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The nursing care process and its implications
from Nursing: from Call to Action | Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July - December
by Enfermería: del Llamado a la Acción / Nursing: from Call to Action
Cristina María Zamarioli*
The Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Nursing Courses, the Deontological Codes, the Professional Practice Law, in addition to normative resolutions, contribute to determining the scope and responsibility of nurses in their different functions.
Considering the theoretical bases, one of the tripods of professional practice, in addition to the functions and operationalization of the care process, it is pertinent to highlight that concepts such as science, occupation, profession and discipline permeate this universe. Let's think for a moment about theory, occupation and profession
In spite of numerous concepts, theory is understood as “a construct composed of a set of laws and related principles, hierarchical, solidly systematized, conclusive in nature, applied to a given area” (VEIGA-NETO, 2009, p.86). It is seen as a systematic explanation of events, in which constructs and concepts are identified, relationships are proposed and predictions can be made (MCEWEN; WILLS, 2015). Yes, nursing has many theories and theoretical references guiding the elements of its practice, understood as diagnoses, results and interventions
An occupation is an activity that requires widely varying levels of training or education, different skill levels and varied knowledge bases (MCEWEN; WILLS, 2015) The profession, on the other hand, is more valued by society as a result of the services that professionals perform, considered beneficial to its members. Professions have: a defined and specialized knowledge base; control and autonomy over training and teaching; accreditation or registration system; selfless service to society; code of ethics; formal education in higher education institutions; prolonged socialization and autonomy (ELLIS; HARTLEY, 2012; FINKELMAN; KENNER, 2013). Here, the value of the nursing profession is not even questioned, perhaps the benefit of its practice for society.
Due to the discrepancy observed in terms of visibility, remuneration and even recognition as a profession in different countries, looking into its historical bases is justifiable. We will understand that nursing slowly traveled the path between an occupation and a profession, being supervised by hospital administrators and doctors, carrying out internships in schools linked to hospitals, obeying
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