Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch

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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

Hello, I’m Dr. Keith Lynch. I’ve been practicing in Charlottesville, Virginia since 1998. I’m one of six Board Certified Atlas-Orthogonists in Virginia, which means we decompress the atlas area with a specific chiropractic adjustment without any twisting, popping, or cracking. I’m also a member of the Treating Chronic Pain Discussion Board, which is comprised of over 500 doctors who use the exact same methods as I’m about to share with you today. If you would like to see the results we are getting with patients, please, go to lifechangingcare.com, and look at the results that we are getting with patients who are suffering from symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. If you have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, or believe that you have peripheral neuropathy, you have probably been to over a dozen doctors by now. The signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are different from one person to another. There are several types of neuropathy. There is diabetic neuropathy. There is mononeuropathy. There is multi-complex neuropathy and polyneuropathy. The one thing in common with this neuropathy condition is that it has got nerve fibers that are being affected. What patients are generally feeling is pain, itching, or electric shock-like sensations. Some have cramping. Some have numbness or a tingling. It is very common to see a glove or sock distribution, or around the hands and fingers and around the ankles and into the feet. This neuropathy can be constant sometimes for people. Sometimes it is activated by standing or moving. Sometimes it happens when you are sitting still. If you have got diabetic neuropathy, polyneuropathy, or mononeuropathy, those are the types of signs and symptoms that you are going to see. Now what I’m going to share with you today is what makes us different than all the other doctors that you have been seeing. Now, if you have been diagnosed with neuropathy, you have probably been treated with Amitriptyline. Or you have probably been treated with Gabapentin or Lyrica. What you need to know about these medications is that they were not designed for peripheral neuropathy. This is what is called off-label use of prescription medication. Amitriptyline is an anti-depressant. Gabapentin and Lyrica are antiseizure and anti-convulsant drugs. Basically what I’m telling you is if you have been http://CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

diagnosed with neuropathy, and that is what you are taking, what you are doing is you are playing Russian Roulette with those drugs. You are just taking them hoping that it is going to give you some kind of relief. For many people, it does give them some relief. Now please, I’m not telling you not to take your medications. That would be considered practicing medicine without a license. We do not do that here. What I am telling you is that you need to reconsider what you are doing if you are still experiencing the signs and symptoms of neuropathy. What I’m going to share with you right now is how we do that here. We treat patients metabolically and neurologically. If you are watching this video or visited this website, you or someone you know is suffering with neurologic or neuropathic symptoms. When we do this and treat you neurologically and metabolically, we leave no stone unturned to determine the exact cause of your peripheral neuropathy symptoms. By using specific metabolic and neurologic testing, we can define what is causing the problem and what is driving that cause. We will use specific blood testing. We will be assessing your thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, and blood cell function because all internal functions can be affected when you have a chronic health condition. What do I mean by that? We’re going to do a thyroid panel. We’re going to do a complete metabolic panel. We’re going to do a lipids panel. We’re going to do a complete blood count with auto differential. By addressing any problems with your thyroid, adrenal glands, or blood chemistry, we can help you heal faster. The complete metabolic panel also allows us to check your blood glucose level because glucose and oxygen are fuel for your central nervous system. Your central nervous system needs two things. It needs fuel, and it needs activation. These are the types of things we are assessing with those specific blood tests. Now I know what you are thinking. You are already saying, “I’ve had blood tests done, and I was told everything was fine. Everything was normal.” What I need to tell you is that when you have blood tests run, there is a reference range and an optimal range. If you live here in Virginia, and you sent out blood work, it has probably gone through a company called Labcorp. Labcorp does the blood testing. They send the provider, or doctor, back that information. On that sheet, they are using a reference range. If you scanned in your blood tests, what you are going to see is a number and they will say if it is high or low, high or low according to a reference range. http://CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

Let me give you an example of that. Hypothyroidism, or decreased thyroid function, can be one of the factors that cause peripheral neuropathy-like conditions. When you do a blood test for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, or TSH as it is often called, Labcorp will send you back a reference range. That reference range is 0.45 to 5.0. That is a very wide range. You could drive a truck through that. Now the optimal range for TSH is 1.8 to 3.0. If you get your blood test back through Labcorp, and it is between 0.45 and 5.0, guess what, there will be no marker on the side of that. That gets looked at as perfectly fine. You may even hear, “It’s a little low, but it is in normal.” That is not normal. These are the things that drive neurological conditions and metabolic problems. As I said, when you have a chronic condition, all of your health is affected. This is why we leave no stone unturned and find out what is causing and contributing to your peripheral neuropathy symptoms. We also do sensitivity testing as well as genetic testing to try to determine what, if anything, you are ingesting or causing sensitivity problems. Let me explain that. If you have sensitivity to gluten, (what is gluten? Wheat, rye, oats, barley), or if you have a sensitivity to milk, to eggs, to soy, or to yeast, you are making your condition worse. You are creating problems where inflammation is getting created in the body. It can be created in or around the nerves and blood vessels, causing a problem. It can also be going through the blood-barrier and causing inflammation in the brain. These are the types of things that need to get addressed, so that you can stop experiencing the symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy. Here are some of the symptoms if you have sensitivities: •Chronic pain or fatigue •Frequent indigestion •Bloating after eating •Frequent loose bowel movements •Constipation •Ulcers in the mouth

The only way to find out if sensitivities are helping create and continue your symptoms is to test for them, identify them, and then eliminate them.


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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

We also recommend Adrenal Stress Testing when it is appropriate. Now the adrenal glands sit directly on top of the kidneys. They are your stress hormone response crew. If your body is under stress, be that emotional, physical, or chemical, what is going to happen is they are going to produce increased levels of cortisol. If you are not sleeping at night, you have cortisol issues. If you are fatigued during the day, you may also be having cortisol issues. If you have got Diabetes, you already know that you have got a blood sugar imbalance that could be driving cortisol levels to be out of their normal range. Also when we do our blood testing, we are checking your immune panels. Now your immune system is the part of your body that identifies yourself not from yourself. When there is something in your body that is not your body, it is called an antigen. Antigens are the things that your body goes after and kills. Now what you need to know about your immune system is that it has got two parts. We have a Th1 system, and a Th2 system. It can also be looked at as your killer cells, and your B cells, or regulatory cells. Now when we are doing an immune panel, we are going to be checking your Th1 system. We are going to be checking T and B lymphocytes, natural killer cell activity. We’ll be checking your cytokines, or your interleukins. If you have elevated interleukin-2, or TNF Alpha, you have a Th1 dominant problem with your immune system. If you have got an interleukin-4 or interleukin-10 increase, you are going to have a Th2 problem. Th1 means that you have an active antigen. Now what is an active antigen? It could be a mold. It could be a virus. It could be bacteria. It could be food. It could be a metal toxicity. It could be something in your body that your body is physically attacking. I often say it is like Godzilla in New York City. Everybody knows the story about that. What happens to Godzilla? He destroys the city as everybody is trying to destroy him. That is what is happening in your body if you have got that situation going on. You need to identify it. You need to find out what that Godzilla, or that antigen, is. You have got to get it out of your body, or you are going to continue to have an autoimmune reaction where your body is actually attacking itself. You need to find out what it is by testing for it and clear it. If you have a Th2, or a regulatory problem, then what the problem is, is this. You have your B cells and your T cells. I just talked about the T cells, or the killer cells. http://CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

They go after the antigens or the problems in your body. Your B cells are like your generals. They are regulatory. They tell the body when to go after something, and they also tell it when to stop. If you have a deregulation problem, you will see an increased activity in your interleukin-4 or interleukin-10, which tells us you have Th2 dominance and a deregulation problem, like an anemia, like a blood sugar imbalance. Those things can be identified. They can be addressed, and then they can be retested and found to be perfectly normal. These are the ways we get your body to work right and heal. Now, if we find on your blood tests that you have an increased CD4 or CD8 ratio of 2.5 or above, you have got an active antigen. If you have an active antigen, we need to find out what that is. Now I just mentioned earlier about sensitivity testing. It could be one of those things that are driving that active antigen expression through your immune system. Now it could also be an infection in the body, so how do we find out if it is a gut related infection? We check for H. Pylori. We run through a breath test to find out whether or not that is involved in your condition. We may also run a stool microbial test, checking for parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, or yeast. This is how we know what your body is dealing with. This is how we help you get it treated, and this is how we test again to make sure you have got it cleared out. We also can test for intestinal permeability. Let’s say you are eating something that is creating inflammation in the body. Your intestine is like a screen. If it gets irritated and inflamed, the openings in that screen get larger. Things start passing through to the blood stream. When that happens, that is looked at as increased intestinal permeability, or a leaky gut syndrome. When things are passing through the barrier of the intestine, they can also start passing through other barriers like the blood-brain barrier. When the blood-brain barrier gets compromised, that means antigens, foods, or inflammation can develop inside the brain area. Now when that happens, all kinds of neurological symptoms can happen. Right now, most of us can’t feel the socks on our feet until I mention it. However, people with peripheral neuropathy have a constant feedback from that part of their body. They are always aware of it. It’s always got a numb, cold sensation or a hot http://CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

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and burning sensation. It can be electric shock-like. It can be pain. It can feel like muscle twitching or cramping. It is constant. It is usually worse when they slow down and relax because there are less stimuli coming to the brain, and you focus on it even more. I have seen this in the hands and feet. I have seen it just on one side. I have seen it just in the foot and leg. It all has neurological complications involved. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals inside your brain that allow your brain to talk to different parts of itself. We check for issues with neurotransmitters because they are vital to proper brain function. Low neurotransmitters can increase the sensation of nociception, or pain. We also can check for hormone levels to see if hormone levels being out of balance are driving the symptoms that you are experiencing. What is new out there in research these days is hormone levels, immune function, and neurotransmitters, which all have a very big role in each other’s factors. In other words, if you have a problem with your hormone levels, then you are often going to see a direct result in immune function as well as neurotransmitter function. In other words, if you are not looking at all of them, you’re not looking at the whole picture. These conditions drive inflammation in the body. Is that my opinion? We’re going to test for it. We’re going to check for markers of inflammation in your blood test. We’ll be looking for high levels of homocysteine. We’ll be looking for high levels of CRP, or C-reactive protein. These are the markers in your body that are telling us that you are dealing with inflammation. These are the things that we run a test for initially to find out what is going on. We address what we are seeing. Then we retest because we want to know that we are clearing out what we have found initially. We also use glutathione in our treatments. If you are having a problem with an infection, an immune problem, a leaky gut issue, are sensitive to foods, or if you are showing these markers of inflammation, then glutathione is an anti-oxidant. It is like a street sweeper that comes in and cleans up the garbage that is being developed in your body by a metabolically driven condition that is affecting your nervous system. It can be very effective in helping you initially settle down what the symptoms are while we find out what is causing it.


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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

That is the metabolic side of our treatments. We need to know how the body is reacting and what is driving the problem. Then we need to see it clear. Now we also do neurological treatments, or what we call brain based therapy. How do we do that? We do extensive neurological evaluation, checking for specific reflexes as well as many neurological tests that help us find out which parts of the brain may or may not be functioning at their appropriate frequency. In other words, it’s like a safety pin. When a safety pin is closed, there is constant contact here and a loop where feedback is created. When that safety pin opens due to the fact that one part of the brain is not firing at its proper frequency, you get a problem in that whole feedback system. Just like I said earlier, I don’t feel my socks. I don’t feel my shoes on my feet. There is a part of the brain that is taking in that information and saying, “That is not important right now. We cannot listen to that.” If you have peripheral neuropathy symptoms, that part of the brain isn’t working. What we need to do is identify where that is. We need to find those markers in your neurological evaluation that help us identify which part of the brain isn’t firing at its appropriate frequency, treat that area, then retest and see that test improve. We do brain-based therapy using input into the brain such as vibration. Vibration fires the posterior columns of the brain. Incidentally, the posterior columns, besides sending vibration sense up to the brain through the conscious pathways, they also have control over the fingers, toes, hands, and feet. One of the functions of the cerebellum in the back part of your brain is to control all your postural muscles. You could be having a spinal based condition that is driving that neurogenic neuropathy. If that is the case, often times we will find that it is the cerebellum that is implicated. By fixing the cerebellum, you fix the final problem. You fix that feedback loop, and then all of a sudden, the symptoms start becoming less and less, less frequent and less intense. It only gets brought on now when I do this. Then we start seeing those symptoms trail off altogether. We may also use auditory stimulation, visual stimulation, and olfactory and caloric stimulation to increase the firing of the appropriate part of the brain that is not working properly. We may also use laser therapy. In our office, we use the Erchonia http://CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

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Special Report: New Treatment for People with Peripheral Neuropathy by Dr. Keith Lynch CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

Laser. This is the same laser that has been FDA approved since 2001 for spinal and nerve conditions. This is also the same that professional athletes like Lance Armstrong, the Kansas City Chiefs, the New York Jets, and even the US Army uses the Erchonia Cold Laser for its treatments. Why is that? Because using that laser reduces pain and inflammation, and it speeds healing. If you have got a metabolically driven problem, and you are dealing with inflammation in the body, one of the things that we may be recommending in your case would be what is called detoxification therapy. In detoxification therapy, basically what we are doing is putting your body into an ionic field through the use of a footbath with an array in there with some salt. What that does is increase the conductivity and connects you to an ionic field. That ionic field increases the amount of energy for your body to flush out toxins, as well as to pull out inflammation from the body. It speeds healing. Once we run the necessary tests, both neurologically and metabolically, then we know exactly what parts of the body and the brain need appropriate treatment to eliminate your peripheral neuropathy condition. You need to ask yourself the following questions. How has this condition affected your life, your relationships, your job, and your finances? What does it cost you in time, in happiness? If you have this condition now, it probably didn’t just start. These types of conditions are chronic, and they are degenerative. They usually start small, and they grow. If you have had this condition for, say, one to three years, where do you expect it to be two to three years from now? What is it worth to you if we can improve your condition? Now the reason I’m asking you these questions is because if you are serious about exploring these alternative treatments to successfully correct your peripheral neuropathy symptoms, then I have something to offer you. What we are offering are two free visits. On your first visit, we are going to do a review of your condition. That means you will come in and sit down with me. I’m going to listen to how your condition started. I want to see any blood tests, or any other diagnostic tests, and imaging that you have had done up until now. I’m also going to give you some paperwork and ask you some questions, so that I can better understand which of the testing methods I talked to you about earlier may be applicable to your http://CharlottesvilleNeuropathyDoc.com

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condition. On your second visit, you are going to come in, and I will tell you whether or not I would accept your condition. Now I don’t accept everybody’s case. I only accept your condition if I truly feel like I can help you. A lot of the time I get the following questions. Is this covered by my insurance? The answer to that question is no. Insurance does not cover these tests. That is why you have never had them run before. What you need to know about your insurance is they consider things either medically necessary or not. What they feel is medically necessary may be treating your peripheral neuropathy with anti-depressant medication and anti-seizure medication. If that is the road you want to go down, you are welcome to it. Our door will always be open. I’m looking for patients who are interested in finding out what is causing their condition, what they need to do and change to make that correction. Those are the people that we are willing to work with. Ask yourself those questions. If you are really serious about getting this condition treated, then please, call our office at 434-245-8456. We’ve been successfully treating patients for over 12 years. If you are interested in being that next success story, call our office. We’re looking forward to working with you.


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