LFC 2014 2015 Annual Report

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Dream Forward



Dream Forward



Le rêve se poursuit. Il devient réalité et traverse la ville pour s’installer sur notre nouveau campus de Lincoln Square. Notre école est maintenant prête à devenir l’un des meilleurs Lycées français et internationaux en Amérique du Nord. Je suis ravi d’accompagner le Lycée pour ce nouveau chapitre de croissance et de succès. À l’heure de célébrer l’inauguration de notre nouveau campus, ainsi que les espoirs et les rêves qu’il nourrit déjà, nous sommes très reconnaissants à tous ceux qui se sont investis dans l’avenir du Lycée. Merci à nos donateurs, aux familles, aux membres du conseil d’administration, aux enseignants, aux membres du personnel et aux bénévoles dévoués de la campagne de financement. Merci également à nos élèves pour leur investissement studieux de chaque instant et pour l’excellence des résultats obtenus au Baccalauréat et à l’IB. Ensemble, les membres de notre communauté ont accompli tant de choses. À travers ce rapport annuel, nous avons le privilège de vous présenter les moments forts de l’année passée. Ces moments rendent hommage à notre communauté scolaire multiculturelle et aux succès académiques de nos élèves. Ils mettent par ailleurs en évidence ce que nous avons accompli en termes d’innovation grâce à l’immersion linguistique et à l’apprentissage trilingue, la pédagogie différenciée et les nouveaux programmes d’échanges scolaires. Je suis impressionné par cette communauté extrêmement dévouée et je suis honoré d’en faire aujourd’hui partie. Cette année, nous avons aussi fait nos adieux à Alain Weber, Chef d’établissement hors pair, qui a su guider le Lycée ces huit dernières années. Je le remercie, ainsi que les membres du conseil d’administration, les administrateurs et enseignants, les parents et les élèves, de m’avoir accueilli en cette phase passionnante de transition. Merci de votre soutien en cette période cruciale dans l’histoire de notre établissement. Nous savons que le Lycée demeurera l’école internationale de référence de Chicago. The dream moves forward – and across town – to our new Lincoln Square campus. Our school is now poised to become one of the top French and International Lycées in North America. I am delighted to lead the Lycée into this new chapter of growth and success. As we celebrate our new campus, and all the hopes and dreams that reside there, we are grateful to all those who have invested in the future of the Lycée – our donors, families, trustees, faculty, staff, and steadfast campaign volunteers. We are also grateful to the students who have invested so much in their studies and done exceptionally well, as their baccalaureate and IB results show. Together, the members of this community have achieved so much. In this annual report, we share highlights from the past year that showcase the spirit of our multicultural school community, the academic successes of our students, and the great strides our school has taken in innovation through language immersion and trilingual learning, differentiated instruction and new exchange programs. I am impressed by this extremely dedicated community and am honored to become part of it. This year, we also gave a fond farewell to Alain Weber, our inestimable Head of School, who led the Lycée for the past eight years. I am grateful to him, to the trustees, administrators and faculty, parents and students for welcoming me at this exciting time. Thank you for your partnership during this momentous time in our school’s history as we look forward to the Lycée’s continued performance as the premier international school in Chicago.

Eric Veteau Directeur général | President

Un rêve de 20 ans


Dream reality

becomes a

En 1995, un groupe ambitieux de parents fut invité à ouvrir une école internationale française à Chicago, au nom du Ministère français de l’Education Nationale. Saisissant cette incroyable opportunité, ils ont trouvé sur Bittersweet Place l’espace pour établir la nouvelle école : repeignant les murs, réparant les fenêtres et recrutant enseignants et administrateurs, dont Michelle Gragg, première directrice de l’école. Soutenus par un petit groupe de professeurs passionnés, ces parents ont donné vie à une communauté scolaire enrichissante, accueillant 134 enfants lors de son inauguration. Le travail acharné de ces parents a permis au Lycée de devenir une institution unique, un joyau multiculturel au cœur de Chicago. Le Lycée doit énormément au dévouement et à l’engagement de longue date de ses fondateurs Patrick Balson, Nancy Lerner Frej, John Jeffry Louis et Dana Sievertson qui, entre autres, ont permis au rêve de devenir réalité. Sans leur vision, sans leurs efforts, nous ne serions pas là où nous sommes aujourd’hui.

A Dream, 20 Years in the Making In 1995, a group of ambitious parents were asked to start a French international school in Chicago on behalf the French Ministry of Education. Acting on this exciting opportunity, they found space for the school on Bittersweet Place – painting walls, repairing windows, and recruiting faculty and administrators, including Michelle Gragg, the first Head of School. Together with a small group of passionate teachers, these parents created a nurturing school community that welcomed 134 children into the inaugural student body. The tireless work of these parents allowed the Lycée to grow into an exceptional institution, a multicultural gem in the city of Chicago. The school is indebted to the long-standing leadership and dedication of founding board members: Patrick Balson, Nancy Lerner Frej, John Jeffry Louis and Dana Sievertson, among others, for making the Lycée dream come true. We would not be here today without their vision.

Du rêve à la réalité La célébration du 20e anniversaire du Lycée et la construction de notre nouveau campus marquent le début d’un nouveau chapitre et le premier volet d’une période de croissance exceptionnelle pour notre établissement. Il aura fallu une dizaine d’années d’organisation et de détermination pour en arriver là, ce grâce à l’engagement de notre Conseil d’administration, des membres du facility committee, des parents bénévoles, des enseignants, des membres du personnel et des donateurs. Nous remercions les 380 familles, membres du personnel, grands-parents et amis qui ont permis à notre établissement de se développer. A ce jour, nous avons reçu plus de 9 millions usd en promesses de dons, un chiffre record pour une communauté aussi ‘’jeune’’ que la nôtre. L’objectif de 10 millions est à notre portée !

The Dream Becomes a Reality With the celebration of its 20th anniversary and the construction of its own permanent home, the Lycée is entering a new chapter and embarking on a period of exceptional growth. It has taken nearly a decade of planning and resolve to reach the point where we are today — thanks to the inspired commitment of our Trustees, facilities committee members, parent volunteers, faculty and donors. We are grateful to those 380 families, staff, grandparents, and friends who have helped the school get to this transformational point in its history. To date, the school has received more than $9 million in commitments toward our $10 million capital campaign goal – an unprecedented showing of support for our young community. The finish line is within sight!

Les diplômés IB prêts à affronter le monde Bravo à notre toute première promotion de diplômés IB. Les cinq élèves de la classe ont tous été acceptés par les écoles ou universités qu’ils avaient sélectionnés en premier choix et poursuivront des études en cinéma, neurosciences, management et pharmacologie. Pour décrocher leur diplôme, les élèves ont dû rédiger un mémoire rigoureux, fruit de deux années d’études indépendantes, sur le sujet de leur choix. Trente lycéens de la seconde à la terminale sont aujourd’hui inscrits au programme IB, ils seront 35 l’an prochain.

IB Graduates Take on the World The Lycée proudly graduated its first International Baccalaureate class in 2015. The five members of the class were all accepted into their first-choice colleges or universities and will be pursuing studies in film, neuroscience, business and pharmacology. As part of the IB exam, the students completed the rigorous Extended Essay, which requires two years of independent research on a topic of their choice. There are now 30 Lycée students in grades 9 through 12 enrolled in the IB program, and this number will increase to 35 in 2015-2016.

Délégués du monde entier Vingt-six lycéens de la seconde à la terminale ont participé à des conférences Model UN en janvier 2015 à Michigan State University. Les élèves ont travaillé pendant des mois afin de préparer leurs rôles de délégués des différents comités des Nations Unies, se concentrant sur des thématiques telles que le droit des femmes et des jeunes filles à l’éducation en Afrique subsaharienne, le désarmement et la sécurité mondiale ainsi que l’aide humanitaire. Récompensés pour leur travail exceptionnel, nos élèves ont remporté cinq prix très convoités. Au mois de mars, d’autre délégués du Lycée ont participé à une réunion de l’Association pour les Nations Unies traitant du renforcement des compétences et de la diplomatie.

Delegates from around the World Twenty-six Lycée students in grades 10 through 12 took part in the Model UN conference in January 2015 at Michigan State University. The students worked for months to prepare for their roles as delegates to various UN Committees, focusing on issues that included education rights for women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa, disarmament and global security and humanitarian aid. For their outstanding work, our students brought home five awards. Additional Lycée delegates also took part in a United Nations Association meeting in March focused on skill-building and issues of diplomacy.

Une saison marquante pour tous

taking world

on the

Durant l’année scolaire 2014-2015, 200 élèves ont pratiqué un sport au LFC. Du basket-ball au volley-ball, du football à la gymnastique, en passant par l’escalade, la zumba ou encore l’athlétisme de nombreuses disciplines furent représentées. Cinq équipes ont participé à des championnats : l’équipe masculine de football du collège, l’équipe féminine de football du collège, l’équipe JV de basket-ball féminin, celles de football féminin du lycée, volley-ball féminin du lycée et de football masculin du lycée — et ont remporté le championnat de l’IHSA (Illinois High School Association) ! En juin dernier, à Québec, l’équipe féminine de football du collège est arrivée deuxième à la Coupe du monde du Lycée. Les filles ont joué contre 16 équipes issues d’autres Lycées à travers le monde. Notre équipe, nos entraîneurs et notre école ne sont pas prêts d’oublier ce palmarès. Bravo à tous !

A Winning Season for All Two hundred students participated in athletic programs in 2014-2015 including basketball, volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, rock climbing, zumba and track & field. Five teams competed in league championships: middle school boys soccer, middle school girls soccer, JV girls basketball, high school girls soccer, high school girls volleyball and high school boys soccer — which won the IHSA championship! This past June, the middle school girls soccer team took second place in the Lycée World Cup in Quebec. The girls competed against 16 teams from Lycées around the world. What an exciting and unforgettable outcome for our team, our coaches and our school. Congratulations to all!

Lancement du programme d’échange avec la Chine !



En février 2015, 12 élèves du lycée Daishan High School sur l’île de Zhoushan en Chine sont arrivés à Chicago pour leur séjour de deux semaines aux Etats-Unis. Un groupe de 7 élèves du Lycée s’est ensuite envolé vers la Chine. Grâce au programme d’échange, les élèves ont eu la chance d’affiner leur compréhension de la culture chinoise ainsi que leurs compétences linguistiques. Merci aux familles du Lycée qui ont accepté de recevoir nos invités chinois ainsi qu’aux familles de Zhoushan qui ont ouvert leur porte et leur cœur à nos élèves.

Chinese Exchange Program Launches! In February 2015, 12 students from Daishan High School on the island of Zhoushan in China arrived in Chicago on their two week visit to the United States. A cohort of 7 Lycée high school students then flew to China. The exchange program provided an exceptional opportunity for students to gain greater cultural understanding and practice their foreign language skills. We are grateful to the Lycée families who hosted our Chinese guests and to the Zhoushan families who opened their doors and their hearts to our students.

Si à Séville En mars 2015, 16 lycéens de seconde et première se sont rendus en Espagne lors du programme d’échange avec le prestigieux Colegio Portaceli de Séville. A l’occasion de ce voyage de 10 jours, nos élèves ont assisté aux cours, visité les sites historiques et culturels de Séville et ont pu visiter les célèbres villes de Grenade et Cordoue. Des leçons de flamenco offertes à tous ont ponctué ce voyage de façon inoubliable ! En avril, le Lycée a accueilli 16 élèves du Colegio Portaceli à Chicago où ils ont été hébergés par des familles d’accueil et ont eu l’opportunité de découvrir notre belle ville.

Si to Sevilla Spain was the March 2015 destination for 16 Lycée students in grades 9 and 10 as part of an exchange program with the prestigious Colegio Portaceli in Sevilla. During their 10-day trip, students attended classes, toured Sevilla’s historic and cultural sites, and traveled to the celebrated cities of Granada and Cordoba. An unforgettable highlight of the trip was flamenco dance lessons for all! In April, the Lycée hosted 16 students from Colegio Portaceli here in Chicago, where they stayed with host families and got to know our city by the lake.

Apprendre sous le soleil En mars 2015, à l’occasion du nouveau programme d’échange proposé par le LFC, 36 élèves de CM2 se sont rendus à Saint-Martin (Antilles). Lors de ce voyage de 10 jours, les élèves ont séjourné avec des familles francophones afin de perfectionner leur français. Ils ont pu découvrir la riche histoire française et néerlandaise de l’île et ont profité du cadre pour surfer et faire du kayak et du bateau. En 20152016, des élèves de l’école de Saint-Martin viendront à Chicago. Ils seront hébergés par les familles des élèves de CM2 ayant participé au voyage de cette année.

Learning under the Sun Thirty-six 5th graders traveled to St. Martin in March 2015 as part of a new exchange program offered by the Lycée. During the 10-day trip, the students lived with French-speaking families to hone their language skills, traveled extensively to learn about the island’s rich French and Dutch history, and took full advantage of the Caribbean setting by surfing, kayaking and sailing. In 2015-2016, students from the Lycée in St. Martin will come to Chicago. They will be hosted by the families of the 5th graders who took part in this year’s trip.

honoring OTHERS


Servir les communautés proches et lointaines Le programme de service à la communauté concerne désormais tous les élèves de la maternelle à la terminale afin que tous aient la possibilité de rendre service grâce à des actions enrichissantes et adaptées à chaque âge. Durant l’année scolaire, les élèves ont fabriqué des cartes à l’attention d’enfants hospitalisés en Haïti, collecté de la nourriture et des jouets pour des familles défavorisées de Chicago, levé des fonds pour les survivants du typhon en Polynésie Française et donné de leur temps au Misericordia. Lors de la journée Martin Luther King, le 19 janvier dernier, 50 lycéens ont passé leur journée au service de quelqu’un. Certains ont ainsi rendu visite à d’anciens combattants, ont tenu compagnie à des résidents de Lambs Farm (organisme d’aide aux personnes présentant des troubles du développement), d’autres enfin ont repeint les bureaux du Youth Conservation Corps de Waukegan.

Service in Communities Near and Far The Community Service Program was extended school-wide so every student from kindergarten through high school can now participate in meaningful, age-appropriate service opportunities. During the school year, students made cards for hospitalized children in Haiti, conducted food and toy drives for local families, raised funds for typhoon survivors in French Polynesia, and volunteered at Misericordia. On Martin Luther King Day, January 19, 2015, 50 high school students spent the day in service to others – visiting veterans, spending time with developmentally disabled residents at Lambs Farm, and painting offices at Youth Conservation Corps in Waukegan.

Youth Conservation Corps in Waukegan.

Courage et commémoration Afin de marquer la Journée internationale de commémoration de l’Holocauste, les lycéens ont participé à la cérémonie du 27 janvier 2015, à l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de la libération des camps d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Deux survivantes de l’Holocauste, Nicole Terry et Judith Levy Straus, ont partagé leur témoignage avec émotion et ont répondu aux questions des élèves. Parmi les invités et intervenants de marque figuraient Vincent Floreani, Consul Général de France à Chicago, Maya Karmely, Consul des Affaires Publiques du Consulat Général d’Israël et Steven Dishler, du Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.

Courage and Remembrance To mark the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Lycée high school students took part in a memorial service on January 27, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. Two Holocaust survivors, Nicole Terry and Judith Levy Straus, provided moving testimonies and took questions from students. Distinguished guests and speakers included Vincent Floreani, Consul General of France in Chicago; Maya Karmely, Consul of Public Affairs for the Consulate General of Israel; and Steven Dishler of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.

La remarquable promotion de 2015 Les diplômés du Lycée s’apprêtent à aller étudier dans les meilleures écoles et universités des Etats-Unis et d’ailleurs, parmi lesquelles : l’Université de Chicago, Vassar, UCLA, McGill University, l’Université de Saint Andrews en Ecosse et l’Imperial College de Londres. Quatre de nos élèves ont été acceptés au sein du programme très compétitif de double diplôme proposé conjointement par Columbia University et Sciences Po Paris. Les 34 élèves de la promotion 2015 ont collectivement reçu 1.6 million usd en bourses du mérite, preuve de l’excellence de leurs résultats et de la renommée mondiale de notre établissement.

The Stand-Out Class of 2015




Lycée graduates will be attending top-notch schools across the U.S. and abroad, including the University of Chicago, Vassar, UCLA, McGill University, University of Saint Andrews in Scotland and the Imperial College in London. Four of our students were accepted into the highly competitive dual program offered jointly by Columbia University and Institut d’études politiques or Sciences Po in Paris. The 34-member Class of 2015 was awarded a collective $1.6 million in merit scholarships — a strong testament to the caliber of our students and the excellent reputation of a Lycée education.

Que de mentions pour nos lycéens ! Cent pour cent des élèves de la classe inaugurale de l’IB ont décroché leur diplôme haut la main et les résultats du Baccalauréat français furent eux aussi excellents ! Quatre-vingt pour cent des élèves de la filière française ont obtenu la mention très bien et 30 pour cent ont reçu les félicitations du jury. La moyenne de nos élèves est de 16/20, l’équivalent d’un score américain de 97-100 pour cent ! Félicitations à tous ces élèves pour leur succès bien mérité.

Honors Abound for Lycée Students One hundred percent of the Lycée’s inaugural IB class passed the International Baccalaureate test with flying colors – and results from the French Baccalaureate exam were equally thrilling! Eighty percent of French Bac students were awarded Honors and 30 percent received High Honors. The average score of our students was 16 out of 20, which translates to an American score of 97-100 percent! Congratulations to all of these hardworking students for their well-earned success.

Sur le nouveau campus

new campus

Willis Tower… the view from the Art and Music rooms on the 3rd floor LA willis Tower… la vue de la salle d’art et de la salle de musique au 3e étage

fun facts

*The French International School in Chicago

saviezvous que

. .

Can we quote you? The first-floor graphics incorporate quotes submitted by Lycée faculty and teachers 85 tons of reinforcing steel

Bouncing around a good idea! When the Chicago Fire Department required a turnaround area for their trucks, the Lycée turned it into an outdoor basketball court

85 tonnes de barres d’armature

Un petit mot à dire ? Le graphisme du premier étage incorpore des citations soumises par le personnel et les enseignants du Lycée



Blue and red characters represented on the storefront graphics have names. They are all French. A total of 13 are located around the school. Les personnages bleus et rouges présents dans le graphisme de la façade ont des noms. Ils sont tous français. Il y en a 13 situés tout autour de l’école.

Une idée gonflée ! Quand la caserne de pompiers de Chicago a exigé une zone pour que leurs camions puissent faire demi-tour, le Lycée en a fait un terrain de basket-ball à ciel ouvert

300 tons of structural steel

Construction? 16 months

300 tonnes d’acier structurel 1,350 tons of dirt used for landscaped areas and soccer field 1350 tonnes de terre utilisées pour les zones paysagères et le terrain de football

The Hancock Building… the view from the Teachers’ Lounge on the 4th floor Le Hancock Building … la vue du bureau des enseignants au 4e étage


lycée français

de chicago

En y réfléchissant, dans une école, ce n’est ni un édifice, ni une campagne, ni un programme qui touchent une personne la veille de son départ, mais ce sont les mots des élèves. Arielle, Grace, Leo et Connor, merci pour vos gentils messages ! Et merci à chaque élève du Lycée qui a fait partie de ma vie ces huit dernières années. Vous m’avez tous inspiré pour donner le meilleur de moi-même. Vous m’avez donné la force d’affronter les situations difficiles. Vous m’avez aussi appris à célébrer les bonnes choses de la vie et à rêver en grand (notre nouveau campus). Jamais je n’oublierai vos messages et tous ces souvenirs fantastiques. Je suis fier de vous tous. Alors que je me lance dans une nouvelle aventure, je penserai à vous qui débutez la vôtre. L’école est une étape riche et importante de votre vie, et je vous souhaite tout le meilleur dans votre parcours.

Upon reflection, in a school, it is not a building, a campaign or a program which touches one on the eve of his departure; it is words from students. Arielle, Grace, Leo and Connor, I thank you for your kind words and I thank all your classmates who have made these past eight years fun and memorable. And thank you to each and every Lycée student who has touched my life over the past eight years. You have all inspired me to do my best. You have given me strength to face challenging situations. You have taught me how to celebrate the good things in life and to dream big. (Our new campus!) I have your messages and so many wonderful memories to cherish. You all make me proud. As I begin my new adventure, I will be thinking of you as you embark on yours. School is a wonderful journey and I wish you the very best along the way. Affectueusement/Fondly, Alain Weber Cher M. Weber, Ce fut vraiment un grand plaisir d’être élève sous votre direction. Depuis votre arrivée, alors que j’étais seulement en sixième, j’ai vu le Lycée grandir, s’améliorer et se diversifier. Vos décisions, dont j’ai eu le plaisir de faire l’expérience, ont été fructueuses. Je me souviens particulièrement de la bourse « going the distance » et de votre soutien très apprécié des Flames. Merci d’avoir tant donné au Lycée et surtout merci d’avoir inspiré la génération future. Sincèrement, Connor Olsen, Promotion de 2015 Dear Mr. Weber,




You have been an amazing President over the years and have displayed incredible integrity. I will never forget your warm “bonjours” at the beginning of each day and seeing you kindly greet children leaving their parents in the early morning. Without your dedication, the Lycée would not be what it is today or ready for the next big step, the new campus. Mr. Weber, you will be greatly missed and I wish you the best in retirement. Best wishes, Grace Lyons, 8th Grade Cher M. Weber, Je suis très triste de votre départ. Vous étiez le meilleur directeur ! Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde ! Arielle Pomerantz, CM1 Lieber Monsieur Weber, Vielen Dank, daß Sie aus dem Lycée eine so tolle Schule gemacht haben. Ich bin mir sicher, daß jeder Schüler sehr stolz ist, ein Teil des LFC sein zu dürfen. Daran haben Sie einen großen Anteil. Ich wünsche Ihnen für die Zukunft alles Gute und hoffe, daß Sie uns ab und zu in Ihrer und unserer einmaligen, neuen Schule besuchen kommen. Leo Bopp, 10th Grade

Le Conseil d’administration 2014-2015 Nous sommes infiniment reconnaissants aux membres du Conseil d’administration pour leur contribution à la bonne gérance du Lycée, leur générosité et leurs conseils si essentiels à notre réussite. Nous sommes fiers de leur contribution à la bonne gestion, en particulier en cette période de croissance capitale pour notre établissement.

Board of Trustees 2014–2015 We gratefully acknowledge the stewardship of our Trustees, whose generosity and guidance play a major role in the Lycée’s success. We are honored by their leadership particularly during this time of instrumental growth for our school. Sharon Langshur, M.D., Chair Abundant Venture Partners Holding, LLC

Mark Ladd LyteShot

Roxanne DeGraff Development Manager

Mathieu Lignel Laughlin Constable

Christine Eischen College and University Advisor

Douglas W. Lyons Pearlmark Real Estate Partners

Stefano Fischburg Technical Support Specialist

Marianne Markowitz US Small Business Administration

Jacques Fournier Director of Extracurricular Programs

Diane Saltoun, Secretary Office of Attorney General, State of Illinois

Tatiana Giordano Digital Media Manager

Robert Sevim Savills Studley, Inc. Margaret Unetich Etienne Veber Field Trip Factory Alain Weber Lycée Français de Chicago

Administration 2014-2015

Jon Shulkin, Vice-Chair Valor Equity Partners _______________________________________

Eric Veteau Incoming President

Fernando Assens Argo Inc.

Alain Weber Former President

Curt R. Bailey Related Midwest

Jean-Pierre Plaa Primary School Director

Kevin Baliozian SmithBucklin Corporation

Vincent Aimé Secondary School Director ________________________________________

Patrick Balson Lincoln Professional Group Margot Bogue Cramer Krasselt Tim Calkins Northwestern University Bryna Dahlin Winston & Strawn LLP Sébastien De Longeaux Chicago Public Schools Zachary Egan Columbia Wanger Asset Management Bruce Gelman Kirkland & Ellis LLP Barbara Higgins Allstate Insurance Company Neil E. Jenkins Lawson Products, Inc.

Philippe Audasso Director of Physical Ed. Stacey Bear Assistant to the Director of Admissions Laura Burlot Wendt Assistant to the Secondary School Director Maria Carlos Director of Finance Anna Maria Carvallo Director of Advancement Sunique Charre Student Billing & Collection Specialist Catherine Corbett Student Technology Specialist Steve Corbett Facility Manager

Irina (Lobo) Ziemann Director of Educational Technology and Information Systems

Kristen Hanson Marketing and Communications Manager Cassandra Harris Registrar Nancy Kabengele Receptionist Chris Lazzara Facilities Manager Corinne Manaranche Senior Accounts Payable and Procurement Specialist Jim Newark Dean of the Middle School Cecilia Porter Assistant to the Primary School Director Lara Raynaud Assistant to the President Rebekah Rosenfeld Human Resources Manager Virginie Saint-Omer Dean of the High School Hans Schuster Chief Financial Officer / Director of Operations Romana Tomlinson Events Coordinator Ania Tourlouse Extracurricular Programs Assistant Sébastien Tourlouse IB Coordinator Stephanie van Sice Director of Admissions Courtney Villa Development Associate Rosa Yanez Senior Accountant

Campagne pour le nouveau campus Un grand merci à notre formidable communauté de donateurs. La campagne pour notre nouveau campus, “Oui” are the dream builders, a permis de réunir plus de 9.1 millions usd en promesses de dons sur notre objectif de 10 millions usd. Il nous reste moins d’un million à réunir pour atteindre notre but. Vous avez fait de notre rêve une réalité. Votre contribution permet directement de soutenir notre rang d’école internationale française de premier plan dans le Midwest, dotée d’un campus moderne et dynamique qui permet d’accueillir durablement les acteurs du monde de demain et d’étendre le rayonnement de la culture française et l’offre éducative à Chicago. Chapeau bas à nos co-présidentes du comité, Siobhan Cafferty et Marie-Pierre Rondeau – et à l’ensemble du comité de la campagne annuelle !

Capital Campaign Thanks to our extraordinary community of donors, the “Oui” are the Dream Builders campaign for our new home has attracted $9.1 million in pledges toward our $10 million philanthropic goal, with just under $1 million left to go. You have helped us build our dream. Your contribution directly supports our sustainability as the Midwest’s premier French international school — a modern, vibrant and permanent home for our future leaders, expanding access to French culture and education in Chicago. Hats off to co-chairs Siobhan Cafferty and Marie-Pierre Rondeau– and the entire annual campaign committee! $1,500,000 David W. and Patricia J. Simpson $500,000 Natasha and Zach Egan Green Family Charitable Fund

Christiane and Mark J. Ladd John McCartney

Maria and Derek Steelberg Nasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne

$250,000 - $499,999 Lisa and Curt Bailey Pamela and Marc Gordon The Griffin Family Barbara and William Higgins Joseph Kronsnoble The J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis Foundation $100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous Magda Jakubowska and Fernando Assens Carol Saltoun and Tim Calkins Bruce and Laura Comiskey Christina and Tim Conlin Monique and Thomas Demery Whitney and Aaron Fershee Michèle and Bruce Gelman Sharon and Eric Langshur Missy Lavender Julianne and David Matthews Denise and Keith Olsen Hilary and David Pisor Kim Redding Alissa and Jon Shulkin Lori and Ted Souder Margaret and Michael Unetich $75,000 to $99,999 Anonymous Veronique and Marc Bushala Susan and Douglas Lyons $50,000 to $74,999 Anonymous Kara Blain and Jeff Beaty Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono The da Ponte Cooper Family Marissa and Andrew Ingley Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins Elissa and Steven Lafayette Michael W. Louis Charitable Trust Bridget and Burke Montgomery Krista McLeod and Craig Noble Joanna and Robert Sevim Sharon and Mitchell Sheinkop $25,000 to $49,999 Julie and Daniel Baumeister Melissa and Dwayne Bowles Diane Saltoun and Bruce Braun April and Randy Bridgeman Noelle C. Brock Jennifer and David Brooks Melinda E. Graham Matthew Hinerfeld and Nora Jaskowiak Angelina and Noland Joiner Eileen and Andrew Kirkwood Khadija and Xavier Laurens Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Kirk and Miles McKie Joanne McLean and Aviv Nevo Heidi and Joseph Nowalany Siobhan and Christopher Rowney Patricia Koneru Smith and Brett Smith

$10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (4) Helen and Kim Anderson Patricia Rasmussen and Lawrence Anderson Joanne Barry-Babule and Antoine Babule Mary and Kevin Baliozian Jane Kozuch and David Berten Joan E. Bever Britta and Sascha Bopp Bross Family Foundation Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Reshma Shah and Daniel Castillo Nicola and Clive Christison Chiara and Daniel Chung Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Comte Laura and Ricardo Cossa Bryna and Jay Dahlin Rita Parhad and Steven DeAtley Angela and John Deppe Bridgitte Bundrage and Ole Henry Dørum Lisa Bennett and Marty Durkin Tammy and Curtis Evrard Suriya H. Grima and Nathan F. Fahrer Karen and Michael Fomook Margaret and Joseph Fourness Amanda Love and Brian Fuller Delphine and Tim Geannopulos Andrea Wagner and Nick Giagkou Betsy Nelson and Scott Gilbertson Tatiana and Christophe Giordano Kelly and John Gorham Isabelle and Juan Luis Goujon Janine and Vincent Greff Beth and Mark Hebbeln Axelle and Jan Horstmann Susan Solomon and Andrew Isgrig Michelle and Darrin Jolas Anita and Kishan Khemani Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick Kristina Schneider and Karl Kocher Kathy Kraas Rebecca Deaton and Jadran Lee Maureen C. Lesak Flener and Karl F. Flener Laurence and Mathieu Lignel Holly and Brian Lignelli Elizabeth Mackie Gregory Markarian Marianne and Jeffrey Markowitz

Véronique Thouin Roberta and Michael McKeever Julia Corcoran Melín and Hector Melín-Aldana Ann and Steve Mendelsohn Patsy Campbell and Peter Michalak Catherine Jasek and Michael Million Lubomira and George Minkovsky Kate and Jim Mooney Isabelle and Jean-Louis Muller Christine and Jason Osborn Dominique and Paul Parris Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Julia and Robert Prasse Christine Laurens and Xavier Renner Elisabeth and Christophe Ridet Beth H. Weiner and Edward M. Roeser Emily Sherrer and Daniel Romanelli Leslie and Jon Schreiber Lea and Glenn Sevier Deepti Singh and Kal Shah Anna and Brad Sharp Kamilla and James Svajgl Ann Thompson Romana and Paul Tomlinson Marie and Steve Valenzuela Ingrid Deroubaix and Michael von Bodman Sandra and Brice Yharrassarry Danielle and Martin Zimmerman

$5,000 to $9,999 Vania and Didier Aziza Julie and Craig Bargowski Mariacristina De Nardi and Marco Bassetto Meaghan and James Benjamin Lynn and Bruno Boucher Kimberly and Mark Bovier Nancy Joyce and Sean Callahan Tina Casey Christelle and Edgar Chedrawy Florence and David Craft Elizabeth and Sébastien De Longeaux Robin Stahl and William Gottis Steffanie Garrett and Jordan Grossman Joseph Kaiser Alexandra Lafaurie Myriam and Jean-Pierre Le Cannellier Sophie and Fred Levinger Frédéric Mahieu

Margot Bogue and William McCrea Laurie McRee Jennifer and Jason Minkin Clare Muñana Laurie and Olivier Pasquier Cyraina and Thierry Roullier Christy and Christopher Sears Ellen and James Smyth Brigitte Ozzello and Tom Sterner Lourdes and Alain Weber Stephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J. Wijpkema Gina and Ray Yacoub $2,500 to $4,999 Elizabeth Marcus and Ira Belcove Magdalena and Salvatore Cilella Marifred and Sal Cilella Lizet and Dan De La Cruz Dina Delaurentis and Steve Felder Connie and Thomas Haynes Holly and Jason Kleiman Brittany and Anthony Marten Jessica and Jason Martino Karen and Steve Multer Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Plaa Karyn and David Taeyaerts $1,000 to $2,499 Nathalie and Claude Allain Melissa Reed and Jay Angelo Lynn and Joshua Baru Janet and Richard Bennett Katrina Leventhal and Valentin Berman Cheryl Sandner and Marshall Brown Anna Maria Carvallo Ayse Celasun Mirna and Enrique Cifuentes Marta N. Bollman-Dujols and Nicolas Dujols Maryanne and Jeffrey Ellis Hollister Ferrier and Dan Harper Jennifer and Jacques Fournier Caroline and John Gallucci Ilene Goldman and Philippe Geyskens Sandra and Mathieu Holl Analisa Lafontant and David Kagan Deborah and Donald Kania Louise and Hugo Langshur Marie-Héléne and Jean-Paul Laurens Sharon B. Lear Lisa and Alan Miller Leslie and Sreeram Nair Cynthia and Kyu Oh Ann and Hyde Perce Florence and Igor Playner Nancy and Ben Royer Hans J. Schuster Céline and John Swicegood Aimee and Ken Thompson Sara and Elspeth Turner Mary Ann and James Walsh Nathalie Dunand-Zaloum and Jonathan Zaloum Irina and Joseph Ziemann $500 to $999 Anonymous Cathy-Anne and Vincent Aimé Andrea M. Kessler and John E. Barry

Amanda and Maik Breckwoldt Samantha Caldwell Griselda Santacruz-Collet and Pascal Collet Ségolène and Hubert de Marolles Rachel and Adam Garrett Marie Odile and Nicholas Garrow Anne and Olivier Gompel Teri Boyd and Aleksandar Hemon Andrea and William Howard Carmelle and Donald Joyce Zoe Arvanitakis and Rajesh Kumar Ferdinanda Marcic and Kevin Loftus Jennifer and John Masterson Ronald McLeod Yvonne Curran and Ken O’Riordan Julie and Grégoire Pastour Jocelyne and Graham Paul Janice and Thomas Pavel Camille Litalien and Henrijs Preiss Catherine Tadros and Stefan Quenneville Alana Fassiotto and David Roleck Susan Carlton and Don Rowney Andre Saltoun Melissa and David Wittmeier

Up to $500 Anonymous (2) Pascale and Henri Alcade Antonio Amo Quintanilla Nelida and Antoine Aubeneau Philippe Audasso Mirielle Barker Stacey Bear Patrice Bedford Joan and David Berkson Matthew Berkson Aude Biard Albane and Olivier Bodart Laura and Martino Boffa Lumi Boldovici Eleanor San and Anis Bouargoub Gregory Bourras-Chardine Marion Bouscarle Anne Boussac Eileen and Mark Boyle Ajdina and Boris Brkovic Dorothy and Mary Brown Sanda Pfeifer and Ted Burger Laura Burlot Wendt Myung and Jason Bussell Anne and Phelim Cafferty Nency Antoine-Valer and Ugur Camli Cecile Carrié

Corinne and Scott Cathala-Andrews Carole and Stéphane Cesareo Natacha Baudin and Didier Chalard Elizabeth Chalier Visuvalingam Carole and Ludovic Chantereault Sunique Charre Kyriaki Chatzidimitriou Christelle Chauvet and Stephane Martin Catherine and Pierre Chevreuil Catherine and Steve Corbett Delphine and Olivier Crene Lukas Dahlstrom Jacqueline Danion Ursula and Jean-Louis David Lea Dekker Hugues and Camille Delannoy Karen and Stephane Delval Olivier Dieval Gina Dong Juliette and Nicolas Dubois Jolanta Nawrocka and Olivier Dumont Florence and Pierre Duquesnoy Christine Eischen Marie Erinkitola Sofia Gebreselassie and Erku Henoc Marick Fargues and Sean Masterson Marie-Laurence and Patrick Faure Charles Felder Cecile and Nicholes Fetea Stefano Fischburg Sandra and Michael Fogarty Magali and Clement François Janet Yesk and Dennis Furniss Vincent Gacquer Adrienne and Robert Gilbert Kathryn Gregor Marion Bousquet and Nicolas Guenin Erin Gutowski Steven Guzik Murielle Achkar Hage and Ziad A. Hage Florence and David Hale Kristen Hanson Kate Hawley Lydia and Richard Hebras Leah Henningsen Maeva Herlaud Estelle Hérou Eva Hoeckner Diane and Valentin Hoefnagel Delphine Homand Fabrice Humann Denise and Hugues Kabengele Tansu Karaman William Kenny Rebecca Kleps Christine Lavis Christopher Lazzara Virginie Sauner and Joseph Leblanc Céline Lefebvre Delphine and Nicolas Legrand Andrew Lewis Sherry Lourie Sarah Macias Marilyn and Robert Main Allison Manley Audrey Marconnot April Marino Stephanie C. Marshall-Guzik

Sushma and Ravindra Marur Julie and Malcolm Matthews Rachel McClain Lauren McDonnell Cheryl and Michael McGarry Catherine and Daniel Lynch Anne Woolard and Frank Merritt Nadine Merwin Alexandra Mignet Kathy and Bill Miller Harriet Minkin Isabelle and Fabrice Moriaux Florence and Frédéric Mouen Makoua Johanna Naismith Duncan Noble Samantha Spencer and Jean-Manuel Nothias Aurélie and Kevin Nouvel Angela and Derek O’Connor Isabelle Olivier Gwladys Palo Patricia Pertusot Kathy and Bryan Peterson Laura-Isis and Guilhem Piccoli-Ibos Pauline Pilon Cecilia Porter Nathalie and Jeff Rado Robert Rauch Lara Raynaud Katherine and Beau River Marie-Pierre and Nicolas Rondeau Rebekah Rosenfeld Lionel Rossot Cliff and Béatrice Rusnak Shannon Ryan Virginie and Jérôme Saint-Omer Francine Saltoun Barbara and Stephen Sawyer Anne and Joseph Seigenthaler Sahar Mawlawi and Ali Shaibani Hadley Smillie Dieneba Soma Victoria Souder Lanora and John Soule Graziela and Philippe Symoneaux Ania and Sébastien Tourlouse Stephanie van Sice Tina Vanié Dawn and Daniel Venit Christelle Vieillard and Paul Rubrich Courtney Villa Mr. Victor Wager and Ms. Linda Wager Rosa Yanez White Dove Release, Ltd.

Le fonds annuel La différence entre les frais de scolarité et le coût réel de l’éducation d’un enfant est d’environ 1 200 usd par an. Votre participation à la campagne annuelle nous permet de maintenir les frais de scolarité à un niveau raisonnable tout en maintenant la diversité sociale et culturelle de notre public.

Annual Fund The difference between the cost to educate a child and the annual tuition is approximately $1,200 per year. Your contribution to the annual campaign allows us to keep tuition affordable, and helps us retain our diverse, international student body. Hats off to student body and excellent teachers. $20,000 Patricia J. Simpson $10,000 to $19,999 Anonymous Magda Jakubowska and Fernando Assens Lisa and Curt Bailey Catherine and Charles Brink Monique and Thomas Demery Natasha and Zach Egan Green Family Charitable Fund Barbara and William Higgins Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins Christiane and Mark J. Ladd Sharon and Eric Langshur The J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis Foundation Susan and Douglas Lyons Krista McLeod and Craig Noble Denise and Keith Olsen Kim Redding Alissa and Jon Shulkin $5,000 to $9,999 Joanne Barry-Babule and Antoine Babule Julie and Craig Bargowski Kara Blain and Jeff Beaty Suzette and Allan Bulley Carol Saltoun and Tim Calkins Whitney and Aaron Fershee Melinda E. Graham Matthew Hinerfeld and Nora Jaskowiak Sophie and Fred Levinger Marianne and Jeffrey Markowitz Brittany and Anthony Marten John McCartney Margot Bogue and William McCrea Roberta and Michael McKeever Bridget and Burke Montgomery Christine and Jason Osborn Schneider Electric/Square D Foundation Joanna and Robert Sevim Anna and Brad Sharp Lori and Ted Souder Maria and Derek Steelberg Margaret and Michael Unetich $2,500 to $4,999 Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono

Diane Saltoun and Bruce Braun April and Randy Bridgeman Jennifer and David Brooks The da Ponte Cooper Family Bryna and Jay Dahlin Christy and Christian Domin Lisa Bennett and Marty Durkin Maryanne and Jeffrey Ellis Karen and Michael Fomook Amanda Love and Brian Fuller Caroline and John Gallucci Kelly and John Gorham Elisabeth and Wahied Helmy Danielle and David Henderson Hoellen Family Foundation Axelle and Jan Horstmann Marissa and Andrew Ingley Anita and Kishan Khemani Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick Eileen and Andrew Kirkwood Divya Patel and Stephen Kriegel Elissa and Steven Lafayette Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Véronique Thouin Catherine Jasek and Michael Million Clare Muñana Joanne McLean and Aviv Nevo Hilary and David Pisor Siobhan and Christopher Rowney Brigitte Ozzello and Tom Sterner Lourdes and Alain Weber $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous (6) Linda Radford and Abel Aguilar Ameriprise Financial Sonal Patel and Rakesh Amin Pelin and Erik Andersen Patricia Rasmussen and Lawrence Anderson Melissa Reed and Jay Angelo Nenad Antic Emmanuelle Huard-Auray and Benjamin Auray Mary and Kevin Baliozian Lynn and Joshua Baru Mariacristina De Nardi and Marco Bassetto Julie and Daniel Baumeister Kristyn and Aaron Benton Emily and Benjamin Berk Jane Kozuch and David Berten Milena Dobrina and Eric Blomme Béatrice Mazoyer and Christopher Blume Britta and Sascha Bopp Kimberly and Mark Bovier Melissa and Dwayne Bowles Noelle C. Brock Bross Family Foundation Reshma Shah and Daniel Castillo Sarah and Nisan Chavkin Nicola and Clive Christison Chiara and Daniel Chung Magdalena and Salvatore Cilella Bruce and Laura Comiskey Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Comte Bridget and Robert Cooper Laura and Ricardo Cossa Rita Parhad and Steven DeAtley Camille and Hugues Delannoy James W. DeYoung Jr.

Ann Thompson Diana and George Toscas Marie and Steve Valenzuela Lisa and Etienne Veber Stephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J. Wijpkema Nasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne Nathalie Dunand-Zaloum and Jonathan Zaloum

Bridgitte Bundrage and Ole Henry Dørum Marta N. Bollman-Dujols and Nicolas Dujols Suriya H. Grima and Nathan F. Fahrer Dina Delaurentis and Steve Felder Margaret and Joseph Fourness Betsy Nelson and Scott Gilbertson Robin Stahl and William Gottis Steffanie Garrett and Jordan Grossman Hollister Ferrier and Dan Harper Connie and Thomas Haynes Beth and Mark Hebbeln Susan Solomon and Andrew Isgrig Steffany and Jean-Philippe Joassin Angelina and Noland Joiner Delphine De Lorenzo and Sebastien Jollet Analisa Lafontant and David Kagan Kristina Schneider and Karl Kocher Myriam and Jean-Pierre Le Cannellier Rebecca Deaton and Jadran Lee Maureen C. Lesak Flener and Karl F. Flener Holly and Brian Lignelli Gregory Markarian Jessica and Jason Martino Julianne and David Matthews Julia Corcoran Melín and Hector Melín-Aldana Ann and Steve Mendelsohn Jennifer and Jason Minkin Kate and Jim Mooney Florence and Frédéric Mouen Makoua Katarzyna A. Niemiec and Charles R. Neer Yvonne Curran and Ken O’Riordan Dominique and Paul Parris Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Adejumoke and Matthias Pfau Julia and Robert Prasse Catherine Tadros and Stefan Quenneville Emily Sherrer and Daniel Romanelli Adriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and Stephan U. Schuele Lena Petersen and John Schumacher Christy and Christopher Sears Deepti Singh and Kal Shah Patricia Koneru Smith and Brett Smith

$500 to $999 Frederic Duvauchelle Anonymous (2) Catherine and Walid Abu-Ghazaleh Cathy-Anne and Vincent Aimé Vania and Didier Aziza Dalia and Anthony Bartkus Elizabeth Marcus and Ira Belcove Matthew Berkson Katrina Leventhal and Valentin Berman Laura and Martino Boffa Amanda and Maik Breckwoldt Myung and Jason Bussell Samantha Caldwell Nancy Joyce and Sean Callahan Kara and Michael Cardinale Catherine and Stéphane Carillat Alicia Murasaki and Joe Carver Mirna and Enrique Cifuentes Marifred and Sal Cilella Griselda Santacruz-Collet and Pascal Collet Florence and David Craft Elizabeth and Sébastien De Longeaux Angela and John Deppe Natalie Kissinger and Ibrahima Diop M. C. Flater Jennifer and Jacques Fournier Marie Odile and Nicholas Garrow Anne and Olivier Gompel Graham Holdings Janine and Vincent Greff Lisa and Peter Harwood Teri Boyd and Aleksandar Hemon Amy and Jacob Kahn Holly and Jason Kleiman Zoe Arvanitakis and Rajesh Kumar Laurence and Mathieu Lignel Ferdinanda Marcic and Kevin Loftus Monika and Michael Machen Jennifer and John Masterson Maura and Ahmar Matthews Cheryl and Michael McGarry Patsy Campbell and Peter Michalak Lisa and Alan Miller Jutta and Shawn Mobley Véronique and John-Paul Mokski Karen and Steve Multer Cynthia and Kyu Oh Cynthia Vranas and Keith Olsen Celine and German Pena Nathalie and Régis Pinel Christine Laurens and Xavier Renner Marie-Pierre and Nicolas Rondeau Cyraina and Thierry Roullier Monica Holliday Sherman and Adam Sherman Ingrid Deroubaix and Michael von Bodman Marilyn M. Hallock and John M. Whipple

Gina and Ray Yacoub Irina and Joseph Ziemann $250 to $499 Anonymous (4) Kathryn Engel and Robert Aurin Meaghan and James Benjamin Lynn and Bruno Boucher BP Fabric of America Fund Ajdina and Boris Brkovic Gelene and Rawlin Brown Cheryl and Patrick Byron Carole and Stéphane Cesareo Christelle and Edgar Chedrawy Gordon Connor Delphine and Olivier Crene Birgit and Xavier Datin Ursula and Jean-Louis David Lizet and Dan De La Cruz Ségolène and Hubert de Marolles Rajini Janardhan and Frédéric Depreux Sofia Gebreselassie and Erku Henoc Cecile and Nicholes Fetea Adrienne and Robert Gilbert Gabriella Galantis and Fabio Gottardelli Géraldine and Florent Gras Steven Guzik Florence and David Hale Scott Herkert Mary D. Holland Nancy Kalouch and Svein Holm

Darrin and Michelle Jolas Keiko Nakajima and Yacouba Kane Deborah and Donald Kania Virginie Sauner and Joseph Leblanc Loyda and Florencio Llamas Nathalie and David Markovits Stephanie C. Marshall-Guzik Rhonda Hoff and Mo Morsy Leslie and Sreeram Nair Angela and Derek O’Connor Janice and Thomas Pavel Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Plaa Florence and Igor Playner Janene and Jim Powers Alana Fassiotto and David Roleck Lea and Glenn Sevier Hiroko and Bruno Strulovici Karyn and David Taeyaerts Romana and Paul Tomlinson Evelyne and Michael van der Ploeg Dawn and Daniel Venit Carina Sawaya and Harry Yessayan

Up to $250 Anonymous (9) Pascale and Henri Alcade Nathalie and Claude Allain Maria A. Palacios and Sandy Almirall Antonio Amo Quintanilla Beatrice Antunez Nelida and Antoine Aubeneau Philippe Audasso Melina and Sébastien Audinelle Adebayo Bademosi Annabelle and Jason Baldwin Rime Diab and Samer Barakat-Diab Mirielle Barker Andrea M. Kessler and John E. Barry Inas Sharqawi and Mazen Bata Stacey Bear Patrice Bedford Marie and James Berg Joan E. Bever Aude Biard Albane and Olivier Bodart Lumi Boldovici Eleanor San and Anis Bouargoub Gregory Bourras-Chardine Marion Bouscarle Anne Boussac Eileen and Mark Boyle Dorothy Brown Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Sanda Pfeifer and Ted Burger Laura Burlot Wendt Chun Chun Ting and Antoine Cadoux Nency Antoine-Valer and Ugur Camli Cecile Carrié Anna Maria Carvallo Tina Casey Corinne and Scott Cathala-Andrews Natacha Baudin and Didier Chalard Elizabeth Chalier Visuvalingam Carole and Ludovic Chantereault Sunique Charre Kyriaki Chatzidimitriou Christelle Chauvet and Stephane Martin Sarry and Jean-Baptiste Chavannes Catherine and Pierre Chevreuil Réka Cibron-Palmai and Olivier G. Cibron Sarah Johnson and David Conroy Florence Cooper Catherine and Steve Corbett Agnes and Pierre Cornillat Alain and Laure Courbebaisse Aida Camara-Crowder and Benjamin Crowder Lukas Dahlstrom Jacqueline Danion Corinne and Hervé De La Foata Séverine Cocaign and Thierry Decorps Roxanne R. DeGraff Amee and Eric Deister Lea Dekker Karen and Stephane Delval Olivier Dieval Gina Dong Linwood and Jack Donovan Khady and Aboubacar Doumbouya

Sophie and Andrew Dratt Juliette and Nicolas Dubois Jolanta Nawrocka and Olivier Dumont Sonya and Cory Durst Barbara and Michael Duttge Camilla and Kenneth Edwards Christine Eischen Marie Erinkitola Tammy and Curtis Evrard Marick Fargues and Sean Masterson Rehab Badreldin and Yasser Farid Marie-Laurence and Patrick Faure Helena M. Olea and Andreas E. Feldmann Sandrine and Xavier Fichot Stefano Fischburg Sandra and Michael Fogarty Magali and Clement François Carrie and Eliot Friesen-Meyers Janet Yesk and Dennis Furniss Vincent Gacquer GE United Way Campaign Susan and Vincent Geraghty Andrea Wagner and Nick Giagkou Tatiana and Christophe Giordano Kathryn Gregor Jacqueline M. Vidmar and JeanFrançois F. Gribinski Marion Bousquet and Nicolas Guenin Erin Gutowski Murielle Achkar Hage and Ziad A. Hage Robin and David Hagen Kristen Hanson Camille and Martin Harrison Kate Hawley Lydia and Richard Hebras Leah Henningsen Maeva Herlaud Estelle Hérou Beth Raia and Patrick Hickey Eva Hoeckner Sandra and Mathieu Holl Delphine Homand Donna and Peter Ivanov Zainab and Amadu Jalloh Than-Dieu Phan-Jones and Lawrence Jones Denise and Hugues Kabengele Joseph Kaiser William Kenny Gabriela Martin and Lech Kiedrowski Rebecca Kleps Cyn Koukos Stephen Kroah Alexandra Lafaurie Christine Lavis Christopher Lazzara Sharon B. Lear Delphine and Nicolas Legrand Beth and David Leistensnider Emmanuel and Naja Lérus Andrew Lewis Stacy and Marc Lorin Sarah Macias Elizabeth Mackie Frédéric Mahieu Allison Manley Audrey Marconnot

April Marino Sushma and Ravindra Marur Lauren McDonnell Sherri Dumazer McGregory Catherine and Daniel Lynch Nadine Merwin Alexandra Mignet Lubomira and George Minkovsky Kristen and Zachary Missen Kirsten Fenton and Nathan Monteith Sarah and Yann Moreau Isabelle and Fabrice Moriaux Gabriela Almonte and Edgar Mosquera Alda Mari and Pascal Moyal Betsy and Stefan Muhle Johanna Naismith Lyudmila and Tchapo Napoé Lynette and Todd Neumann James Newark Kecha Nickson-Kambe Samantha Spencer and Jean-Manuel Nothias Aurélie and Kevin Nouvel Heidi and Joseph Nowalany Isabelle Olivier Marcelle Fullwood-Pakalnis and Stardas Pakalnis Michele and Gerald Palmer Gwladys Palo Laurie and Olivier Pasquier Patricia Pertusot Cassie Peterson Kathy and Bryan Peterson Pauline Pilon Olga Pomerantz Cecilia Porter Marie-Jeanne Powell Camille Litalien and Henrijs Preiss Anne and Bob Pritchett Nathalie and Jeff Rado Robert Rauch Lara Raynaud Elisabeth and Christophe Ridet Annie and Ronel Robert Beth H. Weiner and Edward M. Roeser Valerie C. Ronchin Rebekah Rosenfeld Lionel Rossot Christelle Vieillard and Paul Rubrich Cliff and Béatrice Rusnak Shannon Ryan Virginie and Jérôme Saint-Omer Hala El-Hmayssi and Haytham Samad Barbara and Stephen Sawyer Leslie and Jon Schreiber Anne and Joseph Seigenthaler Sahar Mawlawi and Ali Shaibani Hadley Smillie Melanie Iglesias and Eduardo Smith Singares Dieneba Soma Martine SongaSonga Lanora and John Soule Kamilla and James Svajgl Céline and John Swicegood Graziela and Philippe Symoneaux Maria Belen Peralta and Rodolfo Tapia Sasot Target

Malgorzata and Michael Thelen Aimee and Ken Thompson Andrea Granias and Van Tomaras Ania and Sébastien Tourlouse Melek and Tolga Tozum Cerasella and Dragomir Tsanov Nathalie and Marc Turcan Sara Turner Nicolas Turquet Emmanuele Van HoudenhovenCollard Stephanie van Sice Tina Vanié Courtney Villa Susan Wagner Margaret and Ashir Wahab Ingrid and Warren Watkins Mitch Weiner Melissa and David Wittmeier Patricia and Anton Xavier Shahla Kerimova and Mehman Yolchiev Minkyoo Shin and Misha Zupko Matching Gifts American International Group, Inc. Ameriprise Financial Arcelor Mittal Bank of America BCD Travel BP Products North America Brookfield Investment Management Inc. Cardinal Health Foundation Inc. CME Group Community Foundation Fifth Third Bank Fortune Brands Home & Security GE Foundation Grainger Ingredion Jones Lang LaSalle Kemper Corporation Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Kraft Foods Foundation Magnetar Capital Foundation McDonald’s Corporation McGraw Hill Financial Microsoft Mondelez International Razorfish and affiliates SC Johnson Fund Starcom MediaVest Group Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation Gifts In-Kind Eileen and Mark Boyle Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Stefano Fischburg Robin and David S. Hagen Barbara and William Higgins Michelle and Darrin Jolas Nicole Quaisser and Stephan Outrequin Ethan Weber and Chanon DiCarlo

Bel Brands Bulley & Andrews, LLC Marta N. Bollman-Dujols and Nicolas Dujols Natasha and Zach Egan Grosvenor Capital Management Elissa and Steven Lafayette Sharon and Eric Langshur Julianne and David Matthews Krista McLeod and Craig Noble Related Midwest

Bassetto Milena Dobrina and Eric Blomme BP Fabric Of America Fund Noelle C. Brock Bross Family Foundation Dorothy Brown Marifred and Sal Cilella M. C. Flater GE United Way Campaign Green Family Charitable Fund Hoellen Family Foundation Mary D. Holland Sharon B. Lear Loyda and Florencio Llamas The J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis Foundation Elizabeth Mackie John McCartney Nadine Merwin Clare Muñana Marie-Jeanne Powell Schneider Electric/Square D Foundation Target Lisa and Etienne Veber

La Soirée Avec la Soirée 2015, La Magie de la Côte d’Azur, nous avons célébré le 20e anniversaire du Lycée à l’hôtel Four Seasons à Chicago. Le gala a accueilli plus de 500 invités, nous permettant de lever la somme record de 300 000 usd au bénéfice du Lycée, dont 125 000 usd pour nos nouvelles aires de jeu. Un grand merci à nos co-présidentes du comité, Joanna Sevim et Céline Swicegood, et à l’ensemble du comité de la Soirée.

The Soirée

Grandparents and Friends

The 2015 Soirée, La Magie de la Côte d’Azur, celebrated the Lycée’s 20th anniversary at the Four Seasons hotel in Chicago. It welcomed over 500 guests and raised a record $300,000 for the Lycée, including $125,000 for our new playgrounds. Special thanks to our co-chairs, Joanna Sevim and Céline Swicegood, and the entire Soirée committee.

Anonymous (3) Nenad Antic Dalia and Anthony Bartkus Mariacristina De Nardi and Marco

$15,000 Bridget and Burke Montgomery $10,000 to $14,999 Annabelle and Jason Baldwin

$5,000 to $9,999 Helen and Kim Anderson Lisa and Curt Bailey Jennifer and David Brooks Shilpa Cherukupally and Tobin Efferen Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins Joy Jordan Khadija and Xavier Laurens Holly and Brian Lignelli Susan and Douglas Lyons Margot Bogue and William McCrea Kristy Kitzmiller and Brandon Moran Elisabeth and Christophe Ridet Savills Studley, Inc. Joanna and Robert Sevim Aline Silberg-Delpierre Wear Moi LLC $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous Sonal Patel and Rakesh Amin Pelin and Erik Andersen Argo, Inc. Julie and Craig Bargowski Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono Byrne, Byrne and Company Carol Saltoun and Tim Calkins DLA Piper US LLP Christy and Christian Domin Suriya H. Grima and Nathan F. Fahrer Amanda Love and Brian Fuller Barbara and William Higgins Christiane and Mark J. Ladd Missy Lavender Brittany and Anthony Marten McGuire Engineers MetLife Christine and Jason Osborn Janene and Jim Powers Alissa and Jon Shulkin Lori and Ted Souder Margaret and Michael Unetich $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Melissa Reed and Jay Angelo Vania and Didier Aziza Joanne Barry-Babule and Antoine Babule Mary and Kevin Baliozian Andrea M. Kessler and John E. Barry Julie and Daniel Baumeister Elizabeth Marcus and Ira Belcove Joan E. Bever Blackstone Restoration Group, Inc Britta and Sascha Bopp Kimberly and Mark Bovier Catherine and Charles Brink

Suzette and Allan Bulley Ayse Celasun Chicago Nannies Inc. Nicola and Clive Christison Chiara and Daniel Chung Mirna and Enrique Cifuentes City Kids Dental Carrie Clark The da Ponte Cooper Family Aida Camara-Crowder and Benjamin Crowder Bryna and Jay Dahlin Elizabeth and Sébastien De Longeaux Rita Parhad and Steven DeAtley

Amee and Eric Deister Sophie and Andrew Dratt Arnie Dratt Maryanne and Jeffrey Ellis Whitney and Aaron Fershee Karen and Michael Fomook Margaret and Joseph Fourness Victoria Frank Betsy Nelson and Scott Gilbertson Tatiana and Christophe Giordano Isabelle and Juan Luis Goujon Marie-Pier and Antoine Guillaud Beth and Mark Hebbeln Sandra and Mathieu Holl Imperial Service Systems, Inc. Marissa and Andrew Ingley Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick Eileen and Andrew Kirkwood Kristina Schneider and Karl Kocher Sharon B. Lear Sophie and Fred Levinger Laurence and Mathieu Lignel Lincoln Dental Care Stacy and Marc Lorin Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Sushma and Ravindra Marur Jennifer and John Masterson Roberta and Michael McKeever Catherine Jasek and Michael Million Kristen and Zachary Missen Suzanne and James Neaylon New Einsteins Academy Heidi and Joseph Nowalany Denise and Keith Olsen Laurie and Olivier Pasquier Plumwise Julia and Robert Prasse Reed Centracchio & Associates Christine Laurens and Xavier Renner

Siobhan and Christopher Rowney ServiceMaster - Restoration by Simons Deepti Singh and Kal Shah Patricia J. Simpson Patricia Koneru Smith and Brett Smith Maria and Derek Steelberg STL Architects, Chicago Kamilla and James Svajgl Céline and John Swicegood Symmetry Physical Therapy Ann Thompson Romana and Paul Tomlinson Diana and George Toscas USI Midwest Lisa and Etienne Veber Lourdes and Alain Weber Stephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J. Wijpkema Charles Wintersteen Nathalie Dunand-Zaloum and Jonathan Zaloum $500 to $999 Katherine and Robert Abbott Pascale and Henri Alcade Maureen Brady and Tony Barone Meaghan and James Benjamin Kristyn and Aaron Benton Emily and Benjamin Berk Bonpoint USA Inc. April and Randy Bridgeman Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Samantha Caldwell Alicia Murasaki and Joe Carver Laura and Bruce Comiskey Bridget and Robert Cooper Laure and Alain Courbebaisse Ursula and Jean-Louis David Angela and John Deppe Lisa Bennett and Marty Durkin Tammy and Curtis Evrard Dina Delaurentis and Steve Felder Elena Gallo Michele Gragg Géraldine and Florent Gras Djamel Hamadache Hollister Ferrier and Dan Harper Connie and Thomas Haynes Michelle and Darrin Jolas Anita and Kishan Khemani Holly and Jason Kleiman Myriam and Jean-Pierre Le Cannellier Ale Luna Julia Corcoran Melín and Hector Melín-Aldana Jutta and Shawn Mobley Betsy and Stefan Muhle Isabelle and Jean-Louis Muller Joanne McLean and Aviv Nevo Julie and Grégoire Pastour Michelle Pecko Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Marie-Pierre and Nicolas Rondeau Adriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and Stephan U. Schuele Anna and Brad Sharp Shelbi and Jonathan Sheinkop Lanora and John Soule Malgorzata and Michael Thelen

Andrea Wagner and Nick Giagkou Gina and Ray Yacoub Danielle Zimmerman $250 to $500 Anonymous Cathy-Anne and Vincent Aimé Adebayo Bademosi Lea and David Bamlango Kara Blain and Jeff Beaty Lumi Boldovici Judy and John Bross Véronique and Marc Bushala Rachel and Nick Cabrera Nancy Joyce and Sean Callahan Camille and Hugues Delannoy Karen and Stephane Delval Florence and Pierre Duquesnoy Claire Gourdain and Sean Dwyer Stefano Fischburg Sandra and Michael Fogarty Robin Stahl and William Gottis Claire A. Gourdain Robin and David Hagen Lisa and Peter Harwood Elisabeth and Wahied Helmy Nora Jaskowiak and Matthew Hinerfeld Susan Solomon and Andrew Isgrig Céline Lefebvre Allison Manley Véronique Thouin Elizabeth McCleary Ann and Steve Mendelsohn Patsy Campbell and Peter Michalak Janelle Moody Nicole Murphy Béatrice Neveu and Cliff Rusnak Angela and Derek O’Connor Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Plaa Nathalie Meyfren-Rado and Jeff Rado Robert Rauch Lena Petersen and John Schumacher Eric M. Sheinkop Kelli and Jeff Shelton Andrea Granias and Van Tomaras Emmanuele Van HoudenhovenCollard Dawn and Daniel Venit Nasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne Irina and Joseph M. Ziemann $100 to $249 Anonymous (6) Catherine and Walid Abu-Ghazaleh Maria A. Palacios and Sandy Almirall Antonio Amo Quintanilla Patricia Rasmussen and Lawrence Anderson Nelida and Antoine Aubeneau Emmanuelle Huard-Auray and Benjamin Auray Lynn and Joshua Baru Aude Biard Philippe Blanchard Eleanor San and Anis Bouargoub Lynn and Bruno Boucher Eileen and Mark Boyle Amanda and Maik Breckwoldt Thomas Brogan Anna Maria Carvallo

Tina Casey Natacha Baudin and Didier Chalard Dmitrievena and Didier Cherubin Marisa Perry and Winston G. Collier Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Comte Amy Johann Cortis Ségolène and Hubert de Marolles Rebecca Deaton Roxanne R. DeGraff Pamela Markfield and Mitch Delaplane Monique and Thomas Demery Isabelle and Sébastien Devoivre Natalie Kissinger and Ibrahima Diop Janet and Valentine Ecker Michael Falls Cecile and Nicholas Fetea Estelle Fisher Magali and Clement François Rachel and Adam Garrett Delphine and Tim Geannopulos Kelly and John Gorham Candice Grant Teri Boyd and Aleksandar Hemon Delphine Homand Louis Javell Angelina and Noland Joiner Amy and Jacob Kahn

Cyn Koukos Divya Patel and Stephen Kriegel Heather Lauria Virginie Sauner and Joseph Leblanc Rebecca Deaton and Jadran Lee Andrew Lewis Monika and Michael Machen Stephanie C. Marshall-Guzik Susan and Jorge Mastellari Cheryl and Michael McGarry Jennifer and Jason Minkin Lubomira and George Minkovsky Jennifer and Adam Mitchell Marianne and Tom Moberly Sarah and Yann Moreau Isabelle and Fabrice Moriaux Lucinda and Marc Oberdorff Nicole Quaisser and Stefan Outrequin Idil Ozer Brigitte Ozzello and Tom Sterner Dominque and Paul Parris Janice and Thomas Pavel Celine and German Pena Patricia Pertusot Hilary and David Pisor Catherine Tadros and Stefan

Quenneville Gaelle Rivol Alana Fassiotto and David Roleck Valerie C. Ronchin Christelle and Paul Rubrich Sahar Mawlawi and Ali Shaibani Monica Holliday Sherman and Adam Sherman Dieneba Soma Aimee and Ken Thompson Sara Turner Marie and Steve Valenzuela Susan Wagner Michelle Sakayan and Michael Wilkinson Melissa and David Wittmeier Up to $99 Anonymous Beatriz Antunez Philippe Audasso Melina and Sébastien Audinelle Mirielle Barker Rachel Botoehlo Bastos Melissa and Dwayne Bowles Diane Saltoun and Bruce Braun Gelene and Rawlin Brown Sanda Pfeifer and Ted Burger Myung and Jason Bussell Cheryl and Patrick Byron Chun Chun Ting and Antoine Cadoux Kara and Michael Cardinale Catherine and Pierre Chevreuil Griselda Santacruz-Collet and Pascal Collet Gordon Connor Laura and Ricardo Cossa Elena and Ryan Cowan Claire and Florian Decaux Ingrid Deroubaix and Michael von Bodman Juliette and Nicolas Dubois Jolanta Nawrocka and Olivier Dumont Barbara and Michael Duttge Camilla and Kenneth Edwards Jennifer and Jacques Fournier Kathleen McQueeny and Jack Franaszek Jane and Brandon M. Freud Caroline and John Gallucci Ilene Goldman and Philippe Geyskens Adrienne and Robert Gilbert Nora and Bruce Handler Beth Raia and Patrick Hickey Rajini Janardhan and Frédéric Depreux Steffany and Jean-Philippe Joassin Aubrey and John Kohler Alexandra Lafaurie Christine Lavis Delphine and Nicolas Legrand Emmanuel and Naja Lérus Ferdinanda Marcic and Kevin Loftus Marianne and Jeffrey Markowitz Christelle Chauvet and Stéphane Martin Julie and Malcolm Matthews Beatrice C. Mazoyer amd Christopher J. Blume Véronique and John-Paul Mokski Rhonda Hoff and Mo Morsy Yvonne Curran and Ken O’Riordan Jose L. Perez-Griffo

Cassie Peterson Kate A. Peterson Susana Jimenez Martin and Pascal F. Reina Katherine and Beau River Emily Sherrer and Daniel Romanelli Leslie and Jon Schreiber Anne and Joseph Seigenthaler Reshma Shah and Daniel Castillo Minkyoo Shin and Misha Zupko Graziela and Philippe Symoneaux Evelyne and Michael van der Ploeg Madalina Vicol and Ciprian Sava Claes Warnander Marion Castany Watine and Eric Watine Ingrid and Warren Watkins Janet Yesk and Dennis Furniss Carina Sawaya and Harry Yessayan Judith and David Zaslavsky Amy and Christopher Zurawic

Soirée Sponsorships Le Platine (Platinum) Bel Brands Bulley & Andrews, LLC Grosvenor Capital Related Midwest

L’Or (Gold)

Savills Studley, Inc. Telos Group LLC Wear Moi

L’Argent (Silver)

Anonymous Argo, Inc. Bryne, Bryne & Company DLA Piper McGuire Engineers Parce Rum

Le Bronze (Bronze)

Blackstone Restoration Group Chicago Nannies City Kids Dental Ecole de Musique Lincoln Dental Care MetLife New Einsteins Plumwise Reed Centracchio & Associates ServiceMaster - Restoration by Simons STL Architects, Chicago Symmetry Physical Therapy USI Wintersteen & Perez, LLC

Table Hosts

Noelle and Patrick Balson Barbara and William Higgins Christiane and Mark Ladd Sharon and Eric Langshur Khadija and Xavier Laurens Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins The da Ponte Cooper Family/Celine and John Swicegood

Family Sponsors

Mary and Kevin Baliozian Julie and Daniel Baumeister

Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono Carol Saltoun and Tim Calkins Mirna and Enrique Cifuentes Christy and Christian Domin Natasha and Zach Egan Maryanne and Jeffrey Ellis Marie-Pier and Antoine Guillaud Imperial Service Systems Elissa and Steven Lafayette Susan and Douglas Lyons Kristy Kitzmiller and Brandon Moran Joanna and Robert Sevim Alissa and Jon Shulkin Patricia J. Simpson Lori and Ted Souder Margaret and Michael Unetich

Teacher Sponsors

Helen and Kim Anderson Julie and Craig Bargowski Andrea M. Kessler and John E. Barry Kara Blain and Jeff Beaty Emily and Benjamin Berk Judy and John Bross Christy and Christian Domin Lisa Bennett and Marty Durkin Natasha and Zach Egan Dina Delaurentis and Steve Felder Whitney and Aaron Fershee Matthew Hinerfeld and Nora Jaskowiak Susan and Douglas Lyons Julia Corcoran Melín and Hector Melín-Aldana Catherine Jasek and Michael Million Bridget and Burke Montgomery Joanne McLean and Aviv Nevo Denise and Keith Olsen Christine and Jason Osborn Siobhan and Christopher Rowney Lena Petersen and John Schumacher Patricia J. Simpson Maria and Derek Steelberg Malgorzata and Michael Thelen Ann Thompson

Gifts In-Kind

Angels and Envy Bel Brands Bloomingdales Château D’Esclans College Nannies Danny Shapiro DJ Courbi Floriole Fortune Fish and Gourmet Frommi Hyatt La Fournette Lisa Gottschalk Photography Music Dealers Parce Rum Peapod Piper-Heidsieck Susan Wheeler Fine Jewelry Untitled Wildflower Advertising


Mirna and Enrique Cifuentes Robin and David Hagen

Lisa and Peter Harwood Julia Corcoran Melín and Hector Melín-Aldana Bridget and Burke Montgomery

Marché Français Un grand merci à tous les membres de la communauté du Lycée pour leur soutien au 10e Marché français du Lycée au cours duquel étaient proposés à la vente de multiples œuvres d’art décoratives, objets français de qualité, bijoux et autres articles originaux. Le Marché a attiré plus de 2 000 visiteurs sur notre campus et a levé des fonds essentiels pour le fonctionnement de l’école. Nous remercions nos co-présidentes du comité, Jutta Mobley et Julie Bargowski et à l’ensemble du comité !

Lycée French Market

Our special thanks to everyone in the Lycée community for supporting the 10th annual Lycée French Market, which featured decorative arts, fine French wares, jewelry and other one-of-a-kind items. The Market drew more than 2,000 visitors to our campus and raised vital funds for school programming. A salute to our co-chairs, Jutta Mobley and Julie Bargowski as well as the entire market committee!


AJA Woodworking Balance Through Motion Beijo de Chocolat Milena Dobrina and Eric Blomme BR Designs Randy & April Bridgeman Carol Saltoun and Tim Calkins Chicago French Market CircEsteem Laure and Alain Courbebaisse Cold Stone Creamery Julie and Craig Bargowski Credite Agricole Cushman & Wakefield Deschutes Brewery Maryanne and Jeffrey Ellis Enterprise CarShare European & U.S. Car Service Figaro Amanda Love and Brian Fuller Gracies Guapa Heritage Littles J Hilbourn

Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins L’abeielle Vintage Laura Tanner Jewelry Le Parisien Apt Lee Allison Company Stacy and Marc Lorin L-U-I-S-A Accessories Metropolis Coffee Pickles Playroom Sifu Design Studio and Fine Yarns Lori and Ted Souder Su Su Accessories The Winding Road Urban Pooch Via Capri, 34 Yankee Peddler

In-kind Donations

Alliance Française Chicago Susan Arjmand Emmanuelle and Benjamin Auray Beijo de Chocolat Bel Brands USA Bistro Zinc April and Randy Bridgeman Suzette and Allan Bulley Laure and Alain Courbebaisse Cushman & Wakefield Lisa Bennett and Marty Durkin Feld Entertainment Fifth Third Bank Fine Vines / The Bottle Shop French Chamber of Commerce Beth Raia and Patrick Hickey HandCut Foods Kensho Martial Arts La Boulangerie & Cook au Vin Delphine and Nicolas Legrand Le Pain Quotidien Lill Street Art Centre LM Restaurant Group Stacy and Marc Lorin Nancy Lufrano Meeting Tomorrow Metropolis Coffee Jen and Jason Minkin Isabelle and John Muller Pastoral Patisserie Coralie Peapod Céline Judet and German Pena PepsiCo Ravenswood Events Related River Valley Farmer’s Table Saveur Cuisine Service Master Soiree Committee Spacca Napoli Terry’s Toffee The Blueprint Shoppe, Inc. (BPS) The Chopping Block The Chopping Block The French School of Pastry Thousand Waves Martial Arts & Defense Center Romana and Paul Tomlinson Troquet River North Vanille Patisserie Volvic Melissa Wittmeier Whole Foods Write Now Handwriting Services Nasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne

Golf Outing 2015 Kim Anderson Sonya Andonov Ben Crowder Jay Dahlin Cory Durst Nick Economakos Brian Fuller Patrick Hickey Mike Hicks Andrew Ingley Andrew Kirkwood Tom Kull Vince Lance Jean Leblanc Joseph Leblanc Elliott Mokski John Mokski Craig Noble Keith Olsen Arthur Perce Bruce Perce Beth Raia Robert Rauch Chris Sears Jeff Stahl Paul Tomlinson Sam Zabadne

In-kind Donation

Romana and Paul Tomlinson

General Donations Anonymous (2) Gita Rao and Nishant Bakaya Bank of America Molly Boren Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Catherine and Pierre Chevreuil Mirna and Enrique Cifuentes Citadel Foundation Michelle and Darrin Jolas LR Development Co. LLC Nicole Quaisser and Stefan Outrequin

Special Thanks to Florence Craft Ingrid Pavilanis Amanda Love Karen Fomook Jordan Grossman Hilary Pisor John McBroom Joanne Barry-Babule Emily Berk Isabelle Goujon Khadija Laurens Beth Leistensnider Isabelle Muller Brigitte Ozzello Stephanie Pirishis

Campus photography STL Architects


FINANCES OPERATING RESULTS TOTAL REVENUES Net tuition and fees Contributions Total revenues

$13,673,467 $943,688 $14,617,155

TOTAL EXPENSES Teaching and administration


Student activities and services


Financial aid Building and grounds

$990,074 $1,456,965

Total expenses


Excess of revenues over expenditures


Note: 2014-2015 data not audited

De la maternelle à la terminale | Pre-K through grade 12 1929 West Wilson Ave • Chicago, IL 60640 t 773.665.0066 • f 773.665.1725 • lyceechicago.org

facebook.com/lyceefrancaisdechicago twitter.com/lyceechicago

Give online at www.lyceechicago.org/get-involved/donate

Lycée Français de Chicago, Inc. considers individual merit, without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, creed or national origin in admission, employment or access to programs.

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