1 minute read

Responding to the call to action

Paz Soto Fuentes, Francisca Marquez-Doren, Marcela González-Agüero, y Camila Lucchini-Raies

The Academic unit has managed to position itself internationally in outstanding areas of professional development in Nursing, for example, it is a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center (CC) Recently, it has been reassigned for the 2020-2024 period, as a result of the work that this academic unit has carried out for more than 15 years on the subject of chronic health care In fact, the first designation materialized in April 2008, an aspect that demonstrates the trajectory with which it has been contributing in this field and that responds to the public commitment of the UC.


Among the defined purposes for the center is to contribute to the efforts of PAHO/WHO "to support the development of a competent nursing workforce, capable of providing effective care to people living with chronic conditions" and also promote " the generation and dissemination of evidence-based research related to the prevention and management of chronic diseases”.

"From teaching and research, our center seeks to train the human resources necessary to care for the most vulnerable people and also build care models that respond to the real needs of people, thus contributing to the well-being of the people of our country and also of the region”, highlighted Lilian


There are currently more than 800 CC that work with the WHO and PAHO worldwide in areas such as nursing, occupational health, communicable diseases, chronic diseases, emergency response and e-Health, among others This international positioning has favored, among other areas, the creation of the SIGMA chapter Project that since its inception has been directed and guided by the Directorate of International Affairs of the EEUC, promoted by the director of the time, Professor Lilian Ferrer, is how, between 2015 and 2019, progress was made in complying with the first stage of working with the Beta Tau chapter of the University of Miami, achieving the incorporation of 19 Chilean nurses in that chapter. Subsequently, as of the year 2020, the second stage of the process began to achieve the designation of the School as a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.

Process that considered an initial stage of background presentation, approval, eligibility and formation of the Board of Directors that today must finalize a Manual of Policies and

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