1 minute read

Knowing the Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter

Paz Soto Fuentes, Francisca Marquez-Doren, Marcela González-Agüero, y Camila Lucchini-Raies

that the Cancer is the first cause of death in Chile. This program has been a pioneer in the country since it allows for highly trained nursing professionals in the disciplinary and professional role, as well as in the extended role.


The construction of disciplinary knowledge, through theoretical and empirical research, has allowed the School of Nursing to develop, with the support of the W.K.Kellogg Foundation, a care model based on health promotion and self-care, which favors the quality and humanization of health care and the development of users' abilities to care for themselves. This model is currently applied in various health institutions nationwide and is being replicated in Latin American countries. This allowed the UC School of Nursing to be designated as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for the Development of Health and Nursing Services for Care in Noncommunicable Diseases since 2008

Given the trajectory of the UC School of Nursing, in August 2022 it was designated a SIGMA chapter host, named Alpha Beta Omicron, becoming chapter number 613 of SIGMA International. At the chartering ceremony, held in November 2022 and officiated by SIGMA CEO Elizabeth Madigan, 62 members were inducted To date, the Alpha Beta Omicron chapter has held a webinar on the challenges to prosper in the work of the Advanced Practice Nurse and a nursing leadership workshop

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