Tilda Basmati Goodness Guide Cookbook (created at First 10 Digital)

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TILDA WHOLEGRAIN GOODNESS PRODUCTS Tilda Wholegrain Basmati shares the tantalising flavour and magical aroma of the classic Pure Basmati rice grain, but benefits from the all the natural goodness and flavour from the untouched bran layer.

Tilda Wholegrain Dry Basmati Rice

Tilda Wholegrain Dry Basmati Rice Big Bags

Tilda Brown Steamed Basmati Rice

Tilda Wholegrain Pilau Steamed Basmati Rice

Tilda White and Wholegrain Basmati Rice

Tilda White and Brown Steamed Basmati Rice

Tilda Butternut Squash Steamed Basmati Rice

Tilda Roasted Pepper and Courgette Steamed Basmati Rice

Visit Tilda.com for more information on our products


Welcome to your Goodness Guide We all know we should eat more wholegrains, but many of us need some inspiration. Our Goodness Guide has all the tools and support you need, whether you’re looking for nutritional advice or delicious wholegrain recipes. First of all, we’re delighted to introduce Dr. Sarah Schenker, our clinical dietician who’s an expert on healthy living. Her wholesome snack ideas will help you to maintain a balanced diet, plus she’s created a lunch box meal plan and some useful tips for parents of fussy eaters. If you’re looking for recipe inspiration then we’re pleased to introduce Dhruv Baker, the MasterChef champion who’s passionate about flavour. Dhruv has created some delicious recipes and shared his favourite foodie apps. As you’ll discover through the Goodness Guide, wholegrain foods have many benefits. Their low to medium GI means they release energy slowly and they’re packed with nutrients and fibre. We hope our Goodness Guide will inspire you to use wholegrains more regularly, and please keep visiting Tilda.com for more tasty recipe ideas and healthy living guidance.


features Introducing Dhruv Baker and Sarah Schenker............................... 5-6 Introducing Carole Ann Rice.................................................................. 7 Healthy Balance Tips for a Stress-Free Life...................................... 8 Dr. Sarah Schenker’s 10 Great Apps for Health and Fitness Motivation ...................................................................................... 11-12 Dr. Sarah Schenker’s Delicious Low-calorie Snacks..................... 17-18 Dhruv’s Inspiration for Food Lovers.................................................... 23-24 Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Busy Mums by Dr. Sarah Schenker...................................................................................... 29-30 Kids in the Kitchen: Get Them Inspired!........................................... 35-36 Dr Sarah’s Advice for Fussy Eaters ..................................................... 41-42


recipes Dhruv’s Braised Lamb Shanks with Wholegrain Rice................. 9-10 Creamy Pumpkin Mascarapone and Sage Rice.............................. 13-14 Dhruv’s oven baked chicken and chorizo pilau.............................. 15-16 Smoked Mackerel Pilaff............................................................................ 19-20 Chilli And Courgette Rice with Minty Yoghurt Dip..................... 21-22 Dhruv’s Sesame and Cashew Rice........................................................ 25-26 Sea Bass with Warm Rice and Lentil Salad....................................... 27-28 Spicy Wholegrain Vegetable Pilau....................................................... 31-32 Chicken and Almond Pilaff...................................................................... 33-34 Dhruv’s Tomato and Mushroom Rice.................................................. 37-38 Sicilian Cauliflower and Caramelized Onion with Rosemary and Pine Nuts........................................................................... 39-40 Dhruv’s Spicy Pilaff..................................................................................... 43-44 Dhruv’s Qabooli With Wholegrain Rice............................................ 45-46


Dhruv Baker We’re delighted to introduce Dhruv Baker: the MasterChef champion and spice-loving chef who’s provided all the wholegrain recipes, hints and cooking tips for our Goodness Guide. Dhruv, our flavour expert, was crowned winner of BBC One’s MasterChef in 2010 – after impressing judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace with his incredible flavour combinations.

Dhruv’s Saffron and Ginger Poached Lobster Tail and Venison with Fenugreek certainly impressed the judges during the MasterChef final! Since winning MasterChef, Dhruv has worked at Le Gavroche, De Librije in Holland, Benares, The Kitchen and Helene Darroze at the Connaught. And now, he’s excited to be working with Tilda.

Dhruv was originally born in Mexico, where he lived with his parents until he was four. He then moved to India, where his Indian mother became a big influence on his cooking style.

Dhruv lives in London with his wife Aileen and their two sons, Arun and Alexander. He’s planning to release his first book next year, which he’s hoping to fill with plenty of fragrant, spice-inspired recipes.

Despite being inspired by his mother’s food from an early age, Dhruv didn’t start exploring his passion for cooking until after university. Dhruv loves all aspects of cooking, especially spices, which he likes to use in unexpected ways.

Dhruv’s website: www.dhruvbaker.com Dhruv’s Twitter: @DhruvBaker1 Now you know more about Dhruv, maybe you’d like to sign-up for the Goodness Guide – giving you access to Dhruv’s delicious wholegrain recipes and professional cooking advice.


Dr. Sarah Schenker Introducing Dr. Sarah Schenker – our clinical dietician. With a wealth of experience in healthy eating and the benefits of wholegrain rice, Dr. Schenker has provided all the nutritional information for our Goodness Guide. As well as being a qualified registered dietician, Sarah is also an accredited sports dietician and a registered public health nutritionist. She’s committed to helping people understand the impact their diet has on their health, and encouraging people to take small but effective steps in the right direction.

Sarah’s worked with us before, on an exciting project which introduced Basmati rice to the western world. As part of the project, she developed a new range of fun, healthy products for children which included hidden vegetables and no big lumps. Perfect for fussy eaters. Sarah also contributed to Sainsbury’s Active Kids Campaign: developing recipes for young athletes to help them train and compete more effectively, as well as recipes for the whole family.

With years of experience as a health writer and broadcaster, Sarah’s contributed to titles such as Reveal and Glamour, and appeared as a consultant on Fat Club, Watchdog and across BBC Radio.

Sarah’s specialisms are cooking for young children, tackling fussy eating and sports nutrition. As a busy mum with two young sons, she has plenty of opportunities to put her expertise into practice!

Having also worked as an adviser to several Premiership football clubs, Sarah’s experienced in discussing the role of healthy eating in sport.

Sarah’s website: www.sarahschenker.co.uk Sarah’s Twitter: @SarahSchenker Dr. Schenker has contributed her professional expertise to our Goodness Guide, including a clinical study on wholegrains and advice on healthy eating. You can sign-up to our Goodness Guide now to access all this information for free.



ann rice Introducing Carole Ann Rice – our lifestyle coach. As one of the UK’s leading life coaches who has helped to turn around the lives of countless people across the world, Carole Ann has provided all of the lifestyle tips for our Goodness Guide.

Carole Ann has been a life coach for 11 years and has coached supermodels, rock stars and actors right through to mums at home, career professionals and people stuck at a crossroads in life. What unites her clients is the desire to reach their full potential and lead the best lives they can.

Carole Ann has a weekly column in The Daily Express as well as being a guest contributor for Red and Psychologies magazine. Carole Ann has also written numerous books to provide people with advise on how to follow their dreams such as the highly successful books – Find Your Dream Job and Start Your Dream Job

As well as being a fully trained lifestyle coach, Carole Ann is also a journalist and author, and is regularly featured in newspapers, magazines and TV programmes.

She has also used her expertise to launch her own coaching academy www.purecoachingacademy.com where she trains people to become successful coaches too

Carole Ann’s Twitter: @CaroleAnnRice Carole Ann Rice has contributed her professional expertise to our Goodness Guide, including a series of top tips for improving your work/life balance and an online Goodness Guide quiz which you can fill in on our Facebook page.


healthy balance

tips for a

stress-free life

by life coach carole ann rice Always ensure you have the fixings for good healthy meals in the home. Plan your menus ahead and organise your groceries to be delivered.

Learn to say “no” powerfully to things or people who drain your time. We do have enough hours in the day if we use them wisely. What is currently eating into your time that you resent or no longer want to do?

Practice gratitude. Sometimes when the blues descend it is worth noting all the good things you have in your life.

Build in daily treats such as time out for reading, catching up with friends, a nice bath or some creative cookery. Knowing we have something to look forward to each day makes life feel meaningful

Develop good sleep hygiene. Resist using the bed to catch up with friends on your laptop or mobile. Switch off all screen action at least one hour before retiring; have a milky drink, bath, book and bed to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Create healthy habits. Try to cut back on coffee, sugar, alcohol and junk food that are quick fix pick-me-ups and try to eat organic, wholegrain foods, drink more water and up your fruit and vegetable intake.

Stop people pleasing. Seeking the approval of others is a losing task. Dare to be yourself and take 100% responsibility for your own happiness and wellbeing. It’s your life and the disapproval of others is none of your business.

Have goals. Create a vision board of things you want or would like to achieve in life from health and body goals to holidays, career progression and material desires. What is the first step you can do right now to move an inch closer to them.

Practice a random act of kindness. Give up your seat on the bus, buy the guy behind you a coffee, compliment a colleague or help someone out. It’s an instant happiness booster.

Do something joyful. Mindless fun is therapeutic. Dance to your favourite track in the kitchen, sing out loud, make 5 people smile each day, put daffodils in every room and smile in the mirror and with a wink say “who loves ya, baby?” and blow yourself a kiss.

Keep a blessings book. Write down 3 things each evening that were the day’s blessings from a particularly nice curry that evening to a friend popping by for a cuppa. Note the good stuff.


Cooking tips... »»The lamb works perfectly with root vegetable mash. Simply roast a selection of root vegetables such as parsnips and butternut squash, then mash with a little butter and honey. »»This is a great alternative to traditional Sunday lunch, especially if you’re looking for a hearty, satisfying meal.



Serves 2

Prep 10 mins

Cook 40 mins

Difficulty 3/5

Ingredients Method 200g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 1 onion sliced 2 lamb shanks (seasoned) 3 tbsp veg oil 4 sprigs thyme 2 bay leaves 2 cinnamon sticks 3 garlic cloves 200ml white wine 900ml lamb or chicken stock

Preheat oven to 180°C. Seal shanks with onions, thyme, bay, and cinnamon on a medium to high heat. Add 3 cloves of garlic (whole) and cook for 10 minutes. Add wine and reduce for 2 mins then add 1/2 the stock, cover and place in the oven to cook for 1 hour. Meanwhile soak rice for 1 hour and add to dish with remaining stock and cook for 40mins covered. Heat the redcurrant jelly and mustard with a couple of tablespoons of water in a saucepan. Scatter with fresh parsley, mint and season as required. Pour over the redcurrant and mustard mixture and serve!

1.5 tbsp French mustard 3 tbsp redcurrant jelly 3 tbsp chopped parsley 1 tbsp chopped mint Salt and pepper to taste


Dr. Sarah Schenker’s

10 great apps for

health and fitness


Keep on-track of your eating habits, fitness routine and important life goals with our 10 favourite health and fitness apps. They’re simple to use and constantly inspiring, whether you want to lose weight, feel calmer at work or even run a marathon.

My Fitness Pal Lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way by tracking your meals and exercise routine.


Pocket Yoga

An app that makes fitness more fun and addictive, using challenges and goals.

Improve your yoga routine with 27 different yoga movement sessions.

SAM Self help for Anxiety Management Manage your anxiety with a range of self-help methods, including meditation exercises.



iMuscle 2

Lose weight, track your progress and find out what’s really in your food!

Use clever 3D technology to learn about and build-up specific body parts.

The Workout Trainer Thousands of different workouts and moves to keep you energised and inspired.



Everest helps you unlock your potential, whether you dream of running a marathon or travelling the world.

Track your moves with this clever pedometer that records everything from steps taken to miles cycled.

Map My Run Manage your running routine by tracking the distance, route and calories burned.


Cooking tips... »» This dish is similar to risotto, but healthier thanks to the wholegrain rice. Butternut squash works just as well if pumpkin isn’t available. »»You can vary the amount of mascarpone and parmesan you stir-through at the end. More parmesan will give the dish a deliciously rich, nutty flavour.

Creamy pumpkin mascarapone and sage rice

Serves 4-6

Prep 10 mins

Cook 30 mins

Difficulty 3/5

Ingredients Method 200g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 30g butter

Place the butter and onion in a large saucepan over a moderate heat and cook for 5 minutes until the onion begins to soften.

1 large onion, finely chopped

Add the sage and garlic and cook for 2 minutes more until the sage goes a bit crispy.

2 tbsp finely chopped fresh sage

Add the pumpkin and rice and stir over the heat for 1 minute until it starts to stick.

2 garlic cloves, crushed

Pour over the stock and simmer stirring occasionally for about 25 minutes until both rice and pumpkin are tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed.

600g pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cut into 3cm chunks 600ml vegetable stock 100g low fat mascarpone cheese

If there’s quite a bit of liquid left, then drain it and discard it. Stir in both cheeses until you have a creamy looking rice mixture and serve immediately with crispy fried sage leaves and parmesan shavings.

25g grated parmesan Extra fried sage leaves and parmesan shavings, to decorate


Dhruv says… »»I love cooking this meal for friends and family if I’m having a party or get-together. It’s not too formal, so everyone can just dig-in. »»The chicken and rice mixture is delicious with salad, or served in a wholegrain pitta bread with a little tomato salsa on the side. Simple, but kids love it.

Dhruv’s oven baked chicken and chorizo pilau

Serves 4

Prep 15 mins

Cook 60 mins

Difficulty 3/5

Ingredients Method 300g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 6 boneless chicken thighs cut in half 200g cooking chorizo cut into 4cm cubes 200g cherry tomatoes 2 cloves garlic finely chopped 1 red onion finely sliced 1.4 litre chicken stock 7-8 strands garlic 4 tbsp finely chopped parsley

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Pour the oil into a lidded oven and hob proof dish. Sauté the chorizo and chicken until golden and then remove from pan. To the oils left in pan add the onions, garlic and tomatoes and place in the oven to cook for 15 minutes. Soak the rice while the tomatoes are cooking in the oven. Turn the oven down to 180C, drain the rice and add to the tomatoes, add the chicken, chorizo, saffron, stock cover and return to the oven for half an hour. Check after 20 minutes and if it’s completely dry add 100ml water, cover and return to the oven. Scatter over the parsley, season and serve.

4 tbsp light olive oil Salt and pepper to taste


Dr Sarah Schenker’s

Deli cious low-calorie snacks Instead of relying on manufactured snacks, I love to make my own – as I can use fresh ingredients and be a bit more inventive. All the snacks I’ve shared below are under 150 calories, and they’re quick and easy to make too. Perfect if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet.

Savoury treats to make at home: Toast a wholemeal English muffin, spread with a tbsp of soft cheese mixed with a swirl of Marmite and top with some cucumber slices: 149 kcal

Take two wholegrain crisp rolls, top each with a slice of smoked salmon, add a small dollop of hot horseradish sauce and a handful of rocket leaves: 147 kcal

Four sesame bread-sticks with two tablespoons of spicy salsa: 112 kcal

Mash a few drained sardines with a tbsp of soft cheese and squeeze of lemon juice and spread on a slice of rye bread

One teaspoon of wholegrain peanut butter on a toasted crumpet: 147 kcal


Sweet treats to make at home: Chop a few chunks of fresh or tinned pineapple and add to 3 heaped tbsp of Greek yogurt and mix with a small handful of chopped Brazil nuts: 148 kcal

Warm a scotch pancake and drizzle with a little honey and sprinkle with some flaked almonds: 146 kcal

Fill a meringue nest with a tablespoon of fromage frais, and add five chopped strawberries: 136 kcal

By reducing the calories you eat by around 100 per day, you could save around 36,500 calories per year – and that’s a significant amount!

Other low-calorie snack ideas: Melt Edam cheese and spread between 2 wholegrain crackers and top with halved cherry tomatoes: 134 kcal

A bowl of spicy bean soup

A 200g tin of beans with a dash of Tabasco: 145 kcal

Blend 100ml unsweetened apple juice with 50ml unsweetened white grape juice and 2 handfuls frozen berries: 190 cals

4 oatcakes topped with hummus A few pieces of sushi

High protein yogurt with some chopped walnuts

The key to healthy snacking is to choose foods that are satisfying and filling, the wrong type of snack can leave you feeling more hungry than you did before. Chose snacks that are wholegrain as these will help you feel fuller for longer and if you can add some protein as the protein is instantly satisfying, helping to curb your appetite and not over indulge.


smoked mackerel PILAFF &



Serves Serves2-4 2

Prep 510mins mins

Cook Cook1040mins mins

Difficulty Difficulty1/5 3/5

Ingredients Method 1 pack Tilda Steamed White and Brown Rice 2 spring onions chopped 2 smoked mackerel fillets,flaked Small handfuls of chopped chives, coriander and parsley Squeeze of lemon Dressing 1 avocado

For an extra special finish, serve this pilaff with a quick dressing made from 1 avocado, mashed with 3 tablespoons natural yoghurt, and plenty of seasoning. For the pilaff, chop 2 spring onions and fork 2 smoked mackerel fillets into flakes, then soften these in a pan of hot oil until golden. Stir in the Tilda White and Brown rice, and keep gently stirring until it is heated through – about 3 minutes. Just before serving, mix in some chopped chives, coriander and parsley. Serve with a squeeze of lemon

3 tbs Natural yoghurt




Cooking tips... »»You can serve these wholegrain fritters as a starter, or enjoy with Greek salad as a satisfying main meal. »»Minty yogurt dip is delicious and really easy to make. Simply combine natural yogurt with some diced cucumber and fresh mint – it’s that simple!

Chilli and courgette rice WITH minty yoghurt dip

Serves 12

Prep 20 mins

Cook 35 mins

Difficulty 3/5

Ingredients Method 100g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 1 large courgettes, coarsely grated 1 tsp ground coriander 1 large green chilli, finely chopped 100g self raising flour 2 eggs, beaten 6 tbsp olive oil Mint c 150g natural yoghurt 2 tbsp fresh mint, finely chopped Half a small garlic clove, crushed Half a tsp salt

Place rice into large saucepan of boiling salted water. Simmer over a medium heat for 25 minutes until tender, then drain. Place in a bowl with the courgettes, mint, ground coriander and plenty of seasoning. Mix in the flour and then add the eggs until you have a thick batter. Set aside for 10 minutes so the self raising flour starts to work. Heat 1-2 tbsp oil in a large frying pan over a moderate to high heat. Once the oil is hot, ladle 3 tablespoonfuls of batter into the pan in each corner, shaping them into small rounds. Cook for 2-3 minutes until deep golden and then carefully flip over using a fish-slice. Cook for 2 minutes on the other side until crispy and golden and cooked through inside. Place on a baking sheet in the oven to keep warm while you cook the rest. To make the mint dip, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Serve 3 fritters per person with a bowl of mint dip.


Dhruv’s inspiration for food lovers

I love using websites and apps to inspire me when I’m on the go – whether I’m looking-up unusual ingredients or planning a new restaurant menu. These apps and articles are a favourite with my friends and family – and if you’re a foodie, I’m sure you’ll love them too.

MasterChef Academy UK

Some really handy tutorials and step-by-step recipe guides, from the official MasterChef app.


Food Gawker

A complete encyclopedia of the world’s most delicious and unusual cheeses.

Feast your eyes on a collection of beautiful, mouthwatering food photography.

Evernote for food Capture, organise and share your most memorable foodie moments.


Harvest to Hand

Urbanspoon Discover a fun way to find new restaurants – perfect for foodies on the run.

Find locally harvested food, farmers’ markets and food festivals in your area.

How to Cook Everything Explore 2,000 recipes and 400 how-to illustrations. Great inspiration for cooks on the go.



A huge archive of incredible recipes, from Mexican meals to quick, healthy dishes.

A really useful app to help you plan, shop for and cook a range of meals.

101 Simple Meals from the New York Times A list of 101 speedy and inspiring recipes, compiled by the New York Times.


Dhruv says…

»»This simple rice dish is packed with flavour. I like to serve it with baked chicken breasts, so I can enjoy all the incredible chilli and cashew flavours. »»This rice dish is incredibly versatile. Sometimes I add more chillies to create a fiery side dish, or fewer if I’m cooking for the family. I often add a little more garlic, too.





Serves 2

Prep 10 mins

Cook 30 mins

Difficulty 1/5

Ingredients Method 1 pack Tilda Brown Steamed Basmati Rice 75g sesame seeds 2 dried red chillies 25g roasted cashews 50ml veg oil 1 tsp mustard seeds 3 tsp fresh curry leaves ½ tsp turmeric 1 clove garlic very finely sliced

Cook the rice as per on pack instructions. While the rice is cooking lightly toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Set aside and then add 1 tsp of the oil to the same pan and fry the chillies for 3-4 minutes. Grind the chillies with the sesame seeds in a pestle and mortar or in a spice grinder and stir through the cooked rice. Heat the remaining oil and when hot add the mustard seeds, the curry leaves and the garlic. Cook for 30 seconds then tip into the rice and stir through. Season to taste. Top with the cashews and serve.




Cooking tips...

»»I serve this dish with sea bass, but you can use your favourite white fish. Cod or swordfish would work nicely, or even salmon. »»This dish is really quick to prepare, which makes it perfect for an after-work dinner. I sometimes serve it with cooked spinach, tossed with a little lemon juice and pepper.

Sea bass with warm rice and lentil salad

Serves 4

Prep 15 mins

Cook 25 mins

Difficulty 3/5

Ingredients Method 150g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 150g puy lentils 250g cherry tomatoes 1 red onion, sliced (160g) 1.5 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp chopped chives 4 sea bass fillets (500g)

Preheat the oven to 200째C, gas mark 6. Cook the rice in boiling water for 10 minutes, add the lentils and cook for a further 15 minutes until tender, drain and rinse. Meanwhile, roast the tomatoes and onion in 1 tbsp oil for 15 minutes. Whisk together the remaining oil and white wine vinegar and stir into the rice along with the tomatoes and chives. Season to taste and cover with foil to keep warm while cooking the fish. Place the sea bass fillets under a preheated grill for 78 minutes until cooked and serve with the rice salad.


Healthy lunch box ideas for busy mums

BY Dr Sarah Schenker I designed this 5-day meal planner to help you create delicious, healthy lunch boxes for your child, with the right balance of nutrients to help them grow, learn and play. Each lunch box fits with the School Food Trust guidelines, and they’re tasty and exciting too:

Your 5-point checklist for a healthy lunch box A healthy lunch box contains the following: 1 Astarchy carbohydrate, preferably wholegrain to provide energy such as multigrain bagels, wholemeal pitta or rolls or fruit bread

4 Milk and dairy foods needed for healthy bones: such as yogurt, fromage frais or soft cheese 5 A drink for hydration: such as water, milk or a fruit juice

2 Fruit and vegetables to provide vitamins and minerals: such as chopped or dried fruit or vegetable sticks 3 Some protein needed for healthy growth: such as, cooked chicken pieces, canned tuna, fish pate boiled eggs or hummus


Dr. Sarah’s 5-day lunch box plan Monday: 2 small wholemeal rolls with spread and 2 thin slices of beef (from Sunday’s roast) or a sliced boiled egg with sliced tomato and lettuce
 Slice of banana bread
 Pear Small pot of fruit yoghurt or fromage frais
 Fruit juice



Plain bagel spread with soft cheese and filled with canned pink salmon and sliced cucumber

2 slices of white bread (with added fibre) with spread and slices of Edam
 Bag of baby carrot batons

Slice of malt loaf

Pot of hummus dip

Box of raisins

Small bunch of grapes

Drinking yoghurt

Pot of rice pudding
 Bottle of water


Thursday: 2 small wholemeal round pitta breads filled with hummus, grated carrot and sliced cherry tomatoes

Cooked pasta shapes mixed with diced cooked chicken or tuna, avocado, chopped red pepper and spring onions

Mini bread-sticks and cucumber batons with a soft cheese dip

Small pot of fruit pieces in juice


Bottle of strawberry and banana smoothie

Mini cheese

Carton of semi-skimmed milk


Cooking tips...

»»I vary the vegetables in this dish according to the season. In the winter, it’s delicious with lots of roasted root vegetables – and in the summer, it’s perfect with peppers and peas »»This dish works really well as a main meal too. Simply fry some chicken and prawns until they’re completely cooked-through, then stir them into your finished pilau rice.





Serves 4

Prep 30 mins

Cook 30mins

Difficulty 1/5

Ingredients Method 240g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 600ml water 1 tsp oil 1 tsp cumin seeds ½ stick of cinnamon 1 onion finely diced 350g mixed vegetables of your choice either frozen or fresh chopped into 1cm dice 1 tsp minced ginger 1 tsp minced garlic ½ tsp minced chilli

Soak the rice for 30 mins in warm water and then rinse thoroughly and drain the water. Heat a pan with 1 tsp vegetable or sunflower oil and add the cumin seeds and cinnamon. Cook for 1-2 minutes then add the onions. Sauté the onion for 5-7 minute or till starting to brown then add the vegetables. You can use peas, potatoes, sweetcorn, peppers, carrots and anything else you may have in the fridge like butternut squash chopped up. Add the turmeric, salt, chilli, garlic, ginger, and rice and mix in with the 700ml water and bring to boil. Simmer on a low heat for 20 mins until the water is absorbed. Serve and enjoy with a dollop of yogurt.

Pinch of turmeric 1 tsp Salt or to taste




Cooking tips... »»The chicken in this dish is packed with flavour. You can serve it with roasted broccoli, combined with some of the flaked almonds and black mustard seeds. »»Roasting your spices can help to release the flavours. Simply roast them in a hot pan for one minute, before adding them to the other ingredients.


Serves 4

Prep 10 mins

Cook 60 mins

Difficulty 4/5

Ingredients Method 240g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 2 tbsp veg oil 8 chicken drumsticks, skinned and scored (approx. 1kg) 2cm piece fresh ginger, chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped

Preheat the oven to 200째C, gas mark 6. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken for 4-5 minutes until golden. Add ginger, garlic and dry spices and cook for 1 minute. Transfer to a casserole dish and stir in the remaining ingredients. Cover and cook for 1 hour until the rice is tender and chicken is cooked through. Season to taste before serving.

2 tsp cumin seeds, lightly crushed 2 tsp coriander seeds, lightly crushed 1 tsp fenugreek 1 tsp black mustard seeds 2-3 cloves 50g flaked almonds 600ml chicken stock 200g green beans, halved


Kids in the

kitchen Get them inspired!

Kids love the kitchen. Loads of ingredients to taste, sticky sauces to stir and bowls to lick afterwards. Start by teaching your kids these basic skills, and soon you could have a budding chef in the family!

Get started with these simple, fun techniques Decorating fairy cakes or biscuits by spreading icing then adding sprinkles or toppings.

Rubbing together flour and butter to make a crumble. Tearing lettuce, scrubbing potatoes and cutting soft foods like olives and strawberries with a blunt-edged plastic knife.

Kneading and rolling-out dough using a rolling pin, then cutting-out shapes with a biscuit cutter. Separating eggs is always a fun task. Just make sure you’ve got some spares!

Crushing biscuits for bases or non-cook chocolate recipes, using a plastic bag and a rolling pin.

A unique kids range of ‘rice & veggies’ mid week meal accompaniments that meet all the needs of mums and kids. »»Flavours kids will love »»Perfect with all their favourites »»Natural ingredients »»1 of their 5-a-day


»»Full of goodness, no nonsense! »»Quick and convenient »»Suitable for all children that have been weaned and are eating solids

Measuring and pouring Younger children can start pouring or scooping ingredients. Teach them how to level dry ingredients using a blunt knife and check liquid measurements at eye level. School-age children can measure or count on their own, so now you can introduce conversions: i.e. 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons, and also measuring by weight.

Stirring and combining Kids really enjoy stirring batters and combining dry ingredients. You could start by making a simple, tasty cake such as a Victoria sponge. Introduce younger kids to whisking and beating with ingredients such as eggs or whipping cream.

Setting and serving Younger children can start setting the table and pouring drinks for everyone. They could even start making their own juice flavour combinations, too. Get children involved with making place cards for parties or celebrations.

Find out more: www.tilda.com/kids


Dhruv says…

»»Kalonji seeds add a wonderfully peppery edge to this dish. You can enhance the flavour by roasting them for a minute in a hot pan, before adding them to the rice. »»Sometimes I make double-quantities of this tasty rice dish, then serve it cold with salad the next day.





Serves 2

Prep 5 mins

Cook 20 mins

Difficulty 1/5

Ingredients Method 1 pack Tilda Brown Steamed Basmati rice 200g chestnut mushrooms cut into quarters ½ x tsp chilli powder ½ x tsp kalonji seeds 2 x tomatoes whizzed in a blender 2 x tomatoes roughly chopped

Cook the rice as per the instructions and set aside. Heat half the oil and fry the whizzed tomatoes for 5 minutes then add the chopped tomatoes, the kalonji and the chilli powder. Heat the remaining oil and fry the mushrooms on a high heat for 10 minutes till golden brown. Mix through the tomatoes and cook for a further couple of minutes. Add the rice and season then stir well and heat till piping hot. Scatter over then coriander and serve.

2 x tbsp chopped coriander Juice of 1 lemon 4 tbsp oil Salt and pepper to taste




Cooking tips... »»This recipe includes some incredible Sicilian flavours. It makes a wonderfully comforting dish in the winter, or a perfect picnic dish during the summer months. »»You can enjoy this fruity rice dish straight away, or serve it cold the next day.


Serves 4-6

Prep 15 mins

Cook 4-6 mins

Difficulty 4/5

Ingredients Method 200g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati Rice 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 onions, thinly sliced 600g cauliflower, broken into 4cm florets 2 garlic cloves, sliced 6 cloves 1 large carrot, peeled and diced 1cm cubes 4 sprigs rosemary, roughly broken up 50g pine nuts, lightly toasted 50g sultanas

Place the rice into a large saucepan of boiling salted water. Simmer over a medium heat for 25 minutes until tender, then drain. While it’s cooking, heat half of the oil in a large frying pan and add the onion. Cook over a very low heat with the lid on for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until really soft and beginning to turn a light golden colour. Add the garlic, cloves, carrot and rosemary and continue to cook for another 10 minutes until the onions are a lovely amber colour. Meanwhile, cook the cauliflower in a saucepan of salted, boiling water for 7 minutes until really tender. Drain really well in a colander. Tip the Tilda Brown Basmati rice into a large serving bowl and add the cauliflower and onions. Drizzle over the remaining olive oil and scatter over the nuts and sultanas. Season generously with lots of salt and freshly ground black pepper and toss thoroughly.


Dr Sarah’s Advice for fussy eaters If you’re the parent of a fussy eater, you probably spend a lot of time worrying about their diet. It’s hard not to be anxious, but as a clinical dietician I’ve worked with many fussy eaters: encouraging them to eat a wider range of food with a variety of proven techniques.

Dr. Sarah’s 7 tops tips for dealing with fussy eaters ‘rainbow’ of colourful food or giving dishes playful names such as ‘spaceship pasta’.

Keep calm and relax It’s tempting to focus on your child during mealtimes or plead with them to try new foods. Take a step back, and mealtimes will be more relaxing.

Get stuck in Encourage your child to get involved: choosing pizza toppings or potato fillings. They’ll be tempted to feel, smell and even taste new foods.

Choose one new food Introduce one new food at a time, alongside one of your child’s favourite dishes. Don’t pressure them, but praise them if they try it.

Fewer snacks and drinks Snacks and milky drinks can affect your child’s appetite, so stick to fruit, bread-sticks and water.

Try a new location Changing the setting can make mealtimes more fun. Try an indoor picnic, a buffet or even a teddy bear’s picnic!

Get inventive Try serving foods in different ways: for example carrot sticks instead of cooked carrots, or ham and sliced pitta bread instead of a sandwich.

Make food fun Try telling stories with your child’s meals, giving them a


8 tasty, healthy foods to tempt fussy eaters some hidden vegetable sauce under the cheese, too.

Hidden vegetable sauce Blitz-up tomatoes with all kinds of cooked vegetables: from roasted peppers to courgettes, carrots or broccoli. Delicious, and your child will never know! Hidden vegetable cakes Yes, really! Try carrot cake, beetroot and ginger muffins or even chocolate and courgette cake. Wraps They’re more fun than sandwiches, and children can choose their own fillings. Home-made pizza Eating pizza with your fingers is fun, and children enjoy choosing their own toppings. You can add

Vegetables with a dip Vegetable sticks are quick to make and delicious with hummus or lowfat cream cheese spread. Children love dipping toasted pittas and bread sticks too. Home-made soup Any leftover vegetables can be whizzed-up to create a tasty soup. Serve with crunchy croutons or bread sticks to make it more fun. Fish pie Use a mild-tasting fish like cod or haddock alongside a creamy sauce, for a simple meal that everyone can enjoy.

Have you tried Tilda KIDS? Tilda’s delicious range of ‘rice and veggies’ meals are perfect for fussy eaters. Each meal contains one portion of vegetables plus loads of tasty natural ingredients – and kids love them. Choose from: Mild & Sweet Curry Rice Sweet Veg & Wholegrain Rice Cheese & Tomato Rice Sunshine Vegetable Rice Find out more at www.tilda.com/kids Now available in Sainsbury’s baby aisle


Cooking tips... »»I’ve created this dish using lamb, but most meats would work. If you don’t eat meat, you could always use extra vegetables or some grilled halloumi. »»As always, you can vary the amount of spice in this dish. Sometimes I add a little fresh chilli, to give it a real kick!




Serves 2-3

Prep 10 mins

Cook 10 mins

Difficulty 1/5

Ingredients Method 1 pack Tilda Wholegrain Pilau Steamed Basmati Rice 1 tbsp vegetable oil ½ red pepper, diced 1 small courgette, diced 100g mushrooms, sliced 1 red onion, sliced

Heat the oil in a pan. Add the pepper, courgette, mushrooms and onion, sprinkle on the chilli powder and fry gently for 3 -5 minutes until soft. Add the lamb and fry until cooked and lightly browned. Finally stir in the rice and heat thoroughly. Serve piping hot sprinkled with a few toasted flaked almonds.

200g lamb steak, thinly sliced ½ tsp chilli powder A few toasted flaked almonds




Cooking tips... »»This fragrant rice and lentil mixture makes a great starter. Or serve with your favourite fish, baked in tin foil with fresh ginger and lemon juice. »»Thanks to the aromatic spices, yogurt and saffron, this dish is totally unique. It might seem complicated, but it’s definitely worth the effort!


Ingredients Method 250g Tilda Wholegrain Basmati rice 125g yellow lentils (dried) 1 large onion finely sliced 1 clove garlic (crushed) 2cm piece ginger peeled and grated 1 cinnamon stick 4 cardamom pods 6 cloves 8-10 black peppercorns ½ tsp turmeric powder 1 pinch red chilli powder 1 lemon 1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander 1 green chilli finely sliced 5-6 tbsp veg oil 150g yoghurt 50ml whole milk

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Rinse the lentils and boil for 20 minutes in salted water along with the turmeric. Rinse the rice and boil for 10 minutes then strain and place in a shallow oven proof dish. While the rice and lentils are cooking, heat the veg in oil, fry the sliced onions till golden brown, then drain on kitchen roll. Add ginger and garlic to the same frying pan and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then add the yoghurt, the lentils and chilli powder and cook for 2 minutes. Brush the bottom of an oven-proof dish with a little oil and add half the rice. Spread the lentil and yoghurt mix over the rice and, sprinkle over the coriander, the lemon juice, the chopped chilli, and the whole spices. Cover with the remaining rice. Soak the saffron in the milk. Pour the milk over the top of the rice, scatter with the onions and dot over the butter. Cover with foil and the lid then cook in the oven for 25 minutes.

5-6 strands saffron 1 tbsp butter


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