Lynden Community Center 401 Grover Street Lynden, WA 98264
March 2019 Newsletter Board member elections: All current 2019 members will receive a ballot early this month. Voting deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday, March 20. Ballots may be mailed or deposited in the ballot box. MEET THE CANDIDATES - Thursday, March 7, 12:30 p.m. Come for lunch, then stay to meet and hear about the people who are on the slate to run for the Board this year.
Thursday, March 21 - Lunch at Noon followed by Annual Business Meeting of the Lynden Community/Senior Center
Reservations and current 2019 membership required. Please attend and get an update on what’s going on with committees, budgets and future plans. Newly elected board members will be introduced. ‘Mobile’ Foot Care Nurse coming to the Community Center! Suzanne Shrock, RN, who is licensed, insured, and certified as a Foot Care Specialist, will be taking appointments here. The price is $35/members or $45 nonmembers. Services can include trimming and filing nails, reducing thick nails, calluses and corns, removing ingrown toenail, and a relaxing foot massage. We have not set up a day or times yet, but please leave your name and phone number if you are interested in this service.
Photo of the Month! This month’s photo by Carol Pattison which she took from her backyard. The curve on the left makes you think of rainbows & St. Patrick’s Day pots of gold and the sun makes you think of Spring on the horizon! Please submit your pictures for potential publication in our newsletter by the middle of each month. Pictures can be a copy to be scanned, emailed, texted or downloaded from a camera. SEND IN YOUR PICTURES! We need more pictures for this front page, but also pictures of people & center activities throughout! 1