Today more than ever, it is necessary to learn English. Every day English is use more in almost all area of knowledge and human development. For example in this currently there are many job opportunities with English language proficiency, and the Latina University of Panama at David ofters the Bachelor with emphasis on translation. A student will be able to get a competition English degree in a period of three years an eight months. Every person who wants to update or access specialized books must know English to be informed of the rapid advances that are taking place in specific areas of science.
The learning of the English language or the consolidation of its domain in education is vital importance for university student. Your knowledge allows the consultation of important bibliography such ab book, documents, and information on the web, most of which it is in this language. In various universities, such as at the Latina University structures have been established and tools have been made available for better learning of the English language, through the insertion of compulsory subject and the approval of agreements and scholarship abroad that on able their learning. Knowing this language depends on the professional future of each student as this represents an indispensable requirement in many jobs of companies and large transnational. It also makes it possible to know new culture and tradition, to relate to the world and therefore enter unknown spaces until then, is the opportunity to understand and analyze better the surrounding society, perceive its characteristics ways of acting and feeling.
Latina University of Panama at David Telephones: 774-3737/775-1479 Email: Web page:
Speak a new language So that the world will be a new world.
without engliSh inStruCtorS Âżwhat would we be? Do
you know the importance of a professional
tralator or interpreter? First of all, we must bear in mind that English in Panama is the second language and is little understood by many people due to their little knowledge of it. At present, this profession was forced to adopt a more format framework in its execution as a result of globalization and other variable. From this idea , the translator or interpreter of English language play a great role in society for three areas of knowledge. For example:
Important areas
Tour guide
Supreme court of justice
The tourism sector is very important. Every year, in the most emblematic places, thousands and thousands of visits are received. Tourists can come from distant places and have very different languages, so it is important that people who work as guides know how to speak in several languages.
In the accusatory penal system interprets in addition to speaking both languages, must understand the cultural peculiarities of the accused or accused and the language and legal concepts of the state system to find equivalents in the culture where the language also acquires a set of particular meanings.
Advanced language proficiency is a determining factor when it comes to getting a job opportunity in the reception area. All professionals with customer-oriented functions should be fluent in Spanish and English, according to their tasks and the sector in which they work, in order to achieve a fluid communication with the client or be able to translate if they are present this situation.