How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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How does your media product represent particular social groups? My magazines target audience is young female teenagers aged between 10-16. This is particular aimed at middle class teenagers through the use of language content such as abbreviation and the fact that POP genre appeals to this social group more than any other. The imagery and general visual of the magazine also helps to confirm this as I have used pictures of young teenagers within the target age group on the front cover and feature article to show what age group will read it. They are dressed casually showing that it’s a fashion and music based magazine but not high fashion, appealing to the middle class. The posters on the contents page are of teenagers at the end of the age scale, to prove that older teenagers can also appeal to it. It also isn’t very expensive so that young people can afford it on pocket money and is monthly so not much money is spent regularly. The use of the abbreviation in the language shows that the magazine is tagged to the teenage audience and that the generation was born into the era of ‘text speak’. Using language that teenagers understand makes them more likely to buy the magazine and as the article is a spoken interview it is written exactly as it was said so that it might not flow accurately as it hasn’t been edited to make it a genuine article and to show the personalities of the teenagers being interviewed. The use of fashion being interlinked to the music magazine makes it appeal to a wider audience especially young girls who are interested in what celebrities wear. It is stereotypical to want to be like celebrities so advertising this will attract these girls to the magazine. I have however challenged the stereotypical view of boys as none of the photos I have included are of boys when most of the time all of the posters are of boy bands. I have included boy band names in the contents though so the magazine does include them but they aren’t an important part of the overall presentation of my magazine. The colour scheme is bright and typical of a POP magazine and appeals to young people. It is also eye catching so that it will stand out on the shelf against all the dull colours of magazines that attract an older audience. The POP genre in the magazine content is shown throughout to keep the reader’s attention. It also mentions popular artists to attract girls who are interested in reading about these particular POP singers. This will attract the ‘fan girls’ who are devoted to mainstream pop icons such as One Direction. These are young girls aged mostly from 10, but by the time they are 18, they have usually moved on to explore different interests which is why I have chosen to end my target age at 16.

My photograph (left) from my magazine’s front cover is similar to the one taken from a real media text (right) as the target age group is around the same and the people in the photos represent this. My photo is of the younger viewers whereas the real magazine photo is of the end of the age scale, around 18/19. They both contain two people but the posture of my magazine is relaxed, casual and shows the connection between the two girls whereas the real text is showing a non-aggressive rival between two boy bands, which is why their backs are turned to each other, but their facial expressions show they have no obvious problem with each other. I have chosen to take my photo in natural light so a shadow is shown behind them but in the real magazine it is a staged photo against a white background making it look brighter and the people stand out more. The angle of the shot is similar as they are both a head shot, showing the people from the shoulders up. This draws the reader’s attention straight to the faces of the individuals so that they don’t get the chance to get distracted with something else on the page. The girls in my photo are dressed casually and in trendy clothes that young teenagers would probably wear for a day out. The real media text photo looks casual but is mostly covered up by the cover line so no attention is paid to it. The professional photo has taken care with the hair and make-up of the two boys to make them look as nice as possible so that the young teens are attracted to them but I didn’t spend as much time on that aspect in my photo. Their hairs aren’t styled as such but it does show a natural look, with the hair and make-up left to a minimal to show their age and natural beauty, to go against the stereotypical view of celebrities having to always look their best. In hindsight by magazine is similar to an existing magazine cover photo but it has its differences that make it appeal to a girl based audience of young teens.

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