The overhang December 2014 Issue

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Volume 1 Issue 5 | December 2014

IN THIS ISSUE Message from the Boards, p2 Announcements, p2

AUSROCK 2014: Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference, p5

Landslip Repairs at Possum Shoot Road, Byron Bay, p3

Fearless 2014, p5

Rockfall meshing at North Bondi Day Care Centre, p3

Photos of Mt. Keira Road, p6

2014 M&E NSW, p5 BBUGS & BOHOGS 2014 Supplier and Consultant Day, p5

Mt. Keira Road Reopens, p6 Fun Nook: "Another day in the office," p6 Christmas Party Invita on, p7

Specialised Geo Pty Ltd I The Overhang l Vol. 1 Issue 5 l Dec 2014


Mitchell Hedley, 16‐Oct Grant Tullipan, 20‐Oct Richie Tansey, 22‐Oct Virginia Donkin, 30‐Oct Bradley Morton, 2‐Nov Tony Palfreyman, 3‐Dec Alison Parnell, 1‐Jan Nathan Critoph, 9‐Jan Leigh Henness, 11‐Jan

The Bondi Emergency Daycare centre works and Byron Shire Council Possum Shoot Road project have been completed and were welcome relief following a very difficult start to the 2014/15 financial year. The 2014 Mining & Engineering New South Wales Expo and Ausrock 2014: Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference as well as Specialised Geo’s sponsorship in the BBUGS & BOHOGS 2014 Supplier and Consultant Day were all excellent venue for searching for new and exci ng business opportuni es. We have had several tendering opportuni es over the past months, and are looking forward to brighter days ahead very soon. We poten ally need addi onal staff if Byron and Nambucca works are awarded. We con nue to work with Gunther and Associates as well as Enterprise Connect in a Con nuous Improvement Program (CIP). Currently our staff numbers are at 13 with no termina ons during the past three months. Gai has resigned from her post last month, while Gin Donkin is now func oning as our full me administra on assistant and is doing a good job! Welcome Gin and well done!

Leigh Henness, 1‐Jan‐05 Rachel Metcalf, 1‐Jan‐06 Patrick Hoy, 14‐Feb‐11 Geoff Newton, 17‐Feb‐14 Tyson Freeman, 19‐Feb‐13

Specialised Geo Pty Ltd I The Overhang l Vol. 1 Issue 5 l Dec 2014


Specialised Geo has completed the landslip repair works on the Upper Possum Shoot Road, Byron Bay, NSW on 7th November 2014. The job involved soil nailing construc on techniques and shotcre ng, together with road pavement, stormwater drainage and associated infrastructure repair and construc on. The team have installed road barriers before the job commenced on the first week of October 2014 to ensure safety within the site. The road at the work site was also closed to all road users including pedestrians and cyclists in the dura on of the repair works. The job was awarded to Specialised Geo by Byron Shire Council.

Specialised Geo Pty Ltd I The Overhang l Vol. 1 Issue 5 l Dec 2014

OUR WORKS ROCKFALL MESHING AT NORTH BONDI DAY CARE CENTRE Due to heavy rainfall in the night of 13th August 2014, a standstone boulder measuring approximately 1.1m x 0.4m x 0.3m had fallen off from a 30m cliff into the play area of North Bondi Day Care centre. The owner called for an emergency work to ensure that the children playing below were safe. Specialised Geo team, referred for this job by Douglas Partners, were engaged to install rockfall protec on measures as directed by the client. Basic ac ve mesh solu on that concentrates on facial rock have been installed. The works also involved drilling of upper and facial anchors using 25mm Gewi / Jennmar galvanised anchors, grou ng of anchors and installa on of mesh system using DT galvanized mesh and Enkamat Maccaferri fence. Due to the limited access of power assisted plant at the base of the cliff, crew needed to use rope access techniques to complete the work and needed to take

extra safety measures to keep the children safe inside while they worked. Project went from 27th August to 10th September with a 3‐man crew. A yearly inspec on will take place un l 2017 to ensure system is adequate for future use.

Specialised Geo Pty Ltd I The Overhang l Vol. 1 Issue 5 l Dec 2014

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUSROCK 2014: Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference

2014 M&E NSW Specialised Geo a ended the 2014 Mining & Engineering NSW (M&E NSW) that was held for the first me in Newcastle on 8th‐10th October 2014. The 3‐day event was focused on Health and Safety of people and infrastructure within the mining sector, the roles of women in the mining industry in New South Wales, and dubbed as Women in Mining Day and the benefits of electric actuators V hydraulic cylinders to the environment. Organisers are already looking at the possibility of hos ng a bigger show for next year in Newcastle and are also considering to e the event to the city in the same way as Mackay has done with the Queensland Mining and Engineering exhibi on in July, which Specialised Geo also a ended.

Specialised Geo was among the sponsors of the AusRock 2014: Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference that was held on 5‐6 November 2014 at The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. The event highlighted the new technologies and developments, industry needs, mine site problem solving, and prac cal case studies in the mining industry.


Specialised Geo CEO Rachel Metcalf (le photo) & Admin Manager Leann Doherty (right photo) are enjoying drinks and nibbles a er the Women in Mining Day panel session at Day 2 of the 2014 M&E NSW (Photo credit: M&E NSW Facebook Page)

BBUGS & BOHOGS 2014 Supplier and Consultant Day CEO Rachel Metcalf was at SHE Business Australia's famous event Fearless 2014 on 3rd December to hear the game‐ changing stories of influen al mo vators and to learn how to bring a company into the spotlight in 2015. The event was held at the infamous Luna Park in Sydney!

Specialised Geo CEO Rachel Metcalf presented to the members of Bowen Basin & Hunter Valley Open Cut Geotechnical Society and Bowen Basin Underground Geotechnical Society during the BBUGS & BOHOGS 2014 Supplier and Consultant Day that was held at Moranbah Community Centre, Bachelor Parade, Moranbah, QLD on 26th November. The CEO discussed about the company's capabili es in execu ng innova ve slope stabilisa on solu ons during the BBUGS & BOHOGS' combined mee ng.

Specialised Geo Pty Ltd

I The Overhang

Rachel with the Fearless girls during the drinks a er the event. The lady on Rachel's right is Suzy Jacobs, founder of She Business. Photo courtesy of Tracy Morgan, the girl on the far right.

l Vol. 1 Issue 5

l Dec 2014

AROUND THE WEB Mt. Keira Road Reopens

Photo courtesy of Wollongong City Council facebob Page

Wollongong City Council organised a Community walk to celebrate the reopening of Mt. Keira Road on 8th November 2014. In November 2013, The Wollongong City Council have contracted Specialised Geo to undertake the road remedia on geotechnical works at Mt Keira Road which have been completed in July 2014.


Fun Nook Here’s a work photo sent by Leigh Henness entitled “Another Day in the office.” This photo was posted on Specialised Geo’s social media accounts in November 13th and has reached 186 followers’ newsfeed on Facebook (so far, the post with the highest number of people reached and the most number of likes from followers as of this date since October).

Specialised Geo PTY LTD 6/28 Glenwood Drive Thornton, NSW 2322 Australia

NSW OFFICE Phone: 02 4028 6391 Fax: 02 4028 6393

WA Office Phone:08 9429 8894

L e t ’s G e t S o c i a l

Specialised Geo

CHRISTMAS PARTY 2014 19th December 2014

Dress up in your favourite sports gear, or pay homage to your sports Idol 9am: Meet at Thornton Office – discuss the days’ goals 10am: Bus to Beresfield Bowling Club for some barefoot bowls 11:30am: Bus to The Edwards in Newcastle for light meals and drinks 2pm: Bus to The Happy Wombat in Newcastle for more light meals and drinks 4:30pm: Bus will take us to finish at the Pourhouse in Maitland

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