Faith Filled Blessings

Page 1

Behind the Hymn

What is Spirituality?

Gloria Gaynor, My Life Revealed

Bible being taught in Oklahoma schools

Will we know our family in

Page 4 What is Spirituality? Page 5 Gloria Gaynor, My Life Revealed Page 6 Vacation Bible School Ideas Page 8-9 Bible and Ten Commandments back in Oklahoma Schools Page 10 Will I know my Family In Heaven ? Page 14-16 Good Reads Page 18-19 Behind the Hymn

What is Spirituality?

Defining Spirituality Spirituality is often described as the experience of being connected to something greater than oneself, whether that be a higher power a sense of inner peace. It is a personal and subjective experience. Spirituality a connection with the Holy Spirit, it is a universal human experience that can be experienced by anyone, anywhere.

Characteristics of Spirituality There are several key characteristics that define spirituality. These include:

1. Connection to something greater than oneself: Spirituality involves feeling con2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

nected to something larger than oneself, a higher power Inner peace and calm: People who are spiritual often report feeling a sense of inner peace and calm, even in the midst of chaos. Sense of purpose and meaning: Spirituality can give people a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Non-judgmental acceptance: Spiritual individuals tend to be non-judgmental and accepting of others, recognizing that everyone has their own path to follow. Emphasis on values over material possessions: Spiritual individuals often prioritize values such as compassion, kindness, and empathy over material possessions.

Types of Spirituality Research has shown that spirituality can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. These benefits include:

1. Reduced stress: Spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer can help reduce stress 2. Improved mental health: Spirituality has been linked to improved mental health outcomes, including reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. 3. Increased sense of well-being: Spiritual individuals often report feeling more fulfilled and satisfied with their lives. 4. Improved relationships: Spirituality can help individuals develop stronger, more meaningful relationships with others. Conclusion spirituality has the power to bring people together and provide a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. By having a personal relationship with God, we can cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.

How to Receive Spirituality Receiving Spirituality is very easy and anyone can have peace in a crazy and challenging world. The way to receive Spirituality is to talk to God, Listen to his voice and what he is telling you and obey.

Gloria Gaynor, My Life Revealed The Iconic "I Will Survive" that was written and performed by Gloria Gaynor. Has been made into a documentary, The Song as released in 1978 and became a huge hit, becoming a disco anthem. The song was written by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris, and it was originally intended to be a B-side track for Gaynor's album "Love Tracks". However, it became so popular that it was released as a single and topped the charts in several countries, including the US, where it reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song's lyrics, written from the perspective of a woman who has left an abusive relationship, have become synonymous with female empowerment and resilience. The song's chorus, "At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights thinking about how you did me wrong, and I grew strong, and I learned how to get along," has become a rallying cry for women's rights and independence. Gloria Gaynor has been through financial ruin, health scares, and a divorce -- as well as her many triumphs. Gaynor stated "I am finally at a place of joy and self-fulfillment, and I am ready to share my secret with the world to not only surviving but thriving.

There have been several films and TV shows that have featured the song in their soundtracks or plotlines. Additionally, the song has been sampled and referenced countless times in popular culture, cementing its status as a cultural icon.

Sunday School Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun and engaging way to reach children with the Gospel message during their summer break. Here are some creative and engaging ideas to make your VBS program a success:

Theme Ideas: 1. Treasure Quest: A

VBS Ideas

pirate-themed VBS a treasure hunt to treasure of God's

where kids go on discover the love. 2. Superhero Training Academy: A superhero-themed VBS where kids become superheroes-in-training, learning to use their powers for good and serving others. 3. Wild About Worship: A safari-themed VBS that explores the wild and wonderful world of worship. 4. Future City: A futuristic-themed VBS where kids design and build their own cities, learning about community and service. 5. Adventure Island: A tropical-themed VBS where kids embark on adventures, making new friends and learning about God's love.

Music and Drama Ideas: 1. Worship Songs: Choose popular Christian songs or create your own for kids to sing along

to. 2. Drama Skits: Write and perform skits that teach biblical lessons or illustrate Bible stories. 3. Kids' Choir: Have kids participate in singing, dancing, or playing instruments during worship times. 4. ** Puppet Ministry**: Use puppets to retell Bible stories or present simple messages Prayer and Reflection Ideas: 1. Prayer Stations: Set up stations where kids can write prayers or draw pictures to pray over

specific needs. 2. Reflective Moments: Take time for kids to reflect on what they've learned throughout the day. 3. Personalized Prayer Cards: Give each child a prayer card with a personalized prayer or Scripture verse to take home. Remember to involve volunteers from your church community in planning and executing the VBS program. With creativity, enthusiasm, and a focus on God's love, your Sunday School Vacation Bible School will be an unforgettable experience for kids!

Dr. Seuss working on How the Grinch Stole Christmas! in 1957.

Bible and Ten Commandments back in Oklahoma ( CNN) All Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums, effective immediately, the state’s chief education officer announced in a memorandum Thursday. Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters said the Bible is “one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our country.” “It’s crystal clear to us that in the Oklahoma academic standards under Title 70 on multiple occasions, the Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of Western civilization, to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system,” Walters said. Every classroom in the state from grades 5 through 12 must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom, Walters said. The Oklahoma memorandum follows a law in Louisiana passed June 19, that requires all public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments. A group of Louisiana parents and civil rights organizations are suing the state over the new law, contending the legislation violates both US Supreme Court precedent and the First Amendment. Oklahoma’s directive “is in alignment with the educational standards approved on or about May 2019, with which all districts must comply,” according to a news release. “The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone,” Walters said in the release. “Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation. This is not merely an educational directive but a crucial step in ensuring our students grasp the core values and historical context of our country.” Interfaith Alliance, a national organization that seeks to protect religious freedoms, told CNN in a statement Thursday: “This is blatant religious coercion that should have absolutely no place in public schools – in Oklahoma or any other state.” “True religious freedom means ensuring that no one religious group is allowed to impose their viewpoint on all Americans. The vast majority of people of faith in this country reject these dangerous, intimidating efforts to force a Christian nationalist agenda into our schools, our courts and our government,” the statement said.

Legal Background In 1962, the Supreme Court ruled in Engel v. Vitale that school-sponsored prayer is unconstitutional under the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, which prohibits the government from establishing a state religion. In 1963, the court further solidified its stance in Abington School District v. Schempp, ruling that public school officials may not lead students in prayer or encourage them to pray.

Current Practices In Oklahoma, schools are not allowed to have official prayers or devotional exercises during school events or activities. However, students and teachers can still express their religious beliefs in various ways: 1. Student-led prayer: Students are allowed to organize and participate in voluntary student-

led prayer groups during non-instructional time, such as lunch or after school. 2. Voluntary student clubs: Students can form religious clubs or organizations, such as Christian clubs or Muslim student associations, as long as they do not receive funding or endorsement from the school. 3. Personal expression: Students can express their religious beliefs through personal statements, artwork, or other forms of creative expression. 4. Teacher-led discussions: Teachers can lead discussions on religious topics or issues, but they must remain neutral and avoid promoting a particular religion.

Challenges and Controversies Despite these guidelines, there have been instances where prayer and religious expression have been challenged in Oklahoma schools: 1. Student-led prayer at football games: In 2019, a lawsuit was filed against an Oklahoma

school district after a student was allowed to lead a Christian prayer during a football game. 2. Religious clubs: Some schools have faced controversy over the creation of religious clubs, with some arguing that they promote one religion over others. 3. Teacher-led prayers: There have been instances where teachers have led prayers in class or during school events, which has raised concerns about potential Establishment Clause violations.

Will I know my Family In Heaven ? The Bible teaches that believers will be reunited with their loved ones who have passed away, Just as Jesus was recognized when he rose from the tomb. We will recognize our family.

Here are some relevant biblical passages: 1. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14: "Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed

about those who sleep in death, or to grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and that he was raised from the dead, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him." 2. 1 Corinthians 15:50-54: "I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." 3. Luke 16:19-26: The parable of Lazarus and the rich man speaks about a rich man who dies and is tormented in Hades, while Lazarus is comforted in Abraham's bosom. Jesus uses this parable to teach about the importance of caring for the poor. 4. Revelation 21:3-4: In John's vision of heaven, he sees a new heaven and a new earth where God dwells among his people. •

Believers who have died will be reunited with their fellow believers in heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14). • The resurrected bodies of believers will be transformed into imperishable bodies (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). • There may be a sense of recognition or remembrance of earthly relationships in heaven (Luke 16:19-26), but this is not explicitly stated. • The focus of heaven is on our relationship with God, not solely on our earthly relationships (Revelation 21:3-4). •

In summary, while the Bible doesn't provide a clear answer to whether families will know each other in heaven according to their earthly relationships, it does suggest that believers will be reunited with one another and transformed into new bodies. Ultimately, our understanding of this topic is limited by our finite human minds and must be tempered by faith and trust in God's sovereignty.

Growing with My Guardian Angel: Children Learning to Navigate Their Emotions With Prayer

Introducing a heartwarming and inspiring book for children - filled with prayers to their very own Guardian Angel! This book is a magical journey that guides children to understand, identify, and manage their emotions with the help of their loving guardian angel. With the turn of every page, your child will be whisked away into a world of hope, love, and faith. Through the power of prayer, they will discover how to navigate life's challenges and find inner peace. This beautifully illustrated book is a treasure trove of wisdom that will guide your child through the ups and downs of life, giving them the tools to handle whatever comes their way. Whether your child is feeling sad, angry, frustrated, or afraid, this book will teach them to turn to their guardian angel for guidance and comfort. They will learn to embrace their emotions and channel them in positive ways, creating a strong foundation for a happy and healthy life.

With its touching prayers and gentle guidance, this book is a must-have for any child's library. Give your child the gift of emotional intelligence and spiritual growth with this wonderful book and watch as they grow into a confident, resilient and compassionate person. accessible to children of all ages and reading levels. • Educational: In addition to providing emotional support and inspiration, the books also provide educational content on a range of topics, from dealing with anxiety to practicing gratitude. • Perfect for Gifting: These books make the perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion. They are a meaningful and timeless way to show a child you care. It is also a valuable tool for parents, educators and caregivers to help children navigate their emotions in a positive and healthy way. Growing with my Guardian Angel can be purchased on Amazon

When the forces of darkness masquerade in the light, is your sword sharpened in TRUTH and wielded to fight? After another clash with evil, Ellie is back as a special agent with the FBI, and she and Steve are expecting their first child. Ellie should be enjoying the happiest time of her life, but instead, she is living in terror. Violence is sweeping the nation, and crime has reached an all-time high. With every sliver of trust in authority broken, Americans are rebelling against the government and destroying each other in the process. Making matters worse, Ellie is plagued by recurring nightmares, paralyzing her with worry that she will not be able to protect her son. Terrified and exhausted, she can no longer distinguish her obsessive-compulsive thoughts from reality. But when the people closest to her start disappearing, Ellie realizes that her haunting suspicions are more than pregnancy hormones and paranoid obsessive thinking. She is about to face her worst fear, and in a world where people are not always who they claim to be, Ellie must determine just how well she knows those she trusts most. God has led Ellie into battle before, but the war is far from over. And now, His soldier is eight months pregnant. As the clock ticks and the enemy tears away at her every weakness, is Ellie’s faith strong enough to endure the constant shifting twists, turns, and dead ends in a maze of betrayal, deception, and mind games? Can she slice through the lies and discern the truth before it is too late? The fate of her son and the world may depend on it.

Hushed cries and unexplained vibrations fill the empty corridors of Serenity hospital. Fiftysix-year-old Mari clings to her best friend Theo after a devastating car accident. But as prayers beckon for a miracle, Mari senses a presence, a connection to the Other Side. Guided by enigmatic messages from Theo’s doctor, Mari embarks on a spiritual trek where the ordinary intersects with the extraordinary. And as her journey unfolds, she delves deeper into the mysteries of the unconscious mind, and discovers a love that transcends time. Book can be purchased on Amazon.

PSALM 100 kjv Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

Behind the Hymn

Reverend Augustus (1740-1778) wrote so as a curate, or asChurch of England. the hymn was 1762, but was first later. The first verse ber 1775, and the in March 177 in The

Montague Toplady "Rock of Ages." He did sistant preacher, in the Sources suggest that written as early as published several years was published in Octofull song was published Gospel Magazine.

Augustus Toplady was born on the 4th of November 1740 in Farnham, Surrey, to Richard and Catherine Toplady. Augustus's father was an officer in the military and died at war in the Caribbean shortly after Augustus's birth. As a child, Augustus Toplady was educated at the Westminster School, and then at Trinity School in Dublin, Ireland, where he received a B.A. degree. He was a bright child and committed to his goals. From a young age, he devoted himself to religious service. Records note him preaching as early as age 12. According to his diaries, Augustus Toplady had a spiritual awakening at the age of 16. During this time, as he was studying the word of God and hearing sermons, he felt a calling to do God's work. He began to write poetry and songs. He published a book, Poems on Sacred Subjects, in 1759, at the age of 19. This was the beginning of a prolific period, during which Toplady wrote many poems and hymns. He was ordained a minister in The Church of England in 1762 and would serve at four different churches over the course of his life. Though Toplady was bright and dedicated, he was known to be arrogant and argumentative. Reverend Toplady spent the last several years of his short life as a minister at Broadhembury. He died in 1778 at the age of only thirty-eight. His cause of death was consumption, the disease known today as tuberculosis.

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