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Atreverse a ser líder en enfermería –Experiencia desde el Capítulo Upsilon Nu

Por Jaime Ramírez, Cindy Valbuena, Paola Blanco


development of intrapersonal skills that allow assertive interaction with others, forming harmonious teams focused on the successful achievement of objectives and challenges.

Through other tools such as the planning and execution of projects focused on real nursing problems in our context, each one of our participants put into action, developing organization, management, visualization and projection skills, with objectives clear and concise and measurable results. Real problems such as the lack of humanization towards nursing professionals, the lack of collegiality, the lack of scientific recognition of our research work by our own nurses, among many others, were addressed by our participants through specific actions, creative and innovative that could offer a solution in a particular context (hospitals, universities, companies, etc.).

We firmly believe that this first step brings us closer to what is called "Epistemic Dignity" and "Ontological Dignity", where there is selfrecognition and external recognition of nursing as a science, discipline and profession, capable of contributing to society not only technical and procedural, but also humanism, science, innovation, technology and political participation, with a high capacity for resilience and transformation

Today we can say, as the Upsilon Nu Chapter, that we have planted a seed in our members, which will soon begin to germinate and spread, increasingly encouraging "being daring" to innovate and promote new visions and

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