Special Report: New Treatment for People with Dizziness And Balance Disorders by Dr. Keith Lynch http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
Hello, I’m Dr. Keith Lynch. I’ve been practicing in Charlottesville since 1998. I am one of six board certified Atlas Orthogonist chiropractors through Sherman College of Chiropractic.
We decompressed the atlas neurovascular area through a specific
chiropractic adjustment that does not involve any twisting, popping, or cracking. I’m also on the board, the Chronic Pain Discussion Board. I’m one of 500 doctors on that board and we all use the exact same methods that I’m going to share with you today in treating dizziness.
Now, if you’re watching this video then you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Meniere's disease, or dizziness, or benign proximal vertigo, or just vertigo. Perhaps you have motion sickness. Any one of those things is classified under a category called dizziness. And if you have that dizziness, you probably have been seen by over a dozen doctors at this point, and what I am going to share with you today is what makes us different from every other doctor that you’ve seen up to this point. So if you want to have an example of how we help patients with dizziness type disorders, please go to lifechangingcare.com, and you’ll see some of the stories of these patients who are getting results with the type of treatments that we are doing. This is a non-drug, non-surgical correction for dizziness conditions. See, we treat patients both metabolically and neurologically. We leave no stone unturned to define the exact cause of your dizziness. Because with dizziness, there can be so many different things involved that it’s a very exhaustive process of trying to diagnose exactly what’s number one causing the dizziness and number two what if anything is actually driving that. So let me explain to you how we successfully treat patients who have dizziness symptoms. We do metabolic testing based on specific lab tests. So what does that mean? We’ll run a thyroid panel, we’ll run a complete metabolic panel, we’ll run a lipids panel and we’ll also run complete blood count with auto differential.
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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Dizziness And Balance Disorders by Dr. Keith Lynch http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
accessing your thyroid glands, your adrenal glands, your liver, your kidneys, and your blood function, we can find out what is actually happening in your body, because all internal functions can be affected with a chronic condition like dizziness. Dizziness can come from several areas and we need to access how it’s affecting your entire body. That’s how we get it corrected and keep it from coming back. Now if you have dizziness, you’ve probably already tried antihistamines, or anticholinergic drugs. Maybe you’ve been on Meclizine and maybe that’s helped you, maybe it hasn’t.
For a lot of patients that I see, it doesn’t address their
problems. We also run sensitivity testing. So what type of sensitivities are we checking for? Well, we are looking for sensitivities to wheat and gluten, and oats, rye, and malt. Also we’re checking for sensitivity to milk, eggs, soy, yeast. Any of these things if you continue to ingest them and you have sensitivity to them, is going to drive inflammation in the body which could be affecting several different areas of the body causing this type of a condition of dizziness.
Some of the
symptoms associated with sensitivity can be chronic pain or chronic fatigue, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, sores, or ulcers. These are some of the more common symptoms of sensitivity type situation, but if you’re eating gluten (and your gluten is sensitive and don’t know), often times you won’t have any these symptoms. What you’ll be doing is driving an inflammatory process in the body which can be causing neurological symptoms. Now with dizziness, you can have issues with the eyes that are causing it. You could have problems with the ears of the semi-circular canals. You could have problems with blood sugar. You could have problems with your cerebellum in the back part of your brain. To access exactly how your body is working and find out what’s causing it and what’s not causing it. We may run an adrenal stress test to find out if your adrenal glands are responding to blood sugar imbalances, driving cortisol levels, and creating imbalances in your body.
We’ll also run immune
panels. Your immune system has two parts to it… actually it’s got several parts but http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Dizziness And Balance Disorders by Dr. Keith Lynch http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
we are going to be looking at two particular parts of it to find out what’s going on besides checking your T&B lymphocytes and your natural killer cellular activity. We will also be checking cytokines, looking for which part of that immune system is out of balance. So let me explain that to you that part one of the immune system are your killer cells, or your T cells. These are the ones that actively roam through the bloodstream looking for things that are not considered you.
These are called
antigens, it could be a food, it could be bacteria, it could be a virus, it could be several numbers of things, and what your body does is it identifies you as not part of you. Maybe it’s an undigested food particle and it attacks it. That would be considered an active antigen if those killer cells have increased activity. Now the other side of that immune function is your B cells, or your regulatory cells. Now those are like the generals. They tell those killer cells when to start, what to go after, and when to stop and if you’re having a dysregulation problem. Perhaps it’s been driven by anemia, or blood sugar dysregulation. Those will cause immune function dysregulation and it can often times be resulting in your dizziness condition. Now in those blood tests that we do, we check what’s called a CD4, CD8 ratio.
If your CD48 ratio is below a 1.2, we know you’re dealing with a
dysregulation problem. The other tests, the metabolic panel, the thyroid panel, the CBC, and the lipid panel will tell us which part if causing that dysregulation. Now, if your ratio is 2.5 or higher, then we know we’re dealing with an active antigen. Now an active antigen, my best analogy to that is like it’s Godzilla in New York City and he’s going through that city - everybody is attacking him and what’s happening is New York City is getting destroyed. When you have an active antigen present in your body, that very same thing could be happening. So what do we need to do? We need to find out number one if that’s the problem, we do that with this test. Then what we need to find out is what that active antigen http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Dizziness And Balance Disorders by Dr. Keith Lynch http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
is. Now we just talked about that sensitivity testing. We may also run a stool ecologic test looking for a parasite, yeast, a fungus, a mold, bacteria, virus, something in your body that shouldn’t be there. The identify it, and help you get that cleared and retest. When we know that it’s gone, we then will be able to retest this and see that immune system functioning properly. These are the type of tests that we’re recommending when you have a chronic health condition like dizziness or balance disorder or Meniere's, whatever you want to call it. It’s a disequilibrium problem and those are the type of things that we correct. Now often times I’ll get asked, well hey does my insurance cover all these test. No it doesn’t, what your insurance does cover is what they consider medically necessary. In other words if you’ve been diagnosed with Meniere’s or BPPV, or you’ve been diagnosed with a disequilibrium problem, your insurance will maybe cover Meclizine, or an antihistamine, or an anticholinergic drug. They are going to dig deeper and find out what the cause of your problems is? No - They don’t feel it’s their responsibility. When you have a chronic health condition, what you’re going to find out pretty quickly if you have insurance is, your insurance thinks it’s not their responsibility to get you well. It’s not your doctor’s job to get you well, it’s your responsibility and that’s why we put together this program to help people get the help they need. To actually get this problem addressed and that’s why your doctor hasn’t already run these tests. As I was saying, if you have a 2.5 or higher CD4, CD8 ratio you could be dealing with an active antigen. Another active antigen is H pylori. It’s an infection that lives in the gut and often associated with ulcers. If you’ve got gut problems you may have H pylori, if could be driving that CD4, CD8 ratio up creating an active antigen situation in your body, your immune system is not working right, it’s attacking part of your body, maybe it’s attacking your cerebellum. What’s the cerebellum? It is in the back part of the brain and it’s kind of like a top. http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
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Most people know what a top is… it’s a toy that children play with. You spin that top and it wobbles and stays up. When it slows down what does it do? It wobbles even more. That’s what happening when we see a decreased frequency of firing in the cerebellum and that drives dizziness conditions. Those are the symptoms that you’re going to feel when you have a cerebellum problem. We help identify and fix cerebellum based problems, both neurologically and metabolically. We can also test for intestinal permeability, or leaky gut syndrome. These are the things that allow those sensitivities that I mentioned earlier to cross the blood brain barrier causing neurological compromise.
We’ll also test for neurotransmitters;
these are the chemicals inside your brain that allow the different parts of brain to communicate properly with each other. Hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune functions are like three parts of your body that are constantly communicating with each other and balancing each other out. If you’ve got an immune problem, if you’re got a neurotransmitter problem, or if you’ve got a hormone problem that could be driving other problems in your body because the three of those work in concert together to organize, regulate, and work your body properly.
If you’re
dealing with these, then you’re also going to have inflammation. Now how do we know if you have an inflammatory process in your body? Well we already said we are going to check your complete metabolic panel. We also are going to be doing CBC. In those tests, we are going to be checking for high levels of homocysteine, and also C-reactive protein. These are the markers that let us know that your body has an inflammatory process affecting how it’s working. We address those based on finding the problem in the blood work, addressing what’s causing it, and then retesting to know that we’re actually making the changes we need to so that your dizziness not only goes down, but goes away and stays away. If you have inflammation, you’re going to need something called glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant. It’s like a street sweeper that cleans all the garbage http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Dizziness And Balance Disorders by Dr. Keith Lynch http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
out from the body due to free radical damage, due to antigens being attacked, micro-glial cells attacking things in the, in and around the brain area that shouldn’t be there. And glutathione is very effective in helping you with that symptomatology while we’re trying to find out what’s actually causing the problem. Besides the metabolic side there’s also a neurological side.
So we’re going to do specific
neurological testing to try to find out which parts of the brain are not firing at their appropriate frequency, because when you have a decrease in frequency of firing in one part of the brain it’s like a safety pin or a loop that gets opened. Once that part of the brain is opened, the inflammation will not pass through properly. Those are the types of things that lead to problems with cerebella function, with semi-circular canal function. With nerve conduction, you can have loss in the ear from the brain condition causing you to have dizziness or disequilibrium.
This can also cause optic
problems when you get decreased optic input that can also cause problems with dizziness. That’s why most people can stand on one foot and then when they close their eyes, they all of a sudden get wobbly because they take in so much information through the eyes - once they take those out of the equation, they become less stable. So we do specific testing to find out which part of the brain is not working at its optimum and then we use specific treatments to increase the frequency of firing in that area to get it to work right. We may use vibrational therapy, using vibrations somewhere in the body based on which part of the brain isn’t working right to drive stimulus up the posterior columns up into the cerebellum, up through the cortex, back to the cerebellum, back down to the spinal cord. Just like I mentioned that top earlier, we want to see that top steady because we all have some wobble which keeps us upright. That’s how we respond to gravity. When you have a dizziness issue, the reason is because part of your nervous systems are not responding appropriately and we need to find out which part and http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Dizziness And Balance Disorders by Dr. Keith Lynch http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
we can find out which part based on the specific neurological test that we’ll run. We may also use auditory stimulation, or visual stimulation based on which part of the brain isn’t working right. We can also use caloric stimulation to stimulate the semicircular canals inside the ears to start working properly again. If you’ve got a semicircular canal problem, or if you have an otolith problem, these are the types of treatments needed to make things work properly again in the central nervous system. We may also use laser therapy. We use the Erchonia Cold Laser in our office. That’s the laser that was FDA approved back in 2001 for spinal and peripheral nerve problems. These are the types of things that when we get those nerves working properly again the body speeds it’s healing. Professional athletes, like Lance Armstrong, the New York Jets, the Kansas City Chiefs, even the US Army use the Erchonia Cold Laser because it reduces inflammation. It reduces pain and it speeds healing and if you’re dealing with a dizziness type condition then you have inflammation and you’ve got a problem somewhere and you need speedy healing. We may also recommend detoxification therapy using an EDB Pro instrument that helps pull toxins and inflammation and flushes that out of your body system. Once we’ve run the necessary tests to know what specifically we need to do both metabolically and neurologically, then we need to determine what’s actually causing your dizziness condition, how to treat it, and will also need to retest to know that we’ve got those conditions cleared out. You need to ask yourself some questions. You need to ask how has this chronic condition of you dizziness affected your job, your family, your relationships, and your finances. What has it cost you in time and happiness? Where do you picture yourself with this dizziness condition a year from now, how about three years from now? And what would it be worth to you if we could help you improve that condition. You see what I’m offering you are two free visits. I’m offering you to come in and http://CharlottesvilleDizzinessDoc.com
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have a consultation with me where I will review your case and find out how your condition started. What’s exactly happening, what you are feeling? Do you feel like you’re moving and you’re spinning or is it your surroundings that you feel are unsteady and moving. I also want to know what tests you’ve also had run. So if you’ve had any blood work, if you’ve had any diagnostic test, any imaging done …. I want you to bring that with you so I can review it. I’ll also be asking you questions, I’ll be given you a questionnaire or two to fill out. All of this is going to help me understand number one, whether or not your condition is going to respond to this type of treatment and number two, what particular tests would be appropriate to recommend for your condition. Once I know that, on your second visit when you come in and sit with me I’ll tell you whether or not I’ll accept your case because I don’t except every case. I will only accept if I truly feel like I can help your condition because if I accept your case that means that you’re healthy and my reputation are walking around together and I take that very seriously. I will only accept your case if I believe that I can help you. I will also only accept your case if you’re willing to do what’s necessary to get your condition well. So some of this falls on you and you have to do what’s necessary to help yourself. I will also tell you how often you’ll need to be here. I’ll tell you what it will cost and give you all that information on that second visit. If you’re serious about getting your dizziness situation corrected and eliminating those symptoms of dizziness, disequilibrium, motion sickness, vomiting, nausea, then please call my office. Call us at 434-254-8456. Let them know that you want to come in and talk to me and you want to take advantage of those two free visits so that you can find out whether or not we’ll be able to help you with your dizziness. I look forward to helping you and I look forward to hearing from you.
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