, and all those shops that helped him see himself as a Lick Tiger. Fast forward to today and Kevin is absolutely loving Lick.

LWHS provides a wonderful, supportive atmosphere for a diverse student body with passionate teachers nurturing students’ love of learning while

THE HOU FAMILY Megan, Esther, William, Emmie, Kevin ’16

Kevin draws energy from LWHS and

developing their critical thinking,

considers it his home away from

character, and leadership skills. What

home. He commutes on BART from

more could parents ask for? LWHS is

the Peninsula, uses his free periods

simply a jewel!



Equally important is the human

Francisco, Alex ’18, Hilda, Tony ’14


element we found at LWHS. The


importance of the parent community

and our family attended an Open

at Lick cannot be overstated. You

House, it was love at first sight!

are inspired to get involved at

Meeting LWHS students, parents,

school events because they are fun

and faculty felt like stepping through

opportunities to meet like-minded

the “looking glass” and entering an

individuals who truly care about the

amazing wonderland of education

education of their children.

and community. Lick’s “head, heart, and hands” The quality of Lick’s academic classes

approach to education gave Tony a

were rewarding, yet challenging,

great education, enhanced his sense

and Tony formed a special personal

of responsibility to his community, and

relationship with almost every single

afforded him the opportunity to create

teacher throughout his four years.

beautiful works of art. We are also so

From his English teachers to his cross

gratified that our youngest son, Alex,

country coach, they all became an

is part of the Class of 2018. Material

extended family that Tony could turn

possessions can be lost or taken away,

to for extra help, guidance,

but a Lick education is priceless and

or advice.

the greatest gift we can give our boys.


Ellie was exposed to the culture of


Lick, and knew that Lick-Wilmerding

was something that clicked for

was the place for her. Ellie has always

my daughters Ellie and Eril. After Eril’s

known who she is, but Lick was

first visit to Lick-Wilmerding, she knew

where she finally was able to open

that she had to go there. She felt that

up and express her full self. Both

she could really connect to the people

my daughters found their voice and

she’d found there—and that she would

learned how to listen to the voices

make friends that last a lifetime. As

of others as Lick students. From

she moved through the years, we saw

the teachers that truly care about

so much growth and happiness in

the students to the meaningful

her. She was excited to go to school

discussions during lunch, LWHS has

and learn with others who were just

provided a place for our girls to grow

as motivated as her. Eril’s younger

into the people they wanted to be.

sister, Ellie, fell in love with the LWHS community through Eril.

THE SMITH FAMILY Ellie ’19, Eril ’14, Evann, Erik, and Julie

I FIND THAT TEACHERS ARE EXCITED TO GET TO KNOW EACH STUDENT and are genuinely interested in your growth as a student. Engaging in the classroom and reaching out to teachers have allowed me to expand the range of topics I am interested in. For example, I have gained a great appreciation for writing analytical essays, and have grown to enjoy English classes. This is all because of the teacher’s willingness to ensure each student thrives in the classroom, and because they always deliver classes in a compelling way. Even if you think you may not enjoy a subject at first, you will definitely rethink that when you experience the Lick classroom!

—Jane Liu ’16


Lick-Wilmerding is a private school with public purpose. The Center for Civic Engagement (“The Center�) offers opportunities for LWHS students to participate in programs related to social justice and equity, service learning, and student leadership. LWHS students are making a difference—both in the lives of those they serve and in their own.


CLUBS Service and community engagement are at the core of a LWHS education. The Public Purpose Program is a way for students to truly live LWHS’ mission and meaningfully engage with local, national, and global communities. This four year program guides students in several ways, from recognizing how to apply their education and unique talents, to ultimately affecting positive change and social justice.

GRANT GIVEN by students in the



lwhs student clubs (sample)

A.S.I.A Beekeeping Club Black Student Union Community Action Club Gender Sexuality Awareness Girls Who Code KIVA Club House of Cards Latinos Unidos Lick-Wilmerding Organization of Women LitMag Math Wizards Model United Nations Robotics Club Rock Climbing Club Sewing Club Tea Lords The Waves (a capella group)


required of


making the future strategic directions 2013–2018 Lick-Wilmerding High School’s focus is to build upon its strengths and refine its curriculum, pedagogy, and practices to continue offering students opportunities to develop the skills and habits needed to navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic world. LWHS must also ensure that the facilities will support the school’s aspirations, and that the financial investment needed to build its learning community is sustainable and beneficial.

This strategic plan builds upon what founding Head of School George Merrill (1895–1939) called ‘Industrial Intelligence;’ that is, the need to educate students so they fully understand the world and are active participants in making the world, not just letting the world impose itself.

This strategic plan is the result of the Board of Trustees’ and the Administration’s work together, as well as conversations within the broader school community over the past several years. LWHS’ major goals over the course of five years are to:

Advance teaching and learning with habits of mind. LWHS will implement schoolwide habits of mind to cultivate in students the skills and habits to build lives of consequence and fulfillment. Using the common language of habits of mind, LWHS will also work to advance the school’s leadership in promoting integrated thinking and to envision the future of civic engagement.

Sustain a vibrant learning community. Plan for a connected campus. LWHS will develop a long-range campus master plan to identify improvements that strengthen the connection of the campus to its educational goals.

LWHS will examine its admission, Flexible Tuition, financial, and fundraising policies and practices to be sure the school continues to build a unique learning community while also ensuring that its investment in access is sustainable.

Foster success. LWHS will leverage the strengths of its diversity to enhance the success of each student and the school community.

Photo credits throughout this brochure: Gene Cohn, Ryan Fernando, Barre Fong, Eleanor Sananman, Robert Sanborn, Ryan Yee

Lick-Wilmerding’s Mission Statement A private school with public purpose, Lick-Wilmerding High School develops the head, heart, and hands of highly motivated students from all walks of life, inspiring them to become life-long learners who contribute to the world with confidence and compassion.

lick - wilmerding high school lick - wilmerding high school

755 Ocean 755 OceanAvenue Avenue


SanFrancisco, Francisco,California California94112 94112 San

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