PORTIA 7/11 - Term 1 Inquiry - Discover MESC

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Individual Student Inquiry Research Term 1 - 2011

Question starters for Inquiry Unit What can we learn about

What traditions

How can we learn

What factors

Are teachers

How can we evaluate

How do you

What Have

Why do we

What gives

How is

How are

How did

What does

What does it mean to

What makes

What do

How does

Has technology

What is good

Just who is

What is a

If we could improve

What will Mt Eliza Secondary college Is Mt Eliza a

In the space below create a web showing all the possible topic ideas you have thought of.

Choose one of the topics you have thought of on the first page and create some more information or questions about it that will help you to decide what you need to investigate. This could include what else you would like to find out and how you might present the information .

Reframing Questions This is my original question

This is how I might ask it differently

Name :

Finish date Exhibition date

Main curriculum areas The BIG question

Subsidiary questions

Sources of primary and secondary information




* *

Checkpoint 1 : Big question Chosen and

Teacher comment

planning sheet submitted

Signed Research and

Note taking and other

Note making and


collecting of information

development of



exhibition plan

Student comment


Teacher signed Exhibition presentation will use the following tools

* * * Reflection sheet completed

What information do I need to look for ?

Where will I search for this information ?

Who will I aks for help with this research ?

In your note book collect the information, pictures, interview notes and anything else you need to answer your questions. You will need to hand this notebook in for assessment at the end of the Unit Uni

Note taking organiser Question Source- where did I find this

The key points I think are useful

Making this information useful

information ?

for my investigation

in my own words

Title, author/location/name of person or website or book

Copy and paste is OK here

Note taking organiser Question

Source- where did I find this

The key points I think are useful

Making this information useful

information ?

for my investigation

in my own words

Title, author/location/name of person or website or book

Copy and paste is OK here

Use the spaces below to summarise the key information you will use in your presentation

What will be the best way to get the attention of your audience and present your information ?

Visual badges, bumper stickers, banner, bulletin board, cartoon, chart, collage, dance, display, drawing, graph, map, mask, pantomime, painting, paper-mache, photographs, poster, scrapbook, slide show, transparency, Computer-based PowerPoint presentation, movie, digital story, web page, animation, podcasts, blog, poster, photo display

Written advertising campaign, booklet game, diary, letter, log, magazine or newspaper article, play, poem, story, travel brochure Oral debate, dialogue dramatisation, interview, oral report, panel discussion, play, puppet show, skit, song, speech, shared story

Use the box below to sketch your plan for your display. Remember you will have one table ! Don’t forget to include power if using technology

In the space below ask a critical friend to make a comment on your investigation.

Name of critical friend ____________________________

Big Question: Subsidiary Question(s) How did I present my information ?

Yes I identified key words and used them to find relevant information I used my sources successfully, both primary and secondary. I used graphic organisers , thinking maps and tools to help me organise my thoughts and information I gained answers/solutions to my subsidiary questions and my big question I am pleased with my end result and the way my presentation looks.

If I could redo my presentation I would: These are some of the new skills I have learnt:



Something I need help or practice with is:

Some new knowledge I have gained is:

Along my learning journey in this Unit I ........

In the space below write or draw some words/pictures to describe your feelings about your work during the unit and your presentation display.

Questioning Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Is learning

Can ask a

Can ask more

Can ask an open

Can ask questions

Can ask questions

how to ask

question that I

than one open

question with

that enable me to

that enable me to

a question

already know the



use a couple of

use a wide variety

about the

answer to


questions about

resources to solve

of resources to


my inquiry.



Collection of Information

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Is learning to

Can get

Can use many

Can collect

Can compare and

Can evaluate the


information for

sources to get


classify the

information and


the inquiry from




decide if it is

about the

at least one


specific to the




independently The teacher will

Is beginning to

Can find own

Is learning to use

Can independently

provide the

find own


reference tools e.g.

use reference



index, map reading,


key words, and contents.

Processing the Information

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Needs the

Needs the

Can analyse

Can analyse

Can make some

Can independently

teacher to

teacher’s help to

information with


judgements about

source and use


match the

the teacher’s

collected and

the information

relevant and useful

information so

information to


can use it to

collected and

material and

to be able to

the correct

answer the

evaluate its validity

interpret it to




in answering the

answer question

subsidiary questions.


Communication and presentation of information

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Is learning to

Can share the

Can clearly and

Can clearly and

Can clearly and

Can clearly and

share his/her

answer to at


confidently report

confidently report

confidently report

ideas with the

least one

report his/her

his/her findings.

his/her findings.

findings. Can

teacher’s help.

question about


Is beginning to

Can demonstrate


the inquiry. Prepared a

show understanding

understanding and

understanding and


of the inquiry

make links to

make links to


related topics.

related topics. Can


Prepared a

prepared a

with the



Clearly showed and

support findings

teacher’s help

with minimal


Prepared a

understanding of

with evidence and

which displayed

help from the

some ability to


the inquiry process.

justify his/her

one of the

teacher. It

use digital

demonstrating a

criteria for

showed a basic

technology and

good level of ability



the static

in using digital

of the answer

display showed

technology and the

Prepared a


static display


presentation demonstrating a

to the question

some planning

conclusions. Prepared an

and both

and presentation

showed evidence of

demonstrating a

digital and


good planning and

high level of ability

high level of ability

presentation skills

in using digital

in creatively using

technology and the

digital technology

static display

The static display

showed the use of

showed creativity

various text and

and appropriate

visual mediums

use of various text

static display s were used.

and visual mediums

score Questioning

Collecting information

Processing information

Communication and presentation

Teacher’s final comment


Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ______

DAILY REFLECTION Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because…

What I need to do next (be specific)

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ______

DAILY REFLECTION Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because…

What I need to do next (be specific)

DAILY REFLECTION Date ________ Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because…

What I need to do next (be specific)

DAILY REFLECTION Date __________ Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because… What I need to do next (be specific)

DAILY REFLECTION Date- _______ Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because… What I need to do next (be specific)

DAILY REFLECTION Date ________ Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because…

What I need to do next (be specific)

DAILY REFLECTION Date _______ Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because…

What I need to do next (be specific)

DAILY REFLECTION Date _______ Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because…

What I need to do next (be specific)


Date _____

Please respond to each question or statement using complete, descriptive and detailed sentences. We want to understand exactly what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how you’re doing it, and how you feel about it. Be honest and be sure to relate it to what you did today for your research. What did I do today?

What question was I trying to answer about my research?

What problem, if any, did I have today?

Explain something new I learned (for example: a research skill, how to use a specific resource, a new resource never used before, something I didn’t know about my topic):

New questions that I now have about my topic, project, or research skills:

People that helped me today and how (teacher, student, media specialist, parent, sibling, etc.):

Today I feel _______________ because… What I need to do next (be specific)

Discover@mesc Inquiry Project Feedback : Student Names: ____________________________________________________________ Project Question: ___________________________________________________________

Please mark the group you are reviewing as High, Medium or Low for each of the criteria and include a comment


High/Med ium/Low


Students clearly articulate their Inquiry question

Students work as a team to inform you of their findings

Student display is suitable to their Inquiry and engaging to those who view it

The Inquiry question Is clearly answered

Feedback from: _______________________________________________________________________

On this page collect some autographs and comments from friends, teachers , parents and visitors and add some photos of you celebrating your success.

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