Diabolique magazine analysis

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The images above the masthead are all monsters from old Hammer Horror films. The shrinking size of the image as a whole makes it stand out and become part of the mast head. The scroll next to it illustrates the issue date and number and links in with the horror theme as it is an old fashioned writing pad.

The masthead has an orange/ red border that connotes that a horror theme might be used.

The main cover image is rather eerie as it is dark and shows Daniel Radcliffe in costume as the character in the film. The house in the background shows the main setting of the film and the audience would realise that it isn't a normal house from first look. He is going against stereotypical front cover imagery as he isn't looking directly into the camera to connect with the audience. Instead he is looking into the distance with a worried facial expression letting the audience's imagination work out what he is looking at. The creature is behind him (middle right) in shadow which creates an almost pantomime reaction, engaging the audience in the story behind this photo.

‘The Woman in Black’ main cover line illustrates the main image on the cover. It stands out in contrast to the dark coat and the left and right-justified cover lines are colour co-ordinated so that the top is blue and the bottom is white. Daniel Radcliffe is name stated and is known for his leading role in “Harry Potter”, so his presence in the film is a major selling point for the film and magazine as his appearance will attract a wide range of viewers. 'Hammer' is a famous English horror production company and with its name in red capitals makes it stand out against the background, which is significant as The Woman in Black was their first big film in over 20 years.

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