SLIDE 1 • begin presentation by discussing my work from level 4 onwards and how it has developed to inform my future practice. • although this year has been a real struggle for me • when I look back and reflect on how much I’ve learnt since level 4, I have really found my practice and I feel I have such a better contextual understanding. • I’m really excited for what level 6 has to bring. SLIDE 2 • Worked at a beach hut cafe over the summer. • commissioned me to paint mural across the side. • opened eyes to how murals can transform a space. • A challenging task to take on. • struggled with what paints to use and working on such a big canvas. • Finishing the piece was such a big achievement. • kept me engaged with being creative and it was really rewarding. SLIDE 3 • Level 4 - was about questioning my skills and application of media. • finding new ways of working. • I was concerned about exploring media, what I was trying to communicate. • focused on the aesthetic quality of my work. • I found the jump from a level to degree really difficult. It wasn't until I really engaged with the course, by attending everything possible I began to understand illustration and the work I want to create. • It took me a while to really understand the course and find my feet. • I feel I began Level 5 with similar concerns and I was really fixated on the quality of my work. • Level 4 for me was just about making work to fit the brief. • began exploring colour and shape, still unsure what worked for me. SLIDE 4 • Through 504 I learnt the importance of STRONG research and how it implicated the success of my work. • The process of drawing and roughing allowed my to decipher the good from bad ideas. • the roughing process really pushed my practice to develop • Confidence was my biggest struggle this year.
• I resorted back to my comfort zone of drawing characters which I’ve drawn since I was a kid and I became really unfocused with the project. • my work progressed when I allowed my self to reflect of what I was creating. SLIDE 5 • I have really introduced photoshop into my practice this year. • I feel confident using it now. • Taking inspiration from professionals in the industry really helped my work develop. • I was able to create a hand crafted appearance through photoshop. • Learning the process opened my eyes to a quicker approach to working. • developed and expanded my skills as the possibilities with photoshop are endless. SLIDE 6 • Jeffery Alan Love really inspired me to consider shape more. • His manipulation of composition creates a strong narrative and meaning in his work. • His limited colour palettes make his work more dynamic. • He helped me a simplicity in my work. SLIDE 7 • I was really pleased with my final prints for 504. • I feel I really improved on my ideas of composition. • I began to find an understanding for context, and I found symbolism to be something that worked really effectively for me. • I found the whole printing process really terrifying, I struggled with envisioning what my ideas were going to look like. I also really struggled with have any confidence in the work I created. • I gave myself time to reflect on what I was creating and I was actually quite pleased with the outcome. SLIDE 8 • After 504 I felt like I was drowning. • I was lost in the course and this really impacted on my work. • I went from feeling like I couldn't create anything worth while to literally creating nothing at all. • I really struggled to create anything I was passionate about. • I felt completely useless in comparison to everyone else on the course.
SLIDE 9 • I was struggling immensely with self direction and applying myself. • Rather than creating work that was inspired by my own interests, I was simply creating work to fit the brief, it completely lacked personality. • My practice had no direction, I felt uninspired and by Christmas I was debating giving up. • After a long needed chat with one of the tutors I began to understand where I was going wrong. • I began to reflect on some of my own personal work and my interests. • My clothes are my world and they give me the freedom to be bold and expressive. • I love drawing women also so I’d love to explore and develop on this. • I have began to explore the possibilities and let my work become inspired by what I am interested in as this will engage and drive my work. • I have realised the importance of engaging with my practice. • it is key that I create work that I like rather that what I think other might like. SLIDE 10 • Laura Callaghan has been a massive inspiration to me this year. • She has helped me understand how I can show individuality and personality in my work. • Her illustrations are full of bright colours and deeply thought out with references hidden amongst them. • she tackles real world issues. • She captures women in trendy outfits with elements of contemporary culture, he women are all bold stylised individuals. • opened my eyes to how I can incorporate fashion in my illustrations and to not be scared when using colour. • She covers issues of this generation, like false body positivity, mental wellness that are in tune with the here and now inspired by reality. • I’d like to explore covering similar issues in my own work that may follow into more editorial work. SLIDE 11 • I found the process of collaborative very overwhelming I struggled to find a partner and It was really difficult to produce work. • I found understanding what the briefs required really difficult. • Feeling really unconfident in my work really impacted on my ideas as it didn't leave much time for development.
• There was a lot of pressure and I was really struggling with how we could combine our ways of working. • Working together to form research and ideas was really great as we were able to bounce off each other and find something that really worked for us. • we managed to produce a concept that I think would have been rather successful. • I found the whole process of piecing my drawing together in photoshop worked really well for me. • It allow me to create an idea for the environment we envision. SLIDE 12 • Through responsive I found I really enjoyed making patterns. • Nature is something that really inspires me so it was great to incorporate this into my work. • I was able to see how my illustrations could be applied to products. • This is something I’d like to continue as I can apply this further to clothing and interiors. • I’ve learnt that for me to feel pleased with my work it has to say or communicate something. • Creating patterns is something I’d like to consider producing alongside my practice. SLIDE 13 • The freedom of 504 to create your own brief was really exciting. • I feel my extensive research really helped the concept of my ideas develop. • I feel my practical skills have really developed over the year, the main thing I've learnt is to be confident, in my approach and my application and even in my mark making. • Photoshop has really allowed me to manipulate my drawing and consider the context further, it also allows me to be restricted with application of colour. • my ideas have been allowed to develop further when applied to a context.
SLIDE 14 • I have made my best work when I have just really allowed myself to create and not become fixated on the final product. I have learnt that shape and colour are really important to me. • applying my illustration to products and building really helped me see the potential of my work.
SLIDE 15 • Many fashion designer take inspiration from the contemporary arts. • Something I found really interesting through my cop 3 research is the collaboration of artists and designers • allowing people to wear the work and transforming the art to become a statement. • NICHOLAS KIRKWOOD designs really opened my eyes to how my practice could follow into fashion. • illustrations are adventurous bold and an inspirations. • vibrant colours, bold shapes. SLIDE 16 • Gucci has been one of my biggest inspirations. • Allowed me to see how I can apply my illustrations to fashion. • Gucci has become a statement of individuality, a kind of mix and match style that is an inspiration. SLIDE 17 • FIND WHAT YOU LOVE AND LET IT INSPIRE YOU. • CREATE WORK THATS FUN AND PERSONAL TO YOU. • BE EXCITED AND CONFIDENT, DON’T LET IT BRING YOU DOWN.